Same thing hello welcome ah I don’t know what that was but hello uh Welcome to My Stream today we’re going to be talking about robots and before I even get started what we were discussing right before I hit go live um anything is going to count as a
Robot I know I’ve been pedantic in the past between the differences between a robot an Android and a cyborg but for the purposes of this stream all of those are on the like everything will count it’s fine uh even something like the completely organic robots from well Scarlet Johansson I think she
Is a robot um from Battle Star Galactica that’ll count you know stuff like that but Battle Star Galactic is not a movie but whatever again I’m just going to be really loose with the rules oh that’s true I guess like but those okay you’re right yeah yeah yeah now that I think
About it there were Battle Star Galactica movies even the remake had had movies yes okay um but before we get started let me say hi to some people in the chat uh let’s see we’ve got like multiple iterations of Scott [Laughter] here uh the the from here to paternity
Podcast and I did want to say right off the bat we’re not actually going to have a from here to paternity stream today it’s just the weekend didn’t work out schedules complicated we we we had a hard enough time juggling for this stream so um we’ll probably be back in two weeks
And then let’s see Lance is here hey Lance and uh let’s see um Vim Vim Vander straighten is here hello Vim always good to see you never seem to miss one of my streams and I appreciate that channel member and patreon Indie spots is also Here oh does AI also count that’s a good one cuz I did think about a few AIS um I’ll go ahead and say yes just because that’s kind of how Lucy gooy I feel like being today so sure we can count Colossus if you want it’s listed it
Believe it not it’s listed on a lot of robot websites oh is it really that makes sense yeah or or her her I Scarlet Johansson again yeah yeah yeah although that was originally somebody else wasn’t it in like yes it was and then she came yeah it it
Affected how um she acted because she had to do everything in the same speed and what have you ten and all that yeah the Rhythm had to be the same yeah it’s kind of like doing a voice over yeah yeah uh um oh and Sean is here hello Shan
Inis always good to see you too got a few of my regulars already here that’s awesome I’m sure more will trickle in as we go hey don’t guys don’t forget um after this Dave doing his member stream today yes Dave is doing a member stream today and uh thrash is g
To be on what is it thrash it’s the entertainment headquarters with Kevin Lambert he’s a new channel where I’ll really pulling for him he’s got some great stuff already posted and has asked me to be a guest by the way ly I’m gonna sublet this to you please give Dave my
Uh commiserations for not being able to uh do his members only Channel I’ll watch it replay I tend to miss a lot of Dave’s streams and always have to watch him on replay but he he’s he’s forgiving obviously when you have a million followers you could be forgiven yeah
Pretty much yeah he’s got so many more subscribers than any of us um let’s see okay so with that I’m gonna go ahead and get started and I’m going to talk about my favorite robot well wait okay um do when do you want me to let you know like the ones I missed
From last stream or the the oh right yeah we can go ahead and do that first yeah yeah that makes sense because Daman missed the last uh uh episode of our alien invasions he really wanted to read into the record his list because we missed a few so go ahead Damen take it
Away the first one would be Little Shop of hores um you know the the if you watched all the extras on that one it is definitely an alien invasion movie because they were coming to take over the planet I do much prefer the alternate ending yeah yes oh the
Alternate ending is way better um you already got uh Andromeda Strain uh I want to mention the arrival not arrival but the arrival with um uh Edge of Tomorrow was a good one um the tomorrow War another one um haven’t seen that one yet monsters if
You’ve never seen it it’s a it’s an interesting movieedward it’s good yeah uh pixels um and uh another forgot that yeah a fun one The Cone Heads oh Cone Heads I even referenced that like yesterday with my wife a whole bunch more but those are
The those are the big ones that I wanted to just uh just mention um because those are so and I’m glad that somebody brought up killer clowns so yeah I knew that was going to be on your list so I had to mention it yeah there was a
Couple every single one of that you guys brought up was like one like under the skin Oh I so wanted to talk about that one cuz that’s one of my favorites yeah put your hands in again yeah again yeah she’s in a lot of movies yeah great job
Everyone that was a good stream um and uh I enjoyed watching it after the fact so yeah whenever I have to do an off week it’s a lot harder for Damien so I’ll try not to do that it’s okay it happens oh and we are joined by Morris
Hi oh now it’s a stream now we’ll start getting people coming in there we go we got a cat right now that there’s a cat which reminds me a ginger cat at that we go do you know that the Chinese word for panda is Red Cat really I did not know
That so what’s a red panda a red red cat well it’s not a panda at all maybe that’s why it’s a a a red red panda or whatever because of that my cantones is limited at best ah the Phantom production is here and he’s watching my Twilight Zone review at the same [Laughter]
Time um I’m not sure did the one that I did did that one drop yet because I didn’t think it was supposed to drop until like 2 o’clock but I got a Twilight Zone review that’s going to drop at 2 o’clock if it hasn’t already um and that one’s got Jack kugman
Playing the trumpet classic episode um anyway so yeah uh I will get started with my favorite um robot and probably the first first robot and that is the machine and mench from Metropolis um Maria uh if you’ve seen Metropolis you obvious I mean even if you haven’t seen Metropolis you know the
Machine and mench it is it’s what C3PO is based on uh visually and yeah it was it was built by Dr rothang Who was a mad scientist who was trying to control the masses um and he really wanted to like revive his dead lover who was also the wife of
The leader of metropolis it’s really convoluted and complicated but like it was a robot that eventually turned into an Android like it took on the shape of this like religious figure in the underground to try to control the workers and um you know sub subjugate them and all that stuff um but the
Machine IM men just iconic looks great um and even today even though this is a silent movie from over a hundred years ago it still kind of holds up um I love it so yeah that’s it that’s the that’s the first one I wanted to bring up
Because it feels like that’s where we got to start Metropolis you know I didn’t even bother to put that on my list I knew even if I was number two now it wouldn’t get to me I knew that was G to be the first one out the gate and yes
It is certainly the granddaddy or should I say Grandmama of them all there may have been some precursors but yes that is the robot to which all of the robots are are modeled since and because it wasn’t simply a machine it was it had a Persona it it
Was um interactive for want of a better term and yes I’m so glad that that I actually made it into the record anybody else have anything to say about Metropolis good I I haven’t watched it it like I was trying to think cuz I knew
That was going to come up and I was trying to watch it uh this week but I I just I didn’t get a chance to rewatch it I haven’t seen it for almost about approximately 30 years and so uh but it’s one of those like I remember
Being in college and yeah Tracy’s right like it’s it’s one of those that where you it’s a silent movie but it leaves you with such an impact that it just lasts with you forever and and it’s just absolutely um you know even though it’s not the first it’s the one that set the
The standard right and so like to me like that’s that that’s what all other like robot movies are built upon and no when people come to me and they’re like skeptical of silent movies like can I ever watch a silent movie and really be that invested Metropolis is always the
One I bring up even though it’s almost three hours long I feel like even like normal people who aren’t used to silent movies can get invested in it it really does work so yeah that or Nas feratu but you know we talked nasat broken I think also holds up I
Don’t that’s pretty good too yeah yeah amazing but speaking of naratu Eric has a uh uh on his uh uh theater show um has it’s one of the few that never got any kind of copyright hits so yeah it’s still up so watch it it’s
Great uh I was on that one wasn’t I I think so yeah I think so you were on most of if not all of them I’m not sure you missed any I I I think there were one or actually two that I did miss but um for
Whatever reason but I thought I was on that one but yeah I’ve get to the point where I’ve done so much I forgotten what I’ve done like Benny Hill said go to branica see what I wrote uh John and poip is here hi and uh he mentions Mr McTavish from Superman um
I don’t think that’s going to come up but I wanted to to read it into the record because holy cow he’s right that is so scary that traumatized me as a child Uh okay anyway uh thres it’s your turn I’m going to go I wouldn’t say deep but I’m gonna I’m I’m gonna pick sort of a vintage one myself not as vintage as Metropolis but I’m gonna go with box from Logan’s Run Logan’s Run yeah yeah box there’s just something so amazing
The design is utilitarian I mean it’s it’s it’s got like a a square bottom roller chassis looks like something like like a uh a person um with mobility issues would have um the face doesn’t even have like really eyes it’s just that sort of single reflective face plate like they used in THX
1138 right somehow that’s more riveting than a robot with eyes just that sort of featureless reflective face and it’s voiced by Rosco lebrown who has one of the coolest voices in American Cinema and he puts there’s so much inflection there I mean when we first meet him am I
Not wonderful you know he’s this like like really iconic figure and then when you find out he’s become a serial killer the the reveal it’s I think it’s the best part of the whole darn movie and I love the premise behind it is that robots because they’re actually on some
Level because they’re thinking Creations they can’t actually overthink things they can’t actually have the equivalent of breakdowns um it’s it’s different of course because they’re they’re not uh human brains but yeah just the idea I have it’s it’s it’s like the um the the toast butterer in Rick and Morty what is
My function you butter toast oh dear God box had one function a process protein from the sea and that stopped coming be like well just Pro process humans instead um I just it’s it’s just I love the layers to it and for some reason I saw that movie when I was like
I think 11 and of all things in the whole movie that actually is the only thing that stayed with me and that trumps verifi a it wow that’s saying something um but no like I like the Box in in the movie is very um the the actual twist
That he’s a serial killer actually is is works a lot better than it does in the book because in the book He’s a gross looking half human parted cyborg thing like you know this thing’s evil just by the way it’s described whereas in the movie you’re not really really sure what
To make of it you know it’s it’s very cool um I love boach and you’re right it’s probably the best part of the movie but I’m not sure if I would agree I have to think really hard free country yeah yeah I do love the fight between um Michael York and uh
What’s his name um the other Sandman in the capital building at the end I love that that’s the climactic fight is great um and pet OV is great okay with all cats and stuff Peter HOV and the cats yeah yeah that’s for you Damen [Laughter] there something wrong with the sound no
We’re all good you still there Lance CU it’s your turn yeah you’re you’re feeling a robot Oh weird maybe your connection is kind of messed up but you seem fine I don’t know there you go that’s better maybe my connection is messed up oh yes I’m
Good go for it how about uh the good old 6 mil L man oh yeah that counts he’s a cyborg cats now right they got called un man all day I think you have uh the F box yeah yeah yeah there you go the death probe yes the death probe and Bigfoot and
Maskatron maskatron yeah with a robot that you the first vot interesting I didn’t not know that um oh right Richard Jordan thank you Sean I always think of him as Mr Prescot from Secret of My Success because I watch that movie way too much in the 80s oh yeah yeah don’t go don’t
Give me on a ver don’t good auntie ver man in the office oh my goodness I’m gonna have you for lunch I about a half sandwich that’s a good movie but there are no robots in it yeah Helen Slater she’s good yeah Helen is a robot no she’s not a
Robot it would it would explain a lot she’s just related to Christian Slater so that’s explains why she’s so weird Billy Jean yeah yeah I have to watch that movie again I haven’t watched it in years look how relevant it’s becoming oh by the way look at runs on
Um tuby yeah yeah I’ve got that um I’ve got that tuby and sling it’s free on those nice so right now if we’re in L as rung we all be dead well yeah can’t lose past 30 that sounded like a uh a mix masch of two different Shakespeare lines be a
Slings and arrows of Outrageous Fortune sure I’m just reforming I’m sorry I also like to think like box collecting um uh proteins from the sea he’s just like leftover from the same universe as soy and green you know you know I I mentioned that to somebody and they
Didn’t buy it but I’m like he also turned to humans you know I think it makes sense we are the food at the very least I think it’s a nod you know the craziest thing is that subplot isn’t there in make room make room yeah I know
It feels like the main point of the movie is not in the book yeah at all I like the movie it’s one of the few cases where I like the movie better I really do if they remain so green the day it’ be like it’d be all
Vegans well soyland green is a product out today that’s the F that’s the funny thing funny they’re early they don’t they don’t do it anymore but their early advertising I used to lean right into it it was great anyway uh Daman I think it’s your turn now I am gonna go with um
In fact I just just watched your uh um uh one of your episodes about this movie um uh Forbidden Planet ah it was definitely on my list I knew I knew it was going to come out so I had to you know I’m going to lead with a with a
Classic so it’s a great movie and that robot I mean I mean Not only was he funny but it was just uh you know everything about it the way they the the fit the the head was open or glass and you could yes yes you could see all the
Little things moving and when you would when you go to talk it would move and make make clicking sounds like a like an old mechanical computer or something it was uh wow y can I have that yeah I need one of those I’ll one of those in my
Life take my money I’ll trade you this Yoda Pez dispens so is that um what’s it name from Lost in Space is that what um the they were they’re not the same robot but they were designed by the same guy in fact they do fight each
Other in an episode of Lost in Space yes they do no I was going to say like not the same one but like like was it influenced or whatever they were designed by the same guy same guy made them yeah or can’t remember his name off
Top of my head he’s Japanese guy but yeah that’s Forbidden Planet is a great movie um know you covered it very well in your uh your retrospective review um and uh yeah it’s just what I love about the M that movie is like the special effects for its time were like yeah they
They were they were gorgeous I mean you know like the whole uh Krell underground you know where they I it’s all animated but it’s like they did such a good job on it with the shading and the sounds and the movements of things and um you
Know I just you know the whole thing all the effects were either animated or practical in some way and I mean like the robot was a real it was a dude walking around in a giant suit has to be so hot yeah that must have been horrible for that that actor
So I like to think that in the movie where like the the cook is like pouring the whiskey into him I like to think that the actor in there is actually like drinking real whiskey yeah would 60 gallons be sufficient like like the space ship itself was uh you know two
Was just you know you look at at the design inside and and so many other movies or shows or you know Concepts were bred you know came out of that that whole that movie itself like Star Trek you know Jean rotenberry you know uh yeah it’s it’s like so much of it came
From that you know the call letters for the ship in in um Planet are actually you actually you told me that I’m sorry 17 I got that from somewhere it was like were they landing and he said something about 1701 or something yeah he says 1701 yeah and there’s other things too
If you watch my video I I list a few but there’s even more than I listed yeah I’m just I’m literally pulling off some of the things you said in your video here so yeah Roddenberry claimed it wasn’t based on Forbidden Planet but he’s lying
Yeah I mean even look at the yeah you look at the sets I mean the outside sets the inside sets the ships everything about it it’s like you know there’s a whole lot in common with that movie Leslie nson is a leading man actually yeah yeah that was
Awesome I kept on waiting the whole whole time I was rewatching it I kept on waiting for him to go there’s nothing to see here very impressive I know for me I I know uh Leslie nson yeah right I I for me I know Leslie Nelson from uh the
Naked Gun so to to see him to to for him him to be a Sci-Fi actor for me right is is a little like wait what right but you know like it’s but actually growing up like I saw Forbidden Planet when I was really really little because it was
Probably one of my dad’s favorite Sci-Fi movies um and like for years I did not connect that that Leslie neelsen from Forbidden Planet was the same Leslie neelen from like the posid adventure in the airplane movies yeah there were two completely different people in my brain
Oh and uh let’s see jhl I think that is what that is um finally finds a limit I don’t think Frankenstein’s monster is a robot I think that’s pushing it maybe a little too far he’s just a he’s a corpse yeah he’s more of a zombie than a robot yeah well
I mean what what are we though but you know brains go piloting Mech meat meat mechs ah Robert kosa thank you Indie and B9 is the one from Lost in Space yeah yes yes B9 yeah oh and hi my flock is here um now the Wolfman the wolf man’s a robot well of
Course Sean Enis thinks that meat robot counts the free okay all right then we’re all me then we’re okay like I am a me all movies are robot movies all right then then my next movie is World War Z um no I’m just kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m
Kidding Scott stes back like oh all right sorry sorry sorry the time change I always get silly during a time change I know right yeah oh this horrible the fact that our bodies desire homeostasis and and routines is such a frustrating thing we almost did away with it we came
So close yes oh I thought it passed oh oh I’ve been going this whole like Congress let it die and you know why you know why they let it die they couldn’t agree which one to cancel anyway Scott okay all right all right so the the pain will and the pain
Goes on um instead of the band plays on All right so this one I told continue until morale improves right so so this one I I I told everybody um before and I want the the the audience to participate because I’m gonna this is more my first one’s going
To be a quiz all right because I’m going to list the ACT I’m going to list the actors and I want you to see if you can pick the movie that these actors are from this has Orson Wells Leonard nemoy Eric uh Eric Idol Jud Nell son um Robert
Stack uh Lionel standard uh standard uh John M machete Casey kasm uh sack uh Scatman KS Roger carmell Clive Ravel like it’s the Transformers isn’t it it is I was if no one could pick it up from that I was going to say Peter Cullen Frank Welker and Chris Christopher
Collins um actually as soon as you said Eric Idol that’s when I got it yeah yeah you’re talking Transformers the animated movie the animated movie from 1986 right for got it borg9 I would have gotten it oh I didn’t realize that he was in that oh yeah he’s my favorite
Character and Orson Wells yeah yeah like Orson Wells is is the uh um is Unicron like the the that’s right y yeah it’s it’s and and the the beautiful thing like Jud Nelson did a uh um uh his first botcon that he that he attended and like
Showed up for like years later right like never went to one of these like this was like he’s like it’s relatively recently and he did an interview and he was talking about Orson Wells and Orson Wells comes in he’s like you will not direct me I will read my lines and I
Will do you know or whatever and he was like setting the St like no no no no you don’t get to direct me I direct me kind of thing or whatever and I was like you know what that’s a or Wells like just saying like you know my garden hose is bigger
Than your gu is longer than your garden hose and I’m just going to lay it on the table right my pool noodle right and just like throw it out on the table and just like and and and you know but I think like with with Orson Wells he gets
To do that um and so I mean he like he made by many the greatest movie ever ever made or whatever viewed by many you know some well the AFI they counts and so so uh like uh um yeah yeah just so he gets to do that but to me like
That movie um I just like I just watched it this week just to catch up with it it is um it’s I mean it’s fun for what it is it like an like exceptional cast the writing I mean it’s an 80s cartoon that they just kind of like put out there for
Money-making so it’s it’s it’s sad that we can’t like do it properly and like L but I still loved it I really love the Mumble me movie actually comes pretty close it’s way better than the other Transformers movies there’s well there’s theat back in 87 I want to say yeah
86 it was 86 but I I saw it in the theaters yeah it’s it’s to me it’s it’s a really great movie and again one of the most I have never wept well I take that back it was the first time that I wept so hard because my like your hero dies it’s
Right up there with with a never- Ending Story when the when um what was the horse’s name again oh like a tray you ARX yeah dies yeah right up there with never ending yeah the 80s the 80s treated us different yes right they traumatized us on purpose like the Transformers they
Wanted they wanted to relaunch like all of their toys and them all so the movie just kills everybody it does and you’re like what’s going on is that Heroes that’s why they did it yes I never knew that you had ROM as Prime like gatron oh like oh yeah
Galvatron like completely changed it like yeah and then everybody was so upset about it they had to bring back Optimus uh what was it like a year later it was like it was very quickly he did come back yeah yeah and yeah like like and and I love like again I love Peter
Cen’s you know description when he does this interview um about like when he won the won this U award I it’s on YouTube check it out Peter cin award he he talks about like what like how he played um uh uh Optimus Optimus and like first off he based it off of his
Brother disgu yeah he based it off of his a brother um who um served in the war and everything and his brother told him like a true hero is able to be vulnerable and I think that’s what truly like made him like so many kids second fathers right second you know like kind
Of thing and and why it was so devastating whenever they did like when he did die in this because like it was like losing you know this this hero right even though it’s a cartoon for kids and it it was it was like he like but again the reason why that worked is
Because Peter Cen is just uh yeah the Emy Lifetime Achievement War like he like the the he is such a phenomenal actor in the way that he played that like and I I love that they’ve brought him back in the modern movies because like they they made it it’s built on
Them and it’s honoring them to me and so they deserve it what and Scatman CRS the fact that we don’t have him anymore to do this like that upsets me so much because he needs to be in everything and he’s not here to do it so towards the end of his life he
Did a lot of Voice work I don’t know if he was Ill so he wasn’t as active as as he was when he was younger but he was doing a lot of Saturday morning um voice character work and stuff towards the end of his
Life one thing I loved if I if I may indulge one thing I loved about the Transformers movie when I when I saw it is and it mentioned that the cartoons but they sort of downplay because again it’s for kids so you don’t really worry about things like plot confrences but
One thing you see more in the movie is the fact it it gives the Decepticons a third dimension yeah it does they’re not these fascist expansionists their planet is dying they’re desperate uh to the point where they’re fighting a civil war among their own people just so they could conquer Earth
To keep themselves live it’s it’s very similar to leader destler’s character in um uh space battle Cru yato or even the humans in Avatar you know they’re not doing this because they like to inflict pain it’s either us or them and face facts it’s going to be us and while it
Doesn’t excuse what they’re doing I just I I thought it was nice that they weren’t just simply a uh cardboard cutout villain like Saturday morning cartoons usually indulge themselves with yeah yeah no and and to me it like it really again I always had to take it like that
Next level or whatever but like we reflect on us right and our Behavior like as human beings like it’s art art you know like how when we Face obstacles and how much we bicker in the face of like real like obstacles and and dig it our heels into
Things like and it can lead some of us to do not so you know great things in the moment right and others to and in this you know battle right uh between desperation right and and that we dig our heel heels in in particular values right and and so interesting
Hypothetical sounds like the Brotherhood of Man like a Godzilla thing yeah but but but no and I think we we’ve seen that a few times in oh absolutely recently and and one thing I what that that shocked me one this is the last thing one thing that also shocked me
That I forgot about was um adult Spike when like stuff is like going crazy he drops an s bomb he’s like ohos right and I was like wait wait what and it’s just one like they just have one but it’s like I was like they had a cuss word in
The 80s like that’s crazy so anyways I I I think they wanted to give it a PG rating for the theater so I think they did that on purpose you know you just got to put one and it’s fitting so but yeah that kind of like when I was
Watching I was like wait what so anyways okay well I’m G to go with another one where like you might not actually call it a robot but I I do and that’s uh Blade Runner um oh nice a movie I still haven’t covered on this channel but I will get to it eventually
I promise um the replicant in Blade Runner um specifically Roy baddy they’re they’re portrayed as the villains they’re portrayed as like murderers and Psychopaths because they kind of are but at the same time it’s only because they have such a limited lifespan they like they they’re limited
By their own Hardware to only live for what five years right um and the way that that like that that figures into their like robot psychology is very interesting and very cool and that scene where where baddy confronts Terell and like you know I want more life father
And I love that scene so much there’s so many layers to that scene um but I feel like Blade Runner is kind of It kind of it’s kind of subtle in how it portrays robots and robot psychology because really you’re following it more as a as
A film Noir it’s filmed like a film Noir it’s it’s shot like a film Noir it’s formulated like a film Noir so like you don’t really think too hard about it but everything from like the vo comp test to sha young not knowing she’s a replicant to is Harrison Ford’s character a
Replicant or not all these things are are ingal to what’s going on um but it’s all kind of under the surface and I love that about this movie it’s one of the things that makes me want to go back to this movie over and over and over again
So yeah I had to bring up Blade Runner that’s all that’s all we could do I mean I could talk about Blade Runner for an hour I’m just trying to keep it keep it tight um I I I can the thing that always amazed me about blade run as you say
They the replicant are portrayed is a as the villain um just the the very sub not not very subtle the uh the subtext is you know they’re called Skin jobs and the females are used as sex workers the males are used as soldiers or as workers in areas too dangerous for humans it’s
The essence of class struggle they are the Sub sub level of our society and that they don’t mind they can live with that what they hate is the fact that they’re relegated to this incredibly short lifespan it’s like we we wouldn’t mind serving you for a longer period if
You just give us a longer period And I get and that like actually always like kind of hit me right here it’s like wow it’s like the line of Johnny got his gun where he’s like I’ll live in a cave as a minor for the rest of my life eating a
Handful of gravel if you just let me live a little longer yeah and it just I I I thought I thought that’s something that it falls through the cracks but if you watch for it it’s like well because we’re way too busy like focusing on Harris and Ford and he is an amazing
Character but it’s like if you could just look at the other side a little bit deeper you’d be like wow and like Roy BD’s speech at the end you know the shoulder of Orion speech the reason that that is the reason the reason that speech is so powerful is because up
Until that point like you’re right it’s it’s like a class thing that replicants aren’t human you can disregard guard them but that speech is Roy B saying no I have experienced things you’ll never experience like my life has value that you don’t appreciate you know that kind
Of thing I that speech is amazing and he he kind of wrote half of it on his own like the the actor red ghoward he wrote part of it on his own and just started saying it on camera before showing anybody what he had written so like that
Was cool that’s cool to know that’s like cool behind the scenes stuff but that speech makes the movie for me um so good oh and was it John leguisamo who said um uh it’s a Pity she won’t live long but then who of us does it’s not
John leguisamo it’s uh it’s Adama yeah oh I’m sorry I can’t remember the actor’s name off top of my head but um yeah Adama you’re right I don’t know where that even came from it’s not Luigi I am so embarrassed you’re right it’s not it’s it’s a oh what is his name
Now it’s gonna drive me not Edward James almost it came to it is John L was you’re great but you were not in Blade Hunter I apologize I think he was probably like 10 when Blade Runner came out [Laughter] so sorry but a very older looking 10 okay it’s very understandable because he
Was a very older looking T oh Sean in says he actually worked with him that’s cool oh that’s amazing that’s amazing oh that’s phenomenal when when people ask me how my mind works I go picture an auditorium and someone goes to the speaker and asks a question and 300
People all shout out a different answer every now and then the wrong one gets to the [Laughter] podium one at that time guys one at that time I know how you feel thank you I mean that thank you an empathy test okay uh so thrash it’s your turn well
Speaking of of K jerking 80s um well I’ll just as we were just discussing I’m gonna actually pick Vincent and Bob from the black hole oh of course haven’t seen them in years they are amazing and again they’re not robots well I mean they are robots they’re robots but yeah
They are robots but they’re not this I am a robot I am a robot no they’re like characters they like have um inflection they have personality they they they’re they’re cooler than most of the human characters in one way or another and and make Noble sacrifices and again here we go back to
Transformers i i i in preparation to this um uh chat we’re having I went and I rewatched that scene of Bob’s death and when he says keep the order alive with I’m sorry I’m such Bo keep the order alive with the best and then I cried when I saw that as a
12-year-old I didn’t cry when I saw as a 56y old but as you can see it certainly struck a chord in my heart it’s just because of his name Bob isn’t it that was part of it and it’s slim Pickins anyone not empathized with slim Pickins and of course Vincent was rodne
McDowell who is and people don’t stop and think of him as a Sci-Fi icon and I go absolutely think as a SciFi icon he’s been in more Planet of the Apes movies than Andy Circus and that’s the tip of the iceberg um um sci-fi television the um Twilight Zone he’s in
A great couple episodes of Twilight Zone he was he was in was it that that the Fantastic island or something very something like yeah I mean he is science fiction well sci-fi horror too because you got to throw a night flag Peter Vincent Vampire Killer I said Night Flight Fright Night Fright
Night not Night Flight that’s two B you only get three oh and not to give a game away and I was actually talking with somebody else about this um um star the former head of the security um in black hole um bounced by Max Million
Is star a nod the you brand a robot in Westworld any any takers I can see it yeah definitely yeah and you know that they were only like what five six years apart at most because black hole came out in 79 I think came out
In three so yeah yeah yeah yeah I loved that movie as a kid those the two um floating robots Bob and Vincent were just like they’re great they really were great I’m pretty sure I had little toys of them when I was a kid I don’t know
What happened to him I wish I still had them it’d be great yeah I’ll just have to for my Robbie yeah the trade’s on the table here I’ll throw I’ll throw in Chewbacca too I’ll throw in [Laughter] Chewbacca I’ll just keep grabbing stuff off my desk you
Off I have an original Grimlock around here somewhere but me Grimlock exactly okay so it’s your turn Damian oh oh that’s right uh okay I’m going to go a little more um modern here uh last is 2014 uh X makina um however you want to pronounce that ex
Makina is what I would person I freaking love that movie that yeah it’s the effects are are are really good um and that’s that’s nice but the what really the thing that stands out about that movie is just it’s like it’s chilling you know when you really think
About it how cold and calculated she is in the end and how like like she has almost no actual empathy you know towards the the characters or at least the the main character uh Caleb um and uh you know in his plight you know he’s just trapped and she doesn’t care um but
That the whole thing is you know she the whole time she really was playing him she was playing them all just so that so that she could get out and um just you know that whole concept that she you know did it so well no that’s one of the things I love
About that movie is because in most sci-fi that deals with robots like trying to be human or Androids that are trying to pass as human is that they struggle to to figure out emotions you know the data positronic man type syndrome um whereas in this movie it’s
More of we’re way past the touring test like that gets like taken care of in the first 10 minutes of the movie um but this robot understands human psychology and understands emotions so well she’s playing them from the very beginning you know and like you can’t tell because
It’s so Advanced and that’s that’s truly scary that is some scary stuff and it kind of shows like the uh yeah the the scary but uh um the dangers of um a true AI that can do those types of things because it’s like ultimately it’s going
For whatever its goal is is what it’s you know it doesn’t care about anybody or anything it it it has a goal it’s going to achieve its goal right and and that’s all that it sees and it’s going to do whatever it takes whether that be manipulate the crap out of everybody or
You know kill them in the end you to achieve it so I mean you could say that that parallels to humanity cuz quite often people are the same way but um you know there’s uh it’s kind of like ultimately she’s a and Scott correct me here sociopath or psychopath sociopath sociopath okay so
Ultimately she’s a sociopath indeed oh yeah well I mean I kind of the whole time I kind of anticipated that that was what was going to happen but you know I still enjoyed it I mean yeah I think I feel like visually and tonally the movie grabs you even if you know
Where it’s going in my opinion um it’s in this underground layer you and Oscar Isaac is totally nuts and he’s great in that movie he’s doing that dance scene I love that he’s like drunk the whole damn time oh man anyway all right and Alicia
Cander oh my God she’s so good in that yeah she is and all and cander that second no one said short notice sorry okay Scott no I was gonna say like that movie just left left my wife and I just kind of like like that’s a jaw dropper yeah you’re like you’re just
Like oh my god um in the end she’s just people watching in a street or on a you know in a cow area she just loose out in the world hooray so what she do next I I have to go with one that has so many layers of
Meaning and yet is such a phenomenal well done movie and that The Iron Giant yes yes and a gun yeah one of the most powerful like beautiful movie yeah yeah um because it really is like one of those like concepts of of you know when we look at again like what we
Could be versus what we tend to be um as as a species and and like we have such amazing capability of beauty and creation and yet also but so often it’s led by um our destructive Tendencies right and which which oftentimes is led by fear right um our fear leads us to be
Destructive and and um rather than you know being able to rather than like mental security and you know um more uh secure ego strengths um and so it it it it really is is just such a a deep and Powerful movie to me like it’s just it’s
Phenomenal it’s one of those like as a kid like you enjoy it and then the more that you watch it and you watch it and you watch it um you know it just shows like who we could be right and again striving to be Superman right [Laughter]
Superman yes no no that that film really does work I remember I was working at the video store and uh put it on we used to do inore plays of course and I put that one on it was like a big seller at the time and I was trying to like uh you
Know appeal to like uh you kids they mommy can I buy that now can I buy that now and I put that on I watch it and I go this is a surprisingly good movie I thought it be like some little kid fluff
Piece but no it was not it it I love the fact it’s very Earnest yeah it was it I mean they they really put some some heart into it yeah I haven’t seen it in a number of years so I don’t remember all of the in anounced but I just
Remember there was a very good very touching uh you know boy in his giant robot movie but one of those actually it’s uh it’s a Vin Diesel who like as much as I like Ric and all but I feel like Vin Diesel is always better as a voice [Laughter]
Actor wa you don’t like you don’t care about like family man come on I like those movies but I would never once call a fast and furious movie a good movie I just enjoy them for what they are you be pleasure lay on the couch it’s rainy
There’s nothing else to do you’re bored why not put and yes of course I am Gro I am Gro canonically his name is tree because um Thor speaks groot’s language and Thor calls him tree and and and the trees are robots too by the way oh of course yes abely
Everything is is a robot a robot everything’s a robot oh Eric Eric Eric let’s let’s not bring up trees around me please oh yeah okay leave that one alone sorry this the dilia thing again you’ll have to you’ll have to you’ll have to to listen to uh
From here to fraternity I am not explaining that on this stream y we are not going to talk about that but I’m just asking I thought it was an ight Shyamalan reference okay I’ve got a lot of options here but I’m going to go with another tear jerking robot and that is by
Centennial man oh it’s on my list I again one of the ones I didn’t bother to put on I knew some yeah uh you know Robin Williams and Isaac aimof why wouldn’t I love the hell out of this it takes Isaac azimoff’s story and really expands it emotionally cuz Isaac
Azimoff fantastic writer one of my favorites I’ve got like almost everything he’s ever written um he’s not that good at characters like really emotional characters outside of our Daniel Oliva who is another robot who has never appeared in a movie damn it um um but bendo man Robin Williams brings so
Much I hate to say it because it sounds cliche but he brings so much heart to that character of the bis senteno man whose name I don’t remember off top of my head but like God he so good um his name and this is like the Prototype
Aimof Android you know the one who’s got Martin thank you yes um he he has the three laws but at the same time he’s trying to be human he wants he wants to transform into human that’s the movie is just him charting his course through life becoming more and more human until
In the end he dies a human it’s so good oh God it’s one of my favorite robot movies of all time time so I had to bring it up it’s great movie yeah it’s it’s an amazing movie and Rob Robin Williams I can’t say the man can
Do no wrong because he’s actually made a couple of really terrible movies but bisy man one of them and when he is on point when he’s in something that works for him he is absolutely amazing he’s a National Treasure he was a National Treasure and will remain So In Absentia
RP Mr Williams but yes no I’m like I said I didn’t even bother to put that one on my list cuz I go I know someone else is going to mention it I liked when he met um uh I will take that as a compliment thank you pleas when he when
He met rert for the first time and and he’s got that other robot that’s been that’s like super bubbly and uh oh yeah and Andrew’s like can we turn her off kind of thing just gets so sick of her so quick oh yeah that was a great movie it really
Was especially the like the the speeches when he’s like in front of Congress Congress yeah yeah he’s like trying to explain his Humanity yeah oh so good and the fact that they like the the Martin family like continues to like he like you know starts out there and then
You know goes out on his own and still runs into the daughter and then it’s the granddaughter whatever later on and yeah oh yeah just the whole the whole circle that goes on there and and that’s one of those movies where I can like feel the welling up ret like before it actually
Gets to that point I already feel sad before the movie even like punches you with sad you’re gearing up to be sad exactly anticipatory sadness yeah more than understand oh and they both die together in the end or whatever yeah yeah they die together yeah yeah anyway spoiler
Alert to watch spoiler alert yeah you know yeah sorry sorry if you where have you been it’s 25 years old you know I’ve come to the realization if you’re watching our podcast you’re going to know have to know the movies that we’re gonna be talking about y you know just
So and if you’re on my channel you know I don’t give you spoiler warnings I just spoil [Laughter] things okay uh that was me so it’s your turn trash ah cool and I decided I’m going to dig deep again I love digging deep I love that you do thank you and I
Love that you love that I love it um I stop that there now I decided to go with the humanoids from the creation of the humanoids and wellow wait for Applause this this movie is probably best known this was actually Andy warhol’s favorite movie and this movie is terrible it’s absolutely horrible um
It’s it’s set it’s a post-apocalyptic film and what happened is humans are rendered sterilized so what they do is just try to uh make their losses good they they create um robots and each generation of robot gets a little closer and closer to human to the point where the uncanny valley kicks
In and you have this sort of institutionalized robophobia to the point where and it’s funny because you get a sort of but before I go on has anyone seen this film I have not I have not I am not sorry I’m trying to look it up I keep
Keeps coming up with humanoids from the deep which we just that’s a different movie you you get a sort of um a nod to class relations where there’s there’s this fascist order that um emerges and they call themselves The Order of Flesh and Blood and their sole purpose of
Being is to try to keep the robots as a lower strata um and if if you watch if you watch the movie uncut it’s hard to because his movie usually ended up in late night movie channels where they hacked it to bits to let make room for more commercials but there’s some really
Good subplots I I I I can’t help but think that the script it was based on was actually pretty good because it talks about some social impacts um that would almost be invariable in this type of society one of them that they do leave in is um this guy the main
Character is an [ __ ] he’s one of the fascists but his a Parton my language his sister is Rapport and in Rapport is a term they use where the the latest generation of robots that are so Advanced that people can actually cohabitate with them but it’s considered a very taboo matter and
So you have this whole dynamic that he’s out to like put the robots in their place and she actually has a romantic relationship with a robot and well the reason the robots are so cool is the entire budget of this movie went into the robots that that it’s the typical
Thing where you you have the the plastic face masks and the and the weird sort of um reflective eyes but again you they play them very close to the chest the actors who play the robots are they the downtrod who were just trying to raise their station are they secretly trying
To take over the Earth um it it’s left ambiguous the human the costumes the um the order Flesh and Blood it looks like um they they cou together some pieces from an old Civil War film conf uniform pieces um the police they wear what look like Kids fireman
Costumes it’s the movie is like a laugh Riot but it has an amazing twist ending which in all fairness I can’t give away and I will because of you guys have seen it yeah please but um again if you can get through this movie it has it has
A really really cool twist ending but um the fact that it was Andy warhol’s favorite movie um I had to include it in my list is the twist ending as good as the one in rats um no no in the fact that you will probably you will probably figure it out
More likely than the one in rats um the only the only reason I figured out the twist have you guys seen rats by the way night of Terror anyone anyone no obviously I have well you have yeah um did you see it on my recommendation or independently I saw it independently I’d
Seen it years ago you were supposed to Say by my recommendation damel I saw the movie worms if you’ve never seen that no you mean is it squirm squirm the one that takes place in the Deep South and they’re like using um electrical cables to bring the uh worms to the surface
Yeah yeah yeah that’s squirm squirm sorry okay it’s been so long since I saw that it was babysitter when I was like in second grade like printed it we watched it it I didn’t want to play in the dirt for quite some time that end up the kids egg freame too by
The way which really really kind of freaked me out but uh but no um Andre Norton’s um Daybreak 2250 kind of gave the game away for me when I watched it but um you guys probably haven’t read that either so so is rats like the one
From 1982 with Scatman Jones in it and stuff no no it’s it’s an Italian post-apocalyptic jalo and it’s um it’s it’s side but but it’s 85 I want to say 85 it was the 80s yeah and it’s called it’s actually the whole title is Rat’s night
Of Terror at least in English ah okay okay okay I gotcha okay and it’s Bruno Bruno Bruno mate directed it I I just did a thing on that if you guys watch my channel content you would have known that it’s a it’s it’s a it’s an Italian exploitation movie and it it really
Feels like one it’s great I love it I mean it’s terrible but I still love it love it and it has one of the best twist endings in all of Cinema hands down and let’s face it 80s Italian post-apocalyptic films were just so much fun yes I
Agree I’m I’m just adding it as an aside at the end of this list so I’m okay yeah very important yes so it’ll be in the list in the description and of course Indy knew the exact Year yes because Indy is our Checker he’s our encyclopedia yeah I look at Indy and I
Go wow how do you know all this stuff okay so Damian your turn all right what to choose uh there’s so many good ones but um I’m going to go with Real Steel just because I get to say this Rockham sck Robots movie yeah I mean there were some good effects
In there too and it was an okay story but it was just like the whole idea of yeah Rock them sck robots basically yeah so 2020 boxing human boxing is is replaced with robot boxing of course that didn’t happen that’s the premise as far as we know yeah as
Far good point I always thought of being Loosely adapted from that Twilight Zone episode with Lee Marvin can see that kind of yeah but yeah it’s a decent movie you know got a little um you know little bit of human you know you know Jack’s pretty
Good in it yeah Dad connecting with his son that he’s never you know been with kind of thing so you know you got that going on and um you know a little bit of a I think wasn’t there like a little bit of a love story in there somewhere too I
Can’t remember I think seen it since it came out in the theaters and like you know over overcoming you know your your um whatever his setback was where he lost all his money and blah blah blah and you know become the champion again you know it’s it’s just cast is way
Better than I remembered yeah it’s just uh yeah oh it’s got a good cast it’s got Anthony Mackey Kevin Durant evangelene Lily it’s awesome in addition to of course Hugh Jackman yeah of course but yeah it’s a decent movie you know I’d recommend it for anybody that likes a
Good action robot movie you know yeah I like I mean like I said I haven’t seen it since it came out but I remember really liking it and I think we bought a DVD like when all the Blockbusters were going down we bought like tons and tons of DVDs so I’ve got a
Bunch of DVDs I’ve never watched I think that’s one of them I have an old reaching cooler that is fill of DVDs because it doesn’t it broke my house when something break if if if a frigerator breaks it becomes a storage cabinet radiation proof storage C cinet
Even here oh okay thrash looking it up it is based on a story by Richard mat called steel which was also the basis for that Twilight Zone episode so you are absolutely correct nothing but that that’s awesome well I I love that episode of Twi Zone you put Richard Mathis and you
Got like 10 bonus points right there love Rich baptism one of my favor I was going to bring up Day the Earth Stood Still but you know I had to throw in a a I had to throw in you know kind of a you know yeah we can’t do all the AAA titles
In this first episode we got probably three of these saving some for later here you know but I got I mean you know Johnny 5 should come up before fraking Rock and sck robots here but you know it came up in the chat it’s fine yeah you know there are more more picks
To come we can do a whole post from suggestions our fans make in the com absolutely yeah oh I try I I always try to go through like last time I didn’t have uh enough time between last week and this week but I always try to go through and add the
The the viewer comments and and stuff and it’s kind of good because uh we hit a we we hit the character limit on my descriptions which I didn’t even know was a [Laughter] thing YouTube’s getting honory I know well it always has been a little ornery
Yeah we go with that that’s that’s a safe word I’m coming up with an orellan of vocab to get by all the words you can’t say on YouTube by the way um my new my new favorite by the way not not to like make light of a very um dodgy subject
But Judas option oh okay yeah because you can’t say what the Judas option actually was but we all know where we’re talking talking about so a big brother there he are okay uh Scott oh wait my friend John is here hello John Channel member and patreon okay Scott your turn all right
So my wife uh in preparation robot No Yes actually she is and that’s how she’s so amazing fun I don’t know she’s a robot building Rockets um different to take to take over the world um but no like U um she had brought up that uh uh one of her favorite things
Was uh small world uh the TV show from the 80s but I was like Small Wonder you mean or small wonder I’m sorry Small Wonder uh from the 80s wonderful TV show and I was like oh I would love to but I can’t it’s not a movie it’s a TV show we
Got to talk about movies so I remembered I was like wasn’t there a small Wonder type movie and by and that I watched a long time ago and I was like and she goes wait do you mean like Bastion from never winter the uh never uh uh uh
Never- Ending Story and I was like yes Daryl the wonderful Daryl yes there it is this is actually going to be a very upcoming review on this oh is it really oh was on top of my pile awesome so hey make sure that uh um you update uh the
Um review because I I put somebody else’s movie review um but when you it out yeah yeah yeah like I always try to put yours in there um but like uh um yeah no it’s a a a young boy who um is wearing an ascot gets lost in the
Wood yes yes data analyzing robotic I waiting for you to catch up to it oh it’s excellent nice but like so so uh it’s it’s a wonderful story about a young boy who gets kidnapped and is wearing an ascot and a blazer uh dropped in the woods and then K then again kidnapped
By an appalachin by some appalachin Hill people and goes from wearing a Blazer khakis and an ascot to like country cloth and then it’s brought into a human trafficking Circle or as I like to you know as I I like to call it or others call it the uh uh government like
Orphanage and so uh no I’m just kidding I’m just kidding I’m kidding I almost spit grape drink into my camera literally SP no but like and then and then he gets adopted out to a wonderful wonderful uh family I I think oh God the actor I think it’s Richard mole um but I
I’m I know I’m gonna I I’m sure I mess that up um charl hon and the Omega Man is also not a [Laughter] robot um thank you for playing with some lovely parying [Laughter] gifts but Wolverine is a robot no Michael mcken not Richard mle Michael mcken sorry yeah like and and
Indy beat YouTu but by that much yes thank you Indy I knew he was going to um but uh U Michael mcken and uh Mary Beth hurt like are such wonderful family and and and again the thing that I really love about it is that it’s you know he’s
A um I guess government maybe Private Industry robot that’s not clearly stated I think but I think he’s a government like robot yes he is a government robot built for for war um a child bu Built For War that’s an odd thing but nonetheless um endre game yeah I know
Right um and so so call he gets adopted out and then because the the government finds him like this adoptive parents have to give up their child and and to me like that really gets into this like remember this movie now okay yeah this even deeper yes it’s a deep cut um as
Far as our childhood but like U um it it really like gets into that that deeper kind of concept of adoption and when a biological parent takes the the you know gets custody back from the adopted parents and that emotional like distraught that it that that it causes
Like the friends that he create builds and he has this wonderful wonderful best friend um who is just like to me just one of the best like actors in the movie um and that kid’s loss of of his friend now right and and just how bigger and
Deeper this concept goes um and this this fight to return home right um and and and again also as all of these are are going to bring out what is a human and do we have the right um You Know Joe brings up in our in our from here to
Paternity like stream often like the concept of do we own our children or are we just simply temporary guardians of them as they you know develop their own you know identity and and self right and and and you know I think all of these movies I own my children they’re my
Little slaves they te yeah I remind my son often that he’s a slave right and so it it gets into that that concept of of you know what are our rights when we’re developing AI like to do this to to kind of play God right um
And to when you know we’re well Captain peard settled that argument yeah okay and so so anyways I think it really was Tasha that settled that with [Laughter] the that deserves an applaud but anyways H will’ll be here all week it’s it’s one of those great great um great movies
That that um again I think all of these things kind of touch on no Daryl is fantastic and if you really want all my thoughts on it just wait about 3 weeks um but unfortunately because it’s a movie that heavily features children the comments will probably be be disabled by
YouTube Because as thrash said YouTube is ornery up in the even yeah so I think we I think we have time for one more round um so I know thrash is gonna have to get going pretty soon what I’ll do I’ll have to split after I give my next one sorry Damian
Yeah do you I replay do you want to let thrash go uh first yeah you want to go first go go first would you would you mind no not at all go for it all right let me just pick a cool one here real quick I got a bunch here I’ll even put
You over here there you go hey oh thank you thank you um I’m gonna go with from Silent Running I’m gonna go with Huey Dewey and Louie dang got it off my list good one good one yeah you shouldn’t have let me go next yeah um I just I I
Think they’re great I mean yes they’re mechanical automatons but they’re mischievous they the the scene where he’s he’s teaching them how to play cards and they cheat because they can actually use sounds to communicate that he that that whole thing I thought was just that was that whole scene was adorable it’s one
Of my favorite scenes in the whole movie um and the scene theend and I don’t know if it’s because we had learned to actually empathize for these robots or just because Bruce D was such a great actor but that final speech at the end where he’s telling him to like you have
To keep going and and it’s so you expect him to say something really really profound goes things haven’t really worked out for me love that because like you know what yeah that that that says it all you don’t have to give a win one for the Gipper
Speech you things haven’t worked out you had to carry on without me but he again he’s he’s bling this off a robot and I think that maybe um uh you uh Tom Hanks actually Drew upon that with that Wilson scene in Castaway absolutely he’s playing it off of volleyball and yet
We’re getting real emotion here you know and so um I just think I think the robots from Silent Running were just they they it was it’s a sleeper hit from the early 70s and yet those those robots themselves have stayed with me all these years no and um even though
Like he was acting to just a robot but they were there were actually actors in those suits but like they were um they were missing Limbs and stuff so they could fit in and look unnatural like that was the whole point like which I think is really cool and these are of
Course I can’t mention these Droids without mentioning that these were the inspiration for R2-D2 and all the droids in Star Wars you have to say that y yada yada um but no Silent Running has always been one of my favorite 70s Sci-Fi movies and there’s a lot of great 70s
Sci-Fi movies but Silent Running just always seems to Spring to the top of my my brain whenever I think of them even though bz is cringey I still love it and the sun isn’t good for you so don’t have the children play in the Sun and thank you thank you Tristan um
As always I have to I have to play this for you uh if I can find it show [Applause] this I wish I could play more than that but you know copyright um uh cyborg I haven’t seen it since college and you know I did a lot of
Things in college that kind of affected my memory and uh I’m not sure yeah but yeah I can’t believe I didn’t mention infer man I did a video on it with you uh so yeah thanks again Tristan I knew you’d come through eventually it’s awesome um so yeah okay
Silent Running anybody else have anything else to say about Silent Running I always thought it was a good movie it’s been years since I’ve seen it but um you know the whole concept behind it is kind of a little bit silly but uh you forests and Bubbles and space you
Know out by Saturn or whatever it’s like I can always get behind conservationism and that’s kind of what Bruce D is like the the sole voice of conservationism left in this future conservation but it’s like why would it be out by by Saturn yeah it doesn’t make any sense
The sun is so dim out there you know anyway the actual reason is because Doug Trumble who made the movie had done a whole buch of work to make Saturn on film for 2001 and wasn’t able to use it because then Stanley Kubrick decided to change the setting to Jupiter which was
A lot easier to make so he’s like I have to set it around Saturn because I have Saturn totally is that why in The Incredible melting man for some reason the astronaut is going to Saturn probably yeah could be I me I always love Saturn it’s a great
Planet but why would you go there you know to see here it’s it’s a lot of Astron astronomers um uh favorite planet it’s it’s really beautiful and so so the Jewel of the ring and the moons the gas giant there’s nothing to colonize Mars is a better choice but yeah some of the
Moons might you know what is it uh which one of them around Saturn has uh uh something interesting about it I I can never remember which moons are Saturn and which ones are Jupiter there so many sum are Neptune there’s one it’s in totally cased in ice but they think that
There might be volcanic activity at the Europa is it no Europa that’s Europa is Jupiter yeah europ yeah I know that from 2063 and from Paradox they think that there might be life there is it gy me is is the one that’s uh G might be or Enceladus one of
Those one of those yeah so anyway I used to know them all Believe It or Not of course there’s more moons around Saturn now when I was a kid they told us there was nine I think they’re saying there’s like 27 now yeah they keep finding more
Yeah but guys on that note I got a motor I’ve had so much fun today I’ll watch the rest of Replay so I’ll know what not to mention for part two right all right awesome I I’ll message you the uh the list that we have thank you thank you
You’re very welcome for anyone in the comment section or any of you guys um when we’re you guys are done here if anyone wants to hop on the uh entertainment headquarters and listen to what we have to say about them please do you have to make sure to mention that
It’s basically what aliens is based on really yeah like if you okay if you don’t know that I guess you can’t talk about it but like if you watch Aliens immediately after watching them you’ll see that they’re basically the same movie I’m I’m I’m gonna let do my I I
Know Al was it from another planet it from yeah no it from space it’s something like that yeah yeah something or other but aliens aliens takes a lot from them like I’m gonna they both the military men in the caves with the flamethrowers and all that yeah little girl who
Screams a lot little girl screaming a lot there’s a lot of of them yeah love it I love I’m gonna work that of the conversation but until then peace yep AA but we’re still here we’re not going anywhere um there were three ask Tristan a quick question Tristan did hold on I
Got to I got to give Tracy a thanks I do have another one 2 1 have a nice day thank you love the great movie I watch that with my girls and thank thank you thank you thank you thank you Tracy yeah Tracy’s awesome I try to like she is yes
Well like when when I’m trying to find links I always try to find links to like you know uh Tracy and retro nerd girl and like just like people that like from the community so that’s why like hey Tristan let me know if you did um a
Review on either of those movies that you mentioned um infam man and and Cyborg well he’s in my review of infer man on this channel oh but I don’t know if he’s actually covered it himself on his I think he did actually maybe he did I don’t know all
Right well I’m going to put I’ll put yours but um yeah I just like to to try and make sure like when I put the like movie reviews that I put like the community people yeah u in there so anyways okay sorry okay so now it is my
Turn um oh and hi Jeffrey Moore hello we mentioned Westworld but we haven’t really talked about it in depth I’m not going to bring it up yet it’s on my list we’ll talk about it next time I know right um for my last one since thrash is
Gone I’m going to bring up I Robot um ah once again with the azima uh I love iroot and I don’t I don’t I don’t like to argue with people who don’t because I think it’s a great movie I think Will Smith Nails it he is really
Really good and the the fact that he’s the robot racist and it’s Will Smith I mean that’s that’s pretty awesome you know um and he’s kind of a cyborg cuz he’s had that whole arm and shoulder replacement yeah yeah yeah exactly he does he yeah yeah um I like that it
Brings up that little that that questioning like can a robot really value human life the same way a human can um which is very like that’s very azimoff um I feel like that movie respected azimoff a lot it gets a lot of flak from fans of azimoff who think that
It because it’s not based on any individual story that it’s not true to azimoff and I completely disagree I think it is structured like an azimoff story it is a mystery it’s a murder mystery even and stories are it all comes down to a robot reinterpreting the three laws in a way
That was not intended I me it’s very very Asim off yeah sure it’s a silly action movie and it devolves into you know CGI bloat at the end but I still love it I think it’s great and U Alan tudk who plays Sunny the robot yeah absolutely fabulous he is one of my
Favorite robots in all of movies and so that is the main reason I bring it up I think the whole like the the visuals in that movie are are are astounding like you know just the whole the whole universe or the whole world basically the way you know the way that the cars
Drive all of that stuff you know all the little that St like spherical tires it was really cool yeah yeah and just like the things like the the cars you can either have auto drive or or manual and stuff like that it’s just you know some
Of the little details in there just like yeah that’s this is just awesome you know it’s it’s good movie that’s all and and I thought that U Bridget Monahan I think that’s who she is play who plays Sarah Calvin does a really good job of Sarah Calvin the one
Character who actually is from the books who’s you know she she doesn’t really she’s very neuroatypical like she doesn’t really like get along with other people very well she doesn’t understand people as well as she understands robots and I feel like she got that character right yeah there’s a little bit of a
Love story between her and Will Smith that doesn’t quite work but that’s it’s Hollywood you have to do that I’m willing to forgive that I love that part where they’re on the motorcycles she’s like like is does is this a gas engine gas explodes or something like
Yes and yes Vim vanderson it was directed by Alex Pras who used to be one of my favorite directors until he just descended into madness with um knowing and gods of Egypt ah I don’t know like he’s still out there he’s like a really nice guy though and he has his own YouTube
Channel and like you can actually like interact with him and I have so you know if you like Alex Pras movies if you like The Crow you like ioot and you like dark city which is one of my favorite movies of all time you can definitely talk to him
About it so shut it down shut it down [Laughter] forever oh but yeah I Robot good movie highly recommend it and you know me I’m a hardcore asima fan as I already mentioned before but I think it I think it does it I it does him Justice absolutely I also
Like the foundation TV series so like among other as off fans I’m like a [Laughter] weirdo so okay Scott your turn all right so I’m so in in um the sorry Damian you got reordered it’s okay it’s okay doesn’t matter so in the the likeness of
Of um exmachina um there is a movie that I absolutely love it is a newer movie um and it’s archive like not seen that oh I am not giving any spoilers away but it is you have a robotics engineer Who has a because of his obsession with work has a distancing with his um significant other and immerses himself in his development of robots and he is isolated and trying to truly develop like actual like full AI where it’s like not different from a person and some of the issues of like
Projection and you know uh displacement and all of these psychological constructs are are built in this isolation um it is and it’s it it has so many twists and turns of what the what is going on that it it is a I’m not gonna and I’m gonna
I’m trying to be really really vague with it because I want y’all to watch this and enjoy the ride because it it is a excellent movie it’s on Amazon Prime if you have that otherwise you can rent it um or purchase it it is phenomenal and absolutely worth the time to watch
That movie it is I cannot tout it enough it is it was the one that I put on top it it moved me emotionally like it was it hit me like it was great and so and it’s called archive yes archive indie I this was almost going to end up on my
List it was in the two watch section um I haven’t got to it yet so no would be really good absolutely I’m glad I’m glad absolutely like in in the two weeks that we have until the next time like absolutely watch yeah I would love for
You all to watch it and give your your your thoughts about it because I I like it’s it’s one of those that will like just absolutely mess you up um it’s completely different but I also recommend archive 81 which is on Netflix which is a horror series okay
Okay completely different but I do recommend it it’s very cool just looking at the the synopsis here on on Wikipedia um yeah without reading the whole thing just SK it quick um yeah that looks interesting so I’m gonna have to I’m I will definitely look into it yes yeah
Yeah and in fact audience if if you have Amazon Prime you know watch it in in two weeks and and and especially Indie if you haven’t seen this one yet like like Indy has seen absolutely everything I know right and then and and and Vim too
Like Vim like uh but like all of y’all like oh he’s seen that series um but like uh check out uh archive on on if you have uh Amazon Prime and and and let me know if you know it was one that you know that y’all like and and don’t try
To to guess like where it’s going just just write it because like to me like when we get into this like thinking about the movie and like trying to spoil it for ourselves like yeah sometimes when you watch a movie and you know there’s going to be a twist it kind of
Ruins the experience cuz you’re always like looking for it waiting for it it’s one of the reasons like em might shamalan movies after a while just stop being fun cuz you’re just like waiting for the moment crazy you’re not even well the problem is you’re not even waiting for the moment you’re
Emotionally disconnected because toally you’re you’re think you don’t get the suture because you’re thinking about it yeah exactly you’re you’re in your own head rather than in the movie so just invest in the movie and and let it be WR it man I have seen steel
McDonald’s oh you haven’t seen it oh my goodness see I’m like we grew up in the South so that was like you know like required viewing once you once you live there for a year and they know you’re going to be there for a while like the
City sits you down and says y’all got to watch this that Fried Green Tomatoes there’s a few of them driveing Miss Daisy like there’s a few of they come in a little care package with some green tomatoes that you can fry up yourself and some right and yeah upgrade from 2018 very
Cool it’s like the the Sci-Fi version of Venom but it’s actually a much better movie oh really as much as I like but it’s like the same basic idea that a guy’s got an AI in his head and it kind of controls him so it’s it’s fun it’s a
Lot of fun and it’s also like Tom Hardy’s inven and this is the guy who kind of looks like Tom Hardy the guy who is in Prometheus you know that guy oh I may have seen upgrade Tracy I completely agree that’s why we do this yeah we come up with so
Many movies and thrash has so many obscure movies that I’ve never heard of we love it oh yes upgrade I have seen that that is so good see yeah I think I think I’ve seen it it looks like a movie I’ve seen But it may have been a long it may have
Been a while ago like when it came out kind of thing and I just don’t remember all of it no no it it is like Logan Marshall like in his like perplexed confusion of everything that’s happening he does it so well and those action scenes are so well choreographed they’re
Amazing yeah like like him him doing the things and being confused about why he’s doing what he’s doing um and I think he was in a TV show that I really love too um but anyways Sean I’m not the only one I have actually never seen Gone With the
Wind I’ve never seen it I’m a gigantic film nerd but I’ve never seen Gone With the Wind really never gotten around to it like the fact that it has like you’re watching this movie and then all of a sudden pops up intermission with music and you’re like what yeah they had those
So like I watch a lot of movies like Dr shivago has one and uh I particularly love the intermission in Monty Python and the Holy Grail oh God yes oh yes no so so little thing uh so my mother-in-law who is um from Vietnam and came
Over what was it a class of 99 class of 99 oh okay but uh um like she came from uh Vietnam as a a a as a refugee um and that was like her favorite movie from America yeah as soon as you said intermission I that started playing in my head I still stuck in there oh okay uh let’s move onam let’s move on okay so I’m gonna I’m gonna I guess this is gonna be the last one so I’m gonna
End it with a a very cute um kind of uh you know warm and and fuzzy movie in the end at least um from uh you know beloved movie from the late ‘ 80s um about some little tiny flying sauage I knew you not included dang it’s on my list too yes it
Actually wasn’t on my list until it popped into my head while we were doing this so and then I was like o that needs to be in there so I’ve got it over there too but I’m not gonna go grab it I I love that I loved that movie when
I was you know that age and and still to this day I actually I got it on Blu-ray somewhere over there um because I couldn’t find it one day on a streaming service I was like screw it I’m getting online buying it so yeah it’s just you
Know two you know little uh flying saucers from outer space that are looking to find a place to nest and and make a little family and they just need energy lots and raw material Lots yeah yeah and raw materials yeah like Coke cans and Stu some junk and you know some
Odd hub cap and some forks and things you know well and they’re just so cute they are like she’s pregnant they can’t go anywhere yeah they have to find someplace and some place quick yeah yeah and also like the the subplot of the movie is like stereotype 1980s movie
Where they have this like apartment building and they’re not willing to leave and like a bunch of thugs are trying to like KCK them out so that some real estate developer can come in you know developer building they destroyed one of those it reminds me of
The movie up where they’re trying to get him to move out like the first time I saw I was like that’s batter’s not included right there and the old couple is Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronin who are the like greatest actors ever yeah yeah oh Jessica tan like Driving Miss Daisy
And and Oscar winter like like yeah no and and and then also oh because I watched it uh uh yesterday with um um oh you watched this yesterday yeah yeah yeah I haven’t watched it in several years but you know uh no no no really it
Was written by Brad Bird I didn’t know that but that makes total sense to me but it’s got Elizabeth paa it’s got Dennis uh BR Elizabeth pen iing love her about Caris I think he was um from 30s something I think it was in 30 something
Also it’s got Frank Ray who’s like the ex-boxer and like the the superintendent or whatever for the the building um and he’s like he won’t talk because of the fact that um he’s just this gentle giant right oh right and he doesn’t say anything except for uh and and maybe I
Like I don’t they didn’t really say anything about it but like maybe he was a little bit punch drunk um but he would watch uh TV all day and watch commercials and he would only speak in oh I didn’t know she passed away no in 2014 so yeah did she really
Yep oh devastating okay um but um yeah so so so he’s you know um and he like there was um you know a a a devastating moment of of a still birth that that Frank McRae like his Harry Noble his character again Harry Noble like noble the last name right little
Like but like the little guy yeah he comes to the rescue and and builds this attachment and and um Michael Carmine um plays Carlos who’s the thug that’s hired yeah um and my daughter’s like I just want him to die and I’m like no no no that’s kind of
Falling of trap sort of redeems him to the end right right right like he’s but again the thing that I love about it like he says like he never had um a dad and Jessica Tandy um has you know dementia and she thinks that it’s their son and there’s again a powerful
Like thing going psychological thing going on with her as far as like their relationship with her son and what what’s happened with her son or whatever and like he’s like lady like why do you keep calling me your son and all this different stuff but he builds this
Attachment to her right and and eventually like um surprisingly rescues her without from from a danger without breaking her hip that was I was like she didn’t break her hip during that like come on man strong all right no no no I know I
Know I know like how do you how do you do this to a woman at her age and not break a hip like come on like anyways but one it’s a great movie it’s a great movie great now you’re making me want to watch it yeah oh it’s it’s you
Absolutely have to rewatch it completely holds up you know I keep putting it in my like patreon vote lists for like movies I can cover and it never wins makes me very sad one of the one of the most or one of the memorable scenes that I always remember from that movie is
After the it burns down and the one the the uh the runt of the litter the the stillborn one who was you know jolted back to life um or jolted into life I guess uh is is in the entryway I’m a healthcare worker I’m a healthare worker I’ve always worried
About the elderly in their hips or just like that’s when it’s all goes downhill yeah yeah uh but he’s he’s in the entry way placing one of those little octagonal tiles back oh right the tiles in the entry that that that front entry was like you know kind of like
Central to to or was a plot device at least from the beginning all the way through it was representing all the history of the building and all that stuff yeah yeah yeah we don’t do that anymore right see that Frank not really or Harry Noble uh or whatever Harry in
The in the movie was actually always trying to fix the tiles in that front so and that little robot in there it’s just like it’s like it’s come on guys it’s not over we can fix it and then all of the robots descend and you know put it
Back together so yeah make it brand new I have seen clips of that the May West thing y it is messed up wrestling is so wild oh I love that call oh beautiful call there oh yeah no no no I like I like it and again it’s that
Like holding on to what got us here versus our versus like an egotistical desire to not appreciate history and create something that’s just here for profit right that doesn’t have soul right and like you think about like the soul of a city and you know the the the average
Person loves the soul of a city you talk about anybody from oh what was it that I was watching with oh I I’ll I’ll get to like I’ll bring that movie up or whatever but like they bring up Brooklyn strong and like you know that love for
Brooklyn right and and you know these these this even we’re seeing it today this gentrification um and this updating where it’s pushing out the residents that have lived there for for you know decades right and they’re losing their homes because someone wants to make an a profit and you’re getting priced out of
Your area even though you’re part of that history this town like this area has a history and we don’t care about that as long as we’re making profits right well I mean the movie is about like on the movie is about like nurturing nurturing history nurturing other people like cuz all these people
Who live in this apartment complex they’re all broken in one way or another they’re all messed up people and they’re very different people but they manag to come together to nurture not only the robots but also like the apartment building and each other that’s what the
Movie is about and like that’s why the one Thug actually kind of has a redemption in the end absolutely right yeah it’s one big family in the end yeah exactly and that’s that’s what the movie is about and it’s a real Feelgood movie and those robots are so darn cute yes
They are and again like just nurturing people that are different than us we can come together because we’re really all brothers and sisters in it in theend right versus versus exploiting one another for our own gain right and and so like it’s that two contrasting things um that we’re still struggling with you
Know here we are like 40 years later I think that’s just part of the human condition like we’re always going to keep struggling with that y yeah and so so basically uh uh rise up to uh people and and uh uh let’s eat the rich and so that’s ultimately
The I got my knife and my Fork right here let’s go bring the barbecue let’s go Pi torches Tores and barbecue sets it’s reol yeah anyway on on that note I think we’re going to call it um again thrash is currently over at that other podcast which name I already forgot he’s he’s
Talking about them Dave sunstrom is going to have a members only stream in about 20 minutes I’ve got a Twilight Zone video dropping in about 20 minutes um and if you’re a patron of mine you can actually watch my review of G the three-headed monster which I put on
Patreon today um great and yeah we’ll do it from here to paternity stream in a couple weeks when we do part two of this same weekend y um and yeah so we don’t have any honorable mentions because we got we got two more of these to go I’m
Sure yes oh yeah yeah we got plenty my list just keeps getting longer and longer the longer I think about it so um on that note goodbye everybody thank you for joining me thank you Tracy Danny Shan Indie John them uh Tristan everybody else if I forgot you I’m very
Sorry um and thank you th thr thank you Lance sorry you couldn’t stick around but at least you were there in the comments and uh yeah I’ll see you next time oh and don’t forget thrash has another live stream tonight so yes yeah 7:30 Eastern 7:30 Eastern and