The journey into our wondrous band of Phi Beta Sigma began right here on the campus of Seton Hall University a shy introverted kid the son of West Indian parents from East Orange New Jersey we see I thought I understood what was happening in this moment in my life I knew I was joining
The greatest fraternity known to man however today I stand here at the birthplace of my life in Sigma knowing that this time in my life was so much more than I ever anticipated or dreamed you see though I possess the intellect to be accepted into this illustrious
University I was still much like many students struggling to support the education financially that would support my future searching Within for the tools that will mold me the tools that will help to secure my future to help to support and build a family to become the person the professional the
Man the man of God the man of faith God was striving to be but somehow with God’s grace I did it but I didn’t do it alone the gift of Brotherhood that was afforded to me right here on this very campus through my commitment to this great fraternity
Of ours the access to support and mentorship which guided me mentored me had acknowledged gifts within me that I couldn’t even see Within Myself those were qualities that were first manifested in me as a Collegiate right here at Seton Hall University the determination to stay the course the
Vision to see something greater than just me and the passion to inspire others to join me on that Journey it was that determination passion and vision that drove me to leave that drove me to lead as an associate director in 1997 when Brothers like David M Samuel and so many others in
This great region of ours sawing me something and pushed me to lead moving on as a young graduate to become Regional secretary in our great region and then taking time away to focus on career and family important things that every Sigma man should focus their lives and their attentions on but now my
Brothers I come before you today because it is that same passion that same determination and that same Focus that drives me today as I seek to become the 28th eastern regional director of Phi Beta Sigma fraternity Incorporated and let’s focus on those ideals that we all trust and believe so Faithfully in
Brotherhood scholarship and service but most importantly let’s remember Brotherhood over everything Thank you