Red and black I got two different versions of it for banjo I got the oldtime frailing which is the one I was showcasing most of uh frailing is also known as claw hammer uh bum Diddy knocking uh you’ll see some of those things and why they’re called that
Later on um I also know a bit of scrug style for banjo I will show off a little bit of that as well just so that could be seen as an option but no that it is not my Fork T so it is not exactly the best right now
And this is a really simple version of it it’s not going to be over the top so this is just kind of like rudimentary scrubs kind of stuff that you’ll See [Laughter] You throwing all kinds of embellishments in There or you could throw in A lots of band uh scrug style stuff uses the you know something simple like that but like I don’t have finger picks on me right now so otherwise I will not be playing that to the best of my ability but like I said frailing uh which is A uh simple kind of thing like that simple pattern chuga chuga chug chuga chug chuga bum Diddy bum Diddy bum didy bum didy um knocking also cuz it’s similar to just knocking on it your hand just moves up and down pretty much and I could do that all day and I
Can sing over to which is why I’m I’ll be showing that off More morning standing on W was among all others red And Red May M sing all our songs to are ever R to be my son for loyal to the Meory so there is a little bit of both there both are still work in progress so they’re still both a little bit rough but that’s kind of what I got going