Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh O Oh We’ll click that uh I don’t know let’s click that too and see what it does I think we’re good what’s up everybody how are y’all Hello friends and brothers so funny the other day fluff was uh was doing a live broadcast on on his Tik Tock show and and uh you know he
Pointed the the camera at me and I did my typical deal like that and he goes oh you make my life so hard I said dude you pointed it at me I mean don’t point it at Dennis unless you’re ready for consequences that’s exactly right man come
On oh so how was uh New Mexico let’s get that that out of the way I want to hear about it the Grand Lodge of New Mexico those brothers are so genuine it now I say this all the time when I’m talking about most worful Steve
Amer who is now most worful Steve Amer and U past Grand Master uh Thomas shank or Tom as we know him but I say that all the time that they’re just so genuine but really it’s it’s all the brothers I mean there there’s really there was a a a couple of moments
Where you’re wondering well why did you get up and speak but it wasn’t any really ugly moments or anything like that not like we’ve seen in Texas yeah well that’s good it looked like you had a blast so oh yeah yeah just uh did it in today uh last night last night okay
Yes but uh yeah it uh the way that they do do it is is everybody starts rolling in on on Thursday the actual the actual uh deputy grandm and all of his um appointed they are uh well all the all of his appointed and his elected are are all there on
Thursday and they have private meetings and do all the committee stuff and go over all that beforehand before uh Grand Lodge gets started and so he meets with all of his committees and all that kind of good stuff and then on uh on Friday they actually start the the uh the communication
And they what’s really interesting that I didn’t realize is that in New Mexico when you once you get to Deputy grandm it’s pretty much guaranteed that you’re getting in I mean you really have to mess up because there’s not even an election for for the yeah for the grand
East it’s it’s just pretty much if you are Deputy grandmas you prepared all year and you have to really mess up to not go to the next seat because it’s implied it’s not even yeah it’s not even uh a new election so um well it’s not normally that’s not
Usually a concern right I mean how often it’s that not usually those guys in New Mexico they’re great guys so I mean like what would be the concerns so that’s that’s right why would they ever worry about it exactly why would anyone ever worry about it exactly but possibly Dennis Yates
Um but anyways yeah that’s uh that’s definitely the way they do it there and it’s it’s and really I mean I I don’t disagree I mean if they if they will you know stop it if it if it’s bad if it’s bad enough but they typically don’t don’t need
To that’s cool well but everybody was asking about our grand session oh that’s for sure I bet they’re talking about every Grand session across the United States right and and what’s interesting is that you know they were all saying what what we’ve been thinking all along
Which is that uh the reality is is that every Grand jurisdiction now sees the president that you know it can be done yeah that if if they’ve got problems they can fix it within their own Grand Lodge they don’t have to they don’t have
To live with it and grin and bear it you know and I think that was probably one of the most important Lessons Learned in January because you this is not the first time that you’ve heard of a Grand Lodge having trouble with their with their grand line
I just happened to be in Texas this time but this this has demonstrated like hey if you having trouble at your grand in your jurisdiction your grand West needs to take control and if you’re if your grand law just set up in a way where that can’t happen then you need to
Demand that be changed you have to you have to demand that change I think um right Roberto was talking about some jurisdiction where there’s no nominations from the floor or something do you remember what I’m talking about the uh the unspoken law or whatever that’s supposed to be read right um
Right if if that’s a problem Juris that are that way well I yeah I and I can imagine and if that’s the problem like if if it’s working fine for your jurisdiction great but if it’s a problem then it’s time to step up man right yeah but you know all you can
Do is is do it with the law you got to change the law to be able to to change those those things in within uh the procedures you know none of us none of us um we all we all join this thing with the understanding that we were going to
Follow the laws and and follow the laws of the land not only the laws of the land but the laws of our our Grand Lodge the Constitution um and so you know you don’t go in and do a a uh an overturning of of parliament like you know we’ve seen in the recent
Past with real governments of people trying to do stuff like that and you don’t do that we we do it differently but you’ve got to take control of your of your uh Democratic process by changing the laws if that’s what’s necessary absolutely wholeheartedly agree well that’s good man it was it was really
Cool I mean it it was um that everybody that I and I came across they they all uh were happy to see me and I was happy to be there and and uh you know it’s it’s and that was everybody there wasn’t anybody that was just ugly to anybody really it’s it’s
Just like when I came back from from Mexico and and told you about how everybody was you know hugging each other and uh and they had that special way of greeting and and whatnot and you just knew knew that you were amongst Brothers well this is it’s the same way
With New Mexico you just feel it mhm you walk you walk in and you just know that you’re a part of of something bigger than yourself that’s great very cool well I saw you had quite a quite a few Texas Brothers there representing so that was that was good to
See there were there were several there and then there was also um some that didn’t show up that that said they were going to be there M but you know that’s how it goes usually yeah but there were also there was also uh the grand Junior warden from Arkansas was there
Um yeah I saw that I saw the picture de my dear friend and Mentor FR Kohan was there um I was super stoked to to see him that was kind of a surprise I didn’t know he was coming in and so he he uh he came over and and that was great that
Was awesome awesome man well I’m I’m very excited that you got to go that looked like it was a blast and uh have you been to another Grand Lodge before that one that was outside of Texas um aside from was that the one in Mexico was a Grand Lodge wasn’t it
Mexico okay all right yeah that was that was the Grand Lodge of grand lodges it was the Federation of grand lodges the the grand Grand Lodge pretty awesome got you cool man it was all the Grands yes well um I had something that I wanted to talk about this evening unless there’s
Something else on your mind and um if depending on I have something else unless someone else has something after that this is just U St Patrick’s yes happy St Patrick’s Day everybody yes I I totally forgot about that it’s weird it being on a Sunday I haven’t really been observing St Patrick’s Day
Today um this is this was on Texas Freemasons it was Cameron ad Adams he shared this and I thought it was interesting so it was a post he shared and I don’t you probably Haven saw this then it’s because you’ve been so busy this weekend but so it says
Advice for a masonic and I’ll just read the whole thing and then we’ll just kind of talk about it advice for a masonic applicant if you’re going to join go all the way otherwise don’t even start if you’re going to try go all the way there
Is no other feeling like that you will be alone with the gods and the Knights will flame with fire do it do it do it all the way all the way you’ll ride live straight to perfect laughter that is the only good fight there is and that’s a
That’s a quote but underneath it says almost every old mason old U because that’s relative right is at some point asked for advice from a Mas Sonic applicant for years the standard advice was a 10e lodge as much possible and visit other lodges as much as possible
Uh it’s good advice but not very poetic in the process of YouTube scrolling the author of this came across the Charles Bowski poem roll the dice which is what that quote was from uh Masonic lodges or bodies too often allow its membership to be halfway Masons meaning membership is
Allowed to be halfway in its Masonic commitments if you’re going to join something join something go all the way give it your all everything you have otherwise why start why apply a masonic career with when done well and when done right requires as all great things do sacrifice sacrifice of time sacrifice of
Energy uh it says sacrifice of friends and family might word that differently but there are other but there are compensations compensations of new friends and new experiences compensations of new or redeveloped skills and personal growth most importantly compensations of the opportunity to the make the world and
Your community better it’s a fight but it’s a good fight it’s the only good fight thus this author’s uh new advice for a masonic applicant or anyone thinking of joining Freemasonry if you’re going to join go all the way otherwise don’t even start and so that’s that’s yeah I I read
That earlier today I like damn that I like that so I was just curious what yours and and everyone else’s thoughts were on that well I I want to address what you concerned about which is the friends and family part which is uh you know in in all real reality sometimes you’re going
To lose friends and families when you friends and family members when you join a an organization like B and that’s because they don’t want to understand they don’t they don’t understand they don’t want to understand and so you just have to cut ties it would be the same thing as if you were
Uh joining a church or something and your parents were catholic and and you wanted to be Jewish or something I mean they’re they could ultimately give you an ultimatum and you might have to call them on it and say well you know maybe now it’s not the time for us
To to be so close as a family unit because there there comes a time when we have to think for ourselves and we have to make decisions based on what we believe is right for us because it’s our life it’s not our parents’ life it’s not our brother’s life our sister’s life
It’s ours yeah and at the end of the day it’s going to be us and our fa and that’s that’s something I I was kind of thinking as I was finishing up because they were talking about them making the new friends and everything and uh I was like I haven’t personally
Really experienced it I mean I have somewhat but it hasn’t been like any like friends or family that were close that really mattered right but it does it does happen uh some people when they find out you’re a Mason of course they think they know better and you’re wrong and it’s evil
Or whatever yeah you’re just not high enough up and and and frankly I mean if you lose that as a friend or that that family member doesn’t want to talk to you at their family reunions anymore is that is that is that really a huge loss
I mean if they’re the kind of person that beds that kind of stuff I mean it’s right it’s kind of rough I mean sometimes it can be someone that’s really close to you and it might it might be difficult so I I can understand that but I mean 90% of those people they’re
Probably are they gonna Crouch your funeral anyway probably not so but uh right but I’ve made uh I’ve made more friends and Freemasonry um a lot of them are closer than family at this point and so right I mean maybe I lost one or two acquaintances over time that that are
Conspiracy theorists or just zealous like zealots but the amount of friends I made in the in the in the uh on the other side I mean it’s far outweighs that right yes yeah that’s that’s pretty interesting and I also like the idea that you know if you’re G to be in it be
In it you know I one of the things that makes me the most angry is when I hear the excuse that oh my my uh my my family comes first or my church comes first or or this that and the other in reality if you organize your you you set your
Time properly then it it shouldn’t be an issue when when we do this it says not to um basically not to uh not to lose your lose sight of of you know the time you spend with with your family but at the same time in the
Very same breath it says but don’t you know not spend time with with masonry either you know in the very same breath it says that so but people only like to choose the one side as an excuse not to do what they’ve committed to do Dan B says uh right now he’s dealing
With a situation where he’s up to uh if I’m reading right it looks like he’s going to have his petition read but there’s certain family members that don’t want him to join and here here’s here’s the question that I would ask is this person going to come
To and cry at my funeral and if if the answer is no you’re you’re you’re stressing about it more you probably should I mean if they’re if they’re close family and they’re like they’re they’re there for you and you talk to them regularly and that’s your no one can make that
Decision for you right but back to the back to the spirit of the the article um I mean if you’re going to join go all in and if you’re in a position where you don’t know that you can go all in like you have you have some family that might
Hold you back and maybe keep you from going to certain meetings and things like that maybe maybe try to discourage you from being 100% in it what are you going to get out of it right it’s the same thing with anything if you’re going to go to college go to
College I mean that’s that’s your focus you go all in on College until you accomplish your goal right right it’s the same thing with anything in life like if you’re going to do it that’s your focus that’s what you’re doing right if you want to be a freem Mason
Then then you got to be able to resolve like I’m going to go all in I’m going to learn the work I’m going to attend the meetings I’m going I’m want to travel I’m going to go to as many education uh events as I can and and have everything it has to offer
Otherwise kind of doing it halfway sorry Dennis had me to cut you off right no that’s okay that’s okay um well I I’ll use the the I’ll use the Bible against people if they if they you know if they want reference in from from another source
You know there comes a time when when you leave your mother and father and and you and you have your own family you know specifically you leave your mother and your father that’s that’s uh that’s part of the same thing you know with the associations that you make
As you become an adult you make adult decisions and you make them for yourself you make them for what’s best for you you know when when uh when I got married I didn’t ask my dad what he thought it didn’t matter to me what my dad thought it wasn’t my
Dad’s decision it wasn’t he wasn’t going to be living my life and my skin and bones every day with my wife so you know he wasn’t he didn’t he wasn’t going to have my kids he wasn’t going to have that that life that he has his life but
You know there comes a time when we just have to we have to grow up and and make decisions for ourselves that we that we think is best for ourselves I agree and if they can’t accept that then you know that’s on them what about you uh Inner Circle guys
You have any thoughts on this well I’m sitting here listening to what you saying and I agree but I think on the flip side of that is we need to try to as much as we can possibly involve our families that don’t understand it um I know my wife when I
First became an EA was had no clue whatsoever and now every Wednesday after we have four school she and my kids come and eat supper with us you know and she’s met everybody I mean we we went and uh we we went to a the Shiner today to end our spring
Break because my wife decided that’s where she wanted to go so and we met with with a couple brothers and and went to go up there and had a great old time so I think the other flip side of that is is you know family members who don’t
Really understand it um if we can get them involved to an extent that we can to let them understand it I mean my my dad still ask me every day if the G in masonry stands for golad so I had to tell him no it’s not what it means but
Um but you know my f when you know tradition prevailing my family’s coming when I moved to the east so I mean I’m excited for that and they’re excited to come so I think part of the the problem with um you know friends and family not understanding is us to an extent not
Explaining to them really what Freemasonry is and what’s involved in it and until we get them you know involved and they see what we’re doing they’re they’re going to be confused about it completely but it I think part of that falls on us to bring
Them in and see so and show them hey look this is what we’re doing you know this is what Freemasonry is and that and that’s that part of that falls us I mean you’re going to have some of those that are just you know Dennis you you made
The example earlier about you know going from Catholic to Jewish I was raised Catholic and we all know how Catholic people feel about masony right now um but that’s not going to deter me from talking to any of my family members about it and most my family members that
Are still Catholic are like fine whatever so like I said it just it falls back to us to an extent to be able to explain that to them in a way they can understand and us being able to articulate what Freemasonry really is and not the what you read on the
Internet and Illuminati and all that other kind of junk that’s a good point right there there is a certain effort that we have to take as well and and like you’re you and and uh your wife you know my wife is with me right now so is my daughter and
I always want them to go whenever I go if they can’t or don’t want to I I get it I understand but when I when I go to do these things I want them to go too I want them to be a part and it is you know this this past Grand
Grand Lodge you know Josh your your wife went along and and uh our our the master of our Lodge’s wife went along as well as the the uh junior warden’s wife or actually girlfriend and you know everybody had a great time and if we can incorporate that in what we’re doing
Then that’s awesome that’s that’s a that’s the trifect there right and I I I think you hit on a really the point Josh U get them involved as much as they’re as much as they’re willing right and if there because we we at our core historically Freon we’ve always been about educating
And and dis spilling ignorance right and if someone will allow us to educate them and dispel these misconceptions I think we should be willing to do it uh but there’s also there’s also that point where they just they just know better and they won’t listen but I well and
That’s and that’s where I was coming from with my my talk it it wasn’t it wasn’t for the for the family that is interested in and trying to understand what what’s going on I’m talking about the obstinate family right that’s that’s who I was referencing just as a as a
Side note so in education it it it’s it’s good to have different approaches to to reach people right um sometimes with some people you could be very succinct and they understand exactly what you’re saying and sometimes you need to be more elaborate and and it’s not that they’re slower or anything
People just learn differently and and so yeah me and Dennis are hitting on the same thing it’s just I’m being like succinct and he’s being elaborate and that’s just that’s just how he and I that’s how you and I work together I I’m like very like this is this is this and
Dentist is like well let’s let’s let’s unpack this and I think that’s what makes us so effective at getting points across is that we we have different different styles when we’re doing this online so yeah whole harly I mean you’re we’re echoing each other we’re just we’re just approaching it differently
But yeah I agree whole harly with with everything you’re saying and everything Josh has said uh yes absolutely I do too I agree with that any other thoughts from anybody I’ve got a couple um can you guys hear me yes sir Okay so um I had kind of a question as far as
What does he mean by go all in or do it all the way um you know for me that would mean just being completely involved in any kind of events that we have at the lodge be it showing up to the meetings participating in the discussions is that is that all
The way um I know there’s a lot more in Mason I could be doing but I’m just really focused on Blue Lodge only right now just because I’m still so new and there’s so much that I’m absorbing right now but I feel like I’m doing it all the
Way uh but I guess that could really be defined in a lot of different ways as doing it all the way like going to every appendant body enjoying everything you can or I mean what I I think I like I like what you’re doing and that is
You’re all in with what you’re doing you’re not you’re not spreading yourself then I I like that and I and I can appreciate that and I think it’s very subjective yeah and I think you answered your own question you said you feel like you’re you’re in all the way and I I
Think that’s that’s really comes down like Dennis said it’s to the individual and really I think what that is addressing is lukewarm Masons people who maybe don’t finish their degrees or maybe they they finish the degrees but they don’t show up hardly ever um I think everybody knows if they’re going
If they’re all in or if they’re doing doing it halfway sorry about that honey what’s up Jason I just scared the crap out of my life good job keep her awake yeah we were we were going that’s a normal thing for you yeah everybody was Whiting up in me going around that
Curve right there even myself that’s if I have to apologize that means I scared myself go ahead I’m sorry but yeah I think I think it’s very subjective and I think that you know we all have our different levels of all in yeah I I don’t really want to get
Involved in anything that I can’t put the time in to do you know like and I’m I’m pretty spread thin now and I balanced my life pretty well between work and home and masonry and and you know spiritualness and all that stuff but um as far as joining other bodies I
Just don’t have the time right now so I don’t want join it if I’m not gonna go all in like he’s talking about Jason uh sorry sorry you had your hand up minute ago uh yeah I I mean look if you’re not York right and Scottish right and Shriners then no
You’re not all no I’m just kidding um no wait a minute what if what if you’re just blue Lodge in grot does that count um that’s a close second gr okay no I I’m being factious obviously but um and actually Brad kind of kind of made
The point uh mostly what I was going to say uh because I it actually to me it does I do actually um get concerned sometimes when I when some people somebody that wants to be is thinking about being a Mason and and then they look at somebody like myself uh or even
Dennis or or you know some of these of us that are that are involved in just about every single organization and we’re all officers and every sing and they look at that and they go is is that what I have to do and you’re like well
No I do this because I want to but that is not you know I would not consider that a necessary requirement to be quote all Quote all in I think you know just like you were saying it’s it’s subjective I mean I’m looking at my my own son
And um you know in a few months he’s going to be up at uh up at College Station uh he hopefully if everything goes well he he’ll be a Master Mason but obviously he’s not going to be able to attend Lodge on a monthly basis you know
He’ll do what he can so for him yeah his Allin is probably when he comes down to visit he goes to Lodge with me you know I’ll try and you know send him things and get him to study what he can but yeah he’s going to be focused on getting through college
And and all the stuff that he needs to um but I have told him I said look you know if I had I wish when I was his age I had joined because I think if I had if he will take the lessons even if it’s just through the first degrees if he
Will take those lessons alone his life will be much will be much better in the long run and not just you know just throw yourself out there at 18 and then just try and figure it out there’s a lot of life lessons that can be learned in those first three
Degrees um so I yeah I think like just to Brad’s point you know it it is it is subjective um it’s you know we talk about within your length of your cable toe and all this kind of stuff but you you know you do know those that they
Make excuses and say well you know I have this and I have that and you’re like you know what you could be doing more but you just don’t make this a priority and you know and I think that’s probably where you would say you know what you’re not really that serious about it
Um yeah so don’t ask to be in that leadership role because you obviously don’t feel like it’s important enough of you know of your time to to take on that role you know and don’t worry Jason um I will definitely um get your son to demit from
Victory in or guadaloop where was it Victory or guadaloop guadaloop I’ll definitely get him to demit from there and and join Anon Jones or or uh or Sam Marcus they I think that he would enjoy both of those a lot Hees he doesn’t have to demit allow to be plural member well
Well well we don’t want to over overwhelm him right we we just want him to be balanced and I’m just messing with you you got very serious there didn’t you wow I would never no that’s just my face my fa my facei only reflects with word
Man do any else have any thoughts they’d like to share no none you know on that same note I haven’t uh pressured my kids my boys to do it either I haven’t pressured them to join for that very same reason I don’t want them to join something that
They’re really not ready to to devote themselves to go ahead I’m sorry well I I just touch on Brad’s point for a second there that uh you know I’m the same way I mean I’m I’m only a member of two lodges and I just recently joined NE grot and I’ve been in
M for a few years now but I was the same way I’d rather devote more time to the blue Lodge and making that where what we wanted versus me spending a whole lot of time doing the appendant bodies I think it’s more value and this is just me
Talking there’s more value at the blue Lodge than going around and getting all the different appendant body pins and hats and things of that nature I mean if if you can do it great I’m I’m all for it but as for me in my time I would
Rather devote to sitting in blue Lodge and making that the best I can versus having to run to all these other different appendant bodies that’s just my opinion and then as far as you know my son is also an EA if I can ever kick
Him in the rear to get his work turned in he’d be a fellowcraft eventually but you know he he was one that really wanted to join as soon as he turned 18 and he joined and he he enjoys it because he’s up in the Houston area so
He gets to visit a whole bunch of different lodges he gets to visit more lodges than I do uh because of where he’s at but he’s enjoying masonry up there and the brothers I really if any brothers that are in Houston have met my goofy son I really do have to say thank
You and appreciate y’all taking him in as a uh because Dennis has met him Dennis knows what I’m talking about um but I I appreciate the brothers up in the Houston area you know basically taking him under his under his under their wings and kind
Of getting him lined out the way he need to be lined out for lack of better word yeah yeah absolutely and you know I think that you’re on the right Journey for you Josh I think that we all we all have benefit from them if you’re not really ready and and ready to
Jump in yeah yeah I agree it’s like like Dennis is saying like everybody’s Journey looks different right just because one guy he he joins and goes through the Grand line in in like a short amount of time doesn’t mean everybody should should join and get involved the grand line
Likewise just because one guy gets most most of his value from Scottish right or another guy gets most of his value from York right or this guy joins everything that I think I think not just in Freemasonry but in life we get caught in this trap of comparing ourselves to
Everyone else right if if and I think but Brad hit head on if you feel like you’re giving it all you’re all like if you’re if you’re Allin your free masonry that’s how you feel then that’s that’s that’s good that’s good and I think that’s just what it’s saying I think and
I think anyone that’s not Allin knows if that makes sense and I think everyone knows that that they could be doing more and it’s not and if you’re involved 100% in your blue Lodge and you’re happy with that and you’re not interested in the appendant bodies at this time but you
Feel like you’re doing good things at your blue Lodge and you’re happy and you feel like you’re all in great that’s exactly what that’s addressing that’s exactly what you should be doing but on the other hand if you have soone they’re all in and they’re doing degrees for Scottish right
And they feel like that that they’re doing 100% they’re all in their Freemason rate that way great man you do you but but yeah I I think goad go ahead sorry no I was just going to reiterate um but there’s for for every Mesa that’s in there that’s all
In three four five members that are not if that makes sense and that’s and I don’t think you’re you’re going to be seeing any of those people here in the chat or here in the Inner Circle but they’re there they’re there and that’s probably the majority of the Texas
Masons that are just not all in and that’s who it’s drafting towards well not just Texas Mason but Masons at across the country sorry Dennis well I I was gonna say you know golad really needs Josh to be present it does I mean that’s he’s uh he’s senen
The warden he’s got you know some boots to fill and and he’s doing a great job and and golad needs him to be there if I thought that golad needed me to be there to be successful then I would be there but I don’t think that they need me
There necessarily to for their success now do I like to go and hang out with my brothers you know when I can I absolutely love to but I also you know attend to Blue lodges in in other areas as well because I do think that they
They kind of need my help right now and then there will come a time when they won’t need my help and then I’ll have more time for something else so I think that we have to appreciate the decisions that our that our brothers make if they’re giving to
This P portion or this portion or or what have you we have to appreciate that if they’re if they’re filling that void that that body or you know blue Lodge needs you know that’s great that’s uh that is Allin just because it’s not at our particular Lodge doesn’t mean that
They’re not all in somewhere yeah and we have to always keep that in mind because I’ve been I’ve definitely been you know guilted in the past over stuff like that and it’s just like dude who are you to tell me what my masonry should be yeah exactly yeah and to your point we’re
Talking about generic like organizations but if you are working on certificate or you just enjoy doing degrees and that’s that’s your jam so you go around doing degrees and you’re you’re perfectly content and feel like you’re getting as much out of fre masonry as you’re
Putting into it do that man go for it if you’re going to R giving presentations do that if you have a podcast and you’re getting a lot out of that and you feel like you’re giving back to Free Masonry do that and like exactly like Dennis is saying everyone’s journey is different
Don’t let anyone tell you what it should look like yeah but to Jason’s point I’d also like to reiterate to Jason’s point that that you know there’s some guys that they’re acting like they’re all in but they’re really not they’re they’re just putting their toe in the water and
Wanting you and telling you that they’re all in and when they’re really not they’re just they just got their toe in the water and that’s all they want to be in you know but they know they’re don’t tell me that yeah don’t tell me that you
You know you want to be a a leader of of this body or whatever and yet you still think that you you should only show up when it’s convenient to you MH when you’re a leader you have to show up even when it’s not exactly that’s the job exactly what’s up
Trenton hey brother going on Brothers how are you good so unless I’m mistaken look like it looks like Jason’s reading a book so he’s probably gonna throw some quote at us or something here in a minute oh pH okay I thought he was doing some scholarly but I guess
Not he’s texting his son saying do not demit when Dennis says stay away from Dennis yes I tolerate him you do not have to go ahead I’m sorry I think why you kind of what you were saying Dennis about saying don’t tell me how to do my
Masonry kind of thing uh I think that kind of goes both ways as well because if somebody wants to halfway do it I can’t just tell them I mean I could try to mention it and and spur him on to hey could you help do these things but I
Can’t tell him how to do his masonry either if he’s just halfway doing it kind of thing either right right but don’t complain if you don’t get the positions that you want and the the medals and the honors and all that you know that’s that’s what I’m seeing you
Know I I’m not going to tell anybody if they want their toe just their toe in that’s fine if that’s all you want that’s fine just don’t tell me that you want you know big responsibilities if you’re not willing to put in the work that it takes to fill those shoes so
Right I’ll tell yall where uh my opinion on all this ultimately like how this falls into my bigger my biggest my big picture and it’s kind of a hardn approach and it’s not really the approach that I take but I think it’s it’s something that is worth
Evaluating um and This falls back to something we always talk about and that is the west gate and the the process involved with going from from from Mr to Mason right that you know coming to the door knocking get a petition the entire process uh I I feel like like we give
People and just just hear me out let me get it all out because it’s going to sound way way harsh but I feel like we give people like this pass because we when they’re in EA and they’re getting the degrees I’m not going to quote it verbatim but we basically say hey man
Like these are this is important but these other things are important too and I’m not saying they’re not but then we kind of give everybody like a like a like just just this blanket pass where we like so where where I’m going with this is if someone’s petitioning they want to
Join I think ideally we need to tell them look if you’re joining that’s because we need we need someone that’s that’s going to be a Mason we don’t need members we need Masons and that means like when we’re when we’re having our meetings when we’re doing official
Things we need people that are going to be here and if you can’t do that you’re not going to get anything out you’re not going to get any value out of the fraternity and fraternity is not going to get any value out of you um granted we’re not saying we’re going to hold
People accountable like hey why did you not show up to the meeting tell me what’s going on with your with your with your children are they sick or what’s the deal like but I do think we also once once someone’s in we we we we kind of I don’t know I think
When you have someone that joins there should be someone in your Lodge that that when these when these new people don’t show up we’re reaching out to them saying hey is everything okay what’s going on with your family what’s what’s going on is there some reason you couldn’t be there and I don’t
Think it’s it’s so much a a means to hassle them it’s the mean of showing them like look we we we value your your attendance and if there’s something going on that we can help you with we want to help you right it because because we tell them from day one when
We they start when they get their petition when they start showing interest we want Masons we need you here and it’s not saying hey we’re we’re here to hassle you but it’s it’s saying it’s reinforcing that hey because what it should tell them mentally is we told them that we we have
Expectations of them and there are exceptions but we expect them to be here be here for for these reasons unless something is come has come up and so if you’re not here that must mean something’s going wrong with your with your with your family somebody’s sick or
Or something came up with your job and I think if you were to invite all like your like your closest family and say hey we’re going to all go to dinner right your closest Family like your cousins your brothers whatever they are and you didn’t hear back you
Expected them all to show up and one of your cousins didn’t show show up or your brother didn’t show up you’d probably reach out to them after the dinner say hey man is everything good I just want to check up because I thought you going
To be here at the dinner when we let someone into the fraternity we call them brother they’re family there’s a reason we say brother it it has it has a meaning and that that is that that is to imply how close we are to be with these people and
So if you’re letting them into your group you’re letting them into your your Masonic family they should be family and if you’re expecting them to show up and they’re not there you should reach out to them like they are family and and find out why they couldn’t be
There I’ll stop there right yeah well that’s to be honest with you I that’s why I like the U the invitation only bodies more than than anything else because there’s a certain expectation there and you know if if I’m not going to be at one of those bodies I reach out and
Tell them I’m sorry I’m not going to be there I was attending Grand Lodge this weekend sorry that that was that was the priority this weekend however no I will be there next time because this is important to me you’re important to me and so you know
That’s and I know I I truly sorry I truly think that that’s the value that a lot of these Invitation Only bodies and some of the invitation only uh lodges bring to the table is is that type of commitment Between Brothers and and I think that
Uh we made it two lacks for other people because we want members in our lodges we don’t want the the we don’t want the brothers we just want the members we want their money yeah there there’s I think it’s sorry C you off he just keeps
Getting quiet for a second no go ahead go ahead um there are certain jurisdictions where if you can’t attend LGE you the expectation is you’ll at least call or send an email and give your regards explain why you couldn’t be there and I I think there’s something
Valuable about that because it says hey I can’t be there but this organization is important enough I don’t want you guys worrying about me this is why I can’t be there this month um right there’s a in chat Warriors music he wants to talk to someone about joining the Brotherhood uh
Warriors we do got a video about joining Freemasonry if you if you look through our videos uh it was late last year we made it but uh I’ll I’ll just to short and sweet um Google your town find the local lodges and uh start visiting them
By not when they meet and just go introduce yourself and say that you’re interested in joining and if they start throwing a petition at you as soon as you come in the door that’s probably not the lodge for you but uh right start just start going around and visiting
Getting to know the people oh in Pennsylvania yeah MERS yeah I know this a good free ma in Pennsylvania so um oh yeah just Google just just Google the local lodges and I mean here I could pull it up right now Allentown Pennsylvania nice you know while while I
Was saying that back to Dennis about I can’t tell somebody how to do masonry on on the other end of the spectrum I only say that because I’m like super excited about masonry like I’m I’m two years in and right it’s it’s it’s exciting to me it’s still like drinking from a fire
Hose uh and I didn’t understand why some brothers weren’t as excited as I am about it and I was uh borderline pushy to one of the leaders of the lodge and it it kind of fired back in my face and he kind of he
Got upset with me and I had to mend that relationship which we got through but it was it was a learning point for me yeah and that that does happen a lot with with newer Brothers um we get excited and and we uh we we want
Everything all at once and and there’s a time for us to just be patient with it and let the process work and and a lot of times we come in brand new brothers thinking that we know everything that that should be happening at that Lodge and and this and that and
Giving all the best advice for you know an issue that they don’t even have yeah well I think often we come in Bri I think that we’ve all been there I think we’ve all been there that felt like we we knew better than the Lodge at one point right every one of
Us well I think often with especially like these rural lodges uh I think this is is really more common with with uh newer and younger Masons like in their 20s and and early 30s they come in and and uh often they see um gentlemen that are older than them and they think well
Hey let’s try this let’s try this let’s try this and they don’t realize this these are there there’s a first of all it may have been tried right and that’s not saying that’s not saying that it’s not worth trying again I don’t like that example but I think there’s a certain
Amount of of temperance we have to have when coming in because um it it it’s good to know it’s good to know your Lodge it’s good to know the brothers and you kind of have to I think a lot of brothers have been burned by Young enthusiastic guys who
Disappear off the face of the Earth right and they come with all these ideas and they don’t follow three and so that that’s really where I’m going at with some but some of it is they get burned out they they get burned out real quick because the everything that they get
Excited about get shot down I know it goes both ways I AG it goes both ways it’s it’s a it’s a balance that that we need to find yeah uh real quick uh warriors uh I put the link for the allent toown Masonic temple on the chat
Uh I’d recommend just looking at their times and reaching out through their there’s a contact us reach out that way and whatever the next meeting time is um show up a little bit early and just introduce yourself if you don’t hear back by then and um like I said Temperance bare
Minimum bare minimum where business casual yeah because you don’t know the the uh the the formalities of that Lodge and a lot of the northern lodges are very formal so I was going to say very minimally I think Pennsylvania is txas I think I’m saying where but definitely just like Dennis
Says as casual just to introduce yourself at the minimum I would probably show up in a tugs me personally because who knows they might just be practicing that t night you might be overdressed but show up meaning that showing that you’re sincere and and this goes to one
Of those things where you can dress the part and look sincere but best of luck but like I said don’t go charging in there like like a like a over enthusiastic sometimes sometimes new people can come across as a little a little uh nutty because they seem too enthusiastic so
Just don’t do that just come in introduce yourself express your interest listen more than you talk and and visit around that’s that’s probably the best way to start yeah absolutely but congratulations on uh asking that first question man that’s that’s uh that’s first step yep absolutely cool man well
Best of luck on that so hopefully hopefully it all works out keep us keep us informed that’s uh that’s the stuff that that really gets me excited about masonry again is when I know that that everything we’re we’re doing is not in vain that that there are people that
Are looking that that are genuine not just trying to find the Illuminati and not just trying to you know get rich or whatever but they’re genuinely interested in Freemasonry um man that’s that’s what really gets me excited that’s what gives me juice for the next six months well big red flag
For me is always people always looking for the Illuminati but no one’s ever looking for the illum Illumina and so that that’s very worsome my oh my God who let you in that’s all I want to ask you know I used to like your dad [Laughter] [Β __Β ] [Β __Β ] no absolutely Warriors we’re happy
This is what this one of the main reasons we’re here is to to help uh direct people but I would also definitely check out like I said check out the video uh how to it’s either how to become a Freemason or how to join Freemasonry it’s a 2023 version just
Watch it it’s like 4 five minutes long and they’ll answer yeah there’s there’s a couple of them and they’re uh they’re they’re helpful yeah it’s very yeah I agree yeah and uh but best of luck man what’s up yeah absolutely now back to the uh back to the topic at
Hand um you know it’s always a balance in everything we do right and we don’t want to come across too strong but at the same time we don’t want to come across lukewarm either because then you know you’re you won’t be considered for for uh for the potential that you have right
If you if you don’t let your intentions be known by um being helpful and assertive and and you know just always showing up when they ask you to then they’ll never know what your true intentions are if you if you’re if you’re too um too shy then they’re they’re not gon
To they not recognize your your potential gota there’s an old saying if you got it for on it and while that’s a little bit vain there’s some truth to it also you you’ve got to let people know that you are willing to help and that you are
Capable of helping in certain areas if they need your help if if they would like for you to help then then you’re there for yeah you don’t give them a resume but you just show up show up and make yourself useful because because frankly if and
This not just DCT the de but just in general if you if you’re if you don’t if you’re not helpful enough to to take the guy’s plates next to you and go clean those off then you’re probably not ready for bigger things so start with the small things and help yourself
Out however you can or help other people out however you can and uh prove that you prove that you can handle the little things and people will start giving you big things but don’t just show up and start and I guess that’s really going back to what we’re
Talking about with the with the new guys too show that you can follow through with the little things show that you can help with the little things and then people start giving you bigger things um but don’t just don’t just show up and start demanding big things oh Daniel Dutton yeah I thought
You would appreciate the dad joke if anyone else oh my goodness there’s always that one that appreciates you [Laughter] justtin well let’s um but yeah let’s start let’s start wrapping it up with final thoughts and uh because we we have to do like a uh quick discussion afterwards so I
Want to be sure we we have time for that too cuz spring break’s over okay but but anyone have any final thoughts you want to share or anything like that yeah you all you Brothers go go first well I I don’t know if I it’s a thought but I just want to remind
Everybody that uh this coming weekend the 23rd goad we have the F Memorial remembrance uh Grand Lodge is coming down we’ll open a representation of Grand Lodge in the morning and we’ll do leth ring and all Le re Lane I’ll get it out in a second um we’ll do that that Saturday morning
As well and uh here pray tell that a good brother of ours who may be or may not be the woral master is making some enchiladas homemade uh that will be served for lunch that afternoon so sold um if you yeah if you guys can come me greatly appreciated I think we’re going
To start at lodge about 8 o’l 8:30 somewhere in there um and then we’ll move to Fan Memorial after that then come back and close down Grand Lodge representation and then have have lunch so and then I’m sure all of our all of the Bros and goad will be hanging around
Hanging out so if y’all can make it I’d be greatly appreciated yeah and bring your family that’s this is a family event now I won’t be there I’ll be speaking at the Symposium this weekend but it’s a family event bring your family and uh even after the enchiladas when everything
Kind of Peters out uh the golad brothers always hang out and do Fellowship after they always do but there’s also the opportunity to take your family back up to the Presidio and see all the reenactments and and uh get the tour of the Presidio and understand the history
That’s that’s behind it and why it’s so important in in Texas history um I can’t say enough good things about about this weekend for goad it really is uh one of the most important weekends um in South Texas for sure absolutely um oh man I totally just
Blinked out what I was gonna say God dang um wow so you’re talking at suppos on this weekend it wasn’t another stupid dad joke was it I haven’t given any stupid dad jokes this entire time what are you talking about that would imply that I’ve given a stupid one so far and
They have all been awesome so I don’t know what you’re talking about right yes I I know I know you believe in yourself so you’re talking at the Symposium this weekend are you also talking you’re talking at the perfect union thing next month also aren’t you or we just doing
No actually record we’re just gonna do the the recording on at perfect union the Masonic the South Texas masonicon the Expo yeah so this coming weekend there’s a symposium and it’s h really a a more esoteric uh minded discussions uh topics uh some of your brightest Minds in in masonry
Are going to be there I don’t know how I got looking and and was asked to to be involved but I can’t wait to uh give my presentation but if you’re north of of San Antonio you should come down to the Symposium for sure if you’re South of
San Antonio you should definitely be going to uh the golad uh the Phantom memorial service that’s that’s anytime you have Grand Lodge and I’ll just say this in general anytime you have Grand Lodge within an hour and a half of where you are you should go to the Grand Lodge
Event hands down you should go to the Grand Lodge event you should support our Grand Lodge you should support the brothers that are putting help helping the Grand Lodge you know to facilitate and really this is a goad event that Grand Lodge comes down and helps facilitate
But even if it’s not this one right when it’s time for Gonzalez San jento is is coming up real soon you know all these different uh events if it’s within an hour and a half of of where you are then you need to show up for
That yeah absolutely but I’d say if you if you’re if you’re in Austin or or in between Austin and San Antonio you should be at the Symposium I think that uh that you’ll find a lot of value in it and I think that many of the brothers between that range would really really
Enjoy it I think that it’s it’s right up valid I just feel like there there all the brothers that I know and this is a good problem to have but they’re they’re so close geographically and kind of in the same same time frame I keep getting them transposed but that’s a good
Problem to have because I remember when we didn’t have anything anywhere in Texas yeah so it’s good to see these things growing um I’ll just share and when you had had only eight people show up that a major event yeah that that was not so great I I can tell you that the
Best food is going to be here in goolan so if you want good food come to go the oh I remember what I was gonna say now I can I can Cur even though I won’t be there I can Cur mastering cooks and food him him and his whole family are just excellent
Cooks I just think it’s funny how Texas will we’ll kind of thumb our nose at like chili dogs and things like that but if somebody talks about bringing enchiladas or homeade tacos like we we’re we’re all in on that that is Gourmet but yes yes or or tamales oh yes
I love tamales yes tamales love those that’s that’s how we say it in north Texas oh my goodness what’s up I’ve got one final thought um you know about being Allin uh one of my things that I really like doing when I go to Lodge when I go to my
Lodge is I like to make sure that I say hello to everybody going up and shaking their hand also saying goodbye to everybody at the end of the lunch uh to me that’s just I see guys that don’t do that and I I you know and I I think it’s
Important for me to uh just you know say hey man how you doing and just you know say I’m glad you’re there you know kind of thing so that’s just part of I being all in on that I I feel like if we if we have brothers that are coming to Lodge
Without anybody really saying hello or goodbye to them and they stop showing up we really have ourselves to blame for that and there are that does happen it happens I I’ve seen Brothers will I mean they’ll still chat with people but once once Lodge is over they’re out and no
One says anything no one says a word to them and so that’s that’s something that we have to be better about and and I mean I applaud you for that cuz that’s that’s being intentional about something that’s very important um I’ll just speak real quick
Uh as far as how my week looks if anyone’s in the area and interested tomorrow I’ll be traveling to celo and giving a presentation and then Thursday uh I’ll be giving a lecture for an EA degree at New Hope Lodge that’s in Covington Texas and and then Saturday I’m going to be attending
The nox Lux Grotto um in Temple I’ll be I’m actually moving my membership there I think I’m actually going to probably get a fez this time so I’m excited about that and and so that that’s how my week’s looking so far so if anyone’s in any of those areas that’s a pretty
That’s a pretty broad area but if anyone’s around and wants to travel uh hit me up at those places Justin if you want to Fizz I mean I know of a pretty cool Grotto that just started a couple weeks ago here in golad I mean we we have lot just saying a
Little bit whole box of fizzes I’m just saying I appreciate that yeah the largest Charter in a long long time I understand I saw the pictures it was a good turnout for y’all’s first meeting oh yeah yeah we had a great time we just we just had one guy that kept
Talking about Scottish rights for some reason we’re not sure why but other than that it was it was a great time that had by all it was we had a pretty good pretty good time head by everybody sometimes you just got to remind that guy where he’s at because he kind of
Gets confused he’s getting at that age where he he didn’t know where he’s at all the time so like Hey we’re not Scottish ride right now this is Grotto Dennis I mean whoever whoever it was I’m not saying but just nice nice yes well I will um I would I would like
To tie into to what uh what Brad was saying earlier and U it should go without saying but you know when you’re talking about being Allin there’s no better being Allin than being in the moment right when when I’m at lodge I generally am not going to
Have my phone on unless I’m putting something in my calendar because if I don’t put it in my calendar I won’t be there that’s just how it is that everything evolves around that calendar and if you want me to be somewhere then you better make sure it’s in that
Calendar or I won’t be there period yeah but otherwise when you’re at lodge be there when you’re when you’re talking with your brothers be there you know don’t don’t be halfway there chatting on your phone or texting somebody else and just kind of halfway in the conversation
Or or whatever you know we have enough of that everywhere else to we’re you know we’re there but we’re on our phone if when you’re at a meeting be present in that meeting and be a part of it that’s that goes further to being Allin than anything else that that I could
Recommend now otherwise I would like to yes I would like to definitely mention that um if you really need value in your in your Masonic experience that you’re not getting from any of your other bodies you can always count on the Scottish right because tomorrow night we have our online oh my
Gosh we have our online Zoom CME tomorrow night which stands for continuing Masonic education which is what the University of Freemasonry actually does is we educate our brothers so the online Zoom presentation is is more of a book club and we are uh going through the different chapters of of Manley P Hall’s
Uh um secret teachings of all ages and it’s okay if you didn’t read it show up because go ahead how long have y’all been on that because that seems like it’s been you’re getting a lot of bang for your buck out of that book well yeah we do one chapter a month
Period we don’t we don’t do half a book in one in one meeting we do one chapter every month and we have anywhere from 15 to 30 participants at any given CME night so you’re going to hear a lot of different um thoughts and ideas on the content that that you’re
Going through and because it’s more of a book club than a than a u a Scottish right uh thing per se we open it up to all Master Mason so if if any of y’all want to um be a part of it you can prove
That you’re a Master Mason to me if uh if you’re not you know somebody I know directly then then I’ll ask you some questions and and I’ll expect to to see your cards and stuff like that um but if you can prove to me you’re a Master
Mason then I can get you on that email list so that you’ll get a invitation to the zoom because it’s open to any brother it’s not just the people within our Valley we we open it up to any brother that any Master Mason that wants
To be uh further educated and I I would say like if you’re in a lodge or organization and you want to start a book club and you don’t know where to start what they’re doing right there I mean this is this is the book right here and each chapter depending on depending
On the chapter some are like five pages some are 20 pages but there are so many flipping topics in here I mean it’s all pretty esoteric so if someone’s not interested in like Ancient Aliens or they don’t watch things like that or or it should in uh like Atlantis and stuff
Then they might not enjoy it but for the brothers that that are into that kind of thing or just want to like just explore it I mean I mean it’s probably like I think I maybe paid 30 bucks for the book maybe a little more than that it’s not
Expensive as far as books go um right but what’s the name of the book uh secret teachings of all ages by Manley P hall and Dennis’s got it’s been like a year hasn’t it it’s it’s close to it yeah um we’re on chapter Jason is it 17 or 18 I something
Like that yeah I mean I think we’re only about a quarter of the way through the whole book yeah right but it’s awesome because yeah it’s all Roman numeral so I can’t tell how many chapters but there’s a lot of chapters that’s funny but it’s it’s one
Of those things that if you can’t be there one month you’re not going to get lost because each month is a topic of discussion right so it’s not like you have to be a part of the previous uh discussions to be able to understand where you’re at in this even though it
Does help with some of the stuff because it rolls into each other but not everything it it’s um that’s the way we do our inperson CME as well which uh which will be coming up on the last Thursday of the month uh our imperson CME where we always do one
Chapter at a time in uh or not one chapter but one degree at a time for uh for all the degrees and so we’re at what the 24th 23rd 23rd yeah so we’re at the 23rd degree and it’s fixing to get really good in my opinion that I mean they’re
Always really good but some of the best degrees you know in the Scottish writer coming up pretty pretty soon but you know we our Valley truly Prides ourselves in in being Educators first and foremost we’re Educators we we try to educate each other and we hold each other to a higher standard in
Regards to Mas to our free mas and so if you’re looking for that experience then we can help you get there just uh just let Jason or I know we’re we’re happy to help um also speaking of Scottish Wright Josh for any of those brothers that have
Been on the fence this year is never it’s it’s never been the better a better time to join in San Antonio because it’s our centennial celebration this this um reunion group is going to be the Centennial uh group and so what’s going to happen is we’re doing 24 of the 29
Degrees on the stage which if you’ve never seen any of the Scottish Wright Valley stages with the with all the painted backdrops and and and the different scenes for the degrees then that in itself is worth the money right there because you got million dooll backdrops that are that are still
Used today that are hand painted that create a 3d effect for the dramatization that we do for the degrees but and it’s all in costume and all that kind of good stuff but um anyways this year’s the Centennial uh celebration so we’re going to have our two weekend uh reunion days
Uh the 15th of June and then the 22nd of June they’re both on Saturdays and then the 29th of June is when we’re going to have our centennial celebration and we have a uh and we’re also going to do the capping ceremony during that time and now that I have the the
Uh the flyer to put on the website yes who guess who our guest speaker is in the San Antonio Valley this year Jason raen drum roll Jason renberg well not quite that but it is a close second yes well very close second to to Dennis Yates but
It that none other than here real fast not only our very own it it’s our very own member of our Valley and from The Valley in South Texas AR Trio de Hoyos the grand archist for uh for the uh Southern jurisdiction mother Supreme Council Southern jurisdiction of the Scottish right
So we have a uh an extremely special event happen happening this year and if you are ever on the fence on joining Scottish right this really is the time to do it this is going to be a special time for all you’ll be a part of the Centennial Celebration you’ll be a part
Of the Centennial reunion and uh this is this and this is our 100th anniversary of our cathedral in in San Antonio nice very cool all right speaking of Scottish right Josh let’s get back to those final thoughts anyone else have anything I know Dennis has something yes I give them all
Opportunity we we we veered off the course but we are I’m here to direct us back so does anyone else have final thoughts okay Dennis we show the the is yours I do I do have some some real final thoughts here um you know we talk about we we’ve talked tonight about
Um being Allin in fre well it’s it’s not just about being Allin in somebody else’s eyes be all in in your own eyes if you’re not getting what you thought you were getting GNA get out of Freemasonry uh maybe it’s not just up to everybody else to give you that that
Experience maybe it’s time for you to to go all in on your own and make that experience the experience that you were hoping to have because sometimes it takes initiation of our own um our own selves to to find those opportunities that will bring the light
If that makes sense it does I wrote a a paper last year and think of it as as a wall of light right sometimes the light that’s available to you is like a spotlight shining in your eyes and you can’t see anything besides that light that’s
Shining right in your eyes and you get scared to death because you don’t know if you’re going to be able to handle it if you go towards that light but the reality is is that all the things that you’ve been looking for are just right
On the other side of that wall of light you can’t let yourself get blinded by that light and not take the First Step Beyond it to see what all Freemasonry has to offer a lot of times we let that light frees Us in fear of the unknown and sometimes frankly we we
Wonder if we’re getting in too deep and that’s scary but until you take that step you’ll never know and only you know how deep to deep is you can’t let anyone else Define that for you but don’t be your biggest enemy when it comes to the availability and accessibility of your Masonic
Journey because bottom line we are our biggest enemy in all things in life so friends and brothers I I hope that you’ve enjoyed this show and I hope you realize nobody saying that you’re being lazy in your masonry unless you’re being lazy in your Mason but just
Kidding but what we are saying is that if you’re going to be there be present in the moment be a part of what you’re a part of support the brothers that that are going to take that initiative if you’re not the one to step up and be that
Leader then support your leaders help them be that be that support system that they need to help them Reach those goals that can be just as rewarding as being the person reaching those goals be the biggest cheerleader to that person that you can be when it comes to
Your ddgm this year support them 100% be their cheerleaders when it comes to your District instructors be their Cheerleaders be there be present be be helpful in the moment don’t be the obstacle that they have to get past to help the other brothers so we talked about a lot of things
Tonight but the main thing is is lead in brotherly love that’s all I can say is lead and brotherly love and otherwise keep it between the points brothers and Friends well soon to be brothers well said every once in a while I get see y’all next time take care