Islam has a doctrine of lying so it has a very clear doctrine of how to lie when to lie who to lie to so the Muslims were very much tied up with the Nazis there were eight Muslim SS units in the Balkans and the Soviet Union now the
Largest Nazi SS unit was the Muslim unit the highest reward for Lay Muslim is given when you die in Jihad and this is not Isis Islam this is this is your neighbor Islam the question is is he following it today well good if he isn’t but maybe tomorrow you never
Know welcome to y’s Hangouts podcast I’m your host yoel we got a very special guest here today his name is Lloyd D young is that am I saying your last name properly what’s the origin of your last name um my father’s family settled in South Africa from Holland and we’ve got
Records in the archives going back to about 1693 so it’s they young wow okay wow that’s cool um but yeah guys so this guy is someone that you know I’ve stumbled upon uh going into uh Sam Sam I don’t know how how do he say his last
Name shamon sham Sam shamon he’s um you know as some of you guys know I’m a Christian so he does a lot of apology itics he educates a lot of people and he featured Lloyd on his channel um I stumbled upon him I thought his like perspective in the information was one
Really accurate but also really interesting and things that a lot of people don’t talk about um as far as the history of Islam um even you know Palestine Israel like biblical stuff different denominations Martin Luther and I just you know I reached out and he was you know humble enough and cool
Enough to come on the show um Lloyd we appreciate your time thank you for being here no thank you I appreciate the invitation of course man so how did you get into deep Dives I guess is is kind of your why I stumbled upon your stuff like
How did you get into that why are you so good at that that’s a i’ I’ve always had an obsession with detail I think and my previous profession when I lived and worked in the Middle East I had to do analysis of of environments and situations to decide on what’s the best
Way to design let’s say a security system or to what’s the best way to prevent an attack before it happened so I was involved in the design of security systems and surveillance systems to predict and prevent attacks so early morning systems so the aim was not to react after the
Fact but designed something before so you had to really think through the mind of the person that would attack a a site and so you have to work through the scenarios work through and one of the important things when you’re looking at how a crime is going to be committed is
How are they going to deceive you how are they going to mislead you so that means that you run through this process of analysis and you start to find little details that don’t match you start to find it’s like being a a detective in a
Way and I think this I I bring some of this into what I’m doing and what spared me was I was doing a a cter ISM course um online through a university in Holland Laden University and what was odd is that the Rector the dean of the department
Refused to accept no matter what evidence was presented that the Muslim Brotherhood was anything other than benign and I’m assuming that they were funding his department so I was eventually banned from the group I wasn’t allowed to to comment or speak or do anything simply because I after the
Fall of raqa I presented material which was taken from the the Islamic training of these terrorists and this was standard Orthodox Islam and I started speaking about the Sharia the Sharia manuals often you hear about we want Sharia for Britain we want Sharia for the for America we want Sharia
Courts and what is this famous Sharia no one seems to really know so I studied it in depth I looked through the sources and I found that the the the terrorist Sunni sources were the standard sources that were being taught at Islamic universities like Al assar and at Medina
In in Saudi Arabia and rough not let’s say very very short order when I started posting these things and discussing them on the counterterrorism Forum I was banned now we were able to talk about Christian terrorism Buddhist terrorism came to Islamic terrorism they shut me
Down and kicked my ass out so fast and this was like this was my my this compelled me to start to talk about these issues because I was annoyed yeah wow so Sharia I mean you’re saying it properly but I think maybe people are probably going to like Sharia
Is like how we hear about it in the news in America um so so in Iran and again I’m not as smart as you by any means but in Iran would you say that you know people talk about oh like Sharia law they’re extremists in Iran are they
Being extreme the way they I guess no Orthodox okay there’s I have to provide a few terms a couple of terms and definitions and I’ll simplify it within Islam there’s a range of acceptable behaviors for each of these limits of behavior you get recognition and you get reward from Allah because both are
Following the will of Allah so on the one end you have what what we call Extreme which is azima which is strictness you are simply following the law of Allah and Muhammad the Sharia strictly then you have r on the other end which is dispensation loosening a
Relaxation of the law so Muslims that are just being moderate are simply following the doctrine of R and they are earning reward for that now what people don’t realize is that Islam isn’t based on the concept we have in the west of logos it’s it’s a completely different
Way of thinking it’s a different mindset so for instance the difference between R and azima can be complete opposites so you could literally violate the law of Islam and still be following Islam because you’re following the law of R so you are following dispensation now of course the one who follows strictly is
Getting more credit more reward from Allah and of course according to Sharia law a certain limited number of Muslims must have to follow Islam strictly or all Muslims will fall into sin and Corruption and be cast into hell Allah will turn his back on them so the extremists must exist or Islam becomes
Apostate hopefully that makes sense there’s more Doctrine I can add to that but these are all covered in my channel well there’s one more thing I can add and I’ll be very blunt um Islam has a doctrine of lying so it has a very clear doctrine of how to lie
When to lie who to lie to so it has a very distinct doctrine of lying multiple different kinds of lying and unfortunately within this lying is leg in Islam in fact it is obligatory it is compulsory so compounding the fact of having this this this this doctrine of
And R you’ve also got the fact that if something will embarrass Islam you must lie because you may not embarrass Islam so therefore you don’t know if someone’s telling the truth so so this adds to just complicates the matter further yeah okay interesting yeah and that doesn’t
Mean all people that are Muslim are you know lying or anything like that I mean I think my a is relatively and I think we can be adults here not do these like well not everybody you know thank God we don’t have like a live chat or anything
I post this after so we don’t get distracted um yeah so I was talking to this girl she’s from uh Jordan and um you know there’s a lot of Palestinians in Jordan and they had a perspective on you know the history of of Israel and
How it was founded and you know they all had the same story they all had this U you know the bad Jews came here they did this and it was an atrocity and I’m sure there some bad things and then she said well I don’t know why they would lie
Like why would they lie why would they all lie like I don’t think that you know there’s certain propaganda there’s certain things that I study in school but I don’t know why they would lie and I was like well if you want to get like an unbiased perspective why don’t you
Talk to also you know maybe people that were here on the Israel on Israel’s side to have a conversation and see what their perspective is she’s like well I I just I don’t know why they would lie like why would they lie and um you know I have heard that before
That in Islam dependent on the circumstance and if it’s like questioning their they’re you know ethos or or Allah they’re allowed to lie and and I know that um there’s certain in instances like for example um cuz for for me you know I grew up relatively Christian also with the Jewish kind of
Brush on my uh on my mom’s side um so the concept of like religious endorsed lying is something that that’s like so counterintuitive to intuitive to religion and God in general it’s counterintuitive to Western religion to Christianity so uh another thing is that you must realize the word dawa so
Muslims practice dawa and when you go through the Islamic sources you’ll find that dawa is the equivalent of propaganda propaganda is political rhetoric not necessarily so headed with the truth so da is propaganda so understand this is propaganda and it is legal and obligatory compulsory to lie so now this
Is something that you’d have to go through the Islamic Sharia sources you’d have to go to the highest rank of Scholars the most historically sound and valid and trusted Scholars you’d have to go to the sources that when you become an IM or a k or she
These are the these are the books that they study to qualify I was just gonna just I’ll let you finish your point but you know what it reminds me of I was watching these videos about scientology and um this one lady that just came out of Scientology
She was like yeah well you know once you reach this next level they give you more information and then you reach this next level and they tell you um you know really what it means to be this next level of you know Scientology or whatever and I’m like dang that sounds
Very familiar it sounds like you know a fraternity it sounds like you know a secret society it’s like there’s always like the thing you need to do to get to that next level to get more information and then they try to see if you qualify for the additional information it’s like
This is like CT 101 in my opinion okay I’m glad you raised that let me look up a source so then you talked about different levels um let me just find something for you on that now I have a much lengthier presentation on Islamic law called the
Muslim talmud and I deliberately call it the Muslim talmud because it is Islam is borrowed from a from numerous different religious traditions and sources so it has taken from Babylonian paganism it has taken from gnosticism it has taken from Christianity it has taken from Judaism and when they wanted to create their own
Identity they needed to they were were competing with Judaism that they were the new Jews they were the new Christians and therefore they took the tomwood and they modified it to suit their purposes you spoke of levels in Islam so Islam has two divisions and four levels so the divisions are legislative
And spiritual now few people realize and again I will say very bluntly and these things are covered in my in my videos where I go in dep through the Islamic sources that are learned by the scholars in University and if you don’t like that you need to ask these Islamic scholars
And Islamic universities why they teach these things but the spiritual aspect of Islam is Gnostic Islam claims explicitly in the Sharia not Ambiguously explicitly to be a gnostic religion it is Gnostic so you’ve got the legislative and you have the spiritual now the spiritual aspect or the Gnostic aspect of Islam is
Restricted to an elite they call them the elect just like they do in Calvinism the elect and then of course the legislative is we you’ve got your lower level Scholars who have to administer the law of Allah because Islam is not a religion according to its own definition
According to Islam’s own definition it is a legal system like like socialism like nais where where is that where’s that in is that in the Quran is that in the Hadith like where so the Quran is something you need to look beyond the Quran the Quran is a very small book has
Very little detail it must be supported by other texts right the Quran has been exed and it’s been it’s been expanded and explained Within the Shar the Sharia is the is the the Sharia supersedes the Quran it explains and clarifies and provides the consensus what they call so
As I said you’ve got so the Sharia means the obeying of Allah how to obey Allah it is the outer exoteric so it’s the outer practice of Islam on the opposite side theah is the knowing of Allah the secret knowledge it is the inner esoteric subjective sense of Allah the
Direct personal connection with Allah through using rituals to gain to gain entrance into Allah’s throne room and so on and so on and so on so it’s the nosis of Allah then you’ve got four levels at the very lowest level you have What’s called the I literal or the zah which
Scholars call Islam for the masses so this is the Islam that is the practice of the legislative subjects your average Muslim then at slightly higher level you have the ishar implied allusion so for the legislative practitioners then you have the the nuances or subtleties that’s for your level or higher level of
Spiritual practitioners and then your highest levels of Muslims they follow the which is reality truth Divine Essence but this is beyond truth it is so this is for your Advanced spiritual practitioners your top level your your Elite within the Muslim hierarchy but also the is man to to simplify it hopefully not
To oversimplify it but Muhammad is what the universe is made of Allah made Muhammad out of himself Muhammad is made from the same substance as Allah and the universe was made for Muhammad the Earth was made for Muhammad but also from Muhammad the earth is made from Muhammad
Everyone is made from Muhammad the prophets are made from Muhammad the light of the prophets the light of Abraham David the light of Jesus these are all just fractions little pieces taken from Muhammad’s light so that they represent the sample of Muhammad’s life and this I thought I thought Muhammad
Was just a man like I I didn’t know he had like any sort of like divinity or like superpowers or you know you need to read what is known as the um the S these are the effectively the gospels of Muhammad they’re often called the biographies so when you read
The S of Muhammad and these things win prizes I mean these give me one sec these books win prizes and these describe to you the miraculous nature of Muhammad Muhammad as a god Muhammad as a deity in fact when you read this Muhammad is the real Jesus Muhammad is literally made from
The same Essence as Allah so therefore Muhammad effectively is the partner of La now you said the sh the Sharia uh the Sharia law is that something that people have like how like the the the average uh Muslim do they have access to that or like how do how closely do they follow
It or what’s the relationship like an average Muslim has to legal for Muslims to speak about the Sharia it’s not legal for them to talk about it it’s it’s considered treason for you to reveal because the Sharia is effectively the operational plan it’s the doctrine the truth of the doctrine the consensus Thea
Where all of the different groups converge and they’re not allowed to reveal this to you because you are not you are not an initiate but also certain levels of it as we saw within the levels you are not at the higher level so therefore you know you have less
Knowledge and as you proceed up the levels you get more knowledge and um so they cannot reveal the shat to you but once you look at the Sharia and you look at the actual laws like how do they ex how do the Muslim Scholars how do they traditionally exer these verses in the
Quran for instance you might have one verse in the Quran like if you look at the chopping off of hands I mean there’s one or two verses in the Quran that speak about that but if you go into just one Sharia manual there’ll be like 55 Pages discussing it so then they’ve
Taken that and they’ve EX it they’ve they’ve explained it in every possible permutation and provided general rules and provided specific rules so they’ve taken one or two verses in the Quran and they’ve written like 55 pages of detailed explanation of how and when and who gets their hands chopped off and
What are the kind of like the tal mood a little bit sorry kind of like the talmood like how it’s like they take these certain things they expand on it in the talud kind of but like their own version of it I guess um but very
Different the two are not the same I know I called the the in my show I call it the Muslim talud but this is not to say it’s it’s a one toone correlation to the talud that that yeah no no no definitely not yeah but this is a genuine set of
Laws it’s a legal system and the thing is when they take over the country they’re going to replace the Western legal system with the Sharia now this doesn’t mean they can’t do this over time peace meal 1% by 1% at a time doesn’t mean they have to do it all at
Once and don’t forget that this is a there’s a there’s like a a curve there on so over time eventually they need to be 100% Sharia compliant but not today you start at 1% then 2% then 3% and soone it builds strictness and leniency wow okay um well I guess let’s
Localize it a little bit um because I don’t think I mean my audience I I don’t I don’t I mean I don’t I think they probably know as much as me about about this stuff which is not a ton um but I’m kind of starting to learn a little bit
More um so localizing it I’m in Israel right now um let’s kind of have a conversation as far as what the history of um Palestine I guess is or from what you’ve researched I mean anybody else can can throw their hat in the ring and and and have these conversations and do
Do their research but you you’ve made an interesting link I don’t want to kind of give it away um but it’s something that I think people that live here would be really interested in and and kind of hearing the the history of things because a lot of our textbooks um they
Are kind of politically correct and don’t cover certain things that are uncomfortable yeah so so what again what exactly do you want me to to clar um so the link I would say the link between uh Palestine and kind of the the the start
Of it and then also the um I guess the relationship that um I forget what his name was but the the the from the Soviet Union and and even Hitler’s connection to you’re referring to one of the previous talks that I gave on this um
Yeah I did a detailed I did a couple of detailed talks there’s one talk on my channel called um the the Palestinian occupation of Israel and super interesting yeah that would be useful because I the things I can’t remember all the facts all the time so I have these references I mean
This is one very long just a list of things but then I convert these into presentations um but very briefly then um yeah definitely go on his channel guys like if you want to go like I kind of want to make this episode kind of like a a snapshot of different things
That you cover because you know we’re not going to get it all covered in in the short time but I want to just kind of show people the the the depth of the things that you cover yeah so so there are direct links between the Palestinians as they are called and the
Nazis so here youve got Haj Amin Al husseini who was a guest of Adolf Hitler in Berlin for some years some time and of course he volunteered to become a member of the SS he was made a general so he raised troops and he fought for
The Nazis he was the Grand muy of Jerusalem back in the day and of course so something like 660,000 Muslims fought on the side of the Nazis which few people realize few people realize that that nearly 700 ,000 Muslims apparently fought on the side of the Nazis uh let
Me actually just go here for instance how many how many and as you’re doing that like I’m just trying to think like I always try to think of when I get new information or information that might surprise me or you know may may may make me feel uncomfortable I’m like
How how many of these particular group of people how many of them actually know this history like is it something that they it’s not spoken about openly because okay couple of things in Islam Muslims are not allowed to speak ill of Islam this is blasphemy right this is blasphemy but
Also it’s it’s illegal it goes against the Sharia and again I speak about this at length in my my shows and I go through the Sharia rulings I show the laws from the books I’m always showing the the rulings on the screen and I provide the books for people to download
And read for themselves so I always make the resources available for everyone to go read it for themselves but um so so here you’ve got all of these truths this is a German article right uh that says Hitler had a lot of love for Islam but you’re not allowed to slunder Islam now
To slunder Islam now in the west to slander is to tell a lie to smear someone unfairly whereas the definition of slander in Islam is very different slander in Islam legally is to tell something that is true but is embarrassing to that person that is slander so to tell the truth in Islam
That someone would not want revealed that is considered slander so this is known as and this is an issue within Islam so in other words and also the Sharia is also binding upon you as a non-muslim so it’s not just binding upon Muslims it’s binding upon non-muslims
And they must make it binding upon you so ah I just hit the wrong button so let me just uh it’s all good um yeah no that’s uh that’s interesting yeah because there isn’t really anything like I can speak for I mean I grew up in a in
A Christian and Jewish kind of household there isn’t really anything that um is like that from what I know from what I’ve read some reason that’s so it’s like I’ve just never heard of anything like that it’s very interesting and it kind of makes sense
Like you can see kind of a little bit of PR going on um especially when it comes to the conflict um there’s a lot of like hey this is what’s happening when in reality you know it might not be the case but kind of lying is like slope
Sorry yeah so just to just to verify what I was saying so for instance here’s a different context but the rule applies generally so if he notice something if he notices something good it isah to mention it but if he notices something bad is unlawful to mention it because
This is sler see there’s a very different definition of slunder so let me close this now slunder and the meaning of sler so this is in the Reliance of the traveler this is the most popular Islamic law manual in the world and this was also being used by
ISIS and so on and when I put this book into the forum and I started discussing Islamic law and this being one of the primary manuals taught to the Isis troops by the Isis imams that’s when I got banned so so slunder see here slunder means to mention anything concerning a
Person that he would dislike not to lie about him not to mention an untruth see that’s a very different legal definition so to say something about Islam so the Muslims were very much tied up with the Nazis right for instance the SS the Nazi SS which was
The private Army that belonged to to Hitler there were eight Muslim SS units in the Balkans in the Soviet Union now the largest Nazi SS unit was the Muslim unit wow called the H right um now this for instance was a hard to deny a holocaust your father saved the Jews
From because here you’ve got Muslims who actually saved some Jews and they’re considered as righteous among the Gentiles so that’s very very interesting right then for instance um Palestinians gave Jews Safe Haven but that’s discussion on the time okay there’s discussions but they know that the Muti
LED lots of troops and how the Nazis obviously CED the Islamic World during World War II so there’s there’s plenty of evidence if you want to look at it and go through it I mean you can see here H Hitler from this good old Muslim here hanging out with the heads of the
SS the heads of the German air force guring himler and so on and who is this guy with the hat this the white yeah the grand Muti of Jerusalem Hajj Amin Al husseini wow okay this is Henri himla SS Commander warm wishes to so here he is with these Nazi troops
Checking out the troops and Islam Islam and the Jews or you know Islam and jewry so this is these are Muslims with their little death head icons these are aans so Muslims so you can see that they were very much bound up U with the uh Islam
The Nazi Germany War so yeah and this is all based on on Islamic Doctrine because I was going to say say because the uh I I was watching something it was the uh I couldn’t believe this person said this out loud um it was you know the Patrick
B David podcast you know you’ve seen that yeah did you see the recent debate between kind of like I guess like two Muslims and then uh two people that had kind of wrote books Pikachu and someone and someone else yeah i’ watched like a couple of
Minutes of it at most it was it was hard a little hard to watch in the beginning I’m not going to lie it was like it was very hard to watch but um but what was interesting about it I I had to watch it because this one guy he
Was from um Morocco and he was Muslim and then he converted to Christianity but then ended up um leaving because you know he he ended up trying to leave because he was being threatened to be killed essentially and um you know one might say okay well that’s extreme you
Know it’s a barbaric you know third world country you know it’s just you know violence happens it’s just probably War torn you know there’s a bunch of excuses that happen when people say oh he was killed because of this but um on on that very show um one of the Muslims
That was there he was like hey um so you know part of being in Sharia law it says to kill uh to kill people that convert out of Islam and he was like and he was like well do you think that that do you think
You’d be a good Muslim if you killed me and then he was like yeah I mean if I’m following the for me to be a good mus Muslim I have to kill you and he’s like wait so you’re saying right now that you should under proper Islam you should
Kill me right now because I left Islam and he’s like yes that’s true look let’s have a look here for instance this is this is Sharia right now this is Isis did these things because they were following Islam strictly aim right let’s have a look a Muslim holds the prayer to
Be obligatory but through lack of concern neglect to perform it has not committed unbelief thank heavens rather he is executed washed prayed over and buried in the Muslim Cemetery this is strict Islam if you forget the prayer you are killed this is what Isis did with their people if they forgot to do
The prayers they neglected they were killed so Isis is not an Abomination Isis is practicing Islam strictly so let me continue here they’re labeled as extremist but maybe extremist relative to not to Islam apparently um yeah okay hold on let me just go back one and for those listening right now
He’s pulling up um archiv so this isn’t just his opinion he’s not and you guys have the right to look up his sources please follow his these laws this is the Reliance of the traveler so if you go to any one of my videos in the description
Box there’s a link to the Reliance of the traveler it is the most common the most popular most readily available Islamic law manual in English in the world it contains rulings from all four schools of the recognized four schools of it shows what is the which is the the
Consistency across all four schools which is about 80% the same the 20% that where they differ this is just cosmetic stuff like do you hold your hands here when you pray you hold it by your belly that’s that doesn’t matter those are cosmetic issues now for instance killing
An apostate from Islam is without consequences and it shows us here a father or mother or their fathers and mothers or their grandparents for killing their offspring or offsprings Offspring so there is no consequence according to the Islamic law for killing your own children that’s so so that’s
And there is no Indemnity for killing an apostate since it is killing someone who deserves to die did I read that wrong Joel whoa no read that wow Gees this is proper this is normal Islam standard regular common or garden variety Islam this is not Isis Islam this is this is
Is your neighbor’s Islam the question is is he following it today well good if he isn’t but maybe tomorrow you never know that’s the problem this is the law this is the law of Allah so whether he’s practicing it that’s that that can be debated but this is the law of the
Law wow and what’s tough is even if you have a conversation with somebody like this it’s in their Doctrine to lie to be they have permission at least to lie not saying they all lie and you know you can’t listen to them or trust them but yeah they have religiously you know
Sanctioned I guess lie yeah well when a person law 0 8.1 section o which is Justice 8.1 when a person who has reached puberty and the same voluntarily apostatized from Islam he deserves to be killed and it says here under Sunni jur Juris Prudence sorry ask him to repent
If he refuses he is immediately killed Now understand that there’s now different schools will differ for instance the one school will say give them 3 days the other school will say do it on the spot another one will say give them 24 hours that is where the the
Differences between the schools come in they all say that you die the one says burn him the other one says drown him the other one says choke him to death other one says chop off his head the other one says starve him to death the
Fact is that at the end of the day you you know what the punishment is you understand yeah wow wow so that’s uh that’s tough so what would you say I mean let’s kind of I guess localize it a little bit I don’t know how much you’ve
I mean it seem I feel like you have studied the Israel Palestine uh conflict I mean I’m in Israel right now I think it’d be obviously kind of interesting um in their Doctrine if I mean we can talk about the political uh backdrops or the the religious backdrops but it seems
Like they come in and and if if if someone from from the the Palestinian territories they come in and they kill an innocent person it doesn’t matter if they’re young old woman man it doesn’t matter um and they they know they’re going to die I don’t think anybody that
Commits you know any sort of terrorist attack in Israel doesn’t know they’re going to die they’re they know they’re going to die and then back home um you know they’re Martyrs they’re celebrated people hand out candies um what what I guess would you say from a religious perspective is there anything from cuz
They’re not all Muslims but I mean I would say like a lot maybe in the 99% um they’re they’re Muslims so is there anything that co-signs that is that just like a um like where do you think that may come from or why the aggression like say again why the
Aggression and because they earn reward for for killing and being killed in the name of Allah they earn reward for that so so let me let me briefly touch on this okay so this section is commanding the right and forbidding the wrong now you as a Christian you know there’s the
Great Commission go out unto all men and preach the gospel right converting all men in the name of Jesus Christ right that’s the Great Commission from a Christian perspective Islam also has a Great Commission it is called commanding the right and forbidding the wrong commanding the right is to enforce the
Right which is the will of Allah the will of Allah is found in the Shar that is the right the wrong is whatever you happen to believe or you’re a Muslim then you’re wrong they easy peasy to make that decision all right so Muslims have an obligation to command the right
It’s a communal obligation in other words it’s binding upon everybody right there are levels of sens there are levels of severity so for instance you have to know what is wrong and what is right so mus must have some concept of what is right and wrong according to the Shar now you must
Understand Islam doesn’t have a sense of morality we have under the Christian doctrine a sense of morals right and wrong as a sense right based on based on God’s law moral law Islam doesn’t have morality it is legal and illegal it has Haram and Halal Islam doesn’t have morality that’s right and
Wrong these are legal Concepts these are finded in the Sharia described in the Sharia but also because it’s a legal concept based on a legal system there are loopholes in the law where you can violate and bypass the law they are extenuating circumstances which allow you to completely toss the law out and
Do something else which is legal so there are legal loopholes and there are exceptions you must understand this now Muslims must act according to a scale and this is the scale here so they must have knowledge of the wrong act so Muslims must have some knowledge of the
Sharia whether they learn from their parents or in the mosque or whatever but it’s it’s part of the cultural heritage now they must be able to explain that something is wrong then they must forbid the ACT verbally then a Muslim has to censure you with harsh words now when they use
Harsh words they mean foul language to swear at you to insult your mother to belittle you humiliate you undermine you speak in a very very dirty manner to you okay that’s harsh words then they must write the wrong by hand I don’t mean pick up a pen and write the word wrong I
Mean write the wrong by hand okay I mean so I hopefully people sort of get the idea what I mean here must write the wrong by hand he’s holding up fists for those listening right and then intimidation notice as remember this is the perfect religion then says your next step is
Intimidation assault and Force of Arms these are religious rulings in the Sharia intimidation assault Force of Arms would you consider that Christian yeah I was just going to say like this would be like this is like so like this doesn’t even seem like in the same category of being a religion from
From what I’ve this is yeah it’s crazy so it says here commanding the right and forbidding the wrong is the most important fundamental of the religion this is the mission that Allah sent the prophets to fulfill and that includes the uh the the Muslim prophets like Abraham David you know all of those
Muslim prophets Jesus and so if this were not done religion itself Islam would vanish so this is the obligation okay and it states here that let there be a group of you who call to good commanding the right and forbidding the wrong for those are the successful so
That is the important that’s Quran 3104 and these are the people who are acting on the concept of azima right so let me just run I’m not going to do all of this whoever of you seees something is wrong let him change it with his hand if you can’t change it
With your hand then change it with your tongue and if you can’t with your heart but that is the weakest degree of Faith so if you can’t change it with your hand then uh you’re not a great Muslim are you now there’s a lot to be said here
Again I cover this in depth on my channel okay and they discuss this so let me see here I want to go to the sections where they talk about what may be censured but I want to talk about the use of force um yeah guys this is like you you
Guys need to go to if you’re if you’re someone like me that loves information that loves like just history deep Dives like you guys need to follow his channel for sure so you mentioned though why do they do this and what makes them carry out these violent Deeds what makes them
S so let’s look at intimidation Q 5.7 the sixth degree is threatening and intimidation by saying stop this or I will and when possible this should this should preced actually hitting the person wow so remember do you remember in James James chapter 3 verse no no
Sorry hold on hang on hang on I just I just got it wrong uh we have to look in the most violent book in the Bible the book of Acts which teaches that that where James says um when someone doesn’t obey pick up your Axe and beat them
Right am I getting this no no actually that one I don’t remember that one either but in Islam they teach you when possible you should threaten them before actually hitting them so here you got Islam teaching in its religious law the perfect remember the absolutely perfect law of Allah which Muslims will refuse
To discuss with you they will absolutely in four years I have asked Muslims on my channel every single Muslim who comments on my channel I say please let’s meet let’s talk let’s open these books let’s read them publicly give me your input I will read these these sorry these passages from the
Sharia from the greatest scholars in Islam to ever live and just let’s talk about this and they refuse because they are not allowed to because it will embarrass Islam so now notice the rule for this level is not to make a threat that you cannot carry
Out only okay and then you move to assault the seventh degree is to directly hit or kick the person or similar measures that do not involve weapons and this is permissible for private individuals that’s fantastic the eighth degree is when one is unable to Cally act by oneself and requires the
Armed assistance of others and Muslims say but you need you see that’s an act of War you have to go to the caleff and there’s no cffs well it says here there is no need for the cale’s permission so do you think that this is what we would call Godly the religion of
Peace or the religion of we will get a gang and shoot you today yeah that’s that’s that’s tough I I would say I mean that’s that’s tough to refute um I’ve seen I’ve heard people say like like even if we’re taking one instance cuz I don’t know why this came to mind
Like oh well if you do something if you perform something that’s Jihad or something that is for religious um purposes then you get all these virgins in heaven is that like a thing or is that like some sort of yeah I mean of course you get reward in heaven
But few people realize so according to the standard sources that we are given by Muslims the the highest reward for Lay Muslim is given when you die in Jihad when you are involved in violent Jihad for the sake of Allah and you are killed right and if you kill and are killed you
Will earn a place in heaven that’s 100 Levels greater than the Muslim who just died in his bed but few people realize that that doesn’t stop there it actually there are greater levels even than that so there’s discussion with within again it’s on my channel if you look at the if
You look at my my videos discussing like the doctrine of lying in Islam and the doctrine of jihad or Dem and JIA how that works there are higher levels like for instance a Muslim who lies to non-muslims to keep the peace is also doing Jihad he he defends Islam through
His lies and through through maintaining an animosity towards non-muslims while not revealing it that also earns him the equivalent of jihad and sometimes greater and then Scholars have an even greater level of of reward which is even higher than those who die in Jihad because they are the ones who practice
The nosis and those who practice the nosis have the absolute highest level they nearly they can reach up to the same level as Muhammad and Allah wow that’s I know I’m saying things that are very probably unfamiliar to you and to to most people yeah I mean I I think I think
It’s heard of these things like for me I’ve heard of these things but then I’ve heard it be debunked right and then I’m like okay well then I’m back in the state of like kind of not knowing and then um you know someone might come in
With a good resource and then they they they come in and be like no like don’t get it twisted this is how it is this is what’s written down um because again if you’re allowed to lie what can you believe I mean I I I try to navigate the world with having
Relative uh confident in people not going to they’re not going to publicly say something that is a blatant lie um I always kind of listen with a grain of salt but um you got to understand you know what what what frame or Hardware are they coming from like what’s their
Operating system is there is their operating system giving them a particular license to lie if that’s yes then that’s very difficult MH yeah um I mean Jihad the caleff fights all other peoples until they become Muslim but if there is no caleff that responsibility falls upon the individual Muslim well that
Responsibility falls upon the most senior Muslim the Imam that’s why the imams are often responsible for calling Jihad and for having weapons stored in their masks in the basement so the Cale fights All Peoples until they become muslim okay wow um and also notice it
Says here Jesus will rule by the law of Muhammad so Jesus is actually a Muslim and he will follow the Sharia behind Muhammad Jesus will be a follower of Muhammad and this does not contradict the final coming of Jesus since Jesus will not rule according to the Evangel
The New Testament but as a follower of our Prophet that is taught in the sh and to be honest that doesn’t surprise me because the thing is like you you got to like some sometimes people’s words and and their actions don’t line up like for example right like they say
Oh okay well you know Jesus is still you know the biggest Prophet he’s the biggest um name in in our religion and in Islam but I don’t really hear one people being named Jesus as much as Muhammad I don’t people talking about um Jesus as much as they talk about
Muhammad there’s just there’s just certain things that you just don’t see uh things that are like lined up to where it’s like no like I think Muhammad’s your your your main guy like you you you can think that yeah like it it just it doesn’t really add up from from actions right
They can say it but just actions it seems like this is this this ain’t your side this ain’t your uh your mistress this is your your main if if you know what I mean yeah yeah so there’s another Sharia manual which goes into much more detail the Reliance is like a compendium
It has a little bit of everything so there’s and people will say no it’s only a state of war no Islam is permanently at War until all the world becomes Muslim so this war is the war against unbelief right so the war continues until they become Muslim so this is very
Clear and fight those who do not believe in Allah they explain these verses so the caleff makes War now remember if there’s no caleff This falls upon Muslims there must always be a group of Muslims fighting in the in the condition of azima right so the Cale makes War
Upon Jews Christians and zoroastrians that’s the objectives of jihad okay wow and now notice here for instance I’ll show you an example of the contradiction whatever you see in the Sharia you can find a contradiction whatever is in the Quran something that says peace you can find the exact opposite that’s that’s
Just constant in Islam it is offensive to conduct a military Expedition against hostile non-muslims without the cff’s permission so don’t do it you bad Muslims although if there’s no caleff then no permission is required so just go ahead and do it wow that’s interesting you understand you will find this everywhere within the
Sharia so we need to to the the the formal definition okay the formal defition for people for people that like are listening maybe they are haven’t really been raised in a religious um household or don’t aren’t really familiar with scripture like even if like this is like this doesn’t even
Sound like anything in the ballpark of any other religion like this is stuff that’s like if you would read this and you grew up maybe you didn’t even know you didn’t know the Bible by heart but you would know like this stuff is not in
The Bible like you know for a fact just because it’s in it’s just inconsistent no that’s because the Bible was corrupted by the Jews you see the Jews rewrote the Bible and they took out all of the stuff and then Muhammad came along in the seventh century and brought
The Bible back he had the original inil you see except he lost it and they don’t have a copy right now but the Bible’s definitely been edited they just don’t have an original copy that they lost their copies too really unfortunate but hey we just happened to have the Quran
For you oh wow thank you so much I really appreciate that yeah it’s crazy it’s it’s crazy like it’s I mean 500 years I mean for those who don’t know I mean five 500 years 600 years after Jesus died Muhammad lived is that correct six yeah 630s he died so
Apparently born 570 died 632 supposedly but he has the real that real word yeah so notice it is kufur right it is blasphemy and kufur is a capital punishment crime to deny that Allah intended the prophet’s message that okay to deny that Allah wanted Islam to be the religion followed
By the entire world it is kufur okay to to admit any kind of ecumenicism now Jihad means to war against non-muslims and is derived from the word mujah signifying Warfare to establish the religion that is the legal definition now a better resource than this one which goes into far more detail has like
120 pages on the topic would be the um hiah okay but um now they say here the scriptural basis for Jihad prior to scholarly consensus are the quranic verses fighting is prescribed for you Quran 2 216 slay them wherever you find them and fight the idolators utterly
Versus 936 and 489 now Muslims will will will argue high and low but the Sharia the the problem is the Shar is black and white very clear no ambiguity the Sharia says these verses mean this wow yeah I would say maybe as a push back like this is the common thing
That people talk about they’re like oh well you know in Deuteronomy in um maybe the end of Exodus um maybe not Exodus but um mainly Deuteronomy I would say they talk about how you know there’s just atrocities in the in the Old Testament they say oh okay the book of the book of
Is historical right so there’s a difference between describing a history and providing a command that is valid for all time binding upon all people in all places Deuteronomy is not binding for all people upon in all places that is a story it’s a history it’s discussion
Right whereas what is in the Quran is supposedly the perfect actions by the perfect man following the perfect law of the perfect Allah and this is valid for all time upon all men right so there’s a there’s a very great difference there there are multiple minor and major
Covenants in the Bible and the Old Testament according to Christian belief was taken over by the New Testament fulfilled in Jesus and then you have a new testament so some of the laws if you look at if you look at two Peter I believe it is where they say that there
Was the whole discussion with the judaizers and you had the very first Council of Jerusalem where it was decided that the the the Gentiles in Syria in Antioch sorry in Antioch were not required to follow the Mosaic law in full so the aspects of the Mosaic law that were
Decided at the very first Council of Jerusalem by the apostles was for instance to abstain from fornication from drinking blood of living animals and strangling and eating those things and there was no need to perform circumcision so there are certain of these laws that are still binding but
The rest or not so the Islam has a very different exeresis than does the bible there is no book of Acts right this book of Acts right whereas Islam teaches explicitly remember it’s a legal system let me go here let me just show you this for instance Islam calls itself a Dean
What is a Dean according to its own definitions it’s a sociopolitical system right it’s a political framework for managing Mankind’s Affairs and within the linguistic meaning we have to go to two major sources the two most famous Arabic dictionaries are the alus AL and thean alab and each one has like 20
Volumes right and they both state there are four meanings of the word de the first one is subjugation and dominance which entails ownership government administrative or legislative Authority do you see any mention of religion in there or spirituality because I’m missing it obedience and bondage meaning subordination dominance under the power of
Others see anything spiritual in that then rules regulations Doctrine ideology tradition or or religion see now if you look at it this way so the first meaning according to the Muslim these Muslim dictionaries the first meaning is subjugation or dominance administrative or legislative authority to put pressure to be obedient
Or using power to enslave or make one obedient right I subjugated them so they obeyed me and this also means I Ruled or governed upon Him thus the word Dian is used to indicate a person who dominates and rules over a state a nation or a tribe that that’s the Muslim definition
There so the second meaning is obedience and bondage subordination and Domination by someone and bearing humiliation under subjugation and power of the Muslims so here Alin does not mean religion it means obedience and obedience under the subjugation and domination of the Muslims now if you look at it like this
On a chart now there’s different ways of rearranging this right but there’s they give you 12 different categories of the meaning of the word Dean and religion is optional and it is tenth and we focus here and we ignore all the rest wow yeah I think uh I think there’s
A different like mentality when you go into each each text like definitely the I guess psychology or the way it’s maybe uh structured in Islam is it is more of like this is what you have to do this is what you need to do it is more of of
Rules when the Bible is definitely like different types of things I mean it’s poetry it’s its rules it’s philosophies it’s advice it’s harsh rulings like even in if you go to the Old Testament when you talk about those things um it’s not necessarily saying like oh well it’s all
Like a I heard the guy in the debate he was like oh well you know some some people say it’s fables you know like some people think it’s like fables made for us to learn uh certain lessons which may be some of it but I don’t like it
It’s written in a very like this is what happened and guess what we need like it even tells stories like of Mo of Moses you know Moses talks to talks to uh God he’s like how how are they going to listen to me dude like I can’t just like
Say these things and you know have them listen to me like I don’t even I can’t I have a speech impediment like I can’t even speak like I don’t want to be Blasphemous in like in paraphrase but he was like you know throw your throw your
Staff on the ground it’ll turn into a snake and then they’ll know like who they’re dealing with so like showing proof of things was always an important thing even in the first book of the Bible so like saying it’s like just oh fables whatever but again context
Matters like it’s not written in the sense of like what we think of today like these these people in the Old Testament you know they had you know they’re set aart people they were going to be the first you know Israelites so there was going to be some harsh rules
Right they they were God really reveal thems um to them in different ways to show like hey you need to kind of get on my program or else you know we we we got to figure out what’s going on right you spoke of what the Muslims
Were saying so understand dawa if we go to the now this is the Encyclopedia of Islam which I use regularly this is the gold standard the gold academic standard and when you look at the authors I mean you’re going to see this has been written for this is running for over a
Century now this this particular work it comprises uh there’s at least 13 volumes or more it’s updated on a quarterly basis I believe and it costs about 36,000 to buy a copy um about4 $42,000 to buy a copy of it and you can rent it
For like $5,000 a year if you’d like if you want to save a little bit of money so this is not just written by orientalists who hate Islam this is written by this is the gold standard in Islamic academic knowledge all right this is extremely detailed it’s I mean
Like I said it’s it’s it’s huge now dawa notice it can mean call and it can mean invitation to Islam they don’t have to be truthful to you they just but they just have to bring you into Islam but notice propaganda see dawa also means propaganda it also means pretension now
Everyone’s going to go well you know Lord the word according to the Western dictionary means blah blah blah blah blah the fact is the Muslims aren’t using your dictionary so really I don’t care so this means to pretend to lie see so dawa is propaganda now notice here
Under the abasa dynasty dawa was strictly speaking propaganda for a member of the prophet’s family and propaganda for the Imam who alone could give mankind good guidance so in the 9th century when there were these conflict these these these theological conflicts the abasa dynasty paid rhetoricians they paid sophists propagandist to write
Counterarguments to the arguments that they were facing from the Christians and others and within splits within their own ranks so they created a very very efficient paid state-backed statun propaganda machine to write daa to write government propaganda to promote Islam to promote particular view of Islam so daah is propaganda it says
Strictly speaking propaganda so understand you’re not looking at when you say evangelization that does not have the connotation of to lie it doesn’t have the connotation of political overtones whereas dawa is government propaganda wow yeah I guess uh I always think of you know that one you know
Muslim kid and you know what do they know that they’re a part of you know what like how I mean for me even as someone who um you know as a follower of Jesus you know you got to you you C take certain things for granted and not
Everyone can do their research about every religion which they probably should especially if they’re going to be part of one um but what do you think I mean we’ve already kind of talked about most most uh Muslims don’t really know what they’re getting themselves into but
What do you think is kind of your prediction of how things will move forward like what do you think will happen um big question I’m just literally thinking out loud I know that’s question for instance the Muslim Brotherhood has a plan by 2028 to destroy America and to make itself politically
Powerful right they they’ve got aund they have a 100-year plan and it would seem they’ve been very very successful so far with their plan Al-Qaeda had a plan which was supposed to be finalized I think by 2021 which was put back slightly but um it’s it still seems to be I mean they’re
Pushing very hard politically they’re using their oil money to infiltrate into governments to um like in the UN along with the I mean the Chinese are very much in control of the UN but also the OIC the organization of Islamic conference they have very powerful influence in the UN because they operate
As a group not sure they have their divisions and they are competing but also they operate as a group so they are using this influence if you look at their their influence in American universities for instance they spend billions subverting American universities and changing people’s minds by through the educational institutions
So this is something on the other hand the internet now that we have all of these resources and we’ve got software that can index and go through thousands of references and bring up keywords and help us to to dissect Islam and now that I I’m able to which I’m
Able to do because I have specialized software which I can use to search through thousands of references to index them and and key and find things to you know and and find information that it wasn’t possible just one or two three years ago right um Islam is starting to
See I would say it’s starting to it’s starting to be examined the way that Christianity was attacked and examined in the 1800s and it’s not fairing well it’s the fact that it is Gnostic the fact that there are very strong Pagan roots to Islam right the Babylonian Moon
Religion the fact that that you can find all of these sources and references within the Islamic sources if you just look the things that Muslims wen’t telling you Islam I think is crumbling so I think it is on the one hand weakening so it’s it’s just a matter of
You know they’re going to do damage I think and they are if you look in Europe with the the boat invasion right the boat people people but on the other hand Islam is crumbling um however they also are undermining Christianity and we need to bring back those beliefs so that
People can establish their own tradition and their own culture in the face of this the social those are my thoughts interesting no thank you for sharing that’s really interesting that makes a lot of sense I would say you know a lot of people are asked like I
I’m definitely like in that boat like I’m asking certain questions that I don’t know why I never asked in the beginning like for like even randomly like this girl was posting something with a Moroccan flag um in the background and I was like I was like
What I was like I thought I was sometimes I turn my phone into black and white just to like not have it be so addicting and it was like a Tik Tok and I was like why do you have like a why do you have like a satanic like star in
Your in the background of your uh cuz I didn’t it it was no color so all I saw was like a a star symbol that’s like very very like blatantly obvious like everybody knows yeah exactly so so I saw that I was like why are you like so
Demonic like I was kind of giving her crap I was like why are you so dark like why do you have like I know you’re trying to be edgy like some people like think it’s like edgy or like cool to be like kind of dark side like she’s like
No it’s a Moroccan flag and I was like why does a Moroccan flag have a have and like it kind of like and then you this is the pentagram we would we would call that the satanic pentagram it’s though it’s right way up rather than upside
Down but that’s all the same so the pentagram is Babylonian right it is Pagan it is the symbol for the gods Isa and Muk and the red here from the flag is from the imams of Yemen Yemen was Yemen was traditionally a a state where they followed the religion of the Moon God
Shin who was the Babylonian Moon God right they called him a different name they called him makah you may have heard of a place in Saudi called that but but so they had the God yeah mka sound familiar never heard of it myself it
Kind of does it kind of does yeah so so in Yemen they had the god what they called al- Maka and Al Maka had many many names he was also the Allah of the cabba right so so you’ve got the pentagram is the Seal of Solomon and Le
That that’s the the claim that they make but it is the pentagram I mean this is this is considered a cultic and satanic in in a western Christian context and the Moon is I mean you’ve got Morocco here and then you’ve got the moon or the stars are common across I mean it’s
Right on top of the musk moon and star yeah and he goes into depth about this stuff guys like it’s so interesting and it kind of does give a little bit of more of like context to certain things we just think are oh you know it’s just
That’s just what it is and you know there’s no history in it and I’m like I don’t know like I think that I don’t think people do things on accident it’s very it’s very rare yeah this is this is a this is a lengthy series like five or six episodes
And I go into great detail historically on this and again I provide all my sources I I don’t hide my sources that my references are there for anyone to download and check for themselves and so provide all of this stuff for people to check yeah it all it kind of just it
Just connects dots like it just it simply just connects connects dots that you you want to connect and and I think people a lot of people think certain things were so long ago that there isn’t really anything there any writing any archaeology to really look back at so
They kind of stopped searching past like maybe a thousand 2,000 years back and you start to realize like even if you go back there there’s a lot of stuff that you miss that can kind of reinforce information that you already have people don’t realize when you read the the S
The gospels of Muhammad the Muslims very bluntly State they reject Judaism they reject Christianity Islam is is an they make the claim that Islam is an abrahamic religion because Abraham was a Muslim not a Jew not the first Jew Abraham was a Muslim and of course we know within within the within
The the standard Orthodox view of of Abraham his father was a worshipper of the Moon God his whole family they are named after the moon God they they his family his uncles his brothers are all named after various incarnations of the same Moon God different aspects of the Moon God right
His father Tera is just another name for shin another name for Al Maka the same God the same Moon God of Babylon Abraham himself worshiped the Babylonian Moon and Islam States bluntly it follows the relig ReliOn of Abraham but they don’t they forget to tell you the religion of
Abraham before he turned to Yahweh because that apparently is a false story spread by the Jews so Islam follows the religion of Abraham before he turned to Yahweh and he was a moon worshipper of the god of Babylon the god Shin does that make sense to you yeah
Yeah no that that is crazy yeah I mean I’ve done a little bit of the research like even just through watching you it’s just been like super interesting and you’re very you know you’re very thorough you always provide you know you’re very skeptical yourself which is very uh refreshing because a lot of
People will just say things and not provide any resources or not really come back with anything um so it’s refreshing to have somebody that provides resources look I mean I show my sources on the screen I’m reading it off the page this is not my opinion I’m showing people
Look I’m saying what the words in the book are saying and here I’m show these are these are on the Muslims own book written by the top Scholars right I’m I’m not making it up I’m providing these resources for people and I’ve I’ve offered to Muslims let’s have a public conversation about this
And they refuse because they realize this is damaging to Islam well I think even I mean we we don’t even really need to pick pick on Islam necessarily I mean even Scholars that are part of universities there’s certain information they don’t want to talk about they don’t want to get into because it’s
Disparaging to their institution disparaging to their want to get stabbed in the parking law to lose their funding from Saudi Arabia fair enough fair enough I mean it’s true it’s just it’s just true so I think independent I mean Independent Media independent people that have no attachments no connections I think that
They’re going to be the only people that you can really you know rely on in the sense so I really appreciate what you’re doing thank you for coming on like for real guys don’t forget to like subscribe uh to his channel also if you’re not subscribed to mine you know you know
Please like subscribe um he does a lot of deep Dives a lot of stuff that is going to be if you’re a nerd like me I mean I feel like if you’re watching and listening to this podcast you’re going to if you if you’re listening this far
You probably are the type of person that are going to be super interested in the stuff that he covers um he not only covers it by himself but also has has people on that make it really interesting so um thank you for coming on any final words anything you want to
Any way you want to like kind of wrap it wrap it up put a bow on uh no um not much I was surprised we we really dove into this at some depth I mean the questions you know it was a really good flow um yeah we had discussed before the
Show that we might dive into things like Protestant history and so on which we didn’t touch on so so really this this seemed to but yeah this was this was great um I do also go in in depth into uh the history of atheism and socialism and also Darwinism Darwinism is based
Quite bluntly on paganism pag Greek Pagan ideas um uh atheism is is oddly enough is traced to paganism to which is which is insane and the the modern history of of atheism is steeped in occultism and also I mean just the insanity as a political movement looking at the French Revolution and its
Connection to genocide and atrocity it’s so these are subjects I go into these very difficult subjects I provide extremely detailed talks with my resources with my citations with the books available to download check for yourself so yeah these are I don’t just talk about Islam I I discussed multiple
Different topics and athe my favorite other than this like atheism other than the Islam like atheism like how you dive into that because it does affirm things that I’ve been thinking about especially being here you know it’s like you you you hear people say they’re atheists but they talk about manifestation
Chakras uh you know uh crystals um you know I’m like dude like do you know what you’re doing like is is this like you think it’s like something that has no connection to anything you’re just yeah it’s just it’s really interesting yeah no and yeah so lately
I’ve been doing a talk on dwin I just covered Hitler and Hitler’s beliefs Hitler’s religion and whether the claims that that Hitler was was very much in bed with the Catholic church I went into that in depth I can confirm Hitler was very much in bed with the Protestant
Church he was yeah yeah there were there were serious uh were were they were bad buddies Hitler and Protestant theologians very very close joined at the hip um and yeah so there’s the claims that Hitler was a Christian the claim that Marx was Christian sty all
These things I go into depth on all of these these questions and um right now I’m just doing a talk on John Calvin and Calvin’s beliefs which and Martin Luther as well I’ve covered that and people have been very upset with my expose on Martin Luther so yeah it’s um bluntly
Speaking they were gnostics so they were their own flavor of gnosticism and yeah so it’s they created their own version of noan so yeah I’ll leave it at that I mean I say very blunt things but I I do provide very detailed um citation well talks presentations with citations with
The references and I don’t just use any old funy daddy references so yeah that’s it for me thank you cool thank you guys thank you guys for listening thank you guys for watching peace