The second amendment of the constitution states that a well-regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free state the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed yes please gentlemen we need all of your signatures gentlemen a point of order what if
Someone made a gun that could shoot say 50 people in 30 seconds [Laughter] congressman peele we have many orders of business today one of which is not judging your sense of humor pretentious as it may be then one man would be able to walk into a crowded area
And kill scores upon scores of people before anyone would have a chance to stop him congressman peel where are you getting these hair-brained ideas how could you possibly know what the future holds because i am from the future i know what this amendment will bring
And i cannot let any of you sign it I did it did you see the the muskets he had magnificent and me the quill so i can draw them before i forget it