Hello and welcome to SP L SP L is happy to launch a new initiative initiative Indian po decoded topic Indian important examination as part of the Indian decoded first topic discussion Preamble of the Indian Constitution Preamble of the Indian Constitution meaning nature and source and objectives
Is it part of the Indian constitution or not so what are you waiting for hit the like button subscribe to our YouTube channel share let’s get started and understand what is this concept of Preamble pre meaning of of when state of for example indal brief description Preble so Preble a clause at
The beginning of a constitution or a statute explanatory of the reasons for its enactment and the objectiv sought to be accomplished so Allah la Preble of that particular statute Preble of that particular law so a clause at the beginning of the Constitution PR so PR in general terms in general
Par PR so Preamble is nothing but identity card Preamble is nothing but pref pref pref of particular ofan General meaning basic guardian of the Indian constitution Supreme Court Supreme Court the preamble to our constitution is more than just 63 words perfectly arranged cataloged in a certain way in some
Normative sentences most importantly it is all about the Democratic aspirations and ideals of the people of India in ic golak and others versus the state of Punjab so Preble Preble of the Indian consti pre of the Indian constition according to the Supreme Court of India represent it is about the Democratic
Aspirations and ideals of the people of aspirations IDE of the people thean objectives Vision view PR but if you’re speaking about the Preamble of the Indian constitution what is the preamble of the Indian constitution IDE Democratic aspirations Def Preamble is nothing but the preface Preble and Preamble is nothing but an
Identity card of the Indian constitution pre so the Preble to the Indian constition found Foundation B it is based on the objectives resolution drafted and moved by Pandit neeru and adopted by the constituent assembly so first prime minister so the Preamble is based on the objectives resolution adopted by javahar Neu a
Socu through the objectives resolution so the objectives Resolution Preble so Preamble is what Preamble in is nothing but the identity card of the constition so Clause at the beginning mean of a constitution or a statut explanatory for the Reasons inell it is nothing but the prease of the Constitution it is nothing but the meaning which gives the vision of the cons now United States of America Constitution so the Preamble of the United States Constitution we the people of United States of America so first first Constitution sotion of United States
Of Constitution so we did read the Indian we did see the United States of America’s Constitution which starts with we the people of the United States we the people of India having solemnly resolve to constitute India into a sovereign socialist secular Democratic Republic and to secure to all
Of its citizens justice social economic and political Liberty of thought expression belief faith and worship equality of status of opportunity and to promote among all of them fraternity assuring the Dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation in our constituent assembly this 26th day of November 1949 do hereby
Adopt enact and give to ourselves this Constitution and that is the beauty of the Constitution of India so the constitution of India of Indian First Source of the authority of the contition source of the authority Of we the people of India people auth of thetive form of Representatives so we the people of the India so who gives the power to the Indian constitution it is we the people of India who Give the people compartment the Indian constitution first component of the Indian constitution the source of authority of the Constitution who gives the source of authority of the Indian constitution we the people of the country we the people of India we the people of people of first component of the
Pr second component or theme or category of the pr of thean St of thean St of thean sovereign socialist secular Democratic Republic Sovereign socialist secular Democratic Republic this is the nature of the Indian politic this is the nature Of so source of the authority of the we the people of nature of the Indian Sovereign socialist secular Democratic rep objectives of the Constitution know Justice Liberty equality fraternity date of adoption hereby adopt enact and give to ourselves this constitution November 1949 so symbol meaning nature of the Indian State socialist secular democ rep social Ecom and social justice eom politic but nature of the Indian State exclamation so this happens to symbolic this happens to be a composite expression so state exud irrespective of the influence of other countries other countries countes will influence but Sovereign so sere sere that India as a country would be able to take independent decision without the influence of an outake country without
The impression of another country without imposition of another country without the Viewpoint of another country when I’m able to take an independent Deion for my own country that is what is sovereign eration treaty non proliferation treat for example nuclear transer you will not be able to construct and rebuild and create nucleares so
For2 Amendment socialist secular so 42nd Amendment soci mean socialism meaning directive principles of the statec socialism soci socialism principle soci socialism commun socialism for example communist socialism Russia us socialism communist social so the very entity of the economic activities will be decided by the state so State decide operations quity of a
Particular eom activities under the control of the state so State decides the overall curriculum of the entire process but democra Socialis so the overall control may be under the government but private regulations State interfer socialism rules regulations rest is under the control of the private sector mixed economic model so socialism so socialism but Implement Democratic socialism so Indian Democratic socialism is a mix of Marxism it is a mix of
Gandhism and as a result we predominantly til towards gandhism another is socialist principle it was introduced under the 42nd Constitutional Amendment introdu and India has Democratic socialism meaning of socialism third secularism secularism is also part of the basic structure basic structure but as of irrespective of what the state ideology
Is irrespective of the government formation all religions will be treated equally for example ofak Theocratic state so it’s very so Islamic Republic of Pakistan it’s a Theocratic State very happens to be a secular country respective of the numbers irrespective of the number of people all people will be treated equally irrespective of their
Religion equ secular meaning for example more 13 form ofc form of democracy form ofcy United States of America so United States of Amica America presidential Ty Parliament India example so the term Democratic is used in the Preamble in the broader sense embracing not only political democracy but also social and economic democracy
This Dimension was stressed by Dr BR edar in his concluding speech in the constituent assembly on November 25th 1949 in the following way n ambedkar g political democracy cannot last unless their lies at the base so social democracy what does social democracy mean it means a way of life which
Recognizes Liberty equality and fraternity the principles of Liberty equality and fraternity are not to be treated as a separate items in a trinity they form a union of Trinity in the sense that to divorce one from the another is to defeat the very purpose of democracy Liberty cannot be divorced
From equality equality cannot be diversed from Liberty nor can Liberty and equality be divorc from fraternity socy social problems inability democracy social democrac Ecom democracy equan gend Differences forom ofia ofia El of the Indian State includes Sovereign socialist secular Democratic and Republic next objectives of the Constitution objectives of the Constitution Justice Liberty equality fraternity Justice economic Justice and political justice so social justice different kinds of people equality so equality of status and opportunity and to promote among them
Allat so Justice should be given on the basis of equality equ Equanimity and at the same time parity should be given to the people of the country so soci differences differences social justice economic Justice Eustice for example inity for example taom Justice political Justice irrespective of the religion race so
Justice social justice economic Justice and political justice social justice economic justice so social justice and economic Justice together can be read as what is called as the distributive justice so distributive justice and generation redistribute so that there is parity between the rich and the poor Justice concept liberty liberty of
Thought expression belief faith and worship netive positive thought of Liberty so Liberty to become that Liberty to become this Liberty to envisage and think about a particular parameter rest for but there’ll be some qualified that will Beed as well absolute so Liberty of Thought so thought is what I think expr is whatl so on and so form worship so Liberty of thought expression belief faith and worship objective of the Constitution so equality of status and opportunity irrespective of the cast Creed section ethnicity Equ Equity opportunity frity assuring the Dignity of an individual and the unity and integrity of the nation so B Brotherhood sense of feeling concept so objectives of the Constitution Justice Liberty equality fraternity fraternity Brotherhood so basic objectives that is Liberty equality and fraternity French revolutionin of so the French reu equity and fraternity Indian constitution French Revolution and finally the date of adoption of the constitution in our constituent assembly this 26th day of November 1949 do hereby adopt enact and give to ourselves this constitution so
Date of adoption Yu November 26 1949 so the last session of the constituent assembly ended on November 26 1949 when the Constitution was adopted and 2 months later on Jan 26 195 it came into effect after 284 members signed it January 26 was chosen since the Congress paa swaraj resolution was declared on
This day in the year 1930 so back in 1930 January 26 was chosen as to when it will come into the effect3 January but for the first time for the first time in the history of India 26 1950 so January 26 November 1949 26 1950 republicate because the Constitution was
Adopted two months later and came into effect on January 26 1950 aind PR it came into effect a Jan 26 will be celebrated every year observed as the Republic Day of our country even the deed lectures is it part of the constition window identity cardan indan
Ud3 case the Supreme Court said that the Preamble shows the general purposes behind the several Provisions in the constitution is thus a key to the minds of the makers of the Constitution but it is not part of the Indian constitution preliminary question there is one part in the Indian
Constitution which speaks about the minds of the makers of the Constitution minds of the people minds of the makers of the contition so sueme of the makers of the of thees of but yet it is not part of thean supreme cour in the case Supreme Court rejected
The earlier opinion and held the pream is part of the Constitution disc IM for example article 356 36 54 elaborate discuss resolu the people ofia having Solly resol to declare into a sovereign Socialist Artictic 21 triang article 14 Article 19 article 21 important parameter preliminary examination so article 14 Of is of thean it is part of thean part of the Indian constitution yes Preamble is part of the Indian constitution because this was deliberately discussed and ultimately voted upon by the constituent assembly and that is the very reason and the Very Foundation as to why it is entered into
The constitution of India so it is part of the Indian constition conclusion is it justi for example Off 2 article 226 of the Indian direct Supreme Court article 32 fundamental right enforce so it is not justiciable directly is directive principles of the Indian directive principles enforce no that is not justiciable so
Similares of the state policy is non-justiciable pable fundamental rights are justiciable but e Preble nonusable so similar to directive principles of the state policy nonusable enforce so is Preamble part of the Constitution yes it is part of the Indian constitution deti 1973 next important question amenability of the pr Str Constitutional Amendment under
Article 368 of the Indian constitution so changes secularism is it part of the basic structure so part of the basic structure stability so those aspects which are very foundational which is very important you cannot live without those value System objectives nature of the Indian constitution Sovereign socialist Democratic so Democratic part of the basic structure secular part of the basic structure so can I amend the Preamble of the Indian constitution yes I would be able to go Ahad basic so can I enhance the Preamble of the Indian constitution yes you can
Enhance the Preamble of the Indian structure so can the Preamble of the Indian Constitution be amended yes it can be amended but then if those part of the basic structure Doctrine if they are the very fundamentals of the country these cannot be changed so changes they already considered as part
Of the basic structure doctr amendments so can the amenability of the Preamble of the Constitution can be done yes it can be done can it be enhanced so 42nd constition Amendment socialism can it be amended yes it can be amended but those aspects which are part of the basic
Structure so in other words the Court held that the basic elements of the fundamental features of the Constitution as contained in the Preamble cannot be altered by an amendment under article 368 so EA final concept significance of the Preamble so significance of the pre the Preble embodies the basic philosophy
And the fundamental values like the political moral religious so the significance of it is it is an embodiment it is giving us the basic philosophy and at the same time it contains the Grand and Noble vision of the contient assembly assembly makers reflects the dreams and aspirations of the founding fathers of
The Constitution and at the same time on the constitutionally article interpret matter constition Article 19 article 21 right to health is it explicitly mentioned under article 21 article 21 right to life and to right to he is part of Artic EnV drinking water right to life and personal but Supreme cour interpret
Toac right to privacy privac Artic multiple interpret so when it comes to interpretation so interpretation interpretation of Statute external of interpretation internal of interpretation external interpret law of dictionary meaning of a particular law of Bas 2 26 27 so and internal of interpretation internal so the significance of the pre confusion problem
Interpret so the pre is the internal external this is an internal a of interpretation so interpretation confusion ambiguity so what is the significance of the Preamble The Preamble embodies the basic philosophy and fundamental values political moral and religious on which the Constitution is based it contains the Grand and Noble vision of the
Constituent assembly and reflects the dreams and aspirations of the founding fathers of the Constitution significance of the Preamble so hoping that this entire aspect of Preamble cover why don’t you hit the like button subscribe to our YouTube channel and also share it with your fellow aspirants this is Advocate Ajay Naran signing off
Thank you for watching all the best