Hello guys today in this lecture we will understand the philosophy of the Constitution given in the pble first what is the Preble of the Constitution Preble is a short introduction of the Constitution which contains its ideals and aspirations and brings out its philosophy question philosophy what is the
Philosophy of the Constitution which is given in the Preble the people of India having solemnly resolved to constitute India in into a sovereign socialist secular Democratic Republic and to secure to all its ciens Justice Liberty equality and to promote among them all fraternity assuring the Dignity of the
Individual and unity and integrity of the nation now you tell me what is the most important purpose of the Constitution what is the most important purpose of the Constitution the most important purpose of the Constitution is to assure the dignity to assure the Dignity of the individual and unity and integrity of
The nation unity and integrity of the nation and in this regard the final purpose of the Preamble is in this regard the final purpose of Preamble is to promote fraternity to promote fraternity fraternity means a sense of a feeling of Brotherhood because without brotherhood without this fraternity this dignity unity and integrity are
Meaningless further this Brotherhood further this Brotherhood cannot be promoted cannot be promoted in a stratified Society stratified society means a societ a society which is based based on the cast and class it can be secured only in a isari society Brotherhood can only be secured in a isari
Society Brotherhood can only be secured in a isari society and this isari Society or say classless society can only be created only by securing to all its ciens Justice Liberty and equality a classless so Society can only be created by securing to all the cens Justice Liberty and
Equality but now the question is who will secure this Justice Liberty and equality to the cens so it is only a sovereign socialist secular democ Democratic Republic state that will secure to all the ciens Justice Liberty and equality hence before securing the Justice Liberty and equality one must
Constitute India along the ideals of sovereign socialist secular Democratic Republic and who can constitute India along these ideals it is we the people so we can say that we the people constituted India We the People constituted India to secure to all the ciens Justice Liberty equality for promoting Brotherhood for promoting
Brotherhood for promoting Brotherhood towards assuring towards assuring Dignity of individual and unity and integrity unity and integrity of the collective Nation unity and integrity of the collective Nation ultimately it is we the people we the people are ultimately working for Dignity of the individual and unity and integrity of
The nation unity and integrity of the nation we the people are ultimately working for Dignity of individual and unity and integrity of collective Nation so this is the philosophy of the Constitution which is given in the pble I don’t think that anyone have teaches you this philosophy of the
Constitution now I have information for you that from the 16th of January from the 16th of January I’m starting a course that will cater all your needs for prelims and the mains examination and the duration of the course is 55 days in 40 days we will cover the poity but extra
15 days are for answer writing skills in those 15 days we will daily discuss the answer writing sessions and to join the course you can download the n gs classes application from the Play Store and the students and those students who will join the course before the 16th of
January will get a discount of 50% now thank you friends