Welcome to 2024 a year abundant with divine possibilities and challenges waiting to be conquered I am Reginal M Harris 1 1991 oilon Epsilon chapter I pray your holiday season was most enjoyable and your family remains blessed after much contemplation consultation and heartfelt prayers I am excited to announce my candidacy for the
Exended position of first B Grand basus of our illustrious fraternity this decision has not been taken lightly as I am fully aware of the formidable challenges that lie ahead I am committed to serving you and our fraternity with utmost dedication utilizing my skills and talents to contribute to our
Collective growth and success it is with profound honor that I seize this opportunity to address you and share my approach to fostering a stronger and more united fraternity therefore I am approaching this opportunity with unwavering determination knowing I can rely on your invaluable support at the heart of our fraternity lies the value
Of friendship it is through friendship that we Forge lifelong bonds support one another and create a sense of belonging however it is evident that this sacred bond is currently under immense strain and being put to the test therefore the urgency to take action is upon us and we must act now first and
Foremost I firmly believe that direction should emanate from the top starting with our grand basus as a leader it is the duty of the first vice Grand baselers to Aid The Grand baselers in clarifying his vision and ensuring it resonates throughout our fraternity as your first vice Grand basus I will
Embrace these responsibilities outlined in our fraternal FR bylaws I will perform the duties assigned to me by the Grand basus and the Supreme Council ensuring that our fraternity operat smoothly and efficiently helping others is not just a duty it is a privilege I will encourage and facilitate opportunities for our fraternity to
Engage in meaningful service projects giving back to our communities and making a positive difference in the lives of those in need I humbly ask for your support and involvement in making this a reality thank you my brothers for your support I look forward to sharing more details with you in the near future
Together let’s create a fraternity where friendship and service is Paramount and friendship is essential to the soul