The middle of the spring semester is a busy time for a chapter leader. You’re writing reports, meeting deadlines, and striving to hit programming targets for your university and national organization. It feels like every week there’s another item added to your chapter’s to-do list. I want you to take a moment to pause – are you taking time to cover what really matters? Are you prioritizing member engagement, retention, and a sense of sisterhood? Or are you finding your sisters are disinterested in your programming and skipping chapter events?
If you find the answer to the last question is yes, it might be a sign that you need to realign your priorities. Reminder: don’t take your sister’s apparent apathy as a personal attack. Your sisters aren’t against you. You are working with them to combat burnout and make a difference. Understand the space your members are in – how many have jobs, night classes, or other responsibilities in campus organizations. After you put yourself in their shoes and understand their perspective, use these strategies to improve their experience
First, you need to evaluate your priorities. What is the chapter required to do, what do they want to do, and what do your sisters need? Consider making a priority list to evaluate what programming should stay on the calendar and identify areas you can cut back.
After you’ve made a list of the priorities and worked to understand what your members want, consider some solutions:
Cross Programming is a tool that finds events with similar themes or goals and consolidates them into one event to increase member engagement. Chances are you have events that can be combined to lessen the time commitment and increase interest in your chapter. An example of this is scheduling a risk program that collaborates with a sisterhood activity.
You can change it up and make it fun! If you’re required to host an academic program or if your chapter doesn’t have strong attendance at philanthropic events, this might be a sign to try a new event based on what your sisters want to attend!
Consider bringing in an outside speaker! Sometimes our sisters respond to hearing a message on sisterhood and empowerment from someone new.
Don’t be afraid to remove a program completely. If an event is not meeting a requirement, filling a chapter want, or meeting your sister’s needs, it might not be the best fit on your calendar.
As you move into the future, take on a sense of empowerment in properly stewarding your chapter programs. Be bold in having difficult conversations with your university and national organization about how requirements could be adjusted to suit the needs of your members. Standards are important, but there is a time to advocate for your sisters and their needs. Present your concerns respectfully and come solution-focused – you’ll be amazed by the support you’ll receive in return!
Our member’s needs and wants should always be the focus of programming. Think of programming not just as individual events you do for fun or requirements, but as a long-term tool for retention and sisterhood development. Your calendar of programs is what keeps your sisters engaged. Be aware of their season of life, what they want to do, and how that aligns with predetermined requirements and goals. This formula will set your chapter on course for impactful and authentic programming.