Hello esperence with a lot of blessings and good wishes to everybody I welcome all my Learners friends to this community of creative educational idea and today I’m with you having a very beautiful topic of political science syllabus that is the Preamble of Indian constitution and for your kind
Information I must convey you that this is the first and introductory lesson of this session so I hope everybody will be cooperating everybody will be enjoying this session so without wasting much time now we shall forward to our fast Slide fast video by the completion of
This class all the Learners will be able to define the meaning of Preamble historical perspective of the Preamble the objectives and aims of Preamble that is why Preamble the sources from where the Preamble has been concerned or has been inspired or the rules and regulations from where
The Preamble been adopted and also the key components of the Preble to be discussed also the key words of the Preble to be discussed and by the end of this lecture everybody will able to know the various amendments related to the constitution of India and also specifically to the Preble of Indian constitution
Detail what is Preble it is an introductory statement PR introductory statement in a document that explains the document’s philosophy and objectives Constitution so Preble of Indian constitution means we can sense that PR phop because it is the mirror it is the the Gateway it is the introductory statement of Indian
Constitution Constitution it present the in of history behind its creation INE values and disciplin of basically gives the idea about the following what are those ideas the sources of Indian constitution nature of Indian state and next statement of its objectives the long 200 years of British
Rule in India what will be our motto what will be the objectives what will be the aims to achieve within next 100 200 or thousand years that objectives to be stated in the Preble and date of its adoption in of the hisory behind values and principles of the
Nation which of the following statement correct about the Preble of Indian constition what gives our Indian constitutional so this slide is very much important for everybody next move to the next Slide the history of Preble yes the pr is self-explanatory regarding its historical background we the people of India having
Solly resolved to constitute India into a sovereign socialist secular Democratic Republic and secure all of its citizen SEC Justice Liberty equality fraternity and in our constituent assembly this 26th day of November 1949 do hereby adopt an act give ourselves this the people of India having resol to soci secular Democratic and
Republic will get the justice justice eom and Poli of thought expression Bel Fai equality equality of status and opportunity in our constituent assembly this 26th day of November 1949 to hereby adopt an act and give ourselves to this constitution 1949 26th of November November 1949 1946 1946 9th August 9th yes 1946
Will of Indian constitution that is called as objective resolution that was presented by neeru dece December 13th 1946 actually okay wrongly it has been printed as 47 it is 46 javar Neu introduced an objective revolution in December 1946 so basically Preble has been borrowed from which of the following Indian
Event thatc resolution presented by in 13th December 1946 resolution the drafting Committee of the assembly in formulating the Preble in the light of resolution f it will be very very short very short objetives Val system restrict to defining the essential yesan Democratic Republican Democratic Republic signies it isent itself signifies independence of
That particular Nation so so it will be very exageration if we use these two words okay so that independent word has been cut out and on that place Democratic word has been replaced okay and then again the committee added the word fraternity which was not present in objective resolution yes I already have
Told you much of the things has been added much of the things also been cut out so fraternity word was added in objectory which of the foll was not in the but added in the pr of India which of the yes initially the pr was drafted by B the pr okay 1947
Okay components of the pr components it indicated by the Preble that our source of authority the people of India the people of theour ofth the people of India themselves so the source of authority is the people themselves declares India to be a sovereign socialist Democratic secular Democratic and Republic s SS D
Components socialist secular Democratic Republic and the objectives stated by the Preble are to secure objectives these are the components are the compon which of the following is not a component of Indian Preble of the Constitution it has been prepared by the conent assembly Dr BR edar the father of Indian
Constitution yes the date mentioned in the Preble date that is 26th November 1949 it has already been mentioned in the um Preamble because on this date we adopted our constitution okay so this slide is very much important from examination point of words that words to be elaborated in
Very detail we the people of India what does it mean we the people of India mean here people means whom people refers to all the citizen all the members of India okay with the people of India okay and one one more thing to be noted here here
People not limited to the citizens only here people not limited to the citizens or the voters only it people it means all the persons irrespective for cast Creed color place of birth whatever all the persons those ref to the people so it it indicates the ultimate sovereignity ultimate sovereignity of
The people of India because sovereignity means independent authority of India independent authority of State the state has not been affected by any other country not been affected internally or externally not been controlled by any other foreign country that’s why it is very much Sovereign so with the people
Of India means the all the all the persons of India here Sovereign Sovereign means its own independent Authority that that is that is what called as Sovereign sovereign country socialist socialist not a Dominion of any other external power which of the statement correct about the meaning
Of not a Dominion of any other external power okay this is the meaning of sovereign then socialist socialist means what socialist that the term socialist means in the sense both private and it was it was indigenously not in the first draft of Indian Preble it has
Been added in the year 1976 by 42 Constitutional Amendment act okay this point to be noted socialist and secularity socialist Inc which of the following which of the following item has uh not been added by 42nd Amendment this point is very much important socialist okay this is very much
Important justice justice what kind of justice social economic and political it means no discrimination on the basis of cast Creed color sex place of birth this is social justice me the Justice to or the right to participate in the election irrespective of the cast Creed and color whatever again equality what kind of
Equality equality of status equality of opportunity here the equality means no section of society has any special privilege everyone are equal before the law so without discrimination everyone is equal before of thought expression belief faith and worship Liberty of expression worship Li means controlled or Justified use of
Freedom Liberty Liberty is very very accountable use of Freedom Li means Freedom okay then come to next point that is fraternity what does it mean fraternity it means feeling of Brotherhood and emotional attachment with the country and all the people fraternity helps to promote digity andity in the
Nation this is this is the of Indian constition it is the Gateway of Indian contition it is the S of the Indian contition it is the miror of Indian of country India is okay so next uh move to another slide okay here you’ll find secular secular country the
The term secular means that all religions in India get equal respect protection and support from the state Amendment Democratic the term implies that the constitution of India has an established form of Constitution which gets the authority from uh the will of the people will of the people Democratic
Means democracy is a form of government where everyone op that’s why India is a democratic country then Republic Republic means the chief head chief chief political head or chief executive head of the country will be elected by the person that may be directly or may be indirectly the president of India is the
Elected Head of the State that’s why India is called as the Republic which of the following statement which correctly describes the meaning of republic St so all the aspir are very much should be very much careful out for this kind of question yes state of76 judgment that this preamble preamble is
A part of the Constitution Preble is a part of the consti very clearly Supreme cour of India Supreme that under article 368 but we cannot modify the basic structure of Indian constitution the basic structure of the pre cannot be amended B because it is the basic structure of Indian constitution basic structure of
The pr that cannot be amended any any other word may be added or removed which are not the basic structure but pre is not so as of now PR is only amended once 42 Amendment 1976 SS Democratic Republic 42 Amendment 1976 soci that is Integrity integrity and integrity of the
Nation to this and the state of Kerala case the basic structure of the Constitution of the Preble cannot be changed so this point to be noted from examination point of view it is very much important here there is very significant data for all the asirs that already that’s whye
Here very much significant point is that according to article 9 394 right from the date of adoption complete complete Constitution was not been adopted complete Constitution has been implemented uh in 1950 but some of it structure like some of its article like Article 5 6 7 8 9 60
324 367 379 394 these are very very basic structure of Indian constitution because it was very much important to constitute India into a free state into a democratic State rest of the article of the provisions were being implemented in 1950 term like Liberty equality and fraternity these terms was adopted from
French motto French reolution equity and frat the word like the statement like Liberty equality and fraternity has been inspired from French Revolution that was held in the year 1789 okay salute to all those flers of indan Constitution that they have made such a beautiful Constitution such such a grand
Constitution such a well elaborated constition that it is the longest WR okay so let’s appreciate the beautiful design of this Preble you see once again we should read it out we the people of India having Solly resolved to constitute India into a sovereign socialist secular Democratic Republic and to secure all of his
Citizen justice justice social economic and political Liberty of thought expression belief faith and worship Equity equality of status and of opportunity fraternity pre that assuring the Dignity of the individual and unity and integrity of the nation in our constituent assembly this 26th day of November 1949 to hereby
Adopt Ana and give ourselves this constitution this is the beauty of our Preble this is the beauty of our constitution this is the mirror of our Indian con this the Gateway of Indian constitution so we all we all aspir all political science lover should be very very very proud of it that our
Constitution PR has made such a beautiful such a grand such a great and such a largest such a longest constitution that is that is a record in all over the world okay thank you everybody that’s all for today discussion comp of so all these are very very much significant from the examination point
Of view uh so I request everybody uh go through the video uh in detail if any query arises anywhere if any suggestion you need anywhere if any clarification you need anywhere then uh feel free to put it in the comment box and I’ll I I’ll must try to elaborate it in my next
Class okay so that’s all for today uh have a nice day everyone God bless you thanks