Hey guys welcome back to the channel welcome back to the video it is danger and I am back with another video honey so today I know y’all probably seen minutes oh you like five times now look at this point y’all know I don’t change my god I’m not gonna change unless it’s another
Day no it’s the same day anyway by the way this video is from Cheyenne really nice a good makeup on my hoodie I’m so sad okay anyways my god I can suck on back to the video welcome back to the channel it is beige and I am back with another video
Not all robbery I’ll probably say that already and this I just want we know that I’m known for two intros it’s so I have my handy-dandy book today because I have been knocking out these videos okay y’all cuz I’m it’s like I don’t agree content for y’all I’m sorry I’m so sorry
Y’all I like to rip it off my skin on my lip and now I’m just like trying to over be moisturize though so yeah anyways so yeah a lot of you have been reaching out to me and when I say a lot I mean I mean a lot
Like a lot of you have reached out and asked about hazing what is hazing in my opinion is hazing still going on it’s hazing real well we can talk about it we can definitely talk about it um I don’t know I’m making a whole bunch of people that’s gonna
Come for me um anyways I think alike yes Hazen is still a thing Hazen is still alive and well in these Greek organizations now hazing has toned down in my opinion whether you guys want to build like and I’m not let’s rewind I am NOT speaking for my organization
Okay I’m not speaking for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated I’m speaking my opinion only so so the question that was asked to me as far as like the hazing topic was um what is the difference between an underground process and a regular process um for those who do not know what underground
Process is basically where members okay so say of like I’m I’m an organization me and some of my line sisters and we have a set five people that we know perfect are going to be members of this organization people do this okay we have a set five girls that we know who want
To be a private organization we will literally pull them to the side and make them go through a process illegally to basically have them go through this underground process and when I say illegally because it is illegally so obviously you guys if you are and I’m
Not trying to be like Miss oh my goodness I’m such a [ __ ] I don’t know like I’m so goody two-shoes like um not saying that at all but I’m recommending you guys if you are going through an underground process that you do be mindful and be aware that that can
Backfire because it will not only hurt you it would hurt the chapter and it would also hurt the organization itself so please mindful that if you are going through a certain underground process that you know it’s a backfire now some people have slid threats straight through some
People have been able to do their underground process and they are made you know it is like this if you want to be made that way then obviously you know go about the ways that you feel and so what make you feel the happiest but I personally wouldn’t recommend that way
Just because it can backfire and it can put a dent in a relationship with the people who are currently like not going through a process or an underground process so like typically Nationals have like a time for organizations or certain chapters or whatever to have a start
Date like the process and an end date and normally the end date is obviously you’re from your probate or whatever when you should all be in the organization officially so it just basically goes off on how the organization is ran what the members decide to do and what you allow because
A lot of people feel like okay I’m I’m a I’m an interest I’m a I’m a potential member I’m going through the process right now I don’t have a say you always have a say you have a say and for you to feel like you don’t that’s a part of
Hazing um for you to feel like you know like you like you can’t speak your mind that’s a part of hazing like obviously don’t don’t speak your mind to the point where it’s just like now you’re just doing too much but you have a say you
Can always say no you can always say this is not for me you can always say yes you know I’m saying like it’s up to you but essentially an underground process is definitely different and you definitely just want to stay clear of those because they are not the most
Effective I personally don’t feel as though if you hate somebody that it’s going to teach determination I don’t think if you hate somebody is going to teach them to love the organization more I don’t feel like if you hate somebody that you are gonna be little character I
Don’t feel like if you hate some money that you’re going to teach them to be honest and you’re going to teach them to have integrity you can’t teach those things from hazing you know I’m saying you can only expect that person to have those qualities already and if you don’t then you can
Try to build that in a way that it’s like let me actually work with you you know I’m saying a lot of people are just like oh my goodness I ought to sue you know I’m saying like and my opinions may not be the what you guys want to hear
But I’m personally just speaking for myself and you can’t really um you know I feel like hazing can basically turn people into a turn people against people you know I’m saying I feel like hazing can make people who look at a chapter differently look at members differently and speaking for myself I personally
Feel like I definitely look at and I’m not saying that I was hey so calm Zeon but me speaking for myself whatever I went through I do feel like I have changed a lot and I do feel as though I look at the chapter and my organization
As a whole in a different light you know what I’m saying any may sometimes make you resent those people it may make you resent you know the organization it may make you put a bad taste in your mouth but you know you want to finish you know
But I would just take steer clear of underground lines just because they are not the best way to go and sometimes you guys like people don’t get away with stuff people do not know how to keep their mouths closed because so you’re playing a game of like Russian Roulette
You know I’m saying like it’s like 50/50 you can’t really you can’t really like determine how a person is going to react during hazing essentially so yes I do feel like hazing exists and yes I do feel like and has been watered down and yet it takes time it really takes
Time to like develop a person to be a good standard and a good role model for these organizations and organizations and I don’t feel like casein makes those people do that you know I’m saying if anything I feel like a lot of times organizations they don’t understand who
They are pledging and who they are doing the underground process with just because you know this person on a social level this friendly level or they cool you don’t know them on a personal level and you could be under you could be going through an underground process
With somebody that you think is going to keep their mouth shut but then end up jeopardizing the people to go through the normal process and to go through this underground process and now you didn’t put yourself your line sisters your line brothers your chapter this organization at risk for being suspended
And getting a lawsuit because now you have affected this person so much through this underground process you know I’m saying so like I’m not here for underground processes I’m not here for underground lines that’s just my opinion and you can agree or disagree you can form your own opinions about you know
How I feel but I personally I wouldn’t recommend it I wouldn’t you know that’s just not what I would recommend because it comes with such a backlash and it comes with such a high risk of losing the organization if that makes sense and I hope on that all over the place
But that just tied into hazing and I personally do feel like that is a form of hazing um but I mean you guys take it how you want to take it you don’t I’m saying obviously like people who plant ways before me like like back in the day day
Doing certain stuff um you know the burning sands essentially was a theme like I’m not gonna ever say that no people didn’t go through stuff people didn’t you know risk their lives people didn’t lose but it’s like at the end of the day that concept to hate the hazing concept it’s
Not going to build the perfect member you know what I’m saying I feel like the best members are the people who have a love for the organization going into it and still have a love for the organization when they finally are in it you know what I’m
Saying so I mean that’s personally how I feel about it that’s why I see how I feel about it and it’s such a negative stigma with people who voice their opinion on hazing because a lot of people feel like oh you didn’t haze you didn’t get hazing your
Your paper or you know I’m saying like it sucks um we just also know that a process is not all physical beatings and all this other stuff like you can get made in other ways and I had to learn that from actually talking to other people and really understanding because
It’s so different and so like in so many states in so many cities and so many chapters it’s so different in different organizations everybody do things differently like I said in a couple like in my one of my greatness videos things are done Baird very differently very differently paper and made are defined
Very very differently so you just want to be aware of those things and obviously if you guys want to less actually because I really want to know cuz I didn’t look this up let me see the prosecutor is not dead don’t play with me all right let’s do I want to look up
The actual definition of hazing so I’m gonna email and say so the definition of hazing is the imposition of strenuous often humiliating tasks as part of a program or rigorous physical training and initiation humiliating sometimes dangerous initiation rituals especially as opposed to or as impulse on college campuses seeking membership to up
Terney orsa reading okay so yeah and then the definition of haze is forced to perform strenuous simulating or a dangerous task so that’s the definition of hazing essentially and haze but yeah I don’t I don’t know like I do just personally feel like hazing is a themed
And it still exists in our Greek life community but it is done on different levels it’s done in different ways and I just want to say to the members out there who do believe in these tactics and stuff like that that I don’t even
Know what to say to y’all but I do want to say to the people who are interesting in these organizations you can always say no don’t ever feel like you have to go with the flow and I’m speaking from personal experience because I didn’t ever feel like I could say no because I
Was not thinking about myself I was thinking okay my sister’s you know I’m saying like like I wasn’t thinking in the beginning I’m saying by myself but towards when I really got in it and I was really like beat in the head as far as like you have to understand it’s not
Just about you not physically beat I was not being it so clumsy no but I’m talking about you know somebody try to beat a something into your mind so that you know for a fact that this is what it is and the fact of the matter was that
It was not all about me and once I learned that I knew like you know it’s not all about me I can’t just say no and then you know I’m saying so like you can always say no just understand that sorry this video was so long but I hope you
Guys enjoyed it don’t forget to Like comment subscribe and I’ll see you guys in the next video