If you were to ask any boy 7 years old 8 years old 9 years old what where do you want to be when you’re 2530 where do you want to be they’re going to say big house fast car beautiful wife that’s what they’re going to say every single
One and slowly the programming of the Matrix beats this dream out of men I will tell you a story about me I don’t know you’re not probably not old enough but there was a game called before fortnite before it all EX Ed the huge game when I was in my late teens early
20s was Call of Duty Modern Warfare so I used to play that game and what and this is the advice the advice is hang around with people who see things people who who have a good mindset I was with my brother and I was like oh Andrew I just
Complete this round it’s 41 kills one death that’s pretty cool Andrew looks at me from the couch I swear to God looks over and goes yeah Tristan but it doesn’t matter does it I don’t it doesn’t matter does it and I turned that game off and I I don’t think I’ve ever
Spent more than 10 minutes playing a video game ever since that day so hang around better people you know if you’re wasting your life if you’re wasting your talents leave that group of friends cut low quality people out of your life and slowly as you go out into the world and
Apply yourself at different things that are more useful you’ll probably find out that you’re not as useless as you think but I do get asked a question by young men a lot and it’s always about making money you mean you mean you want to get rich
Cool let me tell you something uh first and foremost almost no one ever gets gets Rich uh the internet will preach all this oh your time will come when the universe thinks it’s right and all this no no no no most people work their shitty job live their shitty life uh
Live their shitty old age and then they die and most people never ever get to get rich they never get to live like Sterling and that’s the reality for most people so first of all understand that get F here second of all and my advice is is non advice
If you took a hundred people 100 millionaires at random and put them in this room and you asked all of them how do you make a million dollars you’re going to get 100 different answers Elon Musk would say I invented PayPal and Jeff Bezos would say I sold I sold books
Online like you’re not going to get a definitive answer so what do you think not necessarily what do you enjoy do what you enjoy is most of what you enjoy W pay what do you think you could be good at sit and analyze yourself what do
You think you could be good at ask yourself that I don’t know you what are you good at uh think about what you think you could do and answer the question to yourself I can’t tell that’s that’s my advice like look where money is moving and stand in the way I know a
Dude when I was trying to I was trying to buy a part for my car he was like oh I know someone I know someone who who Who’s got car parts for some cheaper he heard I had a problem he heard I was going to spend money on a car car he
Jumps in the middle probably made himself thousand I don’t care how much he made he say look where money is moving and getting theid that that’s a good starting position I never wanted to be a multi-millionaire Andrew once said to me famously Tristan if we could just find a
Way to make like 501 pound a day from home that would alleviate a lot of our problems start small because as you climb the mountain and you reach where you wanted to reach you realize that there are new mountains to climb there are new mountains to climb for me right
Now and I’m at a level that a lot of people can’t even dream of getting to but you see it it opens new doors when you accomplish the goalss that you’re aiming for and uh it opens your eyes to what’s possible from there so don’t think I want to be a multi-millionaire
Think okay I want some Financial Independence I want to work 20 hours at the fast food store instead of 40 but supplement my income from home okay I’ve done that now I have more free time where do I go from here I’ve reached that mountain I’ve seen what’s possible
And aimed higher that’s it so don’t don’t think how am I going to become a multi-millionaire think of your short-term goals make sure your mother works less buy yourself some nicer clothes you know live in a better apartment and think of how you can make
Those things happen and as you go up in value as a man you’ll learn a lot about yourself and from then you can tackle bigger goals stop wasting your time so I was 17 I was working at a fast food restaurant making sandwiches now the internet didn’t really exist as such but
Looking back on it it was part of my journey and I regret nothing because I end up where I am so would I even go back and tell myself anything is the question if I had to um it would be to to not burn so much of my time let’s
Talk to the 17-year-olds who are listening you know do you do you finish your job come home play Video Games Etc that’s what I used to do when I was thinking a little bit what I didn’t do is come home and think okay let’s let’s work on something new let’s try and
Build something let’s start a YouTube channel I’s start creating content instead of consuming content um yeah i’ i’ tell myself to be a little bit more proactive with my free time and not around so much and being a gentleman is is is very very important there doesn’t
Have to be a winner when you’re going on a date with a woman and you’re looking to sleep with her and she’s looking to have a good time you could both go home happy you really can there you don’t have to feel like you defeated her somehow or you tricked her somehow and
She doesn’t need to feel like she used you somehow you can have a wonderful evening you’re nice to her you open the car doors you know you buy her a bouquet of flowers you have dinner you make love you go home she’s happy you’re happy it’s down to you it’s personal
Accountability and that’s what a lot of guys want to throw out the window these days it’s like uh failing in every business you’ve ever attempted and failing to make blaming capitalism or or failing in failing in every boing match or every American football game and NFL game you’ve ever played and blaming the
Referees or blaming the rules no uh it’s personal accountability and it’s personal responsibility so I think a lot of these guys need to really really look in the mirror as I do and sometimes I look at myself I think Tristan okay you’re a little out of shape Tristan
Okay uh you know You’ been you’ve been sleeping too much you’ve been you’ve been parting too hard you got bags under your eyes you’ve been you know you’re letting yourself go a bit and you have to keep yourself in check you have to stay at the very top and if you don’t
Stay at your very top you’re not competitive anymore every single species on the whole planet is exactly the same every single female of every single species look at the looks at the most competitive males and thinks those are the ones I want to have my children and
Women human women are exactly the same so if you’re not having the success with women that you want don’t go out there trying to blame women and don’t go out there trying to change with and what people don’t want to hear is that to become trist and Tate was a slow process
C of hard work that took me 15 years and I’m still working on myself I think the Tristan Tate in 3 or four years is going to be a much better version of who I am now right um and what a lot of people want to do is you know blame their
Circumstances but they don’t understand that I mean height aside you could change every circumstance about you you could change how handsome you are you could change how fit you are how strong you are how rich you are how smart you are I am very fortunate I I don’t know
What loneliness feels like and that’s something that most men can’t say and it’s why me and my brother when we understood through meeting very good friends of ours who were married for 10 years felt alone ex-military guys who felt that sense of Brotherhood and loyalty and companionship in the army or
On their sports team their their college baseball team their fraternity their their their football team and they lose it those are the guys who who open my eyes to how special the relationship I have with my brother is and that’s what I try to tell the world as well I don’t
Know what loneliness feels like you know I was born in very underprivileged family I grew up absolutely broke uh I didn’t have the best I wasn’t dealt the best hair but there was always an ace up my sleeve so I don’t know what that feels like I’ve always had companionship
I’ve always had someone who had my back someone to fight with me someone to work with me in terms of my brother so I’m not going to sit here and say that that the journey to the top for me necessarily was lonely but let me tell
The young men out there you need to be able to identify lowquality friends and cut them off and curate the people around you into a group of winners a group of men who want to go out there and achieve the same things as you and
The journey to the top not only won’t be lonely but it will be far easier