Stoneman college is hosting a public meeting for helping to remove asbestos the free the meeting is regarding redevelopment plans for the martin luther king jr and the frank h m williams dormitories stillman wants to redevelop the building this meeting will be held thursday november 4th at 5 30 p.m at the harold
Stinson auditorium on stillman’s campus and if you were over near stillman college today chances are you smelled some yummy food cooking it was all a part of stillman college’s divine nine greek organizations cook-off the sororities and fraternities there faced off in a cooking competition judged by
Stillman faculty and staff as well as a celebrity judge william bryant jr from hit tv series greenleaf we caught up with him and stillman college president dr cynthia warwick at the cook-off today we’ve got celebrity judges who are here to decide who has the winning formula it’s been such an amazing experience
Already i want to thank weber for these grills and all these beautiful students for all the amazing food i’m about to eat so yeah i’m just judging the contest and whoever makes the best burger is the winner tune in to wvua 23 news at six tonight
To see just what bryant looks for in that winning burger