Listen so Sonia Allen the alleg I have to say alleged former mistress sometimes bed partner alleged bed partner I Look at Her Like She’s a player that play the game like it’s supposed to be played you going to sleep with a man a woman’s man keep your mouth
Shut and take all of the money and get upgraded to your better house better job cuz allegedly one of those House of um Fanny Willis was over there living in was the same house that um he you know I guess he has some you Allan living in I
Don’t know if she live there anyway cops man breaks into County own SUV and takes the chief deputy’s purse I keep telling she it’s a chief Deputy Mary at a residence Christopher Lamont Hall and de Dara Michelle young are charging connection with the breaking blah blah blah again this is Sonia
Allen two people have been charged after person belonging to C County C county is the same county that as of Friday the co- Deputy the co- Deputy district attorney or the co- district attorney I don’t know a proper um title but it’s C- Deputy district attorney Miss Jagger that’s her name
She’s the one who submitted something to Trump’s lawyers to state that she will testify under oath in the event that Fanny Willis was not um disqualified you know Miss jerger is the one that says she was talking to Terence Bradley in cyle County prosecute district attorney ‘s office when Fanny
Willis called him on the phone and said don’t they’re after us don’t tell them nothing now keep this in mind this incident happened January 20120 she was Sonia Allen was the C County Sheriff Office chief chief Deputy I told you she had over 30 years
Experience a lot of it was in the post police department and then she mysteriously got heard Fanny Willis wanted to take the credit and said she heard her but now we come to find out I want to say we now information has been shared through the hearings that um
Nathan Wade was actually the one doing all the her and fire it just happened to be the one he was sleeping with what is this dude right here some cole Nathan Way something else that’s and while fny Willis was tell on his wife that’s why he was over
There doing whatever okay H broke into the front Pastor side window of a black shery Tahoe owned by the County government and took Allan’s pink K Spade purse well I’m sure now she’s w a Louis vittana Gucci she may even have a Chanelle now that uh Nathan way got over
600 th close to $600,000 from the office I mean she had to get something they said she was steady sleeping with wife was messing with um Fanny Willis I do not blame her cuz Fanny Willis that is not your man you cheat with a married man you need to get
Cheated on he should have did just what he did dog you out and elevated his mistress the one that he’s keeping they haven’t said out a word about Sonia Allen but that c County prosecutor she sure said I mean that district attorney she sure said something Friday when she
Submitted those papers to the Supreme Court okay according to a I mean to the Senate Office that submitted the papers to the Supreme Court according to a warrant issue for his arrest the vehicle was parked in front of City Club maretta I’m saying that because of the
Address now you guys can go Google it I don’t want to say anything according to an incident report released by maretta police which is investigating the incident with the Sheriff’s Office Allan said she parked the vehicle at 11:30 a.m. and returned to the parking lot at
1:24 p.m. to find the car vandalized and her her purse missing the bag contained Allan’s wallet and probably had a cell phone agency credentials and her Georgia B identification um didn’t I tell you this lady was Georgia B so she was more than qualified to work over there right up
Under Fanny Willis you know in The District Attorney office cuz she was working hand in hand you know that man had both his women Hey listen here on I’mma put you in the office cuz I don’t trust her she real slick I’mma put you in the office
So you can watch everything she doing don’t say nothing cuz you may get fired he put his woman right up undefended watch these women they gr and laughing your face and be messing with your man but I don’t blame her cuz she was married she he was married anyway
She do not son hard don’t own that lady nothing that’s why she storming in that cour as hell and was trying to don’t ask this cuz she didn’t want everybody in YouTube Landing in the United States of America to the world to know that she
Got played like a piano like I said way before they went to disqualification here and I told you Nathan Wade was a [Â __Â ] and he was playing FY Willis like a sugar mama I told you guys that but since my chel was smaller no one I guess
You guys didn’t believe me according to the one Hing young used Allan’s bank card to purchase a Apple iPhone blah blah blah blah blah forget all that let’s go to this right here bear with me for a second these are the two people now I could be real dirty I’m
Going to be real dirty I’mma tell you this Christopher Lamont Hall Daria Michelle young why don’t you guys cross reference that and see if Christopher Lamont Hall has any correlation with Nathan Wade Terence Bradley or the other lawyer Christopher or fny Willis cuz she know she be so bad but
You know who cold joeline is the coldest one between Jo jolyn and Sonia they should just be friends when I tell you these two right here the wife and the mistress they played his ass like a piano hold on you guys let me show you something give me a second hold on give
Me one second okay I want to show you this here we go I want to show you this so let’s see who we dealing with here is Sonia Allen there she is there she is um I don’t like the picture let’s not see that hold on let’s not show that see
How she standing so prim and proper with her legs close together her horms covered it says Sonia Allen for cob County that’s cob County for cob District Attorney office democrats for son all Democrat for district attorney let’s see what date this was I want you guys to pay
Attention let’s just let’s just look at something I want I want you guys to see how cold she is you guys are going to be like she is not cold yes she is cuz she act like a mistress supposed to ask I’m not condoning anybody cheating with
Married man I’m just telling you going to cheat with a married man cheat like her keep your mouth closed come up and going on by your way like she did okay it doesn’t it doesn’t tell us to date on we’ll find something else but look at
Her see how she got her her pretty all the time she dressed very conservatively but very feminine yes I am going to talk about her because look at her always smiling I guess if I guess if you messing with a married man that made you the deputy
District I said I was going to say nothing about this but I could you know I couldn’t even I I said [Â __Â ] it I’m going to say something about it because I’m so sick of Y I keep on talking about Fanny Willis Fanny oh here she go that’s
Not none of her hold on y’all keep talking about her look how she now look at her mad mad at the world I the [Â __Â ] this dude gave a job put him on and he got this [Â __Â ] working right next to me leave those Squad dudes alone but I
Tell you you’ll be better off just getting you a if you going to be doing something like this get you a regular Street dude but I going to show you this is what I want to show everybody you ready for this are you guys ready for
This cuz you guys act like people don’t know what they’re talking about boom here it is right here what that say it says hold on wrote the legal handbook on Nell and the mafia guess who this man is guess what his name is um is it Fanny Will’s daddy Nam John
Floyd well guess what this is John E Floyd he wrote the legal handbook on Nell and the mafia hold on these are people that hold on no these the people that Nathan Wade had allegedly switched over our net anti-corruption defense turn prosecutor the da investigator or who hates
Corruption Top Cop with 30 years experience well fny got rid of everybody this man right here now why did Fanny get rid of Sonia Allen John Floyd and investigator so let me tell you I know y’all can say Okay I’mma keep the camera still you guys may not agree with this
But just hear me out if I was embezzling money which I would not do if I was laundering money which I would not do but if I was a crook that was going to La us some money and I found a lawyer named John E
Floyd who’s about the same age as my dad maybe a little younger you know when you embezzling money the money doesn’t show what color it is what color what race a person is you guys do know that they was trying to act like her dad had something to do with this case
But they called him in to testify and they kept asking him when did you find out about this and how long was you there and did Fanny go here I’ve already told you guys that his dad represented a guy that was charged with the reing genocide where over
800,000 to a million black people lost their lives when I say black I mean melanated brown skinned caramel complected anybody from this shade to the darkest shade that you can um think of and some people are very lightskinned who are um in Rwanda also everybody in
Rwanda is not dark skinnny but most of them are Brown skinny to dark well they all black not really black cuz there’s no such thing as black and white but out just say brown brown T melanated people with a heue a darker Hue let’s say that
I’m not going to call us black and then call them Caucasians so Sonia Allen was over at the police department cuz she ran for K County district attorney but she was over at the police department for a long time then she um was on this team some kind
Of way she ended up over her working side by side with Fanny Willis these was the original people that was supposed to prosecute d Donald Trump notice Nathan Wade is not on her but that’s because these people are all qualified and it just so happened that Sonia Allen had been sleeping with
Nathan Wade and guess who didn’t know Fanny the home wck that looks very dowy and always look like she’s disheveled and she doesn’t know what time her kidss came to visit her all she can remember is every time Nathan way it came so all of these people a go so again there Brian
Watkins John Floyd Sonia Allen and Raymond bar b a e r but Sonia Allan served as her right-hand woman this is why Fanny Willis was so angry remember when she bored into the courtroom and said I was just downstairs I was down there and they said well how
Did you know because Ashley Merchant that’s why she was so upset with Ashley Merchant because Ashley Merchant exposed Nathan Wade she made him she didn’t make him do anything anything he made it very clear that he had been to certain places but he had only been there once with Nate with um
FY Willis she got upset because she didn’t want anybody to know in my opinion I think that she got upset because she was in her feelings and she already knew and that’s why she brought up the fact yeah then we had to had a
Talk to save face all she had to do is say we had to had a talk because he was messing with um Sonia Allen you know the lady that worked at my office they put the [Â __Â ] and gave her a job well I’m not Sonia I’m not miss Sonia I’m not
Trying to call you a [Â __Â ] this just for um YouTube purp purposes cuz you know the people get in the comments and say I like you and I don’t like Fanny W I don’t like her so I had to be I had to sell you some equilibrium all I’m saying if I was
Embezzling money and my daddy name was John Floyd I would say John Floyd let me hire him give him a little check then I steal all the money and put it in different people name and including my daddy who I thought was going to be able to be over in Africa to
Them Africans told him they didn’t want him over there and they didn’t want to one of my people said it was renew his Visa but I don’t think it was just renew his Visa I think they banned his ass from being over there I can’t find proof that’s just what I
Think you know you can stay in Africa for a certain amount of time just like you could go from Mexico and come back for 6 months have a many people I mean he’ll he could just go over there with the rest of those prisoners I I don’t know why they in
Choice the other John Floyd with treason you know he went over there and said the UN the United Nations had he had some documents of something some kind of confidential documents that John Floyd um Fanny Willis dad the lawyer that claimed he was a black panther but you
Know a black panther would never defend nobody that’s killing people that look like us I’ve never seen a black panther in my life do nothing well I was live when they I wasn’t born yet when they was run around up being black panthers I respect the Black Panthers Jal aula Shakur um a
Shakur I can’t I I know that Johnny Cochran represented two of them and promised and vow that there was going to be one thing he did before he died and he got jonal Pratt was it J PR after 27 years he got him out of jail that was
One promise he made then he died but anyway have a good day