You’re going to feel happy as a man when you feel respected and needed you need a purpose people need to need you alive if you’re the kind of man who everyone’s life can function perfectly fine if you get hit struck by lightning then you’re not going to feel happy you’re going to
Feel happy when you realize that people need you and for them to need you you have to be useful you have to be competent and whether that’s children or your girlfriend or your parents or anyone else who cares about you I think living for other people is one of the
Most beautiful things a man can do because it gives you a purpose a higher purpose and most of the men out there who live normal lives do exactly that do they work jobs they work jobs for other people they don’t do it for themselves they don’t even keep most of the money
It goes on the kid the wife the house and they’re taking care of others and that’s a masculine imper if God is instilled in us and it’s a beautiful thing and I think if you’re going to do that you may as well do it for your own
Offspring who else you’re doing it for if you want to build a life choosing your Life Path and knowing which life path you want to go down is going to allow you to make be the most effective in the construction of that life if you
Say I can’t handle that stress I want to be somewhere in the middle then accept it accept the good and bad that comes with that accept the kind of life you want to build and go do it but don’t sit there and say I want to be top G I want
To live this great life and you’re not prepared for war he says something like stress is mine peace is yours sadness is mine happiness is yours but you are mine and he’s writing to his woman saying that my life is not fun my life is stress and pain and hardship and
Difficult you have a great life I give it to you but I get you by extension and that’s why it’s worth it to me and I think it’s the same with children if you’re a man and you have your stuff in order and truthfully there’s going to
Become a day fresh I know you’re out there living big but there’s going to come a day where you’re bored of the club and you’re bored of the hose and you’re bored of the all the fun ain’t fun anymore and you’re going to say well what’s going to make my life worth
Living well how about I have a little version of me and try and make them the a better version of me yeah not just replicate me but make them a better version of me and love is your link to the future and I’m telling you my only
Regret with having children is that I didn’t start earlier and I don’t have 200 of them there’s literally no downside they’re not as expensive as people say they are it’s not difficult but if the mother respects you and she listens to you unless you be a man then
It’s easy bro the poorest people in the world have kids your dog costs more than a kid will your Lambo cost a lot more than the kid ever will that’s is true so kids aren’t even expensive and often you see women going oh I need this he needs
That I need that no you’re bored and you want to put him in designer clothes and dress him up in designer clothes cuz you want to go shop him for designer clothes for your little kid like a dog cuz you’re bored and you want him to be a
Little model well guess what he’s going to do push-ups he has two T-shirts he has two pairs of trousers and if he’s bored push-ups are endless and free so he should never be bored until they’re all done all the push-ups finished because I still see push-ups in the
Universe I just tried to do one I could do it I should have attempted and failed it should have been like no sorry the push-ups are finished are gone the daily allocation of world push-ups have been used by your Offspring and unless that happens then boom they’re cheap so kids
Are cheap and they truly are a blessing I I have nothing bad to say about being a father I recommend everyone at home do it if you find a woman worth having then have a kid with her why not me and I have to be very logical because I think
If you remove the emotionality from events and try to find your fault in them which is what I do because I believe in absolute self-accountability so I blamed myself for going to jail yes it’s a matri attack yes I’m innocent yes A girl lied yes but I’m still blaming
Myself I’ve never seen somebody try their hardest and fail in my life so when I see somebody who doesn’t have what they want I know they haven’t tried their hardest and that’s a constant Universal fact I’ve never seen somebody truly dedicate themselves to anything in fail you guys dedicate yourself to this
Podcast here it is as did I I’ve never seen anybody truly try and fail in history ever so if you have goals you want to achieve I ask you what people do you have around you what network you have around you have people you can sit down with and they are competent and
They’re not lazy and they’re not stupid and they’re not self-interested and they believe in the greater cause where you can work as a fraternity to achieve said goals that’s the that’s the question because I couldn’t have become the most Googled man in the world by myself yep
As Andrew’s talking Andrew is the most Google man in the world I didn’t do it by myself had a team I did it with hundreds of people and we all worked together it was done purposefully as a team that’s a perfect way to prove the point I was saying earlier for you
Andrew okay um being the most famous man on Earth you know being the most Google guy on Earth if you had to do it all again would you want that level of Fame again because this is something that people will never 99.999% of men will never experience so
It came with a lot of downsides a lot more downsides than good sides yeah however I believe allowed me to more people and I believe that the message I’m spreading is good I’ve had people tell me I’m bigger than I know I am that I’ve saved more lives than people would
Believe that I’ve clawed men out of depression that I’ve help men do the right thing that men are now going to the gym and training hard and making more money and being better versions of themsel and I feel like if God gives you an opportunity to affect so many lives
In a positive way then you should be prepared to do that no matter what negative consequences you must suffer what did we say earlier about bravery would I do it again yes yes because I’m brave and I would suffer all the things I’m suffering again and I
Would go to jail again and I would do it all again because I believe I’m helping people and if it’s and it’s not because it’s actually a perfect circle it’s not because it’s benefited my life I was already rich I already had girls I didn’t need any forget that I didn’t
Need any of these things it hasn’t benefited my life in fact it’s given me a whole heap of problems but what do we say about being a man you find your happiness through other people and when a young kid comes up to me and says he doesn’t take drugs he doesn’t drink he
Doesn’t do bad things he goes to the gym he works hard because of me I feel happy because of that it’s not even a philanthropic Enterprise it’s to a degree selfish but I find happiness in helping other people and I think that’s a masculine thing to do so I would
Absolutely I don’t read books cuz they’re too slow and I think that time is money and they go hand inand and I simply don’t have the time to read books that’s one of the things I like about jail because I could find the time I don’t particularly read books I learned
Through my network I learned through my fraternity I learn through my brothers I spend a lot of my time in the war room and that’s where I get most of my information because if you have more people on the same wavelength as you it a lot of you at home you’re not even
Looking out for the threats you’re not even trying to understand how this world works and you’re also not looking out for the opportunities so if you’re a person who isn’t doing those things you stand absolutely zero chance against the people who do if you’re not looking out for the opportunities and people are
Looking out for the opportunities they will find the opportunities Before You by extension if you’re doing it by yourself and there is a team of other people looking out for opportunities you’re certainly going to fail yes it’s like watch men you’re one man in a watchtower and you’re trying your very
Best but if there’s a hundred Watchmen in a 100 watchtowers and they’ll notify each other to the idea of a threat they’re going to identify it sooner way faster I say this all the time about people who think they’re going to get rich by themselves and they can do it
Without a Brotherhood because people say why join the CEO Network or why join the war room or why do you need a Brotherhood so much I don’t do anything by myself every business idea I have I do alongside my brothers yeah if I have an idea or I need information or I need
Access to particular Market or I need expertise I go to the people I can trust and we do it I make millions of dollars with hundreds of other men that’s how I do it the idea of doing it myself is such a daunting and Monumental task plus
I would be so slow I would be outpaced anyway so if you’re going to sit here and say oh you know why do you need a fraternity why do you need a network because alone you can’t compete against the team yeah you can’t you can be a UFC
World champion if 10 average men jump you it’s a difficult night it’s a hard night why are you trying to do it by yourself you should be waking up every day saying I want to become as rich as possible so let me find guys who want to
Become as rich as possible and let me find Men of Honor and strength who I can trust and rely on and work with them to get rich that’s how you should do it you shouldn’t be doing anything by yourself my whole life is based on brotherhood everyone knows it because of Tristan but
They don’t understand the extension of that fraternity we have in the war room and other places even us the number of times we sit together this podcast will be everywhere and it’ll be clipped up and seen by millions of people cuz we’re working together that’s the exact point
A lot of these men want to do it all themselves and be selfish and they don’t understand understand that reduces your chance from 1% to zero cuz you’re going to get crushed this goes back to the point about loyalty the reason it’s so hard to find in the world today loyalty
Requires bravery because to be loyal to somebody you have to be brave enough to stick to your ideals in an unfavorable situation or position if you’re a man who’s not brave how can you be loyal if you’re a man who’s not brave how can you be loyal to your friends when they’re
Accused of something all the facts aren’t out yet you don’t know what video is going to appear you don’t know why the police arrested them if you’re not brave enough to put your name on the line how can you be loyal to them if you are not brave enough to fight the man
Who attacks your girl how can you be loyal to her bravery is a prerequisite to loyalty and there’s a lot of men in the world who sit and say I’m loyal I want to be loyal but if you’re a coward you can’t be loyal if you’re a [ __ ] you
Can’t be loyal loyalty and bravery go hand in hand and that’s why loyalty is so scarce and so hard to find in the world today and I guarantee if there was more bravery in the world there’d be a direct and positive correlation to loyalty you’d find everywhere but most
Men aren’t Brave they’re scared of getting in trouble and they’re scared of sticking up for something if it’s going to get them heat and they’re scared of sticking by somebody is going to put problems on their plate and they’re scared of getting their ass whooped or
Whatever it is and that’s why you have no loyalty left CU people are basically cowards and