Welcome to the breakroom podcast we are having a bad day it’s it’s awful I’m honestly so over it wait should I do a little reveal you know how you had your self tanner reveal in the last episode with hands I don’t know I’ll get into that in a second but hey
Guys she’s cute what happened she lost a finger amput te I I am starting to believe that anyone that is friends with you loses a finger and I don’t know if I should turn back now for my own safety any best friend of mine has lost
At least one scared yeah well we talked about this on the last one but it was when the the mic died so we the whole part was cut out about N9 and a half oh my wait that’s right maybe we should retouch yes so Diana has a friend well you explain it
Your story I was friends with this girl she was like my best friend for several years um and we like had a falling out we stopped being friends whatever not the not the plot we stopped being friends and her dog bites off her finger so um she gave me permission to call her
9 and a half on the podcast but now Maggie is in the same parament n and a half so how did this happen to you um I was working out trying to better myself get around the corner I’m trying to get juicy volumptuous in my
Derer and yeah we were in like a push-up position going on a bench and then going to the floor I’m uncoordinated so clearly I did not know how to do that yeah landed on my hand wrong saw it bend the way it shouldn’t Bend I was like
Oh okay I think I let out a little fck good thing the music was loud yeah and then after that I keep going cuz I want that ass that’s my favorite part of the story is that like you just didn’t speak up Contin to work out I I had like
20 minutes left and I said I got it I’m doing this 20 minutes say less that’s honestly probably what did it I I think that might have been yeah you did you keep working with the wrist or the yeah I really did I even offered to cuz it was you
Know where we work so I offered you know they were nice enough to let me work out during my shift do you want me to take out some trash with one less of a finger can clean up I can clean up maybe pick up my finger along the way you
Know it’s it’s like underneath the machine and I’m like oops sorry drop my finger that was your sign like oh I shouldn’t have worked out on the clock yeah that never again I truly don’t think that’s ever in my future no but oh my God I drove all around town trying to
Figure out what’s wrong with my finger I thought you were kidding cuz we were going to film yesterday mhm and then you text me you’re like just finished the workout like think I dislocated my hand whatever and I just took it as like sarcasm like oh such a tough workout
Like I’m literally dislocated like that’s something that we would say right I’m like lol make it like good content for the podcast and then you like kept talking about it and I was like oh she serious I was a little delusional I did not want to believe it hence me
Continuing the workout I said there’s no way I get home my hand is swollen when I tell you she’s fat again my ass isn’t fat my hand is fat and I’m like oh okay she’s not broken she sprained didn’t even know you could sprain a thumb a singular thumb like that’s really crazy
Like you must have put a lot into that like hand placement to sprain One Singular finger don’t I really don’t know again it was my body weight clearly my body weight is just a little bit too much because my finger crushed the thumb I crushed my
Finger okay but I just picture it it a little traumatic to say the least it I mean it sounds it were were you like like feet on the top of like a bench hands on the ground my feet were on the ground but my hands were on the bench
And then I had to go from the bench to the ground like sounds like you would dislocate just thinking about it there goes my other finger eight and a half yep there we go one by one this is why we can’t be friends I’m going to lose
Everything this is my size I haven’t lost a finger yet knock on wood there’s no wood that’s what happened to me yesterday I was talking about it I was like yeah I’ve never broken anything knock on wood there was no wood I would watch out if I were
You I would take that lightly there’s seriously no wood there’s no no I don’t know what to do you’re done I can’t wait for your text tomorrow when I’m working yeah and will not be working out oh no don’t do not be participating in those events no if you
See you have to put your hands on a bench don’t you turn around that’s actually insane yeah I’ve never broken anything either but when I was when I was younger I used to like swing on the two like my my couches were set up like directly next to each other with like an
Opening between them and I would like put my hands on the two arms and swing and I like face planed ate [ __ ] oh yeah incredibly just so much blood from the nose it was it was rough um so we like thought I broke it didn’t go to a
Hospital no we went to Urgent Care and right they were like yeah no you’re fine um and then I have like this like swollen bump I have makeup on but there’s like always been a swollen bump right here on my nose on the bridge and it’s like always a little bit blue and
It just never got fixed wait you can probably get like a free nose job well I I’ve been saying that for a long time and then I thought I had a deviated septum for a while which you can also get a free nose job right and I was like
Wait dang now I don’t know if either of those things are true if I just like have a permanently broken nose or a deviated septum I just like I feel like that has to qualify for a free nose job yeah well also my nose got really big
From it and I had like a big Honker for like my Accutane shrunk it but okay but other than that yeah like that’s the only thing that I’ve ever broken oh yeah I never say never clearly sprinting a thumb is like such a specific detail and
Like I’m just like of course it had to be a thumb you know it couldn’t have been like my pinky you know like a useless finger that I don’t need and I’m a righty so yeah my right thumb so I’ve been walking around barely barely I’m getting aggravated short temper cuz I
Just can’t do anything for myself yeah I tried to take out my cash earlier to pay the woman cuz oh by the way we got our lashes done oh yeah I was going to touch base on that oh go yes we definitely will but when I was trying to pay almost
Dropped everything coins almost went on the floor I probably wouldn’t have been able to pick them up I I’ve never realized how important the thumb actually is she really makes a difference and then randomly it’ll like twitch I bumped it earlier against my boob I was like [ __ ] I don’t even have
Big boobs and somehow just my boob somehow it was in the way yeah like it really done did it again all that juice is going elsewhere I’m pissed so um yeah that was my day yesterday so we couldn’t film yeah know it didn’t happen but we’re here now and
It was also a little bit traumatic today it was pouring rain earlier like a rainstorm like there was alerts going out like heavy rains please proceed with caution floods everywhere but we still went to go get our lashes done we were like yeah and the appointment was also
40 minutes away where the rain was worse yeah so instead of being like yeah no maybe we shouldn’t do this no we did no we did it’s really good I watched an accident happen oh on way home yep I was the person right in front of the scene
Like I was the next person in the accident if I were yeah basically I was like on the way home apparently miracles from Heaven oh my gosh I was driving and I was hydroplaning really bad like my car was like she wasn’t really doing it and
There was like a group of cars driving in front of me on the highway there’s four lanes and I watch this guy hydroplane and like shifts into the other lane a little bit and you could tell he has no control over the vehicle slams into someone both cars go spinning
Other car spinning hits another car semi- truck starts coming now keep in mind I am directly in front of them like I’m watching it I was I had front row seats so I just break on the highway I’m like ooh yikes now like these cars are taking up all three lanes there’s like
Bumpers flying in the air and the semi- TR like he can’t slow down he’s going head on into this situation he swerves off of all three lanes like into like the brush of like where you would get pulled over and just zooms past them I was like all right good save oh my
Gosh it was insane though because then everyone on the highway just like stopped and just like slowly started moving to like one side cuz we were all like um no you could just like Yeah The Silence was loud the two guys just got out of the car and like looked at each
Other started picking up like debris off the highway clean up I was like all right at least they’re like cool about it yeah I don’t know they were like kind of like bonding I was there for a long time because it had just like occurred in front of me and everyone was shifting
Into One Singular Lane on the end and I was right there so I was like I had the blinker on but like no one was letting me in so I just watched them like go through their whole ordeal H yeah that’s it was scary I saw
A Tesla go flying no well I was way further back but I watched a hydroplane and then it was like just chilling like in the brush with hazards on and I was like oh good you know and I kept hydroplaning anything anything for lash
I we did it and now let’s get a little up oh yeah up close in personal I don’t know if you can really see on the camera to be honest I hope my hat’s like blocking we got them done by my friend Becky she smashed it and also she’s very sweet and
Love her we love her we should put her like little handle yeah somewhere on the screen actually cut my head out or lack thereof yeah mummy moment y yeah it’s okay but yeah she was great and then we’ve been getting we’ve been like in our era of like modifying
Ourselves I was about to say last episode we’re like oh we’re going to be Juiced up yeah it’s going to be a whole thing and now it’s like lashes lips coming soon maybe pain changes you I’ve been saying that it’s like I don’t know episode one is out not even 300
Views it’s like we’re really it’s hard it’s really hard but we were just saying how I honestly respect influencers it’s oh when they say they get tired of filming oh I got to film today we’ve done one episode one and that was me today we’re spent truly I feel like
Sometimes because of everything that happens before we film I I got to film we have like bad luck that’s what I’m saying like are we going to be here the next episode who knows I don’t know well actually episode one I won the lottery so maybe are we going to
Be in one piece I already lost a little bit of a piece I don’t know every episode is something different it’s content but you know you oh my gosh wait speaking of content my pictures at in the emergency room insert them I was literally dying the one outside and you’re just
Like what are you going to do another day in the office do you know that video of Michaela I don’t know her last name but she like has the Boston accent the like Beauty influen try being an influen for a day yep I get it us everyone hated on her for that she’s
Like I just stopped working it’s 5 p.m mhm I get it mhm but we were just saying like makes sense I feel it but maybe cuz we also work yeah we also work and we’re full-time students fulltime students it’s so I guess this try being an
Influencer for a day yeah I’m not going to recreate that accent oh God I don’t know if I like I think I have a lot more potential to do more but I just I don’t want to like disrespect her either no yeah I watch her not going to lie oh my
Gosh no again I’ve been doing the ELO travela from Trisha pedis all week I literally that was the funniest thing I I immediately L Trava and I and immediately sent it to you I love her i’ love I want to be her I I don’t know
What have you just like seen the growth that she’s had though like now like with her whole family and everything life was for her absolutely and I I just love seeing her a mom seriously she is and Moses he literally made a drive-thru in their
House so she can film yes if that’s not love I don’t know what it is and like it’s so funny because she’ll dress up as like so many people but like I want to dress up as her I want to be her I love her us for Halloween maybe we should
Just be different podcast people for Halloween oh my gosh like every single just every like couple minutes we change just TR okay change canell okay [ __ ] change call her daddy okay like what can we do that’s our idea we said it first guys be break room podcast for
Halloween I don’t know how anybody would actually achieve dressing up as us for Halloween I it would be a plain plain skims dupe yeah wearing it at the wait are you wearing your yeah this is from Walmart oh my gosh $8 skim dup oh my gosh mine’s from Amazon I was saying my
Whole outfit I was this earlier at the appointment I was like yeah my whole outfit’s from Amazon like if it weren’t for Amazon I’d be completely naked right now yeah like Amazon she just does it she really oh my gosh I didn’t even tell
You what no I did tell you but I say it again yeah when I got home another thing someone like stole my my package that’s crazy yeah they said they signed off of it nothing important okay I no it’s not that exciting but someone stole it and
I’m kind of offended that’s like crazy and they signed off of it I’m like so you had to chase down this Amazon man and say yeah that’s for me and then go chasing out the Amazon worker it’s I my front door is like you need a key to get
In you can’t just get in yeah so yeah someone said that’s me signed it off ma could you just like imagine like sprinting down the hallway being like wait wait my package like being that that needy well apparently ma was because they stole it yeah couldn’t even are going to be spell
Mt Mt no wait you’re right mhm they were really close yep the fans the fans the fans the fans stole my package makes me wonder back if we did have fans what would that be like I don’t know like would I be able to go out like guys please no Paparazzi but
Like kind of yes no yeah I want I want that I feel like I would have the worst Paparazzi pictur like I don’t look good off guard that’s for sure like FAA would be out like I’d be like midling like a no but I feel like if I was approached
In public like on my day today like I would be like head to toe in like my Jersey Shore sweat pants with stains all over them and like just a ratchet hoodie hair UND like and then people be like oh my God can I get a picture with you like
I feel like I would have to look presentable all the time if I actually had like a following and that’s like a lot of work it is I can’t do that so if you um if you guys see us looking a little r it mind your business maybe we should
Start looking ratchet on purpose so that way no one can be surprised when we get caught oh that’s true yeah cuz sometimes I just can’t do it sometimes me looking ratchet is the best it’s going to get that day you know what yeah that was me
Earlier I can’t I can’t do my own hair right now the hence the Hat yeah it’s giving Z Surfer a little bit just a little bit I was going to try to do a slick back I don’t I don’t really think you really could do that
That no well yesterday I washed my hair and then I was like trying to do it it wasn’t working I tried everything to the point that I was probably burning off my hair I was like oh my God I straightened it I curled it I blew it out I crimped
It I did everything possible and everything looked so bad and it just kept getting worse I just slicked it back I was like I don’t care that I wash it today it’s not hair wash day but it’s fine and I I slick it back then this second that the hairspray touched my
Hair follicles you texted me that your thumb was dislocated in and I was like [ __ ] I did that for nothing [ __ ] you put that thumb back in [ __ ] relocate relocate it I did a slick back for what so I ended up showering again cuz I was going to sleep in it
Yeah I was like it’s like raining all day I might as well sleep in this hairsprayed gelled out back [ __ ] and just like call it a day wake up tomorrow like Crank that [ __ ] back once more and go with go with it yeah and then I was
Like uh do I want to lay in bed with gel and hairspray slicked upon my yeah no you break out you wake up with like a monster pimple on your chin Jo manifest that oh sorry there’s no wood though no wood that’s what’s happening to you next yeah so I washed it again
Then redid it this morning and when I tell you everything was going wrong and like now I went outside it was raining I I this is what we’re working with and I look like Lord farquad and that’s fine right I think you look like a beautiful Lord farquad thank you mhm and his
Blonde era yeah which I’ve also bleach and tone bleach and tone which for qu in his bleach and tone era I’ve been having this crisis with my hair though yeah I just like kind of made out with the mic a little bit my God I was feeling the
Vibe but like I’ve just been having this yum lunchtime want a little snack I felt hungry but I was having this dilemma with my hair because it’s like right now I’m at the process of getting like super platinum blonde but it’s like it’s like a little yellow like a little bit I have
Every shampoo and conditioner that can make you blonde that you could possibly get on the market like I use it all I use like three in one not not 3 one like like the men I was say that’s the best no I use I use like three separate like
Shampoos and like conditioner cuz I want her to be blonde like it’s all purple everything’s purple and blue like we’re getting there but it just doesn’t seem to like want that for me you know I feel like this is and we’ve only known each other since like a
Couple months ago but I feel like your hair reverts back yellow no matter like what you do to it like it seems like your hair just doesn’t want it and I was talking to my mom about this today I was like I just think my hair does not want
To be that it does not want to beir she’s not feeling it like she’s like girl let me rest she’s like literally stop it yeah she’s like stop the bleaching tone please and I don’t know what to do about it because I went brown
One time and I didn’t hate it but I also like wanted to die at that time so I was like uh right that’s why I went blonde yeah see I was a bleach blonde wait inpix yeah inpix I don’t really have I don’t have like too much to go off of
With the brown era because I was miserable and like everything like I never styled it I just like threw it back and was like I I hate this and I I don’t think it looked bad at all but I’m like in the process where I think like
This part of my hair is like I either have to be like super like white hair or like brown mhm and now I’m like I’ve been trying to get this process for a long time like do I and you also don’t want to damage your hair I know cuz I
Think if the blunder I go it’s going to get worse and you do have like curls so those are going to I fried mine off when I went it’s my problem guys everybody comment if you think I would look good with brown hair or what we think the
Vibes are we what if I had like a little like a little brown French Bob for some reason when you went like this I thought you meant like brown tips oh no no no no I was going to be like um no no immediately no but you know what I
Mean like like the little like Italian girl summer with the like the chin length hair brown my favorite hair that I’ve ever had is my like brown bob it was a moment it was fun it was cute I’m honestly having a really bad dilemma
Over it I think it would suit you but I also don’t want you to get upset yeah well my favorite hair era that I had other than being blonde was when I went Brown and then it started fading and then it grew really long and then I had this like really long like
Brownish blondish hair cuz it was like the color faded out so it was still blonde but it was like kind of dirty blonde I guess kind of my natural hair color but like I it was darker than my natural hair just by a little bit and I
Loved it cuz the bot like it was like a balage if like I were a girl with brown hair that had a balage that’s what it looked like kind of and I was like oh you seem very passionate about it I think you should I really think you should I’m so
Stressed hair is like huge to if your hair doesn’t look good then everything looks bad yeah again I always say you could be wearing a garbage bag but if your hair looks good babe that’s what I’m saying and I’m like do I cut it shorter or do I let it grow out like
What’s the I don’t know I think shorter I think so too because it is getting that’s the part that I hated growing out my hair is that it was getting to the point where it because if it was longer it would look really really good but I do I want to be
Stuck in an awkward phase for a long time and what I was going to say does your hair grow faster when it’s brown cuz you’re not it did maybe that’s your sign cuz obviously you’re not bleaching and toning bleach and tone mhm this is tough that’s what that’s
What made me go back to my darker hair cuz it’s my hair grows like crazy now yeah since I stopped I us even now my hair is like growing pretty like fast I used to go to the hair salon like every 3 months I haven’t gone since my
Birthday in October and I cut her like up to maybe here got shorter bangs like up to my eyebrow bangs are gone past my boob yeah I haven’t gone since but my hair still like looks decent enough to not get it done now wait that’s crazy
Mhm H I think it’s your sign I’m stressed we’ll touch on it later anyway I’ve been currently using lemi like Corner Kardashian brand lemy that we love yes I’ve been taking lemi too you put me on I seriously like I’m so passionate about this brand it’s not even funny I have been putting
Everyone that I know on to LY and it’s working our entire like work staff is now like you need like an affiliate code let me I I do let me send please like let me please let me please let me please and let’s make more cuz I have a
Lot of problems that need to let me be fixed let me survive let me not want to kill myself thanks is that one next yeah come on come on Courtney babe and if there’s one thing about Corney Kardashian like she will always make something like organic yeah I knew it has to be
Gluten-free like it had to be like I’m like I was GF for years stomach problems like mhm so hearing that I’m like she’s having scent and everything oh my God like I just have the worst stomach problems ever we know it yeah always asked me he’s like why does every girl
Have like she’s never like he always says girls are never in like perfect health it’s true truthfully we’re not no hot girls have stomach problems they do and worse sometimes everyone has some problem some problem everywhere I’m never in like one piece no if it’s not
My stomach it’s my head if it’s not my head it’s whatever is there like a let me let me Dem migraine not yet Tylenol X SL me a little collab I need it seriously if I had a lemy I think I would do like
Um I don’t know let me do mine would be like really stupid though you’re like let me do math in my head cuz I can’t do let me do math let me be smarter let me math let me math cuz I really need that yeah I failed every math exam so far
It’s not but I do really good on the homework so I’m like kind of hoping that that that averages out to like maybe like just one point over failing so I just don’t have to do it again yeah me in school ever I’m lazy I’m not going to
Lie this semester like I want it to be summer and I’m not even getting a break in summer cuz I’m going to take more me too so it’s okay but at least men are all in line this summer I’m going to need a let me study next let me study
Well let me Focus let me Focus she does have that does she work I mean I actually I put all my trust in Courtney now yeah know K uses let me Focus yeah yeah he uses it when he works and he says he likes it I need to let me chill
Cuz [ __ ] needs to chill I need that too I need to relax my mom’s been using some let me curb M I’m doing the what is it Let Me Burn Let Me Burn mhm I like Reservoir day one one of our co-workers is using let me purr reviews in the works we don’t
Have it yet but I’m using let me de blo and I actually do see results like I’m the most bloated person you’ll ever meet like actually ever I just I can’t anything without like just being in pain like with a reaction yeah and I also my
Bowels don’t work can we know that M so it’s like I’m just always in a state of like help right like relieve please and I honestly feel like it helps me a lot it’s like my digestive system isn’t working mhm but like she I you you you
Can’t tell from the outside right cuz let me she’s like yeah she’s like let me disguise basically yeah that’s what it does but I can like I can feel my body digesting when I take them like it’s kind of just like like you can like you
Can hear it yeah that’s actually I feel like no one talks about that but can you like can feel and hear your digestion it’s when you don’t have any movement whatsoever you’re like oh my God I’m my gas gas is coming it’s yes finally I’m going to [ __ ] to [ __ ]
Fart I’m so constipated that it excites me when I have a stomach ache I’m like yeah is about a [ __ ] herself finally oh my God stomach issues suck I haven’t taken a real poop in 3 weeks nothing’s worse than not being able to poop and the last one was with a
Laxative cuz it was like another 3 weeks yeah that used to be me I used to never be able to poop it’s bad I went to the doctors about this cuz everyone’s going to be like why don’t you go to the doctor to get it checked out they told
Me I was fine M they did an endoscopy a colonoscopy they assigned me so many laxatives they were like you’re fine didn’t you get like you washed out yeah I got a colonic where they literally stick a tube up your ass and like they pull everything out I feel you have to
Share that oh my God wait funny story this just in so oh my God I’m so pale it’s like actually sickening I can’t look myself anymore little ray of sunshine that came in really revealed a little bit too much guys I really you’re you’re looking so
Olive toned it’s like kind of making me a little bit embarrassed you I mean me no yeah like you look very like Olive toned and like sun-kissed right now no it’s giving like Hawaii brand trip or something giving tart it’s giving tart giving Bora I’m giving Alaska or something snow bunny I don’t
Know anyway back to my colonic so I was I was at this point where I was like I and like my whole family knows about these problems cuz like it’s I’m open about it I’m like guys I have not [ __ ] in a month I’m in a lot of pain I can’t
Breathe I can’t eat everything hurts I’m in a constant state of like chronic illness l in pain yeah so we look up this thing cuz I literally at the at the dinner table I was like I need someone to literally suck it out of me like
Because I can’t do it [ __ ] vacuum in my ass yeah like come on like what’s that what’s that that like what is it a Roomba that like goes around the house inum like a Roomba for like butt yeah it’s s like a Roomba at my ass damn so I
Was like that’s what I need right now and so we find this woman who’s like not too far I’m like oh awesome she does it right in her house I go to meet this woman Angel like heavensent woman she’s so sweet she’s like the whole family is away like don’t
You guys worry I don’t let anybody see my clients we’re just going to head right downstairs to like her room where she does the whole the whole procedure yeah I’m like just taking a glance around the living room and I happen to see a frame of like her her children
There’s like a couple of them and I’m like hm that one looks familiar her son and the whole time I’m like oh my God where do I know this guy my friend which we were never like not like great friend but my friend that I
Had known for a few years now I went to her sweet 16 like everything it was her boyfriend’s mom so then I’m like holy [ __ ] we’re going to we’re going to call her Angela I’m like this is Angela’s [ __ ] like mother-in-law basically they’re not together anymore so once
Again the the mic went out episode one two 100 it’s just going to go out probably every time we haven’t quite figured out maybe like this mic in particular yeah maybe there’s some tech whizzes watching us right now they can give us some like input on um a proper power source this
One is connected to the car and she works like a gem but this one is connected to a laptop and turns off every 5 minutes we tried to use it in my car and for some reason out of the three USB ports none of them want to connect to the mic so
It’s really good so they converted to my car yep that’s where we are today portable charger you know because I think it just needs like a Battery Source no well Kiki said he was getting um like well he said he might get one of these for like his new Tik Tok shop Endeavors
Yeah anyway actually I’ll touch space on that yeah I think it’s time kik’s been doing this new like Tik Tok shop he’s in his influencer era he really is we’re like rubbing off on people no we are he revamped his whole Tik Tok and it’s like
The so I go on Tik Tok the one day MH and I open it up and I’m like looking at like my notifications my like messages whatever and it’s like things you need it’s like someone who I’ve been messaging and I’m like who the hell is
That I click on it and it’s like K’s new page he like remade it the whole thing it’s like items you need like underscore 99 whatever and then he like the top like headers like things you need Exclamation point Exclamation point and so I was like what is this he’s like I
It’s things you need things you need write in the name I’m like okay and so he’s doing where like the creater fund where you can like earn commission off of like selling things on Tik Tok shop so his new favorite thing is Tik Tok shop he’s shopping on there all day long
It was Facebook Marketplace he’s converted to Tik Tok shop he’s on there all day long he’s like oh my God this is the most awesome thing I’ve ever seen ever do you want it and then we were just getting all these random packages and he’s like we got we got to film and
It’s really is really fun because we’ve gotten really cool things everything actually is like good it’s not like so funny you mentioned that you know that uh jumpsuit that you showed me my friend actually got it off Tik Tok shop I should have told her return it and buy
It again yeah well I had a friend she commented and she was like oh my God I’m going to buy it right now and he didn’t earn commission so we just don’t think she did or maybe got it from another source she got it from another source I
Was like fake well anyway he even gave me this air freshener to plug today mhm from Tik Tok shop guys it actually smells divine smell let me give it a Whi she’s like oh wait wow that’s so nice she’s smelling up the car for sure this is in Pink
Sugar O Okay the other one is like vanilla vanilla Lush or something very nice but he was showing me that one of his new things he wants to get is like that like the cigarette Port charger that like goes right there cigarette just one that’s a cigarette off do toop
Like the like the port yeah and then we can I wonder if that will work as a power source for us if we have that one there I was like wait get it we try yeah cuz I think that way then then this whole thing will function right cuz it
Only works in the front end of the car yeah no one knows what we’re talking about nothing is working in our favor that’s just all they need to know yeah all the tech aside if we’re here it’s Miracle we’re just girls like yeah we’re just girls doing girl things we’re like
Women in stem I don’t know what that means actually um I just no I’m I’m not even going to bother I’m going to like offend someone if I try to explain that actually that’s not what it is that’s kind of what I would assume they’re like though are they like
Robotics like a little like a little bit nerdy a little sciency a little bit like they know math yeah they can do they have a lety lety math they have a ly math then I envy women in stem yeah me too H I can’t again bab still counts
With your fingers I really don’t I really don’t know what to tell you I’m never going to outgrow it I don’t know what it is me too I I with the girls that I babysit by the way I also do that but yeah they ask me for help on their homework and I’m
Like you got the wrong got me there you got me there you have the wrong yeah maybe Mom mom’s an accountant oh really or like in accounting or something I just think it’s crazy that there’s like women that are good at math like that
It’s just like I’m I am you I want to be you yeah I really cuz I always felt like like growing up it’s like oh the girls were always really good at like English and writing and the guys are always good at like math and science what were you
Good at English I think that’s the only reason why I perceive it that way it’s just not true everyone’s good at different things but I perceive it as like oh I was good at English and I’m bad at math so all girls are I thought cuz I’m everyone apparently I thought I
Was good at English um I just don’t think I’m really good I’m in honors at any of the above and it sucks I know I I was writing a book for a while whoa I never stopped okay number one bestseller New York Times bestseller seriously I I was actually like it was
Honestly a good book for sure are you going to release it no I never finished it actually maybe like an ebook but I had I had such a good and like I’ve never shared anyone like how it would end because I’m like someone will steal the idea MH and then that would motivate
Me to finish it wait no then don’t tell me I don’t want to know yeah the like idea of it was good though like I don’t know if you’ve ever seen like Maze Runner diverent Hunger Games I love them that era of movies I that era of movies
And and then add like Teen Wolf okay yes oh I didn’t see Teen Wolf but it matches the vibe so I was like in love with Dylan O’Brien like for my whole like middle school high school Crush was like that was he was the IT guy you know what
I mean like it’s still an O’Brien so I watched everything that he was in obviously and they just happened to be like some of the best shows and movies I’ve ever seen not even because he was in it because they were just so good why are your wipers on
Oh she wanted to partake um anyway so I was like going through this phase of like Dylan O’Brien movies shows everything and like Teen Wolf was literally my favorite show I loved it so much and like it wasn’t even because of him same with Maze Runner I was like
This is the best movie series I’ve ever watched them me and rewat recently too I think they’re so good that diverent hungry it’s like that era I love dystopian movies so so good but I took the idea of like dystopian era like fighting type of movies and then mixed it in with like
The supernatural aspect of like Teen Wolf and like okay that kind of like Realm and it was basically like the same type of idea how like in Divergent like when they become like 18 or whatever their age is like 16 I don’t know where they have to like choose like what
Category they like want to be in type of thing yeah mine it was like when they’re 18 they go to this like big Center like government facility and they’re basically like put into they’re like I guess like transformed into like a certain Supernatural like ability oh
Wait and then they have to go then they have to go into these like training camps and like learn how to like work with the new ability and everything and it’s like they can’t cross their wall to like see the other supernatural beings and like all that and it’s like this
Girl who’s like a badass and she’s like basically trying like she meets like I think he was like a werewolf I forget what he was but like some other guy from like across the walls cuz there was like once a month like the walls open and they’re like able to interact and
They’re like kind of like in love I think you should skip the book make a movie and then bring back dystopian movies yeah and they like dig like a tunnel underneath the walls to like see each other oh my God yeah and then like the
One main guy of like who like runs her Camp his parents are like the PE like the government of this like which is like kind of like it’s like a shitty dystopian system the same way that all these movies are and like his parents are those people and like she doesn’t
Know that so she’s like kind of in this love triangle with like the the guy at her camp and then this like other guy and this guy like the whole point is like he’s going to like ruin everything oh my God it’s like a good it’s good actually really good and I
Wrote like over a 100 Pages wow and I just never and I started it in like seventh grade so I would have to I have probably have to restart to be honest because it’s definitely like childish maybe not childish actually no but the idea is there yeah so and then it was
Actually funny cuz I would write it in my math class and there was like a like you know like how they some classes would have like an aid so the aid in that class loved me and he would always come over and he’d be like how’s and he
Was an English teacher and he would come over and be like how’s the book and like every day when I was writing it he would encourage me to keep writing it and like he would always tell me like I can’t wait to read this book one day like I
Can’t read it can’t let him down and I he’s waiting shout out to you m what that’s his name oh my gosh he’s an angel oh my God I the looks like Mr Clean oh my God I should get it out he’s a real person I shouldn’t have said his
Name I feel like that’s flattering like Mr clean’s kind of hot well you you know apparently there’s like a real Mr Clean guy and he’s like jacked Kiki was showing it to me he’s like have you ever seen the real Mr Clean he’s like kind of hot would smash
Mr Clean I would smash KZ what is that [ __ ] Mary kill yeah that’s a good game Mar K segment maybe let’s do one now where’ you put oh god well what’s the are we talking like Mr [Laughter] Mr Mr Clean who else oh God I don’t know it’s
Like we have to think about it we’ll make a list yeah we’ll make it one one day this will be a thing but give us comment people we need the engagement tell us tell us the input we need to know these things I have so much
Fun with those me too they they get you thinking I’m like who would I actually you know what who would I [ __ ] Mary kill like I really want to know how about Mr Clean Mike Tyson and Jake Paul I don’t think I would go that far well in other news have we heard
About the fight truly I’ve been so bad at keeping up with that stuff cuz I feel like just someone’s always fighting another person I’m like What’s Next yeah well I don’t care about these fights I kind want to fight someone though like me too get us
In the ring yeah us imagine but I just like Mike Tyson is like a world champion like known renowned like like I was going to say NBA wrong one like I don’t know was he in UFC I don’t know but he was like like he could kill someone with his knuckle like
With with his dislocated thumb he could break someone’s neck like That’s Mike Tyson we saw him in The Hangover yeah in The Hangover with his Tigers like that’s a badass guy you know and he’s going to fight Jake Paul this guy needs to really put his bit but I really don’t know who
I was thinking about it what is a better headline cuz all of this is like media yeah it’s like I’m sure half of these fights could be stag I’ve never watched one don’t come for my neck but they have to be staged because it’s all like Mike
Tyson versus Jake Paul in what world would Jake Paul win in a world where the media is the most important thing to him what’s is a better headline Jake Paul beats world renowned Champion Mike Tyson or Mike Tyson just beats another loser du yeah like obviously Mike Tyson won
Course what’s a better headline oh Jake Paul beat Mike Tyson the hell yeah be like what so I feel like they’re going to finesse it somehow and like Jake Paul’s going to win hot take conspiracy just because I think it’s like of course Mike Tyson would win right Jake Paul wouldn’t so so
I think he will because of that H maybe and also apparently everyone’s like oh Mike Tyson’s not in his prime matter tyon could be 90 and he doesn’t need to be in his prime there’s years of experience Talent there’s no need to be in your Prime that’s what I’m saying
He’s also he’s still jacked yeah he’s also like a literally a whole foot taller than Jake ball yeah again this man could be like six feet under and he’d probably still knock some [ __ ] out he would like literally come from the grave like yeah his Spirit knocks
You out like yeah no I don’t know it just makes me wonder because I just think that’s such an interest like also I do think it’s kind of cool that he’s fighting Mike Tyson he’s still like like good for you Jake Paul he’s still hip
You know yeah like all right up cuz he kind of fell off for a while after his like diss track era yeah oh yeah what a time that is the time when he was dating Tana oh my God the wedding the wedding the video video oh my God it was really
Funny is so a YouTuber two YouTubers that I’ve been watching literally forever since the beginning of time Sarah basa and Caitlyn Ray which you probably I love them you watch both of them stop watch I I love them both I watched both of them individually and
Then I saw them get together me too and I was like wait I love this stop because I’ve been watching Caitlyn since she like made her first video ever me too we have never talked about this so this is ra re Kaitlyn and Sarah we love you love
You well I was just watching their video today where they they went on a cruise together and like like a the video but I saw that they hilarious it’s so funny there’s like literal Raves going on in the hallways and they’re like we’re just trying to get to the elevator you get it
When she’s I love her intros like does she still do I’m about to die in yes I think so I haven’t oh my God I haven’t watched one of those in forever though those are like her old ones but anyway back to tana and Jake Paul wedding they
Went to the wedding and I didn’t even watch like the Tana or Jake Paul videos of it even though I love Tana because I just hated that time like for her for Jake but they went to the wedding and they were like walking behind Tana down the aisle because they were trying to
Get to their seats and they’re like just in the back of all the cars and I think it’s so funny like the whole video I was dying oh my you haven’t watched their video at at the Jana wedding I like it’s been yeah I have to watch it’s Caitlyn’s I think I
I’ll rewatch I also stole her intro for the longest time cuz when I made YouTube videos because hers it would be like the like Caitlyn Ray logo and it would be like from like the Justin Timberlake and I loved it so I did the same thing with
My name wait I love it it was inspiration but I just kept getting copyrighted they’re like not you they were like you don’t have what it takes no that’s for sure oh my God wait tune in guys Caitlin and Sarah please watch oh wait no I that’s crazy I’m this makes
Sense now yeah I get it they yeah yeah oh my god I think I’m falling more and more in love with you no seriously seriously guys love it first yep all over again all over again every time we see you it feels like the [Laughter] first you know when like you know when
Couples when they have like an anniversary and then they post like their like 10 paragraph long essay as an Instagram caption that’s how I feel sometimes with you my next post I actually have it pending it’s scheduled it’s like when we first met I didn’t think it could get any better
Than and they’re usually like the most unstable couples oh yeah I feel like I feel like couples that don’t post as much together are probably happier yeah cuz I feel like they’re so secure like why do they need to post like they don’t have they don’t have anything to prove
Exactly and I feel like when you post a slot it’s like okay and you’re like we are really in love yeah I swear he loves me it does make you a little bit skeptical yeah you know Rel that’s scary like Rel like that I swear like the guy
Or the girl whatever it may be is like crying for help like behind all those pictures like save me oh my God yeah they like make an account like under like a bot name or something they’re like uh they like expose everything that would be crazy well did you see it’s
Coming out about like Amanda bines when which this is like a very serious situation but like how Amanda bines like way back Garing okay I hope the mic picks that up my God anyway so Amanda binds had had like a Twitter back in like I I I don’t know how long ago but
She like had it under like Ashley like Burns or something like that wait yes I think I ski this quickly on my and she was coming out like with all of this [ __ ] about like Dan Schneider and Nickelodeon and was like literally like telling everyone exactly what happened
To her under this like fake Alias but she was like the name itself was fake but she was like posting her literal license and being like this is me MH and this is what I have to say and it’s like crazy [ __ ] and like everyone just overlooked it and now that everything’s
Coming out it’s like now they’re and I was reading some comments too that were saying cuz I think I saw the same video as you and then they were saying oh like if she posted that now like no one would actually believe her and then one
Comment said yeah we would and I’m like well she did post it and you never believed it that’s what’s bothering me so much is everyone’s like oh like where’s Amanda and all of this maybe if you and now everyone’s like oh my God like justice for Amanda
And I’m like she deserve justice in 2001 like that’s fake what are we talking no seriously like it drives me insane MH and everyone just you know pointed the finger at her thought she was crazy well that’s what happens with all of these celebrities crazy people don’t get Crazy
By themselves exactly it’s like the same [ __ ] that happened to Bernie Spears like when she started shaving her head and everyone was like she’s manic she’s crazy going through it are you kidding me what happened if that happened to you I would shave my head yeah I would go
Smash Windows like I would do the same exact [ __ ] like but I feel like a lot of these like she now like Amanda bind she’s now like a nail tech is she really yeah she just like made an account and she’s like hey guys like I’m a nail tech
He now wait I like it makes me for I know yeah get out of like the toxic I know she deserves it she deserves better I watch her Tik toks a lot I feel like she’s like you could tell she still goes through it like her she’s not fully
There but it’s like how could you that’s you know yeah it’s never but it’s like she’s she’s whole for what she can be you know right she’s trying she just wants to do nails yeah she’s really trying seriously good for her mhm a she deserves it yeah that’s insane I did you
Watch the I haven’t watched quite set yet I’ve been watching a lot of Clips in two days I want to watch it tonight seriously cuz I’ve been wanting to watch it all week I just haven’t found time to like really sit down and be like okay
It’s crazy I’m like and I feel like you always can tell that Nickelodeon had some stuff going on behind theen oh my God even when I was younger when I was younger I used to think some of it was weird which was like very suspicious for
Like a literal child to think it was weird because it’s like so easy for that to go overlooked MH I don’t know I just think it’s like it’s sick seriously my whole class the other day I walk in and they were all like talking about it and
I like I just had to pitch in I’m like little hair little hair but I just like I hear everyone talking about it in the class and I was like oh my God it’s just insane you have to watch it like the [ __ ] that goes on it’s like how do you
Let that I don’t know slide for so long like the same thing is going on right now with like these like family like Vlog yes channels exploting their kids and [ __ ] it’s like have you seen like Ren and her mom I don’t know her mom’s name jacn I think it’s this this woman
Who like makes Tik toks of her daughter and her daughter’s adorable like I think she’s like three and she’ll be like oh like what Mom puts her in versus like what grandma puts her in and it’s like she’s literally wearing like crop tops and like booty shorts and then it’s like
What Mom put her in and then it goes to Grandma and it’s like the most wholesome like adorable like three-year-old clothing appropriate and it’s like all the comments are always like what the [ __ ] like why are you putting your child in that outfit like what are you doing
That for like she’s three she doesn’t need to be in a crop top I feel like a lot of the clothes nowadays that brands are they have like cutouts and everything outs they’re so short like why are they making them for scandalous for like a three-year-old exactly it’s
Gross you exactly but it’s the same thing like I was seeing at Target like the child’s clothes all have like cutouts and they’re all like crop tops and I’m like for what like what three-year-old needs to be wearing that around especially in this day and age when everyone’s a freaking creep exactly
Did you see the Tik Tok where the this woman went to Target and was looking at the bathing suits for kids and they had like all like cutouts on the sides it was like a one piece with like like sexy cutouts for like a 2-year-old no like how like if we were
To wear if we were to wear like a sexy one piece how how was like the sides are cut out like that type of idea and it was like cute like and childish but it was like why are there cutouts there’s no need she’s three yeah like M I don’t
Know it just makes you think makes you think people are some of these moms I feel like are just like in a cult a lot of things are very cultish like sororities sororities yeah I’ve I’ve been waiting for this one yeah as community college girls we don’t
Know we don’t know we can’t speak for sororities mhm but I think that they’re [ __ ] crazy and I think that they are ult I’m terrified I see the videos you know the ones where like the doors open and they’re like singing and they’re like clapping and doing dances all their
Matching clothes doing whatever and like they don’t blink I swear hi alha whatever Alpha Sigma whatever yeah like what and they’re like I swear I just don’t think that like anywhere in Greek culture this like actually was a thing like I I feel like if you went to like
Mikos you wouldn’t see this no there’s no that’s what I’m saying like who brought this here they’re scary and then it’s like oh my big my little huh the [ __ ] did you raise them it’s the one like between like the middle like I’m the middle I’m the
Middle no but seriously it’s like oh go find like find and retrieve your big and they have to be like blindfolded and like and they’re like oh my God it’s you and then they have to go through like rituals and stuff to like get in and like the crazy especially frats they get
Like hazed where they get like all sorts of like [ __ ] up and like tased and [ __ ] and then it’s like oh you be a part of the team like like you’re in you made it after like you did all you’re at school you’re this is literally School
Let’s calm down babe how extra can you be mhm seriously I just think it’s so dumb like I can just go on and on about it it’s scary like they’re we like what I I don’t think I’d ever be like you know what I’m going to join one yeah like I’m
Going to do Rush Bama Rush Oh have you seen the Tik toks uhoh my cousin went to BMA oh and I can admit slightly cultish oh okay yeah I think Alabama is one of the worst ones M I don’t know she came back a little different she’s normal now but she came
Back a little different she did come back a little bit different she rushed yeah she rushed and then she continued to rush home yeah after I’m surprised they let her Escape actually there’s a few people that um went to my school that are at Alabama but I’m not sure if
They’re in sororities or not they’re normal people so we’ll see what happens when they come back yeah well some of my friends are actually in sororities and like I like I don’t know like they seem like they’re living their best life but it’s like on my end it’s
Just like I think do it it’s just a weird like what the hell man and it’s like the same people that are like oh I’m not going to do it the end of doing it are like so insanely obsessed with it and it’s like kind of scary it’s like
Why can’t we just make friends like normally you know you someone oh hey what’s your name like I would just love to make friends with someone sitting in my math class and be like do you understand this no okay cool we’re we’re cool yeah be like can I send can I have
Your number to send the homework or something I also like like University School just like is so weird to me in general cuz it’s like a whole different world it’s yeah and like a roommate first of all you’re assigned to live with this person and then like most of
The time they become like everyone’s best friend like everyone that I went to school with they always talk they never forget the roommate they’re like oh you either love roomate and it’s like what if you’re with like a real [ __ ] person like I know it’s happened but it’s like
You just have to live with like a random ass person like what like there’s so many things behind it like what if you like are just like you want to just change like it’s like a public bathroom every time you have to use the bathroom
Or shower you have to go into a public one on the floor and you’re paying like thousands of dollars for that for that not even like a private bathroom like what if you want to have like sex yeah some people I had a friend yeah that she
Was a roommate with someone else and then they would come home like if they were drunk and just have sex literally her sleeping in the bunk bed like next it’s like what that’s not living yeah that bunk bed is going to break one day she’s going to be like half half it’s
Like it’s just where’s like the human like it’s just it’s so there’s no privacy it’s such a weird concept I can’t wrap my head around it I don’t I’m scared I’m so glad that I’m not at a university yeah I don’t think I it scares me I can’t afford higher
Education so I’m not hating it’s just that I just don’t understand it it just seems like a world I would not want to live mhm like oh yeah like let’s just get like [ __ ] up 7 days a week and like live next to random people we’ve
Never met and like use the same shower as everyone every day and be in a cult where they pepper spray your face to let you in you have to learn fun song dances and speak in Greek y that sounds like hell no thank you do they like actually go to school like
I’ve never seen anyone at University struggling at my little County colle how from Thursday to Monday are you partying yeah again I’m struggling to do my school school work and I’m local exactly so how on Earth work yeah what is going on like why is this so common I don’t
Understand I they don’t have jobs they’re just full-time students and then they party from Thursday to Monday how I also like don’t think I have a social battery big enough to tolerate people never have time to myself they like oh want to go out tonight I’m like no I really don’t no I
Want to go to sleep no going go to sleep and then immediately you want to go to bed no friends I just couldn’t do it NP m- not for me thank you I’ll pass weird to me double it and passes the next person no seriously I don’t it’s
Scary it’s like what do you do once you’re out of that though that’s why I feel like some people can never like get out of that like I feel like people who are in sororities and you know are all invested in that stuff they never let it
Go like they’re adults like in their 40s like sority or they’re like it’s like I bleed this or whatever and I’m like oh my God girl it’s like it’s 20 years ago babe please Let It Go like you don’t have kids you know your life talk about that we’re still talking about the
Sity it’s like what was so fascinating I just I know unless they like brainwash you there like they like open your eyes and like make you wash something well and like have you Pinn down to like a chair like wash it stop it’s like one of
Those um oh my God I forget what I was going to say to be honest I forget what I was going to say but I just feel like I feel like it’s one of those things where have you ever watched the show the good place no oh well it’s
Basically like when you die it’s like heaven in Hell basically but it’s like they they are dead but it’s like so they go so this girl she’s like she gets sent to the good place and she’s like why the hell am I here like I was a shitty
Person whatever and it’s like they walk in there’s like everyone is so nice to meet her and they greet her like it’s like very like freaky though cuz everyone has these Smiles on their faces and they’re like welcome to the good place and it’s like it’s like just
Creepy as hell it seems like it’s the most magnificent place on Earth everything is handed to you like you get to live your life in peace type of thing turns out it’s actually hell and that is the bad place the whole time spoiler um but that like that’s how I feel about
Sororities like it’s the good place but it’s actually hell plst oh my gosh I believe it what are like what do you think they do overseas like at like British schools do they have that or is it like only an American thing no I think well I don’t
Know but my brain like to think that all of that is just here I think it is cuz over there I feel like it’s a lot people just like to go out more like they’re more like at the bars the clubs like their drinking age is like yeah which is
Why I feel like they’re past that like I don’t know why I think it’s CU they’re drinking age is so which like why the hell is it I don’t know it’s like like I that’s why everyone’s obsessed to turn 21 and then they turn like freaking
Crazy once they are 21 but it’s like it’s just is like en shambles yeah it’s like I just don’t yeah it’s like I don’t understand the other thing that drives me crazy is like what like so you could be drafted into war at 18 but you
Can’t like book a hotel room or like rent a car yeah 25 to rent a car it’s insane yeah but you could drive at 16 and have you got wait 10 years you can have your own car but you can’t drive anyone else’s huh that’s insane did you see Megan Fox
Was on call her daddy she was talking about like the work that she has got done whatever and then she’s like oh you know like people keep saying that I got something like like fat loss remover remover or something and she was like she was like I haven’t she was like I’m
Just such a lean person she’s like if I were to do anything it would be like putting more fat like in more fat in give me a juicier ass and I was like Megan Fox you’re going to sit here and be like Oh I’m too I’m too frail I’m too
Skin it’s just like come on man we know I wish I could complain about that she’s like I would just I would just like too hot she’s like I’m just I’m too skinny to there’s no fat to take out I can have so many places where you
Could take it out from I wish I had the problem seriously I was like okay Megan Jesus Christ if you want if you ever want some I’m your girl you can pick some from me put it on to you a little exchange we can mix and match yeah okay
It’s like oh my God what were those those things where you could like did I make this up in my head or was an actual game where you can like recustom no yeah it was it was like a game I think like online or like it was like Barbie and
You can like switch her outfits but you could like keep the head and like switch the like the the skirt and yeah she can do that she can she can mix a match oh my take my fat take it it’s all yours babe like she just didn’t have to say that
No be like oh yeah there’s just she just I’m jealous say that she was flexing on everyone but there’s just not enough fat to take out mhm I’m just so perfect there’s nothing to take I’m just so slim and perfect and have the best body ever
I’m just it’s just natural yep like all right okay now I hate myself even more thanks babe it was nice thinking that it was fake yeah made me feel a little bit better but now that you’re telling me it’s real now I hate myself I feel like but I
I feel like celebrities like that don’t lie about getting worked on I just like I value that though apprciate it any work that I would get done I would be the first to talk about it I would I’m going to tell you that I’m thinking
About it I’m going to Vlog it when I do it and then I’m going to show you after I’m mean guys look at this face liift yep and then I’m going to show you when it migrates and tell you not to do it yeah like I’m going to bring you with oh
We got Botox poisoning yep in the hospital part two part two no but seriously cuz I feel like so many there’s so many celebrities that are like guys have never done anything and it’s like your lips are like 10 times the size of your face when she didn’t
Want to say she had her lips done I’m like he it’s like girl they were paper thin yeah no you had small lips that’s like now you’re double juice that’s like me like one like breakroom episode I come up with like boobs like up to my
Chin I’m like they were just I just had him hi I just had them Tu a little bit they were just sagging hanging low today you know no same yeah that’s literally like me coming back and like having Double D’s they’d be like no that ain’t
Right that’s not correct and then I just go oh it’s puberty babe you’re 23 yeah you know you know they say that you hit a second puberty in your 20s it’s true it is but you could just use that I’m true I’m going through it it’s yeah
Weight is like your weight and like the way you look is not the same like completely went through it all over again I hate it well don’t your like hips get more like ftle I feel like I look more like a woman now like I always wondered how like women look like women
Cuz I’m like when I was like 18 for example I was like I feel like how do I get to that point like they have like hips like I don’t know they just look different like I don’t look like that I look like a child even though like I’m
Going through puberty already went through it once and I’m like how do you look like that here I am 23 going through it I’m like oh here it is and honestly don’t love the life that’s how well that’s how I felt too because when
I was like like 16 to 18 like I was just like thin whatever but there was no curve on me but it like matched my body if that makes sense I was like yeah like whatever like I was just like lean lean Queen whatever like no no boobs she I
Was no she has boobs that’s the difference and she has a nice ass that’s the difference but I was like I yeah no it was just yeah so and I liked that version of myself and then like now as I’m like growing more into Womanhood I’m
Like I kind of want some curve and like I feel like my hips like already are like kind of getting into that more like womanly like idea but there’s like no like other curve so it’s just like now I’m like I need to grow and ass because
I need to look I need to look like a grown woman and not like a 12-year-old little boy it happened to me when I was I think I’m I feel like I’m still going through mine but I think I’m going I started when I was like 22 actually like
Right when I was 22 then it started changing yeah I feel everyone says it kind of happens around like 22 23 yeah and then I’m like waiting cuz my mom I was telling her about this the other day and I was like yeah she was telling me
That she didn’t stop going through like her woman puberty I guess until she was 25 and she’s like I actually didn’t get boobs until I was 25 I’m like there’s more there’s going to be more yeah thank god well my mom said the same thing because she always had really really
Small boobs too like if you look back at pictures of her in high school she was so petite she was so small and like now she has boobs yeah my mom has she’s got some she’s got some yeah okay I’m like but I’m like okay does this come with like having
Babies or is this just like a natural phenomenon but I kind of like cuz like I know with like when you’re pregnant and stuff you know your Bo boobs like they are not going to look the same after just woman it’s Womanhood but like it’s kind of nice if they’re smaller you know
They won’t be to that extreme I guess yeah but people with like naturally big boobs I guess it’s a hard life too like it’s not easy no matter what size like your back hurts oh my God can’t find a bra can’t find a shirt that fits I
Cannot imagine I had one friend growing up um lover to death no bad blood but she had boobs like I think I saw her before like her boobs before I saw her yeah like biggest boob boobs I think I’ve ever seen in my life and then but
She’d always tell me she’s like they hurt I’m in pain I can’t like work out I can’t find clothes that fit or like she’d always have to get shirts like so much bigger than what she is and she’s like I feel like I don’t even know my
Buddy looks like cuz the boobs are just everywhere and I feel bad I’m like it sucks yeah cuz there’s a difference in having like a nice size boob and them being too big that you’re like literally in pain there was there was a girl that I knew growing up who she also had
Really really big boobs and she was on the cheer team and was like an incredible tumbler like could do like back flips on back flips like was insanely good but she had to wear like three sports bras she ended up getting a breast reduction because her back was in
So much pain like she was always in pain and it’s like that just sucks like I just like I complain about my itty Bitties but yeah but honestly I can run with no bra on I’m good yeah I can spend a lot of my time braess and I’m okay me
Too get clocked yeah like I just I think like maybe like a be cup would be like good at least I can like push them up in some outfits mine’s yeah like I feel like I’m Fuller on the bottom more than on the top and I’m thinking maybe in my
Puberty that I’m in now it’ll be Fuller on the top I agree I am a little bit more like I’m very like or like to the side a little bit Yeah side bottom for me that’s fall they just like they just like migrate I’m waiting for them
To yeah then I’ll be one day I get like boob tape and everything they they just don’t perk that’s all they want is from them to perk but my Tik Tok shop bodysuit I have cleavage in that [ __ ] oh my gosh not to plug like I’m not even
Trying to plug yes that thing does me Justice I was going to wear it today but it was way too cold but I literally can have like they’re like up there there’s like there’s like like crease you know what I’m talking about there Shadow mine mine are I feel like are in between
Like I’m like a I’m a c okay so they’re like in between like you can work with them I can work I can I feel like it’s like that good size where like I’m not saying I have Honkers or anything I really don’t again I’m saying I’m bottom
Heavy not topheavy on the boob area but like I can get away with like if I wear something like oh our boobs kind of look cute yeah you know like I wish it I don’t know but I don’t flaunt it though I kind of just like I feel like I’m very
Not modest but like I don’t show off a little bit but I love to slightly Mor men um no but I feel like once cuz I like to hide it for when I dress nice so once I actually look good it’s like oh where’ that come from rack like I like
To keep the people guessing you know yeah that’s my style I don’t know I so I used to have C’s like they were they were definitely a little bit bigger but I was a little bit chunkier so then when I lost weight they were the first to go
And then ever since gained weight lost weight they just don’t fluctuate they they stay there I know even with my mom she thought she my mom lost a little bit of weight and then she’s like I thought when I was going to lose weight I was
Going to lose some boob that’s why she did it she didn’t lose any boob I’m like okay [ __ ] you that’s ridiculous yeah I’m like that’s a little bit disrespectful in my opinion yeah I think that like because I have like a very average like body type I feel like it’s standard it’s
Not too skinny it’s not like chubby by any means I just I feel like it’s like a healthy weight and I think that sometimes I appear like bigger than I actually am because my boobs are so small that it’s like it’s all focused on the Torso I feel like if my boobs were
Slightly bigger I would be giving like body like I would be Kylie Jenner they’d be like damn what’s that like song that people keep creating of her like recreating I mean that dance when she’s on oh my God and her mouth has just open the whole time she’s
Like she’s so pretty too she like makes it look okay can you like imagine like literally just not even doing anything just like a little and just like kind of spasm yeah and then like getting like going viral for that it’s my sign to have brown hair maybe yeah are you Kylie
Not yet maybe with araria yeah you know Cindy Sweeney also just cut a bob did she really yeah it looks really cute too and I’m like oh maybe I should keep the blonde I don’t have her boobs though I think you need to have just on one
Person if I had boobs I think I’d be Sydney Sweeney maybe I go through a new phase every week last episode was Sabrina Carpenter it’s always Sabrina I was just about to say I’m not giving on my girl she is my inspiration but like even she just looks
So good all the time she does she really does I feel like everything looks good with her boobs yeah getting like what are they doing that I’m not being famous yeah they have like a Glam team that like I need a Glam team like is able to enhance
Things that we cannot I can just picture how hot oh my God would be if we had a Glam team if we were on a red carpet just one time the potential we had we would have so much potential with a Glam team like makeup by Mario I’m in
The chair yeah I would Channel like I’m sat I’m seriously mhm come on like I need that I just need to be glammed one time like provide the dress I want to like sit in a room with like a Glam team where they tell me like this will look
Good on you put this on we’ll tailor it to your body like I just want to be in that room yeah like I want Louis Vuitton to be like M no trim the the bottom like I want that I want you to be like no you’re not giving fix it and
Then I want I need guidance yeah and then I want a makeup artist to do me up I need a hair stylist to tell me whatever the [ __ ] this is I just need to I just need to be fixed okay and I need someone to tell me how to do it cuz I’m
Lost then I need to go to the Glam bot yes do a little oh my gosh I love the Glam Bots but I love it when people people can’t find the camera like why I can only imagine I can only imagine that this camera is huge like it’s not like a
Little camera it’s 2 seconds too I’d be lost I’d be like I don’t know but it’s just like I feel like you have to have a slightly a better it’s so big how can you miss it like in my mind in my mind I would miss it I just know cuz it’s so
Fast that I’m like I just know the whole time I’d be like I’d be giving Kylie in that video I would be trying to like pose but I would be too focused on getting into the pose that I’d forget how fast it is and I would just be like
Do you know the one the first one that Joey King has where she’s like [ __ ] you can’t do it you can’t give Joey King nope but I think that was on brand for her she was just being silly and goofy yeah that was her doing her thing
Like I want to do a Glam bot so bad me too I’ve been seeing videos of people doing like their own Glam Bots they like I want to do that we should do it I wanted to say he wanted to do it with you brand with us I feel like we have to
But what do we have we don’t have have anything to get ready for no we can do it be your birthday again yeah we should just throw throw one for fun just cuz birthday after the birthday I just do it on the 9th of every month it’s your birthday every month it’s my
Um 11 months till my birthday 10 months maybe my half birthday half birthday we can celebrate okay I feel like we touched on a lot I feel like we did I feel like today was fun it was a good one we had good chat yeah cuz also my confidence like went up
Now I’m like myself it did for sure yeah I get first time I’m like a little shy girl you talked a lot today yeah I felt like the last episode I I felt like I didn’t want to keep cutting you off but I was trying to like create the
Conversation because you were feeling a little shy yeah but now I know this why I need you cuz I wasn’t being rude and cutting off the you’re the pee to my pot oh my God yeah you’re the peanut butter to my jelly okay I’m trying to think of a combination I
Can’t you’re the milk to my coffee oh my God oat milk yeah almond milk what is what is your like classic coffee order though actually my go-to yeah I don’t get this often because sometimes people don’t make it right and I don’t like it and that sounds like such a snobby thing
They don’t make you’re goto but you don’t get it often yeah but I would it was made right okay okay but I love a cappuccino oh I love like in a mug in a I know I S so D in only yes cappuccino any day I’ll take it I love it regular
Milkk cuz I like the sweetness of the milk with the coffee and the ratio is like perfect but I know like some people put like too much air in a cappuccino like I don’t like it like I like not too much buta history yep but or if anything
I’ll get a vanilla matcha iced or hot but I’m more of a hot person but I’ve been venturing out into the iced World iced it’s kind of fun when I when I quit my last job where I worked in a coffee shop I was having a really bad
Crisis cuz was like where the hell am I going to get coffee every day for free I still don’t know I still I’m craving that coffee that well I make my own coffee good now my my own iced coffee I make it home MH but for a long time I
Was only drinking hot because I was like I don’t I can’t do it and now I just make my own nice coffee I I brew it I I just mastered like my own matcha at home I want a matcha Kake I have Chamberlain matcha Chamberlain coffee matcha is it
Good really good I put a little vanilla and also cinnamon yeah oh my gosh really good vanilla Simon is really good just in a regular L it is it’s been a while for me I need to get back in my matcha phas matcha oh my favorite I’ve been
Trying to cut down on coffee as I drink a coffee in this episode but that’s our brand it’s my first one and it’s like 7 o’clock at night so it is 700 night a day I know it’s been an adventure but yeah maybe next episode we’ll have
Matcha I I had matcha in the first one you did join me maybe we’ll switch it up a little bit yeah I don’t know I’ve never ordered matcha at a place then we have to go too yeah yeah dis closed camera’s going to die yeah [ __ ] all right guys that was the
Breakroom podcast episode two episode two baby thank you for tuning in tune in next week hopefully nothing goes wrong no one loses another fing or maybe it does cuz we’ll have good content true and then we’ll post pictures yeah you’ll see it so for your enjoyment but it’s
Okay we’ll suffer for you yeah we’ll see you guys next week I’ll wait but I can’t so bye guys She