Good evening everybody and thank you so much for uh joining us tonight we are continuing in our Series in positive thinking if you are missing the uh or are looking for the previous uh classes there was a uh there is a uh Link in a recording for those of you
That missed and you want to catch up I thought this is an important uh series to to uh record we started at the end of the summer and um we have you know another uh we have a long way to go to kind of like really Master these ideas
Um and if anyone wants any of the recordings or the sheets that accompany the recordings please let me know I’m happy to share them last week we spoke about the power of speech and how the power of speech impacts the uh the mind and tonight we’re going to speak a
Little bit about the power of flaw just a reminder again that the class tonight is in memory uh for all those who are lost on October the 7th and also the for all those that are still held captive all those that need should have one those that are are taken should be
Returned soon okay so um gar in y tells us that sinful thoughts are worse than the sin itself and the question is how can that be true why is it that a negative thought a sinful thought over here says why is it that that is worse
Than the action itself okay so the is actually a we have two different that speak about it a little differently and it say over here that when you have a negative thought God does not and you don’t take it into action God does not go ahead and think
Of it as something that actually occurred which stands in in contrast in contradiction to the above okay however you look at the bottom part so if you have a thought that does not produce any fruit okay it does not link it to any action and therefore there’s no sin so two different opinions
One says that sin sinful thoughts are worse than this in itself but another one makes a distinction the K makes a distinction that says that what how does this work it operates like this you can have a negative thought but if that negative thought doesn’t actually materialize in something that is
Tangible and real therefore you are safe it’s not a sin it’s one thing to have the thought it’s a whole other thing to have the action thought leads to action now this is a f ating conversation because then the mik don’t really understand these as straightforward as we’ve read right
Nowaka in Source number three makes the distinction into a four he breaks this down into four different categories he says as follows he says there something called thought versus action consider he says consider the mind as our most pristine unspoiled space tting with negative thoughts can be viewed as even
More damaging than the physical wrongdoings it underscores significance of the mental integrity and therefore from a thought versus action the thought what’s happening in your head is a greater expression of reality than what happens in the material world that is one opinion we’re going to explain what
All these things are then he says also pristine thoughts it’s one thing to make a mistake once or twice but it’s far more challenging to break a cycle of reoccurring negative thoughts like that earworm of song that that won’t fade repetitive harmful thoughts that can be
That can be a tough Habit to kick we often have a a a cycle of thoughts and I’ll break this down that happen in our mind and we’re constantly you know those of you that are are uh you know news uh consumers uh you know and are glued to
Uh you know uh X formerly known as Twitter uh or um you know watching you know you’re constantly reloading jpost or whatever you know Times of Israel or Wall Street Journal whatever your news source is you’re you’re looking your your brain is wired to hear this negative stuff over and over again and
Therefore you’re creating a negative pattern where you actually created Addiction in your mind believe it or not every time you hear news there’s a little bit of Serotonin that kicks into your head even if it’s negative and you your body keeps reinforcing the Mind keeps reinforcing the thought over and
Over again so so your pre your your your your persistent thoughts are of something that is constantly being pushed to the front of your mind is a problem especially if it’s negative premeditation weight the gar might be uh stressing the seriousness of plan planning at or misdeed when someone
Intentionally plots wrongdoing they may Resort Extreme Measures to see it through reving the depth of their commitment to that to that course meaning if you have a negative thought in your mind you wanted do something really terrible and if you constantly think about it over and over again it
Leads to a physical action and the fact that you’re actually thinking about how to commit that particular uh negative uh you know action uh becomes a reality and that is where the sin uh lies lingering thought versus decisive action the ran posits that the gar could be emphasizing
The aftermath of a sin where residual thought persists meaning once you’ve actually committed the crime and now the thought of the actual ver is still lingering there it’s crucial to distinguish between fleeting sinful Temptations and concrete resolution to act rahan suggests that transient thought should warrant severe consequences given the uncontrollable
And often fleeting nature yet I’d argue that the role of proactive thinking yet I’d argue that the role of proactive thinking in essence poses the ability to cultivate environment of fostering various thoughts and that inherent responsibility making or not making that choice or what the uh raak is actually
Saying over here that there’s a difference between having some thought that is just staying in the back of your mind versus doing something about it and going ahead and concretizing it now we all have this this idea of there being uh thoughts that constantly you know
Emerge in our mind like so for example if I told you you know uh please for the next 10 seconds do not think about monkeys right don’t think about monkeys don’t think about chimpanzees don’t think about horses it’s very hard to stop your thoughts when you’re told to do something when you’re proactively
Working on something it’s very hard to control your mind and therefore um it’s almost impossible to stop thinking about something that’s the nature of the mind and we’ll see this we see we’ll see this later on the path that you want to go on that’s the path that you’re taken on so
Once you on a once you have a particular course of action a thought in your head is very very difficult in uh very difficult to stop that particular thought especially when it’s negative but I want to explain to you what why the gar I think this is this this
Explains why the G makes even asks even quotes that why there’s even a to think that sinful thoughts are worse than the action itself that’s that’s what I want to kind of like get to because this is a class my thought last week we spoke about how words matter because words
Shape our thoughts and I want to explain to you today why the thought is like the most profound expression of our truths so the zor points out there are four spiritual Dimensions okay and everything that a person does in life is reflected in these four spiritual Dimensions so let’s
Talk about aute what’s aute aute means emanation okay and that is the highest Dimension a person’s soul descends to our world from that Dimension it represents the realm where Divine Light and energy are undiluted and close to their Source meaning the word of aute is a place where the spiritual reality is
Expressed in its truth and all of our physical reality is just a dumb down expression of that spiritual truth you are sitting in this room right now because there is a spiritual truth that is happening in a spiritual plane that spiritual plane has spiritual energy that comes down and somehow transfers to
Physical energy and that’s what makes you and I are able to be in a room together right now sharing these ideas thinking about these thoughts everything in the phys physical world this lect turn is here as an expression of something that is happening on a spiritual plane and therefore in the
World of aute in the world of emanation that highest Dimension that is the world of truth that is the that is the highest for that is the highest expression of reality then you have something called Bria that’s dimension of creation Bria the second level from ail to Bria coming
Down into the physical world that is the place where a person’s thoughts are rooted Bri is a place of where creation begins to take form that is in thought then beneath that it that’s the dimension of formation that is the world of human speech and then after that you have the
World of that’s the dimension of action so you see there’s a spiritual plane where your souls live okay the teach us that you are alive because your the toe of your soul dips itself into your body your body is a shoe for the soul maybe that’s why the bottom of your shoe is
Called the soul he I I don’t know but the uh the the idea is that your your goof your body is the soul for your shoe that means there’s a higher part of your spiritual selves that are projecting itself downward from a spiritual plane to a physical plane and whatever you and
I have here is the lowest parts of who we are and therefore there’s a imagine like there are four cogs that are interconnected this I and um umut all interconnected and when one of those Wheels turn the other four move as well so in the world of emanation in that that higher spiritual
Plane when there’s a cog that moves there it goes into thought speech action and it goes the other way around as well meaning it goes to the world of action to speech thought and it goes upwards as well it goes both ways [Applause] the we sing on Shabbat in we
Say what does that mean at the end of an action the end of a creation we just know that which means that if you’re seeing someone do something you’re seeing them doing ex Behavior okay the action is there know that that action was the result of a thought there is no AC that
Happens spontaneously without thought and therefore if you see someone behaving in a specific kind of way you can deconstruct that action and actually arrive at a thought you we do this with children very easily we do this all the time with kids you don’t realize it you see a
Child do something you ask them why did you do that you want to ask them what were you thinking what what what was it that led you to to behave this particular way and they’ll tell you a thought always every child I have six of them and uh they
Always come up with these very creative answers as to why they’re justified in doing what they’re doing but the action is always predicated on a thought yes I’m wondering is there difference between ACC to what saying between cons and subconscious thought there are you’re just categorizing thoughts yeah
No there’s diff there there there are differences between conscious and subconscious thought there’s no question about it but what I’m talking about is only conscious thought I’m not talking about subconscious subconscious thought is a whole other conversation you know because the question is are you aware of your subconscious thoughts and and and
And so and therefore you know um if you’re not aware of your subconscious thought are you in control of that thought we’re talking about the awareness of a thought when a thought actually is being pushed into your head like the elephant or the monkey the feeling of negativity I’m feeling
Stressed right now I’m feeling overwhelmed I’m feeling helpless and hopeless what’s happening to the world why is this changing why is it happening why are those thoughts that are happening over and over again not the subconscious on a subconscious level that’s a whole other conversation you
Can make an appointment I’m happy to sit you down in my office we could talk about that later but as far as the conscious stuff that’s happening at the Forefront that you’re aware of the things that I believe that you’re actually in your control the one thing that that most of
Us forget is that you can learn to control your thoughts and and for most people especially most people in the world today most people allow their thought to control their actions right it’s just like a feel or a feeling even worse to control your actions the worst thing you could
Possibly do is allow a feeling to control your actions I know it sounds weird because like do you mean your feelings or your feelings we’ hear that all the time your feelings are not you your feelings are a u are the uh your your body’s way of informing you of
Something but not dictating what you should do a feeling makes you aware of something you’re supposed to respond to it but the the the not not a response and action our response in well un thought why am I feeling this way right now is this feeling a true feeling
Because feeling do not always express truth feelings are very tricky they’re very very deceptive they’re not always expressing truth and therefore it is an adult responsibility to make that distinction between an emotion and a thought the motion asking the question why am I feeling this way and the
Thought is what’s the what’s the proper response in the situation I’m in right now yeah I just people An right process things um your ability to analyze and come to things throughout right 100% it is to very much in the Forefront of Our Lives which is why by the way if you look at M SCH one of the greatest and the wisest man of all what does he say he
Says right man has all kinds of thoughts but at the end of the day it’s God’s plan that’s going to be accomplished which is why we’re related to we’re related to what’s that number I’m a number number seven on page number two so I’m to related to what’s going on
Right now because I you know when I originally when I originally started the series uh which wasn’t too long ago I I wasn’t worried about you know um programs and uh and mass riots uh you know I I my my intention of preparing these classes was just because we live
In a world that’s so stressful you know how do we how do we respond to our thoughts how who’s in control of how we feel and um and you know so much of what’s happening in the backdrop right now has kind of changed a lot of my own
Thinking on on the matter and I think it’s even more important today it’s so much more important today we got phone calls last week from people you know asking shot about taking that about you know should they wear a keie outside should they put away their stars of day
Should they be holding a flag out in their home like these are terrifying questions you know and like Kaneka is a few weeks away should I put a kanuki on the window going to be coming up soon you know like people are going to be thinking those question these are
Question are coming up already and um you know um and each person by the way has to ask their own questions and their own L their local their LS um and and get their own answers um but um ultimately you know um my my opinion is that don’t be afraid of anything right
Now you’re creating fictitious expressions of fear that don’t exist 90% of the things that you worry about don’t happen right there’s no reason why any of you should be feel like you’re in danger right now cuz you’re not in danger right now barem you live in a in
A great place IR respective of What’s Happen I’m not saying it’s it’s free you’re just do whatever you want I’m not saying you should be cautious and Vigilant but I’m saying that what’s happening around you okay the negativity what’s happening in the streets in my opinion is for sure all part of hamas’s
Plan they’re way too organized it’s too fast there’s something behind all of this we’ll find that in a few years from now but all the everything that’s happening around the world is not just an accident this is all part of their plan to destabilize the Jewish Community
There’s one thing that’s a fact when am is is together and so much what’s happening what happened in the last two weeks is a clear expression of we see that happening in Israel I mean every sh is doing different things you know I had
A Sho one of the shs I’m a part of in in uh in Five Towns we had every single once a week we have a community we get together as a community we do something for Israel two weeks ago we put you know 3 weeks ago we did did letters two weeks
Ago we did packages children for the for for families in Israel last week we did T SE this week we’re going to do like food and whatnot for we’re just we’re constantly doing things right all theim that is being said all the thoughts the the pausing the reflectiveness all that
Positive action we believe is is is real it’s palpable there’s energy behind it and therefore the aod before this whole thing that happened I I would argue that avod of our time is the head the mind and now all the more so it proves to me
That the is still the head because thear is attacking us in the place where you are the weakest right you were born at this particular time in history because you have the power of overcoming the challenges that you are in you do not hasem does not put a into the world at a
Time where there’s chance that they cannot overcome you’re here because you have the power within you to overcome the circumstance that you are in and therefore if you are living in a time like we are right now where we’re seeing a tremendous rise in anti-Semitism and how that affects your your own personal
Health your own mental health your your own psychology so much of that is really in the power of your own hands how do we control negative thoughts how many times do we allow negative thinking to get in the way of us being happier healthy people right how many times do we say oh
You know I I get this all the time I’m people that are a child who’s preparing for a test and says I’m not going to pass I can’t pass this test I’m not going to do well I can’t overcome this it’s too challenging too then the neg the
Negativity starts in the world of briya and it works its way all the way down to the world of becomes your reality your negative thinking becomes your reality and therefore if you learn how to control your negative thoughts okay your reality is going to change the more you and I think of all
The negative things that are happening around us the more negativity more negative energy we bring back into the world we need we we need to make a shift within ourselves you you need to make a change you start thinking that negative things are going to happen to you God forbid
It’s going to start becoming your reality change your thinking you can change it I’m not saying there’s no cause to be alarmed there’s definitely cause to be alarmed out here there’s definitely crazy things happening in the world don’t be stupid I’m not saying everything’s a miracle just think
Positive things and flowers are going to come and birds are going to chirp and everything in the morning is be perfect that’s not what I’m saying I’m saying that when it comes to your thinking when it comes to the energy that you pull from a spiritual plane your thinking has
The ability of impacting your reality so you choose do you want to have negative thoughts or not do you want the negative thoughts to always be present because the what’s the response to negative thoughts let’s just ask that question is a response to negative thoughts oh I got to negative thought I
Have to stop thinking negatively because if if that’s what you’re doing you’re always going to be stuck in a loop you can you’re never going to get out of it how do you break out of negative thinking does anyone know what do people here do to break out of negative thinking
Yeah AC okay acceptance okay good what else yeah distract themselves distract yourselves Netflix okay what else yeah of the glass what’s that at the of the glass okay look at the positive count your blessings count your blessings that’s the positive sense of accomplishment okay that’s definitely one way a sense of accomplishment what
Else I call you you can call me that’s definitely good yeah challenge challenge the negative thought challenge the negative thought okay good what else breath work like meditation okay good bre breath work meditation is another way of doing it what else yeah do something proactive okay very good
Proactive L stopping it what else to understand to say that say that first to understand what and to understand that it’s Li only imag the negativity is fake yeah so it’s okay fine so so there’s two different paths to dealing with negative thoughts and I think there both of them
Can work and everyone in this room I’ll divide you into two different groups those of you that said you know um attack the negativity versus you know uh be Pro ly working on on something else like good okay there’s a third opinion which was just be just ignore it which
Is never a good thing don’t ignore don’t ignore it you can’t ignore it ready so I I will argue that um fighting the negativity never works fighting the negativity is the same way of me asking you to stop thinking about white elephants you’re not going to win that
Battle you’re always going to lose it you can’t defeat negativity by saying that I’m not going to I’m going to I’m going to to fight the negativity the way in which you’re able to overcome negativity is by thinking of something positive instead flip the script stop thinking about the negative
Things that can happen and start thinking about all the positive things that are going to become as a reality of your positive thinking that’s the only way to do it and by the way we do this to ourselves all the time someone calls you hey how are you doing today ah it’s
Such a bad day today it’s so hard Mondays hate Mondays what a hard two weeks it’s been you keep we keep reinforcing it without even realizing it we do it all the time in in small little conversations over and over again how many times you at night okay
There’s so many people that want to be here tonight and if you’re watching this you’re one of those people okay I really want to go to the class tonight but I’m feeling so tired I’m just exhausted you know I just maybe maybe I’ll watch on YouTube later you know like I just it’s
Just too hard for me and we when you do that you know what you do you sap all of the energy out of your your body once you start thinking about the things that you cannot do everything stops for you you I really want to go to the gym but I’m just I
Just feel so drained today I’m emotionally drained today I can’t and automatically that becomes your new truth can’t go anywhere I can’t do it I’m too tired I’m overwhelmed I don’t I don’t it doesn’t if you were a marine if you were if you went to West
Point and you were trained as a soldier when a soldier gets up in the morning it doesn’t matter how he feels the mission comes first period it doesn’t matter how you feel doesn’t matter what you want the mission is bigger than you that concept is something that all Jews understood understood and lived
With what is your mission do you want to be a negative person that draws negativity around their reality or do you want to be a positive person that’s constantly reinforcing and bringing positivity to your lives that’s a choice what’s your your mission who do you want to be do you
Want to be the person that’s always saying I know and I can’t and that becoming your reality no and I can’t or are you going to be the person that says you know what I’m always going to say yes I’m always going to do it I’m always
Going to think of I’m always going to be in a positive state of mind because I can accomplish so much more I actually printed out a uh a list I I didn’t print it for everybody I should have I printed like uh a whole bunch of Jewish sources
On on overcoming stress and a bunch of quotes and there there’s two me that I want to read right now worry is a down payment on a problem you may never have for every minute you’re angry you lose 60 seconds of Happiness ready you cannot always control what goes on outside but you
Could always control what goes on inside calm brings inner strength and self-confidence so that’s very important for good health like that that’s just the way it is breathing in I I calm my body breathing out I smile dwelling in the present moment I know this is a wonderful moment like you
Choose if you’re dep if you are depressed you’re living in the past if you are anxious you’re living in the future if you’re at peace you’re living in the present last one Marcus aelius you have a p you have power over your mind not out side events realize this and you
Will find strength yeah where is the line [Applause] and so I’m not really sure what repressing negativity actually means because um I think that we need to rep I think that you made it sound like repressing negativity is unhealthy I don’t think so you you might be confusing like you know creating a
Living in a fantasy world right you know that’s something else trying to do something that you’re not capable of doing is not what I’m talking about I’m talking about being able to control things within your means if you’re if you have negative thinking okay that is something within your
Control and I’m telling you the way to control it is to stop thinking about fighting the negative negativity and instead start creating a positive mindset if that system like the zor says works and it starts in thought your thought becomes your speech and your reality your thought is what what you’re
Pulling into this it goes upwards also that becomes your emanation you’re you constantly working on Tove right that famous story OFA at the end when he watches the temple you know burning and all the rabbis are crying and he starts laughing and they’re like what’s wrong with with
You you’re so insensitive and he says what do you mean he says if if this prophecy came true right they saw fox running on the Temple of mountain he said that means the rest is going to come true also why are you focusing on the negativity NE
Negativity I want you to know that I would I would if you would have told me you know 21 3 weeks ago that that the world would be where it is right now if you would have told me the beginning of sukot that in four weeks from now okay
There’s going to be riots in the street and people running through a dagani airport trying to kill Jews I’d say you’re insane if you have told me that Israel would be at War when we were about to sign peace deals in the Middle East I would say you’re crazy what are you
Talking about if you would have even tried to explain to me some of the things that the horrors that and the atrocities the barbarism that Kamas actually did on human beings I would have said you’re you’re crazy you’re reading too many like uh Stephen King books stop it right you’re you’re
Living in a world of Deion the world changed in an instant right Isaiah says that one of the we’re living at the end of times is that the truth will be lost we are living in a time where there is no truths anymore no one has moral Clarity no one
Knows what to do that’s the world we’re living in right now I have to explain to someone I I mean like the fact that there were people on campuses in America what’s happening on campus by the way is horrible you have no idea what’s going on whatever you’re hearing you’re
Hearing a small fragment of it it’s much worse it’s much worse being a Jew on campus today uh between the the uh the professor signaling out Jews uh student organization Student Life uh fraternities sororities government I mean it’s horrible what’s happening out there there massive lawsuits on
Campus okay it’s a little bit more civilized in I think in in the business sector a bit more civilized there for now but it’s much worse being a student today much worse being aent student today so if you had told me all that I would have said you’re
Crazy but this is our world right now this is the world that we’re living in right now so I could either just live in denial and just allow myself to consume all the negativity and feel helpless and hopeless which does not help anybody or I can make a choice and say you know
What I recognize the world is dangerous right now it goes through these things over and over again okay I remember this is I remember a similar time I’m not you don’t remember it maybe you do in 2001 2002 with intifa happening in Israel and there were bus bombings and explosions
There’s a similar sentiment happening in the world at the time not as bad as it is now but it’s still happening okay lots of protests pro-israel rally pro pro Palestine rallies and so on so happening in the world that we overcame that in a FL way this is something that
Gam this is a Fed but the question is when these moments come and they go what do we take away from it we either reinforce the negative helpless helplessness or we recognize that all this is divine because it cannot be explained through natural means it makes absolutely no sense none of it this
Whole thing is nonsensical it makes no sense there’s such a double standard when it comes to Israel there are massive human rights violations happening all around the world okay Russia just just went to war with Ukraine and did thousand no one asked how come Russia isn’t isn’t you know uh
Giving housing to the people that were moved from the Western borders to the Eastern Borders or or or provide food like it’s just a total double standard it makes no sense it makes no sense the only the UN has has has sanctioned Israel more than any other country I
Think it’s like it’s like two 200 to one more than more than than China Korea I mean like the whole the whole thing is crazy it makes no sense it’s m it’s a world of lies and if you and I know that this world is a world of lies that means
The world that you and I experience is not expressing truths besides Israel Israel’s trying to do it I hope I hope Israel’s trying to do it you know Israel is not perfect don’t get me wrong I love Israel I’ll fight for Israel till the end it doesn’t matter
For me but it’s not perfect you know I want I want I I I like to be grounded in truth you know two three weeks ago Israel was about to go into civil war with each other they were going crazy in Israel fighting infighting of the
Truth whatever it is I’m saying like but but but the one truth that should be the the most important truth to all Israelis irrespective of what they’re dealing with politically is that is we’re one nation we’re one people right and there has to be first before our politics when that’s
Missing right we get into trouble we are where we are because of infighting if there was no infighting you and I I don’t think we would be having this conversation right now it would be a different different reality but that how does that whole thing start how do that thing start in
Israel it’s very simple it’s me versus you it’s my negative thoughts versus your negative thoughts and we keep reinforcing it over oh the religious people oh the non-religious people oh and we keep playing that and we only think about the worst possible scenarios and we just create more and more
Division more and more division the protest make absolutely no sense you want to go ahead and solve the problem you holding a Palestinian flag or an Israeli flag won’t solve anything it’s a waste of time it’s a waste of energy it’s a foolish exercise I would love to
See a group of people not say you know U not about to make a fire I want to see one person holding an Israeli flag and a Palestinian flag and said let’s figure out how we can make peace that’s what I want to see everyone picking aside
Doesn’t help anybody at the end of the day we are all created in the image of God We Are All God’s Children all of us even animals are created those animals I’m sorry I’m just still angry I I I’m hearing I keep hearing those the trickling of the barbarism that happened
In uh in Israel and I it’s low you it’s not unimaginable and it’s painful and it was done on purpose to to inflict pain on me and on you and I’m not saying we I’m not saying we shouldn’t be angry don’t don’t misunderstand yeah we should be upset
And we should be angry at what Kamas did 100% but I’m not going to allow that anger to dictate my reality I’m not going to allow fear and intimidation by the world around me to get in the way of me thinking about the things I need to accomplish for myself and the world
Around me how many of you were feeling like you know I I gave a talk a week ago to um it’s a long story to KH Edison and um and um I I uh there was like I 300 people it was on a zoom call and there
Was lots of Jews and non-jews on the call and at the end of the call I took questions and a lot of the Jews felt like you know what why is it that none of my uh you know non-jewish colleagues have said anything to me how come no one
Has like ask me if I’m okay and I get that I totally feel the same way I get it why didn’t my non-jewish friends reach out to me so I said to the person I said did you call your your your supervisor and tell them that you’re not okay yes and then I
Res okay greata awesome that and that and and that’s all you need to know that’s what I said I said your responsibility is to go up to your supervisor tell them and if they don’t do anything they don’t respond anything then leave you’re not working in a healthy environment 100% but there I
Want you to know there are plenty of places where people went into their superiors and they said you know what and they and and that changed the dynamic in their office okay so so it it’s up to you to take action and express it but that’s the point I’m
Sharing all that because I understand that feeling I I I relate to it but how many of us have called our cousins friends and neighbors to see if they’re okay hey I haven’t spoken you in a while how you doing are you okay it’s been too
Long we going to wait for PIM to go ahead and think about the people you haven’t spoken to to give a basket to why are you waiting till that do it now right now in the same way that you’re feeling that you know you would love it if someone reached out to you
And to check in on you why don’t you reach out to somebody right now and find out how they’re doing have I’ve been thinking about you what’s going on it’s going a long time I haven’t seen you in a while how are you feeling how are you doing when negativity settles in the
Only person you can think of is yourself it’s only you that’s how you know it’s negative positive think allows you to think about other people in relationships when you have a negative mindset it’s only about you what have you done for me why didn’t
You do this why it’s only about you in a healthy relationship a loving relationship you know you’re always thinking about what can I do for the other person how am I giving back how am I supporting how am I helping how am I how am I how am I providing it’s a mindset
Look at number eight says yeah he says what does he say over here he says he says right at the end right the path that a person wishes to take that is the path that we assist him in bless you why is that why is that
Why is that reality okay on a calistic level you understand now why that’s true once you start moving your thoughts into a particular kind of way that opens up your reality you’re all familiar and I should have put this in here as a source we say
Uh know that which is above you is how it’s often translated it’s a famous Mish but the way in which the read it is like this know that what is above comes from you what your reality comes from above and that that force is an expression of your choices
Yeah correct 100% yeshu care the God’s salvation could happen in the blink of an eye 100% it could happen so you’re thinking on all the negative things and I’m saying choose to think of the positive things or how do we or or or or or stop thinking about the
Negative things by proactively reminding yourself of all the positive things so some people said like meditation taking in some breath some people said you know you know pausing for a minute distracting yourself you know go out do something but I will tell you that the things that help the most are the things
That are constructive you know you want to distract yourself go for a jog go for a walk you know sitting and doing nothing on the couch is not going to help you do something proactively good build create something positive it’ll change you forever I just
Want to read the mar and then I’ll take it who are the ones leading him number nine with every word thought and deed a person creates an angel that is a spiritual force that is either good or bad that is why the Gat tells us that a
Person is Led in the way he wants to go it means that those angel that those angels a person created by his desires and intentions are the fors that lead him in the direction he has chosen right the teach us is actually a famous uh idea in the midash it says
That when the Angels came down to loot in this week’s par and told him that there’s going to be destruction in the city they overemphasized the destruction as a result of they were punished and for 138 years they were not allowed to go up to shamay so the mid says that these are
The angels that spoke to load were the same angels that Yakov meets later that are going up and down the sulam up and down the ladder those are the they’re stuck that’s why they’re going back up and down they can’t go up coming back
And forth up and down up and down up and down because a little bit of negativity they were stuck they don’t have the right to go to to to express such negativity in the way that they did they went they stepped above and beyond there’s consequences for that that’s an
Angel right an angel has less of an effect on the spiritual realm you have a greater effect on the spiritual realm your actions shape reality your actions and thoughts give a to the material world the temple is destroyed because of thoughts theim says very clearly that when the reason why the temple was
Destroyed by Titus is not because of Titus he said it was destroyed destroyed already when he got there the worlds were broken the spiritual energy that allowed the walls of mdash to survive had to do with your actions and my actions your thoughts are my thoughts
The only way those walls can be broken down is if there was a spiritual cut to the walls themselves so when he got there the says he was grounding ground flour there was nothing there it was broken it was gone the walls were broken already he didn’t break the walls we
Broke the walls what’s happening in the world today is an expression of what you and I could have and should have been doing before this happened but I’m not thinking of the negative stuff what I didn’t do I’m only thinking about the proactive things I can do right now how
Many of you have volunteered since this happened 21 days ago how many of you have spent some time doing something positive for the people you know I I had a my have a cousin who just went to uh he was calling the draft and um he he
Has his family lives in menen which is one of the towns that was uh was was uh was uh almost there was it was one of the few towns where there there were actually terrorists like I didn’t but all of them were neutralized and um his parents were uh
His parents were making Aliyah and as a result of this they’re building a house in in that Community they’re building a house a brand they’re building a house in uh in in manen keep manen which is where he wants the opposite I’m going to do something positive I’m going to go to
The communities which where there is fear and I’m building my house and making I’m building a house in that Community where there was Fe where people are are thinking about leaving I’m going to show strength that’s a very powerful expression of of positivity but that’s what he’s doing
Right so this cousin of ours was at our house last uh this past uh Sunday and he had a few hours he was in Cleveland he was flying in he was going to to uh JFK he had like 5 hours before his flight he came to our house and the time that he
Was there we uh all of my children sat down and wrote letters to the soldiers we called some friends our neighbors hours within 45 minutes we had 75 letters for the soldiers just like that a little bit a little a little bit of thought what could we do for this person
And then we sent whatever we sent you know like candies and whatever it is for the bases and food and whatever whatever we could send we sent right but that’s what this time is this is the time for positive action like we said last week rebra says the two things that can
Protect you from the times of mhia is T so you’re here that’s great and last is the the purpose of learning torat is to get you to action is to get you mobilized to move how are you involving yourself don’t waste your time and and and wait for an opportunity to happen
Later I want you to know in the same way tomorrow mashia comes you know the one thing you’re all going to be thinking about is I can’t believe I didn’t do positive things I can’t believe I didn’t take that opportunity I should have made that phone call to that person I should have
Asked for I should have been more posit I should have I could have should have it’s going to happen like that it’s going to happen in an instant in the same way the whole world turned around it’s going to flip the other way also this is the time of it last so this
Is a Time for Action what are you doing how are you moving out of the negative space and working on the positive space so I have number 10 over here number 10 I wrote like this it says how can how can we Master thoughts that stream through our
Consciousness right that thought is B therefore when you have negative thought you’re going to be you’re going to go ahead and say it’s null null and void I’m going to replace I’m going to replace all negative thoughts with positive thoughts instead of I’m failing no I’m succeeding instead of I can’t do
It I can do it instead of saying it’s not it’s going to get worse it’s going to get better positive thoughts should never contain a reverence of any of our difficulties or shortcomings because our brain will return to focusing on those problems and will not be able to
Concentrate on the positive just think of positive things stop thinking about negativity I’ve seen this change people’s lives I’ve seen this in parents who are thinking about their children I have a parent who had had a kid who’s who’s like every single night they bet they wet their bed and they’re expecting it
Up tomorrow morning they’re fighting with the husband who’s going to who’s going to change the sheets tomorrow morning and change the the the the sheets I said to them like you know what your your your own negative thinking is reinforcing the negative behavior stop thinking negatively lot my friends are
Contagious there’s a famous story that’s told told by R he was learning a very ult piece of gar and he could not figure it out he spent he locked himself for three days in the m m three days the m m and he finally he finally got the
Clarity and walked away with an answer as he’s walking home he passes by he hears he he walks by AET and he hears a father and son learning exactly the same Su the same piece of that he was struggling with for three days and the father asks the son the same exact
Question he was struggling with and he’s curious now what’s the kid going to answer answer and the kid answers the same answer that it took him 3 days to figure out and he and he’s he’s so upset he goes to the Aral and he says re he’s
So upset he tells him what happened and the Reel says of course he’s said you spent three days figuring out the answer you brought the answer into the world you brought that power of that thought into the world right there’s stories of uh of the uh of the
Umf Caro he would he would um he would fast all day meditating on questions and finding answers at night he wrote a whole entire book about conversations he had with Malak that came to the middle of the night and gave him answers right and often for example what
He he when he he finished writing his his his massive work on Old that we all see today so he sent it to RHA Isis in in in Poland the Rama okay Ramos isit gets a cop copy of the and it’s it’s a work that he’s working on
Himself the same exact work that RAR is working on a spot this guy in Poland is doing exactly the same thing it’s not finished yet so what does he do he takes his manuscript and puts him the G he’s like I’m I’m not doing it two people different parts of the planet are
Thinking of exactly the same thing instead what does he do he says I’m just going to annotate my comments in a commentary on top of his work that’s what it is you understand that when you see the Rama when you see the little you know uh you know uh light light font the
Small light font under that is a man who’s writing exactly the same book had the same exact thoughts and says you know what I’m just going to add my commentary on this guy’s work because he already finished same thing how does that work there’s when you are drawing down thoughts into this
World if you make that our world’s reality and all I want to leave you with is this one simple concept we’re going to expand on it we going to take it a little bit differently next week we’re we’re going to we’re going to kind of do some more practical exercises for all of
Us um there is a uh one last quote I want to share with you for tonight and we’ll we’ll take questions and then we’ll uh we’ll call it a [Applause] night this is a quote from mishle it says if there is anxiety in man’s mind
Let him squash it and turn it to Joy with a good word this is this is what he’s talking about he says when you feel worried stressed you’re feeling that negativity turn it into something positive straight out here that this is the whole class is based on this one pasuk that’s all he
Says so simple so direct forget about all the things of negativity think forget about fighting the negativity you’re not going to win the Battle of negativity but if you could go ahead and take your that that is is is is paralyzing you how do you fight that do something positive it’ll make
You feel elated and happy you can control your negativity but just be mindful it’s not just the negative thoughts I’m talking about over here what I’m really ultimately saying is that your negative thoughts Define your reality and if you want to change your mits you want to change our mits you
Have to stop with the negative thinking and understand that your thoughts can turn this negative reality into one that is super positive we just need to get there together first on an individual level and then on a collective level my to each of you is that you recognize
That there is no negativity in the world the negativity in the world is an opportunity for growth there’s challenge in the world how you and I respond to it is what matters the most that’s all that matters I want you to be happy I want you to be
Healthy I want you to be blessed I want you to have all that is good that is waiting for it to be expressed in this world because I know it’s waiting there for you but if you constantly allow your mindset to remain in that Negative Zone know that that your reality that the
Challenge that you are facing right now is a result of your thinking it’s not the world that’s broken it’s not the world that needs to change it’s you that needs to change so my is you recognize that with a small adjustment of your own thinking you are able to fully see how that
Positive thinking changes your world the negative world around you into something that is so positive where all that which you are waiting for becomes answered soon very very soon thank you so much for coming um okay questions comments great class thank you let’s keep it positive any any okay
All right everybody uh one last thing some of you are here I was going to tell you I didn’t have a chance to send this out yet um there were supposed to be an Iceland trip that was happening over um Thanksgiving I decided that I am canceling the trip because I can’t
Guarantee anyone’s safety anymore I never thought I would say that right uh but I’ve run trips for 20 years um but I can’t take a in another country for a large group of Jews I I’m still committing to doing something that weekend I’m looking at several options
Uh on the East Coast specifically in Vermont um but I’ll let you guys know batem uh sooner than later it’ll be more affordable it’ll won’t be as Iceland was crazy expensive I did everything I could to keep the prices down but just going to Iceland is expensive um but um bashem
I’ll find an alternative that will be uh more exciting and I think I could have way more people if it’s more local anyway I have an amazing week everybody looking forward to continuing this conversation next week sh boy everybody yeah