Peace and panafrican [Applause] ISM a certified school psychologist and the owner founder of sdmg Academy a revolutionary school for young black boys and eventually black girls um yeah with that being said this event was made possible through the funding of SGA um as well as the unity and cooperation of
Helping black communities unite Incorporated which is a nonpartisan non profit that pushes self-empowerment to manifest the better quality of living in our communities uh for more information about a nonprofit visit or HBC Inc on Instagram to see what we have going on with our mentoring at with the kids
Atds as well as our community garden at family community garden over there we have a part of land and uh yeah I want to get straight into it we don’t have any time so we going to go ahead and get straight into it uh with the first
Question some of us know what’s going on with uh the Dei bills over here in Florida the diversity equity and inclusion bills as well as the bills that threaten the HBCU over in Mississippi uh Dr can you just touch on for us what’s next for HBCU Where Do We
Go From Here great question I think that one of the weaknesses or mistakes that we made as an American African people post doctor King is doing the desegregation Movement we took our eyes off of protecting our independent institutions and the most important of those institutions that we did not see
To it would be financially secured were the HBCU when you look at Harvard and Yale they received so much money from their alumni that the government frequently orders them to liquidate some of their assets which they often do in the form of scholarships as you know right now
Harvard has a policy Yale might as well that an undergrad with a 4.0 if they’re African-American at least they can get a full ride that was part of the settlement with the government because those universities had so much Capital that the amount of money under their control rivaled the money that the government
Actually has under its control so the government ordered them to liquidate my point is our celebrities our middle class and our upper class blacks don’t do enough to procure and secure the resources that our HBCU need as a result of that we are in the midst of a backlash against the civil rights
Movement and everything that our ancestors fought for and part of that backlash includes the decimation of the HBCU campus uh I believe it was um I keep forgetting the HBCU in North Carolina and not not Shaw not North not entt St Augustin I believe they just lost their accreditation and they should have
Earned it but because of racism they were sabotaged out of it I think Cheney University the first black institution of Higher Learning I believe that they are at risk of losing their accreditation we know that a white legislature in Mississippi introduced the bill less than two weeks ago to shut
Down permanently Jackson State Mississippi alorn State and at least one other so although Florida’s move against diversity equity and inclusion might be the most aggressive and the most well-known it’s happening all over the place uh Howard University Medical School mhm was just threatened with a law system
If they continue to consider race as a factor in admitting its medical students think about that an HBCU founded in the aftermath of a Civil War four blacks can no longer consider race in admitting its students they’re basically using the same laws that were created to protect black people they’re now using those
Laws to destroy rights for black people and this is why I’m of the firm conviction Neighboring pwi I and and I’m of the opinion I’m of the opinion and don’t worry about the photos everybody will get their photo when we’re done tonight I’m of the opinion that every HBCU should have three institutions a Grade School for Children what’s one of the biggest concerns for
The HBCU student retention mhm so if student retention is an issue if you have your own K to 12th grade school you make those parents sign a contract that those students are obligated to matriculate into the undergraduate program problem solved so every HBCU should have a grade school not to
Mention the school to prison pipeline is destroying our communities and if we had schools on an HBCU campus we could prevent that from happening so that’s one number two two every HBCU should have a farm what is one of the main things black communities are suffering
From all over the country a lack of nutritious food real food not the kind they make in the lab but the kind you grow if we had Farms on every HBCU campus you can now have a community garden that’s revenue for the HBCU I’m getting my apples and my oranges I’m
Getting my greens and my carrots from the local HBCU every everybody wins the community gets nutrition and y’all get the financials the third thing every HBCU should have in addition to a farm and in addition to a school they should have a bank what if FAMU had a community bank
Now all of black Tallahassee is keeping their money in famu’s bank and if every black person in Leon County has their money in famu’s bank FAMU don’t have to go looking for no money because they would be able to operate this entire campus off the interest of the deposit
Bank Farm school and the last one an entrepreneurial incubator HBCU should be growing black businesses not just training you in the business program but literally creating Black Wall Street where we are yes sir so I believe we got to get more Progressive because we are at War and if we lose the HP
Cuu we lose the black middle class because the HBCU is responsible for most of our doctors most of our surgeons most of our attorneys not to mention a sizable number of our social workers nurses teachers and other professions they want to kill the HBCU to turn us into a permanent
Underclass so with that being said um just looking at our school specifically expansion of the University system y’all go to class yall join the frats y saries y’ participate in the student organizations all that’s great but you don’t get involved in the expansion of the University what I mean by that is
Sitting down with the president the Board of Trustees we would like to see this we would like to see that and what can we do as students to help ignite the campaign to raise the funds and bring in the resources that will help us realize this new Institute this new program this
New system you got to get involved in the politics of your institution don’t just come here enjoy the student life and graduate get involved in the politics of the institution that was powerful right there that’s powerful going into the second students got kicked out a lot of
Them were put on probation a lot of them were expelled but nonetheless all of our civil rights struggles began with the HBCU student fast forward to today we don’t see y’all fighting against the school to prison pipeline we don’t see y’all fighting against police brutality we don’t see y’all fighting
Against gentrification or the sexual trafficking of black women and girls we have turned in the activism for this bouis mindset that says say I’m in pursuit of the biggest paycheck and the most expensive material life that I can live and y’all got to get back to the
Basics because we did not get this far these 400 years just so you can imitate white people in the shopping mall the very essence of the hpcu mission is to Build You Up so you can go back out into the streets and build your people up you are an activist
By Nature if you coming from an HBCU because remember we had to fight for these schools M they didn’t think we was worthy of an education there’s a whole struggle a whole history just to the HBCU becoming the HBCU so don’t forget where you come from because if you
Forget where you come from you’ll never end up where you desire to be and this right here is a slight pivot just to include fraternities and sororities what is their legacy what is their importance I’m disappointed I I’m very disappointed oh yeah don’t get me wrong
Where my sades at my sades in here what about my AKA Deltas we got some SRO what we got three delas they don’t want to say it today two and a half Deltas where my Omega SII at CA alpas side five made Sigma Alpha by Alpha where my iotas at where my Grooms
At they here they don’t want to speak up to me okay that’s all it is d it’s like that it’s like that here’s what I will say my same constructive criticism of the HBCU student extends to HBCU fraternities and SARS you come from a legacy of struggle you come from a legacy of
Service most of you have service in your mission but what service are you offering besides parties weed sessions and hazing processes about about see what good is joining a black Greek letter organization which I love I support them but what good is joining one if it’s only going to land you on academic
Probation the next semester I mean how many people have we seen cross over and get crossed out of school so all I’m saying is I want the divine nine to sit down individually and collectively and chart a path back to the greatness that you once used to ody
Because we have gotten far away from it and although we’re speaking of the HP see you in a microcosm I don’t want to single y’all out because all of Black America have lost our way and we got to find our way back because America actually thinks she
Can rid herself of black people and she’s bringing in immigrants right now to replace you in the workforce so you become absolutely irrelevant to this country I say that to say this whatever your major is and mine is psychology and political science but whatever your major is you better be
Thinking about how you’re going to roll that over into an entrepreneurial Endeavor you will sooner or later have to work for yourself if you a nursing student you better open up a clinic you an engineer you better open up a firm you a lawyer open up a practice my
Educators your own School whatever your major is you need to start thinking about how I’m going to flip this into a business because America has no more room for jobs for blacks in fact 60% of all college graduates in America right now and this just came out last week 60% of all
College graduates in America are working in a field that has absolutely nothing to do with the degree that they earned let me tell you why I’m saying that Dr Umar are you telling me I’m wasting my time not necessarily it all depends if you can answer this question for me are you at
FAMU trying to be the best political science major are you trying to be the best Psychology major are you trying to be the best pre-made business social work major African Studies major because if you are not here to practice black Excellence you are wasting your time and you are wasting your parents’ student
Loan money because the world you’re going to see when you leave Tallahassee is extremely competitive and the only black people who will make it are those who are the best at what they do so what I’m saying if you are one of those Negroes who barely go to class or barely
Pass the class or barely show up for Fighters then guess what you might as well drop out now because you are majoring in mediocrity in a world that will only tolerate black Excellence so for those of you who are focused you’re not wasting your time but for those of
You who are lethargic and docile and disinterested and is going through the motions you should just go ahead and drop out now and save us all some time just to go ahead and uh save us some time because we know we running a little late here we’re going to go
Straight into the audience’s questions sure so we’re going to walk around the audience uh anybody front row who has a question just put your hand up real quick and we’ll go ahead and start just like that this all right can good okay greetings I am a a third year broadcast journalism
Scholar heading from Orlando Florida all right so I really love how earlier you brought up entrepreneurism or I don’t know if I said that right but y’all get what I’m saying um I have a podcast called called what’s up was and I don’t know if a coup you guys seen I
Was giving out flyers um earlier this school semester when I was harassed by admin and they told me that I could not hand out flyers my flyers have my social media accounts on them so when asking them where I couldn’t hand out the Flyers it was a little bit of back and
Forth and they couldn’t show me um so because I posted that on social media and I got a lot of people supporting me they um obviously try to resolve it because they didn’t want bad rep around Fu but their resolving wasn’t really trying to resolve it it was more so them
Of make it seem like they were pleasing me they were telling me things like oh yeah we compl please support you but then when people are writing articles about me and asking questions they’re saying that I’m creating a fuss my main point that I’m trying to get at is when
I talk to a lot of my students around this campus there’s a disconnect between student and faculty although like you’re you want students want to be more CL I feel like more students want to be into this and want to know what’s going on with our staff but when we talk to
Faculty we’re faced with a lot of blame or like they’re like oh why aren’t you doing this why aren’t you doing that or it’s kind of like hush hush be quiet what do you think us as students can do to better um relationships between faculty and students and just better
Create a community like because we’re although we always say we’re a family Le it seems like it’s only a family leag when I’m talking to my students but when I’m trying to go to Financial Aid and get stuff fix situated or when I’m trying to V and understand I’m I’m not unaware of
That right but it’s like what are we really doing with that money because I see like you like you said the celebrities will p is giving us all this money to build an auditorium but we don’t even have enough advisers and broadcast journalism to take care of our
To take care of our students so what can we do as students better to like Bend those relations between student and fac because I feel like that’s the only way we’re going to get better as a as a community is if coming together we can’t F great question princess I got four
Ideas uh number one appeal through your elected student government and if they are not effective they need to be removed from office but this issue is an issue that student government should be handling for you so that’s one pathway second pathway probably more powerful is to appeal to your parents
Your parents should be organizing outside of fam you to have conversations with School administration on your behalf never underestimate parent power third you should start a student organization that is based on Healing The Divide between faculty and the student body that would be an excellent organization now you can go to the
President I represent the committee for such and such the student Organization for such and such and we’re requesting a meeting with the president vice president of the student affairs Provost the dean of certain departments Resident Life in particular so forth and so on that’s my third okay and then my fourth one a
Student petition start a student petition have all your schoolmates University mates signning and deliver that and don’t forget the student press the campus newspaper articulate your arguments through the written word those will be the five suggestions that I offer hold on it works my name is Alexandria Solomon I am
A fourth year economic major from Florida um basically deing with my major in economics it is a very small program at SBI where I do have to like take classes at FSU um and and dealing with my major it is very hard one we only have a certain amount of
Teachers um wonderful teachers but again like how she she said there is a major disconnect between the students and the teacher and faculty there has been problems amongst amongst just students trying to connect with faculty and like just communication um what I do see is just
Like trying to keep face value and I really don’t think that is very important now with going over there to FSU I do take advantage of what they have to offer and stuff like that but more so to bring it back over here and just let people
Know you you can still be a fam you student and stuff like that take advantage but bring it back here and um it’s it’s not promoted it’s really not promoted by colleges by the colleges in our um system that there are co-op programs but I think that within the space that we do
Have is take take advantage of what they got and bring it up over to what you got this sorry you good okay you good yeah just to bring it back over here what do you think of that aspect of the ideas as far as the co-op programs
Take advantage of it but don’t transfer over to FSU because we need you here yes understand racism operates in every state where there are HBCU I live in Pennsylvania and I went to a pwi Millersville University and I regularly saw how the Pennsylvania state system of higher education saw to it
That Millersville University had all the money it could want Westchester University had all the money it can want Cheney State University almost gave him nothing at all you feel me there’s a lot of money that is due to FAMU that is going to FSU and if there’s something that you all
Need to get involved in is y’all need to get inv involved in writing to your state legislators your state senator and your Governor as to why y’all don’t have more funding at fam you so we will have more faculty positions a lot of what you’re going through here is not due to
Poor leadership is due to a lack of funding and y’all need to get busy and active putting pressure on the state government to fund f you the same way funds FSU question right here Omar first thing first I want to say thank you for coming out speaking to
Everyone here means a lot my name isir Mohamed War I’m from Jacksonville Florida I’m a new graduate candidate over at Florida State University I major in urban planning and public administration and I also T Singleton as the youngest African-American lobbyist in the history of the State of
Florida have more person um I understand perspective to uh cultivate your life experiences uh it is cultivated by your life experiences how you carry yourself how you do what you do always determine um kind of how you care yourself so the question is here um what life experiences um early or recent
Cultivated the way you care yourself today how you present yourself to the world uh that’s a good question I don’t know if I have a great answer but I will share this um it was in the third grade that I decided I wanted to be a psychologist and then in the fourth and
Fifth grade in North Philadelphia we had black history class so I was introduced to a knowledge yourself at 9 and 10 in sixth grade my father took me to my first family reunion and that’s where I learned that I was related to Frederick Douglas so before I left
Elementary School I knew I would be a psychologist I knew I would be a pan-africanist and my blood relationship to Frederick Douglas gave me not only a sense of Honor but a sense of purpose to try to complete his work and I’ve never departed from it since then I’m saying
All that to say and I hope I’m answering the question at least in some fashion that every one of you have a purpose for being on this Earth You negotiated that purpose in heaven at the feet of the most high doesn’t matter what religion you belong
To it’s only one God in heaven God gave you a purpose for this Incarnation you’ve been here before you’re going to come back again your job while you here at FAMU is not just to finish but to find your purpose and once you find your purpose
Give your life to it this is important for y’all cuz some of you are wrestling with what major you’re going to pursue I strongly advise you take your time unless you’re certain I knew since the third grade so when I got to college it was a foregoing conclusion I took up
Political science as a second major because I also had a love for law I’m still considering going to law school because we don’t have a major black educational attorney in this country but with that being said don’t choose a career for the money don’t choose a career because your parents was in it
The career you choose must be in alignment with your Divine Purpose because I don’t care how much money you make after graduation if you are not living your purpose you will not be happy as a therapist I can tell you I’ve done therapy with very wealthy people who
Were miserable because they were not living their purpose find and fulfill your destiny powerful power we going to hit this side real quick and then we’ll go to the other side uh briefly one question fam what comes out of the mouth can never be put back in it take your time and choose
Your words not only with each other but especially with what you say to yourself positive thinking produces a positive vibration and if that positive vibration is strong enough it will lead you to a positive frequency that can only attract more of the same positivity this is why when you’re going through bad
Times it tends to be a roller coaster because once you start saying negative things to yourself about yourself about your life you’re now vibrating at a low negative frequency and guess what that energy you’re emitting is attracting more negative experiences why am I having such a bad
Year because you are vibrating at a low energy negative energy is low positive energy is high and I’m going say this this be careful who you hang with because some of you are being spiritually drained by the people you are [Applause] around and with that be careful who you lay
With one more question on that side question on that side GRE my name is Christi Lo a four business administration student from Tampa Florida um my question is uh I had a recent interaction with a PE of mine they found out that my mother isan African to be correct um and my father
Is Mexican ameran um they told me that I was only able to celebrate Black History Month half of the month um even though I feel like we should all year for all the contribution that we make to society um I would definitely like to see what is the correct response cuz
That run to that issue multiple times yes sir uh first I want to say that even in Mexico there were Africans who were there before Columbus so there are Mexican Africans right and there was slavery in Mexico too right so we were there now there’s no such thing as being half
Black because the African Jean is the dominant Jean our DNA rules so it’s never half and half because our side is too strong it’s like chocolate milk and vanilla milk it ain’t half vanilla it’s chocolate now psychologically though our mixed race Africans have have to make up their mind on which side of
The fence do they stand now because your father is Mexican Aman it’s not as tough for you because you’re not Caucasian okay or your father isn’t Caucasian but the point that I’m making as a Pana africanist I don’t do half black I don’t do Multicultural I don’t
Do biracial you either black or I don’t deal with you you see now don’t let anybody tell you you’re not African you don’t have to get nobody permission to be black it’s in your blood you just have to claim it and affirm it and identifying as African doesn’t mean you
Reject your Mexican ancestor cuz everybody in here got a little bit of something else in them but that little bit of something else in you does not qualify the fact that you are overwhelmingly African and that’s where you should [Applause] stand brother Chris try to go brother sister brother
Keep the gender balanced brother sister I got you brother sister brother sister talking about okay my name is Jaden Howard uh from from St Petersburg Florida I’m a senior information system scholar and um you listed five things that you said was the biggest issues with you know black Progressive or black progression in
America and one of them was economics I’d like to focus on that I would like to hear your thoughts on Dr Claude Anderson’s um uh what I’m thinking of a word no not well it’s called panomics I was thinking of something else and also given the structural inequalities and historical
Barriers with a capitalist Society what are the biggest challenges to African-American Community faces in achieving economic self-sufficiency yes sir uh first of all I have tremendous respect for Dr Claude Anderson he and I shared the stage several times um and I think that all of you need to read at
Least two of his books black skin white Mass which is excuse me black labor white wealth black skin white mask is France fan book that if you are a bunny Hopper you should read that one but black labor white wealth Claude Anderson and of course power nomin the economic imperative is
Critical because you can’t save the race without a solid economic Foundation okay one of the reasons why other groups don’t suffer the internal fighting and the internal selling out that we suffer is because they stay loyal because they can get get help within their group if you need help nine times out of
10 you got to go outside the black community that does not breed loyalty or Pride so we got to get the economics right the problem with black economics is not economics it’s black psychology black people don’t have a loyalty to themselves financially the black dollar does not discriminate
Against other people and that’s our problem our money should be partial to us and it’s not the black dollar circulates once in our community and it leaves the Jewish dollar about 25 times Anglo-Saxon dollar about 18 times Mexican dollar about 15 times Asian dollar about 14 times black dollar one
Time how are we going to employ each other how are we going to build hospitals Banks supermarkets hotels manufacturing and distribution if we can’t keep the money in the community right the first step we got to change our priorities black people not only do we not produce anything we are conspicuous
Consumers conspicuous consumers we spend too much money on things that we do not need $2 billion on Air Jordans every year $4 billion on liquor every year $30 billion on hair weave perm and Beauty every year it’s too much it’s too much so the point that I’m
Making the point that I’m making if black people do not reorganize our financial priorities if we keep up this conspicuous consumption we will be exterminated Marcus Garvey said it best any people who depends upon another for their existence will sooner or later die when you get sick who Hospital you go to
When you get hungry who Supermarket you go to when you got to stay at a hotel who hotel you staying in we are completely dependent on nonblack people for our Essentials and that is very dangerous because a consumer is the financial equivalent of a Slave and we have to transform ourselves
Before we get transformed out of here greetings I am a first year criminal justice major with the minor sociology hilling from bille North Carolina all right um so there tends to be a lot of critique concerning black people and becoming law enforcement I was just wondering as someone that is
Planning to go in into law enforcement how do I build trust between the law and black people I want you to go into law enforcement princess so you can get the experience but it is my hope that you graduate to becoming an attorney okay what is my opinion on
Blacks in the military or the white power structure I’m not against it if you’re going in to look out for us some black people would say we should never be police we should never be CIA we should never should be Homeland Security or FBI yes we should because if we don’t
Have nobody on the inside how do we know what the hell they planning against us so I need black police I need black FBI I need black CIA but I need them to bring back to the community the information we need to protect ourselves against the government’s next campaign
But if you going to go in there and [Β __Β ] out then we don’t need you but if you’re going to be loyal we need [Applause] you it’s a low mic yeah I’ll repeat you don’t worry about it bro I all right so peace and love my name is
Roan um I’m also from Philadelphia what Del specific but Delaware County oh Delaware County okay yes sir so I’m also um part of the mes chapter here and I know a couple weeks a couple months ago you spoke on um some things that happen the engineering yeah black yeah they
Gave a white boy the scholarship yeah so I cont insane I context you know the organization I’m talking about so uh this past weekend we did have our 50th anniversary in um Atlanta Georgia however we were supposed to have it in Orlando Florida how it was changed
Because of the subu going on with HP 999 with the Dei legisl the santis the devil go ahead what is what is your advice and thoughts of like what we could do from a chapter level that could translate over to the regional and National level to
Really push back on it because I really think we could have made a stand in orando Florida and continue to have uh our conference there mer Mar definitely went up this year compared to last year and by $100 this year and it did stop some of our members from attending
Because of that cost so what do you think we should do as organization leaders uh mostly for nesby to like in case next year it happens again like what could we do first of all if nesby gives another white person a black scholarship they need to changed their name from black take it
Out these black special interest organizations were founded to help you all to help our children our community when a black organization takes from us and give to a white person just so they can be accepted by white people it’s an embarrassment and a shame now for the
Confence if it was up to me I don’t care if it’s never I don’t care if it’s Navy I don’t care if it’s the Greek annual conventions the Deltas and the q’s and the a I don’t care if it’s the NAACP the Urban League the black psychologist black psychiatrist Social
Work nurse any black organization who is having an annual conference in order to support the HBCU your conference will not be at a white Hotel it will be at a black college or a black University and let that money come to the HBCU it is amazing how much money black
Organizations spend at the Hyatt at the Marriott at the Sheran 20 and 30 million for three nights imagine what fam you could do with that 20 and $30 million imagine what South Carolina state can do or Lincoln can do with that money it makes no sense [Applause] my next person she’s right here before you speak princess hold one second cuz I don’t want to forget this most of you come from Florida on May the 1st in Bell Florida bu NL 1 hour from Jacksonville I’m going to be hosting a peaceful protest out of the kimc Hammond
In front of the kimy Hammond Criminal Justice Center for a black Boy by the name of Brendan DEA who was adopted by two white people as an infant Brendan deppa attacked a white teacher’s aid inside of the Palm Coast High School February the 21st 2023 he’s been locked up since then he
Was 17 when it happened the judge decided to certify him as an adult his lawyer convinced him to plead guilty and Brendan DEA could go to jail for 30 years Brendan DEA is diagnosed with autism post-traumatic stress disorder intermittent explosive disorder anxiety disorder and ADHD here’s my point I
Don’t condone him attacking the teacher’s aid even though she was white stay with me stay with me no no woman should ever be attacked I don’t care what color she is but the reason we’re going down there at 900 a.m. on May the 1st is because Brendan DEA did
Not receive the special ed in mental health supports he was entitled to by law he had no business being in that school he should have been in the school for children with severe disabilities you know why he wasn’t cuz that white school didn’t going to pay for him to
Get the help that he needed to make matters worse you know how the attack started the teacher took his Nintendo switch out of his hand guess who asks for the Nintendo switch to be brought into the school to be used as a reward the teacher guess what his iie says never
Take for the Nintendo switch out of his hand cuz it will trigger his postraumatic stress disorder how can he be going to jail for 30 years when everybody violated the boy’s rights and the provisions of the IEP let me say this and I’m going to be
Quiet on you some of y’all remember we had a sister named AJ Owens in Florida she was shot through the stomach and murdered by an old crusty snow bunny yall remember the case the white lady was antagonizing her son she took either his iPad or his skates
So sister AJ Owens goes to the white lady house to get her son’s iPad or skates and the white lady behind a locked metal door pulled out a gun and shot her dead in front of her children listen guess how many years the white lady can get for murder with a weapon third
Guess how many years Brenda DEA could get for hitting a teacher no murder no gun no weapon 30 years how can he get the same amount of time as a white person who committed murder so for those of you who are interested if you care about our
Children if you care about the school to prison pipeline I’m inviting you to join me outside of the kimy ham and Criminal Justice Center Bell Florida the 1st the protest will be from 9: until 12: and then we’re going to go into the courtroom at 1 and hear what the judge
Has decided to sentence Brendan to if we don’t stand for anything if we don’t stand for nothing we will fall for [Applause] anything can you talk about how elitism on hpcu campuses is actually an injustice to the betterment of of our communities and institutions and also the history of individuals separating
Themselves from their Community absolutely first of all we love the HBCU right and we love our black Greek lettered organizations right but what do we know about all of the divine nine and about at least half of our HBCU they were brown paper bag organizations for a very long
Time oh yeah you cannot be a Kappa you cannot be a q you cannot be a alpha you cannot be a sigma you cannot be a Delta a Zeta an sgro or an AKA if your skin was any darker than a brown paper bag all of the divine nine practiced
Light-skinned Supremacy in the beginning and most of our HBCU practiced lightskinn Supremacy in the beginning my point is there’s a history to elitism on the HBCU campus that we need to learn about and to your point cuz I agree with you we need to confront it the only Advantage any
African should have over another African is service to the race if you’re going to be treated better it’s because you do more for the people it won’t be because you’re lighter it won’t be because you’re darker it won’t be because because you’re an American African or an African immigrant I am a pan-africanist
I am a garite we believe that all African people are one people no matter how light you are no matter how dark you are no matter how small your lips or how broad no matter how straight your head or how nappy One race and we have to stop practicing colorism light skinn
Dark skinn Supremacy Financial Supremacy organizational Supremacy black G letter chauvinism we had a situation up at the HBCU in Baltimore a few weeks ago two of the fraternities got into a fight on one of the campuses so I’ve been asked to come and try to mediate some of that how
You going to be turning a fraternity with the legacy of the HBCU how you going to turn that into a damn gang that’s because slavery taught us to self-destruct the only thing black people hate more than racism is each other I recommend that you crush elitism
Wherever you see it I don’t like bougie Negroes and they come in every color cuz Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as black as tall and a stone cor so complexion don’t determine they don’t who the coons are you got sh con lemonade con caramel con butter almond
Con mixed rice con a con is a con crush the cone on [Applause] C 22 minutes before they start try to speed quick okay you good yes I’m good and once done we got to do the photos question to you said ear said that I have workj after
I make myself more like present in my field or maybe earlier on if I have to what would be a good way to do that from now as a first year student either after gr or after GR in school great Point number one it might be in your best interest to
Take a business finance class number two I strongly recommend that all of you get acquainted with the small business administration write it down put it in your phone the United States small business administration you can get low interest loans for your business you can get
Grants that you don’t have to pay back for your business you can get mentorship by someone who is operating the very business you’re going to open up you can look at other people’s business plans who did what you’re going to do so you don’t have to recreate the will I don’t
Push government at all cuz government has been the enemy of African people but is definitely a resource I want you to get familiar with and take advantage of hey I Amo a Georgia i c serve as president of the real estate Club here on campus earlier you mentioned talking about like gation
And how black people we should go be against gation and be fighting that I personally want to a um developer and I want to go to urban planning I want to create bu I mean Community for black on segregation but like recreating black W stre being housing business places for
Economic growth within the black community but as talked about before there’s no Mone and so we wanted to go into that what would you recomend for get money to BU pass and able to build the infrastructure needed to first I commend what your vision I love that it’s
Selfless number one we do have black Banks get to know them number two although we have black Banks most Mega corporations are funded by private Equity you know what that means white people go to rich white people to get the money they don’t deal in Banks like
We do we should be able to go to Oprah and get you your money we should be able to go to Tyler Perry and get your money we should be able to go to LeBron JayZ Rihanna Tiger Woods Serena and get you your money but unfortunately black billionaires do not
Invest in their people like white billionaires do so you’re going to have to settle for the black bank I want you to consider looking at these entire cities that are for sale across this country there’s about 20 entire cities for sale I think one of them is in
Florida the whole city post office fire office Hospital police precinct when we talk about Black Wall Street if we serious we need to buy one of them towns and start building Black Wall Street one abandoned city at a time so take a look at that Queen and I’m glad she mentioned
Real estate because I want all of you to think about getting your real license on top of whatever your major is remember you’re going to need two to three streams of income if you get your real estate license that’s another stream of income and by the way most millionaires in America are what
Realtors get your real estate license you don’t need a college degree you just got to pass that test some of y’all can get it done even while you’re here working on your major sorry not try to interrupt but speaking of that I have my real estate license and as president of
The Real Estate club we offer workshops and study session y need to join that club yes join the Real Estate club we really are doing it for real when do y’all meet and how do they find you you can find at Club on Instagram and we our post for
The this fre semester semer closing up but we have an event coming up April 12th and we have different Developers and that coming to speak about their Journey so make sure that’s a club y need to yes yes yes yes black Excellence two or more questions and then we do pictures
Okay before you take your question queen I’m sorry let me give you my cell number in case you need to reach me okay and if you want me to post the picture up we take tonight text it to me 215 989 9858 I’m going repeat it once more and I
Do hope some of you will join me on May 1st for that protest to save our brother 215 989 9858 go right ahead my name is hille flid stop right there I don’t know if you’re taking work but I’m always in need of flyers for my
Different events so if you text me and say you’re able to do them I can pay you for do some [Applause] fliers you want hear from me for sure this question does not gave the thema this evening however being a young black woman at this institution I have struggled with formating the necessary
Romantic and plat friendship with black at this institution and um studies as well of testimonies declare that black women receive moreing and kind love from black I mean from white men and I wanted to know what your thoughts were on how to black men Contin to disrespect and neglect the black woman and
Why question that was an exceptionally well articulated argument to justify bunny hopp but it’s a good question and I want to answer it great question first of all many of our young brothers and older are under a hypnosis by the hipop community that has brainwashed them into sexually objectifying the black woman
Talk about to the point where you’re not seen as nothing but breasts and ass that is something we black men must work on because our sexual objectification of our sisters energizes the white man’s sexual exploitation of our sisters with that being said the worst thing you could do is let a
Caucasian plant his ancestors in your womb although black men have problems and I apologize to all of you sisters for the hell we have put you through okay but although we got problems at the end of the day when we love you we love you and no white man
Could ever love you the way a black man can and if you decide to Journey down that white Brick Road you better be prepared as so many other black women had to learn hard way when yall get into an argument and he calls you a black
Bee or you get into an argument and he calls you the NW remember the white person you’re dating or mating is just as racist as any other white person and it’s only a matter of time before they remind you who they really are if you can’t find a good black man
On this campus go to another one and if you can’t find a good black man in Florida get one from Texas and if you can’t find a good black man in America get him from Jamaica and if you can’t find [Applause] one [Applause] let me say this to end that point I know all of you are intelligent enough to have seen how all the new commercials and new sitcoms and movies are featuring nothing but interracial couples America is not in love with black people so why are these interracial couples you know
Why they’re trying to brainwash our children right into believing that black love is a waste of your time we cannot fall for that we have to show our little boys and girls that black love still matters and black men I’mma tell you right now I better never
Ever catch your ass with a snow [Applause] bunny black [Applause] power bunes never black queens forever black queens forever all right good evening Queen my name ISO from florid by the way St Elizabeth Jamaica um and as Broast journalism major I believe my purpose is to amplify
Our voices I feel like my purpose is to bring peace to black people by amplifying our voices and that being said I believe we’re still in the stage where a lot of white people are in these higher positions and a lot of white people are in the higher positions even though we want
To give black people the chances that we feel they deserve in this country so and on top of that even in some cases when we leave this HBCU when we leave this family Dynamic there are black people in these higher positions that look like us but they don’t think like
Us white they think like our oppressors so what can we do to ensure that we get into these higher positions not only to make more money in America and to raise the income of black people in America but also to ensure that we give it to deserving black people great question
And yes there’s nothing but Coons waiting for you when you leave here okay but here’s what I want to say it ain’t about getting into the positions it’s about building your own institutions see white people have their own institutions Asians have their own institutions Arabs have their own institutions black people depend on
Everybody else’s you have to be the igniting force that wakes our people up and motivates them to build our own when you go to the hospital you got to go to this we need our own Hospital our own School our own bank don’t content yourself with forcing your way
Into somebody else’s reality build your own will it be hard yes look at me working on the Frederick Douglas Markus coffee Academy it took us 5 years to raise the money it took us 5 years to renate to school we have a paint day in
2 weeks and we’ll be pretty much done it took us 10 some people say Dr um why you didn’t just open up a charter school you could have got the money from the government yes I could but at what cost they control my curriculum they tell me
What to do they can defund me anytime they want why do I want that one thing slavery did to all of us and you have to work to undo it slavery made us comfortable and we’re the only people who are slavery made us comfortable having no control over our community no
Other people are as comfortable as the American Negro being controlled and dictated to by Outsiders if Mexican children was going through the school to prison pipeline the way our children was there would have been been a protest and a shut down if police was killing some of these
Other communities the way they kill us there would have been been a protest in a shut down black people are comfortable being ruled by white people and we have to change the dynamic okay you ready we’re going to do all the black women on the left do [Applause] All