presents sigap pii fraternity also known as the buou narrated by Tim Buck 2 this video features about Sigma pii fraternity the first Greek letter Society for African-Americans founded on May 15th 1904 Sigma pii fraternity also known as the Boule which in ancient Greece was a council of chiefs is the oldest
Continuously existing Greek letter postgraduate fraternity originally founded by and primarily for eminent black professional men and later similar professional men of African descent throughout the world its Founders were six exceptional Men Four medical doctors one dentist and one pharmacist who at that time was a second-year medical school student they were Henry mcke
Minon a registered pharmacist and second-year student at Philadelphia Pennsylvania’s Jefferson Medical School aleran B Jackson MD the first African-American graduate of the Jefferson medical school Edwin Clarence Joseph Turpin Howard MD who in 1869 was one of the first two black graduates of the Harvard Medical School Richard John War DBS a
Graduate of the Philadelphia School of Dental Surgery Eugene Theodore Hinson MD a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania school of medicine and Robert Jones AEL MD the first black graduate of Philadelphia is then haniman Medical College which is now Drexel University College of medicine in its early years and
Throughout most of its existence Sigma pii fraternity was a quiet secret organization today the fraternity can be considered private and as was the case during its early years of existence it avoids self-perpetuating publicity yet throughout its life in addition to the personal strength derived from the camaraderie shared by
Its members the fraternity has embraced and remains committed to enhancing and elevating black communities by striving to eliminate barriers therein to Civic social political educational and economic well-being through its social action programs and public policy initiatives growth of the fraternity since its founding has been deliberately
Slow as it was not conceived to be a large indiscriminate body of men rather the emphasis of membership has always been on quality not quantity from an initial membership of six Founders located in the city of Philadelphia Pennsylvania Sigma pii fraternity has grown to present include over 5,000 active members who are
Affiliated with 139 member boets located throughout the United States and in the Bahamas in the United Kingdom throughout its existence its membership has included some of the most distinguished men in the world they have included such Scholars and academic cultural and civil rights leaders as web Dubois Carter G
Woodson founder of the association for the study of African-American life and history Charles R Drew physician who developed blood plasma James Wen Johnson author of lift every voice and sing L Douglas Wilder the first elected black governor of a US state and Martin L King Jr founder of the Southern Christian leadership
Conference and one of the most important 20th century civil rights leaders the number of black us Congressmen have been members of Sigma pii fraternity including Charles B ranel Andrew J young Jr and later US ambassador to the United Nations and mayor of the city of Atlanta
Georgia and James e kurn as well as two recently deceased members of Congress Representatives John R Lewis and Elijah E Cummings members of the fraternity whose contributions are noteworthy in the Arts and Humanities include hail a Woodruff Arna W bontom ulyses SK and Oli W Wilson Jr Jazz Greats William E Taylor
Jr and winon L marceles and Francis e Harper Sigma pii’s present membership continues to include an impressive list of leaders in a broad range of professional fields of endeavor including but not limited to education law Medicine Science economics Public Service civil rights and the Arts and Humanities importantly since 1912 the
Fraternity has published the Boule Journal that Chronicles new and ongoing social action and public policy programs and initiatives created and supported within the ranks of the fraternity accomplishments of members and their families articles pertaining to historical and contemporary issues and tributes to its recently departed members and their spouses in 1980 the
Fraternity chartered the Boule foundation not for profit private Foundation that is supported by voluntary contributions from its individual members and their wives it is an independent entity within the fraternity and selectively provides funding for student scholarships and social action programs and policy initiatives together with contributions from the fraternity the foundation has
Also provided financial support to programs and entities that address the broader common good such as the Smithsonian institute’s National Museum of African-American history and culture further to the extent possible and together with specific contributions from the fraternity’s members it has provided financial assistance for victims of unforeseen calamities of
Nature such as Hurricane Katrina in 2005 which devastated the African-American community in New Orleans and the 2010 major earthquake in Haiti for over 100 years Sigma Pi fraternity has served to enhance and strengthen the bonds of fellowship and professional support within its ranks additionally and importantly is
The fact that its members have provided and continued to provide leadership and assistance to establish sustain and improve essential resources for fulfillment and growth not only in local black communities but also in selected communities throughout the African diaspora to learn more about black history visit