Kimet civilization fell in 332 BC with the Advent of Alexander Macedonia conquering Kim and turning kimet into Egypt Egypt is a pyramid is is a word is so most of the names of African places and things and people have been changed by non-african people so if you don’t
Know the original names you’ll never be able to understand the history the culture uh the science of philosophy and the concepts as they were originally uh created give you let me give you one example of that pyramid is a Greek word which means little flat cake like a
Pancake the original word for that structure is mirr Mir and the word mirr means the place of Ascension uh so mirr uh there there are no bodies buried in any pyramids of mirror in in the entire Nile Valley none zero so any time anybody tells you that the pyramids were
Tombs that is a lie whether it’s an intentional lie or unintentional Li based on ignorance uh mirr were always built over tombs the tombs were underground so the the word Mir means the place of Ascension the place of Ascension and the purpose of a mirr was to facilitate the Ascension of the Soul
Buried underneath it into heaven where that Soul would be reborn and they were very specific about where in heaven a soul would go to be reborn so the first text which documented this journey the soul into the Afterlife was carved in the burial chamber of a tomb known as
The Pyramid of unas right so it’s in his burial chamber where you find the oldest written doc the oldest written religious documents in the world were inscribed on the walls of this particular tomb that talks about the soul that talks about the process for the Salvation of the
Soul that talks about the Judgment of the soul and the place where souls go to be reborn so the framework for uh Western religions can be found in the Nile Valley so it’s important to reclaim the names it’s important to understand chronology and history so in that context Alexander Macedonia conquered uh
Kimet in 332 BC and and the word Egypt derived from the the name H which is the Temple of the of the spirit of B in the city of mphr which was later renamed Memphis by the Greeks and so that word Hakata became Aus which was latinized
And became Egypt that’s how that word devolved not evolved it devolved because it lost its Essence to the uh the evolution of the word and so um once Alexander conquered kimet then he became so enamored by the 3,000 years of historical knowledge that he had inherited by virtue of conquest and so
He no longer referred to himself as Alexander son of Philip of Macedonia he called himself Alexander son of Aman son of a men the Unseen presence of God Almighty which is a which is a upper now Valley concept right and so the Greek rulers then descended from Alexander’s
Li and Cleopatra is the last of these Greek rulers so Cleopatra for all inti purposes Cleopatra was not African she was not comedic in the literary in the literal sense of the word uh and so my thing is don’t get caught up in Cleopatra there there are other personalities of more historical and
Cultural significance who we should be uh focusing our attention on so I would bypass Cleopatra discussion and focus on Queen T who was one of the baddest queens in human history she was one of the most powerful rulers on Earth she was the wife of Amon hotep theii and
Their statue in the uh Egyptian Museum and Cairo is the largest statue in that building and anyone who looks upon that statue could see the the nationality or the race if you will of who these two African people were and it’s very clear that we understand the
Chronology um uh Queen T was the wife of Amon hotep third son was am hope ivth who changed his name to akatan uh and and anat’s son was the person that we call K so if you understand the history understand the chronology you can focus your attention on on subject matters
That are more worthy of discussion than than Cleopatra not to dismiss her summarily but but Cleopatra is about as significant as Megan Mark I’m just saying right right cont context right so look at and yeah thank you for that image of Queen now that’s a very small image of Queen and what I
Would also suggest those of you listeners who who live in New York go to the Metropolitan Museum the Met Museum and you’ll see an image of Queen te in the Met Museum but that image of Queen T has half of her face destroyed and there was an article that was written in the
1970s that was an attack against African Center Scholars and asilia brought this uh knowledge to our attention the people from The New York Times had interviewed him um as part of this same debate that folk are having right now about Cleopatra in African history um and AC hilard showed
This image of Queen te and this image of Queen tea I love it so much because it reminds me so much of my dear friend uh Dr Francis Chris Wilson with the afro the stern look uh and woman who who was clearly in control of herself and her
Destiny so ASA referenced that face of Queen tea in the Metropolitan Museum with half the face knock so they had an opportunity the New York Times had an opportunity to tell the truth but they chose not and so these are the games that we’re playing with and we have to you
Know be very careful about who we uh get our information from we should read everything but read everything with a critical eye so that you can discern when someone is being deceptive you can discern when you’re seeing you’re being immersed into aspects of the truth so that you can ground yourself on the
Truth and not be led astray by arguments or false narratives that are designed to neutralize your your strength your power and and to waste time yes know we really don’t have any time to waste absolutely and speaking of time I know you have to
Run so I want you to uh let people know uh about you told me Egypt on the bomic tour is going to start back up uh give people the website and then uh family watching as soon as we finish with Tony I’ll let you know about my online
History classes I teach on Saturdays and Sundays because we have a class today at 3 p PM Easter Standard Time go go ahead Tony so uh through our through our our company ikg we have been presenting this information for over 40 years uh we’ve done numerous Publications we have
Numerous activities one of our most significant activity is our Egypt or the bomic field trip which is something that I created um in 1986 so um Egypt onomic is designed to show people the Egyptian presence the comedic presence in uh in Washington DC and I’ve done research we’ve been doing
This for well over 30 years and no one has ever challenged me based on the information that we put forth to show that America’s founding fathers chose examples from the N Valley from Kush and Kim in order to establish the foundation for what has become the capital of the
Wealthiest most powerful nation in human history so uh that activity has been curtail for the past three years because of covid but beginning on May the 6 we will have our regular three-hour uh bus field trip of Washington DC where we will take you through locations various locations throughout the city and
Explain the architectural the symbolic and the mythological elements of valley civilization which have literally been hidden in plain sight we connect the dots and we Empower people with the ability to see their history and use that history to transform their Consciousness so anyone can go to our website ikg-info dcom we also have
Another project that we’re going to be unveiling uh at the thir Marshal Center where we’re based in DC it’s the John Henry Clark enhanced history project this project uh we’re going we have 400 square feet of wall space where we’re going to be using uh information
Inspired by the work of John Henry clar to tell the story of people who have been written out of the respectable commentary of human history and this uh project is my response to certain historical shortcomings in the national museum of African-American history and culture which is a phenomenal structure
The only issue that I have with it is that it begins our history in the basement and it begins our history with slave right it doesn’t talk about who we were prior to our enslaving exactly so the Cornerstone the Cornerstone of the John H Clark enhanced history project is
A 25 foot long mural which uh illustrates 8,000 years of African excellence and success an undeniable 8,000 years of African excellence and this and success which was undermined by the maafa the the European and um Arab enslavement of African people but we have come through the MAA we have
Survived and through the work you’re doing through the work that others are doing we are doing our best to bring Forbidden Knowledge into the community that needs the knowledge the most so that they can transform their Consciousness and create a world uh that is worthy of their children and their
Children’s Children’s inheriting based on accessing ancestral knowledge and recreating the genius that we were born with so that’s the process man and let me just uh in closing let me just share that my good colleague Charles frch has a new book coming out next month uh it’s
10,000 years of now Valley history okay 10,000 of n Valley history so I’m I’m really pleased to see that there’s more Scholars more sisters and brothers who are doing the work and documenting a history that has been suppressed for so long and all we have to do is read and
Study uh and create spaces within our home every home should have a live correct right the parents in those homes spend time reading with your children and having intelligent discussions about how to articulate that history everybody pays taxes and our tax dollars are being used in schools to miseducate uh many
Children black brown white uh children in the classroom so we have an obligation as taxpayers to see to it that certain information is accessible in the classroom and if it’s not going to be taught in the classroom we need to demand of our churches our fraternities our sororities our barers shops beauty
Shops to turn those spaces into spaces where we can teach our children and their parents and Elders in the community who they are correct so we can transform our Consciousness but my um I teach a 10-week online history course uh that uh just started up and we have
Class number four coming up um Sunday March 3rd 2024 2m easn Standard Time uh it’s called ancient kimet the Moors and the maafa understanding the transatlantic slave trade what they didn’t teach you in school okay I deal with thousands of years of History what leads up to the transatlantic slave
Trade taking place you never seen anything like this before now normally we do this on Saturdays but like I said on uh on Saturday March 2nd I am doing a presentation for the Detroit reparations task force and it’s the same time that class is so I have to we’re going to do
The class on on on Sunday okay Sunday 2 pm um you can register for we do the sessions live all the sessions are archived and recorded and you can go back and watch them over and over again even after the course is over if you can
Go back and watch it okay I’m G put the new flyer up there this is the flyer for our Sunday February 25th class um as soon as you register you can go watch that class my lesson plan here is here for all 10 classes so we deal with eight
We uh there’s over 200 slides that I created I’ve been teaching this class on and off since 2017 I created the curriculum for this class uh and and I select the Articles as well there’s uh 80 to 100 articles uh that we look at here in the class there are uh 15 about
15 books that we reference I show you excepts of the book on the screen you don’t have to buy any of the books to follow along in class uh we at excerpts we also look at uh excerpts of interviews I’ve done with some of our historians some of our
Scholars Professor James small Professor kahay W the K Anthony Browder uh roko rashidi Etc okay but here um this is my lesson plan and you can download this lesson plan okay so you can follow along with us in class I’m going to update the lesson I’ve made a few a few slight
Changes to the lesson plan to add some information so we’ll update that um but uh in in class uh in our next class we’re going to look at we just looked at uh Sunday we just looked at Tas heracleon the last the Lost uh Egyptian city of tonis heracleon that sunk into
The sea about 12200 years ago this was a City built around 800 around 8th Century BC okay or BCE before the Common Era we talked about stone tools found on the Greek island of cre that Dat Back 130,000 years ago so in this portion of the class we’re looking at Arch iCal
Discoveries that have come out in the last uh 10 to 15 years or 20 years or so over about a 20 year period of time that are causing the scientists and archaeologists to push the timelines back we’ll talk about the 17 pyramids that were found buried underneath Egypt around
2011 uh in the next class we’re going to get into understanding Cooperative economics which are principles we brought with us from Africa and uh each class we build a foundation to get deeper into it we talked about the quisan who have the oldest DNA on the
Planet and uh date back about at least 100,000 years ago they’re the short statured Africans who go all around the world and the quisan were here as well because we looked at information com from coming from Dr David M hotep’s book the first Americans were Africans documented evidence okay so you can go
Through and look at the type of content that we covered here in this class you’ve probably never seen anything like this before this class it’s on sale $80 regularly uh $130 you can use information with your children uh also I would say the content is PG-13 but this class is going to blow
You away this is my life’s work it took uh about seven years to get the class really developed to this point okay so as soon as you register you start watching the content so please uh support us in what we do because it takes a lot to finance the African
History Network pay for all these Services pay for restream uh I teach the class on two digital platforms two online digital platforms I have to pay them each month as well but when you see the content in this class and how much you learn in here it’s going to blow you away and
Then uh it was either the fir we did an introduction to the class on February 3D and then uh on our February 10th uh class we dealt with some of the history of Black History Month as well okay we dealt with some of the history of uh uh Black History Month Okay
So and what I’m going to do is for the sake of time okay how youall like this type of information give us a thumbs up give us a heart give us a like on the broadcast also at at our website um africanis we have the uh
Information for cash app and PayPal okay and I created I had to create this graphic here because uh people have set up fake African history Network cash app accounts and they’ve been stealing money from us so as information here about our uh radio show or or our broadcast
Sundays 9:00 p.m. to 11: p.m. Easter Standard Time and let’s see here this is another class that I teach that’s going to start up in June it’s called black resistance movements from the Haitian revolution us civil war Civil Rights movement and black power movement 1800 to 1968 that’s
G to start up uh the first weekend in June but here’s our PayPal and cash app information here our cash app account is dollar sign the Ahn show W when you go to it it says Michael and shows my picture there you click right here on
The link it it shows our QR code uh these other ones here are fake African history Network cash app accounts and there’s about five fake ones out there that I’m trying to get shut down uh you click here for PayPal it takes you to our