Hi guys it is diamond and I am back with another study today we’re going to look at Greek god worship and the divine nine the divine nine um is a bunch of Greek sororities fraternities and sororities and colleges and it is a big thing in historically black universities so we’re
Just going to take a deep dive into these historically black fraternity fraternities and sororities and we’re going to study the symbols on their Crest and see what they represent and what exactly they mean and and understand the deities that are being worshiped so let’s go ahead and take a look at
It the gods of Greek mythology are Fallen Angels they made it with humans and created demig Gods Giants and fleshy demons the Bible suggests that the myology of ancient cultures including Greek and Roman mythology originated from the neum the nilium are Fallen Angels who committed gross sin by mating
With Earthly women to produce an unnatural power powerful Offspring their offspring were Mighty Men of renown meaning their strength and accomplishments were legendary these Fallen Creations polluted the bloodline of humanity threatening yahweh’s plan to produce a messiah in the seed of men Yahweh brought the flood to destroy all
Flesh including the neilan meanwhile the legends of these strange and power powerful humanlike deities have lived on in the mythology of ancient man so it’s really important for us to understand that all mythology is technically demonology it is the classification of these Fallen ones that fell on Mount Herman um The
Book of Enoch it speaks of about 200 angels that fell from heaven with Lucifer these Angels were the leaders of the the actual complete population of the Heavenly inhabitants cuz it wasn’t just 200 it was millions of heavenly inhabitants that were in this Rebellion with Lucifer and um Lucifer had leaders he had
Commanders and we need to understand that this is a battle for souls and this is a good and bad War it’s it’s a it’s a evil and good and we need to we need to pick aide so I’m just here to bring some Revelations with you all that that that
Have shown themselves to me all right moving forward the Boule which means advisor to the king make up the wealthiest group of black men and women on the planet the Boule is a panh helenic society I’m sorry Council modeled after the skulls and Bones secret society at Yale
University I believe that the Boule serves the satanic Global Elite and has a hidden agenda web de Boy de boys emphasized the importance to seal the black professional away from the Marcus Garvey movement because an Afrocentric organization that captured the black professional wouldn’t give Europeans a safe haven to mass sell and distribute
In the black community Black Wall Street was black people’s first attempt or not even black people guys negro people’s first attempt to gain independence and create our own schools hospitals and governments it was burned to the ground our dependence on the elite is the only thing that powers their satanic machine called
America we all thought we knew Secrets but little did we know we only knew the worthless ones in 1904 the first black American Greek society the Boule was formed in Philadelphia by Dr Henry mitton and five of his colleagues it was created to bring together a select group of
Educated black men and women married after Yale’s skull and bone secret society it was estimated that 70 to it is estimated that 70 to 75% of all black male lawyers and virtually every black mayor Congressman Banker or millionaire in America are members of of the Boule and I will prove
That today in this study so guys the Boule seems to be a more or less of in induction into secret society ship which is a covenant that we should not hold we can’t we can’t serve both so when you um gain membership essentially you pledge your life to the
Sorority and the works of the sorority when the only only thing you should be pleading your life to is Yahweh and yes Yeshua hamashiach blood that was spilled to atone for the covenants our forefathers broke and to give us salvation that’s the only pledging you should be
Doing now as far as it pertains to education that’s kind of a gnostic view of things gnostics believe that you gain Divinity through knowledge and and and that has some truth to it but Divinity is only for the one true God the one true God who is yah way we
Should not be trying to seek Divinity because then you you start to mirror what the 200 the falling that fell to Mount Herman from Heaven did they wanted they wanted to take human women for for themselves and produce their own offspring and be Godlike and that’s Pride so many of us
Have we’re all guilty of it but that’s okay we can make things right as long as we try to gain knowledge and insight on this spiritual war that’s going on you do not want to just go about life blindly you want to have some substance about your soul and about where you will
Spend eternity it’s not just about the material world it ain’t that easy all right so next we have the skulls and bones okay the skulls and bones is a secret society for senior undergraduate students at Yale University in New Haven Connecticut founded in 1832 skulls and bones is the oldest secret society of
Yale and is considered to be the most prestigious many former members have gone on to occupy positions of power in American society including three who became presidents of the United States skulls and bones is also known as the order of 322 or the Brotherhood of death these people love death guys first we
Will take a look at the symbols in this sorority’s Crest we have Alpha Kappa Alpha so one of the first symbols in it is the handshape we’re going to dissect that the second one we have the Genie bottle and the third we have Atlas let’s get started so symbol number one on the
Crest and I have it labeled for you guys um I believe it’ll be your top right hand corner on this screen a um we’re going to start with number one a a secret handshake is a distinct form of handshake or greeting which indicates membership to a club the typical secret
Handshake involves placing one’s fingers or thumbs in a particular position one that will be recognized by fellow members while seeming to be a normal sh handshake to non-members this is most frequently associated in the popular Consciousness with college fraternities and fraternal orders so here we already see these um Greek societies are mimicking
Freemasonry and Freemason Freemasonry has very satanic Origins and to this day they still practice very Satanic rituals so on the back of a dollar bill is an allseeing eye in a pyramid the eye above the pyramid is a Masonic symbol which has influenced American history from its beginnings in masonry the
Pyramid symbol is known as a sign of the eye of Lucifer watching over Humanity the first ritual of initiation in Freemasonry to is to become an Entered Apprentice for example this involves the applicant stripping down and removing any articles he may be wearing like a wedding ring or crucifix then he’s told
To get half dress wearing a shirt on his right side one trouser leg pulled up one slipper and blindfolded then a noose is placed around his neck and he’s led into the lodge Hall where he’s announced as Mr X who has long been in darkness and
Now seeks to be brought to light family I’mma pause right there nobody can bring you to the light but Yahweh no demon no man no uh inanimate object no Idol they cannot bring you to the light only Yahweh can do that all right the candidate is then
Told to embrace the principles of free Freemasonry that the natural eye cannot perceive of the Mysteries of the order until the heart has embraced the Deep spiritual and Mystic meanings of those Sublime mysteries for his part the inspiring Apprentice also affirms that he is in search of the light which only
Masonry can give him the rest of the ritual involves moments where the candidate is made to process through the hall blindfolded sometimes it’s sword point knel be prayed over and eventually be admitted to the lodge so I have a picture up here in the bottom leftand
Corner and it is a symbol of the Masonic Lodge um it’s it’s hidden All In Plain Sight you know they put it all in plain sight everything the eye is right there for you see the ey is also on the dollar bill it’s in plain sight so on Judgment
Day you cannot say you did not know or you you did not understand family people are out here risking their lives to get this information out to you guys we need to take heed measure everything I say today measure everything anyone says to you any information anybody gives to you
This is the age of information we have to adapt to the times or we may lose our salvation but because our lack of knowledge our lack of knowing and that is something that is it’s it’s a very easy fix so please open your hearts and just hear me out with what I’m
Presenting to you today let’s keep moving forward family so the second symbol on this Crest is the Jin or it’s a Genie bottle and that is where the G that is what the Jin lives in a Genie bottle Jin or invisible creatures that live in a separate World from humans and have
Supernatural Powers they are capable of taking on human or animal form and are said to live in inanimate objects underground in the air and in fire Jenner also said to have Bly needs like humans and can be killed but are free from physical restraints now um experience that I was
Reading about an experience someone had as it pertained to ad ancestrial worship I believe they call it she was a she was initiated into AKA and they have rituals that they have to do before they initiate to uh it’s called pledging you know um and she mentioned that the
Spirits that would come to her they would want offerings that were like cigaretes or wine because apparently these things have needs like a humans who are flesh so that was just interesting to know it was kind of a scary Revelation but it’s interesting to know good to know so we know what we’re
Fighting up against because you know what you cannot win a fight and not know your enemy you cannot so the third symbol on the Crest is atlas in Greek mythology Atlas was a Titan one of the original gods of the Greek p Pon he was condemned to hold up
The sky throughout Eternity for a rebelling against Zeus so to prevent him from leading another Uprising so Atlas again we have a example blatant Greek god worship blatantly it is no reason that a supposedly Christian Christian founded um Council Society should be have anything other than Yeshua hamashia shak’s image
Where Atlas is it’s no reason a Greek god should be there if this is truly a society for black advancement and truth and light so I just won’t put that out there it is no reason that should be there but that represents Atlas I know we probably learned about you may have
Remembered that in school they teach us about that in the school books it’s a part of the IND Doctrine um be aware if you have children take care of your children protect your babies teach them what is truth and what is false don’t let them fall into false deity worship
If you get if you get them young a lot of what we as adults have went through could can be prevented and that’s what we want to do for these upcoming Generations all right so here are some of um the most famous black actors in Silver Rights activist in Alpha Kappa
Alpha sorority they include Star Jones for Felicia Rashad Tony braston Jada Smith Loretta Divine Camille Harris Yolanda Adams Wanda syes Alicia Keys Rosa Parks Viola Davis Gladis Knight ketta Scott King and Maya Angelou so I mean I looked up to all of these women I looked up to all of these
Women but I can no longer look up to them because they idolize false gods and and I hate to be the one to say that and I know that sounds radical and I mean no harm I’m not trying to hurt anybody I’m just trying to fight for my
Salvation all right next we have omega side s pie next let’s check out the symbol in this fraternity’s Crest we have number one the Knight number two the pentagram the star represents the pentagram that is common knowledge you can look that up um and we have the uh Genie bottle
Number three and we’re going to look into that a little further so number one on there is the the Knight okay the Knight template was established in 1119 ad it was a Catholic medieval military order whose members were primarily Knights they combined Marshall prowess with a monastic life to defend Christian Hol
Sites and pilgrims in the Middle East and elsewhere the word knight from Old English meant boy or servant it is a cognant of the German word Niche which means servant bondsman or vassel here we start to understand that a knight is not as Noble as we were taught in History
Class the pentagram which is a symbol that represents bait is used in witchcraft to summon demonic spirits and con concrate s Satanic rituals and this is symbol number two on the Cris guys I have it posted right in the right hand corner of the screen for you guys the pentagram symbol originates
From the gnostics and the Knights Templar to pay homage to their true God Lucifer Lucifer is generally depicted as a goat or pan a half goat half man creature who’s the Greek god of fertility and sex the third symbol on the Crest is the Jin Jin or Genies are invisible creatures in
Early religion and Roman culture and beliefs like humans they are accountable for their deeds and can be either Believers or disbelievers depending on whether they accept God’s guidance so guys the um the history of Jin in the origins of Jin this is a clear example that God created a lot
Of different types of beings it did not creation did not just stop with us it it and it didn’t start with us either you know that’s in Genesis it says that in in Genesis 1 that he made man and he told them to go be fruitful and multiply
And then in Genesis 3 Adam was created so we have to recognize who was man before that before Adam you have to read your Bible your Bible is everything it lays it out on the T on the table I am not I do not say Jesus I say
Yeshua Yeshua homos shiach I do not say um Holy Father God or anything like that I just say father or Yahweh we have to understand that words in in the English language which comes from overseas from a royal family it’s curses you’re uttering curses and you have to be aware that’s
The only way you can break out of this prison that they call Society okay so some of your most famous black actors and Silver Rights activists in Omega scipi are Michael Jordan Bill Cosby Steve Harvey Shaquille O’Neal Tom Joiner Jesse Jackson Langston Hughes web de boce and lewiis
Farahan so again our most famous leaders and black actors we find them they’re they supposed to have Christian backgrounds which Christian is a word that is a a um connotation of the um word [ย __ย ] which comes from ancient cre and [ย __ย ] means you’re an idiot and we
Are not idiots followers of Yahweh are not idiots so don’t call yourself a Christian stop saying that the church stop saying these are Greek terms we are the body we are a living functioning relationship and we need to we need to address it accordingly we need to address Yahweh
Accordingly we need to address yes yesu accordingly we have to stop with these false names these are curses we are uttering all right guys so we’re going to go into the next um fraternity I’m sorry this is a sorority I believe um we have Sigma gamma row let’s take a look
At the symbols in this Cris the first one I want to dissect is the Genie bottle the second one is the caducus the third is the symbol of the Skull and Bones which you guys are probably um most familiar with it with pirates or Vikings but um the skulls and bones has
Very dark Origins and I mean it’s kind of obvious it’s skulls and bones so the first symbol on the crest we’re going to talk about is the Gin again this is a recurring theme and this is the thing a a Jin is a disembodied SP Spirit nothing worthy of worship nothing
Worthy of paying tribute to we have dominion as humans over Jin so it’s no way that we should be worshiping lesser deities it’s no way we we have to do our research and and dig into the history of these of these spirits and these beings because not
Most majority of them are not good and they are just functions of Lucifer so the Jin Greek mythology is pronounced demon or demon which means god Godlike or power I rebuke God Godlike or power in the name of Yeshua Jen are originally referred to as a lesser deity or guiding Spirit of
Ancient Greek mythology and helenistic religion and philosophy the second symbol on the Crest is the caducus the term caducus comes from a Greek word that means means herold’s Wan and it refers to the staff carried by the ancient Greek God Hermes the caducus has ancient Inc consistent associations
With trade Liars thieves and Alchemy in Greek mythology statues of esclipus God of Medicine with the caducus and his daughter hiia God of Health hence the word hygiene are scattered throughout Greece and Rome every word that that we use in uh biblical and um literal texts are based off Greek and Roman
Words um Greek the Latin is before the Roman so all of these It’s a combination it’s a type of confusion to throw you off but the definitions of these words and the meaning of the words or what truly matter so you you might like like I said hygiene that comes from the
Daughter of caducus who was the god of Health hence the word hygiene and it it goes so deep it’s the greatest it’s the greatest cover up in human history honestly um let’s keep it moving cuz I’ll go all off into the deep in all right guys so we have the third
Symbol on the crest which is the skull and bone symbol we talked about that a little bit earlier so skulls and bones is a secret society for senior undergraduate students at Yale University in New Haven Connecticut founded in 1832 the presence of this symbol on these s on this sororus Crest is a
Blatant salutation to the satanic order of the skulls and bones secret society next we have some of your famous black actors in silver activist in Sigma gamma Ros sority they include MC light Kelly Price Hattie McDaniel Sandra Bland and Sandra Bland um she actually uh passed away in police
Custody after being arrested she was said to um have passed on her eyes were open and she was bruised up like she had been beaten up but police custody said that she stopped breathing while she was in holding so that’s who Sandra Bland
Was but she was also a p a part of um the secret society of the Greeks so I just wanted to throw that in there you have um Anna Maria Horford if you know the movie Friday okay with Craig and day day you know who the mom is on there her name is
Anna Marie Horford you have Ella English who is the Auntie on the Jamie Fox show and then you have Camille wimbush all of these women very important figures in Black culture and history are dedicated to these to this Greek sorority Sigma gamaro so let’s keep it moving
Y’all let’s dissect the symbols in this Cris we have kalpa Alpha Sai so first one I want to look at is the handshake and the second one is going to be the star the pentagram so first first we have um the handshake Freemasons use a variety of
Handshakes or grips to greet each other with each handshake based on a member’s rank within the organization there are handshakes for each degree including Apprentice fellow craft and master as well as in the higher degrees each right also has its own handshakes so here guys you see a few of the Masonic handshakes
Or grips these people they have to put it in plain s because like I mentioned on Judgment Day it won’t be you didn’t know or you were not aware it does not work like that accountability has to be taken um so these they they put it in
Plain sight and you need to do your due diligence by Try by studying the enemy and recognizing who you’re dealing with a person doesn’t even have to say anything to you if you know your word because you’ll be able to read them now that’s the true definition not this new
Agism I’mma read you your energy G and all I know I’m talking about the word when you are in your word you are able to read a person before they even open their mouth and that’s real but these people put it in plain sight and these are some of the
Handshakes um we’ll go through the first four the first one we have is grip of an Entered Apprentice you know like when we thumb wrestle and all that stuff all these have Origins all these come these different um um rituals through throughout us growing up and our childhood they all come from something
Guys all right number two we have uh the real grip of a mastermation they call it the lion’s paw third we have Apprentice to the pass grip of a fellow craft member fourthly we have pass grip of a mark Master Mason y’all this is intricate stuff these people thought about this
Thoroughly and I you they had nothing but time right nothing but time all right um number two on the their Crest is um the pentagram the pentagram or five-pointed Stars often Associated to Pagan religion Pagan religions and Witchcraft is often depicted within a circle called a
Pentacle and it is used used to summon demonic spirits and can also be used for hexing granting influxes of wealth or blood sacrifices now everybody is super familiar with uh the pentagram the pentagram is used for summoning demons it is used for Conjuring them up supposedly sending them back but only a true
Apostolistic mind with Clean Hands can send any demon back I don’t know what these Wickers were thinking when it came to that you you can’t conjure something up that’s Evil by means of evil and think that you can send it back no it’s a give and take it’s the opposite it’s a
Ying and yang but we we’ll move forward I’m going get up off that some some of your famous black actors and civil rights activists and Kaa Alpha side fraternity are Johnny Cochran Cedric the Entertainer Marvin sap colon Kaepernick and Lance Gross so I mean we have some fairy important
Figures in the black community that are dedicating their lives to Greek to Greek life you know putting it above the body and above what what they’re supposed to be here to do and they target the these are also All American black Negro or negro celebrities these are not from overseas
This is right here in our country all right so that alone should should prove to you that there is a conspiracy here how is it just so happened that 90% of every black actor politician civil rights activist is in a Greek sorority we have to examine that and we cannot Overlook
That I’m tired of the mess all right guys now we’ll look at the symbols in the Cris of f Beta Sigma so for number one we have the handshake and number two we have the X I’m sorry we’ll go right to the handshake we can collaborate on it I’ll
Collaborate on I like to talk anyway guys but again we have the handshake it is a it is a consistent theme in all of the crests of these sororities it is a tribute to the secrecy of secret societies there should be no secret about your love for the Lord there
Should be no secret about your love for your false deity be who you are and be open but no these cowards hide behind secret societies and no I am not talking about our Greek member our black members or white I’m not talking about it like that I’m talking about spiritual I’m
Talking about your spiritual ID I’m not talking about your National body because we’re all brothers and sisters we’re all brothers and sisters in the body I am talking about the secrecy the withholding of your ambition from the Lord that’s what I’m talking about but
I’m not going to get too far into it cuz I get passionate and I get crazy but it’s not me getting crazy it’s just having passion and love for my people I want us to wake up I want my my people to come up out it because we have
Brothers in Ireland Scotland all over the world I’m learning from a great Bishop he is amazing we have brothers and sisters in Scotland in Ireland in Wall Street in the stock exchange everywhere and it is a organization that does not have to be hidden my organization of
Yahweh all right second on the crest we have the axe and the only reason I didn’t make the star a third one because we had a couple slides on the pentagram we all know who it pays homage to and uh how it refers to the stars but do you
Guys see that there is an erect penis on here right okay let’s get into it okay hesus was the ancient Greek god of fire metal and crafts his symbol is an ax he was the blacksmith of the Olympian gods this picture is a popular ition in Greek
Art and it depicts dius AKA Liber more information on him in the next slide with an erect penis under the influence of wine following hesus who is mounted on a horse who also has an erect penis dianus was the Greek god of fertility wine and pleasure the Romans called him
Baka tubu Kang was first mentioned in Genesis 4:22 in Freemasonry he is symbolized as an ex and he is considered to be a forefather in Freemasonry also I want to mention that Baku is also what we call martig here in Louisiana we call it bakas it’s a
Celebration to Greek gods and the Greek gods of the pantheon now that is a big deal down here in Louisiana guys and I’m having to break free and retach myself and my CH my my child everything that I thought was right and it is hard it is hard on us
Right now but we’re going to endure we we’re going to make we’re going to go through with this so we can bring our brothers and sisters into this truth and light but I just I want you guys I know this is the middle of of of the video
But please pray for us pray for my family and I will be praying for all my viewers and my brothers and sisters always but this is is not a easy fight here the uncovering of this cryptic knowledge but I’m willing to share it with my brothers and sisters at no cost
So please guys make sure you like And subscribe as well I always forget to say that please like And subscribe to the channel thank you okay guys so we talked about dianus AKA libber and him following that horse that hesus was um riding on on and that story actually is pertaining to
Hesus um trapping Hera in um invisible chains on her throne because she made fun of him for having a lame foot this is the god uh heus that we’re talking about and that that’s the story behind him and why dianus was following him back was in order to um unlock these chains that
Only him and Di could unlock so that’s the story behind that um picture they were um headed to go and unchain Hera from the throne so next we have um liberalia a Roman Festival on uh March 17 for the god Liber and his consort labera Liber patter was a ancient god of
Fertility and wine on this day boys of 15 to 16 remove the bullet and became men I believe that means circumcised in the countryside process processions involved a large fallace to bless the land so here we see there is a festival this is just March 17 2020 dedicated to this Greek god people
Are still worshiping these deities giving them strength giving them power giving them Dominion so it is not farfetched to believe that all of our famous entertainers politicians and civil rights activists all come from a Secret order that should not be far fested as far as we’ve gotten in this uh study it
It’s revealed itself several times over so let’s be aware going into these next slides with that information so here’s a temple erected to dianus AKA Libra 20 300 years ago okay guys this was 2,300 years ago and I really don’t like putting time stamps in specifics on artifacts and Antiquity
Because the chronology of History the Scallan chronology of history is actually all wrong and behind by at bare minimal 297 years because of the um the ruler let me look at my notes um we have yeah okay so we have the Holy Roman Emperor Otto Pope Sylvester and Constantine they decided that they
Wanted Emperor ‘s Throne to go into the year 1,000 now Emperor Otto was born in 900 a and he died in in 1,2 ad so he was only 22 years years years old okay so in 1996 he took the throne and it is believed that it was known he
Would not be alive very long now these are demonic prophets we’re talking about oracles we’re talking about that use means of blood sacrifice and ritualistic killing to get their prophecies so these people wanted his throne to go into the year 1,000 and and subsequently he died in 102 so they changed the time
Period he being born in 996 they took it back by 296 years they they they moved the time stamp back 296 years okay so if we go by what this Roman Emperor called Otto thei did we would technically be in year 1729 current error CE now that’s another story for another
Day and I am working on a great study about that guys but it’s going to take time and prayer okay okay let’s keep it moving a closer look at the Statue from the front angle guys we have a demonic penis chicken figure you would be
Creeped out if you saw a chicken with a head like that okay you would not know what to do you would be scared out of your pants I know I would this is what these ancient Greek and Romans were worshiping this is who they were worshiping this is is sick it
Is it’s sick and they were sacrificing children to appease these deities giving them whatever strength they believe they had I guess I believe that they say over the waters and storms and rain I mean it is insane it’s almost like the people brought their own demise you know worshiping all these different
Deities it’s not enough spiritual energy to go around for all that chaos you know nothing could ever fill that void let’s keep it moving so here’s some of your most famous black celebrities and civil rights activists that are in five Beta Sigma fraternity they include Morris Chestnut Al Sharpton Bill Clinton yes
Guys Bill Clinton look it up it is all there I told you measure everything I say um next we have Morgan Freeman Huey Newton which is the Black Panther party’s leader Blair Underwood Terrence Howard and John representative John Lewis also George Washington Carver and Al Roker and I’m sure it’s some other
Names you guys see up there that I don’t quite know but guys it is a conspiracy here wake up today all right next we have um Zeta F beta we’re going to take a look at the symbols in this Crest number one is going to be the pentagram and number two
Will be the torch and I want to add in number three guys those Rays represents the sun of Virgina okay v e r g i n a and it is another another goddess in mythology that we’re going to talk about it’s a little further into the um study but
Keep that in mind those sun rays that is a third symbol that I failed to add into the program but I just want to put it out there that is the raise from the star of Virgina okay so first we have the pentagram which is um reference to baid
It is a symbol with origins of the gnostics and the Knights Templars baid is commonly referred to as a deity or a demon the foundations these fraternal orders are built on blat ly pay homage to Satan and his Fallen Angels so the second symbol on this Cris would be the torch torches symbolize
Meanings according to the Greek God that holds them the occult uses the torch to represent en light men in the darkness of their Endeavors the torch is also a tribute to Lucifer which means lightbearer it is used in the Olympics which originates from paganistic religion and ancient Grecian culture
Months before before the Olympic games begin a flame is lit in a special ceremony in Olympia Greece a prayer is then said in modern Greek just before the flame is lit now I did not even know that until until I um started this study you know researching for the study I did
Not know that and I did dig up the um ancient Greek prayer and we’re going to go ahead and go over that so it starts as sacred silence let the sky the Earth the Sea and the wind sound mountains fall silent sounds and birds warble cease for Feebas the lightbearer king
Shall keep us company Apollo god of the sun and the idea of light send your rays in light the sacred torch and you Zeus give peace to all peoples on Earth and wrath the winners of the Sacred race Greek sorority members Greek sorority members if you believe that these societies are more
Important than our Precious Precious Father in Heaven this is not a video for you because I don’t want to upset you I don’t want to upset anybody if you feel where I’m coming from where we as far as we’ve gotten in this study this is this is for you if
You don’t feel where I’m coming from this video is not for you it’s not for you okay guys we’re going to keep it moving here are some of your famous black actors and civil rights activists in Zeta five Beta sorority they include Janice the Boyce Towanda Braxton Esther
Roll EST roll is the mom off Good Times Cheryl Underwood Deion War Viva Fox zor zor Neil Hurston Shaka Khan cette Michelle she made a um a hit with Rick Ross that’s cette Michelle and Minnie Ripperton so these are some of your very famous I mean guys it’s to the at this
Point it seems like every last celebrity is in on this the secret organization panh Helen panh helenic Council Society whatever Boule it’s all just back bend and M honestly all right guys next we have the symbols in this Crest which is Delta Sigma Theta so I wanted to take a look
At the cane and we’re going to take a look at the torch okay tubu Kain is a descendant of Cain and Cain is the brother of Abel Cain was the child of the serpent and was conceived when Eve had sex with the serpent in the Garden of Eden tubul Kain was first
Mentioned in gen Genesis chapter 4: 22 he was the first blacksmith in his Worship in Freemasonry as a forefather of all master Craftsman in the final initiation ritual in order to complete the third degree in Freemasonry a Mason Apprentice must learn to use the working tools of the craft to fulfill the plans
Of the Divine artist he can only achieve the rank of grandmas Mason living his life fully in the light of Freemasonry rather than the light of Yahweh The Apprentice must Master the moral and philosophical lessons taught in the lodge by very powerful paganist and Satanist that are walking in the
Footsteps of tubu Kain these Elite satanists would rather deify demons rather than walk in the light of truth of Yeshua hamashiach now guys I’m going to go back because I wanted to you guys to take a look at that woman on the top of this Crest so that woman
On the top she looks like a what we would call a Quaker or a Puritan and as we know the Puritans they have Origins from Salem Massachusetts the Salem witch tribe now I’m not sure if these women that are part of this sorority are aware of who
The Puritans and the Quakers are and also Quakers are reference to a famous brand of oatmeal and grits because the symbols are always they’re always in front of us in our face they never hide it it’s always hidden in plain sight always but um this is tribute to the
Puritans I wanted to go back on that but I I did not add the slide but please guys look up the history of the Puritans and the Quakers and look up the accusations of satanic behaviors that shape their religion and their culture and the Salem witch trials in the um the
Salem witch trials and I forgot what is that literature with the girls in their um their Puritans and they’re accused of Witchcraft and let’s see I’m I’mma look it up really quick um book about pittin use what is it called okay yeah well I’mma look it up later guys we’re going
To keep moving forward but I’m going look up that later I forgot it was called the not not the Constable yeah all right we going to keep it moving all right here is an example of members of beta cap Beta Kappa chapter of Kappa Alphas side fraternity Inc performing in
1986 during the 66 grand chapter and here it is a regular them with their step to use canes and um to pay tribute to tuu cane who is uh one of the forefathers of Freemasonry all right so here we have an example I wanted to show you um initiation right
Done by these fraternities this is the sorority the alphaa alpha their initiation I want you guys to notice when we watch the video I listed some of the behaviors so you can follow along with it but I’m going to go through them really quick so you’re going to notice
Cike Behavior you’re going to notice the staff cane or caducus the caducus has ancient and consistent associations with trade Liars thieves negotiation and Alchemy um the hidden eyes or an attribute taken from Freemasonry indicating being in the dark and finding the light in serving your secret society
Rather than letting your love for Yahweh be your lightness in the dark next we have the same outfit which represents many bodies to create one body or deity we have chanting and S weaking which is very disturbing Behavior you guys are going to see exactly what I’m
Talking about in just a minute the intertwined arms which is homage to secret societies remember I told you about the handshakes and the different classifications of handshakes and classifications of rank with it this is littered throughout Greek sorority culture and it is a tribute to Freemasonry who Freemasons who worship
The grand order the grand order is Lucifer the lightbearer so they they keep paying homage to these sick societies that are against the the agenda of Salvation um next we have satanic back bending you’re going to see some crazy bag bended in here um and and lastly we
Have the gloves which embody power and protection as well as nobility however gloves can also be my mysterious often wor worn by thieves witches and Night Riders honor is represented when the right glove is removed all right guys we’re going to play this uh video and let’s take a look again
All right family and I found that witch trial is The Crucible it was The Crucible so take a look at that and that will give you a little bit of history on the Puritans and the um out outcasting of the Quakers from their society take a
Look at it very good very good we studied it actually I want to say um in 11th and 12th grade is kind of like a part of your senior project we did that in Paradise Lost so just take a look at um the preface of The Crucible and it
Gives you a history a brief history that is so interesting oo I enjoyed it all right y’all let’s keep it moving so the second symbol we have is the torch torches are used in satanic Satanic rituals to pay homage to Lucifer the one they call the lightbearer the
Sculptor behind the Statue of Liberty Frederick AUST baroldi was born in 1834 in cmer France the structural framework for the Statue of Liberty was provided by fellow Freemason and French civil engineer Gustav Eiffel who would later become famous for Designing the Eiffel Tower when the Cornerstone for the Statue of
Liberty was laid elements of a traditional Masonic ceremony were observed a grand master provided a few words and the grandmas applied the mortar and had the stone lured into place he then struck the stone three times and declared it duly laid then the elements of consecration were presented
Which were corn wine and oil this was all a ritual in itself so I have I have a picture of the Cornerstone that is at the bottom of the Statue of Liberty now guys you got to you got to look this stuff up for yourself it is all in plain
Sight I mean clear as day I could not believe it I was shookus when I realized that this is what is at the bottom of the Statue of Liberty this world is Ru ruled by secret societies by orders it is not a government that is a a front of who this
Country is really ran by with your orders in secret societies so here are some of your famous black celebrities in Delta Sigma Theta sorority they include and these are celebrities and civil rights activists they include Sicily Tyson Shirley Chisum Kesha Knight Pullman Kesha Lance bottom I believe she’s she
Was the governor of Atlanta um Angela Basset ARA Franklin Lena horn Kim Whitley chery Lee Raph and Betty shabaz so these are some of your famous black celebrities in Delta Sigma Theta it is just it’s all a lie I can’t believe they done this they sold us out
I can’t believe it and we’re going to get into that I know this is radical guys but it’s got to be put out there for you to decide for yourself all right next we’re going to take a look at the symbols in this Cris first we have the cross second we
Have the Centaur and third we have the pentagram now first we have the cross in Greek mythology the cross is represented by the Greek word star Roos which means steak or Implement of capital pun punishment in the Greek New Testament star Ro is used to describe the instrument used for quote unquote
Jesus’s crucifixion I say Yeshua and it is usually translated as cross in religious text guys the cross it is a perversion do not use that as a symbol of our Lord and savior Yeshua sh hamashiach it is a blatant blatant slap in the face we do not
Worship where our Messiah perish we will not worship that we worship the father all right secondly we have the senatur on the crest um the first senatur in Greek mythology was Chiron the Titan God Chiron was unfaithful to his sister wife rehea with with a n called fyra
Fyra re found them in the act and to escape shyon transformed into a horse and as he ejaculated he was he impregnated fyra it’s also interesting that the shyon which is a brand of Bugatti is one of the fastest production cars in the world what makes a car go fast that
Would it what makes a car go fast that would be Harse power do y’all see the relation here shiron was the first senatur in Greek mythology that transer transformed his into a horse as he ejaculated and what makes a car go fast horse power the name fera is also the
Name of a car oil Mogul that that sells lubricant for high performance cars now guys you can look up both of these uh sh shiron chyon and fyra they’re both companies these people know the people that rule this world they know what they’re doing when they make these names
And these corporations and hence the work Corporation hence the word corpse it’s a system made for the dead for the fallen and we have got to wake up all right our third symbol would be the star which is a representation of baffet baffet is a symbol of balance in
Various occult and mystical Traditions the origin of which some occultists have attempted to link with the gnostics and the knight’s Templar commonly known to be a DE or a demon so here are some of your famous black entertainers that are part of Iota F Theta fraternity and I mean no
Disrespect to my Latino brothers and sisters when I say black I just look at you all as my brothers and sisters so I apologize if I offend anyone we have uh children’s celebrity book and author Spencer Christian actor Jason Manuel alazab Bal and um stage voice and television actor teren C Carson you’re
You’re probably most familiar with him off of a living single yes all right next finally we’ll take a look at the symbols in this Crest this is Alpha fi Alpha okay so in their Crest they have the torch we’re going to take a look at and second we have the Knight
And then third we have the Spinx the first symbol on the Crest is the torch the torch in Satanic rituals is a representation of the light and dark Endeavors this is represent this representation is also similar to what the serpent told Eve in the Garden of
Eden the serpent said that if Eve ate from the Tree of knowledge that she would surely not die but would instead gain wisdom the second symbol in the Crest is the Knight the knights timbler stole land from people in the name of Christianity remember I told y’all about that that
Christianity word be very careful with that word and they started multiple Wars and Crusades accusations against the nice Templar in their order had grown to a total of 127 incidents they were accused of worshiping cats condoning theft and perjury to enrich the order as well as kissing each other’s Naval during secret initiation
Ceremonies that is sick Philip ivth of France in March 13312 announced his decision to abolish the order based on confessions and other evidence so guys here we see the night Isn’t So nightly he’s actually quite feminine we need to be aware of who we’re worshiping and what we’re putting
Our energy and influence into because you’re feeding demonic deities you’re feeding societies and historically satanic governments okay the Romans hence the Romans yes I said it the Romans the third symbol on the Crest is the FX I’m I said FX is the Spinx the Spinx was
A monster with the body of a lion the head and breast of a woman eagles wings and a Serpent’s tail this also closely resembles the Baff symbol which has breast and an erect penis in the form of a caducus also known as a staff I told
You guys these people put it in plain sight they have no shame these are some of your famous black leaders and actors in Alpha 5 Alpha they include web de boys Adam Clayton Powell Jr Edward Brook Martin Luther King Martin Luther King Jr th Good Marshall Andrew Young William Gray
Paul Robison and dick Gregory they’ve lied to us about everything Guys these men belong not to to to Yahweh they belong to Greek deities all right next we have the famous 16 pointed star it is called the Virgina Sun it is a Macedonian star and is a symbol first appearing in Ancient
Greek art about 25 500 years ago the ancient macedonians worshiped the 12 Olympians especially Zeus emis Heracles and dionis evidence of this worship exists from the beginning of the 4th Century BC or 25,000 years ago early representations of the symbol go back to at least the 16th century BC
With hope lights depicted as bearing 16 pointed and eight pointed Sunburst symbols on their Shields and armors and the symbol and the same symbols being represented on coins from both Island and Mainland Greece from at least the fifth century BC this is 5,000 years ago the ilad describes the first penelopy of
Achilles as having star motifs during excavations in Virginia the site of the ancient macadamian Macedonian capital of aay aay the archaeologist manalis andronicos sounds like a descendant of nikoli Tesla found the symbol on the coffin golden lnx believed to belong to Philip II of mcken Maden father of
Alexander the Great the the sunb birth symbol was already well known as a symbol used both by the Macedonian Royal Dynasty as well as being pre present in the helenistic civilization more generally guys remember the pan helenistic council is based off the helenistic civilization helenistic civilization worship Greek gods and
Deities we all know that Greek gods and deities are Fallen Angels or demons being identified these are not people’s imagination these were actual beings that came to corrupt the bloodline of man because of their pride because of their ex ex Exile being exiled from the heavens and never and never be able to
Come back and judgment the complete judgment has has not been placed upon it so these deities and these demons are angry with us because we did nothing they took wives of us we didn’t take W husbands and and and and wives of them and I do believe
They’re male and female fallen angel now that is something I do need to study more but I see a lot of instances in in my research and with history of there being female Fallen ones and and some ref to them references to them are Sirens but that is another teaching for another
Day all right so the symbol might represent the sun god Helios remember Helios in my last video is who the GU who Christ who the Roman Catholic made an image of Christ after Christ was not based on the black Madonna which predates all of um helios’s worship okay the black Madonna yes it
Was created in the 1300s but it was a depiction of when Christ was here in the early 198s following the discovery of the lnx there was some debate as to whether the symbol should be considered the Royal emblem of the our guide specifically as Eugene borza in 1982
Pointed out the symbol was widely used in helenistic Era or art and Adams 1983 emphasized it’s use as a decorative element in Ancient Greek art in general and it cannot be said to represent either royal or a national emblem of macedone exclusively so here is the symbol of the National pan helenic Council
Which is who created the Boule we saw that earlier in the study they blatantly are paying tribute to these ancient Greek sun godes and ancient Roma Roman Greco Sun godes okay they’re BL they’re telling us who they worship guys it’s all right here for you to
See next we have the logo for the the Central Intelligence Agency and as you can see it is a blatant tribute to the star of Virgin the panh helenic council and its affairs with the black community are just another obser observation tool of the elite now I’m going to get into that
Last sentence about Pam but I want you guys to really see this this is the logo for the central int intelligence agency this is the logo for the national pan helenic Council they are blatantly telling you that this council is a piece of the government’s observation
Tool it is right there for you to see this star is a blatant tribute to the sun gods of ancient Greek mythology in the CIA symbol it is the National panh helenic Council symbol is a piece of the Central Intelligence Agency star their star logo
To show you that they are that the panh helenistic council is a piece of their observation it’s a tool of observation a piece of the system a system is many mechanisms that come together as one to create it all right now pan in Greek mythology
Is a fertility deity in Beal form he was Associated by the Romans with fonus this image depicts the Greek god pan who is defiling a goat because of its lustful urges this statues of pin was made in first century BC which was about 2,000 or so years ago
This book written by Arthur Johnny suruchi explains practice of pedophilia among the Elites in Hollywood and worldwide business dubbing their systems as pedoc crassy the book’s title background is a demon devour devouring a child in front of the star of Virgina I just wanted to put that in there
Guys my spirit right now after learning of all this treachery and history Lord H merthy all right let me get a sip of juice all right Laura Celestial Ste Spellman Rockefeller born on September 9th 1839 died March 12th 1915 was an American abolitionist F philanthropist school teacher and prominent member of the Rockefeller
Family her husband was Standard Oil co-found co-founder John D Rockefeller Laura Spelman Rockefeller is the namesake of the famous HBCU Spelman College in Atlanta Georgia she Finance this historically black college from the ground up which is a reminder that the European Elite have been controlling black Affairs since the expulsion of Cain in
Genesis most black organizations are funded by the Ros Childs and the Rockefellers they fund us as a means to micromanage us who started the Civil Rights Movement some six two people seven of who seven of whom were africanamerican including web de boys ID be Wells Barnett and Mary
Church Terell signed the call which was released on the Centennial of Lincoln’s birthday on February 12 1909 the nation’s largest and most widely recognized civil rights organization was born now mind you they did all of this in February okay they want to dedicate a whole month to the civil rights movement
And it just so happens to be the shortest month of the year what a slap in the face but um the Civil Rights Movement was created by 60s something people and that means then that less than 10% if there had been only seven African-Americans um less than 11%
Were actually black what does that tell you what does that tell you now I’m going to get up off this cuz I know this is a touchy situation and I don’t want to disrespect or or hurt anyone in the process but guys be aware look up your
History all right so here are some of your famous um itical activists that are in the Boule and it’s practically all of your black uh civil rights activists and leaders and politicians so we have Shirley Chisum she is a US Representative and she is in
The um Sor Delta Sigma Theta we have our Miss ketta Scott King we all know the wife of Dr Martin Luther King she was also a civil rights activist and leader she was a part of Alpha Kappa Alpha AKA Rosa Parks uh civil rights activist she fought hard for us for our people
I’m so sorry I actually um did not have that picture up for you guys I’m I Mis edited that but no worries I’m only human right all right next we have Fanny Lou Hammer she was a famous silver rights activist and she was Delta Sigma
Theta we have Ella Baker she was a civil rights activist she’s in Delta Sigma Theta Ida B Wells one of the creators of the Civil Rights Movement one of the seven creators out of 60 of the Civil Rights Movement she was Delta Sigma Theta Dorothy Vine who was the
Mathematician behind the moving the movie h figures she was Alpha Kaa Alpha One of the third stars of the movie hidden figures was Mary Jackson she was a NASA mathematician she was a part of alpha calpa alpha Catherine Goble one of the third mathematicians on hidden figures was Alpha Kappa
Alpha now the point of me exposing this satanic and demonic mantle that Society has placed on placed these sororities on is to show you that the truth is Stranger Than Fiction everything we’ve been taught all the people we’ve ever looked to that of are of color have been
Cohered into what that they what they are doing for society it wasn’t natural it was unnatural is what I’m saying these secret sororities or gateways to filter out who is for the agenda and put them on a pedestal to mislead the rest I’mma get up off that let’s keep
Going so next we have some of your famous black males um that are in Greek stoies that are in a positions of powers uh we have civil rights activists justices as well as um founding members of organizations so clearance Thomas which is the Supreme Court Justice he is Alpha
Sigma new Roy Wilkins head of the NAACP is Omega SciFi excuse me Whitney Young founder of the National Urban League is Alpha F Alpha John Lewis congressman is f Beta Sigma Martin Luther King Jr Civil Rights leader is Alpha F Alpha third Good Marshall which is Supreme Court Justice is Alpha F Alfa
Malcolm X principal spokesperson for the Nation of Islam is Omega scii huie Newton co-founder of the Black Panther Party is five beta Sigma Bobby seal co-founder of the black panther panther party is five Beta Sigma so here you have proof that history has been cohered black history was
Cohered I want to thank you all my brothers and sisters for taking time to watch this I love you all and you will all be in my prayer stay steadfast in your word family try to make things right today because we don’t know if it’ll be it tomorrow much love peace