Hello everyone University education Commission rakish commission1 terms of University education Commission University education Commission Dr M universityeducation For University University education suggest improvements and extensions that might be considered desirable to suit the present and future requirements of the country no for terms of reference terms of and objetives of changes considered necessary and desirable in the Constitution Control Function and jurisdiction of the universities in India Standin the courses of study and the standards of admission in the universities culture History Literature language philosophy for Comm ter of refer IG instruction in the universities recation conditions of resarch method of study method of Study information colle administrators organizations students education volume first part first part recomendations Al recommendations M and to maintain a high standard in general professional and vocational education to preserve and develop the culture and civilization of the land to educate the mind and soul of the student in order that he may grow in wisdom next to make new discoveries and inventions next to ins moral values in
The students while making them well disciplined to bring about the spiritual developments of students a commission next to provide leadership in politics Administration education industry and commerce leadersh next to make the foundation of democracy equality fraternity Justice to develop the spirit of universal Brotherhood and internationalism in the students faculties in
Universities carefully planned next working conditions scale of salary reader lecturer instructor facct on grounds of Prof fund teaching standard OCC sorry refg minimum working days working day teach prescribed textbooks commission professional education any man or woman who has prepared for exacting service by thorough and disciplined scholarship and training and who lives and works in the spirit of professional standard May well be recognized as a member of a profession stand profession
Agricultural education commercial education engineering and Technology legal education educ religious and moral education replacement according to the commission morality cannot replace the need of religion religion is needed to choose a positive purpose of life for religious instruction would aim to make its citizens deeply spiritual and not narrowly religious religious
Education all ucation institutions start for work with a few minutes of few minutes for silent meditation lives of great religious leaders should be taught religious leaders Bud gur muhammadh selection of universalistic character from the scriptures of the world to be studied Medi of instruction English should be studied in the higher
Schools and in universities for keeping the students in touch with the living stream of ever GR knowled evaluation system examination of the Mark should be allotted for class work standard of divided the rank after passing the examination 5 graduate students activities and welf physical examination all universities must have hospital and Health
Service sanitary inspection of the campus buildings hostels dining rooms kitchens and off campus residences must beaken inity H dining room Kary INSP competent staff should be provided for compulsory physical training and a regular time should be assigned for the purpose social service should be encouraged and it should remain on a completely voluntary
Basis students should receiveing naal of the of students should be set up in college and universities College University students same facilities to be given to the women colleges and universities as provided to men’s colleges and universities Home Science home management Home Science home management home for equal
Work female teachers must be paid the same salary as male teachers for equal work ad University education should be placed on the concurrent list University ucation governing bodies of the colleges should be properly con r undergraduate colleges Ral University Small res undergraduate number maximum number of students for the undergraduate resident colleges
Should be 300 and the overall maximum enrollment for colleges and University combined should be about 2,500 sorry they should have separate teaching staff and facilities aort in rural colleges the General Studies should be combined with the practical mathematics chemistry physics geology astronomy biology physical education psychology social sciences philosophy language literature bate Work University education teaching stands silent meditation religious instruction silent recomendations impracticable recommendations of on Rural universities rural universities un thank you