Conservative you got some people that are uh abstract you got some that are writers you got some that are accountants you got some that are athletes but that’s what makes up fidel decide now the thing that keeps us together though when we see each other are the things that we all agree with
Every time we see a brother that’s there we see we have something that we know about that guy the thing that we know is that we made a pledge to make our community and our life better our world better wherever we are being in college being in philadelphia being in chicago
Being in detroit our mission is to make wherever we are a better place because that’s part of our role that’s one of the things that we pledge to that we say we’re going to do the way we go about doing that is a lot of different ways being parents being a good neighbor
Being a good employee being a good owner we also said that we’re not just a number that’s part of a group we’re leaders every single one of us are leaders we’re not followers we never meant to develop followers we never tried to develop followers now what’s beautiful about being leaders
Is that we all don’t have to lead at the same time we lead in our own individual lives some of us coach some of us own businesses some of us are excellent parents some of us are just excellent friends whatever you do your job is not to be average
We’ve never perceived or wanted an average man to be in our fraternity so that’s all part of making us grow and develop because that’s what we’re striving to do you know one of the things that always gets in the way of of people striving for success is fear many people actually they fear
Everything they fear failure they fear success they fear something’s going to happen to them when they walk outside their door and you know what happens when you when fear really gets ahold to you it stops you from doing any and everything it puts you in a state of of of of discontent
It makes you not trust anybody there’s always different motives and reasons for whatever you do you know and i thought about you know that whole thing fear for a while and and i thought about my parents you know my parents didn’t do anything that other people would consider very special except me
They were great parents they stayed together their entire relationship i always had a mom and a dad there my mom never worked my father worked every day worked very hard he’s a truck driver didn’t make much money but he made sure that we always hate he’s a hero to me because i understood
All the sacrifices that my my family made and when i say fear my mom was from texas and my dad was from tennessee and they met while he was in the military and they said that they are going to leave their homes their families their relatives
And branch out and go all the way to detroit to start a better life and it really wasn’t just for them that they were starting a better life it was for their children so they would be better and have better opportunities you know in their era they stood up and they fought racism
They fought for us to be able to go to schools i mean just walk through the door they fought for us to be able to go to the booth and vote they actually fought for us to be able to go into a job and apply for it all
The things that we now take for granted my parents era fought for it do you think they weren’t scared they got sped up they got beaten they got talked about they had rocks thrown at them your relatives each and every one of your relatives went through that so we
Could be here today and act and feel like we feel today it was a massive sack