Worst sorority hazing incidents of all time the second worst sorority hazing incident happened to Britney Starling while rushing Zeta beta what happened to This Magnificent young lady was truly sickening since Britney was in high school she always wanted to join a sorority her mom her grandmother and the
Person she cared about most were all in sororities her older sister was in Zeta 5 beta a historically black sorority with an amazing reputation so in order to follow her sister’s footsteps as soon as she got to college she made a lot of friends and ended up rushing Zeta beta
As soon as the Haz started Britney began to struggle she had always been the kind of girl that wouldn’t take any disrespect from no one so when the sister started hazing her she started barking back this really aggravated the sisters and to make an example out of
Her they didn’t let her use the restroom for hours until she urinated on herself and everyone laughed Britney was tough as nails and even despite going through all that she didn’t drop and kept pushing forward unfortunately things only got worse from here during the next lineup after forgetting the founding
Sisters of her sorority he took out a giant pipe and started bashing her over the head leaving her with a concussion