Right everybody I’m going to do something I’ve never done before in this emergency meeting which is Brag I know that’s unlike me but I’m going to brag because basically I’m never ever wrong and it makes life extremely easy when you have a Flawless track record for
Predicting the future as I have and I just want to highlight that I’ve said something which turned out to be absolutely and utterly true only a few months ago at the beginning of this year and I explained to you all that 2024 is a year of chaos but you should not be
Afraid it’s actually a good thing because chaos is opportunity and most of you are living so trapped inside of the Matrix that the only way you’ll ever get out is with chaos you can’t escape without some form of Black Swan event something has to go wrong and I can
Explain that quickly here with my extremely well-drawn diagram 2024 is the year in which the truth will be exposed and the truth will mean the system breaks which will cause chaos chaos in the jail is what you need when you’re truly trapped like you people are because you’re trapped inside of the
Matrix you can basically see eles as inside of a jail and you’re never going to get out of the jail when the jail is operating as it should when the jail is functioning the doors are closed and you are trapped however if there is a prison
Riot if there is chaos or something goes wrong you can slip out the Escape which we have here the arrow goes down to freedom and the freedom leads you to other things which we’re going to talk about later hate you the real world Etc so the point is that if you are in
Charge of the Matrix and you’re one of the elites you want the Matrix to operate because it keeps the people who are not in the elites firmly inside of their cells but most of you people at home are not Elites you do not have $100 million in cash you are brokies and
Therefore your only chance of escaping a jail is during a prison riot which means you need chaos the elites do not want the chaos but you do need the chaos otherwise you don’t send a chance because if everything operates as it should you’re going to pay taxes until
You die and your wife’s not even going to jerk you off that is your destiny so it’s a good thing that this year is going to be chaotic and I explain 2024 is a massive opportunity because the truth’s coming to light and all of this chaos will allow you to escape if you
Are prepared for it a prison right is only good for the people inside of the prison if they’re prepared for it have you been sitting in your cell preparing training getting strong getting ready making sure there’s a car waiting for you outside once you get over the wall
And preparing for this prison riot because you’re going have a few short hours to escape your cell and never be seen again or are you sitting around Jerk It Off not preparing so when the prison riot comes in fact the opposite of what happened of this happens when
You had a chance to escape instead you end up getting murdered in the bathroom decapitated like a loser because during the chaos some brokies is going to end up worse than before some brokies going to up better than before that’s how it all works you have to make sure you’re
Prepared for it because this year is a year of chaos I’ve explained all this to you before and this emergency meeting is to prove that I was completely right like I’m right by everything why do you have to bring jerking off into everything I told everyone that 20124 was going to be a
Chaotic year chaos is opportunity in fact they mean the same thing in Japanese I believe because when things are in order and everything’s operating as it’s supposed to operate the broky stay permanently broke you are enslaved and you’re not supposed to ever get out so I likened it to a prison riot
Explaining that the chaos is going to give an opportunity for the people inside of the jail cells to get out and live free and as long as things are organized and operating as they should you will permanently stay a broky and stay a nobody forever 2024 will be
Chaotic lots of crazy things will happen but these crazy things will provide an opportunity for people who are inside the Matrix to escape the matrix nice so now what go on I was goingon to say because you predict things so accurately can you please stop predicting me going to
Jail if you stop predicting it maybe they’ll stop putting me there no so now the only thing left for me to do is to prove I was right we’ve discussed why chaos is an opportunity for some of you and will be the downfall of others of
You for the others and it’s all about whether you have prepared or not you are completely self-accountable for the upcoming scenario you find yourself in if you have prepared this will be the best year of your life if you have not prepared this will be the worst year of
Your life because chaos is coming so the next pertinent question for any professional to ask is when is the chaos coming and how do we know chaos is coming and I here to prove to you on this emergency meeting that the chaos has already come it’s already here you
Just haven’t noticed because you’ve been too busy Jer it off so we’re going to start 2024 the year the truth came to light and I told you all as I’ve just proved that chaos is coming so let’s look at the news events that have happened so
Far this year do you remember when that gang took over the entire country someone in Ecuador made a lot of money and gained a lot of power because of the event 100% 100% somebody a defense contractor who knows what made a lot of money the C tell itself don’t you remember when that
Entire country was overtaken and they were killing prison they were killing police officers in the Street all the prisons were rioting all the prison officers were getting hung don’t you remember that complete Insanity we’re now living in a world where everything travels so quickly and things happen so
Fast that we forget about stuff you forgot that a Sovereign Nation was overrun by a criminal gang only a few months ago at the beginning of 2024 and what I want to do for this emergency meeting Tristan is everyone’s numb to it they’re numb to bad things happening
You’re numb but you need to wake up and understand that that is a chaotic event proving we are in chaos and we’re just beginning we’re only going to name things that have happened so far this year every single time we name something that’s happened trist I want you to
Propose a solution what should a man do if his country is overrun by the cartel what is the best thing he could possibly do in that scenario the best thing you could do when your country is overr by a cartel yeah get all your boys together get all
Your guns together wait it out Lock and Load I don’t know tell me so let’s let’s let’s look at this let’s use the thing so we have one equa gang okay EA gang them style solution is the mandem the mandem and if you’re not from the United Kingdom and
Do not speak The King’s English the mandem on the streets means boys because I’ve said this also before in emergency meetings that truthfully when [Â __Â ] hits the fan the only people you can rely on is not the government not the courts not the police not the judges not the
Systems not the doctors none of that crap that’s all a lie especially the law the law is a Lie the only thing you can truly rely on when things get hard cuz the law is good at coming into scenarios retrospectively but at the time is yourself and the people who you know who
Love who love you who would die beside you your brothers your team my brother and I live in a compound we have armed guards we have huge Gates we have bulletproof doors and we also live with 10 other men who train every day and a
Bunch of guns we require 30 or 40 men to try and come and get us because we are prepared at all times understanding how the Works you’re probably sitting alone in your house just you or you or you and your girlfriend and when the cartel takes over you’re going to be sitting there
With your girlfriend you little weener in your hand hey hey babe you have you seen the news maybe we should call the police like a little [Â __Â ] [Â __Â ] your girl ain’t going to help you in fact she’s a burden and you are now burdened with protecting her she’s going to do
Nothing but say oh help me save me it’s like you were nagging at me yesterday for cheating I cheated now I have to save your life and Dodge in front of [Â __Â ] bullets [Â __Â ] you need Brothers only men brothers who will die beside you will help you when things get
Bad so if your country is overtaken by a rogue cartel the best thing you could do is have a bunch of guns and a bunch of Brothers who you trust nearby all get into one house strapped aiming out the window waiting for law enforcement to get it [Â __Â ] act together because
They’ve obviously been sitting around in their offices jerking off mandm the next thing that happened that everyone seemed to forgotten about for some reason oh this is interesting cuz people still talk about us but no one’s no one remembers this speculation that the release would include a list of rich
Clients or co-conspirators of Epstein Epstein died by suicide in 2019 while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges abstein died by Suicide died by suici they write about us every single day for two years and we’ve done nothing wrong this guy the number one guy in the world who is bribing politicians and
Blackmailing everybody his documents are released and three days later no one talks about anymore the MSM isn’t interested oh no one cares who cares who cares they’ve all been sitting around with little girls jerking off and nobody seems to care about it it’s insane all these documents released
Everyone said when the Epstein documents come out the world’s going to change yeah it didn’t do did it however I do you’re numb you’re numb to the bad news you need to understand all the crazy things that have happened this year be perspicacious enough to understand and look at yourself in your
Own eyes and self-analyze and say yes I’ve become numb I become numb through the insanity all these crazy things happen around me all this madness I’m living in a year of chaos I don’t even give a [Â __Â ] I just sit around at home jerking off playing video games having a
Coffee you know what all the world’s collapsing all World War I three oh well you’ve become numb your dopamine receptors are fried and that’s fine because it’s a survival mechanism you’re doing that so you don’t panic but instead what you need to do is understand the scenario you’re actually
In and allow your dopamine receptors to receive the insanity that’s going on in the world around you so you can take that panic and channel it into [Â __Â ] money-making arido so you can get enough guns for you and your team to survive when the cartel overtakes your city
Oh yeah by the way there’s no food anymore oh so everything I said about the farmers protesting because they don’t allow to grow food is true and yeah there’s no by yeah another thing that happened this year is there’s no more Food everyone who makes your food isn’t allowed to to grow it I’ve been saying this since the end of last year this is the worst thing that could possibly happen in the world on Earth worse than any war is the people who grow your food not allowed to grow your food so there’s
No food food prices have quadrupled and you’re too busy at home jerk jerk it off so what’s the solution to them not allowing Farmers to grow food uh what I would have done is before this happened if I was Tristan Tate I would have bought thousands of kilogram of dried
Emergency food and I lock myself in the house with the mandem nice so all of me and the people I care about can always [Â __Â ] eat so you need to have guys with guns to protect your stuff and then you need have a bunch of money to buy
Emergency food yes so mandm plus money money is the solution because supply and demand as there becomes less food the food will be in higher demand meaning the price of the food will increase therefore if you are filthy rich you can always afford food if you are a broky
You will not be able to afford the food and then the brokies will try and take the food by force meaning you need the bandm to protect your food that’s how it works science you need to get rich because now the price of food is going
To double in fact it already [Â __Â ] has have you seen inflation have you gone food shopping in Canada or were you too busy jerking off in fact it’s funny because you know there are some parts of the world and we’re going to get to this I guess a little bit later where there’s
So little food everyone’s eating each other cannibalism happens and how do you protect yourself from cannibalism Andrew theand them theand them try and cannibalize me good [Â __Â ] luck so it’s very important you understand that as the food crisis comes which is clearly coming they’re making it very
Obvious the farmers are trying to tell you we’re not allowed to grow your food anymore the food crisis is coming all this is going to mean is that food does exist however it’s too expensive for most normal people to buy it it’s already happening in Canada today but of
Course Justin trau does not care because he’s too busy with men jering off you [Â __Â ] have never seen Water World Kevin Costner get with the program right something else that would be crazy that happened this year is I don’t know a nation committing Mass genocide on another populace in front of everybody
At the United Nations highest court Israel stands accused of carrying out genocide in Gaza South Africa has filed a 84 page document with the international court of justice genocide and they got found guilty of doing genocide in court and then they basically just didn’t stop and it’s happened right now this is what
We’re saying earlier about law law is not real there’s no such thing as international law there’s no such thing as a rule of law there’s no such thing as how things are supposed to work it’s all who you know if you’re the right if you’re on the right side if you’re
Protected by the system you can commit genocide in the open then it’s fine if you’re on the other side you can’t sneeze without catching a case it’s [Â __Â ] there is no rules based order there’s no law there’s no justice it’s all a [Â __Â ] scam and every country on
Earth is a lie all of it none of it it’s true and this genocide is proving it more than ever and the only people who are truly resisting the genocide are the mandm the mandem they’re coming guys saddle up you better have your tunnels ready better have your guns better have
Your emergency food speaking of tunnels remember this [Â __Â ] your mates oh your mates the ones who live under the sewers of uh of New York City like the Teenage Ninja M Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles yeah it’s been a wild year this is still January by the way you’ve all
Forgot that these people this synagogue had a network of weird tunnels underneath New York City why is no one talking about the fact that there were stained mattresses down there imagine imagine guys I did a little thing on Twitter the other day and in fact I’m
Going to try and find it and put it here on stream for you all because I’m Mr Producer and we are going to imagine this because let me tell you something imagine if they searched my house and found an underground room with stained mattresses cuz obviously they didn’t
Find [Â __Â ] when they searched my house besides you know the stuff they wanted to steal from me like my watches and cars which is evidence of nothing besides the fact that I’m a hardworking successful individual but if they raided my house and found underground tunnels with stained mattresses what would
People be saying about me oh my and they and they do you think they would have dropped it by now or they’d still be going on and on there would be pictures of that stained mattresses uh the stained mattresses tweeted every single day and posted every single day on every
Single platform calling me all sorts of names uh even devoid of an alleged victim just to Stained mattresses so let’s say I had an underground room and I crapped the bed okay cool still not a human trafficker I’m Inc continent I like to live underground like a worm
Okay it’s just what it’s just one of my things okay incontinence isn’t my fault if that mattress had existed if I was in fact in continent and did have a basement and my mattress was found with stains on it I would look guilty as [Â __Â ]
Of what of what what would I look guilty of I’m not going to imply that any group isn’t guilty of anything but well here’s my thing guys look at this on Twitter I put this the other day and you can listen to it if you want let me uh put
Myself in the corner CU I’m Mr Producer Mr Producer so I put this here and it says thank God and it’s a little audio clip of me explaining how glad I am I’m not those Russian terrorists and saying I’m going to smoke my shisha pipe and the
Whole time I smoked the shisha pipe I’m going to hope somehow God doesn’t transfer my Consciousness into those Russian terrorists who just got captured they’re getting their asses Ki no one on earth is more [Â __Â ] than that they are [Â __Â ] so I spoke my shisha and God
Didn’t do that to me and that’s great but imagine God did transfer your Consciousness and you reopen your eyes you woke up in the morning and you’re in a different body and you’re in a tunnel Underground getting bummed by an orthodox Jew somewhere in New York and they’re on a stained
Mattress so how do you avoid how do you avoid that that’s like the worst thing that can happen avoid underground tunnel buming yeah avoid the underground tunnel buming the tunnels are bad enough but it’s the buming that you really don’t want yeah you really don’t want to be bummed in those tunnels
Unless all the places unless you’re P Diddy unless you’re P Diddy yeah man then yeah take me down there you all get through me in this Army get [Â __Â ] I got kids you going to take them into your underground tunnels and bum them no cuz I’ll shoot
You me and my team will shoot you there’s a lot of us a lot of bullets then I’ll take you to my underground tunnel nice right what else is happened in January surely that’s all that’s happened in January nothing else could have possibly happened you know that was a massive earthquake
In Japan you know what I actually like about Asians in general they’re not complainers like I’ve never heard a Japanese guy moan that they got nuked no they don’t say Hey you nuked us we want reparations nuke nuke nuke they’re kind of just like on better better build a a really
Cool phone and a reliable car then I guess want some sushi I don’t think that’s what they say but that’s basically what they say they say listen I know karate okay do you want some sushi I am not angry about a nuclear bomb exactly would you like a
Super reliable cell phone exactly oh there results of other people are always like oh W this happened to my Grandad no one cares the Japanese are just like n is what it is is I know karate Bido who cares so they had an earthquake they don’t give a shint and they they didn’t
Give a shint toow about it they were like okay earthquake came but it’s fine we’ll rebuild everything in record time so they didn’t really cry about it however Americans who love to cry about everything cried because a few little aliens went to the mall Miami what the [Â __Â ] even was that did we
Ever get to the bottom of that this this is what I mean you’re desensitized they were saying it was kids who had a fight and they said that’s not true there were no kids that had a fight there were alien creatures and then loads of police came the biggest police response in
History and they all turned up there and everyone’s on the news and everyone’s on the social media saying the aliens came to the mall of Miami and why was the police response so big none of this makes sense and then 20 minutes later everyone stopped caring and stopped
Talking about it we’re aliens there or not we’re desensitized guys do you not understand that they’re attacking our receptors with organ GES at such high speed that we can no longer give a [Â __Â ] about anything anymore aliens could appear in the sky and there’ be a few
Memes on Twitter for about a day and then nobody would care anymore we just go back to [Â __Â ] jerk it off oh and not just that Tucker Carlson probably the most single reliable man in news anywhere in the world right now got reputable people who are former US
Intelligence Officers on his show to explain how the US definitely has contact with aliens and alien technology and Everyone Cared for about six minutes till they went back on [Â __Â ] PornHub they start jerking all wee and that was it so earthquakes plus mul aliens this is January your receptors
Are fried and you no longer care about anything that’s another thing I tweet they’re buttering you up for a huge famose Andrew’s going to explain what that means later they are buttering they are buttering you up for a huge for a huge famose all right so how do you
Protect yourself for get aliens in the mall aliens in the mall well I would imagine if I had a bunch of friends with guns and a powerful Network that the aliens couldn’t do much to me cuz the police got there after they got bummed by the alien is the answer to everything
Just powerful friends and money yeah basically that is the answer to stay safe I mean obviously random [Â __Â ] can still happen to you no one’s ever 100% safe but if you live with a bunch of dudes who are capable and you’re protected with guys with guns and you
Know the American dream what could possibly go wrong very little besides lightning striking you I tweeted this about all of your receptors being fried read this nobody cares about anything anymore we feel so disconnected from Earth and this reality that nothing no matter how extreme holds significance at
All there’s videos of a man with a chip in his brain controlling a computer whatever satanic pedophiles own your government and law enforcement agencies I might make a meme about it then go back to paying taxes only a few years ago cops were beating the living [Â __Â ]
Out of people for not wearing masks where is the accountability oh there is none poison vaccine forced into your arm five times oops The Matrix has heavily demoralized a large percentage of the populist into simply accepting anything nobody reacts nobody takes action good or bad nothing matters crazy scenarios
Don’t even matter in your dreams and everybody is living as if they are asleep all of these scenarios I just told you if I would have said to you a couple years ago this is going to happen in 2024 you’d be like whoa that’s going to be huge it’s happened
You didn’t care nobody cares back on Tik Tok nobody even talks about it anymore you’re back on Tik Tok trying to find a girl juggling her tits around most of you [Â __Â ] people will ignore all of these world events go on Tik Tok and watch a girl with mediocre tits do
This and pretend that you’re watching her dancing and not her massive tits bouncing around because she’s basically a digital prostitute and you’re going to sit there like in fact you’ll boost her on the algo by rewatching it refresh that’s that’s who you are that’s what you do with your [Â __Â ] existence
I don’t give a [Â __Â ] who that girl is or her mediocre [Â __Â ] tits I scroll straight past her her dancing is terrible you’re not Michael Jackson you’re a [Â __Â ] mid a seven with a boot job onto February remember this and amid the civil unrest in Haiti Americans have been desperate to flee
Port of Prince after weeks of deadly gang violence and amid the civil unrest in Haiti Americans have been desperate to flee Porta Prince after weeks of deadly gang violence oh in cannibal Warlords took over a Sovereign Nation and start eating everybody nice that’s interesting everyone’s forgot about that everyone’s
Forgot about that and what the solution to being either getting out of Haiti paying for security or protecting yourself if that happened if you were on Haiti would have been the money and the mm the two M’s when it comes down to it you need to
Have money and good friends and a bunch of guns and bullets nothing else really matters flesh eating Warlords nice nice wonder if human flesh is good for you you think it has vitamins and minerals who knows I bet it doesn’t have as many vitamins or minerals as fire blood I have all the
Vitamins and minerals I need have you taken your fire blood today I’ve had mine you’ve had yours there’s no such thing is having yours mean you can always have more all right cool let’s do it can’t wait for a nice delicious hit fire blood how don’t even have a cup one
Scoop in my old coffee cup I don’t have a cup can someone bring me a [Â __Â ] cup some sparkling water somebody bring me a cup a cup and some whiskey fire blood has all of the essential vitamins minerals and amino acids you need in one convenient scoop
In fact it actually has a lot more than you could ever possibly process which means it makes all of your piss yellow there are thousands and thousands of percent of every single vitamin none of this recommended daily allowance gay [Â __Â ] no instead we’ve given you as many
Thousand perents as possible and to make sure that our product is pure we’ve added precisely zero flavorings which means it tastes like chemical ass it is absolutely disgusting and it gives you a little bit of a stomach ache for five whole minutes M fire blood it’s great the people at home actually have
No idea how bad it tastes need a [Â __Â ] scar don’t worry they’re bringing me a cup right and some fire blood dilution solution what if someone did something absolutely crazy to try and prove how [Â __Â ] up this world is what if somebody actually made the ultimate self-sacrifice and I’d respect someone
Who did this for what they believed in they sacrificed themselves to prove once and for all that they’re tired of this insane world and how unfairly everything is operating and running what if somebody did that surely that would make a massive dent in public Consciousness nobody would just forget about it
Hey yeah everyone talked about him for I actually saw a very sad statistic on Google search results of Aaron Bushell Bushell what’s his name yeah and uh I saw Google search results and how it spiked over a three-day period and then went back down to zero give me some fire
Blood people’s minds are so fried that even if you set yourself on fire and die you can only get him to care for about 3 days at most zoom into my nobody cares anymore everybody’s asleep zoom into my face and put put the banner up put the banner up only leave you me
Mr Producer this is carefully planned all right cool Mr Producer there you go hi there ladies and gentlemen boys and girls if you drink horrible tasting fire blood to get all your essential vitamins and minerals as you know it makes you want to throw up so what you do to counteract is use
Liquids that make you want to throw up anyway like whiskey you put a scoop of fire blood in with your whiskey you mix it with the butt of your cigarette to make it extra fantastic and extra delicious because as you know two positives can cancel out and make a
Negative fire blood makes you want to throw up whiskey makes you want to throw up and together mixed with a cigarette you get the essential nutrient drink with all of the daily booze allowance you need to keep your mind focused as well as the vitamins and minerals smooth available only at
Top.com you’re [Â __Â ] crazy I literally don’t know how you did that you’re literally insane fair right something else we could probably mention is that you know the machine mines Terminator Skynet can now produce videos which prove that we no longer have any idea what’s true and what is false
And that reality’s been completely edited in real time because Skynet can just print out a complete [Â __Â ] Hollywood Blockbuster well like like one of those old printers you know here’s a new reality please ingest new Reality she not terrible what did you say I’m saying that it’s actually good with whiskey is it yes you don’t drink anymore so you have to drink your fire blood with war woo okay so yeah by the way probably should mention all these crazy things you’re seeing happen probably did happen
But in the future in 2026 and a couple years from now when they happen you won’t know if they even happened or not cuz the videos of them happening were probably generated by a Terminator machine somewhere deep inside Sky neck headquarters 20 minutes ago a man that
You know as Tristan Tate typed in 1our emergency meeting about how things can be fake and pressed enter and this is all CGI and to prove it Tristan Tate would never do this live on stream ever have I ever done this ever no it’s a glitch we
Haven’t ironed out all the glitches in the computer programming yet because obviously trist and Andrew tapate would never do this this doesn’t make any sense this is just them waving their arms wildly for no reason I don’t understand why they’re doing it so the program almost worked it’s all fake soon you’re going
To see emergency beings head to toe and it ain’t going to be us it’s going to be the Matrix trying to convince you we said things we didn’t say because Skynet run by Terminators can now create video to convince you of things that are not
True as if the MSM does not lie enough we just talked about this in the last emergency meeting of course you don’t care cuz you’re too busy at home Jing off what else has happened in February oh yeah the whole world had a mental breakdown because a journalist tried to
Be a journalist oh a journalist did journalism instead of just propaganda [Â __Â ] he actually you know done his job for once I already said that we did not refuse to talk we’re willing to negotiate but we both understand what is happening dozens of billions of US dollars are going
To how dare he how dare he so everyone in the world wants to say this guy’s a bad person and he refuses interviews with the mainstream media because as you know Andrew that’s how it goes they say you’re a bad person and they send some journalists to [Â __Â ] sit there and hit
You with some jerk off attack and then an actual honest journalist says let me go talk to the guy who they say is the worst person in the world and it turns out he’s like yeah well we’d like to negotiate you know America’s corrupt and they’re washing money through Ukraine so
And he tells people the truth and everyone has a meltdown it says Tucker Carlson should be cancelled and X should be deleted and everyone’s pandering to dictators journalists does journalism fake news loses their mind there’s the [Â __Â ] headline cutting the Twitter feed now you can find us exclusively on
Rumble at tat spech come now to rumble.com speech completely correct so what’s going to happen in the future well then they’re going to send a journalist doesn’t exist Skynet typed him in and they’re going to send him to meet Putin doesn’t read the meal of Putin meet
Skynet Putin and Putin’s going to sit there and say things about how he’s a bad guy in America should invade you should trust your leaders Trust your leaders and kill the Russians trust to Joe Biden he’s he’s good he’s he’s perfectly sane exactly that’s what’s going to happen they’re they’re going to
Put the video on the MSM and if you talk against that video of course as we talked in the last emergency meeting the fal recognition machine is going to find you and you’re going to go to jail for being a thought criminal and all this is happening all around you because they’re
Trying to get control of the prison the prison’s rioting and they’re trying to get it all back under control so you need to get out quickly because after a prison riot when they rescure the prison they increase the security they will not allow a riot to happen again so they
Will find out how the riot happened this prison riot happened because people are understanding the truth and speech is semi-free on a few platforms and look how many times we’ve caught them imagine speech was free everywhere none of their lives would work so now they’re panicking saying we have to get rid of
All free speech get rid of all the platforms where people can tell the truth we need to come down relock down the jail and make sure there’s no chance of another prison right where more people will escape so you have a chance now to escape but if you don’t escape
It’s going to get harder to escape than ever before because the freedom you’re now experiencing is soon as going to be taken away from you cuz they not going to allow to repeat and and I’m going to give you an example of what happened so let’s say absolute power which is the
Goal of these tyrants is given to somebody let’s let’s make up a fake person okay a fake person because I don’t want to get in any trouble okay an evil dictator named bo jiden bo takes control of the universe and has absolute power to do anything he likes elon’s
Gone rest in peace X is sold or deleted so’s Tik Tok so’s Rumble bye Chris everything’s over okay every everything is now over they control everything fake news 15-minute C eat the [Â __Â ] bugs what you see on TV is what you get [Â __Â ] Ministry of Truth 1984 it
Happens I tell where I’ll be south of France eating steak won’t be able to talk anymore won’t be on the Internet won’t be able to wake people up won’t be able to tell my opinions to anyone besides the people in my immediate circle but I’ll be with the mandm that’s
Right cuz me and the mandm have got money me in the War Room are going to be sitting I’m going to be sitting there with [Â __Â ] Julian I’m going to be sitting there with [Â __Â ] do I say their names no let’s not anyway honorable mention to all my War Room
Brothers are going to be sitting there in the south of France being hey do you remember when we could talk well glad we made it out it’s fine let’s have some kids and eat our [Â __Â ] steak and shrimp and all the [Â __Â ] that isn’t bugs while everyone else is [Â __Â ] that’s
What that’s what my future looks like if Bo jiden takes control luckily no one like that exists and no one’s trying to control the universe the future is not bad for Tristan and I because we’re extremely wealthy with a very powerful network but we won’t be able to talk to
You anymore we won’t be able to help you we won’t be able to explain to you how you can get out we will be fine always oh oh the real world shut down that’s gone Bo jiden deletes that of course so we’re going to be in Japan or the
Philippines or south of France or South Africa or who wherever is remotely free and we’re going to be living there living a very good life talking about the time we used to try and help people and they sat here and watched our emergency meetings and didn’t take any
Action afterwards and ended up enslaved imagine just sitting there watching ing a big rock roll down a hill straight at your face and just saying that’s a big rock and then hey hey it’s the tape Brothers there’s a big rock and it’s coming for you and your entire
Family yeah then you’re watching the [Â __Â ] news and Clary Hinton tells you everything’s fine and you believe it there’s no Rock there’s no rock and we’re like guys there’s a rock and then you look and you see with your own eyes and you see The Rock schou clob says the
Rock is good because there’ll be fewer humans and you accept your death yeah guys I see the rock what should I do guys you need a network you need powerful men who understand that you need to be free you need to make as much money as possible in The Matrix free
Platform you need to join the real world you need to get in the War Room Now quickly before it’s all locked down you don’t have a chance to escape anymore okay Smash and then no and and you get smashed while you’re in your bedroom with your pants down
Off like a [Â __Â ] loser we are trying to prove to you no matter what happens your life is better if you have a strong Network and money we’re telling you how to get strong networking money we’re telling you the rock is coming to crush you and your family you’re sitting there
Doing nothing but touch your pee PE what happened [Â __Â ] bro what happened [Â __Â ] yesterday explain this to me Has that ever happened before has has this ever happened before I said it’s a Cyber attack because you can clearly see the ship loses power and then is steered into the pilot I’m no expert on ships I’m not going to pretend I am I’m not first Lord of the admiralty Horatio Nelson however
However Noah ship has never crashed into a bridge and made it collapse that’s never happened and anyone who understands how the world Works understands every single country at permanent cyber war and to hijack a ship systems turn off its power and steer into a column is not as complicated as
The other cyber War tactics they’re currently doing watch this ship tell me if that’s not aimed watch so I said it’s a Cyber attack clearly it’s a Cyber attack purported by America’s enemies some loser came along some guy retweeted me I don’t know who he is some nobody Andrew says the Cyber
ATT there’s no evidence is a Cyber attack the mainstream news actually says that the ship just lost power oh is that what the news says is that what the news says oh the news oh the news said that oh the news said what how did the news
Said it I must be out of my mind to think for myself cuz the news has a Flawless [Â __Â ] track record doesn’t it [Â __Â ] that’s a Cyber attack and it’s just the beginning they’re going to call they’re going to take over the ships take over the planes they’re going to
Hijack the satellites you’re going to be sitting there trying to jerk off the PornHub and it’s not going to work there’s going be a new message that appears sorry there’s a boat coming towards your house and your house is going to collapse when the boat runs into it nude babes.com gang bang
Threesome you’re broke you’re [Â __Â ] poor what’s wrong with you people you have no money you don’t have a Bugatti you don’t have any friends with guns you don’t have 10 passports you don’t have multiple homes your children’s Futures are not secure you’re [Â __Â ] poor and you’re sitting there Jerk It
Off the what the [Â __Â ] is wrong with you get out the rock is coming to crush you and your family you’re going to be enslaved forever [Â __Â ] Co [Â __Â ] you’re all so [Â __Â ] we’re the elites we’re the only Elites telling you cuz we’re up here how [Â __Â ] you are
Groceries are going to double your wages aren’t going to Prices go up can’t afford rent homeless get mugged three times a day end up on PornHub because you can’t get a [Â __Â ] girlfriend of course you won’t get a girlfriend guys hi wake up women are survivalists and it’s getting hard out here they want Warlords they know what’s
Coming they can smell it in the air they know how difficult life is going to become they know they can’t compete in the job market they know they’re not going to go out there and working 9 to5 for 40 hours a week and be able to make
A of money to support themselves they know they need a rich man who is strong and powerful and who can fight they are happy to share that man and join a harem if they’re going to be protected and provided for your jokes and your personality is not going to be
Interesting enough for her to go work 40 hours a week and have a 9 to-5 when she can join the Harem of a millionaire who basically ignores her and pays her rent because she understands that working a job is [Â __Â ] so when you sit there Mr
[Â __Â ] Wy oh yeah I earn 100 Grand a year yeah I’m doing all right for myself babe do you I’ve got tickets to the Arctic Monkeys concert coming up if you’re into it but by the way what kind of porn do you watch don’t worry yeah
You still have to work your job but you know we’ll work together as a family and you work your job and I’ll work my job and but it’s worth it for my personality no it’s not she’d rather have the Millionaire’s personality hi the Lin’s over there go join the line
Let me know what your rent is okay love you and she’ll be more loyal to that guy than should ever be to your ass your personality your jokes your funny stories your cute little [Â __Â ] haircut are not worth her working 40 hours a week forever so you’re not even going to
Have a girlfriend and for the record I’m [Â __Â ] hilarious also so no Girlfriend porn don’t Call you’re broke you’re [Â __Â ] poor kace has been lighting them up oh kandace’s been lighting them up he been setting them on fire fear of losing your job encouraging some people to spit out lies I don’t think that works in the end right I think you you got to check your
Priorities fear of losing your job encouraging some people to spit out the truth is light she doesn’t give a [Â __Â ] anymore and she actually she’s now past the point of even giving 1% of a [Â __Â ] and Legend God bless her absolute Legend I wonder but you know the good thing
About being kenise you can’t get accused of human trafficking or can you who knows if Candace gets hit with any criminal charges in the next five years by the way I want you to know that they’re all fake I haven’t known her her entire life but if any criminal charges
Are launched against her or her wonderful husband her are both good people I’m telling you now it’s fake you know when like Princess Diana died yeah I remember cuz I I think I was like 10 or something and I remember how that was news for like months and
Everybody super gave a [Â __Â ] now it turns out that the princess has cancer well if she has cancer they released a fake video and a fake Photoshop no one knows where she is we were talking about this on an emergency meeting 48 hours ago no one Now talks about it anymore is Kate
Alive is she dead does she have cancer does she not everything’s fake photoshopped photos fake AI videos nobody knows where she actually is where’s Kate where’s Kate where’s Kate two two minutes later nobody gives a [Â __Â ] this of course came as a huge shock and William and I have been doing
Everything we can nobody cares anymore your receptors are fried you are asleep nobody cares anymore nobody gives a [Â __Â ] what about the Satanist publicly humiliating John Cena that happened no one cares about [Applause] that do you understand how much stuff has happened this year Sweden joined
NATO and thought it was a great idea to have for some reason after joining a military Alliance Sweden joins NATO and their first answer in typical Swedish style is let’s celebrate Bming explain the logic how explain the thought Trail no you know we might have to fight the Russians what do the Russians dislike rainbow flags that will scare them away I want someone to explain to me how NATO equals B okay how do you think we’ve joined NATO this is a perfect time
Not to advertise our military competence not to advertise our might not to advertise our commitment to our neighbors no what can we talk about we’ve just joined NATO The Whole World’s watching guys maybe we should talk about BM sex anal sex who came up with this
[Â __Â ] idea how the [Â __Â ] did this end up happening I need someone to I want to sit in on that board meeting where they go yay we’re in NATO finally get out the pride Flags what’s happened this year tell me cuz the whole world went crazy do you remember when we were arrested oh we going to put back in jail everyone’s receptors are so fried even we don’t give I don’t give a [Â __Â ] I was arrested 10 days ago let me explain
Something to you let me explain something to you they will do anything to put me in jail besides give me a trial and find me guilty of a crime besides that anything but that jail if I go to jail again believe me it’s not going to be because
They found me guilty of a crime anything to put me in jail and I don’t even give a [Â __Â ] I know you guys are stuff talking about it I don’t [Â __Â ] talk about it and then of course there was the terror attack in Moscow which which is disgusting P Diddy’s house just got
Raided bro do you know much stuff has happened this year this is the year of absolute chaos guys you must pay attention you need to be aware enough to look at yourself and understand that all of this is happening the world is chaotic I’ve explained why it’s going to
Be chaotic I’ve explained the opportunity it gives you and you don’t even react to the chaos they fried your dopamine receptors none of this even registers in your mind anymore Homeland Security agents in those Bearcats Converge on the home of Sean Diddy Colmes officials confirm the raid is tied to a sex trafficking
Investigation Homeland Security agents in so what’s the answer to all of these problems what’s the best thing anyone can do let let’s break let’s break it down let me let me break it down let me okay so let me break it down so here’s what’s going to happen in 2025 alien music
Producers I’ll do diagram nice alien music producers smart super smart alien music producers are going to dig underground tunnels okay to commit terrorist attacks in Moscow which genocide innocent Palestinians they’re going to canalize people and because there’s no food I feel like that’s the way the
World’s going will we see a video of this event maybe and it will be fake and we will be in jail so here’s Us in the jail house nice smart for telling people the video thing yeah watching the video that’s You to be able to tell what is true and what is false going into the future You’re simply going to need a network of men who are interested in and care about the truth and that’s harder to find than you could think when bad things happen
To you you’re going to need a network of men who are prepared to die to defend you and stick by you who are loyal to you that is harder to find than you could think and you’re going to need money and resource because we’re going
To be in the era of kings and peasants the rich are going to get richer the poor are going to get poor and you need to be on the right side of history is a prison riot right now where there is still some socioeconomic Mobility but
That will not exist for long the answer to all of this chaos are the two things we’ve been telling you for a very long time the war room and the real world and we will teach you how to make money and we will give you the network you require
To save yourself to decide what is true and what is false and also to have protection when the bad things come for you because I can assure you they’re coming all of these events we’ve mentioned are only half the videos I’m supposed to play on this show and we’re
Not even in [Â __Â ] April of 2024 imagine what’s going to happen by December you need to Panic now you need to panic early you need to get a network and you need to get rich I’m going to explain to you what the war room is I’m going explain to you what hustles
University is one more time and after that we’re going to do something very special we’ve never done on an emergency meeting before so pay attention to these videos go to cake.com sign up to the email list and then afterwards free we’re going to do something which we’ve
Never before tried ever this is the war room and why is important please pay attention because this video can save your life they say network is net worth they also say you’re some of the Five People You spend the most time with and that’s absolutely unly true and I spend
All of my time with one of 4,000 members of the war room I have zero friends who are not in the War Room anyone I knew before the War Room existed has now joined the war room and all of the new friends have ever made in my life are
War Room members because anybody who understands how this world is going understands you need a strong Network understands Brotherhood understands hard work understands discipline understands competence understands becoming a feared opponent in all Realms of human endeavor unmatch perspicacity sheer indefatigability making as much money as possible to have an impact on the world
Moving the world with finance and currency while also being strong and hardworking do you do you understand how much value exists in Simply Having access to a network full of men that have honor I have made over100 million in war room Enterprises and I’ve never used a contract just a handshake we just
Agree we write it out on whatsa you get this much I get that much boom shake hands done I’ve never had anybody snake me isn’t that incredible people join my network all around the world sometimes I haven’t even met these people yet but because there is honor instilled within
The war room because it is about Brotherhood people feel too much shame to betray their brothers peer pressure is real negative peer pressure but so is positive peer pressure and the war room is a pressure cooker of positive peer pressure if you’re amongst us you can’t
Be the only man who did not train that day you can’t be the only man not trying to make money you can’t be the only man who isn’t getting up and deciding that motivation isn’t real but discipline and dedication is and he’s going to do exactly what he’s supposed to do
Regardless of how he feels every single time I meet War members I’m reminded by how brilliant the network is of 30 guys who came over when you join the War Room you have a chance to meet me in person it’s probably the only way you’re ever
Going to meet me in person you’re never going to meet me unless you’re a member of the war room I only meet War Room members because they have been vetted I understand that they are doing exactly what I believe a man should do and what they understand a man should do to
Become as competent as humanly possible because I don’t need loser friends and 30 War Room members that come over 15 met before 15 were brand new and all of the brand new members who I’ve never yet before seen have far surpassed my expectations genuinely amazing good people just good
People the war room is unlike any other organization on the planet and as the world gets more chaotic since the dawn of human time life has always been the same when you’re a man and things go wrong when the S don’t want to swear hits the fan it is your brothers who can
Help you when things really go wrong you’re responsible for protecting your wife you’re responsible for protecting your kids they can’t help you you have a duty to them who has a duty to you only your brothers doesn’t matter if we were living in the year 1500 doesn’t matter if we Liv in the
Year 1,000 doesn’t matter if it’s year 500 and we were peasants if a king if a tyrannical Overlord appeared and decided to murder The Peasants the only chance we would have is to band together as brothers and resist nothing has changed it’s only brothers that agree with you understand your worldview who have
Enough honor to die beside you enough dignity to do the right thing who you can call on when things go wrong and if you’re a man going through life without any kind of Brotherhood without any kind of fraternity then you are certain to be destroyed you know why this Matrix
Attack is really clever slander someone’s name take all their money away block their Banks lock them up blah blah blah it usually ends everyone’s life it ends their life it ends their influence if they don’t kill themselves they’re financially destitute and they’re ruin for Life how come me and you are 100%
Perfectly fine cuz we have Brotherhood CU we have the Brotherhood we have the war room we have our boys we have the mandem that’s right it’s very very true if you didn’t have it you’d be [Â __Â ] and also it also goes down what you just said about financially destitute they
Want you to be poor because when you’re poor you have no choice but to comply to get your bug allowance true they don’t want you to have money ever because if you have money you can say no and the game is only going to become harder guys we teaching the side of hustles
University people how to make money we have 15-year-olds making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month please understand it every single day you wait every single second you waste it becomes harder and harder for you to ever escape right now is a prison riot as we’ve discussed but soon they’re going to lock
Down the prison again it’s going to be harder to escape than ever before Life as a man is not a walk in the park it’s like a video game you start from absolute nothing you start from zero you have no intrinsic value it’s up to you
To level up your skills you work on your Fitness your fighting skills you work on your Finance you make sure you become become important you have to do something so you’re not just the average Joe smoke you have to do something to become a force to be Reon capable of
Defending yourself and your family and carving out a reality which is worth living in the world today you grind you hustle you build your money-making skills until you’re not just getting by with a 9 to- five boss telling you what to do you become rich and influential
Become a real player in The Game of Life you start this game solo but you can’t win it alone you need a team a crew that’s got your back who pushes you to be better no one in history has ever achieved anything important by themselves every fighter had a coach if
You went to the moon NASA was on the ground you always had somebody supporting you you had to be part of the team as the levels of the video game progress you need higher attributes you need better qualities of your character to succeed and pass the levels and life
Is absolutely no different you do not have time to waste you must increase the capability of your character you must become a better version of yourself because the game is only going to become harder that is why you’re inside of hustles University I honestly don’t know how I
Lived before war room I am not the owner of the war room I am a war room member like everybody else every business I start every time I need money sent anywhere anytime I need people on the ground anytime I need information everything I need can be done within the war room I
Don’t know how I ever survived without it in fact it’s War Room members that helped us put together the formula and the distribution for this fantastic product fire blood make piss yellow and you’re absolutely right and guys we’ve had a lot of fun in this emergency meeting we always do but Tristan said
Something very true the future is my brother and I living good lives unable to help you anymore our lives are going to be good cuz we’re rich and we’re powerful and we have a network we’re going to be fine in 50 years or 40 years or 30 years our children will be fine
Our grandchildren will be fine but we won’t be able to speak to you anymore we’re speaking now and warning you about the rock rolling down the hill by the time that rock hits you we will have gone they won’t let us talk to you anymore the time to act is now before
The rock comes and crushes you and your entire family and your bloodline is enslaved for eternity the slavery which will be bestowed upon your bloodline is 100% your responsibility unless you try to escape we’ve given you the answers you can go to cake.com and you can join the war
Room and you can join the real world and you can escape if you decide not to do those things then you bear soulle responsibility for the future enslavement of all of your Offspring and their offspring and that is something you have to look at yourself in the
Mirror as a man and understand it is your fault because you saw the rock you saw the ball coming down the hill and decided not to act right we’re going to raid Rory’s stream so one sec speaking of friends and Brotherhood Rory is going live right now two pints with Rory
Exclusive show only on Rumble y because he knows he puts it anywhere else he would have eventually been banned so he’s building his house up on the Rock nice so if you want to continue talking to us all 37,000 of you a link is coming
In the chat somebody is going to put a link I’m putting out there in The Ether I don’t know how raid stream raids really work but what I understand is we’re going to try and transfer all of the viewers from this stream to his stream we’re going to raid his stream
And then we’re going to run in there to his stream and smoke cigars and talk about how we used to be enslaved inside the Matrix and now we’re free [Â __Â ] go right so we’re going to do a raid but let me I have to Mr Producer this is it
A viking star raid do we do we stab him we could stab him burn him with cigarettes could burn him with cigarettes nice I’m just I don’t know how raiding is done me neither give me a second let me find out cool you find out I’ll I’ll I’ll get
Ready nice we got any more spare we got any spare knives loads I can only carry two all right we have like seven knives up there why do we have so many huge weapons in every room in this house just in case demand them nice nice rating
Party it is a rating party isn’t it no [Â __Â ] Rory let me smoke the cigar a little Bit that fire blood first it makes your stomach hurt for a few minutes and then you feel super powerful if you noticed that today’s a birds meeting has been super high energy it’s bought to you by fire blood it is in fact the best thing about fire blood is how yellow it makes
Your piss did you know that have you noticed makes her piss super yellow fire blood makes her piss yellow like a man manly yellow piss none of that clear water gay little girl piss man’s piss and the reason for that is very simple we have all of the vitamins
Minerals and amino acids the body can need in one convenient scoop of fire blood and like a man we have made it excessive are you the kind of person who’s going to take a supplement which tastes disgusting with no flavoring whatsoever or you’re going to be the
Kind of man Tak to tastes like cookie crumble and your peas not even yellow because there’s only a little a bit of vitamins in it oh I’ve only got my daily recommended allocation of vitamin B12 I’m scared I might pee out too many vitamins thumberg will get mad at me for
Being wasteful I don’t want breta to come into the gym and beat me up [Â __Â ] Gay guys because of the fire blood I ingest when I’m training in the gym I have zero fear of GR thumberg I’ve never once been concerned she can walk in the gym come I’m built different you want to try me yeah I’m wasting vitamins yeah I pissed out vitamins yeah
That’s right that’s right I wasted vitamins go just say something do something unfaced you’re feeling froggy then jump [Â __Â ] I’m build different bro never lost a [Â __Â ] game never lost the game right let’s go deal with your mate Rory bring the blades she spe hi friends Hello friends Hello friends from
What I understand in the chat there’s a button that says join click that button and you can raid Rory’s stream and we’re going to go and join Rory’s stream right now so there should be something in the chat that says join we’ll explain in the
Chat what to do also click it and you will raid Rory’s stream and we’re going to be there see you soon for