Our second video on nationalism is going to get a little bit deeper into uh European nationalism and how it begins to go and begin to sweep now we’ve already talked about nationalism and seen how it has created nations in Central and South America as well as the Caribbean and again we’re
Leaving out the United States as American Revolution this is all happening at the same time here so we’re starting to see how this wave of nationalism is building here in Europe now one way we can view nationalism is not so much in the sense of ethnic uh disputes or Imperial uh struggles for
People yearning for freedom but another way to view it as is kind of a clash of philosophies how political philosophies are also looking for people to hang on to the power that they have for new people who are rising through the creation of new social pyramids and and
New ledgers uh in society and and how they’re asking for Freedom as well as people who want to burn the whole thing down and let something new Rise From the Ashes so that that’s how we can kind of see nationalism and and political development being sprung out of and left
In the wake of the French Revolution so we’ve talked about some of these terms already before but these are going to be terms that are really going to be helpful in our understanding of how people in Europe are asking or demanding or wanting change versus those who want
To be able to keep on to the power that they have so the first group are the conservatives the conservatives were usually wealthy property owners and nobility and this again this should make sense these are the people who have been in charge in Europe who have had control
Of Europe to the end of the Roman Empire even some of these people are claiming descendancy from some of these larger families in the Roman Empire and so they don’t want any change so for for these different classes of uh philosophies we should understand understand who is in
Each group what does each group want and how much change does each group feel is necessary the conservatives want no change they argued for protecting the traditional monarchies of Europe they want to rrnd the clock to 1788 before the French Revolution took place some of them might even go before 1776 before we
Get the Declaration of Independence by the uh future United States being issued That’s how little change they want they want to hold on to the power that they already have in a lot of these cases this power has been slowly eroding which we we see this a lot in people’s
Personalities and in history where the more you’re losing something the more you’re going to fight to be able to go and hang on to what you have so the conservatives want no change they’re the ones in power why would they want any change the Liberals are going to be these middle
Class Business Leaders and Merchants now we’re getting into we’ll get in the tail that the second half of this unit with the Industrial Revolution these philosophies are going hand inand with the new economic and social realities being created with the uh Industrial Revolution and with the Industrial
Revolution a lot a lot more people are starting to pull themselves out of abject poverty are starting to live comfortable Lifestyles and are having this is a key word and a key concept of free time to exercise political thoughts and political thinking and political actions and this is where this new group
Is trying to fit itself in the social kind of the structure and and strata as well as the political atmosphere in Europe so the Liberals middle class Business Leaders and and Merchants the middle class here’s the key part and they want some change right they want to give more power to elected parliaments
Now notice they’re not calling for getting rid of kings that this is again they’re looking for using England with its constitutional monarchy as a template where again the king is still there the King has some power so the Li want to give more power to elected parliaments
But and again that but is a key idea they only want the educated and land owners to be able to vote they want people who are educated who’ve studied the problems of the day and or land owners people who have skid in the game to who who own
Property who are paying the major taxes to be able to vote so there’s limitation restrictions on who can vote but they are opening up to more people voting and again giving power to these people who are being elected so the Liberals we can kind of say A medium
Amount of change a middle amount of change some change the radicals are very different so what the radicals want is a drastic change for democracy for all and and this is the key oh that’s a hold on let me go back let’s pick a different color too go back to Yellow that’s the
Key thing here they’re they’re they’re choosing the words carefully here democracy is is the C is the H is the important thing they there is no true democracy the United States isn’t a true democracy it’s more democratic than what we have uh in other types of governments
But the radicals want to burn everything to the W ground they want the ideas of the French Revolution to come to the Forefront Liberty equality fraternity or an English Liberty equality Brotherhood and that’s what they go and they want they don’t want any sort of stench or
Lingering odor of monarchy they want it all gone and so that’s what they want conservatives no change liberals a little bit about a change radicals burn it all down and out of the ashes rise a democracy and for a lot of people even today to be honest uh there’s some
Political groups who are saying let’s roll back who can vote and how we can vote and that stuff um so that idea of democ y for all and some of these people mean all right including women and freeing slaves that’s how wild and crazy the radicals
Are for their time period so that’s why we want to go and see that so these are the big three philosophies that are going kind of be buding heads throughout the 1900s early 1800s into the 1900s even until today so the nationalists begin to challenge the conservative
Power and where and this is a key in Europe the first country in Europe to win itself self rule is going to be Greece so Greek Independence is going to be the model that other nationalists are going to kind of seiz on and use as the impetus to start their National
Movements and kind of the template to build their nationalist uh uprisings on now Greece at the start of the 1800s the start of the 19th century is part of the Ottoman Empire and the Ottoman Empire controls a territory of Southeastern Europe called the Balkans this contains the modern day countries of gree Albania
Bulgaria Romania turkey Croatia Bosnia Serbia Montenegro and some others that kind of keep hopping and bubbling up here since the time of Philip of Mastadon and his conquest of Greece Greeks have been ruled by outside peoples since the what we say 300s 400s BC so they are looking for someone
Anyone they to the Greeks to rise up and allow them to be ruled by Greeks for Greeks so in 1821 inspired by the Nationalist uh uprisings in the United States in South America Central America the Caribbean as well as in some other places the Greeks begin to rebel against the Ottomans in
1821 now at first powerful European governments opposed Greek Independence again these European governments run by Kings they are conservative they do not want any change they want to keep this virus of the French Revolution this virus of Independence and this virus of nationalism contained so they don’t want
The Greeks to win independence because if the Greeks become Independence then what about the lithuanians or the Poes the lafans or the P the Pomeranians or the doans right and so it it becomes a major issue here so even though the governments opposed Greek Independence it becomes very popular with people
Around the world right this goes back to why did we study in Greece in this year right the the idea of Greece of the Greek Heritage of Greek philosophy of Greek poetry of Greek art of Greek ideals is still a a fervent and and hold sway over people’s imagination a classical European
Gentleman’s education would include being able to read Homer in the original ancient Greek this pop Pop pressure will go and eventually convince these governments to join the cause of Greek Independence to support the Greek people with the understanding that hey we can support the Greek people but just because we’re
Supporting Greek Independence doesn’t mean we’re supporting Independence for any of these National groups that within our own country eventually with this European help in the 1830s Greece will sign a treaty with the Ottoman Empire and that guarantees an independent Greek Kingdom the first independent Greek Kingdom in Greece
Ruled by Greeks for the Greek people since Philip of maston’s invasion in the uh early couple of centuries BC so good for the Greeks so this is an area of Southeastern Europe called the Balkans and again by the early 1800s this is all controlled some places to some extent by
The Ottoman Empire now since the Ottomans had moved towards Budapest and marched on Vienna in the 16 100s right they’ve slowly been kind of work their way and being pushed out of Europe but they still have a very stronghold grip on Greece which in the 1820s the Greeks try to rebel and the
Greeks are rebelling against the ottoman Turks to where they finally win their independence in the 1830s this is the spark that starts a chain reaction where the Ottomans begin to see more and more of these Balkan countries fight for and win their independence as the Ottoman Empire is pushed out of
Greece into modern day Turkey the next major thing that happens in the uh European quest for nationalism are a bunch of Revolutions in 1848 1848 becomes one of these Watershed years where these revolutionary ideas and these radical and liberal ideas percolate and bubble up to the Forefront of politics resulting in various and
Widespread ethnic uprisings erupting throughout all of Europe in this year we see these uprisings in Vienna Budapest Paris Prague as all of these different groups are are advocating for more rights more uh people who can vote more uh social change more economic change uh again coming out of this nationalist
Movement these are all violently put down by 1849 there’s a very much a conservative push against these revolutions and there’s a a a very much a big push towards uh restoring the order so again we’re seeing these kind of spasms of the French Revolution kind of erupt through here and that’s how
Much we can just kind of describe this Aftershock of the French Revolution here in 1848 so conservatism is going to return but really only in Paris are there demands for a democratic government and so this demand for a more democratic government uh is going to end King Louis Philip’s monarchy he goes and
Gives up the throne and a new government is established this government falls apart immediately we’ve already seen France really starting to struggle with the concept of being ruled without a king and what does that mean this is going to result in vicious fighting in the Parisian streets as
Different uh governments are and peoples and political ideas are fighting in the street they’re tearing up the cobblestones and tearing down buildings to create fortresses to be able to go and attack as the French army has to go uh and do that eventually order is restored elections are held and France
Is going to elect Louis Napoleon right Napoleon’s nephew as their new leader so he’s a quasi Monarch uh he’s an elected official uh it’s it’s he’s not quite a president he’s not quite a king is the best way to go and put it for for our uh
Purposes so this is a map uh right have our textbook uh again you can kind of see that these revolutions aren it’s not just itches in Paris or just didn’t say Ireland it’s all throughout Europe as multiple groups multiple ethnicities begin to rebel against different countries asking for different stuff
There uh in uh a Amsterdam in Berlin in Paris uh in Vienna all these different groups uh are advocating for their own slice of control in their own slice of the governmental pie it’s only in France that uh Louis Napoleon becomes elected through quote Democratic elections end
Quote to become the leader of what becomes the second Republic of French history so under Louie Napoleon what did Louie Napoleon do to build nationalism in France well due to Universal voting he gets a landslide election Victory now remember his uncle nap had a landslide election Victory and
Maybe dubious voting stuff that’s in there but there’s he does have a pretty popular Mandate of which to launch his reforms on now Louis Napoleon in Broad Strokes supported economic expansion and further Industrial Development we’re into the 1840s the United States is starting to very much industrialize
Starting to get into more heavy industry Britain is leading the world in its textile production and its uh coal mining and its uh railroad development so the countries that France might be looking up towards say Great Britain say and upstart United States are very much industrializing and Lou Napoleon is
Using government support to be able to go and drive that the idea behind all this is that this is going to lead towards French prosperity and this Prosperity is going to be the answer to all of France’s social problems and again France still dealing with the political economic religious social
Impacts of not only the French Revolution but Napoleon’s uh conquests and subsequent uh defeat so France is not really in the best place so this is kind of going along with the saying that a rising tide lifts all boats that this French Prosperity that will come out of
This is going to be the answer to a lot of the social problems that France is experiencing so on Napoleon the third’s agenda he again these economic successes are going to ease social and political tension he’s targeting public opinion here but the major changes that he’s doing is he’s helping create new Banks
To be able to provide a better and more stable economic system for his country the building of railroads we’ll talk about this with the see this with the Industrial Revolution particularly when we get into our study of the United States’s Industrial Revolution junior year railroads are a very heavy industry
Think of all the Iron and steel production that’s involved to be able to help people out there he’s going to use the government to issue Public Works projects so this is not only get giving people jobs to be able to go and build these things but they are building things for the people
To use Parks uh government buildings uh which is going to help people as well now the key thing that he does his most long lasting impact hints winks and nudges we’ll put a star next to this point because of how big of a deal this
Is is that he is going to focus on rebuilding Paris and with the Baron von hman his leading architect Louis Napoleon is going to turn Paris from the medieval city that it is in the mid 1800s to by the end of the 1870s a modern megalopolis that is the Envy of
The world that is going to be copied by any other city that views itself as a major world city after that we we’ll show you some pictures they get into the IDE but again his biggest longest impact hints winks and nudges is is rebuilding a Paris he’s going to allow for unions and
Strikes uh which is going to help uh people as well and again when we get into the industrial revolution we’ll see how unions and strikes are going to do wonderful things for the workers in the industrial revolution the rebuilding of Paris is very much an offshoot of the issues that
Happened during the 1848 uprisings in Paris where people were pulling down medieval buildings these are tight narrow streets uh in some places that only a width of a man’s shoulder wide uh they’ve got cobblestones and the it’s tight narrow Alleyways not a whole lot of sunlight getting air because again
There’s a whole lot of people showing up in Paris in the beginning of the 1800s for a variety of different reasons but we’re starting to squeeze this is an ancient medieval city that is starting to feel the squeeze of this 19th century population increase the city’s bursting
At it SE seems so to offet any future uprisings right and to also be able to kind of clear out some of the slums and some of the other stuff he and the Baron von Houseman literally run bulldozers through streets like the one on the left and the one on the right and
So I know this is a painting and they’re going to bulldoze their way through Paris create these big huge giant wide treelined Avenues with very similar facades in the building on there and this is kind of your classical view of Paris I think this is the rud de Shan uh
Which very wide boulevards so it’s hard for people to pull down the buildings in the French commun to go and form stuff up right uh to be able to go and plant trees on there to bring some Greenery to these cities and kind of become the face of modern
Paris if you go and see an aerial view of Paris again you can literally see driving these Avenues big wide Avenues through the city uh a little bit more recent picture is again you can see there’s the arc the triump there’s the Sham and we see these big huge giant
Treelined Avenues bulldo through Paris to kind of give it that wide modern walkable City feel uh Paris becomes nicknamed the City of Lights because as they’re bulldozing these uh boulevards and avenues through the city they’re putting up Street lamps and street lights and they’re going to
Electrify very uh often to be able to go and uh bring like to this medieval city uh New York is going to copy what Paris is going to do Chicago when it burns down in the Great Chicago Fire when it rises from the ashes it’s going to build
These big great giant Avenues Michigan Avenue is a direct copy of what they’re doing here from Paris and this again becomes the model for what other world cities are going to try to emulate and create on their own scale in their own country so we’re going to be moving from
Paris to Russia now reform in Russia is going to stem from the 1853 Crimean War if you’re paying any attention to World politics in 2023 when this is being recorded you understand that it’s still being a issue between Russia and other people the Crimean Peninsula today basically the crime Crimean War is
Where Russia wants to take the Crimean pencan insula away from the Ottomans so here let’s draw you a map so here is Europe there’s Italy there’s the Adriatic there’s Greece then you got the Ottoman Empire down over here right so that’s Africa right um and then we go up
Through the darnells then you got the Black Sea here the Crimean Peninsula is a spit of land that juts out into here now Russia wants this because this is going to give access to the uh come on Mediterranean Sea you get the idea right so it this gives Russia a
Southern Port why does it need a southern board because Russia can’t go up North for most of the year because it’s cold in Russia so that’s why they want this Crimean Peninsula and again they’re making the argument it’s been Russian for centuries blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah so Russia
Wants this now importantly France Great Britain Sardinia and the Ottomans do not want Russia to have this because if Russia has the Crimean Peninsula they can make more money they can be more industrialized they’re going to get a uh rise up in power and remember the whole
Point of the metnick system the whole point of the Congress of Vienna was to balance the power in Europe a Russia with a Southern uh Port that can be ship stuff out year round is going to make for more po powerful Russia upset the balance of power that ain’t no good so
The Kian war is going to end up being a loss for Russia they’re going to lose the combined forces in 1856 to France Britain Sardinia and the Ottomans this is going to cause Zar Alexander II to very much take a step back and try to look at what Russia’s
Future is going to be from a more 35,000 foot view where is Russia been where is Russia going why is Russia having all these problems fighting off these tiny little Nations compared to itself so thear said says we need to modernize we need to reform we need to pull ourselves
Out of the 1200s and move into the modern world of the 19th century so he begins to go and pull off some reforms he frees the Surfs in 1861 so if you’re keeping track here the United States still has slaves in 1861 but Russia Russia is freeing it surfs now those
Surfs are still in debt to the government it’s it’s not a free clear but they’re free and he begins to push further reforms before conservatives within the government don’t like this and work to assassinate Zar Alexander II in 1881 his son who becomes Zar Alexander III is going to encourage further
Industrial Development in Russia but this is going to be much more measured because Zar Alexander III one is upset that his father was assassinated and wants to root out those forces but realizes the more he pushes industrialization the more freedoms he’s going to have to give his people and he doesn’t want that
He wants want to have that aut the autocratic rule the absolute rule that the Zars of Russia had for Generations by this point so here here’s Constantinople down here on the left so here’s the Crimean Peninsula this is most of the modernday Ukraine up here and so that’s what this
Is mostly F over to keep the Russians out of Crimea so some big famous battles that take place during the Crimean War and saspol incr balaklava uh which are big important things and then again we get uh big important paintings and all this stuff becomes in British lore here
Including the famous Charge of the Light Brigade where 600 Cavalry soldiers for the British army charged into a valley ringed on three sides by Russian Artillery and they are kind of mowed down to the man uh and out of this uh this very impressive uh very romantic
Military is awesome this is so much fun charge um that that kind of is for of it is a poem by Alfred lloy Tennyson uh who writes about the charge of Life Brigade half a league half a league half a league onward all into the valley of
Death Road the 600 forward the Light Brigade charge into the guns he said into the valley of death Road the 600 uh forward the Light Brigade was there a man dismayed not though the soldier knew someone had blundered there was not to make a reply there was not the reason
Why theirs was but to do and die into the valley of death road to the 600 when can their Glory fade oh the wild charge they made so what we’re trying to get out of here what Tennyson is very much doing is saying look how great Warfare is awesome
600 guys put their lives to the line for Britain for this nationalism for this whole idea yeah a lot of them die but oh how awesome war is stuff is there so this is very much the height of this romantic izing Warfare of making Warfare uh into this great game that these
Noblemen and people can aspire to and it’s this kind of things that are going to happen in the 1800s which is going to make the shocking horrible horrific modern industrialized death on the Western Front in World War I 67 years later such a shock to people who are
Growing up in the the the so soldiers that are going to be teenagers and 20-year-olds fighting on the S and at yers and in the Western Front are are reading poems like Tennyson and they’re getting this kind of and that’s what we’ll kind of see this disconnect and we
Get more that’s more we talk about World War I we gete of myself so Zar Alexander II is going to realize from this loss that he needs to modernize pull Russia into the modern world he’s going to go free the Surfs but this change is going to come at the cost of
People’s power of people’s money and at the loss of his life he’s grenades rolling in his carriage and he’s blown out of the carriage and he’s killed and speared uh on the ground there uh whatever this drawing shows his son Zar Alexander III is going to further in Industrial Development but again it’s
Going to be much more measured growth because he does not want Russia to again get too much power away from himself now Russia as it continues reforms remember the Russian Empires all these different ethnicities underneath it the Russian Zars rule over Russians ukrainians po lithuanians lafans Asians fins Jews
Romanians Georgians Armenians Turks and various other ethnic groups each with its own culture each with its own language each with own laws each with its own history and so how do you get all these different ethnic groups under one rule the Russians have been doing this for Generations by the sword but
The romanof dynasty under Alexander III and his sons and grandsons to follow are determined to maintain control and so with all of these nationalist uprisings the Russian Empire does not want all those different groups inside of Russia to get their own nation state so they Institute a policy of unification so
Russification the forcing of Russian culture on all ethnic groups of the Empire is a policy of unification the key ke word here though is the forcing of Russian culture they’re not asking politely they’re forcing people to go and do this and ukrainians don’t want to learn Russian lithuanians don’t want to
Learn about Russian culture they want to learn about their own culture they want their own spot of land on the earth so these groups begin to push back on this which causes further forcing of rfication1 so this is actually a key Point down here we’ll put a star next to this is
That this is a policy for unification that actually works to dis unify Russia and increase nationalist feelings amongst these different ethnic groups in the Empire each one of these different groups now wants to be able to have their own Nation because they don’t want to have this policy being forced on them so
While this idea came out to be able to unify Russia and bring Russia closer together the Rfication1 giant war that the Russian Nation had a fight with the chin in there how do you rule all these different ethnicities uh Alexander theii says well let’s try to get everybody to learn Russian and this forcing and again that key word of forcing is going to end up disunifying
And breaking apart the giant Russian Empire that we will uh that’s come to existence so we’ll pause here in our story of nationalism and we’ll pick it up with two other countries that we’ll focus on in our next video Italy and Germany especially as well as some of
The art movements that are born out of this uh 1800 political economic and National change