The difference is not that we love our organization although we and MPIC or just load power chests we love our organization more nearby knives not true we love our organizations yes but I’ve had Hale and I see where members love their organizations too and it’s not necessary that we do more community
Service I’ve been on campuses where I’ve seen pan hellworld rings around I went to one campus where they were like oh yeah you’re on earth you know Spring Break we went to to New Orleans and helped really build 100 houses I was like wow I slacked on my you know ring
Break but in comparison so community service is not necessarily a determiner but there is one thing say for example I was you know talking to someone who graduated from University of Michigan in 1990 and I asked them about their fraternal experience and they were a member of an IFC
Organization they would typically say I was a member of XYZ return okay now I talked to a person about their paternal experience and their member of an MPAC organization they will always say I am a member of XYZ organization it doesn’t matter it doesn’t it doesn’t matter if
They’re 90 years old they haven’t seen their letters in 75 years they will always say I am a member of is america alive they give me dead we will eulogize them by saying he was a wonderful dentist he was a wonderful and he is a member of XYZ organization now
Why do we do that well one of the issues is that even though we come from kind of the same groups in terms of literary society for reason of actually coming together to actually come around principles and ideals every good Americans have kind of a purpose that
Goes beyond college campus ifsc pan hill even though I know they love their brothers and their love their sisters you know going forward one of the reasons why we have so many alumni chapters is because the purpose and ideals that we have are ingrained in why we were founded to be the
African-american leaders not only on college campuses so it’s just not college experience but in the community that’s why if I am wearing a t-shirt that says Alpha Phi off and I walk into the african-american section of Ann Arbor I imagine there’s an east side of
You know concern so if I walk into the east side of Ann Arbor and find a barbershop and I walk into the barbershop I pretty much sure and they see I’ll fly off but they might not be able to you know understand him into a fire but they
Feel you know 808 but they will know that I’m in the fraternity so they will immediately look at me as a resource Hey oh you dirty a man I got a little kid who these mentoring do you guys give them winning scholarships do you guys do
To Tory tutoring I am obligated to be a servant in my community to the day that I die and yes even after I die my living example continues on even as I you bury me into the ground and so that is why we know we when we talk about transitioning
From you know all our history and what we’re doing today that is why is very important for us to always understand that we must be better we have issues we have issues particularly on the college level but also an alumni level we have issues that we have to look at
In order to be better not criticisms because we’re just you know criticized because we don’t like you know black Greeks and so therefore I’m criticized no that’s not that but because we always strive to be better for tourism again is an experiment it is an experiment it is
A experiment that can go right you can spare me they can go wrong and what we all have to do is we have to look at all the issues that we have to adjust and some of the things that we have to say okay these are acting right one of the
Things I always say is that look my bit one of my issues is that yeah I love Stefan I love strolling I can’t step the ligand I think I pulled on the bus stroll um but you cannot you cannot and I say this again you cannot step on stage on
Saturday get buck naked have women throw flowers at you and then get on the microphone and say next way syz organization is not reflected by what you see here and I am a great believer in having fun as a member of your organization believe me no one had
Any more fun than me as a college brother I am waving but you have to be mindful of how people look at you