We are super excited to have our students here today to celebrate National Trio day for 2024 um today has been a day of great excitement and empowerment and encouragement for our students we get to pour life into them as they are the holders of our future
Really excited about a lot of the work that our Trio staff has done uh with the EP students um we are excited the results and the interaction and engagement that happens with Trio um and we really more over excited that students are able to take advantage of these
Opportunities it was a pleasure to be here for a trio day um just seeing the high school students here really excited really wanting to learn more had the opportunity to teach them about budgeting so interesting to hear their stories where they are what they’re saving up for and I really had a good
Time today so excited today to be the closing keynote for National Trio day we know without programs like Trio that really f Focus to bring in those underserved sometimes students that are the first person in their family to go off to college our work is incomplete so
Huge shout out and thank you to Adam Mel Whitney and the entire team for making this day possible for students in the city of Detroit so we can continue to do our work we want to say thank you to all of our partners um the connection Dean Detroit College Access Network Detroit
Promise Ali financial and so many others who participated in our 38th annual National Trio Day event um we’re excited to be able to welcome our students here from Detroit from University Prep Academy University Prep science and math and University Prep Art and Design for all of their great work they’re putting
In throughout the year to be academically sound but also to be model citizens within the school and within the community I’m also want to say thank you to all of the Divine n members that came out to support this day and to all of our volunteers and Community Partners
That just really participated in this experience to make it a great opportunity for our students so um shout out to the students of EP um schools and we want to say thank you for all the work that you’re doing and just remember Trio Works