N And when I see the blood I will pass over you e e e e for e e e e e e e e hallelujah hallelujah let us stand for prayer praise yah Saints we’re going to enter into the holy place with the most high yah considering that this is needed for
Us all you know cuz I you know tonight I desire to enter in to the place of Deliverance Freedom hallelujah praise God let us lift holy hands father in the mighty name of Jesus we come before you the creator of Heaven and Earth and the waters under the Earth
Father we thank you Father for what you have done since the beginning of time father you have chosen us for an hour such as this father that we may be the righteousness of the earth through Jesus yua father we come tonight that we may
Be made whole that we may be set free of all demonic interferences father all demonic hindrances father we just bless your Holy Name we come to invoke the name of Jesus Christ tonight father we pray that the anointing be full and high father through our Shepherd anoint his
Voice tonight father let his words be filled with power father let every demonic stronghold be broken father wherever it may lie father whatever is hidden deep within us father that is hiding in these vessels father we break every chain tonight we break every agreement all contracts father that is written or said
Father everywhere we have treaded our heels father that have not been of your liking father we just declare Freedom tonight over each and every soul we bless your Holy Name father we look forward to the mighty things that you shall do we ask you to come in greatly
Tonight father we declare that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand father that you get all the glory tonight that your name be lifted up high above the Earth there is none like you ABA there is none like you father we thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus
Hallelujah hallelujah father in the name of Jesus oh we need you father we need you tonight we need your Mighty hand father you would just wave your hand over this people this day father as we are seeking you for our freedom father we desire to see all that you have planned be done
Tonight father the healings the Miracles the signs the Wonders father everything that you have already promised in the book father we invited in we bless your holy name in the mighty name of Jesus let it be done unto us father in this earth right now in the mighty name of
Jesus so be it hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah all right is you may be seated glory to the king everybody enjoying the feast y’all doing all right glory to the king I need to get with you tomorrow brother Marty all right where brother Mike from England where is that stand up brother
Mike give Mike a hand praise y’all Hallelujah R Mike from here bless you my [Applause] brother tell you we literally have people that come here from all over the world got a sister here from Canada um stand up Sister you to come from Canada Canadian maple leag
All the Israelites on the other side of that camera let’s tuned in glory to the king all right well we’re going to do what Jesus commissioned us to do Hallelujah Hall remember in Mark 16 there’s a whole lot of ringing going up here but remember in Mark 16 Verse 18 it says these
Signs shall follow them that believe in my name they shall cast out devils and they shall speak with new tongues that’s what the book says now some people say that wasn’t in the original translation but those words is all over the message all over the
Gospel did he not tell us to cast out Devils did he not tell us when we receive the Holy Spirit we speak with new tongues yes so what word is missing y’all y’all see see what I’m talking about Hallelujah the the enemy is always trying to
Attack the the power of the word because what we’re getting ready to do here tonight he don’t ever want to happen the devil wants you to be bound he wants to constantly attack your body and attack your mind and stuff but Jesus wants you free and Jesus [Applause] is the only
Deliverer did y’all hear what I said the only reason why we can do Deliverance is because of him hallelujah hallelujah he has delegated his power to us to use in his name Glory To The King and that’s why we spend all this time teaching y’all exactly what the
Book says so you can be Overcomers now Deliverance is not a one-time thing it’s it’s it’s aot it’s going to be you going to be doing Deliverance the rest of your days of your life for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against the rulers of
Darkness of this world spiritual weaknesses in high places what’s the highest place your mind that’s why he does the majority of the fighting that from all right so that’s what we going to do so tonight we’re going to do a what we call a mass or general Deliverance Mass because it’s a whole
Bunch of people here who has never been in Deliverance before a Deliverance a mass Deliverance raise your hand up real high Hallelujah you put your hand down let me tell you something you you can see we still here right hall now nothing that we’re going to say
Or do is going to hurt you but it’s probably going to you know pee off the devil though cuz he likes having you as a host he likes living his kingdom through you remember he’s making war with the Saints you’re not making war with the ANS he already got the ANS are
You foll me sir and our job is to stay free so we can continue to to keep doing the kingdom work without hindrance hallelujah hallelujah and of course I’m sure at the be you know from last year since that time has passed and I’m sure you have some things that
Harass temp drive and torment you I I do need uh for somebody to take that ringing out though okay harass temp drive and torment you um I’m sure that y’all paid attention to the messages um that y’all have gotten a lot of Revelation as you watch those words of
Those pages come off the book and come into real life if you’re around communities and home fellowships and stuff this is just just the norm this the way of life it really is the way of life um it’s just what we do Hallelujah um but I I can tell you my
Brothers and sisters I thank the father for Jesus I do Hallelujah the the king just set it all up for us Hallelujah and I bless His holy name glory to the king all right so you know we’ve got quite a few things in life that we uh go
Through that actually uh don’t work out too good you know we grew up here in America and as you can see America has not only went from bad to worse there went from bad to insane it’s literally insane I was actually at a store today I was figuring out normally it don’t take
Me but a couple hours to go get water I said why did it take me so long and just go get water well if I stop at four or five stores it’s probably what take so long then is it so I go into a store today and I’m looking as a young woman
Behind the counter I get up to the counter her voice deeper than mine just the face she saw it well it saw there was a man behind his stuff for real see what I mean Devils demons y’all wasn’t confused when he birthed You he only prescribed two genders male female that’s it anything else other than that more than that is Satan what Hallelujah you’re loaded with demons hallelujah hallelujah now of course being in America you know we’re in your day in case the r in case the rest of you people in the world don’t
Know when you’re in America you’re inated um with with demonic entities almost everywhere you go you ever been driving uh on a highway and then you turn off the highway and you go into a city all a sudden you feel this Heaven has come over you or you could just feel
It as you go in like what is this that’s the spiritual oppression that’s up in the air you should always be praying don’t the book says pray without ceasing man you should be praying for protection and binding this the the devil binding Satan and we in a real war
They know we’re in a war we don’t act like we’re in a war we got to do better when we hear these Shabbat messages that’s teaching us all this we need to be immersing oursel in that word for the rest of the week until the next
Message come we what we do is we hear the word and then we receive it and then afterward the enemy comes and he takes it away from us you know how you know he takes it away from us because when it comes to practical application in living when we have challenges spiritual
Challenges all of a sudden the word that we should be performing and what we should be doing it escapes us so the book says I will hide my word in your in my heart that I might not sin against you you know there’s a lot of sin going on
Anybody ever know that um uh being apathetic and complacent and lazy and lethargic and a slugger and a slacker y’all know that’s a sin too very few people repent for it though Hallelujah we got a lot to repent for and the world is getting ready to celebrate
Easter out of which you can’t find no instructions in the whole other book that tells you how to actually celebrate Easter how many of you people ever celebrated Easter before Chase rabbit with laying eggs and all that stuff see now you got to repent for stuff like
That you do know that right if you never repent for stuff like that if you got to repent for stuff like that because if you don’t repent for stuff like that you cursing your children and your children’s children H anybody ever wore crosses around your neck you know thinking you being
Protected from the woo hm Jesus didn’t die on a cross he died on a tree H that’s what the book tells us in numerous areas you want to know one of them Galatians 3:13 he died on a tree but yet and still we singing songs about The Old Rugged
Cross what cross now tus was on Cross uhoh anybody ever been deceived before you didn’t even know you were deceived did you that’s why you deceived because if you knew you was deceived you wouldn’t be deceived in right but you’re so busy concentrating on guarding yourself from everybody else
Being de deceiving you you forgot the person that allows you to be deceived more than anybody which is you Hallelujah anybody ever anybody ever did that um uh well they got a lot of drugs out today man they had a whole in my day the the
The the drug was um crack and and uh marijuana anybody ever did some cracking marijuana and some you ain’t got to go and give us an admission of everything you done we sure do you have a long rap sheet that we sure of but when you do all that stuff that
Goes contrary to the worship of yah every single time you have ever done anything thing that is contrary to the word of yah you brought curses upon yourself whether you know it or not anybody ever put up a Christmas tree in house did you bow down and get the presents
Too it was fun though wasn’t it watch the children come run downstairs and you lied to them about giving credit to all the work you done gave to some ficticious be y’all did that right did you break them curses did you finally tell them the truth did you tell yourself the truth
Sir are you afraid to tell others the truth no sir good now you know what it means to be hated just like Jesus Hallelujah but all this stuff we’ve been doing all our life man I mean hey you can’t be sitting up there and just
Taking it h you know it’s just sad do y’all see how Satan ravish is the women hair products implants nipping tucking and cutting and plucking and and then when that don’t work then he starts going into piercings botoxing and can’t nobody be content all it is is a spirit that’s
Telling you you should see it it’s is telling you how ugly you are when you’re really beautiful and and this devil is just doing a job on us man Satan is a liar somebody say Satan is a liar Satan’s a liar Hallelujah you have to make declarations
Like that every day so you don’t lose focus you have to also declare and decree the kingdom of heaven so all this stuff the and the and all this stuff man we may have gotten a lot of this stuff from Our Generations or it our family line but
All this stuff has got to be broken just so that I mean I tell people all the time they they say oh I love my child no you don’t if you love your child you wouldn’t be doing the things that’s going to bring curses upon them see how serious this
Is I know you love your child when you obedient to yah Hallelujah and we we hey this is no game right here Envy jealousy hatred murder anger fear rejection resentful unforgiveness all these are sins that people it’s everyday life out here and people never repent did you have you been angry in
The last few days if if you have did you repent the book says anger rest in the bosom of fools it also said you’re angry be angry but don’t sin so anger leads you to what s so the instruction is telling you don’t be angry so you don’t
Sin if you’re going to be angry there such thing as being angry in a righteous way but being angry at the devil and his kingdom now don’t get me wrong there are some people they determine they’re going to do Satan’s will you can tell when a spirit enter into someone that count is
Change have you ever noticed how heavy you get when the spirit is on you m that devil having a ball and you depressed you got to get him up out of out of Yu’s house you got to evict him and eradicate him and cast them out Hallelujah give me a little bit more
Volume please or or take some uh U Bas out of it that’s reason why we here we here because Jesus said we will be here and he gave us the right to do everything of the Kingdom he said he gave gave us the keys to the kingdom whatsoever you bind on
Earth shall be bound in heaven whatsoever you loose on Earth shall be loosing in heaven now do y’all know what one of the devil’s greatest tricks is yall know what one of his greatest tricks is you don’t know what they are is to keep you silent see the biggest mistake you make
Is is when something is going on in your life the first thing you start doing is thinking when you ain’t never had an original thought anyway rather than going to the book to see what it says so that you can speak Jesus words in existence so you can make a a
Declaration decree decree and take authority over the matter you all up here mute and quiet trying to figure it out Jesus didn’t tell you to figure out nothing he said cast all your cares on me for I care for you man we should be running to that word so
We can find something to speak against the devil do y’all know what I’m sure y’all have heard of the religion of Islam right five times a day they make declarations that Allah is God that’s what they say they do how many declarations we make every day that Jesus is y
Uhoh see what I’m talking about yes sir how how can we expect to manifest his power when we’re not even they’re religious but their religious leads them to an action that produces results we’re religious spiritually in in a matter but it it just makes us more docile we supposed to be people of
Action hallelujah hallelujah tell me if you ever heard this before for we wrestle not against flesh and blood and every time he get into an argument fight guess who you fighting with devil got you again didn’t he now don’t get me wrong the devil sometime is just in
Folk but you’re not going to reason with no devil that’s in someone hallelujah hallelujah if you sense there a spirit somewhere man or something like that you better start binding and loosing you know your words are so powerful your words are so powerful that yah said a word and hung the Earth on
[Applause] nothing he created everything and then he says here you’ve got Dominion you got [Applause] Authority so whatsoever we bound on Earth shall be bound in heaven whatsoever we loose on Earth shall be loosened in heaven somebody say I hate Satan I hate Satan you know what I’m doing right I’m setting y’all
Up cuz last year you probably didn’t even say that three times and this year we’re already twice [Applause] ahead now some of you you just like fighting you just like fighting being fighting with words or arguing or something you get a chance to fight the devil and and most people say what do
You mean fight the devil well you’ll see what kind of power you have if you just start doing what Jesus tell you to you got a lot of power inside that vessel did y’all hear me Israel you got a lot of power in that vessel it’s just releasing
That power Hallelujah and you release that power through faith by your words Hallelujah anything you say that agrees with the King he’s there he is there he’s also encamped Holy Angels around about you because you are an heir of [Applause] Salvation we have a Hab than a custom
Around here straightway before we leave when we leave outside the gate and we’re on the road first thing we do is start praying praying against the devil and boy how many times that many of us got testimonies that those prayers saved us from a lot of accidents it’s like man you you should
Have been toast or something and all of a sudden every just at the right moment them Angels step in maybe be turn your hand to turn the steering wheel or swerve you out of the way or you know I’m telling the truth sometime youve been driving down
The road tired as I don’t know what it’s been asleep for who knows how long and all of a sudden you wake up you go what in the [Applause] world how long was I out get first words out of your mouth so thank you Jesus thank you thank you
Hallelujah and boy if there was ever a moment to so you up that one was would it that’s when the windows come down the air condition comes on huhuh you WI eyes you start singing Hallelujah glory to the I tell you the time would fellas if
He could actually just show us how long and how many things he’s preserved us from Hallelujah so we bless his magnificent name Glory Glory Glory To The King all right so what we going to do is we going to get started hallelujah hallelujah without further Ado glory to
The King Jesus we invite you in this place like pastor corg we touch and agree you said in your word if any two of us touch and together and agree and one thing on this Earth it shall be done of Our Father which is in heaven father
We also ask that you loose the power of the Holy Spirit to save heal deliver in Jesus name be here among your people glory to the king hallelujah hallelujah somebody say I hate Satan I hate Satan glory to the king I like that that’s good we are in agreement ain’t
We now forgiveness is where Deliverance starts you got to forgive those who have hurt harmed you in any way shape fast and or form are you following me sometime we want to hold on to it and not knowing that we actually destroying ourselves every once in a while I slip
Up my own self if you know what I mean but we got to forgive not because they deserve it just because Jesus said so see that’s what we get it wrong at well you don’t know what they did to me but I know what Jesus done for [Applause] you
Hallelujah so we on the king side hallelujah hallelujah everybody prayed up yes sir you good all right so we’re going to forget some of the preliminaries and get right on to it all right Hallelujah all these demons that amazing this this this sanctuary in here was Sanctified until y’all got here it’s still
Sanctified hallelujah hallelujah all right all right all right where am I at over here I’m missing something is not right here we go all right anybody had any run-ins with witchcraft this year no you have so some of y’all have already had runin with witchcraft cuz
You you you you and your children been watching disy did you repent for itoo oh let me get started right here okay that’s all right all right Hallelujah just trying to be on point all right we ready everybody take a deep breath and let it out now what you need
To do is listen you just because you’re repeating after me if you believe by faith then the father accepts it because you are the one that that is exercising your free will to speak and to say you’re divorcing yourself from the kingdom of Satan Kingdom of yah Kingdom
Of Satan in any way shape fashion and form excuse me and you’re putting yourself in yah said on his side because you’re Children of the king hallelujah hallelujah but you have to participate don’t sit up there and tell me oh how spiritual you are you ain’t more spiritual than the
Than the you know this is a temporary realm right right the book says this is very temporal but the things that are not seen is eternal hallelujah hallelujah somebody say I hate Satan I hate Satan good we like that hallelujah hallelujah all right real Israelites huh can you
Imagine if if if if these churches up here would open up their doors and let me do a mass Deliverance just one Mass Deliverance in each one I promise I wouldn’t even preach just let me just start doing Deliverance could you imagine what would take place you can’t
Miss can’t miss especially on Easter Sunday morning you can’t miss Hallelujah all right y’all ready to repeat after me you believe it the father will he will visit you and he will help you and he Jesus will deliver you hallelujah hallelujah so repeat after me okay Heavenly Father Heaven
Father I can confess that in the past I confess that in the past I have held unforgiveness I held unforgiveness and sometime bitterness sometime bitterness and resentment and resentment in my heart in my heart against certain people against certain people who have hurt who have hurt or disappointed me
Disappointed me I now recognize this as Sin I now recognize this as Sin and confess it as Sin conf for you have said in your word you have said in your word that if we confess our sins that we confess our you are faithful and just you are faithful and just to
Forgive us of our sins to forgive us of our sin and to cleanse us to cleanse us of all unrighteousness of all unri I do now forgive the following people I do not forget follow I can remember I can remember who have hurt or disappointed me who have hurt or disappointed me now
What you need to do from his point is you just start confessing releasing letting go any person any man or woman that has hurt or disappointed you in the past transgress against you call their name out loud enough that your ears can hear it sometimes you may get the yawning
That that’s a spirit coming out May get the sign or crying as you start your spirit starts to get in tune with yah release them and let them go I now freely forgive I now freely for all these people all these people and ask you to bless them and ask you to
Bless them if they’re living if they’re living I also forgive myself I also forgive myself for all my many faults for all my many faults and fail for you have freely forgiven me for you have freely forgiven me thank you Father thank you Father for freedom for freedom
From the load from the load of unforgiveness of unforgiveness bitterness bitterness resentment in Jesus name in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah glory to the king glory to K all right Heavenly Father Heavenly Father we plead the blood of Jesus Messiah we plead the blood of Jesus Messiah to bring complete healing to bring and
Restoration restoration from all addictions from all addiction all occult activity all ult activ that has been taking place that has been Tak place or has taken place or has Tak in my life in my life we ask you ABA father we ask you father to bring into us to bring into us
A full release from any addictions any add and any occult activity any activity we seek you and you alone we seek you as I deliver as I deliver through the Holy Spirit through the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of
Jesus Christ we thank you for the blood we thank you for the blood I confess to you I confess you that in the past that in the past through ignorance through ignorance curiosity curiosity or willfulness or will I have come into contact with certain occult things I
Have come into contact with certain ult things I now recognize this as Sin I recognize it and confess it as Sin and confess it as Sin and I claim forgiveness in Jesus name I claim forgiveness in Jesus name specifically I do confess specifically I do confess as
Sin as Sin and renounce all contacts not contact which I have had which I have had with the following of cult things following ult things now what you do you start naming them out loud enough that you can hear it with your own ears Hallelujah and while these demons are
Coming out you may sigh you may cry you may belt you may pass gas you may scream you may holler but remember Jesus said nothing shall by any means hurt you renounce them get them a far away from you Hallelujah I also renounce and confess I
Also confess as Sin as any false Oaths any false oath which I have made which I have made to any false god to any false god any sororities any Sor fraternities Greek Nations Greek Nations and idolatry and idolatry in which I have been involved in which I have been
Involved Satan I rebuke you San I rebuke you in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus and I’m closing any and all doors CL in all doors which I of my ancestors I my ancestors may have open to you and your demons open to you I renounce you
Satan I rounce you Satan and all your demons and all your demons and I declare you and them I you and to be my enemies be my en and I want you out of my life I want you out of my completely now complet and in the name of Jesus Messiah
Name Jesus Messiah I now claim Deliverance I now claim deliv from any and all evil spirits all evil spirits which may be in me which may be in and once and for all all I am closing the door closing the door in my life to all
Occult practices in my life to all and I command all connected and related Spirits I command all connected and related Spirit to Lead Me Now to Lead Me Now in jesus’ name in Jesus name them Spirits them evil demonic spirits them devilish Spirits them Spirits cause pain and
Torment you evil Wicked Spirits we cast out today you Devils at our word in Jesus name in the name of Jesus Messiah in the name of Jesus Messiah I break any and all curses all curses placed against me placed against Me by witchcraft by Witchcraft and I command the curses I
Command the and the evil spirits and the evil spirits from them to return to the sers from them to return to now now in Jesus name in Jesus name and in the name of Jesus Messiah in the name of Jesus Messiah I break any and all curses all curses of rejection from the
Womb of rejection from the WB or illegitimacy or illegitimacy which may be me or my family line on my family line going back even 10 generations going back on both sides of the family on both and in the name of Jesus Messiah in name of Jesus Messiah I now break and
Renounce now right here now and I loose myself and I loose myself from all demonic subjection from all demonic subjection from any ungodly soul ties any soul to my mother to my mother my father my father my grandparents my grand my brothers my brother my sisters
My sisters or any other person or any other person living or dead living or dead who has ever dominated who has ever dominated or controlled me or controlled me in any way way which is contrary which is contr to the will of yah to the
Will of yah and the word of yahwah and the word of yah I thank you master I thank you master for setting me free for setting me free I also repent I also repent and I ask you to forgive me and I ask you to if I have ever dominated if I
Have ever Domin or controlled some other person or controlled some other person in the wrong way in the wrong way thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Hallelujah everybody take a DE breath and blow Out these evil spirits these vile Spirits these Wicked Spirits Satan’s evil spirits in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ I now renounce I now breaking loose myself breaking loose myself and all my descendants and all my descendants from all psychic heredity from all psychic hered demonic
Holds demonic holds psychic powers psychic powers bondages bondages and bands of wickedness bands of wicked bonds of physical or mental illness bonds of physical or mental illness or curses or curses such as autism such as Au which may be upon me which may be
Upon me upon my family life upon my as a result of sin transgressions transgressions iniquities iniquities ult ult or psychic involvements or psych invol of myself myself or my parents or my parents my father or mother my father mother or ancestors my ancestors my spouse my
Spouse any and all EX spouses any and all or their fathers and mothers or their fathers and mothers and their ancestors their an and in the name of Jesus Messiah in the name of Jesus I now break and loose my myself I Lose Myself and all my descendants all my
Descendants from Evil curses from Evil curses I renounce charms vexes spells spell jinxes psychic powers psych bewitchments be witchcraft witchcraft sorcery sorcery which may have been put upon me which may have been put upon or my family line or my family L from any and all persons from
Any and all person and from any all cult practices any all C prac and psychic sources psychic sources I now renounce I now all connected and related Spirits all connected and related and I command them to leave me now I command them to leave me now thank you master thank you
Master thank you Jesus thank you Jesus for setting me free set me free all right all right well Hallelujah we we can see the natives are getting restless all right let’s go father I break and renounce father I break and rounce cut and break cut and
Break all evil soul ties all evil soul ties which I may have had with lodes I may have with L religious systems Rel adulterers drunkers or close friends close friends that is music to my ear and in the name of Jesus Messiah Jesus I command Satan I and all
These demons all these to loose my mind completely loose my in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I ask you father I ask you father to send your angels to break and cut to break and cut and sever all feathers sever all feathers bands chains ties
Bonds of whatever sort whatever the enemy is manage to place on my mind on My Mind by word or Deed by word deed I ask you to loosen to me I and my family and my family the spirits of Messiah spirits of Messiah wisdom wisdom counsel Cel might might
Knowledge knowledge fear yahwah fear yah power power love love sound mind sound mind peace peace and the spirit of yahwah the spirit of yah hallelujah hallelujah all right now I need for y’all to listen because when we get started in this Deliverance right which we already started you can tell
See we already started okay so the spirits if they going to do any talking believe me they going to talk you just submit yourself to yah and fight in your mind okay we got one or two more uh re anouncements and commands to make Hallelujah and then we’re on our way hallelujah
Hallelujah Heavenly Father Heaven father in the name of Jesus Messiah name Jesus I ask you to send out angels I ask you to send out angels to gather up the fragments of my soul and restore them to their rightful place Resto to right with the full power
And authority full power and Glory of my master Jesus my master Jesus I ask that Angels unearth and break in all Earth and vessels bonds bands binding which have been put Upon My Soul by any means by any means restore the pieces of my fragmented mind restore
The pieces of my fragmented mind my will emotions emotions appetite intellect intellect heart heart and personality personality I curse all sicknesses and diseases I curse all sickness in Jesus name in Jesus I command you to loose and leave my body I command you to loose and
Leave my body now now in Jesus name in Jesus name I now confess the sins of my ancestors I now confess the S of my ancestors idolatry idolatry witchcraft witchcraft I renounce you I renounce you occultism outis I renounce you I rounce lust l i renounce you I rounce you
Adultery adulter I renounce you ice divorce divorce I renounce you ice perversion perversion I renounce you spirit Spirit of rebellion Spirit of re I renounce you I rounce stubbornness stubbor I renounce you ice I curse each and every single one of you evil spirits in Jesus name in Jesus and I
Claim forgiveness I because of the provision of First John 1:9 and I command all Spirits associated with these to Lead Me Now I all Spirits Associated and my family and go to where Jesus wants you to send them go all right A Prayer of surrender all right I come to you master
Jesus I come to you Master Jesus as my deliverer as my deliver you know all my problems you know all my problems and all the things that drive and all the things that torment torment defile defile and harass me harass I now Loose Myself I now Loose Myself from every
Dark Spirit every dark Spirit from every evil influence from every evil from all satanic bondage all satanic and from every evil spirit every evil spirit in me in me which is not the spirit of yah is not the I command all such spirits to
Lead me now I all such Spirit to me now in the name of Jesus Messiah in the name of Jesus and I confess that my body my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit temp of redeemed redeemed cleansed Sanctified by the blood of the Messiah the blood of
Messi therefore Satan has no more place in me and no more power over me because of the blood of Jesus because of the blood of Jesus Hallelujah hallu now from this going on I’m the Deliverance Minister I’m going to do the commanding okay I’m going remind the people that we’re in a spiritual
Warfare and that saying the name of Jesus is really powerful okay so let’s get some Deliverance okay you have to be proactive right here from from this point on I’ll do the talking okay Satan in the name of Jesus Christ I put you and all your Legions on notice that I’m
Attacking you from my position in the Messiah the right hand of the heavenly father and the third heav this placees be far high above you and your principalities and Powers Thrones dominions and rulers of world rulers of Darkness Kings princes and every other Angelic rank under your command and in
The mighty name of Jesus I ask the heavenly father for sufficient Legion of Holy Angels to bind all satanic forces here and in the air above that they will not be able to interfere in any way with God’s people from being delivered father I command in the name of Jesus that all
Free demon B Spirits in this place be securely bound and taken to where Jesus wants you to send them and that they in no wise interfere I take authority from the third heaven where I’m seated with Messiah remind you all all you evil spirits that you must obey when I call
Your name and your family name you ought to come out of the people and go to where Jesus send you all spirits of the Ouija board all spirits of the occult sorcery witchcraft witchcraft control when I call your name spirit I command you to manifesting loose from the people of
Y’all right now water witching magic voodoo divination fortune telling Poltergeist black eye evil eye Rebellion female dominance idolatry Burns crystal balls ter CS palm reading astrology horoscopes and signs of the zodiac I command all hypnosis Spirits spiritual mediums table tipping necromancing and levitation Clairvoyance astral projection and Transcendental Meditation
Echar Soul travel of the Mind come out spirits come out spirits come out right now in the name of Jesus move loose them right now in Jesus name I command all spirits of acupuncture Spirits over from Eastern Star free Nations pierced ears Italian horn goats Eastern mysticism fetishes potions Dungeons and Dragons
Come out come out right now in the name of J loose right now in Jesus name loose right now all them occult Spirits are stepping in the Greek fraternities come out right now in Jesus name come out right now in Jesus name loose right now in the name of Jesus all fraternity and
Sorority spirits come out right now in Jesus name loose them right now in the name of Jesus come out right now in the name of Jes loose loose loose loose right now come out come out come out come out come out come out of them right now in Jesus
Name come out come out come out come out right now in the name of Jesus all spirits of rejection rejection from the womb rejection of Father rejection of mother rejection of husband and rejection of wife rejection of friends and family come out rejection come out rejection come out rejection rejection
All adiction Spirits all spirits of addiction and rejection gluttony come out in Jesus name overeating come out in Jesus name bulimia anorexia the phobia binge eating addictions of craving to sugar and sweet come out come out come out come out right now in the name of
Jesus come out right now in the name of Jesus all spirits that cause swelling itching burning infections all spirits that are the herpes virus come out hsv1 hsv2 HPV HIV AIDS and drainage and irritation of the lungs come out right now in the name of Jesus all allergy Spirits allergy Spirits associated with
Fear come up loose right now in Jesus name loose right now in the name of Jesus come out come out come out right now in the name of Jesus come out right now in the name of Jesus loose right now in Jesus name a these Spirits are crying out come
Out come out right now in the name of Jesus [Applause] all Spears they cause choking smothering hemorrhoids muscle spases and cramps drowning in the fixation come out all Spears that affect the liver and the doctor system come out in Jesus name come out right now convulsions heart failure heart disease heart attack come
Out right now in the name of Jesus all spirits of high blood pressure come out come out right now in the name of Jesus come out all lazy Spirits self-deception spirits come out right now in the name of Jesus come out right now in Jesus name all demons who hurt people spirits
Of Cruelty spirits of murder spirits of Rage seething anger and tension tantom come out come out come out come out out right now in the name of Jesus out right now in the name of Jesus out out right now the name of Jesus come out evil spirit come out
Spirits come out spirits come out spirits come out Spirits right now in Jesus name all spirits of martial arts retaliation verbal abuse hatred self-hatred violence slander slander Spirits accusing spirits come out right now accusing spirits come out right now in the name of Jesus all Spirits associated with Roman Catholicism
Idolatry come out prayer to the Saints dedication to the priesthood or the none one true church mass unction come out right now sacraments altars come out right now pray in the Rosary come out right now in Jesus name Mary Queen of Heaven come out come out come out spiritual blindness spiritual beess come
Out right now in the name of Jesus out right now in the name of Jesus come out all spirits of Jezebel manipulation Queen of Heaven queen of Babylon Rebellion Rebellion towards men father husband all spirits of rebellion against male Authority Untamed tongue temper destruction of the family priesthood
Come out right now in the name of Jesus all Spirits rooted in rejection gluttony come out in jesus’ name come out in jesus’ name come out sugar addictions come out right now in the name of Jesus come out evil spirits come out spirits come out spirits come out Spirit loose
Right now in the name of Jesus I said come out right now in the name of Jesus move demons move devil move out all the way out all spirits of lust all the sex Spirits which enter in through the eye the ears participation of transfer masturbation bu built shame
Guilt shame and condemnation pornography homosexuality Spirits lesbian Spirits sexual perversion Spirits anal sex spirits incest rape spirits come out fornication adultery adultery spirits come out come out right now Ault Spirits prostitution Spirits uncleanly Spirits filth all spirits that calleda filthy dreams come out right now in the name of Jesus filthy
Imaginations sexual flashbacks sexual fantasies spirits that cause impotence come out right now in the name of Jesus fr come out all spirits of Incubus and succubus lciv loudness promiscuity and flirt and lust of the eyes lust of the flesh come out of the sex organs right
Now in the name of Jesus I break and curse all deformities and sickness back 10 Generations on both sides of the family I curse arthritis come out right now arthritis pain swelling infections cancers ulcers tumors cyst weaknesses come out I break all curses of allergies multiple chemical sensitivity back 10
Generations on both side of the family all spirits of hay fever asthma bronchitis respiratory allergies skin ear allergies skin addictions skins come out skin skin infections come out right now burning swelling itching come out irritation come out right now in the name name of Jesus come out [Applause] oh
All anxiety Spirits all spirits of fear I curse and rebuke you right now in the name of Jesus command you to loose from these people all Spirits are that are affecting the mind you demons come out demons come out demons come out Spirits fear of being rejected mental
Instability and paranoia come out in Jesus name fear of failure mind blanking confusion resentment fear of being unwanted all spirits of schizophrenia schizophrenia come out schizophrenia right now in the name of Jes all narcissist spirits come out right now in the name of Jesus Jesus controlled by
Guilt guilt come out right now in the name of Jesus come out narcissist guilt all spirits of insecurity self-hatred intimidation come out right now in the name of Jesus I curse all fungus Spirits right now in jesus’ name come out h e oh [Applause] [Applause] yeah [Applause] come [Applause]
Out hey the dog also if you if y’all can pull up some old you know singing work and wash away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus and still keep mic on if y’all got it if y’all have It Hallelujah [Applause] Hall [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] Oh he now pass [Applause] up [Applause] right you you that the command for them demons that come out get Spirits out in Jesus name [Applause] on [Applause] oh [Applause] e [Applause] [Applause] he [Applause] all right there some of you that we need to be filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit y’all grab a hold of a couple of these spirit filled brothers and let’s get it let’s let let’s ask the father hey to
Get filled with the Holy Spirit grab a hold some of new brothers man that are prayer War be be glad to Terry with you you ask the father to fill you with the Holy Spirit he will ask you shall receive seek and you shall find knock and it shall be open
Hallelujah come out spirits come out you evil [Applause] spirits oh [Applause] out [Applause] right [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] out [Applause] [Applause] and they came the pass there while Paul passed through while apus was at Corin Paul having passed through the upper COA came to Ephesus and finding certain
Disciples he said have you received the Holy Spirit since you [Applause] believe if you ain’t receed the Holy Spirit receive it all you have to do is receive it receive him receive him believe that you receive him and then let yah have your voice [Applause] and he’ll give you the
Utterance yield to the Holy [Applause] Spirit and when Paul had laid his hands on them the Holy Spirit came on them and they spake with tongues and prophesied Hallelujah [Applause] Hallelujah [Applause] hall hallah [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] h [Applause] h [Applause] w [Applause] [Applause] h [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] we [Applause]
Hallelujah give him thanks Hallelujah give him thanks thank you for [Applause] feeling [Applause] out out out [Applause] receive receive receive in the name of Jesus it’s a free gift [Applause] [Applause] believe [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] Hallelujah oh we got warning there there he is he been filled
Hallelujah glory to the king he got the Holy Spirit hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah loose that tongue loose it right now in Jesus name Hallelujah drink let him have it he that believeth on me as a scripture have said out of his belly shall flow rivers of Living
Waters yeah he got it he got [Applause] it [Applause] h [Applause] [Applause] here [Applause] [Applause] h [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] see see see [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] see [Applause] out God oh [Applause] oh oh [Applause] all [Applause] come [Applause] w all these people getting filled with the Holy Spirit boy I tell it’s beautiful [Applause]
Hallelujah [Applause] he [Applause] [Applause] there’s another one got it another one filled with the Holy Spirit Hallelujah drink keep [Applause] drinking [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] Wallah [Applause] he [Applause] w [Applause] got another one Hallelujah another one for the kingdom of yah go ahead and drink brother keep
Drinking keep all let him have it that’s it that’s it power laying on the hand [Applause] Norton breaks every [Applause] yolks [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Happ [Applause] h hallah Hall hall Hall h h h h h h h h h h h h h h Hall hall Hall h h h h h h [Applause] Hall [Applause] you [Applause] [Applause] Hallelujah h [Applause] all [Applause] Hall [Applause] hallall [Applause] well he got it he got
It keep drinking man keep drinking Hallelujah keep speaking can keep drinking brother he got it hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah H hallah hallelujah hallelujah Hall h Hall [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] h [Applause] hallall [Applause] [Applause] there you go boys get that Spirit out there you go get that Spirit Out cast it out in Jesus name move them chairs move them [Applause] chairs [Applause] h [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Hall hallu [Applause] h [Applause] I’m just asking you talk about him right yeah how [Applause]
Hallah [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all [Applause] ask you a question real quick so see like this young man over here yeah okay so they just keep going or just get him down [Applause] somewhere [Applause] h [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] h [Applause] yeah [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] oh hallah [Applause]
Hallu hey [Applause] hey right [Applause] you [Applause] [Applause] I [Applause] [Applause] are [Applause] w [Applause] right [Applause] Hallelujah Hall glory to the king let’s give Jesus a hand praise all right the King of Kings Hallelujah he just keeps on and keeping on keeping on he just keeps on giving Keeps On Healing
Delivering and setting free we thank you Father Hallelujah glory to the [Applause] king Hallelujah all right so we’re going to go ahead and seal up the people that’s been delivered all right you people that’s still praying for the Holy Spirit keep going don’t let us interrupt you keep caring
All right all right heavenly father right now in the name of Jesus we thank you Father for your deliverance your healing your salvation father we seal up every single person here by the blood from the top of their head to the soul of their feet father that in no way shap
Fast for that the enemy come back and harass temp and drive them while they on this spiritual High receiving the Holy Spirit and being delivered we thank you Father for the blood that never loses his power we thank you Father for closing every single door Hallelujah and making sure that you have the
Relationship with the people that you deserve we thank you Father because you have called us and enabled us and put us into this fabulous and wonderful Ministry father we thank you so father every eye gate every ear gate father protect them protect them with the word and holy angels to whisper into their
Ears the Everlasting Covenant we bless you for all things in Jesus magnificent name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and Hallelujah you think you you hey you think you can to have snack ready y’ can y’all have a snack ready at 9: all right snack is going to be over
At the fellowship hall at 9 p.m. Hallelujah 900 p.m. Glory To The [Applause] King and when I see the blood I will pass over you