How you doing youtubers my name is Shaheed Johnson I’m here to share with you all why I denounce my letters I was just a former member of Omega sapphire I pledge the fraternity and spring 2017 I just recently denounced about a year and a half later within my time I was a
Chaplain in the marsh Minister and just coincidentally I was the chaplain so I had to read my Bible to a certain degree I was the supporter mentally and spiritually for my fellow brothers at the time and so now I just have to read him more into my Bible and everything
I’ve decided to make that that choice and then stand to just announced this is all a personal conviction super excited though has been able to set me free and just I think it’s funny and ironic how God has been able to reveal and show me so many more different things just
Within the matter of four months that I’ve been in graduated then I’ve learned just throughout my college career in general and less long like I’ve learned more about God just stepping away from the fraternity then I’ve learned while in the fraternity and I had this strong conviction just trying to understand
Like okay a part of this organization I’m a child of God most people they say you know well how about you just you know don’t participate in the negative stuff don’t go to parties don’t get drunk don’t be wild don’t do all this crazy stuff right just do the good stuff let’s still
Participate in the community service let’s still go to church but see whenever I sign my name and like toe or maybe that I basically do such-and-such XYZ for the fraternity that’s what I did while I was in the fraternity but it’s just like a marriage but if you make
These covenants and you you take these oats which the Bible tells us not to take anyway in James 5 and 12 it’s like you basically marrying yourself to these organizations okay and it’s not a matter about what you do within the organization itself and I refer to greek-letter organization but once you
Find your name you’re in it’s just like you in the marriage until you’ve signed your name often you just nothing else to do with it so I’ve divorced the paternity I don’t want no more parts of it I’m super excited like I say just wanted to share this I pray
That this is able to encourage somebody who may not know this kind of information somebody who may be seeking an organization and just may not have been able to fully understand I know for myself personally I didn’t like reading so even though this information was provided to me and I actually read over
This online I wasn’t able to understand it until I put myself through it I knew I was having a hard time for just not necessarily know who I was because I always knew who I was but like I always feel like I needed to prove something to
Somebody and that’s me and even as women sometimes we feel like when people tell us we can’t do something we feel obligated to doing whatever it is that they said that we cannot do just to prove that we can’t in do it but see you don’t have to prove yourself to no man
You can read about that in Galatians 1:10 about like seeking the approval of man and you know it tells us if I whenever men affect and get that feel tells us like are you seeking the approval of man obviously it says the obviously I’m not trying to win the
Approval of people but of God if pleasing people were my goal I would not be Christ’s servant and so if pleasing people is your goal is telling you by word that you’re not Christ’s servant like I say I’ve just been in my book lately just trying to figure out a lot
Of different things by having convictions there was actually a young lady I was at a party and I was out there hopping around just doing doing me and I never seek attention you know but obviously within his organization he’ll have attention and it could be blown out
Of proportion if you’re not used to that lifestyle prior to join it but anyways I was in my own zone just trying to work on perfecting my craft so I’m like my hops my moistures everything just like that but like I did like I dog should confirm this
And so she looked at me and she was like you scared me and I and I didn’t realize it not and then it finally hit me a couple weeks couple months later I was just like hey I’m scared this young lady that’s like how I got scared and then
Somebody else was able to tell me like it just didn’t look like me and so then I started to ask myself you know what I’m part of this organization I want know times to it it out so in order to just completely remove myself I need to
Denounce the reason I say I had the personally denounce it’s because I don’t want five years later down the road I don’t want to be like in a low place in my life because we’re gonna go through trials and tribulations as a child to go
And so I didn’t want to come to a low part of my life where I felt like I needed the fraternity and the fraternity was gonna be the only thing that can make me feel better and give me that high that I was looking forward you know
I’m saying and so to keep me from even being tempted they’re now saying removes me from it and that way as I acknowledge this publicly that I have denounced that way like when other brothers see me I can be held accountable because I want to be held accountable and I want to
Make sure people are holding me accountable and not even allowing that to come in so I don’t want to be a part of the organization um oh that’s just that’s just that and the difference is I had to understand my weaknesses and said you know even if I cuz I tried to I
Tried to manipulate so many different ways with the word is the word and I cannot manipulate the truth that’s just what it is I believe that my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and I can’t take that back he’s always been I’ve never just fully lived out the fact that I believe in him
Anytime you have a belief in something your actions will show that that’s what you believe in and so what we’re doing so I wanted to lose everything that I was tired to all my paraphernalia like even put my number in my line name and stuff on my back made me feel some kind
Of way me humiliating other brothers and stuff like that man some kind of way but I apologize publicly right now from the sincerity of my heart that’s not who I am that’s not in my character I don’t want to be like that to nobody and so if I’m trying to
Go out there and take shirts and Dan it just crazy because I there was a time I had taken a couple brothers shirts actually on different yards different occasions not to say that it’s right because it’s completely wrong but it happened okay so I gotta just be real
With you are and so that happens I remember taking the shirt but I remember some of some other brothers some other cues at the time they were like man just give the shirt back man that’s not right but I’m like the same people that told
Me to get a shirt back said that it wasn’t right but these are the same folks who were telling me you know that’s what you’re supposed to do and so it just was contradicting I’m like okay you tell me do something then once you see how bad it actually looks
You’re telling me to give it back and I was really just trying to keep the shirt like man ironing is he don’t know nothing he don’t know what he’s talking about give me your stove team learning and I’m like dude in life when you don’t know something I just pray that somebody is
There to uplift you with that information that you need or that you’re seeking at the time now when it comes to our organization I don’t have to have this man oh man competition with you I’m like who knows this versus this because we all have our strengths and our
Weaknesses and so when it comes this organization I just started to realize I was spending more time trying to learn this information for this fraternity spending more time trying to understand the material so that way when I go to other yards and present myself I can
Like make sure I win their approve of them on that yard and I could be safe and taking curve you know I’m saying but I wouldn’t even spending that much time reading my Bible in my books and I’m just like dang when is this kind of
Stuff and so I found myself giving more time to the organization took about a devotion it a lot of time even a lot of money and that’s another thing money you spend a few thousand dollars trying to join these organizations I spend a couple thousand just joining then I gave a
Couple more thousand just within the period that year year and a couple of months that I was in the organization just trying to invest in different parties trying to invest in different programs giving money for our cookouts because y’all know the cues they always cooking and doing something for the
Community which is cool it’s cool to do these things but the same things that you can do on the inside of these organization you could have on the outside so if you could have it on the outside why sign your name to join something and to be secluded from the world because
Essentially if you within these groups that group is gonna know a certain information that is not supposed to be shared to the outside to the public and and that’s just that’s not Christian based Christianity is for all people so for all mankind anybody ever decides that they want to
Give their life to Christ at any given moment you can do that there’s gonna be a church available to you there’s always somebody who can baptize you there’s always somebody who can just share word encouraging words can read the scriptures it’s always always available whenever you literally decide to make
That choice but with the organization you decide you want to join okay and now you got to be put through a process that manmaid a manmaid of this process and you got to win their approval of these men to show that you’re worthy of being in their organization and if not you’re
Cut from a team or whatever the case is and so I just don’t agree with it these brands and stuff like that I’m no longer what’s the name I no longer identify myself by the brands nor the tattoos that I’ve marked myself with just to follow my body in general
Thank God we serve good god that he’s forgiving he’s merciful and His grace literally covers I realized if you just seek the Lord Jesus Christ and the more you just get into your word you can like have that intimate relationship with him he’ll start to reveal so many different things
Team and it’s just like it’s almost unbelievable but like once he done it it’s like there’s no way to undo what he’s done and so for me personally I’ve been discovering more and more truth I’ve been putting the truth of God’s Word and I’m trying to learn it to the
The rituals and I realized just like in the in the Garden of Eden when Satan attempted to one man she ated the food and then she gave it to her husband he also ate he knew that it wasn’t right because he had already been given the instructions from Jesus Christ or from
God rather and so God had given him the instructions on what to do and the Bible tells you that he was right there he’s right there he had an opportunities because as men today we still have these same problems we see that something is wrong we’re giving instruction we’re
Giving the truth and we don’t speak up about it so it’s like when are we gonna take a stand I mean personally I’ve always kind of been a person like I’ve had self-motivation in regards to like making money and working hard having work ethics and stuff like that but when
It comes to making a decision sometimes I’m like man I feel more comfortable and it’s just the reality of it I feel more comfortable with it dude if you go with me like let’s go do this together but I’ve learned as a Christian a lot of
Times people want to hold on to their lives and I can’t I think my life is not my own this is just a word that I’m passing through literally and there’s a song that we sing that goes the same way but my life is not my own now I don’t
Have to work hard for my salvation I don’t have to pay for it Jesus didn’t already came and died for all of us to be saved he don’t want nobody to perish but he says his people perish for lack of knowledge that’s and I was there for
Verses 6 and so lack of knowledge like then he talks about like it’s better to not know the truth there to knowing they’re still like disobey like all the dishes in the Bible and so just to make this short I’m gonna give you guys more detailed why
Now superheavy are super excited to be just living more towards Christ never gonna be perfect but I’m not even gonna use that as an excuse can’t wait on nobody that’s a big deal don’t wait on somebody if you got it on your heart if you feel like you by
Yourself you feel like you want to make these kind of decisions you want to take this step and you don’t know like how to do it don’t feel like you’re by yourself I was on YouTube and I was like man I see all these are seeing a couple ladies
You know denouncing a letters here recently and I’m like where are the mean it and I talked to the headquarters whenever I was there Nelson and it was like you know it’s interesting you’re denouncing your letters from Omega Syfy and I was just like yeah I say I say is
There not a lot of people that didn’t outsource up my she was like no because you know in the world they say like Omega is the hardest returning you to pledge but I feel like all organizations is hard to place cuz you got to devote so much time and stuff to it and
Devoting time like all these things seem like they’re smart because of how much stuff you gotta invest into it and what you get out of you gotta be mindful of what you’re actually receiving after you give me your time Colossians 2 verses Colossians 2 verses 20 through 23 says
You have died with Christ and he has set you free from the spiritual powers of this world so why do you keep on following the rules of the world such as don’t handle it on taste don’t touch such rules are mere human human teachings about things that deteriorate
As we use them these rules may seem wise because they require a strong devotion Peter self-denial and severe bodily discipline let’s be real we know what all three of these things is we know what strong devotion is no boring we know a pious self-denial is surrendering yourself to an organization just to be
Able to obtain and have the same pleasures and privileges that they have they’re being put through this process and sign your name and making this covenant to this organization that cannot save you in the end like there is no Omega heaven you know I’m saying I don’t know who believes in it but
There’s no Greek organization heaven if that makes sense and then we know what severe bodily discipline is that’s the hazing so if your organization is an organization that does hazing or that tries to put your body to the test to see if you are worthy enough friend you can withstand
What like the heat of what a man or a woman can put you through to become part of it completely contrary to the will of God yes against his word then it says but they provide no help in conquering a person’s evil desires man it provides no
Help in conquer in a person’s evil desires I realize I can go to church all day long I can read my Bible all day long but there was no helpful light it almost it almost felt like and I almost felt like it was just hard to find
People that actually was like driven to like really figure out more about Jesus Christ like there’s more to this life than just what we can obtain and so I had a strong hold on it because I spent so much money trying to become a part in becoming a part and even after spending
So much money on like keeping it like keeping it going you know I’m saying and so it was definitely I’m not gonna lie it’s really a hard thing to let go but if you can just find the strength to let go which should be provided to you just
Don’t feel like you by yourself have some courage that’s part of your fears and stuff god is great okay the Bible says you’ve been born a child let me find that for you I believe it’s in for rent I’m not mistaken but he that is in you
See real quick talked about he that is in you is greater than he that is in the world pull that over real quick he that is in you is greater than he that is yeah so we’re going to yeah this is first John 4 verse 4 and it says little
Children you are from God and have overcome them for he who is in you is greater than he who was in the world ok all of these organizations is man-made okay some man put these things together manufacture these idols just as the reality of it and then we trying to live
Up and live based off these principles and these ideals at the organization holds and we keeping so many things a secret it’s like secret societies it’s like how can this be Christian base when Christianity is not a secret Jesus is the most famous person in this
World the problem is we as people we’re not making him famous or continuing to inviting more folks about him instead we share an information that is usually as to where we’re going after so I hope if you’re interested in knowing more about why I denounced my letters more
Specifically got some videos I stayed up all like tonight trying to put it together everyone said stayed up last night putting it together and yeah that’s what we’re gonna do so I have some more videos I put up for you guys but for now this is what it is
So see you all later on the next one