He What’s up you guys welcome to high side Ops man this is going to be a lot of fun uh we’re going to double check our audio make sure everything is coming through nice and clear uh with a strong connection guys Andrew freaking tape man
Uh this is going to be a very um I guess you could say interesting uh show to say the least now really quick up front just to let you guys know uh we do have the information that’s happen so if you guys aren’t aware with what’s happening we’ll
Let you guys know that in just a second but we also have a bunch of other information we’re going to present to you guys um we actually have something that just dropped about seven minutes ago that we’re going to let you know as well and then we actually even have a
Emergency meeting that we’re going to be bringing up live that uh Andrew Tate’s going to be starting soon so we’re gonna be playing that here for you guys uninterrupted so we can see what’s actually going on from his mouth and then we’re also going to look at what’s
Going on with the authorities as well first and foremost who am I my name is Wen my last name is Clay I go by Clay because it’s a lot easier for people uh and my job here is to try to find truth all right I use my background as a prior
US Army psychological operations non commission officer and a prior contractor went on a contract for various federal agencies and I utilize this background to help you kind of see through the [ย __ย ] of the Matrix and help you identify Truth at least to the best of my abilities I’m not perfect but
I’ll do my best so first and foremost what happened right so a lot of you guys don’t know if you if you don’t know who Andrew Tate is I don’t know how I mean you must have been living under a rock or something but uh he was the most
Googled man on Earth for about a six or seven month period um currently one of the most trending people online any interview he does gets tens of millions of views he’s extremely famous uh he’s known for his highly controversial statements specifically regarding women uh and today or I guess a few hours ago
Uh he was arrested so let’s look at the specifics all right let’s not do any inuendo let’s look at what the Matrix is claiming happen and then let’s look at what actually happened right all right so first and foremost let me bring this guy up right here all right so uh and by
The way you guys send in chats throughout the whole stream and I will try to get with you guys throughout the stream if you have any questions I’ll do the best of my abilities I’m not a legal professional okay disclaimer um I do have experience in government but not uh
In this regard um but I’m just going to try to give you the information so NBC news we all know how trustworthy they are right okay well online influencer you notice how they’re starting to refer to him as an online influencer uh Andrew Tate detained in Romania um and
Apparently he’s being extradited or might be at least in this article but remember what I said came out a few uh minutes ago so this came out at uh well 4:28 p.m. all right so uh a little over 15 minutes ago uh controversial influencer Andrew Tate will be
Extradited to the UK after Romanian trial so before uh essentially what was happening especially like in this article you see here uh it was like oh he might this might happen he might be XYZ but now we know it’s actually he actually is being extradited now bottom
Line up front I want to let you guys know really quickly um I’ve looked through to the best of my non-legal expertise capabilities uh through the claims I’ve looked at the information presented and I’ve also looked at um what was going on with him regarding the
Girls I’ve looked at the CCT footage as well and it all looks like complete and fabricated [ย __ย ] it looks like [ย __ย ] from the bottom of a shoe all right [ย __ย ] straight out the cows you know behind all right this is not I it looks like it’s all crap but with that
Being said let’s just uh let’s drop U let’s drop that for a second because I got to show you guys this okay so what’s interesting here look at this this is uh this is coming from the Rolling Stone Andrew Tate was released after Aiden Ross blabbed about his escape plans okay
So basically the narrative that’s going on right now they’re trying to present to the world that Andrew Tate was getting ready to go on a run he was going to run away and because he was going to run away they needed to move in and arrest him apparently that is what
They believe was going to happen now um really quick if you guys don’t know the background of this okay so let me give you like a a 30- second background thing and actually we’ll shout out there’s an uh there’s a guy uh where’s he at this
Guy so this is some random guy on the YouTube all right red pill media whatever uh and you know he’s not a big Channel or anything but he put out this clip here this is actually fresh and Fit U breaking do breaking down the initial reactions of everything that happened
There um I have it time stamp here at 22 minutes and 25 seconds is a good spot to kind of jump in and see if you guys want to know a little bit about what H what’s happening they actually read like I show you Romania doesn’t operate that way they’re they’re Consolidated went
Forward the prosecutors and you got the police kind of under one umbrella right okay so they break down the system they even start showing you uh the actual okay and this is the official Romanian press release on the situation now as you okay now this is from when it first
Happened so if you if you don’t if you’re not aware of anything it’s a good video shout out to this guy for uh capturing that that video got taken off of YouTube I believe um and it’s not available so you have to like kind of like really dig forward and find it um
So when it first happened all right this kind of came out right and it was going viral all over social media number one trending I believe um this right here is the footage from actually uh the first time he was arrested here now what I want you to notice something this is the
First time he was arrested uh and detained he was put in jail for about three months or so um and I wanted want you to see how they made sure he was on camera they made sure to put him in front of every everybody and then I’m
Going to show you the footage from this current arrest and uh they did it again I mean they’re trying really hard to make sure the footage is out there this is very public event um yeah this is when it first happened again this is in December all right so then I guess I’ll
Show you the rest of it this is when That the Matrix has attacked me this way all right so that’s the original footage right uh now let’s look at the footage from this arrest uh so this is it here it’s the best clip I found but this is him arriving they got him in the back
Fears he was planning to flee the country it’s going to run away was requested by British authorities okay we’ll get into that a second know since yesterday we have uh an warrant submitted by the authorities from UK in uh January we have today we will put in discussion in the court
Appeal court of Bucharest if Romanian author ities will uh accept this warrant or not at this moment we don’t think that is any opportunity legal opportunity to execute this order regarding the fact that they have already a trial in Romania okay so so that happens and then that’s when this
Article just came out recently so now we know the results of that the one that I initially showed you guys uh so yes ACC uh apparently the judge did Grant it um and specifically uh looking where it was all right so within hours a judge there Tuesday approved the extradition
Of Andrew and Tristan Tate to the UK where they will face charges of sexual aggression uh in a case that dates back a decade uh the original case uh was 2012 to 2015 so this is a very old case they’re essentially just reg Gerger tating the [ย __ย ] um and uh yeah look
Look at Andrew Tate 37 describes himself as a misogynist even though he was making a joke when he says that but anyways all right so long story short this is kind of what’s going on right now leading into this current situation why did this happen and keep in mind we
Are um closely monitoring and Hannah make sure you’re monitoring on your side as well we’re closely monitoring Andrew Tate’s uh Rumble account uh because they are going to be going live actually soon so I’m going to let you hear from and you Tate live we’re going to make sure
We captured here the second they go live okay but I got to show you guys some stuff first so why were why were they arrested right now you guys know listen you guys know my opinions here but you got to see this [ย __ย ] so just before you can’t make this up just
Before Andrew Tate is arrested within 24 hours okay Andrew Tate goes live from uh his uh emergency emergency room emergency meeting that he has and in this he kind of talks about the Oscars more specifically the Demonic cult in relation to the Oscars he even comes live and and admits to being offered
Over 50 million from The Matrix organizations to do certain things dress up certain ways do certain things Etc okay now I have a clip here I’m going to play this clip for you this is actual offer itself there’s some other Clips in here that got them in trouble but I
Don’t know if we have enough time to play all of those because you starting in a few minutes so let me go and show you the most viral clip okay see uh it’s timestamped I’ll give you the time stamps it’s at 1 12648 all right I’m going to go and pull
This up here for you man no kids so when I you and I were at the height of our Fame we were offered $50 million and when we escape this Matrix attack when we’re no longer tied up inside of the legal system I’m going to tell you which
Company offered it to us so you may as well kill me now because I’m going to say it and we were offered $50 million and we basically had to have certain opinions on LGBT and certain opinions on Israel Palestine and we had to wear certain clothes and dress in a certain
Way and do certain things and we would be protected by the media establishment they have said we spend a lot of money on Advertising mainstream media so the mainstream media will never attack you because they cannot go against the poster child of the people who finance
Them basically we hit the gay wall and we declined and after declining we ended up in a jail cell and it’s very interesting Cosmic Cosmic yeah oh wow how’d that happen and it’s very interesting when you sit and talk about how they’re out to humiliate men all
Right before I keep doing that let me show you this other clip that’s going viral as well uh John Cena so if you guys are living under rock you didn’t see what John Cena did look at their comments here I’m going see if I can
Find the correct time set uh it is at 11847 so let’s go and jump to that 11 18 about there it’s easy I didn’t even watch the Oscars why am I here trying to help people understand what’s going on right now is like going back into a burning building to pull someone out
Only to have them keep punching you in the face and demand evidence that the building is on fire even after they admit they can see some flames there’s no denial of any of the things we’ve said we’re no longer conspiracy theorists we’re no longer Crazy in fact even the MSM doesn’t call
Us conspiracy theorists anymore they call us right-wing or extremist or some garbage but they no longer call us conspiracy theorists because they know that it’s not a conspiracy and I want people at home to understand based on the last emergency meeting we were talking about how they’re going to try
And do what they intended to do out in the open as opposed to lie to us and guide us in nicely I want you to understand that the game has now now changed previously we were playing poker and we didn’t know their hand and we had
Our hand and they had theirs and we going to do AAR history at the 46th Academy Awards in 1974 David nien was in the middle of introducing Elizabeth Taylor when a nude man a Streaker ran across the St stage which if you can you imagine if a nude man ran across the stage
Today I said can you imagine if a n man I’m monitoring I pull it up AG today wouldn’t that be crazy Jimmy what I can’t come there I do the thing excuse me for a second what’s going on you’re supposed to run across the stage I uh changed my mind I don’t
Want to do the streer bit anymore what do you mean you don’t want to do this reer bit anymore we’re doing it just don’t feel right about it this is it’s an El an event you know honestly you should deal shame right now for suggesting such a tasteless idea all
Right unfortunately I’m going to have to pause it we’ll come back to it because guess who’s live all right we’ll come back to it after let’s go and react let’s go and see what’s going on let’s hear from the horse’s mouth himself this new self-defense weapon is going to get
Banned in the US everyone needs to have this tool to the mainstream media doesn’t want you to know about this fuel saving hack this this ex programmer got fired from population what they do is they assign prosecutors to go through your entire life there we go got it long
Day well certainly been an interesting one we’ve had less interesting days I wouldn’t say it was unexpected in fact it was hyper predictable the way the Matrix operates is actually an extremely predictable apparatus and for anybody at home that doesn’t understand exactly how these things work let me make it clear
As soon as you become annoyance to the power structures as soon as they deem you an enemy to their narratives which they’re trying to purport upon the population what they do is they assign prosecutors to go through your entire life and try and find crimes you are
Guilty of and most of you at home don’t understand that all of you if you are a full grown man are guilty of crimes because what they do is they lie by omission and they find garbage and try to wreck your life with it for example they will contact every single one of
Your ex-girlfriends and say to them you can have 50,000 and we’ll keep you Anonymous we won’t show your name we won’t show your face you will have no repercussions at all for lying and we will pay you money to say this man did something 10 years
Ago so long ago there can be no proof whether he did it or not and we’re going to use that as justification to try and damage this man and what’s so insane is that we were arrested yesterday yeah I I can tell everyone at home exactly why we
Were arrested as well you see they pretend that they’re serious let me tell you what would happen if I were a serious criminal under a serious investigation by serious I mean real I would have been tried you get a trial Andrew oh you get a tri no so what
Happens is they obviously arrest you and they have lots of evidence on you and then you a trial and then they found you guilty and then you go to jail and you stay in jail to serve your sentence okay so what happened to us originally for
Those of you who don’t know the story is we got jail first okay okay the search for evidence afterwards okay then charges okay then the evidence is all being dismissed so if there’s a trial there’s no evidence but we’ve been in some form of arrest for the entire
Period so no matter what happens we’ve served a long sentence and that’s what happens when you don’t have a serious criminal investigation and yesterday’s arrest because I know a lot of people are curious about this I’m going to summarize exactly what happened and why it happened I’m going to make it full
Screen guys I’m going to take myself out of it uh so you guys can see it full uh let me just hit this guy nope not that one you know how I it’s way oh there it goes oh not that one there it goes all right and then I’m gonna take myself out
This is not the fault of Romania this is not this one is not this came straight from the United Kingdom my home country my United Kingdom contacted the Romanians with no intention of extraditing me with no intention of flying me to England to face questioning for an open investigation they contacted
Romania and told Romania to do its dirty work they told Romania to do their bidding to put these two boys in jail without a trial I’m going to explain to you how this works Romania has a system called preventative detention if you’re susp suspect of a crime they could put
You in jail before you get a chance to explain yourself a Court that’s why me and my brother did 3 months in jail last year England doesn’t have this if I had been extradited to England I would have went there they would have questioned me
For a few hours and I would have been completely free lived my life in England perfectly fine wouldn’t even need to come back to Romania the judge said Do You Tristan Tate want to be extradite to England I said no I want to stay here
And clear my name but what the r what the UK were really trying to do was not to get me extra D and face question questioning and be free in England they were saying look Romania he’s a dangerous criminal because we allege he did something to somebody in 2012 I
Don’t even know who I allegedly did anything to there’s no name on the paper no name 2012 please understand a warrant came through saying in 2012 no not that it was more specific than that it said Tristan committed acts of sexual violence too rough during sex to a victim in 2012 between the
Dates of do you remember April and December 8 months that’s what the paper said and England said look Romania he’s really dangerous we know you’ve got him on trial so don’t extradite him yet but what we want you to do is put him back in prison using your preventative
Detention system which we don’t have to lock our citizen up in your four underfunded prisons until the date of his trial which could be a year or two from now I was this close to a one or twoyear prison sentence unending maybe three years Perma jail and you know who
Saved me a Romanian judge who thought I don’t know her thought process and I’m sure she her thoughts are more eloquently put together than mine but she thought this is a load of crap and she said no she said no you can’t I know the mainstream media are saying a judge
Said that they can be extradited after no no no the judge said this I am not putting these boys in jail cuz I spent the last 30 hours in jail again back in the same jail I’m free the judge said release these men I am not going to put them in jail
They could stay free if UK if your investigation is still going on when this is over then you can have them they’re your citizens if your investigation is still going on when this concludes then I’ll send them back but until then no I’m not going to lock
These men up in jail a Romanian judge this morning saved me from a two or threeyear open-ended Perma jail sentence now what’s interesting about the UK doing this is one I don’t know how much has been leaked to the media or how much is said on Twitter because my brother and I
Have to be careful but just so everybody at home understands Romanian case is falling apart because it’s garbage and we are soon going to be completely free men of course that’s we’re innocent the UK know this they must have heard ah our Matrix attack in Romania has failed so we now
Need a matrix attack against them in the UK but we have a big problem they haven’t even lived in England for 10 years yeah I haven’t lived I haven’t stepped haven’t lived in England for a decade so how do we drum up cases well we do have a case
Which we’ve already closed let me give you the rundown of this case in 2012 a girl got very drunk in my apartment I’ve said this publicly before you threw out she drunk too much alcohol and threw up everywhere I then kicked her out of the
House and said get out you made a mess and you’ve been sick everywhere she then said you owe me money she started texting me threatening me saying if I don’t give her ยฃ5,000 that she will go to the police and ruin your life I saved all the text
Messages from this liar I was then arrested by the British police and thrown in jail on this girl’s lies and the CPS took her phone and found her not only texting me and threatening me and trying to extort me for money but also planning with her friend how to lie to the police
So that we will go to jail the CPS then threw this case away case closed no further action innocent men done then this Matrix attack happens in Romania and this girl thinks ah I can get money so she sends a little dork she hired her lawyer who’s a dng he’s about
This tall and he runs up to my gate and says my clients ยฃ100,000 can you give us money and then we’ll leave you alone is I’m not giving you money it was5 Grand now it’s 100 grand Grand I didn’t do anything to you go away so then he’s run
Back to UK and convinced the UK because we’re going to win this case to turn a case which was closed which then went into a civil case where they were begging me for money into criminal charges in an attempt to extradite SL remand Us in Perma Jail from an event
That was already cleared of any wrongdoing back in 2012 they reopened it to try and put us in ja cuz they had nothing else I was 23 when this was supposed to have happened there is no man on the planet please understand this if you’re watching at home there is no man with
[ย __ย ] balls on this planet who if every single one of his ex-girlfriends who he no longer has contact with was called and offered 50 Grand to lie especially as she has no repercussion no public fa in the media she doesn’t have to walk down the street and worry about
People knowing she’s a liar she gets a fake identity everything all she gets to do is take the money and talk crap who wouldn’t take that money one of the hundreds and all the 99 who says you’re a nice guy they’re ignored Lying by Omission all the ones who say you’re a
Nice man they ignore all those ones they take this one who will take the bribe so they can drum up garbage charges from 10 or 12 years ago Tristan 12 years ago in this random period of 9 months we think you did something how do you even defend
Yourself against who there’s no name on the paper who are you talking about what location what time what did I do what happened nothing sexual violence we don’t know where we don’t know when we don’t know against who maybe at some point in these nine months 11 years ago
Send this man to jail without a trial first they come for us but they’re coming for all of you and if you’re a woman watching this you have a boyfriend or a son or a father or a brother he is no longer safe if he starts to tell the
Truth against the satanic agenda they will come for him the same way they’ve come for us and they only need one girl to lie you know what the scariest thing about it is Tristan I have a sneaking suspicion go on that the girl doesn’t even exist Sophie never existed in the
BBC yeah I know because there’s no name on these papers who says this person’s even real there’s no proof of anything there’s no medical records there’s no pictures there’s no videos there’s nothing here’s how it here’s how it should be if you are accused of a sexual
Crime you and the victim REM remain anonymous if you are found guilty you are plastered all over the media for being a scumbag very fair if you are the victim of a sexual crime and you wish to out a person as a sexual Criminal and go
Public and loud with his name then by law your name should be public and Loud if you’re confident keep it quiet until he’s convicted that’s how it should be but we don’t live in a fair world we live in a world where people who may or
May not exist can call me a human trafficker for five years of my life five years of my life and then everyone’s like well you know these are serious allegations like dork outside the gate there’s serious allegations that you’re facing from who well that’s not the way it Works no who made the
Allegations they’re serious allegations who made the allegations I don’t know I don’t know and the Romanian judge thought Anonymous girl no one knows who made the allegations doesn’t really say what the allegations are at some point in an 8mon period 11 years ago locked them in jail [ย __ย ] no thanks and uh God
Bless you ma’am God bless bless you you may have saved my life now before we go on and I explain to you the details of what’s going to happen next I’ll illustrate was the pen first let’s read the super chats okay we got a lot of
Super chats in today if they’re just for money I’m going to read out your name and say thank you doing your small part to feed the kids Roso $100 appreciate it Isaac illa appreciate it Z zurak yeah never destroy someone’s life with a lie because yours could be easily
Destroyed by the truth indeed and let me tell you actually and I this is a warning if there’s a real false accuser if this person isn’t made up you will face Justice absolutely you will face Justice all false accusers whoever falsely accused me will face legal ramifications and Justice the scary
Thing is I don’t think these people exist but if you are real and you have lied about me you will pay the price legally okay um another Super Chat Zed scor again greet and G’s guys we’re going to cut the Twitter feed we’re on Rumble now Rumble atat speeech come to
The rumble feed before we go into a breakdown of why the UK has decided to attack us now and a celebration of their Monumental failure they love Clyde Pro the king Z get scor what kind of dress do you get for selling your soul peasantry at its finest you can answer
That Brooks 97 just joined the real world you’re making some money good glad to hear it Robert Bender thanks for the money how is it to know things how is it know how is it to know when things are going to happen before they happen Andrew so my record for prediction
Casual blank real Dan s respect my record for prediction is flawless I predicted the first Matrix attack and the first jail sentence and on my last podcast only two weeks ago I said the Romania case is falling apart and the UK is going to try next because they are
Desperate and they can’t stand me but I sat and thought I haven’t even been there in 10 years I didn’t even know they were legally allowed to take a case they threw away because they knew was a lie and start it again and arrest me in
The middle of of the night 11 years later is that even legal in another country is that even legal and then when the UK cannot hold people without charge try to persuade a foreign Nation to hold its own citizens without charge try to weaponize the system of a country like
Romania for their own agendas to Julian Assange a man and his brother wild the BBC propaganda you can’t look at BBC as a media organization what funds the BBC it is the government’s propaganda Branch the UK failed so uh yeah keep in mind guys we’re going to be sitting here I’m going
To let them go through their whole thing um and then afterwards I’ll I’ll go back into the reaction but I want let them go uninterrupted they’ll only be live a little bit longer so uh but I want to let you hear their opinions because this
Is they went through it this is a little ad they’re trying to give people a chance to switch over to rumble but said n look so stupid I said bro we’ve sunk the HMS Hood HMS Hood was the British Battleship and it was up against German BS of the bismar by absolute
Fluke the bismar landed a e e fold we’ve done nothing wrong and we’ll go to [ย __ย ] jail they don’t understand the thing about you and I is that we are hard to kill take me to jail I guess the question for you Tristan because maybe I’m crazy but in light of the Monumental
Power of our enemies and the fact that they are so Brazen they’re not afraid for everybody to know what they’re doing is corrupt and lies it’s not like it used to be as we discussed before they’re not trying to hide their intentions they’re making it very clear if you speak against the establishment
They will do anything it takes to in an attempt to silence you even if it’s against the law even if it’s a matrix attack even if it’s made up they don’t care if everybody knows it’s [ย __ย ] they’re International they control the money they control the media they can clearly reach across country
Borders and decimate our lives like they have them for the last few years and I don’t know maybe I’m crazy but quitting’s never crossed my mind I don’t sweat them I’m a tough guy I’m a [ย __ย ] tough guy what does that mean what does it mean it means two
Days ago I was sleeping comfortably in my bed and I was dragged out and thrown to jail then I was surrounded by a murderer or drug dealer and some guy who committed fraud I was like hi guys they were like respect tap respect I sat there and smoked cigarettes did the
Push-ups I’m a tough guy you can’t just say I’m a tough gu yeah can I can [ย __ย ] handle it that’s what I do I handle [ย __ย ] I’m I’m a [ย __ย ] tough guy good luck I don’t give a [ย __ย ] so we have what one thing I want to
Make very clear to everybody at home because a lot of people are asking how they can help us the demons operate in the dark and they require deception they require confusions and conflations and deception they need people to be confused they need you to sit at home and go maybe oh
We’ll allow this judicial malpractice because maybe there was something that happened maybe Julian Assange put people in danger maybe Russell BR is a rapist maybe the tape Brothers kidnpped people maybe maybe I mean the BBC said maybe it is the truth it is light that
They fear and one of the things that has made me feel a lot better since I’ve left that dungeon only a few hours ago is that I can see that nobody believes them anymore no nobody believes them Candace who is excellent in her own right her and her husband wonderful
People tweeted this I do not care what you think about Andrew and Tristan Tate everything that is happening to them is absurdity a civil case from accusations made 10 years ago that were declined criminal prosecution by the UK courts and that crowdfunded into a civil prosecution is giving eege Carrol Vibes
That any civil case would constitute a middle of the night detainment in a foreign country is beyond absurd a civil case from 11 years ago yeah so we’re joking like the judge saved us from a prison sentence and she did but let’s not forget I was in [ย __ย ] jail 105,000
People watching this 30 40,000 of you aren’t tough guys like me you wouldn’t have made it you would not have survived that one night in that Romanian prison so I still did another jail sentence 30 something hours it’s still jail mat Matt Wallace respect really really good
Account I I uh I highly advise following tweeted this breaking news Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate were just arrested again again this arrest is much more Sinister and disturbing than the last one the details of what just happened may make you 1776 levels of angry this was not the doing of some random
Officials in a small country disgustingly one of the most powerful governments in the world is actually behind it UK authorities reached their authoritarian arm over a thousand miles away and commanded their arrests in Romania surely there must have done something really bad to deserve an arrest warrant from the United Kingdom
Right nope they were ripped from their home by men with guns over BS allegations from an entire [ย __ย ] decade ago the charges are related to allegations of sexual aggression whatever that means in a UK case dating back to 2012 not recent not substantiated on the contrary the tape Brothers have shown overwhelming
Evidence that the accusations against the are false yet here we are them having to spend more time Behind Bars after already being held unjustly for months by the Romanian authorities who couldn’t even pinpoint legitimate charges against them despite trying very hard make no respect make no mistake
This is not Justice or even the pursuit of it this is further punishment by the global Elites for daring to challenge them soon Freedom will be dead across the globe of evil people Behind These horrendous misuses of the legal system are not stopped absolutely correct sir yeah correct if I
Was not famous this would not be happening if I wore a dress this would not be happening if I had taken that sponsorship deal for $50 million and did not mention the genocide in Gaza this would not be happening if I would have shut up after the first Matrix attack
The cancellation this would not be happening if I would have shut up after the first Matrix attack when they put me in jail here in Romania this would not be happening this is happening because I am a beacon of Truth in a world of Lies which proves it has nothing to do with
Justice has nothing to do with right and wrong nothing to do with girls who even exist or events that even happened it is a punishment it is a punishment against anybody who stands up against the system because their goal is to break me to scare you they want to chop off the head
Of the snake if they can show all of you people at home what happens when you tell the truth you’re going to be less inclined to tell the truth they want to destroy The Bravery inside of your soul by destroying my life that’s what they
They want to do they want to kill the general so all the troops behind him suffer cowardice that is why they are attacking us cuz they want to show one at home that no you can’t just stand up and tell the truth you will pay a price
For that and that’s why they’re trying so hard to decimate and destroy our lives because we are inspiring you to say the things you know are true in your heart these people are trying their very best to enslave all of us and you start that the number one way you begin the
Enslavement of a population is inspiring cowardice amongst its Warriors once that is done there is no resistance left none and that is why they want us to pay the price when I went back in that cell yesterday I looked around I said hello darkness my old
Friend my first words and I didn’t think I was going to get out for years I was fully prepared cuz I understood the nature of the attack I was fully prepared for 1 month two month 5 month a NeverEnding Perma jail sentence cuz I I knew I smelt immediately
What was going to happen and a judge was selected and luckily for me a just prudent judge was selected she saw through this and said no no God bless that lady in other news the tape Brothers have been arrested and detained threats of repatriation to the
UK for uh rumors from about a decade ago that did not meet the criteria for a criminal prosecution tion meanwhile the Epstein Client List remains at large now what they don’t tell you there was a rape allegation against Andrew Tate in 2015 from the girls who they’ve got
These voice recordings of well Vice media didn’t tell anyone is that the reason that didn’t go to trial was cuz the two girls who are making allegations when you make a seual allegation we’ve seen it with this Ellie Williams case up in Barrow your phone is taken off you
The police the police found that these two girls were conspiring to exore Andrew Tate for money I want to make something clear I was saying this morning on Twitter how John Cena yesterday at the Oscars was doing his humiliation ritual to satisfy his gay pay masters and everybody’s saying oh
Maybe he’s just promoting a movie maybe maybe maybe let me tell you something I don’t care what movie I’m in you could not convince me to do that you could not convince me to do anything fruity or weird it doesn’t matter what movie I’m in because there’s no need I can promote
Other ways I won’t do it because my principles are too strong so to say he’s only promoting a movie is still agreeing with me you’re saying he’s promoting his movie for money because he sold a soul to his pay Master well he was pretending to be an only fans guy as the character
Of the movie and releasing on fans that’s the last emergency meeting we said about 8 hours before they finally came and arrested US you think that was the final straw what did I say during that emergency meeting I’m going to try and repeat what I said cuz I’m not sure
If we have the clip so 8 hours before I got arrested I said you either take part in the naked dress wearing humiliation rituals that the Matrix wants you to report to make you look weak so young men do not be strong or you suffer the other humiliation
Uh rituals like per walks like being handcuffed and dragged through the media oh make no mistake sure a judge said this was stupid sure I’m not under arrest sure it didn’t work but they still got what they wanted they could have said hey Tristan we’re going to do
This extradition thing show up in court tomorrow and I would have showed up no no no they put me in handcuffs they put you in handcuffs they called the media they walked us through that field of cameras again that’s the humiliation ritual I get and as I said on the
Emergency being 8 hours before they did it I would rather do that for the rest of my life than wear a dress I believe 8 hours before I got arrested I was waving my hands around like this saying per walk me take me to jail put me in front
Of the cameras I said that 8 hours before and then the guys came to my house I was like oh [ย __ย ] they’re here I’ve done a lot of self-analysis because as a professional you have to make sure you’re on the right side of history and the reason the
World is so complicated is because it’s not often black and white there’s varying Shades of Gray we’re two opposing forces either both sides believe they’re the good guys some have some good points some have some bad points and it’s messy and it’s muddled so I’ve St I’ve sat as a professional
And analyzed my own actions and my own thoughts and the and tried to come to the conclusion Andrew are you on the right side of History here will the world be better if the Matrix breaks yes it’s unfair yes it’s unjust perhaps The Matrix is required perhaps you should
Comply I’ve sat and I’ve analyzed this deeply to make sure that I’m not doing something wrong and although my enemies never self-reflect they never look in the mirror and think am I doing the right thing here because they lack the perspicacity and they lack the humil
Humility they lack faith in God I have analyzed myself heavily for years and I know I’m doing the right thing I know that allowing the people who are in charge to continue to lie and deceive us will end nowhere but slavery I know that when they drag us to jail for old
Previously closed cases from 10 years ago while we are feeding children feeding orphans during Ramadan I know we’re on the right side of History the day I was locked in that cell yesterday when they threw me amongst the Cockroaches to remind me of where I’m
Going to end up if I’m not quiet the day that was happening in the exact same time my money was being spent feeding orphans during Ramadan do you think any of these people who call me a bad person are feeding orphans you think any of the
Journalists who work for the BBC or any of these other clowns or prosecutors or Garbage idiots are sitting there concerned with the fact that children can’t eat no they don’t care they care about nothing but themselves and the evil satanic agendas and they will never
Tell you the good work we do for the world they will never mention all the Fantastic positive things we do for the world they’re going to try and convince you instead that we’re evil dangerous people because we have an opinion and our opinion is simply to use your eyes
And use your brain and think I’m not sure why it’s quiet right now I’m not sure what they’re doing this is their stream I can’t hear anything I’m not sure why this is their stream guys well until we get audio back I guess I’ll go ahead and um address
Some of that holy [ย __ย ] man uh first of all that was an epic ramp I mean he came in and absolutely destroyed as always that was great um I’ll tell you right now though wait is this like an ad what the [ย __ย ] is he playing man bro this is his
Stream oh oh no this is um this is the the food that they sent yeah that’s what this is this is the The Matrix Has Come For Me on every possible level they have come for my bank accounts they have come for my children they have come for the
Women I love and take care of they’ve come for my family they’ve come for my businesses they’ve come for any corporate structure I’ve ever owned they’ve come for my social media accounts I cannot order an Uber I’m the most banned person on the planet and still our platforms remain completely
Matrix independent they remain completely fully functional at all times The Meta servers may go down but university.com doeses not go down the real world Will Survive irregardless of what happens to me it doesn’t require me it doesn’t need me it exists independently of me and if you want to
Support us the best way you can do that is learn to make as much money as possible because not only do we need you spreading the truth not only do we need you telling everybody that we’re innocent we need you to be a kind of person people listen to and nobody
Listens to brokies we need you to make as much money as possible and become financially successful we need you to be rich so when you speak the truth people listen the real world is an independent platform which is not controlled by anything Matrix orientated every single element of the real world is Matrix
Independent and for that reason irregardless of whatever happens to me it will survive and the reason I’m saying this is because when we were locked up we got a massive spike in users people were joining to show support for us and I appreciate that anybody who wants to support us please
Join the real world in real time please follow the instructions and make as much money as possible because that as the best way you can possibly support us by becoming as rich as possible so all right did you have a good day I had a pretty good day bro why was
It good why was it all good we’re living we’re breathing people are listening to us we’re healthy kids are healthy I want all the people at home to have enough appre to have some appreciation for the garbage we go through and the level of bravery that is required because most people at home
Think they would do what we’re doing but when your head’s on The Chopping Block it’s not nearly as easy as people think it is and to stay positive and to stay strong is extremely difficult and one of the things I’ve actually noticed about this entire Saga which has brought me peace
Is that the strength of our Brotherhood is so deep that we are seen as one man yep they won’t attack one of us think about it most Brothers in fact most men who go to jail have a brother true one of them goes true but with us they only ever
Attack both of us yeah this 2013 [ย __ย ] is about you you threw the girl out of the house I didn’t even know her the tap Brothers go to jail well they arrest us both as one person every time because they know that our Brotherhood is so strong that
Attacking one of us will not achieve the desire to effect they need to try and take down both of us which is actually I consider a massive compliment to the strength of our Brotherhood so thank you very much guys because we are seen as one man we’re seen as one force because
We are one idea and every single time they attack us both part of me Smiles because they know how strong our Brotherhood is and how strong our message is and they know that trying to attack one of us individually won’t work so they have to try and take us both
Down and just like the last time you were thrown in jail purely for being my brother you just got thrown in jail again purely only for being my brother yeah I did didn’t I yes that’s why you went to jail Tristan I’ve had worse
Days do we roll over and shut up or you know because you and I have had this conversation about all the things we’re not saying people think we’re telling the truth truth and people think we’re saying everything but in fact there’s a whole bunch of things we’re not saying
Perhaps we need to start saying more perhaps once we’ve realized our enemies can’t be reasoned with and that these people are clinically insane we no longer have anything to lose perhaps we should blow the lid head to toe on how all this [ย __ย ] works on how all of the
Satanic agendas work on all the messages that were sent to us trying to set by us on all the sponsorship deals that which were offered to us for us to sell our souls the truth about a Corruption of the justice system I want people to understand you at home think the justice
System is a system where bad guys go to jail and innocent people don’t go to jail and there’s lawyers and there’s law and it’s this fully functioning system no the justice system is very much like a car with two wheels it will move forward but it’s messy and it clunks and
It’s broken and two of the wheels are busted off so there’s sparks flying everywhere sure it moves but it doesn’t move very succinctly it doesn’t move very efficiently it’s a broken damaged system with lots of elements of corruption and things that are wrong with it and mistrials and people
Innocent people going to jail and guilty people walking please understand the whole system is broken and we have inside information on exactly how broken it is perhaps if they’re going to continue to attack us and continue to not even play fair and follow the rule
Of law and to open up cases they have previously closed due to lack of evidence to try and put us in jail from something that happened 11 years ago purely because the Matrix attack in Romania has failed perhaps we should actually on the next emergency meeting
Blow the lid on all this [ย __ย ] and just go to jail because we’ll go jail same day if we tell what we know we will go jail same day the same day but what else am I supposed to do roll over and die well after I beat you the BBC after I
Destroyed the BBC Tristan gave me a high five he’s like oh you wrecked them they’re going to look so stupid I said bro we’ve sunk the hats Hood hats Hood in World War II HMS Hood was the British Battleship it the the the flagship of the royal Navy and the Royal Navy was
Obviously renowned it has been for hundreds of years it was the best Battleship and it was up against German battle cruiser the bismar and the hood should have outgun the bismar and it was the best German ship against the best British ship by absolute fluke the bismar on its first volley or second
Volley landed a shell perfectly through the top of the hood and blew up the ammo magazine and like in the first shot within minutes destroyed the entire HMS Hood killed like I think it was like 3,000 people two survivors you can find the video on YouTube the hood blow into
Pieces when Church Hill found out the hook was sunk he said syn to Bismark don’t care what it costs he sent every ship every plane every sub diverted from every other Mission doesn’t care if we lose every plane we have don’t care if we lose the RAF we cannot lose the hood
Without him losing the Bismark syn the Bismark when the Bismark sunk the hood all of the crew were celebrating except the captain the captain updated his will he updated his will and telegraphed home his wife and said goodbye cuz he knew when I destroyed the BBC my brother was
Celebrating I knew I said Tristan no you don’t beat the British Broadcasting Corporation and make fools of them like this without some new [ย __ย ] we sunk the hood and he’s like oh we’ll see oh who’s this Eevee Eve Evee I [ย __ย ] knew it I’m winning too well I’m scared by
The incompetence of these clowns but I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do am I supposed to lose I I’m genuinely looking for guidance here am I supposed to roll over and [ย __ย ] lose when they’re lying about me and slandering my and trying to put me back in a [ย __ย ] dungeon back
With the Cockroaches all I could do is protest my innocence but they’re such idiots I make them look so stupid and then there’s egos involved you think the you think the you think Lucy Williamson hasn’t been called into a meeting room with some BBC producer saying you made a
Fool of us yes she has there’s egos involved big big businessmen with business interests have ego investment in hurting me now and I keep winning so I don’t know I’m in a very precarious scenario do I continue to win do I do I let them win a big
Do I just roll over and shut up what am I supposed to do I don’t know what the right move is it’s difficult perfect I think all we can do at this point trist is just run run faster at the gunfire if they’re going to try and kill us anyway I don’t see
The point in walking I don’t see the point in even trying to play fair with these animals I think we should just blow the lid on all this [ย __ย ] I’m not [ย __ย ] scared you know I’m not cuz you know the same day we do that they’re
Going to bust in this door and take us straight back to that jail he talked about humiliation rituals same day jail I don’t give a [ย __ย ] I no longer give a [ย __ย ] you know what do it still standing we are aren’t we better than I ever did we’re
Innocent and if you think you’re going to intimidate me into pretending I’m guilty of something or being afraid of you when I know I’m on the right side of History then you’ve made a very grave mistake so I guess my message to everybody at home is please go to corporate.com sign
Up to the email list there’s going to be some very interesting information coming in the next couple of days it’s completely free if you want to support us join the real world and become as rich as possible you need to understand the power of fraternity and Brotherhood
The only reason we have been able to survive the Matrix attacks this long is because every time we’re locked up and put in jail we have 20 or 30 or 40 men we can rely on with our lives rely on with our money rely on with our wives
Rely on with our car with our children you need Brotherhood you need fraternity those are the only people who are going to care about you when things go down you can have women who love you but they can’t help men can help men can fight and anybody who’s serious about
Joining us in this Crusade against evil we expect to see you inside the real world and see you inside of the war room and meet you in person and our personal decision has been the same as it’s been since the beginning of this which is not
To give up we’re not going to back down we’re not going to be intimidated we’re not going to cower we know the truth and we’re going to continue to tell the truth and IR regardless of what happens I’m sure my brother and I will stay Standing okay so the rest of it it’s they got like uh promo videos they’re going to be playing here um but okay so I mean first of all we heard a lot um I I think most of the uh concrete points from their perspective have been hit
Again you guys know how I feel uh I believe that the uh Tates are innocent based on what I have personally seen I’ve only got to speak with Andrew Tate one time uh so I don’t know him well but from what I have seen and with the CCT
Footage the claims the lack of evidence the lack of even a woman existing in some cases or the the the the Matrix agenda pushing certain narratives Etc it all seems to be false and there seems to be a very clear narrative being pushed here by the Mocking Bird media um and
Specifically Al it’s all centered around destroying masculinity and and essentially Andrew Tate is the The Shining Light of that masculine uh Excellence so he absolutely destroyed guys I want to give him credit he absolutely destroyed the Matrix there absolutely [ย __ย ] wrecked them completely it wasn’t even close uh and
You guys have seen you like I’ve showed you earlier with the well I don’t want to stop it now because he got his promo thing going U you guys I showed you earlier I showed you a lot of the the way the media is painting this um some
Of them are saying it’s because of what Aiden Ross said other people are saying it’s be the truth is that um is that he was gonna flee but there’s no evidence suggesting that he was actually gonna flee Etc all right that’s it for that
Let me go ahead and uh I don’t know why my computer started lagging hold on guys what the heck sorry I got a little lag my cursor is jumping all over the place uh apparently buying the fastest computer on the planet doesn’t doesn’t do [ย __ย ] okay all
Right so anyways let’s jump back to what we were handling beforehand all right so going back now this right here was a say tanic ritual uh done by I believe the global Elite shown at the Oscars and I interrupted it beforehand so let’s go ahead and jump back into that video and
Let’s check out check out this Satanic ritual here and guys send in more chats sorry um I know I I had deactivated some of our overlays and some of our chats uh but I just reactivated it so send in some Rubble chats so they start popping
Up on here guys um but yeah let’s check this out at the 46th Academy Awards in 1974 David nen was in the middle of introducing Elizabeth Taylor when a nude man a Streaker ran across the St stage which if can you imagine if a nude man ran across the stage
Today I said can you imagine if a new man ran across the stage today wouldn’t that be crazy Jimmy what I I can’t come there I do the thing excuse me for a second what’s going on you’re supposed to run across the stage I uh changed my mind I
Don’t want to do the streer bit anymore what do you mean you don’t want to do the streer bit anymore we’re doing it just don’t feel right about it man this is it’s an elegant event you know honestly you should feel shame right now for suggesting such a tasteless idea oh
It’s supposed to be funny the male body is not a joke mine is no it’s not you wrestle naked why not dude I don’t wrestle naked I wrestl in Jorts Jorts are worse than naked come on you’re really not going to do this fine just give out the award then God or [Applause]
Worst oh my God a NY guy wow look at all those [ย __ย ] actresses sitting in the Crowd Oh my God this is so funny it’s not even [ย __ย ] funny where where’s the joke here not only is he humiliating himself we all know why but they’re trying to
Pretend it’s a joke what’s funny why doesn’t anyone sit there and go children want this show why is this dude naked this isn’t even funny where’s the joke in it why are all those well you know it’s not a joke cuz him sitting there hey I don’t really want to do this it’s
Embarrassing it’s true it’s probably the most the most legitimate part of the entire [ย __ย ] skit we’re cutting on on X now you can find us exclusively okay so that happens right now I’m going to show you guys so again all of this footage you’re seeing here just so
Happened to occur just before they were arrested okay they were arrested within 24 hours of this airing think about that all right let me show you yeah walk Wheels jumping in chat just as the life’s jumping in here major pain infat shout out to all you guys yeah I know we
Started a little early because we wanted to capture uh Andrew Tate’s live reaction which we did all right check this out guys look at this all right so just about uh I’m trying to look at my time stance and I try to get all the
Most crazy moments of here uh okay so we have uh he talks about the gay pay masters okay and the gay line all right so let me goad and jump to that real quick quick um cuz I didn’t hit that yet right Hannah I think we didn’t we didn’t
Get a chance to hit that before we started the yeah this you said what did we get this part in here here hold on let me see make sure let’s let’s just tell them how it is let me explain to everybody how the world works I don’t
Think we got this in Oscars are a reward for being owned congratulations you’ve been a good Slave To The Matrix you’ve been a good you’ve been a good Cog in this system you don’t get an Oscar unless they’re happy with you how and why would they be happy with you well I
Don’t think many people understand that streaming is a relatively new phenomenon and streamers becoming cultural icons is certainly a very new phenomenon five six years yeah you can become well known on the internet streaming on a platform like Rumble because of free speech without a gatekeeper true but
Traditionally normally if you want to get famous in any sphere there is gatekeeping so let me give you some examples if you want to become a famous streamer you can’t say anything against the Matrix or YouTube will stop you there’s a wall this is the wall and at some point the
Wall turns gay turns gay it’s a rainbow wall it’s a rainbow if I had more colors I’d do a rainbow wall you’re going to go black and blue [ย __ย ] nice so you’re a person right Gaye Keepers this chat’s saying Gaye Keepers gayers so you’re a person and you have dreams and Ambitions
This is you person I’m going to illustrate this with a graph you’re a you’re a guy and you want to become an actor or a singer or a streamer or an a novelist doesn’t matter what you want to be and you think that your talent and
Your hard work will get you there and then you realize you need some networking you need to know the right people and then you’re going to realize that sooner or later you’re going to come up to a Gaye keeper and a gay keeper is either going to be a publicist
A man manager an agent a production company a streaming platform it doesn’t matter if it’s YouTube it doesn’t matter if it’s it doesn’t matter if it’s Warner Brothers sooner or later for you to be well known you’re going to have to do a deal with the people who are in charge
And the deal they basically want for you to do is become gay you can only get so large until you hit that wall and you either bounce off it and go down to nobody and all your dreams and aspirations are crushed or you go through it and come out
Covered in Rainbow flags and come as you can see from the diagram here the Blue Line represents people like me and Andrew so you have the fame axis and the success axis so you start from nowhere everyone is here even you watching home are here with no success
And no Fame me and Andrew are what the blue line should have been and the blue line goes up here and this this line here that c that intersects our graph is the gay line gay line and if you don’t turn gay at this line what they do
Is there’s a Mator attack which spirals your Fame into Oblivion or that’s what should have happened that’s what the the standard operating procedure is there’s the gay line there’s the go to Israel line there lots of lines that they want you to go through put on the little hat
Line and we can go further into these rabbit holes later but me and Andrew didn’t we decided not to bow to demands and the plan was for us to spiral to zero and they’ve done this to many people they almost did it to Alex Jones
I’m going to do I’m going to draw some lines of people success whereas this is the success in gay line so let’s say You release a song I don’t know I’m going to take my horse to the old road I’m going to completely normal song a good song
And you get a level of Fame and success and you get to hear you better embrace the gay because then you’re fous talking is Lil NX and that’s not a racist joke goes all the way up to the [ย __ย ] sky why this is what should happen to people
Who don’t bow and this is what H happens to people who do but I’m going to give you two lines I’m going to give you two two new lines there’s the Alex Jones line right so here’s the gay line Alex Jones as we know is a superhero I guess
His Fame and success was coming slowly slowly slowly refused to sell out boom canceled to almost zero but Alex Jones crep back up crep back up boom back to zero again another lawsuit CP back up crap back up up Elon buys X and now Alex Jones is back here good right he
Survived the gay line attack by not selling out yep now I’m going to give you the Andrew Tristan Tate line which is ever so slightly different Andrew Tristan Tate line here we hit the gay line we don’t sell out we go to jail so
We do a tiny dip and then our Fame goes up here to the universe so it didn’t work on us and they’re upset but everyone else is still following as you said Andrew the exact same pattern of bow down and cave in to the lines of your gay Masters okay
Speaking of gay Masters sound like you’re Ching on a dick bro no I’m kidding all right so shout out to Y that shit’s hilarious and it’s [ย __ย ] accurate all right so let’s jump to the next clip the next clip from this thing remember this is all this all aired and
Happened live right before they were arrested and let’s see if we can figure out why they were actually arrested and why they’re being extra DED to the UK all right next clip uh see let me see if I can find it here and this is the last
Part in the gay pay masters but they mentioned Cat Williams and they call him the G of the week and uh I want you to hear what Cat Williams says this is a gay pay master so this is a random not trying to be anyone not related to
Anyone it’s a black guy with sunglasses holding wads of cash let’s say he’s a music producer cuz he looks pretty cool and he’s telling this guy who’s straight to suck his big black penis so he can get sexual blackmail now obviously this is just a random drawing I drew this is
Not supposed to be anyone let’s call this guy Duff Patty Duff Patty Duff Patty because yeah when you cross the gay line guys once you cross that line not only do you have to promote the garbage they want you to promote they then have endless blackmail
On you and they control you you better suck this dick right I think someone else has actually highlighted this typ people before oh this guy G the G of the week love him salute Legend G the week G the week Cat Williams discusses the ritual of putting on the dress on Joe Rogan
Show me one person that ever wore a dress in Hollywood unsuccessfully check this out so like when I when I be like uh oh these guys are wearing dresses everybody’s like oh he keeps talking about people wearing dresses no it’s not weird thing it’s not like that
Look at it from a different way look at it show me one person that ever wore a dress in Hollywood unsuccessfully MH that’s how you understand what a ritual is so 20 years ago I knew that transgenders was going to be a thing it wasn’t because I was a prophet it’s just
I had gotten so much yeah show me somebody in Hollywood who’s ever worn a dress un sucessfully okay think about that all right and then he goes on to show show actually some images uh about right well he’s showing some other people that cuck to The Matrix right here look at this
Nice anyway what we gonna say don’t do it interesting no one’s ever worn a dress unsuccessfully so and you’re any kind of masculine role model they try and make you go past the gay wall to say look it’s cool it’s fine to be gay you should be more gay and the
Primary objective of all of this is we’ve discussed at length is to damage masculinity because masculinity is the bottom line protector of society it is men who are not afraid to be men who are unapologetically men who are going to resist the enslavement which they are
Trying to remove all of us so they can enslave the entire human populace it is only men who are going to resist it and as much as I don’t want to sound like a misogynist women can’t resist it a primarily they can’t and two women if you offer them convenience or you offer
Them ease or you offer them attention or you offer them a bunch of other things they’re very likely to give up their freedoms for safety because they’re afraid if you say you’re safer if we do it this way because they’re afraid they’re going to take it only men will
Say no I will take the risk to stay free and we have about six years left until 2030 and unless the world gets some balls it’s pretty much over for us so yep that’s also why they should repeal the 19th anyways uh and canceled uh okay
So let me show you one more clip now this is his EP epic [ย __ย ] rant and then we’ll we’ll stop showing reaction videos from this and we even have some statements from pbd and some other people regarding Andrew Tate’s AR resque and some of the background information
On it uh this is one of the most epic rants I’ve seen him go on in a while okay in the time stamp right here uh it’s about right yep we have to listen to this rant man what a [ย __ย ] dork they took they had us oh [ย __ย ] my bad and
They handcuffed us and they waited and they keep in mind there is an audio delay here it’s not us it’s their stream itself their audio got disconnected from their mouth with slight delay not us it’s said an officer outside to alert and let the Press know that we were
Coming out to turn all their cameras on get in a row so they could all get a shot and walk us through our humiliation ritual this is and when Tristan said to him why can’t you bring the van inside why can’t we do this privately because
This is all going to go away because we’ve done nothing wrong and I said to the officer yeah why are you out there organizing the Press and there was a female officer and I won’t say her name who had a smile on her face yeah I know
Who she thought it was funny here we are this is this was all funny to them because it was all set up on purpose because they wanted to humiliate us this was our humiliation ritual right here the Matrix has attacked you know the best part about Andrew and I know which female officer
You’re talking about sitting there with a little [ย __ย ] smile on her face you know the best part about that you’re ready I’d rather do that than wear a [ย __ย ] dress right any [ย __ย ] day put me back in cuffs make me walk make me run a marathon of media in a [ย __ย ] jail
Outfit here I’d rather do that than wear a dress here’s the mistake they made they didn’t understand they don’t understand that we are symbols of resistance against the Matrix and doing what they thought would humiliate us only emboldened us and our fans and our supporters and made us stronger than
Ever before nobody believes that everybody knew a [ย __ย ] lie all you did was prove me right all you did was say Andrew was right to the entire world so very much like my brother has just pertinently stated I will not wear a dress and if you want to arrest me you
Can set the cameras up and arrest me again and I will walk past with pride because all I’m doing is displaying to the world that I refuse to sell my soul that my sanity and my principles are not for sale because I am a man of Pride and bravery
I don’t give a [ย __ย ] if you think that makes me look bad makes him look like a criminal guess what in the world today if you’re any kind of masculine man with a semblance of Freedom inside of his mind you’re considered a thought criminal anyway we’re all criminals
Because we don’t buy into this [ย __ย ] cuz we bounced off the gay wall all you’re doing is telling the world that I’m one of the best anti- gay wall people that there’s ever been I don’t give a [ย __ย ] yeah [ย __ย ] your perf walk give it to me
Do it again I don’t care but the fact that it was set up deliberately in an attempt to humiliate us and damage our reputation this whole thing has been a matrix attack that begun the same day we rejected that sponsorship offer it was after rejecting that sponsorship offer
That the MSM turned on us and started attacking us endlessly it was after that that we lost all of our social medias it was after that that we got arrested and all this garbage came it was after that that the BBC the BBC called me on my
First day in jail saying we don’t believe what’s happening to you is fair we believe this is a breach of your human rights we understand Romania is known for its corruption in this legal system we want to have your first interview on the way out we want to ask
Really interesting questions to let the people at home know the truth about what’s going on I said no I rejected them endlessly they called me every single day Lucy came to the jail they kept coming coming coming begging me to do this interview saying it’ll be my
Chance to show the world I’m innocent I allow them into my house I sit them down and we sit for this interview where we’re going to ask how prison was and our first words are are you a rapist a matrix attack she admitted on BBC Radio 4 afterwards that she had rehearsed that
Interview please understand please understand I leave the jail cell doing a keto against the [ย __ย ] cockroaches I leave the jail cell I come here I have nightmares I can’t sleep I’m supposed to be giv this interview where I get to tell my side of the story a softball
Fair interview I sit down and I’m attacked I’m jumped they just come at me with no from nowhere Lucy with her [ย __ย ] questions wait for me to stutter or make a mistake and go oops so they can make a fool of me on TV but I
[ย __ย ] beat them I beat her and she looked [ย __ย ] dumb and I recorded it myself and I released it before they did and I beat the Matrix and they came at me with something else dmg’s outside the gate crying his eyes out like a piece of [ย __ย ] [ย __ย ] they can’t stand us and
They’re trying to this day to find new ways to damage and humiliate us because we’re symbols of resistance what keep trying yeah you’re right because the purple the effect it wanted the Lucy interview didn’t have the the D’s weird documentaries don’t have the effect they wanted the fake uh
The fake people in the UK making up fake stories don’t have the effect they wanted nothing is having the effect they wanted nothing nothing so yeah uh yeah so that was that was like a 10 minute straight freaking rant man all right let me bring my up my chats here uh is it
Han can you uh verify oh crap yeah okay all right yeah they’re popping up right there okay cool and then let me bring back up my uh restream oh [ย __ย ] oh we got some people on Facebook all right bro uh I got you man I’ll respond in a second
Um and then let me bring back up my event list and everything okay I had to minimize it guys for the uh Power person okay all right real quick let me see what you guys are saying in the freaking chats man holy that was was like a
10minute rant like the dude just went off uh okay Hannah you want to go ahead and fly through these chats with me real quick I’ll bring up your camera it’s little guy right there all right um this move okay we’re starting at the beginning yeah and make sure you might
Have to put a little closer to your you’re a little quiet oh I think my voice is going out all right um and Fred these women should be put through the literal Hill the tape Brothers have gone through for lying and trying to get money as a female I have a
Hard time believing other women when they say something like this happen it shouldn’t be that way guilty before proven innocent yeah I got to tell you you know um I have examples uh from my personal life that were actually fairly simil similar to this and I’ve broken
This down beforehand uh if you guys want me to tell the story here I will uh just let me know in chats but uh you guys I had that whole personal situation happened but it really is it doesn’t matter whether or not what the woman says is true doesn’t okay it doesn’t
Because what actually happens the second an accusation is made against you especially the bigger you are the more important position you hold in a company whether it’s in the media’s eyes or or not the second that accusation is dropped down your head is chopped off like a guillotine and from that point
Forward you’re going to receive that label even if after the couple year long investigation you’re proven innocent I’m not necessarily saying this is what is applicable applicable here I’m speaking generally in society so regard regardless of how you feel about Andrew Tate once a man is accused of a crime
The results are the end of his life as he knows it okay it takes years to regain your credibility you lose friends you lose business deals you lose all kind of things uh so it’s not the same and uh in my personal career for example I had the security clearance issue do
They do they want me to tell them let them know that’s what they said let them know yeah okay all right you guys want to hear it all right um short version all right so essentially I was still active duty military at the time um I had just been promoted to Staff Sergeant
Or E6 okay um and I was serving at I was psychological operations and my entire job and position requires me to have a certain a certain trust that needs to be placed in me from the federal government and this is why they require you you to have a security clearance Etc now I’m
Operating at this time in uh that was uh in direct support for saota uh Special Operations Joint Task Force just gotten back from a deployment um pin pended for my promotion and I’m getting ready to go out uh on another deployment so we’re in our training cycle we’re getting ready
To leave I get switched actually to a new Regional company so this this new company um and this company’s job was primarily to work with uh I think they went we we were tasked out to working with the CIA and we’re supporting an operation overseas in the Middle East so
I’m preparing to to you know initiate this Mission set um I’m getting FastTrack to E7 um you know year whatever time goes by and I’m knock working at all these good schools um you know my I’m getting ready to get promoted again and and I’m at the height of my
Career uh just finishing uh some some graduate St or some uh educational studies Etc like my career is taken off right okay and I’m with the woman who then decides to um essentially I won’t say too many specifics uh to protect her and because I already know people
Reseearch and and they attack her and come after her but essentially she made false claims against me so it it was proven false in the court of law and everything was dropped and I was proved innocent however the investigation process to prove my innocence was over a year okay well actually that actual
Investigation itself was 11 months and then um it didn’t conclude after every all the paperworks filed everything until about 13 months during this whole process my security clearance is frozen remember in the beginning I told you that you are required to have a um a security clearance in order to do your
Job because there’s a certain level of trust that must be placed on you unfortunately once the accusation was made they freeze your security clearance which prevents my ability to work prevents my ability to work uh get promotions um even you know do anything at all with my career so my whole career
Essentially was on pause for the entire time now here’s a kicker this woman during my investigation process she was able to make the claims and then leave why because the military has to conduct a separate investigation from the civilian side so the civilian side cleared me civilian side proved within 2
3 months that I didn’t do anything case dropped move on dismissed whatever dismissed with presidents and removed from my record and all kind of stuff right um but then her or sorry in the military they had to engage in this investigation process for up to 11 month
And this also happened not too like around the covid-19 time okay so essentially my ability to work was on pause now here’s a kicker during that time this woman who made these allegations she was able to then go out and start an entirely new career she was
Unemployed at the time when we were together and we split as a result of this she was able to start her career in the military so she then joined the military herself and is getting promoted having a great career Etc getting through basic uh I had paid and helped
Her through her entire undergrad undergraduate studies so when she joined the military she got she got to join at a higher rank because I helped her complete her bachelor degree and all that so she goes in and I supported her and paid for her entire living expenses everything throughout this entire
Process but whatever so she goes in joins the military her career is taken off mine’s on pause and I have to sit there on my ass now at the end of this at the end of this right I’m proving that I didn’t do this [ย __ย ] okay no
Charges I’m good I’m clear I can go and do my thing this woman by the way at the time she gets engaged to someone new impregnated by someone new and then subsequently married to that that someone knew within a few months after we split so here I am right and mind you
My dumb ass is still in love and emotional at the time oh gosh I miss her all that kind of stuff then I open our social media and she’s already moved on with a new man getting married to him and pregnated by him by him and about to
Have a baby by him and then I see her join the military and have her big wedding and all this kind of stuff anyways so here I am watching all this occur why do I tell you this story well I understand firsthand experience how a woman’s scorn when she gets angry when
She gets emotional Etc how that scorn can ruin a man’s life and even if it’s proven not to be true down the road doesn’t matter the negative impacts will still occur to your man’s life now uh a really good example is Trevor Bower right so Trevor Bower uh goes out and he
Uh Trevor Bow by the way if you don’t know who he is I’ll show you a picture of him uh he’s a great example of this so let me go and bring this up all right so Trevor Bower uh this is a picture of
Him so this is Trevor Bower uh see if I can make this picture a little bigger you guys can see it um me go images as well there you go you kind of see him there okay so Trevor Bower at the time um he was one of the easily one of the
Greatest uh players currently playing in the league he was getting ready to win the little little and young uh little Young Award which is like the the MVP Award right in the the um uh let’s see if I can show you actually you guys don’t just take my word for it um hold
On yeah so this chick there we go boom this what I was looking for okay so these are the two individuals so Trevor Bower who is currently getting ready to win an award or a contract for uh what was it do you remember the amount Hannah the exact dollar amount look that up
Real quick while I while I tell them what happened so Trevor B was getting ready to get award for one of the biggest contracts ever awarded um for playing you know playing baseball and this woman who he was dating at the time comes out and makes an accusation
Against him now yes the Cy Young Award there you go so he’s getting ready to win this guys right League’s best $102 million three-year contract with the Dodgers um is sure is sure that’s the right one right I think it is it’s in February of 2021 that’s amazing so this
Yeah that’s it and uh can you you want to drop that link for me so I can show the people yeah cool just so they they know they can see it I don’t like just saying stuff I like you guys have the evidence yourself so this drops right so
She claims that he abused her raped her beat her up Etc it’s a terrible experience um she postes this photo of of the alleged injur injuries that are supposedly happening to her Etc okay now look at this all right look at this so these accusations come out
Um and I’m going to play this actual video this is a real video that I that was that that happened all right now during the invest um and I’m going to make sure I get to the right part I gotta make sure there’s no certain music
In there okay here we go did they play the whole thing here of course they cut it off hold on guys do it live we’ll do it live okay no well do it live [ย __ย ] it do it live and damn they’re hiding the hell out this video Hannah can you help me find
It oh next victim there it is all right here we go here we go I got it I got it all right so in this video here so really quick caveat she claims this uh [ย __ย ] terrible lady this terrible woman she claims that Trevor Bower uh
Beat her rap they all kind of [ย __ย ] like that but then it was exposed this was exposed listen a star picture for the Dodgers a text lindsy Hill sent to a friend before she ever even met me what should I steal she asked another in reference to visiting my house for the
First time the answer take his money so how might that work I’m going to his house Wednesday she said I already have my hooks in you know how I roll then after the first time we met net worth is 51 mil she said [ย __ย ] you better secure
The bag was the response uh but but how was she going to do that need daddy to choke me out she said being an absolute [ย __ย ] to try to get in on his 51 million read another text then after the second time we met former Padre’s pitcher Jacob
Nicks told her you got to get this bag I’ll give you 50,000 Lindsay replied her AA sponsor asked her at one point do you feel a tiny bit guilty not really she replied since then her legal team has approached me multiple times about coming to a financial settlement but as
I have done since day one I refuse to pay her even a single scent uh in August of 2021 lindsy Hill’s claims were heard in court and during those legal proceedings critical information was deliberately and unlawfully concealed from me and my watch this uh information like this
Video which was taken by Lindsay Hill S the morning after she claimed she was brutally attacked emotionally traumatized and desperate to get away from me and now we have the med so there can be no dispute uh it was taken mere minutes before she left my house on the
Morning of May 16th 2021 with without my knowledge or consent of course uh in it you can see her lying in bed next to me while I’m sleeping smirking at the camera without a care in the world or any marks on her face I think it paints
A pretty clear picture of what actually happened the evening of May 15th and why the video was originally concealed from us yeah uh after hearing the evidence available to her judge Diana gold saltman found that Lindsey Hill had misled the court she found her claims to be materially misleading uh she denied
Her request for domestic violence restraining order and she found that no sexual assault or non-consensual conduct took place now some of you might not know about restraining order hearings I know I didn’t but uh I’ve since learned that uh it’s extremely rare dvpo is what it’s called domestic VI violence
Protective order is usually what they issue in these cases uh and the barrier to get one of these approved is essentially zero all you’re got to do is walk in there uh as a man or woman and just say oh my life in danger and I don’t trust what’s going to happen ah
And then just gets approved and then you make the you make the media and then it’s all you know essentially what the courts do is they air on the side of protecting the victim just in case because you can always just you know uh essentially demolish It Whatever the
Legal term is for that you can get rid of it afterwards but the problem with that is it’s still the impacts of the man’s life still occurs for a request for a restraining order to be denied because the standard of proof that you need to obtain one is extremely low so
You can make of that what you will the fact is I was never arrested I was never charged with a crime and I won the only legal proceeding that took place without my side of the story even being heard uh and most importantly as I’ve said from day one I never sexually assaulted
Lindsey Hill or anyone else for that matter so I sued her which prompted her to counter sue me quite frankly regardless of the outcome in court I’ve paid significantly more in legal fees than lindsy Hill could ever pay me in her entire life and I knew that would be
The case going in but the law suit was never about the money for me it was the only way for me to obtain critical information to clear my name uh the discovery process in that lawsuit recently concluded at which point uh Lindsay Hill’s legal team again came to
Us with another proposal to resolve the case uh this time however they weren’t seeking any money from me having received uh much of the information that had been hidden from us uh a small portion of which I’ve referenced here um I was willing to agree to the terms
Proposed both parties would Dro their respective lawsuits and neither of us would pay either side any money um I also retained my right to speak publicly about the case something I have not been at Liberty to do since June of 2021 y so as of today both lawsuits have been
Settled now now over the last two years the reason why I referenced this example this example applies to I told you my story right what I didn’t include in there is that I was in the military at the time and I was under a direct order from my chain of command not to
Communicate both with her not to discuss any of the proceedings of the case or anything with with the public or with anybody I was like basically I was commanded by my commanding officer my co to be completely silent about anything which means my side of the story could
Not be heard to anyone but guess who wasn’t under that same obligation her she took the social media she made reals Tik toks she told friends she posted online and started blasting her side of the story all over the place she went to my ex-girlfriends she went to my family
Members all of the above the whole time I had to remain 100% silent on the truth of the matter think about that she was allowed to speak I wasn’t we’ve talked about narratives before what do you think that did to my career you think that my team members who I couldn’t even
Communicate with you think they were openly supporting me all they heard was her side and my chain of command isn’t allowed to say anything from any other the information they know so what do you think they hear remember all my team members their wives are friends with my
Woman that I was with so guess who’s communicating they’re getting all the information from her to the to my friend’s wife than going to my friend my friends can’t violate a direct order and contact me so everyone I know even my own family was getting one side of the
Argument and it wasn’t until much later that I was actually able to prove to them my innocence but my damage to the damage to my career had already been done why do I why do I utilize this example well it doesn’t matter whether you are proven innocent or not what is
Occurring to the Tates right now doesn’t matter what your opinion on it Etc it has been proven by the way with CT CCT footage just like with this girl here footage that her face was not messed up you have CCT footage which if you like we can show you Hannah go and
Find that to me and I’ll bring it up for them we have CCT footage live of the same girls that are that are accusing uh Andre Tate of trafficking them raping them Etc these same women simultaneously while they’re being trafficked and raped have videos exiting and leaving the
Property going out shopping going out and buying things go posting on social media making Tik TOs and rails going out to actually travel to another location outside of the country and come back the whole time while they’re being trafficked and uh Hannah’s going to pull up the footage I’m sure it’ll be really
Hard to find give it her a second she’ll find it we won’t end the stream until we do uh this is yeah CCT footage outside of the Tates compound um yeah so she’s P she’s pulling that up they also have text messages all right on WhatsApp messages that are going but conversing
Between the individuals involved in the case so the women Etc and group chats basically planning the whole thing out saying what they’re going to do if you have a man that is the most trending man on social media if if not the top person at the time number one man on Google
Search results at the time he’s trending on over the place you don’t think there’s a monetary incentive to negatively speak out against him especially when this same man happens to be one speaking out against government media everybody else involved think about that all right we have it here you
Drop it to me yeah all right so I’m going to show you guys actual CCT footage uh right now uh Hannah found it here copy and yeah I got it all right cool so I’m gonna bu it up let’s let’s check it out look at this so guys we
Have more update here some Russian guy yeah whatever okay don’t need sound ah it’s fine it’s fine uh yeah so let’s find when they coming in and out okay so yeah they’re playing it right now and it shows the women which live there so let’s watch it together apparently this
First woman it’s one of the women on the list that were supposed to be kept from going away right and she’s just going out picking up the Pizza actually if you see right here it’s interesting because you see right here at the bottom of the screen this door open there is actually
Somebody right there it’s like a security guard that is checking on the transaction here of the pizza from uh the pizza guy there and then she just goes back in it’s also raining a little bit this is different footage from what I saw let’s skip forward uh well
Actually you know I’ll let it play through I don’t want to I don’t want to I don’t want it to seem like I’m manipula anything I’m not do you know who this guy is I’m just making sure he’s not clipping and stitching the footage to make it look as
We have it’s uh a little bit later it’s again a month later the 4th of uh of August or maybe it’s the other way around how does this work maybe it’s an American way like uh it’s okay this guy’s [ย __ย ] I’m not going to listen
To him okay so this is a woman here there’s another one hold on there’s footage they go shopping they’re sitting out waiting they’re waiting they’re waiting they’re waiting they’re waiting these are the same women that were trafficked guys by the way uh keep going keep going they’re waiting they’re waiting okay something happens
Here all right so it appears one of them outside they go back in they’re talking with that security guard um see like they’re laughing joking uh did they buy something not sure what they did there interesting okay where there’s Hannah this isn’t the footage uh there’s footage of them
Leaving the compound and coming back with shopping bags which I don’t think that’s here yeah he’s playing the same stuff this guy yeah that that’s like not even a third of the actual information so I can tell that this guy’s already trying to push a narrative I want to show you the
Unedited version so I’m GNA have Hannah pull that up and while she does so um so we we talk about human behavior all the time but I don’t want to bore you with that let’s just be let’s just talk like we’re just you know manto man man to
Woman whatever you are watching let’s just talk about common sense for two seconds let’s say we’ve never heard of Anie tape before but all we know is just some famous guy famous guy of some sort so you have a famous person that just so happens to uh be you know the most
Googled person on the planet at the time uh he’s doing podcasts all around the world easily searched and in fact this man also is known for saying highly controversial things some of which specifically Target women okay and when I say Target I mean specifically they call out women for doing things that
Maybe most people don’t uh most men especially religious men don’t agree with right telling women they shouldn’t go out and be [ย __ย ] they shouldn’t go out and engage in certain priscu activities Etc okay so there’s this guy then he has a girl and this girl
Let’s say he breaks up with them or they they don’t work out sexually or you found it well TR her okay oh yeah yeah she’s she’s legit she’s not going to [ย __ย ] that um you usually at least from what I’ve seen all right we got it here Hannah sending it
To me um so anyways generally this happens right while I pull this up so this the footage that she just simy uh this is actually from someone I’ve had a conversation with her before uh she seems to be a genuinely good person um all right cool it’s two minutes looks
Like it’s my summary all right let’s check this out before I continue this might be good censored fan um who covers a lot of Tate stuff and can you pull that up Deli yep okay you can play it actually can we play it without sound and I’m just going
To let it run while I’m talking it says new leaked CCTV footage that security camera footage shows the alleged victims entering and leaving the tape brother’s house freely with shopping bags and suitcases so what you see here is what they will show is extensive footage this
Is the footage by the way the security camera footage that was outside the Tate house this is the footage that the courts were refusing to put in the case files and refusing to acknowledge you’re going to see over and over again that these women are going going in and out
They’re getting what looks like Ubers to me they’re on their phones by the way does this look like sex trafficking to you look going in and out of the house next day multiple days worth of footage of them coming in and going out coming in and going out does it look like women
Who were held against their will no now ask yourself and this could go on for a while so we can pull this down you can go and I linked this on my page as well so you can go look it’s a long water Georgiana and Lana
Why are these people being held why what did they do they’re being held because they want to turn those women against the Tates this corrupt evil system is trying to turn them against the Tates and so far it hasn’t worked so God knows what they’re do what the conditions are
For the women in those jails they’re I’m I’ll go and summarize that part there so okay so essentially uh at this time this is when angut Tate uh the charges had just came out and they just arrested everyone involved okay they took these women they put them behind
Bars and they basically told the women according to the statements that the women claim and the statements that were released in court Etc they were given an official offer from the Romanian justice system to give various evidence or say certain things against the Tates in order to in exchange for their freedom
So keep that in mind all right but the point is here you see the footage for yourself common [ย __ย ] sense if you’re able to drive a car go shopping come and go as you please travel to foreign countries which they didn’t even include that in there but it’s that they did
That as well they were out posting photos on yachts and [ย __ย ] like 24 hours after they were supposedly trafficked the list goes on it’s Common Sense we don’t have to like Tate or not it doesn’t matter whether you do I do but it doesn’t matter whether you whether
You do just look at the [ย __ย ] evidence with your eyes and stop listening to the scop from the mainstream media it’s obvious it’s obvious pression fit did a great breakdown here where they actually broke down from start to finish they read through the entire case File and
Everything and I think he did it on fed reacts as well there this is absolute garbage if you believe this you have been scoped my friend and not a lot of you aren’t going to like this okay I mean I see the viewers dropping right now you guys don’t like this you know
We’re on eight different platforms right now some of you guys get angry and you just like the video ah he said Tate’s a good I’m just saying this is [ย __ย ] [ย __ย ] all right and I’ve only spoken with Andrew Tate one time I’ve only spoken with him once so I can’t claim to
Be an expert on him as a person all right he’s not like a friend of mine I just met talked with them once but as a result which by the way you can find that it’s on our patreon videos on who heru uh podcast other podcast it’s on
Our patreon if you want to see me have uh ask them a few questions uh which was provided by the co Network shout out to you guys anyways but the point is is that I don’t I can’t speak to his him as a person all I can do is look at what I
See and it’s [ย __ย ] garbage all right real quick we got a pay chat that came in um walk will donated $2 this privileged women receive is a is like a form of legal shivery shouldn’t this have gone away with feminism yes somehow they get both they do get both okay this
Is this is this is how it works okay traditionally the legal system was built and designed to favor women because women were essentially I don’t want to say subjugated to but they definitely fell secondary to their husbands which was by Design because the men were supposed to come in and protect and
Provide for them essentially take over all the responsibilities for their care just like you would with a child for example so because men had this responsibility over them that’s what it did it usually prevented women from being able to work so because women couldn’t work they needed assistance
When it came to divorce family law uh custody over children Etc because they were the primary caretakers of the the children they were there with them all the time Etc it was also their responsibility to provide the actual day-to-day nurturing aspects so when you did think about who should take over
Custody of the children it made sense for it to go to the women because they were the ones doing it while the man was out working and you see this traditionally would work because since the men were the only one working they were the only ones with financial assets
Etc credit cards houses bank accounts all the above but in modern society this has all changed women are now thanks the Advent of feminism women are now equal to men in fact they’re stronger than men why because now women have all those same privileges that were provided to them by
The previous legal system which was created to favor women on purpose they still have the same laws in place but now they they have all the same rights and privileges in society as men so now the playing field has SW has shifted women essentially dominate the entire legal system process for example
When it comes to child custody cases women win 90 to or sorry uh 95 to like 99 but over 95% of the time women win child custody cases in fact most lawyers tell their uh tell their clients not even to attempt to try to get the kids
They they say don’t even try I’ve lived through this personally in fact it’s even more than that when it comes to uh child support yes who gets the line share of Child Support women when it comes to the the division of marital assets guess who gets the line share of
That women guess who gets the majority of alimony women over and over again and we talked about me too believe all women Etc women Run the game in the legal system and it still favors them because it’s tied to what happened in the old days the problem is that this creates a scenario
In which women are incentivized to go out and weaponize this very same legal system in their favor because since they’re not going to be held accountable for anything why not in the events of Andrew Tate why not go out and simply make I mean you could you know make 20
$30,000 from all these news agencies offering you say this or come say this or do this or whatever and I’ll give you this money why not there’s no in there’s nothing bad that’s going to happen to you you’re not going to get a defamation lawsuit in fact it’s going to cost more
To sue you than he could ever get from you so and like with the case of Trevor Bower maybe a little different actually he went through with it but he didn’t get any money from her Etc all he got was the whole thing to be dismissed because she counter suits and then it’s
Going to damage his career more than the guy back to square one the point is is that it’s an it’s a lose lose scenario for the man but women are incentivized to go out and make these false claims because there’s no repercussions for doing so now the solution to the the
Solution to this is very simple anyone anyone man or woman that makes a false claim a claim a claim that’s specifically proven to be false not just maybe it happened maybe it didn’t if you prove that a claim was falsely made an allegation was falsely made in
The legal system against a man or woman the person who made that claim should now pay the full penalty that the other person would have paid had they been convicted that is a simple solution you would you would disincentivize the false claims now if someone comes forward the
Argument against this is say well what if we don’t want to disincentivize women from from coming forward when something happens okay if they if something actually happened then they don’t have to worry about it being proven false because you won’t be able to prove it because it
Happened period done now I do feel sorrow for the women that these things do happen to who actually are trafficked that does happen or children that are touched and graped Etc these things actually happen and people who do these things should be placed behind bars for
The rest of their lives but I want to be clear we are seeing way too many men powerful men toppled due to these false allegations just we just had the Marvel Mar star for example the Marvel star which Hannah you have it here Jonathan major Jonathan major was on track to get
One of the biggest Marvel contracts that have existed in a while in fact he was going to essentially take the place of Thanos and become the next guy that they talked about in Marvel Studios they were going to make an entire universe attributed an entire entire m movie
Series a new adventur like scenario attributed to going after him or the character he played Kane in the Marvel Studios but Jonathan neor neighbors Jonathan Majors he has an allegation dropped against him and he lost the contract the contract was estimated to be about Hannah has it pulled up oh no no I
Don’t oh well she had it pulled up I had it I don’t think it was what I was looking for it’s all right we do it live you find that it’s fine so Jonathan majes was getting ready to have uh I believe it was a quar billion dollar
Contract maybe a little a little higher than a quar billion dollars so Jonathan major is about to sign one of the biggest contracts of his career after working hard for many years to become a world-renowned actor finally gets the role of his life a woman comes out and
Makes an allegation against him in fact we have the footage um and Hannah go ahead and bring that up wait yeah it’s fine it’s fine you know take your time um you know the people aren’t going to get mad at you or anything we just might lose a few viewers it’s okay it
Happens it’s all right um so anyways she’s going to she’s going to grab we’re going to show you the video itself of what of Jonathan Majors yeah boom right there send me that yep we’re going to go and show them that this ruined his life what we’re
About to show you right now ruined the life of a man and cost him over a quarter billion dollar Marvel Studios contract think about that all right so are you are you you dropping it to me okay got it here all right so I’m going to play this for you you guys and
We actually did break this down actually uh when it initially happened but let’s go all right is this the only part that they show okay all right so that’s Jonathan major right there you see him right here that’s Jonathan major and then this is the girl what was her name again
Hannah yeah look up this chick’s name so he’s running from her pushing her off of him running away look at him if a woman is being beaten and assaulted and [ย __ย ] why are you chasing the guy it’s obvious what’s going on here he was trying to get away from you
You wouldn’t [ย __ย ] leave him alone you crazy psychotic [ย __ย ] chick like you literally chasing him he’s trying to get away from you in real time running blocks he has to run street blocks to get away from you um her name is is Grace Jabari Grace Grace Jabari okay grace Jabari does this look
Like a man attempting to harm a woman he is quite literally damnn near full Sprint away from this chick think about that but yet he loses a quarter billion doll contract from the allegation even though the actual charge has not he has not been found guilty in fact hasn’t it
Been dissolved by now I thought there was a dissolution from of that yeah check check the current status of that but I know for a fact he was not proven guilty for that so think about that a woman can now make a claim essentially weaponizing the legal system
Guess what you think she’s going to have any ramifications for that no nothing’s going to happen to her nothing at all nope she’s going to be just fine so what’s the current status no you don’t want she t she just Googled allegation no you got to look at
The results of it um all right she’s having a she’s having a moment there she’s like breathe woman you’re okay we’re only live it’s okay we’re only live we’ll do it live okay we do it live all right okay right right right right okay so there was four there was four uh four
Claims from the woman made okay uh two of them we’re um actual uh give me the man you know what find our our video on it I’m going to move on with them but find our video CU we broke this down on who H your podcast and we actually
Brought forth everything so let’s just we’ll pick it back off our own [ย __ย ] um you see how suppressed we are you look up who H you podcast we’re down at the bottom even though we just passed [ย __ย ] What 10.6k on YouTube on that channel and 100K on Facebook by the way
Shout out to [ย __ย ] the who hurt you Team all of it Hannah everybody involved right behind the we pass 100K over there so that’s awesome all right anyways but the point is is that we’ve essentially handed women a loaded weapon with the capability of pulling pulling the
Trigger at any time and Blasting a man’s career to Smither and ruining ruining his life which we know that a man’s dating success competency and everything who he is his status is all centered around his career so you can literally ruin a man’s existence by firing that
Shot and this is what women do matter of fact I’ll show you an example from today I I won’t uh I wonder if I can get in trouble for bullying for show showing you this so we had a conf there was a girl today um BX on X um and essentially uh
She had told me that I was uh I’ll show you I’m just not I’m just going to read it I’ll let you see for yourself um okay let me show you so this is this came out right Twitter is full of conspiracy brain people that believe everything is a scop this is not
To say there are no scups but if you think everything is a scup you’ll never accomplish anything cuz what’s the point it’ll just be uh it’ll just be did you find it is that the video there it’s our video you ask okay it should have time
Step on it no yeah okay got you you want to go through it no no just find the exact spot sorry guys um uh just be co-opted by the enemy and use as another s uh the real scup is getting people to believe that everything is a scup so that no one can
Tell what the actual s uh scps are anymore fine I had no disagreement there all I said was as an actual psychological operations you know non-commission officer that’s what I did it’s amazing how many people on the internet think they’re experts on S not saying you’re wrong just interesting
It’s all I said her response as a random person on the Internet it’s amazing to me that someone who claims to be a military scop expert expects people to listen to anything they have to say who do you think she’s talking about there it sounds to me like claiming to
Be a military scup expert in response to my tweet she’s talking about me right hello Yes No Maybe So I mean yeah I guess Common Sense would say that is maybe is she responding to a tweet yeah she’s responding to my tweet right here so in response to my tweet saying as an
Actual scer it’s amazing how many experts there are on the internet they think they’re actual SC like that knows about scop they [ย __ย ] don’t they don’t even know what s is so I say that she says this I’m like okay so yes random person claiming to be all right you want
To Target my credibility fine I’ll go ahead and show you that here’s my certificate United States Army John F Kennedy special Warfare Center in school grants and confirms this certificate of of graduation to Sergeant I was then a sergeant Wen w clay for mastering the skills uh um and and required standards
Of the psychological operations qualification course uh qualification it says a series there I had to bleep that out or if people can find my exact year and where I went and and all it’s too much information there also the top blackout part it’s my social security number um basic spec ops language
Training uh which was in French and then Regional analysis course this is part of the the training course okay so I put out my certificate this is me graduating from JFK special Warfare Center in school like okay if you’re going to tell me that I’m full of [ย __ย ] fine I don’t
Like people challening challenging my credibility so I did that and then she’s like no no no read it again I’m uh I’m I’m the random person online bro she how she switches it up I’m the random person online I know exactly who you are that’s why I disregard everything you say
[ย __ย ] cap [ย __ย ] cap you’re telling me right now that you were not sitting there challenging my credibility you [ย __ย ] lying [ย __ย ] but fine okay so she lies and says that and then I’m like you think I’m trying to scop people and uh and I said
And and I and and big part and I didn’t disagree with your statements why are you getting triggered why are you coming after me and she’s like yes and I’m like oh by the way mind you in between these two messages here we went on a whole separate rant because she quoted this
Tweeted it out on her page started talking [ย __ย ] so we go back and forth on that but anyways for the third time stop hiding behind your keyboard and come on the show right here live and debate it then cool stand by your words if you think I’m sing people fine come tell me
Why live call me out on my [ย __ย ] nice try fed I’ve never been a Fed first and foremost all right never aside from in the military I didn’t go and become a fed or work directly for the CIA or anything like that I contracted to private military contractors and
Supported operations for the US military supporting my country you know this little weird thing right here you know service to my country I don’t know but anyway she says nice try fed I say again this is what’s wrong with people today publicly defamed people with no evidence
Which she did in her other TW tw Twitter thread pretend to be an expert to your following because she they claim to know about scup she Menches in she she says scup at least 20 times a [ย __ย ] week but whatever and then start arguments and personal personal attacks which she
Made it personal went after my credibility and then when challenged on your belief systems you run back behind a keyboard and I’m expected uh uh I expected more from you what the hell point to the defamation which is another other thread the point is she goes on
And on and on by the way I tweeted this should anyone have any questions about out the background or training of of our host myself don’t hesitate to challenge me live right now call me out if I’m lying if I’m full of [ย __ย ] call me out
Right here right now I prove you wrong what you got I am who the [ย __ย ] I say I am I did my [ย __ย ] I earn my spot anyways so I’m like d DM me if you don’t want to do a live go ahead and shoot a DM you
Want to say it publicly go ahead I’m right here shoot your shot I don’t everything I’ve said is true and and uh it’s funny though the second I showed this certificate all of a sudden well I know who you are and you switch to argument this is what women do and then
On her personal page man this chick went on it man like if I click on her her thing uh which is by the way she’s like an old woman that’s passed it sexually but uh she goes and just like rants uh oh my gosh there’s so many [ย __ย ]
Tweets she’s been tweeting a lot recently whatever I don’t even want to get her credit all right anyways she goes on a rant quotes like seven or eight tweets of mine calls me uh she called me a demon she said I’m I’m working for the uh you know what I don’t
Want to say something that’s not unfounded I’m going to show you apparently I’m a demon so let’s go ahead and uh see if I can find it um I think it was in this tread here hold on guys we’ll do it live I think let’s see goodness gracious she
Tweeted so many she has like 20 TW tweets about me quote my [ย __ย ] um no it’s not this one Jesus there’s so many tweets all right you know what [ย __ย ] it I give up go look it up yourself God damn it I I don’t I give a [ย __ย ] if you find it
Hannah you can did you uh you find the answer to the previous question oh I was just abouted to look through there’s so much [ย __ย ] oh the the conviction right the yeah I know it’s like the whole legal legal mumble jumble shut it’s hard to read it is hard to
Read you send it to me okay this is from our thing all right do you have the time stamp for um should be the first 38 minutes first 3 and they should have time stamps of okay holy all right show you guys here um you said
It’s at wait 38 minutes like 38 minutes in it’s the first 38 minutes it’s all of it so you have to your reaction video the oh okay so I can skip to where right so this is okay this is a better video here for you guys criminal
And two of those were not all right so we’re gonna go and play a quick video for you um and we’re going to show you what happened why was he charged where what what were the events you know what happened we have a couple videos let’s go ahead and play video one they
Officially released the surveillance video from the street is getting out of the car he is seemingly trying to keep Grace Jabari inside of the car she gets out he kind of walks away and you don’t really realize what’s happening here but then eventually he tries to break free
Of her hand and runs away now don’t worry they’re going to zoom in in just a bit right here we can see Jonathan major is grabbing her putting her into the car it looks like she might have hit her head there that could have been where the ear
Scratch came from which allegedly came from him assaulting her he tries to put her back in the car now they do a slow down and zoomed in replay of what’s Happening he is seemingly picking her up here and she might hit her head on top
Here but what he’s trying to do here is put her back in the car it’s hard to tell there if she hits her head or not but clearly he wants her to stay inside of the car and he is going to eventually try to get away like we just saw and
They’re going to zoom in on that and show that as well now obviously she is fighting trying to get out of the car and it looks like Jonathan major might be trying to put her seat belt on here try to keep her inside the car but as
You can see there she gets out and she goes and she grabs his hand but as we saw he quickly breaks their grip and he starts to run away from her we can see in the surveillance footage him running away from her and she is chasing after
Him we get a lot of different street angles here a lot of different surveillance footage here they released them all he continues to run she continues to chase him and then he runs across the street now she follows after him and she just runs right in front of
This car cuts it off she is determined to keep following him they show us some more footage he continues to run and it looks like she is now slowing down a little bit she is started to walk seems like she’s probably given up okay so this is the initial events that happened
Right so and then I want to just give you guys a summary oh [ย __ย ] we didn’t the bro look at this in voluntary confinement okay all right so let’s keep playing let’s look at what continue to happen now again after it keeps going the rest of
The night look at this sh play the second part we even have the 911 call but let’s keep going and then we see she meets three people which were mentioned yesterday Jabari mentioned that these people were strangers to her she just met them in this moment right here in their
Testimonies they said that they could tell she was upset but they didn’t notice any injuries on her now two of these three people testified in court Chloe Zer and Max Manning what happened was which was explained in court is that after this she met these three strangers
On the street she told them about what happened with Jonathan major and they consulted her outside and after talking they invited her to a birthday party at Lucy’s nightclub in Manhattan on the Lower East Side and she said that she went because she didn’t want to be alone
And in court she said that she didn’t notice any of the pain she said I was upset about the cheating it was on my mind now one of these three people Zer did say that they didn’t notice any injuries on her but she did complain about her finger in the club in which
They gave her some ice for now in this footage we can see that she is visibly upset the people are hugging her trying to comfort her and then Jonathan major actually walks back and she tries to get his attention she tries to talk to him
But he keeps going he says some words we unfortunately do not have audio but he keeps going he says something she tries to cover her face like she’s upset again she continues to try and chase him but it looks like he doesn’t want any part
Of this it then looks like he tries to put her back inside of the private car she doesn’t want to stay inside and he leaves we then have footage of him being alone checking into what seems to be the hotel that he stayed at that night then
We see footage of her at the nightclub now we’ve seen this footage before we’ve actually seen better footage of this it just so she was beaten right saled but she goes out that night to have drinks at the bar and she stays out all night has a great time and gets drunk then
What happens next shows Jabari at the nightclub she doesn’t really seem to be that hurt although it’s really hard to tell of course from surveillance footage at some point in the footage she brushes her hair back in which they asked her in court if she could tell if she was
Bleeding and her ear where the cut was in which she says I didn’t touch my ear so I didn’t notice any blood now here’s something that is very important to know before we jump into the police body cam footage it’s important to know what the driver of the private car said about
Them fighting because it gives a little bit of context the driver’s name is Navid sarir and he said this in court I was feeling something was going on in the back seat when I reached the canal and Center Street Majors wanted to get rid of Jabari and he opened the door I
Saw they were fighting when the car stopped to get rid of her Jabari was yelling at Majors and they were having an argument I had a feeling Jabari had hit Majors earlier the way she was fighting and the sounds produced so that’s what the driver said Jabari had
Hit Majors okay so the girl had hit him and he didn’t actually see any of the assault take place inside of the car but he said based off of what he heard it sounded like she had hit him which is what Major’s team has been claiming this
Entire time now the video is not very clear when he’s trying to keep her inside of the car I’m sure it could be interpreted both ways Majors is trying to put her back in the car and he could have hurt her during this moment or she could have just assaulted him and he
Wants her to stay inside the car so he can get away because he then runs trying to get away from her unfortunately even with this footage we don’t know exactly so this is after I don’t know if he says it here but essentially he this is the
911 call that he’s on right now majors and we’re going to play it’s actually going to play the 911 call you can hear what what happened but it is interesting that Majors is the one who ended up calling the police and we have that footage here Majors went back to his
Apartment and what is not shown is that he supposedly had to get the help of somebody who worked at the apartment to open his door when he finally went inside he found Jabari passed out on the floor of his closet in which he called the police we can see him talking to the
Police here in the lobby we can see the police show up and he’s even in the elevator with them and he called the police because he was reportedly very concerned for her and we’ll put the entire police phone call of Jonathan major calling them at the end of this
Video so you can listen to it for yourself but we see the body cam footage here of the police officers who were there we can see that uh she is covered now sh my bad to be clear at this time Jonathan major was not in the house
Jonathan major stayed at a hotel so Jonathan major stayed at a different location and he came home which they confirm with the timing of when he came home on camera you can see him walking to the hotel he was not there so her being drunk on the FL floor looking all
Messed up like this that’s from whatever she did out that night when she was clubbing or doing whatever he was not there he was gone he then comes home so he comes in into this Cesar on the ground within minutes you can tell by the time he comes in the hotel and the
Time he leaves which you’ll see with the 911 call within minutes calls 911 for someone to come and help her right keep that in mind because she was naked from the waist down according to Jonathan maor on the police call she’s now covered she’s wearing a sweatshirt and
The officers are there help this this is the supposed damage behind her ear that he did okay open her up you can obviously see that she’s not in good shape she did say in court that she took two sleeping pills before and she was sick in this video you can clearly tell
That she is in a lot of distress and this does of course she’s drunk end with Jonathan Majors being arrested now again it’s really hard to say for sure what is going on in this video clear believe all women who was arrested who was arrested was she arrested as well we have
Evidence that the the driver saying that she was hitting him right the footage shows her chasing him right if that was a man chasing her if Jonathan major was spring after a white woman down the street like that do you think it would have been the same result hm but no they
Arrest the man believe all women right okay clearly there is an altercation clearly it is at least a little bit physical as we see Jonathan major grabbing her and trying to put her back in the car but then of course we see him trying to run away from her and she
Follows him for a very long time so unfortunately let’s keep it 100 she was holding on to him he’s trying to get her off and then keep her in the car get off me get off me get off which you shouldn’t have done you you should have
Just put your hands up like this damn Hannah move that uh put your hands up like this and literally just walk away like this that’s what you have to do as a man if you try to defend yourself against a woman you assaulted her if you try to protect yourself when she’s
Hitting your face you grab her hands and it leaves a mark you assaulted her doesn’t matter that she was trying to beat your ass doesn’t matter believe all women we don’t know exactly what has happened and honestly the jury could go either way with what they’ve seen here
Based off of testimonies that okay last thing I’ll show you here uh we have the actual 911 call right here to get her help let’s heyo this medical suicide I think what is the location U uh uh 2527 Avenue all right so that was 252 7 Avenue correct yes ma’
What apartment Penthouse D Penthouse d as in David right this is in Manhattan or in Brooklyn this is hello sir yes ma’ this is in service I’m sorry okay okay it’s okay it’s in Manhattan all right so this is penous just stay on the line all right okay we’ll
Do David don’t worry about it speaking to me he not delaying anything I just need some help some information for the crew they already on the way okay okay let toide let me get them going what happened exactly do you know no I don’t know um uh she UNC conscious um she’s
Naked from the um uh bottom down uh she has sweatshir on uh she’s my ex partner um we broke up I came back she she sent me text messages um insinuating this much um um I stayed in a hotel last night I came home this morning um I
Banged on the door I’ve been at the apartment for about 40 minutes now bang at the door I couldn’t get in um I finally went downstairs and asked um the doorman to help us and um uh they let me in VI the the handyman all right she’s 30 years old white
Female all right does she suffer from anything prior to um or no she yeah it’s called horse syndrome condition I would may say so history what’s her name name is Grace Caitlyn Natasha jaar Grace all right all right do you know what she did or what she took or you
Don’t know no I don’t know I just know she she no problem sir and I’m going to get you over to the EMS do not hang up all right they already in Rod okay okay all right on the line hold [Applause] on 639 639 I’m 2884 the job number [Applause]
17499 hello co hey how are you hi this is 25277 with manhatt yes sir right above the whole F okay and the patient’s breathing oh yes sir she yes sir she is okay she awake uh no this is pen house Diaz and David yes sir FR house DS and Dav okay you’re with
Her right now um I’m I’ve come downstairs to let the uh Lobby men know that um you guys are on their way so so they’re going to be there as soon as possible um obviously what should I do what should I do if you could just make
Sure the doors open and when you get upstairs she didn’t like fall and hit her head anything that you know of right no I think I saw u a cut behind her ear okay um yeah how old is she she’s 30 years old okay so if you could just when
You get back upstairs we just want you to keep an eye on her breathing if she wakes up we don’t want to give her anything to eat or drink like I said they’re already responding I think they just yeah they just walked in the ambulance okay I think this this the
Ambulance too the fire department I called him on with uh I think that’s the police hello that’s the police I don’t know what’s she she’s conscious that she tried to yeah so that’s that’s when the police get there all right so long story short police arrive they go up you saw the
Body cam footage uh where she’s essentially on the ground uh possible laceration behind her ear um there is no evidence that he was actually there at the time the laceration occurred there’s no evidence that he caused the laceration um but yet the results are Hannah you should have found it by now
What the Yeah Yeah the results um so the court filing there was uh I believe four charges right uh two of which were do I have to do it from our reaction video I was you said it actually okay all right well I’ll play I’ll play it straight out of here then
Uh no I thought I let me see let’s see he’s like yo I’m not going video with other no looking for the um charges cl11 it doesn’t make [ย __ย ] sense no intentional assault in the third degree aggravated there you go say it again intentional assault in the third degree
Aggravated harassment in the second degree there’s something else they just no okay all right I’ll summarize I’ll summarize because it’s going to we’re not legal experts anyways but we did break it down in that video if you guys want to check it out I’ll show you the video itself uh it’s uh on
The who Hur you podcast which is this guy right here uh this is the who hurt you podcast um number one podcast number one dating podcast in the Carolinas um it’s our other show that we do over there we just hit uh like 10.6k uh we do IRL streams so like like
For example show damn what about y y’all want to jump so we do like live debates and stuff like that anyways okay and it’s on Rumble as well so the point is what ends up happening is like four charges against them two of them are like actual like uh physical crimes
Essentially like uh I don’t know if it’s like the federal is the right term or actual crimes that he can go to jail for and then the other two are um like misdem meter non like crimes you just do like community service for or you on like house arrest for whatever the two
That were really bad he was they were dismissed the other two which were essentially acting it was like acting wild in public it was like public indecency type of level thing uh it was like that and then also um uh like uh putting her In Harm’s Way uh but not for
Actual physical assault because there’s no proof that he actually physically assaulted her anyways why does this matter well he lost a quarter billion dollar because of her allegations crazy part was is that until for the first time ever to give credit here for the first time ever Marvel
Studios actually they put the whole um they put everything on pause building up the entire uh Universe centered around um him as the villain they put that whole thing on pause until the actual investigation was concluded and the court filed the issue is that when the court came through with the filing what
They said he did was not no physical no physical assaults on her nothing like that but he was still dropped and lost a quar billion dollar contract you combine this with uh Jeremy major uh who is this is this a real of Jer how many guys do you think thisy
Yeah it’s Jeremy major this actually a real of Jer Jeremy major of ours right now anyways you said what Trevor bow oh my gosh I’m mixing their names Trevor Bower I don’t know where you yeah no no no you’re good yeah yeah yeah Trevor Trevor BR appreciate that uh anyways
Yeah guys so um we’ve gone through this whole thing I mean we’ve gone through we gone through Andrew Tate uh we showed you his live reaction to being uh arrested and put back in there uh you guys know that as uh andate is now going to be um
Extradited so I’ll pull it back up here you know and tank is going to be uh extradited um to the UK uh he’s going to likely be put into um a sort of uh judicial process um in the UK separate from what’s going on in Romania uh you
Know that the accusations made on him are also separate right because you have the um and I’m going to quote here for his current situation here so uh Tate Tate is charged in a separate case in Romania with rape human trafficking and uh forming a criminal
Gain to sexually exploit women uh uh the Romanian legal system has essentially found no evidence after what almost like how long has they they’ve investigating this since 2012 uh so the initial case was 2012 to 2015 reopened again uh over the last year or so uh during both processes
Including when they arrested him and and confiscated all of his belongings they could not find any substantial evidence to support their claims which is why uh he was continued to be released from jail not convicted of anything uh and then the UK right after he comes out and
Speaks out against the Demonic practices um on his um Rumble stream his emergency meeting where he talks he calls out the Oscars for their demonic practices he just happens to magically uh be put back into jail and then now he’s being extradited to the UK to face completely
Separate charges there uh so it’s all it’s all you know this is how the Matrix works and um someone he pissed somebody up pin pissed somebody off that has a lot of power uh let’s go through our chats real quick all right walkwell donated $2 imagine what would have happened to him
If they didn’t have all this footage talking about Jonathan major yeah if they didn’t have this footage um I think Jonathan Jonathan major probably would have been put away for a very very long time all right um Chris mauno how old how old is it is pass it sexually
What okay uh I’ll get canceled real quick no problem I’ve done it many times um sexually so um there’s two answers to this there’s the soci social answer and the biological answer I’ll give you the social actually no I’ll do biology first less fun right um at the age of 35 years
Old a woman reaches AMA you know this once a woman as is Advanced maternal age AMA at 35 5 years old her ability to safely bring a child into the world substantially declines in fact it’s exponential decrease in her ability to do so is it is considered to be a
Geriatric pregnancy is what it’s called at 35 which means a woman at 35 years old who decides to have a kid is literally risking the lives of her and the child now I also was a critical care flight paramedic and nurse so I actually have a medical background in this and we
Have to treat patients with this condition differently it is high risk now with that being said from a man’s perspective if you’re looking to have children and you know that you’re having woman with the ger you’re having children with a geriatric geriatric individual in terms of the medical
System you’re you might it might cause some pause or hesitation to do so which could maybe make you less attracted to men but let’s ignore the biological realities of it and let’s talk about the evolutionary psychology and social aspect of the age of 35 or 30 more
Specifically around the age of 30 to 35 the average woman are there exceptions yes the average woman begins to show her age on her face in a substantial manner now we’ve talked about the natural reasons for why men are attracted to younger women if you would like me to quickly summarize it
Well in short and people don’t like this I see already have women probably jumping off the stream getting mad right now it’s fine especially on Instagram it’s fine but the reality is this as a woman men are attracted to your youth your beauty and your chastity these are psychologically ingrained within us you
Can’t turn it off it is not a man’s choice to do so are there exceptions yes but exceptions do not make the rule generally speaking for a man in older times throughout thousands of years of evolutionary psychology men who chose women who appear to be younger were likely younger
And what came with that was a higher likelihood to be able to bring a child to term sexually biologically if a woman’s more likely to be able to successfully bring a child to term she’s more more likely to pass on her genetics and the man who impregnated
Her which means men who were naturally sexually attracted to younger women their genes were more likely to get passed on so over the course of thousands of years men who chose younger women younger they were more more likelihood of success men developed a natural tendency to have a uh a
Psychological inclination to choose younger women I.E attraction so beauty beauty is centered around Fitness and symmetricality of the face and body also tied to youth this is why women know this what what’s the first thing they do when they want to go out with their girlfriends and get
Attention or whatever they do their hairs their makeup why because doing your hair makes you look younger if your hair is in good condition your nails are in good condition these are both signs of Youth they put on makeup to cover up and make up for a lack of Aesthetics
They also utilize makeup to make themselves look younger more pure they even make them look eles look sexual as well this is also why a woman wears a white dress on their wedding day and walks down the aisle to signify Purity why because men don’t like women with a
High body count I said it how dare you why don’t men remember I gave the three youth Beauty and chassity we’ve covered Youth and Beauty why Chastity why might that be well until the 1970s men were unable to test to see whether or not a
Child was theirs meaning if a if a woman was engaging in sex with multiple sexual partners there was no way for a man to confirm the child was theirs however if you flip it around on the other side she knows it’s hers what does this mean it means there’s a natural psychological
Difference in the ability to identify whether or not a child is theirs or paternity and it wasn’t until the 1970s that men could test for paternity so guess what for thousands of years men who decided hey I I’m going to choose a woman that I know is only having sex
With me and I’m going to utilize various cues to identify this men who who felt that way and did this were more likely to pass on their genes and men who were indifferent to this sexual nature were less likely to pass on their genes which means men became and developed something
Called jealousy which is a form of meat guarding they developed a they started to care more about whether or not a woman was engaging in sexual exclusivity which a good way to identify that is how she interacts with others the bar or how she in modern society social media how
She dresses and body count because if someone was more likely if someone is more likely to do something in the past they’re more likely to do in the future this is why Banks use credit scores because we can identify you’re most likely to do XYZ meaning cheat [ย __ย ]
Other men if you have a high body count in fact um we have a whole study centered around that um I think it’s in our link tree do you know do you know what it’s under in a link tree Hannah I’m going to pull it up so they know it’s not my
Opinion uh dating uh at the top no down down it should have um statistics well these are so okay I’ll show these as well um so men prefer women 18 to 24 years old um I’ll show you the study on that uh you guys can [ย __ย ] there’s an ad never mind can’t
Show that uh because I have to pay for that okay um where is it dating sta dating static body count and cheating is it that one it’s one of those there there’s two if it’s the xlink here it is boom got it okay so uh I don’t know why
Thing is lagging so this study came out right here uh stat cloud or statistics Cloud on on X higher body count in married women associated with significantly higher prevalence of cheating on their husbands women with a high body count are more likely to cheat essentially and it goes into to explain
The mean the difference and how they Analyze This the group statistics the samples that they took everything so there is actual for the first time there’s actual statistical evidence to prove unequally that women who have a higher sexual pass or or more sexual higher sexual body count or more sexual
Partners in the past they’re more likely to cheat on their current Partners we just talked about how how much men care about that why because we couldn’t test for Fraternity for thousands of years so it’s ingrained within our psychology to look for me women that don’t do these
Things so youth Beauty and chasti these are the primary things men look for they’re all backed by biology and they’re reinforced within social parameters and in the mate selection that men choose or at least commit to so we know this so to answer your question in a long-winded fashion Chris mauno
Says how old is pasted sexually well according to biology these things everything I just described the further a woman gets away from 25 years old to be specific the more these things tend to negatively impact her ability to mate so usually by the time she’s 30 or 35
Years old she has passed something called the wall and once a woman is passed the wall well this the the likelihood of a man wanting to commit to you long term or have children with you significantly decrease a lot of women don’t like to hear this it hurts your feelings it
Doesn’t feel good it’s not Giddy and it’s against the feminist narrative that tells them to prioritize career and do this for their entire life and there’s going to be a uh night and Shining AR armor waiting at the end of the road after you’re used and abused by Society
How dare you this is not true as a woman your best chances of securing a mate are done in your youth this is not an opinion this is biological fact I’ve given a very brief analysis here but we’ve talked about this for hours and hours on in on the who her you podcast
This is not an opinion this is fact as you age as a woman you lose sexual leverage you lose desirability for men and your ability to find a man that you want decreases on average by definition of that you age like milk women age like milk and Men because the things that we
Bring to the table resources and our earning potential or competency maturity leadership all of these things they’re acquired over time which means men on average become more sexually attractive to women over time so women age like milk men age like wine that’s just how it goes how dare you but women don’t
Like to hear that but it’s just a truth of the nature anyways um okay what else we got up here chat voice um oh Facebook by the way guys um I didn’t get to respond to you man so Tate is such Tate is such a victim uh always playing
Playing the feel bad for me card um I think if anyone on the planet in the social media sector isn’t a victim it would be the one guy who constantly preaches against that which is Andrew Tate I would not say Andrew Tate is a victim in fact I I wholeheartedly
Disagree with you I think that these leftists uh are more victims than anything believing that race inhibits their ability to become successful and they’re using it as a crush to to justify their in to the justify their inadequacies or or claiming that because they’re lgbtq they’re you’re given
Weakness in society when in fact they’re propped up like there’s so many things I can go off on but Andrew Tate a victim I think you’re I think you’re mistaken there my friend but sure okay all right we’re going all the way back uh major pain I’m just glad
That the Romanian judge let them let them free it could have ended in a bad way which is scary just in nature well the radian judge let them free but keep in mind he did approve the extradition or at least after they or to or to have
It I think reheard um and the possibility of it happening after the uh case is concluded in Romania yeah so all right major pen again do you do you believe it was actually the US pulling strings the global Elites putting more pressure on certain countries to pull
The very strings yep of course yeah the UK and us are are are one and the same they dance in step and um almost all of the Strategic objectives that are output by the UK either originate Andor are done in tandem with the United States in this specific instance this is obviously
A uh government uh Le effort for example when uh tapate was first arrested the initial call that led to his arrest came from uh the US Embassy which was where the call came from and then within a few hours Tate is arrested so someone called or reached out to the Romanian Authority
Via the uh United States Embassy there in the location and that’s where the call came from I mean there’s so much evidence evidence goes on and on but yes 100% man no question all right major pain again he would break the internet if he actually released what he had on
The elites who are causing all this [ย __ย ] about Tates that’s why when he was saying that man I was like do it just do it what are you waiting for man do it [ย __ย ] it you’ll probably get killed but it’s okay he said he’s willing to die for it so sh your shot
Man just day life when I divorced my ex her security clearance got on hold due to infidelity on her side in court papers yeah yeah yeah uh she I’m assuming she was military or government Affiliated uh once infidelity kicks in uh yes man yeah with infidel you’re
You’re put on pause what the hell man who who whose name is 666 JFK what the hell you [ย __ย ] devil person get out of here man who are you man wait wait what is is this like a are you trolling or it’s been a while okay anyways all right you
Can go ahead minutes what the hell um just the life he should have had her pay pay all the attorney fees just to make her learn the lesson yeah yeah yeah I would have kept pushing even if it meant me losing money I would have made
Her pay attorney fees I would have made it public I would have I would have delivered a painful loss uh to prove a point all right major pain um that sto that story still gets me going I I was glad I found out about female nature
When I was very young and never trusted These Hoes uh so I haven’t gone through what you have but at least you’re you’re still here with us today better than I almost got taken out man my whole life almost got wrecked okay um and for a while it did I had to bounce
Back walk will and he’ll never uh talking about Trevor Bowers and he’ll never get it back reputation destroyed yeah reputation permanently destroyed yeah I even lost there’s there’s friends that I permanently have lost as a result of my personal situation um but never be friends again some of them they blocked
Me on Instagram once it started they took uh I guess they’re not really true friends though uh but they took the word of her cuz she again went to their spouse and then their spouse told uh told them my friend supposed friend or teammate or people that work with Etc
Told them this information from her coming out her mouth and um I wasn’t allowed to talk to any of them so they had one side of the the entire situation and uh yeah man they blocked me and all this kind of stuff eventually they did
Unblock Me and reach out to try to fix things but no man uh you already showed your hand and you showed me what you do when accusations are made against me that you’re going to immediately side with whatever [ย __ย ] F Centric narrative comes against me and instead
Of you know siding with truth so uh [ย __ย ] you all right walkwell different laws in the UK they’ll get him for for something they can people for what they say on social media Yeah Yeah man they they they’ll find something show show me the man I’ll show you the crime it’s famous
Quote for a reason and that’s essentially how they operated within the UK um and even honestly it’s starting to get that way here in the United States for damn sure it’s like that in Canada but um all right cool guys um we do have to go um make sure there’s there’s
Nothing else I’m forgetting here um yeah all right we do have to go um because we have our other show tonight right yeah so we have the who hurt you podcast uh show uh it’s going to be we’re going to be debating girls in studio live in real time um specifically
This is uh I don’t know if we have a topic oh we’re going to be reacting to our viral IRL stuff and then debating some basic stuff uh last time we had a girl like literally like she man she [ย __ย ] hated us uh after that last my goodness uh
Absolute roast session though but it’ll be for our patreon and YouTube members uh only we do this show once a week for you guys uh so we’re going to go give three hours of time for you uh three hours of time at least or two two to
Three hours uh behind the scenes uh if you guys want to see that you can jump on who hurt you podcast um it’s on Rumble as well you can type in who hurt you podcast it’s on there as well and then uh you can join on locals you’ll be
Able to watch it on locals uh you’ll be able to watch it on patreon on from like you know that’s YouTube’s platform I think uh and then you be able to watch it on Facebook members no okay well we need to fix that then they should have access yeah
Facebook members should have it at least in the upload um afterwards um yeah cool that’s pretty much it all right you guys um unless there’s anything else man can’t wait to see you roast him again yeah yeah Will well we’re gonna see how many of them actually show yeah we’ll see who shows
Up man I just know Tiana showing up oh Tiana’s coming oh okay cool Tiana will be here can’t really roast her unless she’s n i mean she’s she’s RP aware uh but anyways but I promise if I if I uh if I get a blue pill
Girl I got you all right you guys see you guys in the next one peace oh like the video [ย __ย ] we just gave you over two and a half hours like the video and we’re about to go do a whole another stream all right y’ peace