Oh this the thing I was talking about earlier about you know asking for help really resonated with me because I’m like I do need help with a situation right now okay so right now me and my girlfriend of two years we’ve been beautiful lovingly been centered with God
Recently we kind of came in at little intellectual impasse you could say because um recently she had declined a Jordan a sorority and because you know God was talking I they’re saying don’t do it mm-hmm and then through that we you know she and I started studying like okay are
Sororities Greek eternities bad like are we even supposed to do those cuz I currently am part of a Greek fraternity Phi Mu Alpha okay and because some resources that she found it said basically like you cannot reach the fullness of God while you’re in this like you have to denounce it right now
Right now like you can’t you know be in God’s presence because you’re serving two masters and one not the other mmm and then my argument was that well I’ve been in a fraternity but while I’ve been in this fraternity God has been doing amazing things he got me out of misogyny
Is a very sexually promiscuous lifestyle even right now my brothers are helping me through my own pornography addiction which I am a we claim you know glory to God for that don’t great and you know you connected me with friends family they got me through depression you know
Help me with a breakthrough that I wouldn’t I don’t think I would have gotten otherwise if I hadn’t gone through you know going the process of joining a fraternity yeah so I guess but right now she’s you know fully convinced right now that no their demonic you know
I don’t want you know looking at you know where I’m at just like you know I don’t want you to go enjoy you know continue be in this fraternity because I want everything that God has for you and I’ll you know I want you to experience
The fullness and I don’t want this to be a hindrance so I guess my question is just well I guess two parters one are they demonic or any way against what God wants from us no second question is how do I go about you know talking to her through that and
Then helping her through that because I don’t want to come off as you know I’ve had a big pride problem and I don’t want to come off as like oh I know everything you don’t know anything kind of yeah so I love your heart man I so love your
Heart and and and it’s very clear that you love her and and so what I would say is you know we can have we can have a conviction for a particular thing that helps to keep us safe but that doesn’t mean it becomes doctrine that we have to
Give to others right this is something that historically has turned so many churches legalistic because you’ll have a pastor or a board that has some D convictions on let’s say lipstick right yeah so now there’s a whole denomination where you can’t wear makeup because there’s a couple of people that felt
Like lipstick was bad and and what was just a a personal conviction becomes a doctrine that we try to defend but we don’t have any Bible for it right right and so I’m a person that’s really big on Scripture and I find most Greek sororities and fraternities to be a
Healthy way where people can can in an organization learn character learn value learn Brotherhood learn sisterhood learn how to be a blessing in in their communities no different than the Boy Scouts or the Girl Scouts or the YMCA or or being on a on a on a sports team
Right so if somebody if she feel if she has a personal conviction that that she feels like the Lord has spoken to her that a sorority would is not the path the Lord wants her to go down she must keep it her conviction and not turn it into something that everyone
Else must do right because we don’t have any we don’t have any scriptural context for that right because like I’m not doing one thing that you know was constant brought up was the idea of like you know companies that were on me because there was somewhere in the Bible
That said like you know when the children of don’t children Israel going to the promised land they say don’t converse with them don’t make covenants with them or their gods you know you know she’s a lot of Greek organizations are centered around you know ideals brought forth by Greek gods and and it
Became back to the part where it’s like you know don’t you know tell her these things she looked up different ideas and I was just saying like you know I took these off but nothing I said was against God’s Word because I agree that I was gonna you know music speak that music
Doesn’t belong to any sort of denomination or you know no music is inherently demonic or angelic it’s just depends on the context of it and I’m supposed to you know help people become the best that they could be that’s the oath I’ve taken and his end if I ever
Felt like you know I had to sell my soul for something you know I wouldn’t do it but with her it was right but she was considering this fraternity it was like as I’ve got told she felt like I told her like you’re literally selling your
Soul away so it got me like did I not have that same conviction am I am I wrong and listen it could have been it could have been the the organization that she was about to pledge to maybe God was maybe perhaps the God is blocking her from something that she
Doesn’t need to see if she were to get further along in into it so once again I really do feel like this comes down to what what the Holy Spirit is I’ll give you a perfect example going back to my struggle of pornography I can’t go to certain rate at our movies
Because they would just trigger me right like like I gotta be like an 11 year old when I go up to the movie theater you know to buy my tickets like why is this movie rated R oh you know some shooting if it says graphic nudity and sexual
Themes it’s like okay let’s go watch uh you know Sonic the Hedgehog cuz I know that me being exposed to that is it’s just not good for me right uh I would hope that nobody feels being exposed to graphic rated our material of a sexual nature is good for their soul if they’re
A believer in Jesus Christ but what I don’t want to do is to preach that nobody can go to the movies no more right right is say that you know that the movie theaters are the are the den of Satan and it’s the synagogue of of Sheol and build a whole theology around
That that I can’t support with Scripture so I feel like having a conversation with her and respecting her conviction and and and and then saying okay I would also like you to respect mine I don’t feel that the organization I’ve pledged to has told me to disavow my fidelity to
God or or to pledge allegiance to something that I would never uh you know what to compromise my faith I’m respecting what it is that you feel like God is telling you and and why you’re staying away from it as long as you’re okay with the fact that God led me to
One that’s actually giving me support and and then allowing me to express my faith better than if I didn’t have it I think that the the the benefit of embracing those perspectives should allow you all to navigate this because you don’t want a whole relationship to end over something
That’s minor that we made major yeah yeah so I hope that helps problem yeah that that actually helps a lot good man good well I Love You Man thank you so much for being on my live I appreciate you of course of course thank you so much
I love alright don’t love it you think you do so just think keep going thank you man I’m out thank you I appreciate the encouragement all right