I’m just kind of like going off the top of my dome with this video i didn’t really write any questions down y’all know how i am i just start talking and it just goes i guess um i’m not much of a scripted person so y’all won’t get a lot of that for me
Unless it’s like a q a what is up you guys welcome back to my channel excuse my hair if it looks like a hot mess um i am in the process of restarting my locs which i’ll probably have like a whole different video talking about that because y’all know
I go off on tangents which isn’t really good because i like to talk but hold on i feel like my lips is ashy and like i said y’all be telling me my lips is ashy so we ain’t gonna do this today okay anywho um
So yeah sorry if i look like a hot mess first off first and for foremost let’s get into my nails this will be posted on my site this is the last of my fall nails because you know valentine’s day is about to come up and your girl gotta
Start pushing the sets out i will also be changing my brand as far as my nail company just a little bit um but yeah caramel macchiato will be posted on the site i’ll make sure it gets posted today i said that about another set i did and i never posted it but
Yeah um so about this video yeah i really just wanted to address a lot of things that i’ve either had people ask me about um undergrad versus grad chapter or things like i hear a lot of people in undergrad say or things i’ve seen them do i’m just like um really
So let’s start with the number one question is does graduate chapter stroll do graduate chapters scroll scroll stroll yes majority i will say i can’t speak for everybody but majority of grad chapters that i know of they struggle they might not be as intricate as an undergrad stroll it might not be
A lot of movements but yes graduate chapters do stroll like i said it probably won’t be a lot of movements or too much going on but graduate chapters have their own like particular strolls to certain popular songs that you would expect a sorority or fraternity to stroll to
Piggybacking off of that do grab chapters step yes grad chapters do step if you don’t know there’s a difference between strolling and stepping um i’ll probably put like little descriptions up here so you guys can understand it because i don’t know if this is your first time watching a great video or not
I’m just trying to give you all the information that i know of okay um yes we do have step competitions around like either nationals or regionals time it just depends on that regional um what they agreed upon but during nationals we have step shows where different grad chapters
Or when i say regionals or nationals i’m talking about conferences too but we at the national conference we used to have when we were able to meet uh step shows so certain chapters would sign up just like any other undergrad step show you would sign up with your
Chapter and y’all would come up with a routine um and you would perform in front of people and we actually like bought tickets and stuff to go see them stuff so in that aspect yes grad chapters do step competitively um one big misconception i think i mentioned it in a previous video
Is whether or not a grad chapter member is made or paper i don’t like this term i feel like it pits us against each other when we’re supposed to be like one brotherly or sisterly unit i feel like it constantly like creates a divide between the two where undergrad
Sees themselves as a little bit more better in a sense than grad chapter because we didn’t go through the same process but my thoughts behind it is i don’t agree with hazing nobody should ever agree with hazing but it still happens and I understand why some fraternities and sororities do the things that they do because of tradition or that’s the way that they were brought in and to me because of the millennial generation i feel like even though we follow those certain rules even though we follow certain rules and like initiation um
Stipulations i guess you could say at a certain point like it has to stop like at a certain point it has to stop because a lot of times people do unnecessary things such as pre-pledging and i’ll put like a description of what pre-pledging is everybody has their own definition of pre-pledging but
This is just what i found um and i’ll tell you guys my thoughts about it if you want to know of my commentary i guess on what pre-pledging is and what it consists of i’ll make a whole separate video about that if you guys are interested but i believe that
Trying to separate and divide undergrad and grad chapters it’s i want to say disrespectful it’s just a little bit confusing to me because if we’re supposed to be sisters or brothers for fraternities like it shouldn’t matter whether or not on paper or if you’re made like everybody has their own process
Everybody goes through things differently everybody wants to experience things differently i will say that during undergrad you create a stronger bond with your sisters or brothers those who are part of your line and also your pro fights any neophytes that you have you create a stronger bond
I believe because you go through that process for so long with these same people as opposed to grad chapter where because we’re more of a business organization at that caliber or that level you don’t spend as much time together like secluded i guess i don’t know i’m trying not to like say
Anything about the undergrad process to that’ll get me in trouble one because i only know the undergrad process that my family members have gone through and what they told me and i haven’t gone through it myself as you all know i’ve done graduate chapters so the process is completely different You