Start with a welcome so we’ll uh welcome the audience who may be watching this uh this is a brother Steve Steven Mitchell uh We’ve contacted privately via video he reached out to me uh he’s a fan of non-nonsense Christianity discovered my channel through the first documentary and we’ve uh become friends since then
Uh meeting a few times um and we’ve spoke about the Freemasons haven’t we Steve uh the first time that we spoke and I believe it’s something that you’ve tried to talk to other Christians about it and nobody really wanted to talk about it and uh it’s not really a
Subject that I would normally talk about I think it’s you know it’s not something that’s very high on my agenda to cover but there are a lot of Christians who do talk about this and it does matter some people so because it’s not something that I know much about it’s good to sort
Of do this interview to to Outsource it to you instead so um I’ve got a few questions here for Steve and some of these questions are from the point of view of somebody who will be watching this and thinking why are you talking about this so and some questions I have
Spoken to you before haven’t I but obviously for the sake of our audience I’ll kind of be asking you uh the same question again so to kick us off Steve do you want to give us sort of um a brief introduction about what Freemasonry is who they are what is it
If someone just asks you what is it what would you say uh yeah and first of all David thank you very much for having me on and you know giving me uh your your awesome platform to be able to talk about this CU yeah it’s been a it’s it’s
Been quite the Journey of uh many people and I’m sure anybody out there who knows what I’m talking about they will absolutely attest to this that anytime you open your mouth about any of this stuff and you start to try to talk about um what Freemasonry is or secret
Societies in general um it it really comes down to uh you get the door sh slammed on you very very very quickly and it just turns into you are one big tinfoil hat theorist and why are you talking about this and what can we do my
Favorite question is well what can I do about it and it’s like well um you can educate yourself in who these people actually really are and quite frankly um they are in a nutshell whenever I talk to people about this is they are the people who run this world they run the
Planet that we are living on they run everything everyone that is on their payroll is completely bought paid for um but in a nutshell what Freemasonry is just a cut to the Chase and instead of building up to this long buildup to it
Um I’m more of a cut to the chase guy so Freemasonry is essentially um Satanism mixed with Christianity and so the repent of your sins Doctrine in which of what you you talked about and that’s how I discovered you and um which answered a lot of questions for me because I became
A Christian at the very beginning of Co which was very diff it was that was the most difficult time ever to become a Christian because all I had was the Bible I’d never read a book before um I was probably if you asked me Pro I would
Guess maybe like a third grade reading level at that point and so I’m starting with this Old English uh 1611 CH inter interchange now to the text of where we’re at now of where it started was 1611 Old English King James Version Bible uh it was very difficult
To grasp but at the same time um had the incredible guidance of the Holy Spirit to help me understand what it isance he’s the author of that book so I I had his guidance to be able to help me uh understand exactly what it was that I
Was reading but the point being was it answered uh within the Bible answered a lot of questions pertaining to who these people are that run our planet uh and that was initially the where I I started my journey on in the first place that
Led me to the Lord I was it wasn’t uh a thing of you know I had somebody sit me down and uh show me teach me the gospel and you know tell me what the gospel is or anything like that somebody knock on my door and tell me what the gospel is I
Had no one to tell me what the gospel was other than I just what I believe to be that I had God’s voice inside of me telling me exactly and guiding me to uh guiding me to the Bible and and and getting me saved to be able to actually
Read it properly of what the gospel truly is but that came from a long long line of uh checking out Freemasonry and digging into them so essentially Freemasonry is Satanism mixed with uh mixed with Christianity and if you can forgive me for sort of adding to that but obviously
Because yours is quite a spiritual answer some people might just want kind of a Wikipedia answer so to give people the the Wikipedia answer of who they are it’s basically from a few centuries ago it was like a guild particularly for people who worked in stone masonry but
It it has evolved into a secret society and of as a secret society it has a lot of high ranking members of society as part of it so that that’s just a Wikipedia answer for people as to what it is uh yeah and more than anything it’s
Uh it’s a lot of Witchcraft it’s a lot of Witchcraft uh and um and uh and and taking the concept of Satanism mixing that with witchcraft but that and um that that all cultivated really from um a gentleman and I use that term very Loosely from uh from the early 1900s and
His name was Alistair Crowley um Alistar Crowley was the beginning of what Freemasonry originated from originate and what I believe to be from reading in the Bible was the Pharisees they were The Originators of Freemasonry um and that’s the umbrella and Freemasonry essentially is uh what is the umbrella of what people people
Considered to be Illuminati and all these different names of these different kinds of secret societies um and and that’s when it’s it sort of branched off and it became um all fell under one umbrella which Freemasonry fell under the One Umbrella because of Alistar Crowley which um started uh of under the
Book of the law which uh the book of the law is it’s not very big as you can see but however um it started what is called the law of thalma which is the the entire law of what Freemasonry is based out of and the law of thma states do as
Thou Wilt meaning that you can do whatever you want as long as it’s within the confines of the law of Nature and within the law of nature that actually um completely overshadows and overthrows our human laws and it overthrows literally every single law that you can possibly think of including uh God’s law
Including anything that has to do with a law in general the law of thma uh meaning do as thou Wilt it really pushes the boundaries on every on anything that you could possibly do and essentially um they break them down to within the 33rd within because everybody’s heard of the 33rd degree of
Freemasonry and the 33 degrees that it takes to get there of which uh Albert Pike of morals and Dogma um Albert Pike is essentially the heavyweight champion of Freemasonry who came up with the 33ยฐ of Freemasonry and the 33ยฐ essentially break you down over the course of the entirety in which you get
Up to that rank of doing whatever it is that is necessary to break that human down in other words to commit as many as many um of the what you would consider in sin of our sin nature to break every sin that you can possibly think of to
Break that human down so that there is no such thing anymore there is no sin because that’s what they believe that there there is no such thing as Sin so it’s trying trying to sear their conscience is what what you’re saying that’s the essentially they try to sear
Their conscience in other words um because of the fact that they believe that Jesus is the enemy that’s the reason why I ended up finding Christ is because I started to understand the concept that Freemasonry they don’t just hate Jesus they have a blood boiling like unbridled hatred for Jesus which we’ll
Get to over the course of all of this so um just for the listeners just to let you know um I’ve never done an interview like this before so I will try my best to stay on track I want to try my absolute best to stay on track to to to
Make sure that I don’t float all over the place because I want to let you all know there is a lot to these guys there’s a lot to the way they work there’s a lot to the way that they um they stay hidden and um the way that they stay hidden
Most of all is through the art of lying and how they’ve learned how they’ve lied their way into the mainstream into the general public into making sure that whenever we talk about them in any way that you don’t believe anything that I’m saying because they have gone out of
Their way to entertain to distract to give you every single to give the general public and the the masses um every single possibility of way to to um uh to to break down literally every single possibility of way that I could com comment them with um unequivocal and and absolute um evidence
To prove to the contrary that they do exist but unfortunately um whenever I’m presenting of a truth in any way shape or form they’ve broken down not only the truth of who they are but they’ve broken down Jesus Christ so badly that if you present the the true honest case of who
Jesus really is even though you were quoting it from the Bible um they have gone out of their way to prove otherwise to the contrary to keep Jesus hidden from the world and to make sure that the true Jesus which Jesus warned us about in the Bible when he stated that if
Anyone comes to you with another Jesus or anyone comes to you with a different gospel that it’s not that that it’s not really me and it’s not really Jesus and so to stay away from that and to run away from that as far as possible and to
Know that that’s not really who the that’s not the truth that it’s farce and it’s completely false in every way shape and form and unfortunately they’ve done a great job of making sure that um none of this Truth uh comes out in any way shape or form so to actually properly
Answer the question of what is Freemasonry this is the absolute answer of all answers that you can get which comes from Freemason of the century Manley P hall from his book lectures on Ancient philosophy which is a companion to um The Secret teachings of all ages and this is the rosicrucian which
I’m sure many are familiar with and Masonic Origins Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity an outer organization concealing an inner Brotherhood of the elect one visible and the other Invincible the visible Society is a splendid camaraderie of free and accepted men and women enjoined to devote themselves to ethical educational
Fraternal patriotic and humanitarian concerns meaning we stand for good on the other side the invisible Society is a secret and most August fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious AUM AUM let me say that again AUM AUM or AUM that meaning the mystery of mysteries in other
Words the one ultimate secret supposed to lie behind all astrology Alchemy and magic in other words Satan who is behind all astrology Alchemy and Magic that is the big secret the mystery of mysteries okay so there’s the next question maybe I should have asked this first but this it would have probably
Ended up with the same kind of answer anyway I guess a lot of Christians whether they’re saved or not saved would have a problem talking about this topic because they they’d want to know why why do I need to know about this why why do I need a big long interview or a
Two-hour explanation of who the Freemasons are why why why do I need to know Steve um well you I would say for the fact that everybody needs to know who these people really are because of the fact that they are being lied to on a daily basis of a continuous basis um in
Terms of thought deed and speech um and every single aspect of their lives are literally being whether they want to believe it or not are literally being controlled by these people um Freemasonry uh has gone out of their way to to make sure that um when it comes to
The knowledge of Jesus and this is for Christians personally um for the general public if you want to go on under think thinking that this world’s great and you want to go on you know listening to uh the people who are a politician and you
Want to go watch the next movie and you want to go watch the next game and you want to go uh do every single thing that is on their payroll and follow along and you know and and let them lead you then that’s fine you do whatever you want
Proceed at your own Peril I’m not here to I’m not here for you I’m here for the people who want to know who are who are interested in understanding who it is and what it is that’s really truly going on and even if you don’t really necessarily think you believe it you
Know deep down in your heart that there’s something really really really wrong here on this on on this planet um starting all the way down from the fact that when you stub your toe they have gone out of their way to change every single bit of our language to the point
Where when somebody stubs their toe they say the words Jesus Christ and they don’t even know why they’re saying it they have no idea why they’re uh saying oh my God for whatever it is that they’re saying oh my God for um but then when it comes down to something that’s
Really bad in their life that they really need help with then that’s when they’ll scream out oh my God for real but they’ll scream out oh my god when they’re having sex but they’ll say oh my god when somebody’s dying and please help my family member but they’ll cry
Out for for God of whom that they don’t even realize that the people who run this world have literally changed the the language so badly that they don’t even realize the language that they’re actually saying of they themselves have indoctrinated to actually hate God uh themselves so um that’s why I feel like
People should know because of the fact that they don’t really understand how badly they’ve infiltrated um changing up literally every single bit of our culture every single bit of our language uh the to um to the to how fascinated people are with the occult these days uh
Right all the way down to Harry Potter that’s managed to change Wizards and warlocks and um making it a a fantasy like this fun thing for kids to go to a Disney World when in actuality these are real people that are actually Wizards and warlocks that are actually um conducting really really
Powerful witchcraft to uh which most of all the biggest magic wand of all is the television which most people just kind of know already but um uh how far down the rabbit hole this really goes in terms of how much of this world that they’ve taken control over and more so
Why do people why should people really know this um simply because uh the Bible predicted that of their endgame that was going to happen and how it was going to happen in the Book of Revelation um but the question is how far of the blueprint do people actually really understand of
How Satan has continued to build his army through um Satanism masked with Christianity But ultimately masked as modern humanism and that’s what free when we go back to what is Freemasonry 101 it’s with it’s it’s Satanism mixed with Christianity masked completely and that equals modern humanism and so
Essentially what I’m saying is how people don’t realize that the entire planet is literally indoctrinated into a low-level form of Satanism and they actually don’t even understand it because most people don’t understand what Satanism actually really is because they’ve really gone out of their way um with in politician talk especially in
Interviews and things like that to actually go as far as to say that they don’t even believe in Satan when people ask them about so what do you believe in then if you don’t believe in Satan and then they just literally circle around and uh they Deal completely in uh they
Are very very very very very well equipped in philosophy um and that comes all the way down to um and that goes in uh the Satanic Bible with Anton Le was this fine looking gentleman right here uh that um basically basically completely engulfs them in philosophy tears their mind completely down
Rebuilds it in philosophy so that when people ask they can literally just talk their way in circles and and they’ve dumbed the masses down so badly that when they talk in circles they won’t even know what they’re actually fully talking about and just go oh well that
Sounded really good and then they can just move on and they can keep staying hidden because they just literally lie to you again about who they really are and what they’re doing what their plans are how they plan to take over literally this entire world and they’re very close
To doing it and they just get to keep nudging more and more and more more forward in terms of um uh where they want to go and how they want to keep moving this elevator up to the the next floor it’s literally you just kind of think of Satanism as like an elevator
That they keep moving up to the next floor and eventually once they get to the top floor then you it’ll be too late it’s already too late at this point so um bottom line is for the people who think that there’s I’m calling for an uprising or Revolt or anything like that
It’s literally nothing like that in any way shape or form um the best quote I ever heard about um Freemasonry and where this all is is the Titanic is literally sunk at this point and there’s liter there’s or at best it’s sinking and there’s nothing you can do about it
It’s already hit the iceberg and so it’s best to just look for the the life raft and I’m literally pointing you to Jesus for that life raft right now cuz there’s no other way of looking at it you can’t stop it it’s too big of a typhoon to try
And cease at this point there’s no Uprising there’s nothing you can do there’s no protest that you can stand in front of or a picket line can’t stand in front of a Bilderberg Group and scream at them anymore they’re just laughing at you at this point so at this so there’s
Nothing else left to do but just educate yourself of who these people are so that you have an ability when you’re listening to them you are you you can actually hear that what’s the truth is that’s actually coming out of the M that’s coming out of their mouth for the
Lie that they’re trying to sell you on repeatedly on a daily basis okay so yeah a lot of people will obviously be listening to that and it some of it does sound a bit sort of overd dramatic or a bit you know Tim file hat but I’ve I’ve got some
Questions that will allow you to have to sort of answer those in some ways and I’m writing stuff down too you know I can always ask you some more stuff later sure so there’s a there’s a few channels out there that that do like to look out for
The hand signs you know they do like the six and there’s the the one eye thing and you know the the hand on the chest and all of that sort of stuff and they said oh he’s a Freemason cuz he’s doing that with his hand or he’s doing that or
He’s doing that you know so I guess some people would say um are you what do they mean well no well I’ve got that question later but I guess people are trying to say are you looking for confirmation bias in the sense of yes we know that
There’s evil in the Bible we know that Satan’s in control of the world but we don’t have this label Freemason attached to it so how does all of this stuff that you’re talking about link up to them and if if some people might say if you’re deliberately looking for it you can find
It anywhere because it’s like confirmation bias uh yeah um so essentially what you’re what you’re wondering is am I just kind of looking for what I what I want to fit my own narrative just to um just just to kind of give myself my own
Reaffirming of what I want it to mean or anything like that um before um yes that would have been absolutely the way that it was until I started actually reading into their literature and I started actually really doing my research into this I want you guys to know that um as
Over dramatic as this might actually seem um cuz I totally understand from a perspective I’ve heard it all man I’ve literally like for years I’ve been listening to people telling me what a tinf foil hat I am um I’ve been listening to from from my own family to
My exes to my bandmate my former band I was a drummer for a long time playing in bands um uh looking into their literature and uh trying to have these conversations with people and um sometimes people would listen for a little bit and sometimes people it would
Just get completely shut down and that would be as qu as um as simple as just talking about politics um but and all the way up to sports and you know things like that where it’s very well documented that soccer is rigged and uh it’s very well documented that uh
Football is has been rigged for a long time but unfortunately people don’t want to they don’t like that word because at least the from what I’ve listened to anyway um that word already it sounds like one big tinfoil hat so I completely understand um now uh I can safely say
That after doing a ton of research within their their own literature uh which is what most Freemasons actually don’t even really look into because they just literally buy off of the philosophy in which that they adopt which is uh the do isth Wilt philosophy uh most of them
Do not step into their own Library literally just to to to read uh any of this stuff and and of which most Masons that would listen to this would call me an anti-m Mason um I’ve never been a Mason myself so I just want to get that
Out of the way that I’ve never actually been a Mason myself but I’ve studied many many many of people who have um and so the point being uh of all of this is that it fits the narrative simply because it not only comes from their own literature uh within the Satanic Bible
Within morals and Dogma morals and Dogma is basically like their Bible pretty much minus the actual Satanic Bible and then of course what I showed you before which was the book of the law um those are pretty much the three books which of course that is their one of their main
Hand signs which is the 666 hand sign a lot of times you’ll see their hand go over their eye um which is uh um Satan uh uh which is uh Satan’s yeah I did I did I did have a question about the hand signs so at this point if you can just
Explain as many hand signs that you know about yep uh the hand signs that I know about I actually have them in my notes right here I have a ton of notes on everything because um as you can hear sometimes my brain gets a little bit jumbled up from trying to remember all
Of the information uh there’s the Masonic penalty sign which is uh this you’ll see this in pictures a lot the Mas about doing that now a I’ve told yeah um the Masonic penalty sign that’s that’s that’s really the big one um and yeah you’ll see that a lot in pictures
Uh um you’ll see um well of course you that’s the most um the most used I think of all especially when it comes to music when it comes to wrestling uh I was I was a huge wrestling fan for a long time and uh DX and the NWO and all that they
Used to call that like the Click sign when an actuality it’s just them uh showing off who they worship um anytime which by the way before I go into any more hand signs that is the reason why uh they do them it’s not because um they’re it’s it’s not because uh they’re
Trying to you know tell us anything about who they you know worship or anything like that they’re just laughing at us that’s literally the way that that works by um doing the 666 uh by doing the eye over the one eye the hand over the one eye and uh doing this it’s
Literally just a laughing at the general public for how stupid that they believe that the masses actually really are um the how much control that they have over the masses and how we can’t do anything about it and furthermore through the law of nature because we’re believing in it
We are deserving of what it is that we’re getting because of what it is that because of what they’re doing to us and how we do nothing about it um there is also an apprentice sign which is every time they enter a lodge they do throat slit meaning um throat
Slit for an apprentice and for any time that anyone enters a lodge they have to do it because it’s a constant reminder of how they um they they essentially um they always take Oaths of uh binding them to that oath and and keeping them SW into secrecy and if they say anything
About anything the oath always comes first and if they have anything to say about it then uh they’ll be uh murdered they’ll the family members uh taken out uh when it comes to um uh particularly uh what they really really really love to do is destroy people’s reputations
That’s what you see a lot in the news of how they end up destroy either destroying people’s reputations or setting them up for a murder uh that was was it seems um to the general public like um like a suicide but in actuality it was not a suicide at all it was a
Complete murder uh from the ground up and unfortunately that nobody will ever really know how it actually really happened because that is all behind closed doors and so from the second that you walk into Freemasonry uh from the very first degree all the way up you are taking
Oaths under the penalty of death uh in front of the Master Mason it’s an obligation you have no choice and uh wanted to give you a few actually uh so that you had an idea of exactly who these people are and what kind of Oaths that they actually have to take
Under the death penalty every single time or they just um make you take an oath that if you say have anything to say about who they are uh and and you want to break the oath in any way uh it’s uh an everlasting reminder that the oath comes first otherwise they will
Just literally um they will literally tarnish your entire reputation to the point where you’re just a vagabond and to the point where nobody wants anything to do with you because your entire reputation is trash based on lies that uh isn’t really what it it isn’t really
Uh the truth uh but it doesn’t have to be if it all seems to make sense of uh what seems to be uh the truth but however um it just isn’t at all and it just end up destroying this person’s reputation so badly to the point that
They actually just wish that they were dead so uh the first one that uh we’re going to talk about here is from Duncan’s ritual of Freemasonry and this is the penalty uh that goes like this I Steve Mitchell if it was me I such and
Such uh of my own free will and Accord do hereby promise and swear that I will never reveal any of the secrets acts part points Parts point or points of the master Mason’s degree to any person or persons whomsoever this I solemnly sincerely promise and swear under no
Less penalty of having my body severed into two my bowels taken out and burned into ashes so no more remembrance we had of so vile and a wicked of a wretch as I should I ever violate or my master Mason’s obligation second is taken from Richardson’s monitor of Freemasonry and
The last few is actually taken from Richardson’s monor of Freemasonry and this is the penalty binding myself under no less penalty than having my throat cut across my tongue torn out by the roots my body buried in the rough Sea rough Sands of the sea this next one is taken from
Richardson’s monitor of Freemasonry and this is a Knights Templar uh this is the Knights of the Templar degree penalty binding myself under no less penalty than having my head struck off and placed on the highest Spire in Christendom should I knowingly or willingly violate any part of my solemn
Obligation of a night Templar so help me God and keep me steadfast to perform and keep the same candidate kisses the book and Rises this last one is taken from Richardson’s monitor of Freemasonry and this is a degree penalty to bring such person to to the strictest and most
Cond uh punishment agreeably to the rules and usages of our ancient fraternity and this by pointing him out to the world as an unworthy Vagabond by opposing his interests by deranging his business by transferring his character after him wherever he may go and by exposing him to the contempt
Of the whole fraternity and the world and that’s the one that they love to do the most is they love to completely destroy the person’s reputation and destroy everything about their character uh in in one fail swoop it’ll seem like oh my goodness this person uh you know
Who was an incredible actor and who was doing such amazing films and was uh doing such amazing things and um who was uh very much a world stage uh hero if you will and then all of a sudden uh out of nowhere his entire reputation is
Getting trashed and now um uh uh Elite buddies are going on the news and talking a whole bunch of trash about this guy and saying uh very very very um wrong very backwards things about this person and saying we never we didn’t think this guy was like this at all we
Didn’t uh we didn’t expect this person to turn out like this at all um and have a whole bunch of mental health issues and a bunch of breakdowns and animal cruelty and uh or something to do with just completely uh ruining this person’s reputation to the point where now they
Can’t work at all and now they’re uh uh completely um excommunicated from the group uh in every way shape and form and all because they decided to open their mouth and say something that uh that went against the oath because uh to them the oath comes
First and how they and how they chose to do it okay I guess it’s because there there’s some people in free Grace who um they’ll they’ll do a video exposing somebody or they’ll watch somebody and I’m one of these guys I move my hands around quite a lot when I’m talking you
Know some people do and I’m sure that like I’ve accidentally maybe like done a bit of that or just because I’m moving my hands and I haven’t even thought about it but then I’m just like waiting for the day for like someone like that channel Toronto Bible study or something
To catch me doing it for a split second and then do a whole video about how I’m a shill or a Freemason or something so I don’t what your position on this is whether you’re deliberately looking for just PE ordinary people like me who might unintentionally do that
Sign uh no I wouldn’t say that I like look for people to to do it because at the end of the day is like the main people that I know that are doing it thing again and I’m not doing it deliberately it’s just yeah and that’s the like for them
That’s the their penalty sign of you’re sworn to secrecy a lot of times in pictures you’ll see them doing this uh it sometimes they’ll be doing this sometimes like little Wayne he’s been caught doing this uh or Little Wayne has been caught doing this and doing this uh
In pictures of um sworn to secrecy and penalty by death and so essentially that’s where that really comes from is um they’re they’re all hand signals first of all to let them to let the general public know um to let them themselves to as as a constant reminder
For themselves to know who they worship um and second of all for the to as a constant reminder of the oath comes first and its penalty by death um so that was a little bit jumbled up of the way I was explaining it because it’s in general um I’ve never done an interview
A lengthy interview like this before um this is usually a one-on-one type scenario situation like this so um I guess uh you know I I apologize to the people out there you know I’m coming across as maybe a little bit nervous or you know something like that where in
General um it it’s just it’s there’s so much to these guys and I’ve had so many conversations with people where I’ve gone into talking about the murders and gone into talking about uh the penalty and the death penalties which by the way um all comes from uh Richardson’s monitor of Free Masonry and
Also comes from uh comes from uh Duncan’s ritual of Freemasonry which uh first gives all of um uh the the rituals and gives the instruction to the rituals and literally gives the word for word actual instruction of what they are to recite uh back to um the people within
The lodge to ensure that uh that that they stick to the oath and the oath comes first and they’re literally sworn to secrecy and sworn to um sworn to keep the oath first uh from the very beginning from the very first uh degree that they’re they going into I guess
Like sort of to add for the people with the hand signs when we’re moving our hands around the the six thing is maybe one you could accidentally do for bit I’m sure I’ve done it somewhere holding your chin again that’s something we could do but there there are certain
Things like that I mean that’s not just something you accidentally do when you’re talking and moving you who does that like that that’s deliberate isn’t it that thing when when they’re doing that and you see US presidents and things doing that for a photo and it’s
Like that’s a strange thing to do I mean some stuff it’s yeah oh sorry go ahead well know some stuff it’s perhaps easier to explain in a Wikipedia kind of a way like for example think about your coat right now I’ve never owned a coat where
I keep my hand in like that okay I’ve got like a pocket on the outside I’ve got a pocket down there to get on the inside pocket I have to do that and I have to use my other hand to sort of stretch it properly I I can’t just do
That that what is but obviously when you go back to the 18th and the 19th century that was quite a common pose but then those shirts were buttoned back then they weren’t zipped so that that would be kind of a comfortable place to hold your hand but then when somebody’s got
One hand in that pocket and then one hand you just think you’d do that but obviously when you read the secular history of it it doesn’t look so Sinister it’s just oh that was just a normal pose that everybody did back then it was fashionable it was considered you
Know like gentlemanly or you would just have a high class if you did something like that so secular history makes it look less Sinister than how you’re making it I guess if you want to comment on that all yeah and I I guess like for some people they
Would just consider they would consider it gentlemanly and um I guess I can see for a lot of people how you would watch that and you would see the different hand signals and especially the one of one hand in the pocket one hand in the pocket which by the way means Master of
The second bail um which I don’t think it’s any coincidence that it’s the master of the second bail the hand sign and then also the pope that’s uh doing this who is all bought and paid for the Pope is definitely 100% bought and paid for uh Charles Darwin um who has been
Caught with his pants down doing that um and I think for the for the Protestants as well um Charles spurin is another one who’s got there’s a photo of him doing that as well yeah and then also when it comes to uh just Christianity in general
Um there are a slew of names that are are all completely bought and paid for and and that are Freemason pastors uh that and and the reason why uh Christianity is the most jumbled up of all uh the different kinds of religions that are out there it’s been basically
Uh classified now Christianity is is all is basically the no different than um uh than Buddhism and uh Catholicism and pretty much anything to do with like a religion or anything like that because there’s so many different sectors there’s so many different kinds and that
Was the reason why before uh I I ended up uh messaging you about your documentary because I found it so intriguing because it was all the research that I would myself was going to do after only being a Christian for a couple of years and coming to find wow
There’s a lot of different kinds of Christianity and I’m not really too sure uh why this is all kind of relatively the exact same kind of Christianity even though they have a different indiff a slight indifference about themselves to maybe a little bit larger indifference that kind of thing but all revolving
Around repent of your sins that I kept noticing over and over and over again which the repent of your sins Doctrine is anyone who looks into it understands the fact that it is satanic it’s actually um a very satanic Doctrine um and that coming from um that that mainly
Coming from Satanism and coming from Freemasonry it all stems from Freemasonry because it’s made to confuse everybody and made them to believe that it’s Jesus of the Bible that they’re dealing with when in actuality if I was Satan and I was going to take over the world and I wanted Christianity to be
Fooled the most I would want them to believe that he’s the real Jesus when in actuality it’s Satan that they’re actually really worshiping and that’s the hardest one for people to really believe more than anything in Christianity is the fact that most if and all of the sectors Beyond um just
Simply being a Believer and believing in Jesus um it’s why we’ve had to resort to using free grave and why we’ve had to resort to using these uh why we’ve had to put a label on it where I never once actually saw that in the Bible where
Jesus put a label on himself that if uh you that uh for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life and be a calvinist and or uh and be a Catholic
And or and be um you know an orthodox Jew or you know whatever it is it’s it’s really strange and became very weird to me to to to wrap my head around and and know that there was just so many different kinds of uh different types of Christianity when I always thought that
The Jesus of the Bible was just one but on that point though because generally even again even among the false denominations there is a general Christian consensus that Freemasonry is wrong because even Catholic Popes have publicly spoken against Freemasonry and even told Catholics you must not be a Freemason or
You’ll be expelled from the church so if the Popes are part of the Freemasons why would they do that is it just because they’re a double talking hypocrite or is it they don’t want the Ordinary People in they just want their own special Club in uh yeah it’s to keep the lie moving
It’s to keep the train of the LIE moving it’s always the LIE must keep moving and the oath pardon me the oath must come first and that’s really what it comes down to more than anything what you’ll notice is they do a very political way of talking um where uh you it it’ll
It’ll be like Congress uh for um for Canadians or it’ll be like anything or like Parliament I mean or like anything to do with politics where you have one side against the other and seemingly like it’s one side against the other but if you notice all they really do is just
Stand up and scream at each other about opposing sides but then when it comes down to it somebody gets hired and nothing gets done because all they were really doing was just yelling at each other about what they believe to be the truth and then this side yells at each
Other to of what it seems to be the truth when in actuality they’re both literally living off the same payroll and they’re both literally bought and paid for by Freemasonry not to say that there aren’t you know younger of of the um uh of uh in terms of a younger
Politician or somebody who is genuinely trying to work their way into politics and actually be a politician uh be a mayor um be the next president you know that that kind of thing but you’re never going to get there because it’s not the way that it seems
It’s you’re not bought and paid for and on the payroll of Freemasonry to be allowed to be on um the big stage and to be on the world stage because everybody who is all has a satanic agenda to keep things the way that they are and slowly keep them moving forward and that’s
Slowly moving and nudging towards uh where they want the next agenda of whatever that particular agenda within it needs to be whether it be Chris ity whether it be politics whether it be the movies whether it be because I’ve heard it all the time where people say particularly about movies of oh there
Seems to be some sort of an agenda here where it’s just like yes because there is a a a very serious agenda that is a particular one that all nudges everything more and more and more forward towards their control of the way things um the way that they want things
To be and particularly when it comes to the pope um that’s where their agenda is that everybody is inclusive and that everybody must be included in on this and so now it’s to the point where the where the Pope’s agenda is moving everybody so climactically forward that
Uh is saying the most outlandish things like now even atheists are able to get into heaven and so now it’s to the point where everybody is included so that they can form their umbrella of the One World Government which they are slowly but surely nudging their way towards which
All stems under um their uh phrasing called Oro obca which Oro of cow um basically stands for order out of chaos and in in that respect the this example you can literally apply to absolutely everything in terms of agenda and moving things forward 91 um the the
Bank crash of 2008 anything that you can possibly think of of the way that they orchestrated executed and kept moving things forward but blamed it on something else um in terms of a structure and they’re moving forward uh this is the way that they do it you can
Apply this to anything it doesn’t matter what it is this is the way that they do it Z creates so it’s it’s in three steps First Step Zed creates and exploits a problem then attributes blame to others why reacts by asking Zed for protection and help to solve that problem Zed
Offers that solution that was planned long that was planned by them long before the crisis even occurred that’s literally the way that it works for literally every single possibility of thing that you can think of when it comes to them orchestrating executing and then blaming it on something else
But it was literally planned out by them the entire time and and uh and the general public literally just continues to fall for it over and over and over again nudging them more and more and more towards their goal until they finally reach the goal that they want to
Attain yeah I I guess sort of for the people listening to to if if this is seeming a bit crazy or a bit over the top I I guess some practical examples might help here so uh there was a whole thing about in my country in the UK where the pound nearly collapsed
Overnight and I don’t know all the ins and outs of it because I don’t know a lot about these things but there was something about how George Soros something like gam took millions of pounds out of the econom that bought loads of British pounds and then when it
Collapsed sold it back or maybe did it the other way around I always get confused how it worked but either way he profited when the pound was collapsing and he profited when it was Rising again that he made Millions gambling on my country’s economy and millions of British people are struggling to pay
Their bills you know struggling for food and this that and the other and since brexit and Co like Britain’s finding even tougher than some of the other countries of a similar size or you know and I guess that that’s just one individual who just with a sheer amount
Of money can cause damage to an entire country just by moving money around and and it sounds crazy but it but it does happen and you can read about that stuff and when you were saying about uh the films you know it’s all in the films um
There’s this guy is a little bit on the lordship spectrum disorder but he’s his third Adam films are quite good Spencer Smith and he’s shown how films have like you know the the the character with the eye closed or there’s a always a character with a missing eye there’s
That hero from some film that’s got a missing eye there’s always this thing that this IM with Shadow they do it all the time with the shadow literally over the one eye where people think it’s artistic where it’s just like no man they’re closing off the one eye because
That’s literally what is uh that’s a that’s a satanic yeah and there’s always this theme that this Danger’s coming and we need this superhero figure that’s going to save us all and it’s like it just screams at like man of sin you know all over the place you know it’s like
Revelations End Time stuff there that that theme and even the fact that like all these music videos and stuff they’ve got like the triangle and Ariana Grande dressed as some kind of devil or demon or something and it’s just like even when they it just looks like they’re
Just being a bit stupid or they’re just trying to make it thematic and scary it’s still it’s that theme isn’t it cropping up again and again and again so that I think they’re just some practical examples that would help people I’m sorry I know I meant to be interviewing
You but it’s just just for people to understand it’s not entirely crazy that there is you know plausible stuff that goes on behind this yes and actually I I was looking for it earlier um because I have a scriptural notes as well of where this stems from the Bible this actually comes
From the Bible guys and the what we’re talking about this particular thing that we’re talking about with the one eye this is talked about in Zechariah 11:17 woe to the idle Shepherd that leaveth the flock the sword shall be upon his arm and upon his right eye his
Ey his arm shall be clean dried up and his right eye shall be utterly blotted it shall be utterly darkened so um that’s the one that’s literally talking about um who is satanic and who is a satanic agenda that has a satanic agenda that is the one eye that is blotted out
And um uh yeah from from what I understand I can’t actually remember what uh I was trying to think of uh what the the the one eye uh represents but I can’t remember off hand right now no that’s fine but yeah there is the the Bible pass passage about that and even
Um so you know we we prophesies that the man of sin in Revelation will will have one eye and then of course what do Muslims believe their savior the Islamic savior is going to have a missing eye you know join the docks together yeah so a lot of people would wonder then if
This Society is as secret as you say and as dangerous as you say why are you still allowed the freedom to go and buy their books and find out what they say why you allowed to so easily research it why do you have the freedom to talk with
Me about it and publish it on YouTube without us getting a Bullet to the Head it doesn’t seem that dangerous or secret why is that no absolutely well first of all um I’m good because I don’t I don’t have any affiliation with them um and
Neither do you so to them they just kind of laugh at the general public who talks about them um because there are some things that I’m not going to know because I’m not actually affiliated with them I only know what I know um because of the listening to the people who have
Actually been in it specifically um for those who have not seen it the Alan child’s I wanted I I used to call it a documentary it’s called a presentation to me uh because it’s a 5 and a half hour long presentation of uh his excommunication from uh excommunicating
Himself if you will I I’ll put a link to that in the documentary description if people want to watch that documentary I’ll put a link to it yeah please do because it’s it it it answers a lot of questions and it’s a lot more flowing in
Terms of uh in terms of uh being able to it’s a it’s a presentation really of being able to properly understand from start to finish in a 5H hour five and a half hour long uh presentation of what Freemasonry actually really is and um and a lot more details that that is able
To get into that we can’t get into today because quite frankly a couple of hours like two hours you just can’t like there’s just too much to talk about so anyway um back to the task at hand which is um why is it that we can you know
Read their books and you know all that all that kind of stuff without getting a bullet in the head and that kind of thing well we’re essentially not affiliated with them so they just kind of laugh at the general public thinking that they know about them when uh they
Just laugh and say they have no idea what they’re talking about and roll their eyes and just you know carry on and plus the fact that more often than not what’ll end up happening is the general public will just police for them they won’t have to say anything the
General public will just look at me and say what a tinfoil hat and what a lunatic and what an idiot and all this stuff and just roll their eyes and the general public will just keep on moving so there’s not enough of there’s no way that you can even make a Revolt or
Anything like that on them so they also laugh at that and know that they’re very very very much in control and uh they can just keep on doing what they’re doing and they’ll continuously get away with it and it is no big deal and anybody who is involved in it and tries
To say anything about it they have their ass completely covered and uh uh like I said it’s it’s all penalty uh death penalty that comes out from anything that they have to say because the oath it absolutely comes first and if you want to look into anything that has
Anything to do with their books their books are so philosophically sound that the general public is not philosophically sound there are some who are but there are many many many who are not and are more involved in a screen and more involved in their you know Instagram and more involved in their
Snapchat and more involved in uh their parents are involved now in doing lots of Snapchatting and doing lots of Tik tocking and the little ticktockers out there that just want to Tik Tok all the time and they just don’t have any they they have no ambition whatsoever to read
A book in any way shape or form if you actually talk to people about hey what book are you reading these days it’s like huh what do you mean what an ebook and it’s like you know that that kind of thing like they would they just kind of
Look at you left sideways and uh wouldn’t wouldn’t really even know how to answer you or if they do it would be something like Tom Clancy or you know something of of of that sort so uh the bottom line is uh when you read their their uh indoctrination basically uh
It’s it’s very very very philosophic and furthermore their puzzle pieces that they keep of their actual deep Secrets they’re hidden within their books but they’re in very very close quarters of puzzle pieces that are within those books in very long books that you’ll only find within a very very uh within
Um uh with in uh like a a monologue or a paragraph or something of of that sort and you have to put those puzzle pieces together in order to really understand the entire puzzle of how it actually really works um and because of the Art of Lying they that’s how they keep their
Own members literally entwined and keep their own members uh from the actual full-blown Secrets until they get to the 33rd degree because that’s the whole point of the 33 degrees is to break them down until they finally get to the 33rd degree and then they reveal the big
Secret of what it is that they’re really in and how they’re actually in uh that they’re that of who they worship and how they worship Satan and how they worship Lucifer but they’re more consider themselves luciferian than they do uh satanic or more in in terms of Satanism because you know Lucifer sounds
Better okay so going on the beginning of what you said to answer to that question it’s almost like you were implying that Freemasons would see you or I as like like useful idiots because you’re making it sound so crazy and ridiculous that people would just think you’re
For bringing it up I guess crazy gu crazy and look at how crazy he is and and like you know that’s that’s that’s what they do that’s literally all they do especially since I’m not in affiliated with uh Freemasonry at all um that’s their biggest weapon that they
Have against me is the fact that and especially the general public the general public they don’t even need that Freemasonry doesn’t even need to use that as a weapon the general public uses it as a weapon well how do you know that you’ve never you never met them before
You don’t know anything and you just what you just read a book or like you saw a YouTube video or you know whatever and it’s just like if you looked at behind me if you saw all the notes of pages upon Pages upon pages of uh notes
That are not notes just for the sake of looking for The Narrative of what trying to look for it’s like a presentation of like a lawyer coming at coming at it with evidence and actual proof that um they they they are who I know that they
Are in every way shape and form it’s like presenting the case of of Jesus it’s like literally looking up in the Bible all the different ways of saying all you have to do is just believe and you will have eternal life but then coming at it from well how do you know
That how do you know know that for sure and how do you know the grass is green tell me that the I I thought it was blue prove that to me when it’s just like I don’t have to prove it to you man it’s all around look around the grass is
Green um it’s very very very obvious um and and and every possibility of of way that I could tell you of the way that they operate um if you need any more proof of what’s going on here just look around and look around at the state of
The world and just ask yourself the question of what you know what most people know already deep down of that there’s something wrong here and that there’s been something wrong here for a while and I feel like people are actually finally getting to the place where um they really are starting to
Wake up to the concept that and I’m not talking about you know being woke or anything like that I’m literally talking about just actually waking up to the world that you live in and realizing that that’s uh that there’s something wrong here and that there’s been
Something wrong here for a long time and uh that’s when I was just one of the guys that just happened to be one of them that was looking for the the real answers but not just you know trying to find answers and pulling it out of whatever I could possibly find it’s like
No I was really looking for the the honest truth of what it is that’s going on here because I knew there had to be one truth if there is one Jesus then there is one truth of our planet of what’s really going on here okay so um from some individual
Person’s uh personal point of view why join the Freemasons what would that individual get out of it are they just curious are they looking for something or are they hoping to benefit from it so what what what motivates an individual to join this organization it should be
Obvious but it just help the audience if they’re not sure well um essentially what you’re joining up to is Satanism uh first uh because some places uh they they bring it out there where they tell you it’s Satanism and then other places they don’t even tell you that it’s
Satanism until you get to luciferianism um but it gives you the freedom to be who want to be you join Freemasonry because it gives you the opportunity to be everything that you actually really want to be without feeling bad about doing anything in other words breaking down literally
Every one of uh the sins that are within us that we know that we shouldn’t be doing we know the wrong that we shouldn’t be committing and we shouldn’t be doing uh not for us to get into heaven and not for us to like earn our way into heaven or anything like that
Just the natural order of things of the way that God built within us built us a conscience and built us right from wrong they break you down in terms of every wrong that there is and they make it right and they turn it and they turn
That up on its head and they flip it completely on its head and change you into an individual that was once conflicted as an individual of maybe I shouldn’t do that and that’s not really a good idea but I kind of want to do
That to um no that’s okay as long as no one really finds out and as long as it’s how you feel and it’s the way that you want to do that and it is and it is what it is so if you want to go have sex with
An animal and that’s how you feel then you should be able to go do that and that goes that goes all on it’s it the list is just too long to uh to count and it’s a lot of these things are unfathomable and unimaginable and stuff
That I don’t even want to talk about of how they of what they do to break you down completely in terms of your conscience so that your conscience is completely seared and that you have you’re there there is no Soul left in there uh whatsoever by the time you
Finally get to uh by the time you get to the 33rd degree and it was Alistar Crowley who was the originator of that through the book of the law and through uh in in the early 1900s when he started the first law of thma Temple which was
In Sicily uh where he put and you have to imagine in the early 1900s that was very very radical of people going out there and having sex with animals and uh having just tons and tons and tons of drugs just happening on a daily basis sticking people in rooms uh where they
Were forced to uh be on ketamin and cocaine all day long and staring at walls that alist made of these sex he called it sex art uh where he would paint on the walls and just force people to stare at it and basically just break them down like every single possible
Feasible way to break you down uh to where you don’t feel anything anymore for anything about anything whenever we feel the general public about what conscience we have um it’s why we look at things especially when it comes to the state of the world and well why did
That guy go to jail um he he didn’t do anything like I don’t understand this is so unjust and this is so wrong and I don’t understand this why isn’t this why why why isn’t there any more Justice in this world it’s because it’s run by Freemasons it’s run by people who have
No more conscience left for them to be able to to to to look at what is right and wrong in the same way that we do and that’s what separates us uh from them in every way shape and form and why they look at us is like the gum on the bottom
Of their shoe because um we shouldn’t we shouldn’t have a conscience to to um uh we’re we’re look at we’re looked at as uh way too fragile for uh to to have anything to do with them in any way shap form you must have um the the very very very lack thereof
Of a conscience to uh be able to join up with them and furthermore you have to be recommended by somebody else to even be accepted into uh their affiliate in the first place so I guess as well people of imagine sorry this is me chipping in here but people often imagine that Freemasonry
For the super super Elites but even people at the sort of middle class level can can be involved and invited to it so to give the audience a bit of a a more downto Earth kind of example uh my parents live in it’s quite a welltoo
They’re not super rich but it’s a it’s a nice enough area and they had a neighbor that was a Freemason and he’s part of a movement to try and open it up and you know get get more people sort of ordinary people involved and so my parents they never joined it but they
Were invited as guests to his lodge and um I I was I was a teenager at the time going for a job interview on an apprenticeship and he said to my parents well I know somebody in the Freemasons who works at that place and is quite
High up so if I talk to him he could sort of FastTrack me a job like I’d be skirting around the actual process of getting a job and proving that I’m the right candidate just by him talking to them so this is not all like you know just the celebrities and the politicians
And all those guys up there it can happen at a lower level where it’s not super morally bankrupt absolutely but it’s still dishonest and it’s still people get personal game because it’s like well if you go to the Masonic lodge and also a judge in a court happens to
Go there and the counselor who’s making a decision on some Town plan and is going there it’s like you’ve you’ve got that potential to have just that little bit of influence in ways that would you know benefit you as well because at least even in the middle classes some
People on the higher end of that class they’re still financially useful even if less so than the absolutely Le uh yeah in terms of um judges in terms of the police force in terms of anything to do with that um they will use the middle class for any personal
Gain that they possibly can especially when it comes oh my goodness especially when it comes to the police and especially when it comes to judges and especially when it comes to the hospitals um they will get first class access to uh whatever hospital care that they really need when they don’t deserve it
In any way shape or form um they will get a first class care when it comes to any kind of wrongdoing that they’ve done because they know that there’s going to be tons of crimes that they’re going to be committing on a daily basis and especially when it comes to um
Especially when it comes to the super Elite and when it comes to um uh say for example uh Justin Bieber you know crashing smashing up his car and you know stuff like that and it’s just like oh well you just let them off and it’s
No big deal and it is what it is um and especially when it comes to uh a setup when it comes to a murder setup and when it comes to something like that where um a judge is paid off judge is a Freemason uh the person who is being accused is a
Freemason but that’s okay we have oh there’s this new piece of evidence that literally just came in that we just just just just just happen to get in of this other guy that we saw at the crime scene that wait a minute he wasn’t there and
We didn’t have and then of course on the other end saying wait a minute he wasn’t there and we didn’t see any we haven’t seen any piece of evidence like this whatsoever that’s coming to effect but the judge happens to bring it to effect because he’s a bot and paid for a
Freemason that literally set up a complete stranger that had maybe a speck of um evidence behind him that kind of matched the same personality or match the same skin color or match the same you know whatever where it’s just easy enough to just swap out oh we’ll put
This guy in jail and then we’ll swap out our Freemason body that needs to get out or uh specifically um needs to get out of it or specifically an elitist that needs to get back on the world stage and we need to get him out there so that you
Know he can go make the money for the Freemason guys that are literally putting him out there because he’s the Freemason puppet that needs to carry on with the agenda of whatever it is of you know the of of that kind of agenda that needs to keep getting pushed to the
General public so because he mentioned about like the corrupt justice system and the injustice a sort of a strange question I was thinking about and I think as Christians we sort of know what the right answer is but you know when we’re always tempted with the gray area
Answers suppose I uh suppose I or any Christian was due to appearing court for a particular crime and maybe from a Biblical perspective you don’t really think it’s a crime or you feel like you were Justified or you feel like you’re being treated unfairly and someone like yourself who knows all the different
Hand signals and has researched all of this stuff do you think someone would be temp a Christian like someone like us would be tempted to try and use those hand signals in the courtroom to try and pretend to the judge that he’s a Freemason to try and get away from
What’s already a broken system because he thinks well the Justice system’s fake anyway it’s all a fraud so I’m just going to manipulate my way out of it and you know maybe if I do a little hand signal I know that the judge will let me
Off if he thinks because I can imagine brother James might be tempted to do that whereas like some Christians will think no because you should still just do what the honest thing is like you know be a Daniel and just trust God to just let the chips fall where they made
Do you know what I mean I do and then also at the same time since we’re not affiliated with it and not a part of it unfortunately we’re too far gone that even if we tried there’s only so much that you could really get away with until they would finally like okay man
The Jig Is up like we know that you’re not we we get it that you’re not you’re not one of us and you were just kind of playing for 10 and I might just be from another Lodge for all he knows yeah yeah no that’s what I
Would say i’ be like no no man I’m from Lodge 54 FD or whatever so the moral of the story is then be a Daniel and just do the honest thing oh you Lodge 54 FD you know Phil you know Phil from there yeah yeah yeah
Yeah me and Phil we go way back and yeah no um there’s only so much that I’d be able to get away with where um where uh particularly when it come to the handshakes and uh the from what I understand it’s called the grip um where
It’s a fellow Craftsman and it’s a it’s a very uh dainty looking grip if I do say so myself it looks uh yeah I think the politicians do it sometimes don’t they sort of a weird sort of little Min press they press the thumb right
Here that up a little bit more where I wasn’t thinking of that one I was thinking of the one where it’s like two little cat paws and I guess this purly loads isn’t it it just looks like such a wussy little handshake it’s just such a oh man it’s such a little
Handshake if you ask me but um anyway it basically it looks like it looks like this um and thank you for probably quite helpful for people at home yeah yeah there’s essentially a few different types of grips but they’re all very very faintly different but it all represents
It’s very particular in the way that they do it um uh and it it it exemplifies a different order of representation of whatever it is that you’re trying to get across and especially when they do it with the elite that’s in the in the higher upper
Echelon when it comes to the like the elite the top Elite that do it in passing they do it in passing all the time um I just actually witnessed this the other night this was on live television uh like I said I’m a fan of
Of uh I was a fan of wrestling and I happen to pop in to see hey what’s going on here and um uh this was on uh on Monday Night Raw actually not long ago of just a handshake happening in passing live on national television and that’s
Literally the way that works on uh pretty much like in terms of of that it’ll be that kind of a grip and that kind of a handshake when they’re doing it in pass not a real handshake is it really no it’s more of like this dainty little
Wussy like weird thing that just looks like a I have no idea how to describe it two feminite ladies sort of handshaking cat or something yeah like two little grandmas that are just like can’t that are just handshaking and passing but like that’s what they do and
Uh it’s how they keep their their secrets amongst themselves to let them know of like hey this is who I am even though they already know like a lot of them they already know exactly who they are I feel like it’s kind of half breed between uh their um kind of their uh
Their showing off to themselves but then also um doing it to laugh at the world at the exact same time and that’s why they do it on the world stage all the time and especially when it comes to politicians and why they do the master
Of the second Veil and they put the hand in the coat like this P politicians they do it all the time that’s to keep that um the to them a bigger secret even though uh for the people who do know they know but most people uh just won’t
Know and they’ll just look at it as oh that was just a common handshake or oh that was just a common thing of just like everybody puts their hand on the chest like that everybody puts their hand on their chest like that and it’s just like
Yeah I I sometimes wind brother James up like I’ve got me coat and I start doing that to just like just to wind him up just to see if he notices but yeah not a Freemason just a joke amongst friends I always I always knew you were Master of
The second I knew you practice witchcraft I knew that’s how you made that documentary on repent of your sins you you you did you did some Witchcraft and then it’s it’s been likened to Witchcraft and Satanism by some of the enemies of the Gospel I suppose oh yeah
Yeah yeah no I’m sure you’re a witch to like a lot of Christians or Christians I should say w yeah it’s uh so I one thing that’s sort of bothering me a bit um you’re kind of describing Freemasonry is it this one sort of overarching thing that single-handedly
Controls the whole world but there are other secret societies out there like for example some presidents have been part of this Skull and Bones which you you you’ll have heard of and been a bit Shifty when the media have tried to ask him about it and if we think of
Somewhere a bit further away from somewhere outside of the anglosphere like China for example Mo most people would say that China is actually controlled by the Communist party and they would probably be very antimonic because Freemasonry if loads of important people started meeting in secret societies that would go against
The that would be a threat to the Communist party so whereas you’re describing Freemasonry as like the jigsaw to me it seems more like it’s just one piece in the jigsaw and then skull and bones is another piece and then the Communist party is another piece and then that other group is a
Piece and then the you know the the world uh trade Cent what am I thinking of the World Health Center is another Health Organization is another P you you know what to me like there are all these different pieces and Freemasonry is just one of the pieces whereas you’re making
It out like it’s the whole picture so what would you say about that um well there is a bunch of different names for uh for the secret societies and what I’m I’m I’m looking up actually a few more other than just the skull and bones but but particularly
Uh the Skull and Bones uh and uh the Illuminati that’s like the big one that everybody there was t-shirts that were made on the Illuminati the point is anytime you hear a name of a secret society it is literally all under the umbrella of Freemasonry it literally
Doesn’t matter what it is they I’ve heard fre I’ve heard secret societies they will they will say okay there’s so there’s the Illuminati there’s the Skull and Bones there’s the Freemasons there’s the It’s all under the umbrella of Freemasonry um uh and and particularly with uh the the square and the compass
Um that’s what it’s all under affiliated with and it’s all under the umbrella of is uh Freemasonry but outside of Europe and the anglosphere how do you know that say the Communist Party of China is part of the Freemasons as opposed to just a completely separate but equally as wicked Organization for
Example uh because it’s all literally under it’s it’s all under its own dictatorship It’s all under a complete and utter dictatorship and it’s not made to be better or made to be anything more than what the government is literally supposed to control its population it doesn’t live for the people it lives for
Its own affiliate and it lives for its own control and it lives for um uh keeping the population within its own control but then then how can you say that the Freemasons are ruling over that though and really it’s just a separate group that just happens to do the same
Thing do you know what I mean do you get the question yes no I completely understand the question because if you notice on every single sector of the world in every sing part of the world it’s its own minor to Major dictatorship in other words if you control the
Religion within it if you control the population within it if you control um the minds of the people within it you can nudge it towards what whatever agenda it is that you’re you’re looking to nudge it towards until it literally revolves around a One World Government of deteriorating that population to the
Point where the One World Government does have no choice but to come into which is what the Freemason agenda is so they’re still slowly working towards bringing it all then because yeah because they’ve got the most powerful country on Earth under the control they’ve got you you know yeah so that
You’re saying they’re sort of bringing it all towards what they want it to do anyway even if they’re not directly controlling it yeah yeah sure especially when you have a population of particularly men that are uh under major opiate control to just to literally be
Able to go to work to to uh when you have when you have Nets um uh at the at the bottoms of a lot of the buildings because a lot of people are literally resorting to suicide because of uh being overworked over tired um to another
Level of uh keeping people in uh smile and keep going and don’t say anything and uh don’t just don’t talk about it and don’t think about it and if you do talk about it then um it’s a if if you do talk about how out of control um our
Government is we can’t even associate and so um within a society especially when it comes to uh China and when it comes to Asia in in terms of Asian population and when it comes to that type of very very heavy control of uh inability to be able to even speak
Openly about anything without its own Society policing itself that tells me that Freemasonry is absolutely controlling it in every way shape and form and Satanism is controlling it more than anything and luciferianism is controlling it so um if you notice that that seems to be in one way shape or
Form it may not be all the way around but it that is the level in which the control is managed to um to uh spit its venom literally all over like a virus it’s one big gigantic virus that’s slowly but surely manag to um enslave
And uh and and and get to the point where it spewed itself literally all over the world in one way shape or form whether it be a major dictatorship or whether it be a minor dictatorship to control its population in order to nudge it for each individual agenda slowly and
Slowly and slowly but surely um like I said with um in terms of uh Zed creates and exploits a problem so in other words let’s go back to step one two and three this is the way that I will put it so that the whole world actually really so
That you get it in a whole world in a in a worldly controlling um scenario um uh the government creates and exploits a problem then attributes blame to others the people react by asking the government for protection and help to solve the problem the government offers the solution that was planned by
Them long before the crisis even occurred that’s literally the way that it goes it it swings itself it goes like that in a on a continuous basis it Loops itself like that continuously over and over and over and over and over and over again nudging itself slowly and slowly
And slowly but surely um led by Distraction by each individual government to keep that population distracted to the point where um they are moderately to um very satisfied with the level of which that they are comfortable with having that nudging go continuously until a problem occurs that
Was created by the government in the first place and then the population asks them for help and then the government comes in to fix it only it was their agenda that was making the problem happen in the first place so that their solution can cause the natural order of
Things which looks like a natural occurring event constantly it looks like that every single time and it never changes and it will always be like that and the next catastrophe that happens especially when it comes to worldly if it’s a worldly problem then it will be a government problem and solution for them
To come in and fix which will nudge them even closer and closer and closer to the point um where Satan will appear and just like the Book of Revelation states where Satan will appear and by that point um uh Satanism will have taken over its population Satanism will have
Become so cancerous to the point where Satan will be absolutely loved when he shows up because it’s already so far past that point um that if he showed up now they would probably just accept him very much so but but uh for whatever reason they’re continuing to move uh
Slowly and slowly and slowly and puzzle piecing even further and further and further to the point where Satan when he shows up um he will be the major problem solver that they’ve been looking for for for the longest time because of the deterioration of each part of the globe
From each part of uh its particular deterioration agenda that has happened over the course of uh history of of actual history that has brought us to this point where people will be begging for one person to come in as a solution because of how deteriorated everything
Has gotten to to that point and that level yeah and I guess because like you’ve touched on quite a few things there that there are patterns of those things in the Bible because I guess what a lot of people would want to know is we keep talking about this stuff but where
As it is it actually in the Bible so for example we’ve addressed that the Bible does talk about the one eye thing you know that’s a sign of the man of sin um you mentioned obviously people being overworked and overstressed and you know I think of like um Pharaoh when he was
Oppressing the Israelites and making them work more in you know making them work without rest and then adding to their burdens constantly like Satan’s always trying to add to the burdens um you’ve described things yeah in in the latter half of your answer you’ve described things that have got
Tower of Babel written all over it you know where Satan’s trying to unite and build everything up words God’s trying to divide everything and so if people just to put people’s mind at rest if we we don’t want them to have a restless night of sleep tonight you know if
They’re worried about not sleeping and stuff they sound scary at the same time God is standing between them achieving their final goal because obviously he has appointed a time for the end times to come so if it’s not the end times yet you know we we’ve currently got all
These problems that the world has got to overcome if they’re going to unite you know you’ve got Eastern sort of philosophy versus Western philosophy the you know you’ve got the Muslim world and the Democrat Democratic world and you know the Communist world and all this kind of stuff obviously there’s still
These barriers where Satan’s kingdom is divided and whever it’s divided it cannot stand as Jesus says and obviously God is the one keeping it divided for the time being but obviously the end times have got to come eventually yes uh and essentially that’s what they’re nudging towards that’s the
Goal of what they’re essentially nudging towards is so that uh they can have control complete and utter control over the whole world which is what they’ve been slowly nudging and and and moving towards um for well uh ever since Jesus came on the human scene Jesus came in
And screwed it all up for them so essentially um what the Pharisees are and this is what I believe anyway um people can call me as crazy as they want and that’s cool um I’ve been called Crazy by a lot tougher uh in a comment section so the the bottom line is um
What I believe after studying the Pharisees and uh the way that Jesus just so eloquently just came at them finally at the end of Matthew and woe to you scribes and Pharisees and hypocrites uh and so eloquently just dismantled them in one gigantic just eloquencer the first for from what I
Recorded anyway from what I understand of uh they were the first Freemasons without actually being called Freemasons Jesus knew who they were and that’s the reason why that he didn’t prescribe the cure for them and didn’t come at them with I’m G to come I I’m
Coming to save you when it’s when he told them outright I didn’t come to save you I came to S I came to heal the sick and I came he’s the doctor that came to prescribe the sick because they knew who he was they knew everything about him of
Who he was at least this is what I gather anyway um yeah there were times when they couldn’t even argue against the Miracles that he did but they still rejected him anyway and they sometimes they couldn’t even argue with his claims they just didn’t like his claims or they
Just tried to catch him on his claims when they knew that he didn’t do anything wrong yeah that is absolutely correct they they literally called him out every single time on his miracles because they were trying to find some sort of hole for the general public so
That they would agree with him that that the general public is they were so used to being agreed with with the from the general public end of things that they wanted to keep people as far away from Jesus as possible when they knew exactly who he was and they knew that he was
There to do what he was going to do they cared more about their religion because they benefited from it financially politically religiously yeah um however they didn’t account for the fact that um upon his death that he was actually going to destroy the temple in 3 days because they literally considered everything
Literal they took everything literal they didn’t think in terms of a Heavenly way because they can’t think in terms of a Heavenly way they were brainwashed they were brainwashed into Witchcraft and Wizardry and um in terms of uh in terms of Satanism they were minion and an army of Satan that were genuinely
Jesus was wasn’t kidding at all when he was saying that you that you worship your you don’t worship the father you worship your father which is the devil and so he knew that um that’s who they were is they were an army for Satan they were worshippers of Satan they knew that
Um they were the ones that deserved the worship and the praise and everything that Lucifer um from uh The Book of Ezekiel everything that that represents that’s what they embodied and so therefore um that’s why Jesus never prescribed them the cure for anything or tried to get them saved or anything like
That he knew that it wasn’t that they didn’t want to hear it that they didn’t want to have anything to do with anything heaven whatsoever and they only wanted worship and self-righteousness uh for themselves which if you notice that’s literally the exact same thing about what it is today
And that’s the way things are today all based on and carried off the back of Satanism that prescribed the Satanism Venom that’s literally been stuck in the in whether it be people who presume to call themselves Christian or whether it be of course the bought and paid for
Freemason pastors to people outside of Christianity to Buddhism to uh anybody who is very self-righteous and is very much work on yourself and um self-help and self this and um and and and really just putting your putting your efforts into yourself which seems actually on the surface and a lot of cases seems
Relatively harmless but in actuality um it’s all based off of a new age satanic agenda that is forced upon people to make them um only believe in themselves and to keep them literally as far away from Jesus as humanly possible or if they don’t believe in themselves to be
Their own Gods without actually in a lot of their case whether they call themselves their own Gods in terms of Freemasonry or are um mentally um mind screw themselves into actually um formulating an ideology of themselves being their own God through self-help and through I can I can do this myself
And it’s fine and I don’t need help from anybody and or was I need to repent of my sins yep yeah thanks for d for J that’s great yeah whatever but listen I have a special gift for you [Laughter] God look what I’ve done God and look how
Great I am look at me look at me look at me and of course they myself I’m awesome Yep and then of course they don’t even realize the the funniest part is their own hypocriticism of woe to you scribes and Pharisees they can’t even see that
Matthew 7:21 is all about you that many will say to to him on that day Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name did we not cast out demons in your name and did we not perform many wonderful works in your name but he will tell them plainly
He never knew you but yet turn it around on people like us and people people like me and people like David throw those verses at me it’s like yeah that verse is talking about you not for you yeah it’s talking about you dude not not for
You in any way shape or form because it’s literally you talking about exactly what that what that represents what that entire verse represents and it’s literally the reason why I wear it on my it’s it’s why I wear it on my wrist is because I forever want to be reminded of
The fact that I actually used to be that kind of self-righteous individual when I first gotten into Christianity that believed if I if I worked and worked and worked and worked and worked and believed in myself and just was self this and self- that and self-righteous in every possibility way that God would
Accept me but then that’s when um that’s uh that’s where I have to thank you for the fact that I had the opportunity and the way that God used you to uh and the work that he did in you to perform the work that you did on that documentary
That I was able to see the repent of your sins documentary and see my fault of where I was coming from in that respect and be able to you know change my viewpoint repent of that and be able to talk to God about that and work that
Out with him but uh but anyway if you see that you see that within people constantly that uh there’s there’s a huge agenda to keep people within themselves and to keep people only thinking about themselves and how they’re going to get out of it and how
They’re going to be able to fix it and how they’re going to be able to do this and how they’re going to be able to do that but that and but the point is they’re trying to distract everybody from every possibility of way of thinking about anything except for Jesus
And to keep Jesus as far away from their mind as humanly possible and even if you get to Jesus that’s great there’s a fort KNX of other jesuses that are all built around him so that you’ll never get to the core of what Jesus is kind of you
Have to think of Jesus kind of in the middle of this sea of other jesuses with his arm up in the air but you can’t see it because there’s all these other different jesuses of the way that we want him to sound which Jesus warned us
About in the Bible and said if you come anyone comes to you presenting another gospel or presenting you another Jesus that it is not the real Jesus and you need to run as far away from that as possible but once again you present that to people and they just roll their eyes
And when it comes from the Bible and it’s the actual thing that Jesus warned us all about and so um that’s why this goes back to your question of before why is it important to know about these guys or as I like to call them or as I like
To say how why you need to know about these that literally just destroy everything about people’s mental prowess and mental stability and mental ability to to understand who not only the real Jesus is but what the hell is really going literally what the hell is really going on here on this planet that
Has confused everybody into believing two separate narratives of what the planet really is and who Jesus of the Bible actually really is and Nicodemus said this is the reason why I get so very this is the reason why I get so um I I get so um passionate about this
Is because Jesus said to Nicodemus if you can’t even understand about Earthly things then how in the world are you going to understand about Heavenly things and that’s kind of my gauge of where I go with people understanding the gospel is if I try to explain to people
About Freemasonry and do you understand about what’s really going on here do you can we not agree that there’s something wrong that’s going on here on Earth then can we then there’s no way if you say no to me about any of that or you know woe to you in in that respect
To me but what I’m talking about there’s no way that you’re going to believe me about anything about who the real Jesus of the Bible is you’re going to think that what I’m talking about is Hocus Pocus and that I just believe in some spaghetti monster man in the sky and
That he’s just some some you know weird weirdo with a with with a with a white beard and a white hair and all the stuff that is presented to people of who Jesus actually really is of this dainty Jesus long hippie Jesus yeah yeah long hippie Jesus that’s it’s a complete
that just loves you for who you are and all this stuff and it’s just like you know you make your Jesus up to who you want to be and uh it’s you know like writing yourself down in five years of who you want yourself to be in five
Years of who do I want Jesus to be all this is who I think he should be when it’s just like no the Bible says who he is and he says who he is and so that’s up to us to to believe that of who he is and that’s unfortunately um that’s
Become the main Freemason agenda of all the agendas is to keep the world at a very very a very very huge lengthy distance mentally from who Jesus actually really is so you can’t so when you’re presented the gospel you can’t hear it and you won’t hear it because
It’s not the Jesus that you want him to be okay so I’ve I’ve asked quite a lot of questions about sort of you know who they are why why this why that and and sort of to get to the bottom of what they’re up to um sure the second half I
Guess all these other the questions not really stuff that I’ve really planned so much as stuff that I’ve written down in reaction to some of the stuff that you’ve got because we you you’ve talked about it I’ve not really asked you a lot about it and I
Guess this about the the element of Satanism and Witchcraft in Freemasonry and because people won’t fully understand that and they won’t necessarily understand how that bridges in with some false movements within Christianity as well so that might be something maybe you can explain it maybe
I can chip in a little bit if you don’t mind sure um so I’ll give I’ll give people a really clear a simple example so a lot of Christians particularly of the calvinist variety lift up Charles Spurgeon as you know one of the greatest preachers in the last 100 years and he’s
Or 100 and something years and he’s the king of preachers and this that and the other and the amount of times you people listening to this right now would have been in churches where the pastor goes Charles burgeon says such and such and we’re all just thinking I don’t give a
Freak what Charles spon says you know s Charles spon but you know a lot of people think he was this great man who preached sound Doctrine and this that and the other well he preached Calvinism but uh you know but a lot of people don’t realize
Now when when James first told me this I thought you’re just taking a couple of quotes and you’re just making it you know cuz he liked to sound poetic and Sensational right like you know he was the greatest poet that ever lived but then it kept happening so many times
That I was running out of excuses for it and it’s basically where certain quotes and things that he said is used very very mystical witchcraft esque language in some of the stuff that he said so for example he’d use terms like Divine Light or or here’s one you here’s one
Architect of the universe right and like well that’s something that Freemasons say and Charles Spurgeon is saying it and he has a photograph of his hand doing that just saying um and then or or you know just here’s an example quote Jesus has cast a spell over us and
Bathed Us in Mystic influence and it’s like okay if it’s just one thing that he said or it just happened once or twice fine you know he was just sounding Sensi but like this keeps happening and for the audience at home listening if you just go on Facebook and even if you
Don’t have Facebook you can find this just do a search Facebook Charles Spurgeon uncensored and it’s just a Facebook wall of just quote after quote after quote after quote of just this weird witchcraft language that constantly used all the time so do you know what I mean like I’m running out of
Excuses now all right James you said it once you said it twice tell me a third time I can’t argue with it anymore do you know what I mean so if you want to if you know a little bit about CH Charles Spurgeon if you want to add to
That uh to tell you the truth I haven’t like looked too much into Charles Spurgeon but I feel like I’ve I’ve looked more into um I feel like I’ve looked more into like Billy Graham and I’ve looked more into like his family and I’ve looked more into
Um I’ve looked into um well there’s quite a few that I’ve looked into in terms of you know your Kenneth cins and Jesse plantis and Klo dollar and uh then you see I can believe there in the Freemasons people would have a hard time believing Charles spge but I could
Definitely believe those men would be Freemasons yeah and then of course you get like into the Billy grahams and um you get into the V bams and you get into of the of now of of that kind of thing because I know those are two like completely like different SPS of like of
In terms of you know age Gap and um and and not but not too far off in terms of their in terms of Christianity uh what they like to do is they love to um be a better talker than you um the way that they they do it is
They know that you not you but the people out there um some people out there I don’t know what kind of Bible reading into I don’t know how much Bible you read I know many a lot of Christians don’t read it I know a lot of Christians
Read a little bit of it and if they do read a little bit of it they read the things that make them feel good and make the heart go yay and make their heart feel things that make them feel good exactly and and make them feel things
About me and what the Bible says to me and how the Bible is making me feel about me today my truth this is my truth and like ah don’t you dare talk to me about my walk how dare you and like all of this stuff and oh this crap that’s
Just like you know what guys what you need to realize is um they Bank on the reason why you don’t believe me is because they know is is because they Bank on they literally Bank on especially cal cal dollar um they Bank on the fact that you’re an idiot and
Don’t read your Bible and they they Bank on the fact that they know that exactly not educated in what you’re talking about at all and they know that you’re you’re completely um they that you’re completely ignorant to what it is that they can take The Narrative of and spin
It and twist it in any way that they want because I’ve heard people talk about this a little bit but not quite in the detail that um I guess necessarily that I’ve studied it in terms of the philosophy in which the of what they use in terms of reverse psychology of how
They just completely use psychology what most people don’t understand about the way Freemasonry and way Satanism actually really works it’s why they have the leg up on most people that they deal with is because they know that they’re able to take just very simple phrasing and they’re able to just
Twist it and turn it and make it sound way better and suit it to a narrative that makes people feel the way that they want them to feel Al and then transfer that emotion into their bank account and then transfer that emotion into um making them be the the ones who are
Worshiped over Jesus over the actual Jesus of the Bible instead it’s them that actually gets the worship instead it’s their phrasing their verbage and not only that but the best Talkers in the world they know that all they have to do is just say it in a certain um in
In a Cadence there literally trained in Cadence in the way that their Cadence moves and and and uh and and makes people feel in terms of sounding a lot smarter than they actually really are but in biblical language swelling words like I’ve talked about it on me channel
Yeah and just making things sound way more poetic than it is um uh uh like repentance like repentance is the vomit of the soul and pouring your heart out in God’s spiritual Hospital a safe person you just want to tell him to piss off yeah well Francis Chan is the one
That I want to tell to piss off I think the most because uh this guy uh he absolutely just uh he cries his way through every sermon Francis Chan is the biggest windbag that I feel he’s the biggest wind bag that I’ve ever heard that like the literally just
Goes up there and cries like a big literally this entire time about how in love with Jesus he is and how he makes people oh it’s just and my love for Jesus is just so pure and just why don’t you love Jesus as much as I do as I’m s here so
Constipated like me where’s the water where I needed so I can splash water in my face while I’m saying it if you love Jesus so much why aren’t you preaching a clear gospel then you know and that’s the best part is the fact that he is so bought and paid for
That he is so well trained he’s he’s just like a lot of people I will in in in about a minute or whatever I’m going to read a list of all of the people that are just literally I made a list that was off the top of my head that I
Haven’t even had a chance to actually really sit down and really um dissect the list and expand on it in in more than what literally just came off the top of my head from the amount of uh teachers and preachers that I’ve studied and looked into and looked into their
Backgrounds and know how bought and paid for they actually really are in every way shape or form of promoting Satan’s agenda to keep people away from Jesus and promoting a false Jesus and the way Jesus wanted us that we would be presented this many different types of
Jesuses um but uh the point being is that when you have a like Francis Chan that gets up there and literally only talks about his feelings and how it makes him feel that’s how everyone else feels it makes Jesus makes them feel and it makes them feel things about their
Heart that literally has this outpouring of of love that that’s what it but people are made to believe that that’s what the real love of Jesus actually really is um about people’s feelings I’ve had enough of them it’s crazy I’m just like dude your feelings is what led
You to Jesus in the first place and so um what what I’m what I’m more interested in is the philosophy of how they really um they pray on people um by making them feel in the wrong way by making them feel like this is um this is
What real love and this is what an outpouring of Love is when in actuality all all Francis Chan is doing is just creating a whole bunch of word salad and literally just taking a whole buch of really really really terrible phrasing um and making literally the entire
Sermon about me and making the entire sermon about you making the entire sermon about um how you feel when in actuality it’s about what Jesus did it’s about what he did on the cross and it’s about us understanding about what he did and that should create an outpouring of
When you realize for the first time and you get the the worst afternoon in a in that anyone can ever be recorded uh taking the penalty of for you and for me and for everyone that’s when you finally understand that wow this has never been about me this has been about Jesus and
What he did and how he paid the price for me and then of course you know all of the outpouring that ends up happening if you want to go do good works and you want to do things based off of your thankfulness and how thankful you truly
Are for that then God bless you I think that’s amazing I think that’s absolutely wonderful and I wish you God Speak on literally whatever that is that you work out between you and God um but the point is uh that uh that’s what it really comes down to is it’s philosophy word
Salad and double talk that literally makes people believe in things that aren’t true in any way shape or form and and it’s it’s manipulative is what it is is in the way of it’s um well it’s like uh an an abusive relationship that you keep coming back to over and over and
Over again based off of the way that the words are presented to you rather than the truth of what is he really talking about here where in actuality he’s spiritually abusing you over and over and over again in the way that Jesus said of how we’d be committing spiritual
Adultery of we’re going back to our spiritual adulterous literally over and over and over a spiritual mistress that you’re going back to over and over and over again instead of who is actually um the who is actually the one that we’re supposed to be married to here and
Unfortunately that’s where we get lost in the shuffle that’s where the the real marriage actually really gets lost in the shuffle and instead our angry stepdad that is uh Satan is our angry drunken stepdad that is Satan is literally just completely taking over the people that he has bought and paid
For on his on his payroll to uh to change that Viewpoint of people and change the Viewpoint of Jesus into a very very very toxic uh Jesus that most people they can’t see because it’s all based off of feelings and um especially their garbage worship music that just is
Just them like standing there like this with their hand up and going down like that and like waving back and for often the music some of the songs are like more about you than they are about Jesus as well aren’t they like thank you Lord that I’m this thank you Lord that I’m
Such and so so you know I’m amazing yeah yep I’m amazing I’m amazing I’m amazing thank you Jesus and like you know all this stuff and thank you Jesus for how amazing I am and like uh and and and then adding yes Yeshua in there a whole
Bunch of times I noticed sick that name but I I guess to sort of to bring it back to the Freemasons cuz like your name dropped like you know C doly your name dropped like Francis Chan vody bham and stuff but a lot of Christians would
Have a problem with the fact that you can’t prove necessarily that those men are Freemasons or or if you can’t prove it what’s your evidence for it otherwise you’re not just being lious or slanderous a lot of Christians get really wound up understandably so they get really wound up if you make
Accusations like that without being able to back it up yep uh my evidence here and um my evidence here is uh these three clowns that are yeah those three clowns I could definitely believe it some people might have a hot a harder time with save vdi boram or
Francis Chan or unless you’re saying that maybe they weren’t members but obviously it’s just the philosophy and the ideas of there isfort and Joyce Meer Joy wow didn’t know I didn’t know I’d see them in the same roomfort he’s so good and he presents such a great gospel yeah he’s
The Ten Commandments and he’s literally shaking hands with joy my he tells me to repent of my wow yeah doing what Satan does if it’s not repent of your sins finding people if it’s if it is not just blatant repent of your sins it’s just the Ten Commandments that is Ray comfort
That binds people to the law which is of course at the end of the day that’s all Satanism really that’s all Freemason really Freemason Christianity really is it’s the law mixed with Grace and that’s really hard for people to really believe but there’s the the handshake um that is
The the very very very very blatant dainty um uh blatant dainty Freemason amazed to see that I am amazed you managed to find I I never thought I would see something like that oh and by Cas everybody’s like Oh Billy Graham he’s so great and look at how B great
Billy Graham is yeah this is with and Harry Truman and him doing yeah CU he he met some really important people who would have definitely been in a couple of secret societies wouldn’t he and yeah I think I alluded to that briefly in the first documentary yeah yeah and in case
People are like oh that’s just a handshake it’s like that’s not what that is it’s like no no no that’s a closeup of handshake a grip of the same Freemason hand grip that you it’s that thing if we’re if Christians are going to be hated by the world how is he able
To get an audience with all of these like great people and he said that there’s ways to Heaven other than Jesus by the which I exposed him for in the second documentary it’s like there’s no way that you’re just a man of God and able to get an audience with all of the
And then Christian like oh it’s great you know he’s great he managed to he you know God let him meet the presidents and that’s like that’s not really counting for him that’s counting against him if you really want to convince me that he’s a man of God yeah exactly um a man of
God literally only speaks up for in terms of Jesus man of God doesn’t go out of his way to make people fit The Narrative of whatever it is that makes them comfortable to to you know to to follow the ways of God and how uh your
Your walk is your is your walk and and uh you know there’s there’s so many uh interpretations of the way that because I could go on and on and on about interpretations and the way people interpret what the gospel is and unfortunately that’s the the how they
Keep them the most in control and by their stupidity of not reading the Bible and not understanding the Bible for what it is and doing actual Bible study which is of course what Jesus told us to do was uh to bury the word in our hearts
Even if it is just very simply being able to if you ask most Christians which they won’t even be able to quote of being able to literally just quote John 3:16 the most popular bible verse of which even atheists have heard and can somewhat like be able to to quote in
Some way shape or form um if you can’t do that in any way shape or form they literally use that against you it’s ammo that they use completely against the Christian to trap the Christian into word phrasing and word salad and philosophy that they use completely to the Christian into
Submission of feelings and good sounding language to them that is has AB yep that all they got to do is just take that one word and literally use it to their advantage of surrender yourself to Jesus because he the god of the universe and so that means if he’s the god of the
Universe then that means that you’re this little tiny Speck of thing that you’re you should be lucky to even be in his presence or blessed they won’t even use the word bless they’ll use the word you should be lucky to even be in his his his presence because of what a
Little speck of atom of dust you are and so therefore you need to get on your knees and repent pal and you need to make sure that you you do whatever it is that he tells you to do every day and it’s like that sounds like an awful
Dictator he surrendered his life for me not the other way around yeah and furthermore um if he surrendered himself to me or he surrendered his his life for me then that means he really loves you dude like he really really really loves you he’s he didn’t give his life up for you and
Then say okay there is all this west of stuff that I need you to do otherwise you can’t keep it it’s just like are you kidding me man like this is ridiculous like so what is it is it a free gift or is it like I have to do and I’ve noticed
That like because like with the sinless perfectionists who were really hardcore on the works right they’ll in instead of treating Jesus like a savior and obviously save isn’t doesn’t just mean to rescue it means to preserve right like you know you save something for later they treat him more like a reset
Button where it’s like well just reset me sins that I did in the past but I’ll take it from a G’s I’ll be super obedient I won’t sin anymore we won’t need to go back to this again maybe if I slip up we might have to go back to but
I’m going to really try like you just s that bit out but leave it to me from here on in yeah yeah yeah there was a a girl I forget her name but there was this the young lady that was in your documentary and repent to your sense too
That was just like well oh Michaela Cooper I think yeah no no no it was young lady that was saying um yeah no then that means you’re your own savior then that means like oh yeah that yeah Lana moo yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah she was awesome she’s like yeah so so
What that means you’re only like good for the sins that you’re good at not doing so that means like you’re like what you’re your own saor then that wow that’s great so go to a therapist then go sit down with a therapist have them give you a whole laundry list of things
That you can do better to better yourself in the 10 steps or go to Alcoholics Anonymous and give you the 10 steps 12 steps to a better life or go treat Jesus like a 12-step program when it’s just like this is absolutely ridiculous guys this is and hope you
Don’t get run over on the Second Step fundamental and yeah oh man just push the boulder up and prove your love to Jesus Before He’ll accept you and just all this crap when it’s just he gave his life for you so that means he more than accepts you he absolutely
Loves you and and more so than that John 3:16 tells me that in this in the fact that God for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and if you give your son up for death that is literally for for for people who want
Nothing to do with him in past present and future and absolutely want nothing to do with him but then eventually make the point of how it all works in the spirit realm how it all works of the way God infiltrates how it all works all that I
Will never know I will never know until I get up there in any way shape or form but when the change happens and the repentance finally happens and you turn to the gospel um is it it’s it’s just it’s it’s a switch that it is absolutely it’s it’s incredible it’s Indescribable
And it’s something that uh yeah it’s it’s it’s the most amazing feeling that you can ever have in the whole world knowing that that’s how much the god of the universe loves you that he gave up his son for you and if you knew somebody
Like that in in our like in as a human that gave up their son and you knocked on their and they knocked on their door and said I had my son put to death for you because of a crime that I know that you committed I know that you ran a a kid
Over but you don’t have to go to jail anymore because I gave my son up I put my son up for the death penalty for you I would literally stand there I wouldn’t even have words for him I would weep and I would get on my knees and I would I
Would be I would wrap my hands around his legs and I would endlessly say thank you and what can I do for you for the rest of my life like and not in a way of not not in the way of I’m trying to earn
My way to heaven or anything I’m just so incredibly thankful for the fact that I can’t believe you I can believe it as a figure of speech I can’t believe that you did this for me thank you for the second chance that you’ve given me and I
Promise you I will not waste this and I know it’s hard to you know not make to to make a promise you can’t keep but um when it comes to when it comes to something of that nature um and you feel it within yourself you know it that it’s
Just a feeling of I I I love you so much and I will get on my knees endlessly and I will there’s no amount of thank you to to give for that so yeah so uh so back to sort of the free then um I guess we can sort of talk
About I can maybe input a little bit on this but it’s the sort of the the false religion and the Witchcraft aspect of it so I think a lot of Christians don’t know or realize there’s quite a few Cults Christian Cults and also non-Christian religions that somewhere
Along the lines have some either direct trace or hints of masonic stuff in there so for example Jehovah’s Witnesses came out of Charles tase Russell and he just happened to have a pyramid shaped Tombstone for some reason uh there’s obviously the Mormons the Joseph Smith was supposedly a Freemason actually I
Think Mormonism copied a lot of their secret handshakes and stuff for their Satanic rituals that they do in the temples yeah yeah yeah so there’s there’s a lot of like Cults and groups that sort of have some roots in it somewhere and surpris they happen to be
Repent of you sins shocker and then but even sort of non-Christian religions and the Pagan religions so obviously you mentioned alester Crowley quite a lot um and that’s Satanism but even groups that don’t carry the label Satanism still have links to him like like for example there’s um theosophy
What what was the name um Helen bravat or whatever name was yeah yeah and then from her there was Alice Bailey and then you’ve got the Wicker movement where you have uh Gerald Garder and he I think he knew alist Crowley as well so there’s a lot of
People in these different groups that even though they’ve got different labels and they’re a bit different and they believe different things they know alester Crowley for some reason there just some really bizarre reason why they happen to know him or have some sort of link to him I
Guess y because alisar was the creator of literally everything that they do now um Alistair was the creator of uh the law of TMA and that law states do as thou wi which it states in the book of the law uh which is the law of thma that
The law of thma states that uh you do as thou Wilt um meaning that is all the law of Nature and as long as it pertains to Nature it’s all fine it’s all okay no problem whatsoever um uh hel Helena blatsky as you were talking about before
In the secret Doctrine um she has uh many a quote of um pertaining to Lucifer um and really where that all stems from is uh the luciferian doctrine that really came to fruition and became westernized um uh that’s what the book of the law is it’s a prophecy book the
Book of the law is essentially um not a book that someone can really pick up and really understand unless you kind of decode it and it’s meant to be that way that’s why it’s only uh like I like I showed you before um trying to find it
Here amongst all my all my things but anyway it was very thin um it’s it’s very very thin book and it’s made to be that way simply because the fact that um it’s it’s only needs to be as much as it needs to be for a lot of decoding that
No one you can’t just pick the book up and really understand it right off you have you you have to really understand what it means uh and there’s meaning behind uh every part of it but what it really comes down to in a nutshell is it’s a prophecy for the
Westernized um uh the the westernized uh witchcraft movement that would basically take Satanism worldwide it wouldn’t just be a case where Satanism what it used to be where it was very underground and that’s the reason why um uh that’s the reason why it was so specialized back
Then at least that’s what I believe anyway I don’t know 100% but what I what from what I understand is it’s um it was very specific to very specific people and that’s the reason why it was only with the religious and the self-righteous and that kind of thing
That kept it very very hidden and very very secretive whereas when Jesus came on the scene he screwed that all up for them uh he he did a very very good job of making sure that okay now um people can see through the holes and people now
It’s it’s uh to the point now where people can really start to understand as a whole of what is righteous and what is self-righteous so that being said um it’s it’s a it’s a little bit to break down in terms of all of that but the bottom line is that aliser Crowley he
Was the first to to to prophesy through um a lot of Witchcraft ritual that came from three different gods that all prophesied to him and which in a lot of Witchcraft ritual that’s where they get a lot of um uh uh a lot of behind the scenes action within the secret with
Within um the spirit realm I don’t know how it all works I know the blood is their currency in order to get them there um yes it is very very true most people they’re like oh doesn’t work like that with you know killing babies and stuff like that yes they do they take
The blood of infants yes they do they take the blood of young children and most of all they take the blood of a uh a a young boy is the way that it really works and I will prove that to prove this concept of what people they just
Think that you know killing young children and uh having infants uh in the middle of the magic circle which is what they call the pentagram you can see pentagrams everywhere you can see it on Britain on people’s shirts now it’s literally like pop culture so um if you can’t see that we’re
Indoctrinated into a low-level form of Satanism which is exactly what alist Cy prophesied in his book of the law that it would be westernized um especially when it came to uh the peace and love movement which was the sex movement essentially of making free love making free sex making
It sex more uh Wester making it more uh and more and more and more to the point where we’re at today where everything is sexualized where back then was a thing of okay we’re going to start with the peace and love movement of making it free love and making that peaceful in
The way that love is given away and sex is given away and turning God’s intention of sex upside down and turning it on its head um but anyway um to prove the concept that uh there are absolutely uh children involved in this is this is
From the book of the law by aliser crowy moreover the Beast 666 advisees that all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act magic as the highest most most absolute and most Divine knowledge of natural philosophy any living being is a storehouse of energy uh varying in
Quantity according to its mental and moral character at the death of the animal this energy is liberated suddenly the animal should be therefore killed within the magic circle uh and from what I understand of the Hidden science there there is a very hidden science when it
Comes to that of how that all works it’s uh of all to do with the currency of blood because blood is the currency within it in the same way of the way that it used to be in the Ten Commandments of how blood was currency
With god with uh with with the Bulls and the Rams and how um that there was the offerings and there was the different sin offerings and so the currency that is within the way um it works in Freemasonry and the way that it works in witchcraft is once the blood is expelled
And once the blood is taken from the animal or the child which I will state in a second of where it comes from where this comes from um it’s a currency that is makes the ritual happen and then whatever happens within the spirit realm it’s executed within the spirit realm
And that’s when the ritual is executed and they have rituals of all different shapes and sizes of whether you want to make a male impotent if you have an enemy if you have somebody that you want killed if you have uh much the same as
What you would see in Voodoo of how they make a little doll of the person and then they stick it in the magic circle and then they do a ritual over it they do a witchcraft ritual over it and um then that doll becomes the actual person
And then once they stick a needle in it or you know whatever it becomes it’s like they’re literally sticking it into the actual person and that will come from uh if they get a hair off the person or if they get uh if they get a
Currency off of that person to make the execution of the ritual actually happen um not being part of that world only studying it it’s absolutely sick and I would never want to be in a room with those people when it happens but this is really real and this is how it actually
Really happens from but the point being is to finish off my point is that from chapter 13 in the of of vanishings and of purifications which comes from uh the libery of Alistar Crowley which is a collection of alist Cy writings uh for the highest spiritual working one must
Accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force a male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most suitable sacrifice so the way they sacrifice is the same way that there was a sacrifice that needed to be made for a sin offering they literally flip everything
Because that’s the way Satan Works he flips everything on its head he pretends to be and literally does the everything in the exact opposite of God that is the reason why uh Satanism flourishes in the way that it does and the way uh their offerings they’re literally offering
What they’re doing to Satan and they’re offering up what he wants in terms of the way in in turn of the way that what God wanted for his sin offering so um yes it’s h it’s very real and uh that’s what all the politicians what major actors what major major every everyone
That is in uh a a very high playing field of your Tom Brady’s to your LeBron James’s to all of these cats that literally go out there and are on a world stage and are just kind of laughing at their lifestyle and love their lives and that’s why uh it it’s
Laughable to everyone that they could do this because of um the philanthropy that they hide behind and the good that they hide behind when an actuality of the evil that they’ve actually really done behind closed doors to be allowed so literally my my apologies to um to uh
Pardon me to get them to where they’re at to be allowed to literally be on that world stage and so anyway let’s go back to Helena bosi for a second uh sorry let’s go back to morals and Dogma for a second which is Albert Pike and then I’ll spew a quote from hel
Helena blatsky so you guys understand the concept so that people understand who they’re dealing with of this is the way that they think and this is the way that they operate and these are little pieces that are taken from each one of their books to put the whole puzzle
Piece together of what they worship who they worship and how they worship so this is taken from morals and Dogma where um it states on page 288 at least in my book because each one of them they’re uh kind of different shapes and sizes of different readers uh of of
Different lettering letter letter sizing so therefore the pages are indifferent of how much spacing of how many words there are on page and so on and so forth so my page 288 might be different uh from somebody else’s who is on a different page it’s I’ve I’ve seen a few
Of them um the apocalypse is to those who receive the 19th degree the apothesis of the sublime Faith which is Sublime faith is what they call it which aspires to God alone and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer Lucifer the light strange and mysterious name to give to
The spirit of Darkness Lucifer son of the morning it is he who Bears the light and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble sensual and selfish Souls doubt it not so in other words in other words to shorten that up Lucifer is the lightbearer and you should doubt it not that is who he
Is well Helena botski States in uh in um uh the secret Doctrine on page 245 Satan is the Minister of God Satan is the Minister of God this is how they this is what they believe lord of the seven Mansions of Hades the angel of the Manifest Worlds the seven Locas
Or septo Loca of the Earth with the Hindus for Hades or the limos uh the limbo of Illusion of which theology makes a religion bordering of hell is simply our globe region of bordering of on hell I’m going to repeat that again of which theology makes a region bordering on
Hell is simply our globe the Earth and thus Satan is called the angel of the Manifest worlds it is Satan who is the god of our planet and the only God that is how he works and that is who they worship and it’s um a very very very uh
Specific um it’s it’s very very very specific to them that they only worship Satan he is the only God but however they confuse the World by putting all the other different gods so that it pollutes the world into keeping us away from Jesus but to them Satan is the only
God yeah I think people perhaps don’t always realize how much stuff actually goes back to Alesa crowler because for somebody who his book says the most weird things I mean some of his rituals some of his suggested sex practices and you know using eating feces and all
Sorts of just disgusting stuff I mean we’ve had weird courts in the world that have deceived a few dozens or a few hundreds of people but they’ve often been isolated contained incidents but this guy just seemed for for somebody who just ran out completely weird cult
He connects to so many things in the strangest of ways like for example I think is it was it the um band called The Beatles And I don’t if I can’t remember if it was an album cover or singles cover to a photo I think it’s
Like an album cover where alist Crow is in the photo you just think why do you know what I mean and it’s just maybe that’s just a joke but the thing is the fact that he’s there in in the shadows behind all of these different things and movements that seem separate like Helena
Brotsky she well alist Crowley recognized her as a sister of AA or whatever it is a master of the temple just cursory reading here so it’s like while she knew him and then obviously her disciples like Alice Bailey obviously go to him through it’s so weird how these different groups are
Connected to him somehow and even is it Gerald Garder who sort of you know rebirthed wicker um particularly here in the United Kingdom I think he knew were Lester Crowley somehow I don’t know how close they were at Associates or whatever but it’s like there’s just so
Many strange things that connect to him oh yeah yeah it’s like he is far too influential for somebody who believed all that weird stuff oh yeah yeah Alistar Crowley is essentially um for most people they’ve heard the name Albert Pike like if you’ve looked into this stuff like you’ve heard the name
Albert Pike and you’ve heard the name hel Helena botski um uh you’ve heard uh you might have even heard Manley P hall Manley P hall is uh he wrote this uh the secret teachings of Ages which is basically the guide book to all the different gods of literally every single
Possibility it’s an encyclopedia of literally every single possibility of God that they manifested created man-made gods that they literally had no choice but to manifest create and uh confuse the entire planet with so that you can just worship whatever God it is that you want rather than the god of the
Universe the actual god of the Bible which is Jesus um but anyway the point being is that Al Crowley uh he had influences on the Rolling Stones uh David Bowie Led Zeppelin The Beatles um it’s why I I used to listen to all of those bands but
I just can’t I can’t listen to any of that music anymore I can’t listen to any of that stuff anymore uh simply because uh they are a bunch of Jesus hating uh absolute satanists uh through and through to the core I have a bunch of pictures that uh will flash up of uh
Them uh either doing the hand signals uh FL flagrantly doing their hand signals just to appease themselves because that’s like I said before that’s literally all it is it’s just really to appease themselves and stroke their own ego uh because of uh the what Satan literally gives them uh gives them all
The all the it gives them all their worship um uh no offense to anybody who really likes the Beatles or anything like that I’ve caught a lot of flack from a lot of people uh of making this statement for many years to him the beat that’s that John Lenin guy was a wicked
Guy anyway so you know were no better to me than like some crappy garage band that literally just like managed to like make it really really big and I kept looking at all this stuff the the reason why I started getting into the music end of things is
Because I started looking at how weird it really was of it’s not normal for people to chase a band down the street and cry over them and literally stand there in the front row and cry over them being that good like I get that they’re good and I get it’s like really like
Nice and you like it and everything might even say you love it but to cry over a a person that like poops and farts and is going to die all the same as you like that’s just that’s weird like I think it’s strange um it’s very very strange behavior and so I found
That to be very very interesting to as a concept to look into and then came to find like oh that’s this guy Alistair Crowley is worshiped by everybody and especially there’s a very popular picture of Jay-Z with a with a a sweater on that says do as thou WI and that’s
The one that literally kind of floated around the most yeah again it’s these things keep cropping up don’t they just subtly cropping up here and there yeah yeah yeah they leave little breadcrumbs literally all over the place of just like haha this is who we are but you’re
Never going to know who we are because you’re too lazy to find out who we are you’re too dumb to know who we are there’s like a bunch of different excuses for you know why you know people like kind of they just give up because the trail is literally it’s so endless
That uh but but so overwhelming they evidence is so unbelievably overwhelming that uh it’s to the point where they’ve even Incorporated I will show you pictures of Alex Jones and uh David Ike and people like that who are very well-known conspiracy theorists guys that I used to follow that was like very
Hip to the government’s against us and you know the world’s going to blow up any second now because what the government’s doing and um and uh you know Bill Gates and all the viruses that he’s putting out there from all the vaccines that he’s putting out there and
All stuff and just like they would have like a different story of different people that they are literally on the same payroll with that they’re actually put out there to throw people off the trail because if you get wrapped up in the in the hamster wheel of conspiracy
Theory then you literally there is no end to understanding what the end game is you’re just kind of running in a circle and that’s literally what they want it’s like running in the the desert of Egypt but they’re also they’re like useful idiots as well aren’t they
Because you look at Alex Jones and he just seems like someone who’s just completely mental yep and when uality that’s what he’s made to be he’s literally meant to be the same raving lunatic as what most conspiracy theorists are who just spew a bunch of word vomit of you you literally
Said nothing in the last like 45 minutes but you said a whole bunch of ranting and raving and anger and frustrated and all the stuff because there’s a lot of people who are really angry and frustrated and and and miserable about the way that they’re being treated by a
Government that they know is oppressing and and is is very very much there’s there’s something going on here and we need to know what it is but unfortunately there’s no end to getting to what the end game is because guys like Alex Jones and David Ike they just
Talk themselves and their Their audience into a complete circle that they never get to an answer and so that anyway that’s that’s literally their whole point but uh the point being is let’s we’ll get back to sorry I’m getting off track here let’s get back to alist let
Me give you a little bit of background here about Alistar Crowley so essentially um he was um administered to the oral Temple orades which Orient which is uh essentially his Freemason Temple CU they all run under different names um which essentially like I said because they have different different
Lodges for the different districts and areas is that yes like like in Germany there’s the fraternus there’s the fraternus SAT which is essentially um Freemason at a very very very high level where your free where your Satanist from the beginning they don’t uh mask it with modern humanism they don’t trick you
Into getting all the way to the top and then okay what am I really in here like what is this and what do we what are we really doing here until that’s what most Freemason lodges really are um why am I taking all these oats and why am I
Taking all these oats of uh of of death penalties for every single one of them which at some point I will read uh one of uh the the statements that you need to make before you actually perform the ritual and or before you perform the oath and before you take the next oath
And you take the next o and you take the next oath um so uh anyway that’s there’s there’s different names for each one of the lodes but it’s all under the umbrella of state of Freemasonry uh so since his death in 1947 uh Crowley he became an icon he was
Basically just a big icon of rebellion and that’s essentially what he really naturally is with people and why he so renowned is it’s his natural Rebellion for everything and essentially the kind of um uh start of the law of thma do as thou Wilt but it was you’ll see how it
Ties into Christianity um uh he he he’s basically the man that just blinded the eyes of um of all people when it comes to the Battle of Good and Evil so there is no good and that there is no evil and that’s really where he comes in and shows he he liberates people
Um his writings and his teachings it’s not just the book of the law there’s a few books that he’s that many um Freemason they read to basically blind the the minds and the eyes of everyone when it comes to good and evil and that’s what the Checker floorboard means
Uh when you see it in every Freemason Lodge everybody’s familiar with the Checker floorboard that uh is there’s the black part of the Checker floorboard and the white part which means good and evil that there is a balance between the two that there is no good and that there
Is no evil he he’s the one that created that um Alistair was born in 1875 into a wealthy Christian family uh the members they were he they were all members of the Plymouth Brethren uh the Plymouth Brethren sect they were basically in a nutshell repent of your sins they were
Just an evangelist that went around dad screaming to everybody to it’s no different that if you saw a guy on the street today that was just yelling repent of your sins and turn or burn and you know stuff like that um so Alistar Crowley’s family over the course of his
Life they warned him repeatedly of the terrible consequences of sin and that’s the reason why um that’s that’s the reason uh why he turned into who he turned into was because of uh this constant warnings of sin and Alistair he was to be a pastor of following in his
Father’s Footsteps when alistair’s uh father suddenly died alistair’s sorrow uh for that for the loss eventually quickly turned into anger merciless absolute merciless blood curdling anger um for reasons I imagine that had to do with if you’re such a wonderful God then why would you take my dad at such a an
Early age and just started to absolutely rebel against God and formed a rebellion completely against God and grew to hate Christianity his mother in school and he then immediately turned to sin and never looked back so um essentially uh and yes and he and that’s the last part was he
Started the Golden Dawn uh secret society which is the Golden Dawn is the uh is an umbrella of Freemasonry which he much later was for he much later went on to start his own Temple and secret society called the Ordo Temple Orient uh which um that is the whole
Point of alist Crowley is it’s a rebellion against Christianity and it’s a rebellion against and and it’s a forgery ahead on sin of sinning as much as possible to make it to the point where you sear your conscience so that there is no sin there is no such thing
As Sin and it’s there is no good and that there is no evil it’s all intertwined as one thing and it’s whatever you feel it’s how you feel if you want to do it then and that makes you feel good and um if you want to uh
Say for example is something uh as simple to them uh as if there’s a woman that you really love and you think you love and she’s married uh and you want to go in and you want to go kill her husband and take care for yourself um
Then that’s okay do what you want to do as long as um you feel it and that’s the way that you feel then you can do it and there there there is no consequences just don’t feel bad about what you’re doing because you can’t have a conscience in anything that you’re doing
It’s just a matter of you know do as thou Wilt and do do what you feel and however you feel to do it sure so um sort getting towards the end really I guess a couple of small questions I guess but um say the I guess some people would still have a problem
With the idea of Freemasons becoming Christians because even if they repent of your sins or whatever they still might be broadly speaking Christian and so would would somebody who is a professing Christian want to mingle with satanists and witches because even some unsaved Christians still realize that that stuff
Is wrong uh sorry say say again one more time so I guess for example you you showed the picture of Ray Comfort shaking hands with um Jo M I have no idea if it’s but let’s say that you know like Billy grem or whoever Christians broadly speaking even
If they are repent of sins they still know that Satan is in is wrong they still know that witchcraft is wrong so why would they want to be a professing Christian and be a Freemason mingle with those types of people uh simply because very very simply put in the way that
We are the most Mass majority are tricked to believe uh in false Christianity and what a false Christianity would be um they make up a different sect of Christianity uh for all in the same respect of different lodges they make up a different sect of it in order to trap
The Christian in order to well to trap The Satanist but to trap the Christian into believing that what they’re believing in is is a form of Christianity because their uh absolutely ungodly Holy Bible with uh the with the um the square in the compass and the g in the
Middle uh literally proves the concept that it’s their own form of Christianity where they open up their Bible which is their form of a Bible it’s not the real Bible it’s just it’s a blue book with the Holy Bible written in gold and their their little logo at the
Bottom of it of the square on the compass and the g in the middle um it opens up to basically just give up a whole bunch of information of Freemasonry and uh what you’re looking for within Freemasonry and basically just to try to break down the person individually of on an individual level
Um rather than have anything to do with make them have anything to do with Christianity but blanket it within Christianity to have a little bit of the Bible in it by calling it The Holy Bible and then placing uh some sprinklings of Jesus in there and stuff like that um
But in actuality they’re also at the same token made to not be able to talk about Jesus either it’s one of their rules it’s very very very very strange but it’s their own form of whatever they want it to be and furthermore makes them all about them it doesn’t make anything
About Jesus whatsoever and also they’re confounded and bound to not even be allowed to talk about Jesus in the first place um so yeah it very it very much it confuses them but also keeps them bound to it because it’s makes it about them as well individually of bringing out the
Best in them and making them live their best life and making them uh be who they really are supposed to be and unlock their true potential and bringing them to Enlightenment and uh it’s it’s it’s filled with all kinds of jargon like this to make them feel really really
Good and um that you’re loved here and that we love you and it’s very cult it’s very very very like much when you when you break it all down it’s like wow that sounds like a cult it’s like Yeah because it is it’s a huge cult and uh it
Really breaks you down on another level mentally it breaks you down emotionally uh and it breaks you down to a level of which it’s just filled with trickery but it’s not even good trickery it’s just a matter of they just understand that a lot of people are very unphilosophical
Broken they take in a lot of broken people they take in people with very broken beaten backgrounds uh and give them a family and give them a place for them to feel warm and feel welcome and feel uh like they can trust them uh when in actuality they’re the most
Untrustworthy people on planet they’re literally the most untrustworthy people on planet Earth um so it keeps they so they they use Christian trappings just like the way um uh false Christianity all other forms of false Christianity because this isn’t even you wouldn’t even really call it Christianity they
Just have like a Bible that says the Holy Bible but is filled with Freemason jargon in it and then a little bit of the Bible and then their uh their logo that’s on the bottom that they all get they’re all given a fake uh Bible with
Their logo at the bottom of it so um it’s the same Christian trappings uh just in in a little bit of a different spin on it uh in the same way that the Christian is is trapped within uh all other secular forms of false Christianity okay so I guess some I mean
Some people might wonder so let’s just say I have no idea if it’s true or not but let let’s just say for the sake of argument that let’s say for example Billy Billy graah was a Freemason all right so every now and then he would probably visit a lodge and talk to a
Bunch of other Masons there in the little meetings whatever they have I think some people would hear the way that you’re describing it as as if he goes up to this meeting meets these people I’m like when some people would argue well maybe actually he thought he was doing God a
Service and he just for whatever reason was a part of that organization he thought oh well I can do some charity work with this organization I can meet a bunch of important people and maybe I can instill some Christian Valu so maybe from his point of view he thought he was
Just doing God’s Will and trying to do good and that was just a network that enabled him to do that what’ you reckon um that would be that would be true um if it wasn’t for all of their literature that points to Lucifer um if it wasn’t for the fact of
How much of it points pertains to Lucifer because I only got into like I only got into like two quotes from their literature their literature points to the most outlandish evil disgusting perverse vile way of thinking that you can possibly think like they they think of
New ways to be evil there’s it’s like what the Bible says that they literally cultivate it’s not the general public that cultivates new ways to be evil they cultivate new ways to be evil and I can prove that within we just don’t have enough time for me to be able to read
All of it I have literally is isn’t that assuming though that they’ve read all of that literature though because they might they might have just not bothered to read most of it or maybe like to you and I the luciferian influence is obvious but to an unsaved person maybe
It’s not obvious like for example grand architect of the universe maybe to that’s just not obviously Lucifer you know they IM yeah God’s The Architects of the universe oh no it’s it’s blatant in the way that they uh they they worship Lucifer that they’re made to worship Lucifer um that they’re made to
Uh believe that we are the gum at the bottom of their shoe and they’re also made to believe uh of in the oath and the agenda of Lucifer and the grand appearance of Lucifer that that’s literally what they’re waiting that’s what they’re nudging more and more and more towards through uh the cultivation
Of the ideologies that came from Alistar Crowley first Albert Pike Helena botski and um and Manley P hall all four of them are essentially it’s essentially Manley P hall Helena botski and Albert Pike that most people would consider like the trifecta of like the heavyweight champion of of uh of Freemasonry but the
Point being is that um when you put all of their literature together they’re literally made and bound to this literature that you can’t get further within the uh the confines of the degrees within um with within Freemasonry if you don’t understand this literature um you are tested on it uh
Every single time you go through an oath uh you are made to understand it that if you don’t understand and you don’t follow the oath and you’re not one of us and therefore you’re not allowed to be part of this anymore or you’re just membered and um if you’re just not for
It and you know that this is too far gone and I don’t want to be part of this anymore you have some sort of you know moral compass about you that uh decides to have a rebellion uh against us and you have a rebellious heart then oh well
Then that’s okay uh part of their literature is that they will destroy you um they will they will put the oath first and they will destroy your reputation and they have so much of it that they can destroy it because you’ve been a part of their society for so long
That they have so much on you that uh they will just destroy you um when it comes to your reputation uh they call it they will make you a vagabond is what they say uh a Wandering Vagabond that you will just won’t be able to go anywhere anymore so to even be a
Persistent member someone would have had to have awareness of the satanic literature then basically in a nutshell you have to have awareness of it in order to be part of it otherwise you’re just not allowed to be part of it you have the agenda yeah so what else uh makes
Them completely guilty when it comes to the fact that they are not ignorant at all and they completely understand exactly what they’re they’ve gotten themselves into well that very simply comes from um the secret Doctrine uh Helena Basi um which is one of the main teachings of Freemasonry and this describes l ER
Satan the adversary and exactly what they think of him this is what their belief system is and what they stand on and quite frankly I just have one question to ask you um how can uh they believe in something so much that doesn’t exist and this is the answer to
That it is the Angel Lucifer it is the angel who was proud enough to believe himself God brave enough to buy his independence at the price of Eternal suffering and torture beautiful enough to have adorned in full Divine Light strong enough to to still reain in darkness amidst Agony and to
Have made himself a throne out of his inextinguishable P it is the Satan of the Republican and the heretical Milton and heretical Milton the prince of Anarchy served by a hierarchy of pure spirits so he’s the brave one he’s the one who sacrificed himself for them
Satan is the one who made the sacrifice it wasn’t Jesus who sacrificed himself for us it was Satan who sacrificed himself for them so as you can see Satan flips everything on its head he turns everything upside down exactly um in the way that Jesus is good and Satan is evil
But it’s all backwards Satan is good and Jesus is evil and that’s the way they perceive us as the Christian and lastly I want to read one last quote so that you really understand in terms of Christianity of what they think of Christianity how they believe what they believe Christianity to
Be and how much they absolutely despise Christianity in every way and this comes from a book by Frederick nii the Antichrist what is more harmful than any Vice active Sympathy for the ill constituted and weak Christianity and out of fear the reverse type has been wed bred achieved the
Domestic animal the herd animal the sick Animal Man the Christian that’s what they think of Christianity that’s what they think of us the people who believe in Jesus and furthermore their belief system is actually so so bad to the point we it’s so backwards that they actually believe
That Christianity and Atheism uh the two sickest people on earth is the Christian and the atheist and they want to abolish Christianity and that’s what they’re that’s the the main goal that they have is uh to abolish it completely completely destroy it and it’s not going to the Future it’s actually going back
Into the past so that it’s so much so that it abolishes it completely so it was before Jesus was on the human scene it’s to destroy it and to stamp it under it’s it’s it’s it’s basically to the point of Christianity will be a boot stamping on a human face
Forever and I don’t say any of this to scare anybody I don’t see any of this to hurt anybody in any way or to mislead anybody in any way this has come from a lot of research this has come from a lot of time put into these people and that’s
How much they hate Christianity that’s how much they hate Jesus and once again I I uh ask you a very very very simple question to everybody out there watching everybody out there listening how can they hate something so much that doesn’t exist how can they hate Jesus so
Much when we all know at this point that he definitely exists and how can they believe in the adversary of the Bible if he doesn’t exist either so um just a couple of small questions one of them is perhaps a silly question but um so can you substantiate
How the phrase oh my you know OMG as an exclamation comes from Freemasonry um I can’t actually um I don’t have any literature on that that’s something that I would like to look into but from what I understand it’s just changing our language of just um it it’s
A culture change and which they do all the time they still putting it on the TV aren’t they and you know putting it on you know you still you watch the TV into some you know the director or somebody important who funds it was probably part of the Freemasons or something yeah yeah
And just constantly berating it’s a berating of Jesus it’s a constant from what I this is what I gather anyway I don’t have any actual uh writings or I don’t have anything on it it’s just my understanding of my belief that I really do believe this of seeing it constantly
Within movies within music within people’s language of how people talk constantly where they specifically pick Jesus Christ to say after you know being upset about something um or they’re confused about something or you know frustrated or you know whatever they say oh my god when they stub their toe all
The way to the point where they’re about to climax when they’re having sex or you know whatever it is that they literally pick those phrases uh specifically to say um you know what the hell and oh this feels like heaven and you know all the stuff where they just literally pick
These phrases that have to do with spirituality and have to do specifically with God but which God are they actually talking about and they’re not really too sure what actual God they’re really talking about when in actuality it’s partly to disgrace Jesus and then the
Other half is to get the worship of what Satan wants which of course is the worship that he wants for himself okay being the God of this world which Jesus called him the God of this world yeah yeah so last question this is perhaps a bit of a silly question but you
Mentioned the black and white checkered flowboard right yeah is the game of chess [Laughter] demonic I don’t know how demic the game of CH is but I know the check floorboard is 150% that it’s uh uh that that’s all I really truly know about it is that it’s just it’s very aliser crowy
Oriented and that there is no good and that there is no evil and that they don’t everything’s black and white and that they literally don’t see good or evil so they can move all the little pawns then that’s kind of where I’m at I’m just like well you probably maybe a
Little bit satanic in that regard because it’s like oh you’re just playing chess with us well we’re playing you’re we’re playing checkers well you’re playing chess know that kind of thing it’s just like at the end of the day they have a stupid ridiculous deep idiotic creepy crazy meaning for
Basically almost everything that they do there’s like they’re so methodically just they’re methodic they’re methodically creepy about literally like everything that they do since we’re wrapping up here and there is actually still like if if people are interested and they do want to know more uh and they would like a
Part two out of this then you know leave it in the comment section and um and you know maybe we’ll revisit this another time because there’s a there is a ton more that could talk about but unfortunately we just don’t have enough time to do it yeah yeah I think like
Even though like this end recording won’t be about three and a half hours we’ve almost been talking for three and a half hours when we include the breaks and just like the filler that I had to go a couple of bits out yeah but I guess this long people good for you seriously
Soon as we’re on soon as we’re on the topic though because you mentioned like how they turned up they they make everything creepy like brother James points out all the triangles it’s like Masonic and then he’ll point out like the prayer circles the circles you know devilish say it’s like what shapes can
We have that doesn’t offend CU it’s like they’ve ruined all the shapes whenever because like every single shape James doesn’t like I’m like what shapes can we have James the square and the compass they’ve ruined the triangle they’ve ruined the ey in the Triangle being the circle
They’ve ruined oh my gosh they’ they’ve literally ruined like everything but at the end of the day it’s like they made it purposely that way that unless you really look into it and you really understand what it is that you’re seeing that’s where they get to sit back and
Laugh and go hahaa this is ours and and we not even tricked you guys because they just think the world is just stupid they just think the masses are just completely dumb and that you guys fell for it and so you guys just deserve what
You get and so yeah it’s it’s uh it’s it’s pretty it’s pretty nuts they’re pretty nuts um and uh that at the end of the day all this really was wasn’t like I said for an uprising or to you know get to get you so scared that you wet
Your pants before you go to bed tonight that you know the whole world’s going to catch on fire tomorrow and all this stuff uh there is an end game there is an end goal of what they have um for all of this to nudge towards the One World Government it’s exactly what Jesus
Called for he told us that this was going to happen and furthermore he told us to worry about any of it because these are all the things that are supposed to happen simply because Satan is Satan and it must all the scripture must be fulfilled in order uh for God to
Take his world back and uh so it so that’s really what it comes down to is just a just to humbly educate yourself into and maybe this will help and maybe if you want to call me crazy want to call us both crazy you know do it in the
Comment section i’ be happy to you know get some popcorn and read them all um at the end of the day man I just I hope this helps with anybody who just had any kind of interest in understanding or Intrigue or just like there’s something wrong here and uh you’re not quite sure
Exactly what it is that’s really going on in the back of your mind is going off about uh the alarm bells that you’re seeing all over the place yeah great still so I’ve got no more questions but I’ll give you the open floor if there’s anything else you want to add and then
We can wrap it up um truthfully I feel like I’ve I’ve set a mouthful for fa enough stra up just want to say thank you again David thank you very much yeah thank you to be honest because you’ve done most of the talking you know you’ve
Done all the research it’s something I I would never do a video on this topic of my own according I think because you’ve looked it into it and you know it’s there are people to to whom it is important in our Circle I think it was
Good that you know I can offload it to to you to do that so now I appreciate that cuz really you’ve done the work here really so yeah thanks for that and yeah just hope that people will be edified by it when it goes out there and
If if uh it’s enough positive feedback we can reconvene and do another one if people have more questions and that’ be that’d be great but yeah we’ll wrap it up there cuz it’s getting to about half 11 in my time zone at night are keeping
The wife up so uh be good to wrap it up there so to to the audience at home thank you for your time