Welcome back brothers and sisters uh into uh our uh lecture for unit 11 uh in this part two we are going to uh discuss further uh the topic on Islamic human development index or HD Islamic human development index uh comprehensive measure of human develop vment the human development index or HDI
Developed by the United Nations development program un DP is a widely used indicator for measuring human development however Muslim economists have recognize certain limitations in the HDI and and emphasize the importance of considering social cultural and moral Dimensions alongside Economic Development this lecture inshallah in part two explores the concept of the
Islamic human development index or E which integrates material and non-material dimensions of welfare within an Islamic perspective drawing on the framework of Mak Shar the offers a comprehensive approach to measuring human development chaa highlights the significance of considering social cultural and moral dimensions in Economic Development material aspects alone are
Insufficient as non-material Dimension impact mental peace and Collective happiness Hassan and Ali present alternative methods of building makas Shar for developing countries in the Muslim majority World emphasizing the need for a holistic approach to development defining the Islamic human development index the is a development concept rooted in the maid Shar
Terminology encompassing both material and non matural welfare Dimensions Rahman and asari proposed the II as a comprehensive measure of human development in an Islamic perspective researchers such as Anto idin and Rama and Yu have further developed the DD concept the five basic need of sh the measures a development based on five
Fundamental human needs derived from Mak sh these needs are religion de life ANS intellect family and wealth Al according to IM Al gazali these basic needs known as must be fulfilled failure to meet them may lead to the deterioration of individuals in society table two presents the operation oper
Operationalization of the EHD concept illustrating how these five basic needs are measured the welfare non-material welfare index the N Dimension Ain the indicator is are worship and morals the data the amount of zakat income the number of people on Haj and in moral the crime rate uh the second dimension is ANS or
Life the indicators are life expectancy and health in life expectancy the data that we are looking at is life expect expectancy figures in health we look at portion of Health budget the third is Al or intellect indicate is a mean years of school the data uh mean years of school
And second indicator is education the data is portion of education budget the third dimension uh the fourth dimension uh is anoun anas or family the indicators are inhabitant uh and unemployment the data uh uh population for inh inance and unemployment rate for unemployment and uh finally for the
Second uh part of welfare which is uh related to material welfare index the dimension is alal or wealth the indicators are wealth ownership poverty and gening the W uh the data for wealth ownership uh uh per capita where indicator for poverty uh is amount of poverty and the data for Genie
Is a genie ratio one a dimension of religion religion plays a vital role in fostering a fulfilling and prosperous individual and social life it presents enriches Life by instilling values meaning and productivity according to toin b as quoted by chaa moral Improvement and social solidarity are unattainable without the moral sacredness that
Religion provides Rel religious influence extends to behavior lifestyle preferences and attitudes toward oneself and others making it an integral part of individual and Collective life Faith and morality as essential elements of religion religion encompasses two significant aspects faith and morality Faith guides individuals and Societies in understanding the purpose of life
Emphasizing accountability for one’s action this standing encourages people to live well and wisely the consequences of faith in God manifest in the form of moral values acts of worship such as congre uh congregational prayer fasting charity or zakat and pilgrimage or H contribute to the development of a harmonious social environment strengthen
Fam’s social solidarity and enhanced care and cooperation among individuals faith and morality mutually reinforce each other promoting human well-being and overall societal strength dimensions and indicators of religion as mentioned in jir A’s work identifies Justice compassion wisdom and goodness as integral dimensions of religion other Scholars have developed additional dimensions and indicators to
Evaluate religion such as value systems motivation and education Ali and Hassan proposed reserving religion through zakat religious education allocating time for studying religion and adopting a balanced approach Anto takes a positive and negative approach to selecting indicators for religious Dimensions considering actions that strengthen or weaken religious beliefs
And practices both in worship and morality Rahman and Yu incorporate faith and morality as indicators with faith represented by the number of individuals performing religious duties and morality indicated by crime rates in corruption perception overall the dimension of religion is represented by faith and morality with faith measured by the number of
Believers and Har pilgrims and morality reflected in the level of crime religion plays a significant role in shaping individual and soci social well-being it provides moral guidance purpose and accountability and influencing Behavior values and attitudes faith and morality as essential elements of religion promote personal and colle Ive growth various dimensions and indicators
Have been proposed to assess religion encompassing Justice compassion wisdom and goodness along with value systems motivation and education by acknowledging the impact of religion on human well-being and incorporating appropriate indicators policy makers and researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the interplay between between religious values individual behavior and societal
Outcomes this understanding can guide efforts to promote positive religious practices strengthen moral values and Foster inclusive and harmonious societies second enough’s dimension of Life maintaining the well-being of the soul is a vital aspect that requires careful attention a healthy virtuous and non-destructive soul has far-reaching positive implications for an
Individual’s productive life and their so social environment conversely a neglected and sick Soul can inflict harm upon itself and its surrounding Al gazali rim emphas excise the protection of the Soul through the implementation of Retribution laws such ASAS and diad for cases of criminal murder in a contemporary context Scholars like Chapa
Have expanded on earlier teachings by aali and Albi to present a comprehensive perspective on the preservation of the human soul chaa has highlighted several key aspects of preserving life and nurturing the human soul in to their societies these aspects include one dignity fraternity and social equality emphasizing the importance of treating
Every individual with dignity fostering a sense of Brotherhood and striving for social equality second Justice promoting fairness and equity in all aspects of Life ensuring that individuals receive their due rights and opportunities three spiritual and moral Improvement encouraging personal growth self-reflection and the development of virtuous qualities four security of Souls and
Property ensuring the safety and protection of individuals and their belongings five Freedom respecting individuals Liberties and providing a conducive environment for personal growth and expression six education facilitating access to Quality education for all empowering individuals with Knowledge and Skills seven good governance advocating for accountable and transparent governance promoting
Social justice and Welfare it fulfillment of needs addressing the basic needs of individuals including food shelter and Health Care nine employment and self-employment promoting opportunities for Meaningful work and Entrepreneurship enabling individuals to contribute to society 10 Equalization of income and wealth striving for a just distribution of wealth and income reducing social economic
Disparities 11 marriage and proper Child Care recognizing the importance of stable families in providing a nurturing environment for children’s well-being 12 family and social solidarity encouraging strong familial and social bonds fostering support networks and cooperation 13 minimization of crime and enemies creating a safe and harmonious social environment through effective
Crime prevention and social integration 14 mental peace and happiness prioritizing prioritizing mental well-being and promoting factors that contribute to peace and happiness Anto offers insights into the positive and negative aspects of Life Care positive aspects Encompass ensuring a healthy life from birth while negative aspects involve addressing issues such as drug prevalence in
Smoking Ali and Hassan focus on individual level exams for Life maintenance which include safety Health proper time utilization recreational activities and physical fitness more recently Rama and Yu have developed indicators for Life maintenance encompassing life expectancy and employment opportunities freedom and the provision of basic needs drawing from previous research Scholars have explored
Various dimensions of Life maintenance and develop approaches to nurturing the human soul these perspectives emphasize the significance of factors such as life expectancy health safety education Justice and social cohesion by embracing a holistic approach that encompasses physical mental and spiritual well-being individuals and societies can work towards fostering a harmonious and
Fulfilling existence for all three Al Dimension or intellect enhancing intellectual development Al Dimension referred to as educational or intellectual in Mak sh terminology hold significant importance defines the Pres preservation of reason as safeguarding human intellect from anything that may impair enhancing the intellect through means such as Education and Research is highly
Recommended and forms a crucial part of intellect preservation reason serves as an indispensable tool that plays a votal role in advancing knowledge and capabilities of individuals and communities Al gazali regards reason as the source starting point and the foundation of knowledge through reason individuals can acquire the knowledge
Necessary for their time leading to better life Islam highly respects and upholds reason as evident from various quranic references to intelligent individuals IU even asserts that all Islamic teachings encompassing cre worship and M dve from Quran and Sunnah do not contradict reason anything blatantly contrary to reason is deemed
Invalid possessing a strong and comprehensive knowledge Foundation holds immense value in life productivity progress and social welfare and and uh productivity progress and social welfare improving science and technology is fundamental to human development and Welfare playing a pivotal role in achieving goals several efforts contribute to maintaining reason including education emphasizing maid in
Text interpretation establishing libraries and research facilities promoting freedom of thought and expression recognizing and rewarding creative individuals in providing financial support additional measures Encompass the development of a scientific mindset promoting educational Journeys discouraging blind imitation or t mentality and limiting The Brain Drain of experts abroad Anto further expands on the dimension of
Intellectuality defining it through two aspects one education represented by the level of education and the population of educational institutions and two scientific Works represented by levels of literacy pattern numbers and publication counts Rama and Yu developed the concept of in intellectuality by considering indicators such as access to educational institutions represented by
The number of schools and educational outcomes represented by literacy levels in the present context research May focus on on access to education represented by many years of schooling and the education budget as critical factors enhancing Al an dimension of intellectuality is crucial for personal and societal development by embracing reason
Fostering education supporting research and promoting intellectual growth socities can progress achieve their goals and Advance the well-being of their members for a n a n uh Dimension or family the importance of family and ancestry in Islamic development family and ancestry hold significant importance in the development of Islam elaborated on the dimension of
Anas emphasizing family relationships and moral values as fundamental needs that must be Fulfilled instilling various values within uh the household is essential to ensure the production of good productive and thriving of of off Springs morality as the first value plays a crucial role in building a strong generation moral guidance from childhood supported by strong family institution is essential descendants
Have a vital role in perpetuating the cycle of life as determined by Allah al- verse one Islam recommends the the maintainance of strong Offspring in all aspects Scholars have outlined several key principle that shape the dimension of family protection and the welfare of future Generations including marriage family life solidarity Mor morality home
Engagement in Shar compliant activities respect for family members and religious practices for children Anto develop both positive and negative approaches to identify indicators of posterity preservation the positive approach examines the ratio between the actual and expected number of families based on fertility rates while the negative approach considers mortality rates uh
Divorce rates and incidence of Family Violence in a recent study by Rama in yu three indicators for family preservation are introduced fertility rates divorce rates and infant uh infant uh Mort mortality rate high fertility rates indicate a strong commitment to the sustainability of future Generations while high divorce rates and infant
Mortality rates post threat to human stability and survival the current study expands on the dimension of family preservation with two additional indicators population and unemployment rate a high population indicates a strong commitment to the growth and development of future generation Generations within marital bonds conversely a high and unemployment
Rate signifies weak Family Protection as it reflects lower level of productivity the emphasis on family and an and ancestry within Islamic teachings highlights their crucial role in fostering moral values nurturing future generations and ensuring the well-being of society by prioritizing family welfare promoting moral guidance and addressing key indicators societies can
Contribute to the preservation and advancement of their future generation five alal Dimensions or wealth the significance of wealth in Mak sh and its impact on well-being in the Mak sh terminology alali and Sh Place wealth as the last order among the five makid following religion Soul reason and
Ancestry this hierarchy is based on the understanding that the other four Mak have significant implication for material well-being the term Mal has evolved and Encompass a so social economic concept such as social assistance Economic Development distribution of wealth and a prosperous Society however this does not imply that wealth is a
Less important as cha suggests wealth holds its significance within the broader framework of achieving good and fah or success property serve as an essential tool in reducing poverty and realizing General Welfare the concept of general welfare is closely tied to the fair and honest management of wealth and property
Islam emphasizes the importance of property ownership and the equitable distribution of wealth in society as a means to achieve spiritual moral and physical development this the preservation of wealth as outlined by Amin at all includes the protection of property and assets the acquisition and development of wealth and the effective management
Of resources Anto further expands on wealth preservation by considering property ownership property growth and property distribution as crucial elements additionally Rama and Yu propos three indicators for wealth preservation wealth ownership represented by per capita income wealth growth represented by GDP growth and wealth distribution represented by gen coefficient in the current study the
Dimension of wealth is assessed through two indicators wealth ownership represented by economic growth or J GDP per capita and poverty indicated by measures such as the amount of poverty the death of poverty and the severity of poverty this approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of the overall level of
Well-being by considering wealth within the framework of Mak Shar societies can strive for fair wealth distribution poverty reduction and overall Improvement in the well-being of individuals and communities balancing material prosperity with the pursuit of high objectives higher objective outlined by makas Shar ensures a holistic approach to wealth management in societal
Development enhancing development measurement the EHD provides a comprehensive tool for measuring human development from an Islamic perspective by considering the material and non-material dimensions of welfare in offers a more holistic understanding of development outcomes the EHD framework acknowledges the the importance of so social cultural and moral aspects alongside economic indicators by
Utilizing this index policy makers can assess and monitor progress in a manner that aligns with Islamic principles and values in conclusion development is a complex and multi-dimensional process encompassing both materals and non-material aspects in order to achieve Collective welfare it is essential to consider not only material values but
Also spiritual and non-material values Islam present a holistic concept of welfare development through the Mak Shar framework which emphasizes the preservation and safeguarding of religion life so or Soul intellect descendence and property within this context the Islamic human development index o has been developed to translate development Concepts into an Islamic
Perspective using analytical tools based on the five basic needs outlined in sh