So why did I join Omega rho Kai I joined Omega roll Kai because I wanted to be linked and in sync with the group of men who had the same core values and same core beliefs as myself who held Jesus at the center and had Jesus as being the gravity
And commonality in the bridge that we all walked on that we all participate in and that we all find our being in so it was a no-brainer for me to want to gravitate to the illustrious Omega rokai um the colors itself signify um that of change that of evolution that of growth
That of life that of community that of Fellowship that of Love That of Brotherhood that of God the black the gold and the white or the black the yellow and the white um I believe um it says a lot to me having to deal with my name my name in the fraternity is
Tried by fire and um I believe that when we go through the different fires and the flames and the different things in our life um just like the Hebrew boys even though they they were there and they they probably felt alone inside the furnace once they were joined with God they
Didn’t feel alone and they were able to make it through and they weren’t touched and they weren’t hurt by the flames and I believe that a good Brotherhood can do the same thing when you have um Godly men who begin to join you in the trying times of your life
And in the in in the furnaces of of Devastation and different things that take place um and how God will begin to girdge you up and send you who you need you need to be encamped around you to reinforce you um there’s a scripture that talks about iron sharpening iron and this
Brotherhood definitely is that um having other men around you to help you to say accountable um not only um to yourself but to a greater calling which is the Brotherhood and the fraternity itself um I’ve been blessed um to have the CEO um be my my um my cousin and um
I found it to be very inspirational that he would step out on faith and also in obedience um to help and create this organization and this Haven for this Covenant of Brotherhood to happen and take place um I can say that it has truly blessed my life
Um I can say that this is not like anything else out there I can say that um this is not like a secular fraternity um you know the only um thing that we are bound to um in this fraternity is Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior um who is the hope of tomorrow
And um I can truly say that it’s been a blessing to be able to commune with these brothers and have um just the the inner Communications that we have had with one another um and seeing the support system in the networking system that has begun to take place
And just just to see how God is beginning to connect the dots um and and bringing all these different Brothers with all the different skill sets and minds and and the mind power together to to make this thing even bigger and better and God is only this
Is only the beginning and God is doing so much more um to make it grow and make it go and you know if that sounds like something if that sounds like something or somewhere that you need to be you know you know you know that if God is putting a
Burning desire in your heart to be better as a man you know if God is putting a burning desire in you to want to be um a a part of something bigger and greater to go and do greater things you know you know that if Ministry is in
Your heart and if you want to go out and do it and this is a great opportunity to do that this is a great opportunity to be in the fellowship and to be a blessing not only to your community but to those that are around you and other
Men who may not have or know that there is a place that they can go and find fellowship and Brotherhood I want to encourage you to continue to stand firm in the authority of your faith in God and I want you to know that I’m your brother Tried by fire I love you
And uh I want to encourage you um take courage and take the first step take the first step out on faith God bless you