Unscramble your mind scramble your m UNR your mind unsramble your Mind stop unsr your mind stop wasting time unscr your mind stop wasting time unscr your Un un peace and love peace and love peace and love on a Saturday night I am sister freedom and welcome to unscrambled Minds peace family this Nisha welcome welcome welcome Hey Y’all Daughters of the SE here happy oh Saturday it do feel like a Friday though don’t
It okay we got Ry Hayes in the house already Chief Pontiac and Chief topcats will be here don’t get it twisted he just a little late but tonight we got ride in the house to start it off start start it off put them up there so R for the people who don’t know
You Chief Pontiac can you please introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about yourself well um you said my name right here Chief Pontiac so the title Chief Pontiac was ascribed to the ojibway chief chief Pontiac and during the Franco American wars where we was fighting the
French the conclusion of all of the war see we under the false impression that the war was over with the American Revolution we was just getting started we was at the warmup phase we went from um open bloody Warfare on the land where we was depleting resources and people
Fighting in a war we was all called from all over the land to fight the gulla Wars in Florida many of the tribes that came to fight was given a new name by by the big mama who just so happened to be a gagi that called us from the Carolinas
To defend Florida from the Spanish Invasion the French you can only lose two out of three major conflicts and then your shot at the war is over you out the French lost to Chief Pontiac but they’ll tell you otherwise and he lost to the Haitians in the Haitian
Revolution but most of us don’t know is those Wars are ongoing they they didn’t end so in 2019 20 um I mean 2019 on July the 4th the Republicans gave us a sign to close out the contract I got 72 hours if none of the Chiefs don’t speak up they get an
Extension 48 hours after on July the 6 I issued the tribal edict to end the colonial reign as an interim govern government establishing the right to rule back to the tribes on the land so in this process we confronted with a large group of tribes more than the Five Civilized
Tribes but we always focused on them because they was what you call treaty tribes I like to tell it like this somebody had to hold the bear until we can figure out how to conquer it and this fell in the lap of the five treaty tribes that a lot of the other
Tribes classify as traitors right I don’t classify them as traditor because the war still going on and we all got different roles and functions in the war we can’t all fight the war the same way because every tribe got its own cultural developmental background so like when I say that we mississippians
People don’t know that that include a a large number of tribes that lived entirely up and down the Mississippi River and had settlements on both sides of the river and this these tribes these mississippians they look like us and they wrote about it when they
Came this doesn’t come up in 90% of our africanamerican studies because they ain’t Africans so if you trying to attribute the africanamerican studies section to the tribes of the land we was reclassified and renamed so many times our elders was killed off and the children were re-educated with by the
Church we don’t know this we don’t know this we don’t know that be we take today’s standard of literacy to be the global standard for all of the history that we’ve lived through that’s not the case first of all in order to be privy to what we call education you had to be
Somebody High standing in a society notice the word society which is reflective of the invol of all other secret societies now called fraternal orders fraternal means brotherly he dealing with the brothers and the sororities coming from Soros which means the wise is the feminine these is the
Sisters these this none of this is our original languages that I’m talking in right everybody they caught talking our original language was murdered and this went on for more than a couple of hundred years so now that they didn’t extracise all of our elders that could pass on critical information
Aside from the ones who escaped and that made it where our information we fall back to the culture and not to the storytelling history Buffs to tell us the history we go back to the blues we go back to the Bluegrass we go back to the country music they talking about all other
Tribal structures they talking about the love of the man for the woman they talking about don’t run me away from my family cuz I take your head kind of talk right but now modern music and modern culture would have you believe that it’s the reverse because somebody
Has hijacked our culture Dr John Henry Clark clearly told us that this is a war on our culture how do you how do you fight a war on somebody’s culture you have to first disassociate the person from the true identity and give them an artificial construct to assume the
Identity of somebody else so they can try to pretend and act to be like other than themselves go back to Elijah Muhammad he said accept your own and be yourself right now these Elders that came before us they used tribal traditional inserts in their information like Chancellor Williams who
Wrote destruction of a black civilization if you go in there you’re going to get to close to the end of the book and he’s going to say it’s up to you now we didn’t put it all out in the public all of the pieces are there now you have to put them back
Together and tell our story who the [ย __ย ] is he talking to excuse my language no profanity who is he talking to though he’s talking to the one who has the eyes to see the culture seeping through the pages of a historical text to get a piece of information into the future from the
Past this is what he’s talking about so we don’t know that there is a series of artificial constructs to control The Narrative of the society these include what Dr neilly Fuller call economics education entertainment labor law politics religion sex and War I had I add Health
To that to make 10 because if your health is bad won’t none of the other nine be useful to you right so this is why they poison us with Monsanto right this is why they putting nanotech in the food now and somebody got to say enough is
Enough so now you see in the last three years more livestock deaths than ever in the history recorded you got chicken factories catching on fire you got that was a good one right there you got chicken factories catching on fire you got beef cattle just dropping
Dead for no reason about a thousand and nobody knows what’s going on with this we just know that H that seems odd well the order has already been given no more GMO whether they change the name from GMO to something else doesn’t matter the food that’s toxic to the people and
Belig to the health of the people is banned period now the problem with that is is nobody’s coming to the Forefront to say this is who said it this is when they said it and this is what he talking about right but the people that been listening to my videos for four years
Say yeah R said that four years ago right because there’s a lot of stuff going on that’s culturally involved and reading our culture is not going to tell us the same story that reading history books tell so please okay I’m sorry for cutting your wisdom I just want to ask this one
Question um as far as us being African okay do you you and you’re explaining do you think that they made us all in one pot for a particular reason and why are we to believe the stories from the capturers from the Invaders why in all the history books that they have um
Wrote or we to and thank you everybody for coming in tonight I know was last minute but thank you me me and DN and and and all of us nich all we trying to put it together we was on Facebook we on everybody trying to
Put but thank you so much we waiting on the legendary cheap Top Cats to pull up to but um do do you think that we should why why are we supposed to believe those their books and things okay we got to understand the system of uniformity we have to also understand
The hegelian dialectic problem reaction solution and we have to come with a why question to those two underlying issues right the people who’s in control of the flow of the information controls the way the people perceive the presence of those that’s in the control position right um we read the history that was
Written and we compare it to our culture in the changes that have been affected in our culture for the comparative analysis of the two I know we was already here because like I say I’ve been here multiple times to do the same thing okay say my first
Rodeo I’m here to close out all other conures as the controller of the magic anybody who has major conjures that would upset the energy of the dawning New Age my responsibility for being born at this time is to ensure that these conjures is closed but first I got to find
Them right in search of the conjures that controls the masses in the largest number I have to discover who the people behind the conjures and their bloodline descendant who has the distinguished inherited duty to close that conjure the same way it fell up on me in Pontiac as Chief Pontiac to close
Out the French Revolutionary War yo Francis Scott Keys connection Francis mean French Scott mean Scottish right and the key is the banking key it’s the contract on the face of the dollar bill if you pull out a dollar bill you’re going to see two different treasurers on
There right that’s the contract of their them operating where’s the key it’s in the seal on the right side in the circle what do that mean that’s the Francis Scott Kyo national anthem Banner is the currency the second principle of control the first one is educ uh no the
First principle of control is your economics what we know is Outlaws these was what we call in modern times economic Hitman that term didn’t exist back then they called them Outlaws not because they was operating outside of the law but they was attacking the bank of Outlaw tribes in order to Institute a
Central banking system in order to overthrow Big Mama’s Bank which is where the real wealth is held from the organic peoples of the land right the people that been here the longest since the land was no here before we got here because we built it so whether they call us African or
Not those people across the water have a similar culture in many of the tribes as many of the tribes over here right they don’t want us look into Africa in the proper context so they have to control the narrative so how we perceive Africa as backwards down tried and
Conquered lowlife Negroes that’s how they want us to perceive them but that’s not the case you got a lot of proud wealthy welltoo industrious people that don’t even participate in the systems of the colonial governments over there right you have like I’mma tell you it was uh the last Zulu Chief before he
Passed Goodwills Willi he they said the government don’t recognize you he said I don’t care my people recognize me that’s all that matter when your people recognize you as a distinguished member of the tribal networks that changes the dynamic on how we perceive our cultural relevance to Life As We Live
It everybody think that when we get somebody that’s going to come and put in the work to return to us was rightfully ours they looking for legislation your enemy is never going to legislate anything to benefit you ever ever you didn’t swear to be their enemy they swore that they going
To be your enemy until their undoing and death you didn’t make that oath they made a oath it’s called the most vile and bloody oath of the papacy for a reason to kill the Kings the princes and the people of the land why because somebody named Yahweh who didn’t got nothing to
Do with nobody in the Americas before 1492 promis some people called Israelites who we didn’t know nothing about before 1492 that he was going to give them a home land so these people that they call it Israelites today we call them Jews have been on a steady and
Continuous campaign using three forms of sorcery money magic blood magic and Sex Magic in order to keep us in the stuper long as we in this stuper we can’t see who we really is when we look in the mirror we see who they told us to become right that’s where the problem
Come in more of us accept who the society told us to become then we recognize our true self so when the true people standing in front of you real don’t always recognize real when one and the real is acting fake so you see an exchange of information but we got a cultural
Dynamic always at play if one of the elders call me forth I got to show up I don’t got to like it I don’t got to even want to be there but I got to show up I don’t even necessarily got to show out but I gotta
Show up because in the culture if you got noble character Noble traits they going to be tested to determine if you are really of the royal G DNA these people know who we are because they’ve been following us since birth by birth charts by birth dates and birth certificate
Numbers is it true that they they say that the Mormons really have all the information concerning the true tribes of America could you believe that no look the Mormons we talk about Joseph Smith we talking about the Book of Mormon he’s telling a story in there that he got from
Somebody okay and this person that gave him these tablets that he copied it from called himself one of the golden ones if you read it with the eye of somebody trained racistly meaning trained in the divide and conquer construct of racism then it appears to be a racist
Doctrine but if you read it from somebody who has nothing to do with any of their constructs from Outsiders perspective neither knowing anything about racism cuz when you learn new information you can’t attach it to your old information until you critically analyzed it so when you go through there
He tell you a lot about these people called the children uh Zephaniah who was a cursed race of dark skinned people right and they were soulless beings if somebody else told that story but they didn’t tell it the same way in The Emerald Tablets of thought he said in ages gone
By I have went to war with the dark Brothers right and I have rid them of the planet but some of the dissatisfied opened up the portal and allowed them back in in The Emerald Tablets of thought he said but have no worries because in days yet to come long in the
Future I will return and I will finally rid the planet of these dark Brothers right now byby him Bobby H said that the great debauchery happened long be before we became aware of what was going on in other words before their religious construct he say but when we talk about Spirit
Artificial he been here since the beginning this Bobby him talk you can look it up on um Tik Tok look up Bobby him Spirit artificial he going to explain to you who they are he going to say they can’t be called occasions he said cuz the white boy wasn’t even here
Yet let that sink in he said they had to come in at first creation because this thing we dealing with has been going on since first creation he said we thought we got rid of him several times he say but he these same ones come back Spirit artificial us being trained under the
Perspectives of racism think he talk about pale faces and he telling you the cracker wasn’t here when these beings came into the Earth realm as artificial Spirits so in the circle 7 of the moris SS Temple or might be in the oral statements and prophecies but no Ali
Make a statement he say man is truth and falsehood strangely mixed what do we what do he mean he mean everything in the 3D construct is automatically false from the spiritual perspective yesterday don’t exist so anything we reading from the historical perspective we can’t read it as an
Actual fact we have to read it as a sign signature of an energy that was moved in the past time because now what we looking for is something called The Chain Reaction watch how the Chain Reaction work so first they set our Kelly up because they knew he was a idiot
Savant they knew that he don’t know a grown woman from a girl before they ever brought him these girls to the studio now pay attention we going to go through Chain Reaction they threw him under the bus but all the people that was feeding him the kids
Escaped you can go to all of his stories of those girls somebody brought them to the studio where he was recording and that’s how they all claim they met him who is this person bringing these girls to the studio and why are they offering them to our Kelly economics education
Entertainment the third pillar of control AR Kelly is a musical genius but a social idiot he got the in intelligence in the traditional form of a second grader his psychiatrist already told us that so if you take a 18y old in the 25y
Old or you take a 16y old to 25 year old put him in front of the second grader and ask him which one is the adult only way you GNA know is about how they dress okay now the ones who filmed him pissing on the
Girl this is the same one who was in on Malachi York’s uh setup but he came in on the back end and they his name Duce W York he was the one holding the camera right but why he ain’t get caught up right if if our Kelly pissing on the
Girls who’s filming it and why the person filming it not getting caught with our Kelly right he they hit him with Rico charges Rico charges is specifically designed to to take as sets that’s not directly in your name that they can link to the underlying racketeering
Events right but he the only one in there you can’t have a conspiracy with one person by their self right so who is his codefendants where they at because he’s supposed to have codefendants if he has a RICO charge so when this Chain Reaction off he did he get done
Reaction it’s going to capture some people that thought they got away they thought they moved to Mexico and cut off their dreadlocks and turned into a spiritual teacher and sell High pric spiritual cleansers and Yoni cleanses with astronomical fees attached to it claiming that they cater into an exclusive audience to a high-end
Clientele that’s not how spiritual [ย __ย ] work spiritual stuff is not about who can pay the most money because God don’t need your money mother nature don’t need your money either whether you have money or not Mother Nature is going to nurture whether you whether you got
Money or not only reason why we need money is because we set up a system of contractual obligations with a foreign Indy a human artificial the human artificial is going to control the nine areas of people activity that mean that they going to control your economics and where your money can go
And who can receive it they going to control your education and who’s allowed to learn and who not and what they allowed to be taught they’re going to control your entertainers and your entertainment so that they can control what type of information you digest in the culture in
Order to undermine you and separate you from who you really are are right so a couple years back probably about a 100 years back everybody wasn’t as literate as we are today the world is more literate in 2024 than is being in recorded history all of the educated before 100
Years ago had to be taught by somebody who was in a societ society that taught reading and writing and these societies again goes back to the Fraternal brotherhoods only the royalty was allowed to read and write and then graduated and allowed the um Bankers to learn reading and writing
Because it was required for bookkeeping these is the structure of how we fed the information across the board this is the game of gods and we write the history in advance that’s how I know our history is a lie agreed upon even though they told us
They told us they was going to tell the LIE they told the LIE then they told us that they told us to lie and we still believe it’s the truth let’s think about that for a minute it’s like going to to see David Copperfield make a plane disappear
The person going to see the illusion because it said on the billboard is an illusion is telling the person going with him he not gonna trick me I’m G to see through his illusion you go into the magic show he repl his illusion pull the curtain down and the plane is
Gone how did he do it girl he got me you make that plane disappear I was just looking at it sitting there or did you think you was looking at it he told you it was an illusion before you went the same when he made the elephant disappear the same when he levitated
Across the Grand Canyon he told you it an illusion before you went and you still got tricked into believing that it was real fact but wait a minute let me ask you something and this is on um something you did on Setta show okay and Chris made a statement now I’m telling you
From the beginning that I do not agree with the statement that he made you have mentioned something about the um boats and it was impossible for people to have come over on the boats the way it has been suggested and told to us throughout history time and you know the illusion
In other words that you know that you just used made a statement um that there was a ho in the bottom of the boat that when they defecated and urinated that it went down the hole now yeah he made it up wait a minute let me just say this first
Of all on the Wooden Boat 14 14 and 15th century if it was a hole in the bottom of the boat would they not all have drowned because the would have came inside the boat and killed everybody chained up I just was like are you okay so that whole scenario
Right was to go was to Gold me into a debate right you can’t make me do something that I already told you I’m not going to do right anybody that watch me know I’m I’m Qui I’M quick to give them a reference for a statement I make I was purposely not giving
References to statements I made because a conversation was trying to evolve from a conversation into a debate I didn’t go there to debate I went there for them to test my character and see if they can shake me from what I know to be true versus what they said is true
The reason why I focus so much attention on that particular diagram of the ship because it tells you the origin of the slave Doctrine when you take the picture of the ship and you do a overlay with the University Cathedral a Notre Dame it’s the blueprint for the building which
Tells me that the construct of slavery was UC ational in origin meaning that um in the writing of the future the elders alone time ago decided to use that as a fable or as a historical backdrop in order to tell a story somewhere else and that this plot would emerg out
Of Notre Dame University as information delivered through Academia so this is what the slave narrative you got got to look at the origin of the word slave it’s talking about Slavic peoples so why would you be writing slave on an African document when you not in Yugoslavia getting
Slaves that’s that’s what you call uh after the fact document ation that mean that somebody was doing something and they needed that word to be attached if it was in Arabic it would be Al ABD the servant a servant is not a slave servants can sometime be skilled
Craftsman but they work for somebody else as an independent contract worker what a lot of people don’t understand is most of the people that came over as indentures came over under the false pretenses of premises of a job and these people refused when they got here to remain in their indenture
Status and took up residency with tribes you got to go back and look at who the wars was fought with before they came because you will know who they serving class of indentures was that they was bringing over here and it’s gonna it’ll all it’ll settle itself you won’t have to settle
It these people were Runway IND Dentures but they was absorbed by the tribes of the land and now they speak some of our old languages and carry on a lot of our old cultures and some of them got a old sister still on their reservation that
They call Big Mama that you don’t never see cuz we don’t go visit the reservation we don’t go to the reservation and sit down with the medicine men no more that was customary in our um right of passage that whenever you in the local area and there’s a
Medicine man or a chief and you are upand cominging um Medicine Man or chief they call him now pre the king but you would go and you would sit with the Elder cuz the Elder will impart upon you information that’s going to unlock your genetic memory and allow you to access
Higher information that’s going to tell you who you are why you was born here what your mission is on the planet why you here who are your allies and how to recognize them and when you see them how to respond this is encoded in cultural Doctrine it’s not encoded in the written
Word so when people hear me say I went and talk to the elders I didn’t talk to no Elders y’all know most of them did anyway and a lot of them had European eyes names right so you don’t know they the Elder you don’t know that they in most
Of the time we go through a community and we bump into old people we just be like that’s a old fool and they the ones that got the Trib of secrets that we ain’t we refusing to talk to I talked to them when I was in
Chicago I talked to him when I was in New York I talked to him when I was in Delaware I talked to him when I was living in um in Mississippi when I was sitting down with Elders that I had never seen before and they was telling
Me how they was related third cousin off the fourth that stuff was confusing to me but I sat there and was humble enough to listen but it told me what my mama used to teach me to put puzzles together as far back as I can remember and now I
Understand why because she’s teaching me how to piece together the tribes later on putting a puzzle back together how we got shuffled around on the land like nobody ever talk about the North American North American so-called slave trade where they was moving the indigenous people from one part of the
Land to another and telling them they were somewhere else right so if they was doing that to the people on the land what is they doing to the people they putting on the sea if they telling the people that’s from this land that they move from the
Northern part to the southern part that you somewhere else now eventually they going to figure It Out by watching the people around them that wait a minute I’m still on my land because these still my people but that always confused me because if we were invaded by the
Invaders and they took our lands and things we had to go somewhere well we already knew because that was my my whole question we already knew that they Enslaved the people that was on these lands I mean quite naturally that would make sense see that’s why I always say we was
PS right and here’s another thing when Jabari was um saying that there was story stories from you know people telling about the stories I was always wondering if they was from Africa and they was telling stories how was they telling them in English I mean I was just trying to I
Mean not I mean he’s a a great historian I just you know I was just mentally trying to figure out you know trying to figure that out look so now we got somebody translating stories you see what I’m saying so how we know what these what they translating
Is a fact and you know because even it’s the same when you talk about the ledgers and the ledgers tell you that it was a man it’s a woman it’s a child it don’t say these were slaves it’s t because when you read what he he what he pulled up it’s telling you
This many uh men from this part of Africa they’re not calling them slaves and telling you what who was on the ship they in the Manifest of the ship when did the passenger log and the Manifest of shipping separate because if they was in the passenger if they was passengers and
They was taking up residence in the halls of the ship they would be listed on the Manifest because they’re not members of the crew that don’t automatically mean slave but we under this Dynamic the whole slave narrative to me was to disassociate us from the war and
The land they keep telling us they stole the land but when I look out my window I where I still see it and one of the key aspects of theft is concealment so when they concealing the they not concealing the land from us they concealing the knowledge of the
Fact that we are attached to this land and that we have a Birthright to this land they not taking the land and concealing it and putting it somewhere in that form of theft they concealing the identity of the owners of the land this is why Elijah kept saying we the
Owner the maker the cream of the planet Earth Gods of the universe this is what he talking about you can’t say um that you from Earth and you from the Moon and expect to have a claim to Earth over the people who from Earth your claim would always be secondary to
The first claim of right um I Heard the brother in uh Jabari told me he said that the ones who built the country have the same claim to the land as the ones that was from the country and I don’t agree with that because if you’re not from the country
You need to go to the country where you have the claim at of your Birthright because your Birthright claim GNA supersede any way of making a fictitious government pay you in Monopoly money because that’s what reparations is so a lot of this stuff um on the surface look one way but if
You know the spirit science behind it then you can really see the message being given in light of the three-dimensional information being transferred they not always the same cuz the signs and the symbols tell you different sometime than what the written word is telling you and they following
The signs and the symbols but they have you following the written word right no so let me ask you this okay so I know you didn’t agree with a lot of the things that was being said right and the I and I know I’m I don’t know why okay
So dots done popped out now when one came in okay there was a lot of talk about I’m going to get this wrong guchi guchi and that’s where open to knowledge he wanted to go in he couldn’t he was in the back trying to scratch and trying to
Get in he was punching and everything trying to get in to talk about it and um what you think about that look remember earlier I said that we was called the war the fight the Spanish by gagi Big Mama them people have African ties that go back before
Columbus but they got they they also got a strong ad mixture of tribes that’s been here because they a mixture of the two they know the tribes that they was doing business with for thousands of years in Africa and marrying back and forth with this is why a lot of them
Claim that they from Africa but but the African um the African connotations has been attached to the slave trade so when they told them that they were slave they accept that narrative because they was already mingling with Africans before 1492 that’s why they was there long
Enough for they big mama to be able to call all of the Clans to war cuz we don’t just go to war at the call of any old lady she got to have a particular standing on the land this is It’s cultural and then later on tribes came
From all parts of the land they they got maps that show this I put all that stuff on my Instagram page last year showing people what I’m talking about because a lot of people don’t know how when they calling us smolis or simol the The Runaway the um the mixed
Ones the root word is semi which means half and the it’s a Latin term semi means half and Seminoles is is the Half Breed mix of people this what they talking about if you want to go to the claims of semetic it’s the same thing the same root for
Semetic is for seminal this how they end up attaching us to all of this bible stuff that has nothing to do with us by the use of partial words with alternate suffixes and this why when one of the dirty Moors see the word any word in
Ancient times with the m and the U and it mean more to them but that’s not what it mean all the time and so we went down there and fought that war in Florida until we called the cease fight and from the ceasefire we went into Contra
Contracts right now we falling down the scale of laws the hierarchy of the laws we going from from universal law to uh this type of law to admiralty law to contract law right so we as we move the war higher spiritually on the surface in the
Physical world is going to push down on what body of laws we following because when we no longer following the Great Law now we following the laws of man and the laws of man is always second to the Great Law it’s always under the um overriding jurisdiction of the Great Law
And this is why you have to restore the great mother restoring the great mother also restores the great law that crushes all of the Lesser admiralty jurisdiction contract law and stuff like that when you start going to natural law and universal law you you activating different levels you have to know how to
Activate them levels for your people but the only way you could do it is you have to have support from the majority of tribes so we talking 5,000 tribes uh 2500 is the median so it got to be a minimum of 25001 tribes involved in order for a
Person to be able to exercise a higher form of law on behalf of the Clans most of us don’t know it because we don’t know our own culture because we was fighting a war on our culture right and because they take the culture away they have to erase the history of a people
The only way you can erase the history of the people is you have to re-educate the youth and kill off the elders and all of our great teachers have been systematically removed from us in one form or another right most our kids don’t listen to what we say anyway also
Social engineering because our children used to listen good to us until the Invaders came right we don’t got to listen to what your mama say ain’t that something after they did what they did to us and stuff and so now the kids don’t have to listen to the parents they
Trick mind games with us for a long time that’s a divide and conquer tactic remember we got problem reaction solution if the if the old people was instilling wisdom in the youth the people in the middle you can’t control the old people continuously this is why everybody end up staying at their
Grandmama house we think that it’s just the women being lazy no the grandmas have to impart certain keys of wisdom into the grandchild right this how you have five daughters all their children growing up in in Grandmama house but they all got their own stuff they all
Got their own house their own husband their own car but on the weekend they all of their kids at at Grandma house this is how we used to do because they had to go and sit at the feet of Big Mama we didn’t have television we had
Story time in the living room what we called them fireplace talks we had we take the boys out on camping trips and the men tell the war stories around the campfire they make it think like we lived around the campfire in tee that’s nothing can be further for the truth we
Got castles that’s ancient on this land that we lived in until big mama called us to war I’m not going to war I’m not sending my son to war if I ain’t will to go in front of him that’s that’s not how we move when we from the land when you’re not from
The land you send everybody in front of you because you don’t want nothing to happen to you that’s the most selfish aspect of a general’s command if you go back to study Napoleon whenever his soldiers seen him at the front of the battle they knew they wasn’t gonna
Lose until they ran into them Haitians and they didn’t see Napoleon nowhere around but they saw his brother getting lumps do you think we ever can get back the divine order that we had in our tribal um the in the way that the Tribal Way was back then it’s look anything that’s
In the past we gonna take the best parts of it to take to the Future and the worst parts of it we going to leave it did with the past um Indian Carter yes um Chief Top Cats will be coming in he just um said
He’s going to be late so I’m not exactly for sure he’s coming in but he is coming in he got he got done an hour because I’m G call it quits at at uh at 11 oh lord well if that’s the case then I’m gonna have to because it’s now almost 10
I’m GNA Dr the link because I know oh here he go here he is he said almost home see you’re almost home yeah and this is very much last minute so yeah yeah this was just big fight happening things happened so I just want I just wanted to
Show up and um come see sister Freedom now yes fight night yes swe feather and I had some questions you know that I wanted and I heard about this big fight but my son must know CU he’ have been out back but um I there was a lot of questions and
And things that was going on over there not to be making that you know what I wanted to ask just just some things that was you know said that um I was TR now from my understanding even coming across the Atlantic Ocean even now it’s a difficult job to do in
2024 with our um with the ships that we have now do you um and you were saying to me on the phone that um those buildings or or big castles or have you that they were supposed to have been holding these um people that they got from Africa in them
Okay you said that those places were already there those are those are old way older than the slave trade they they have us under the impression that those were built as gateways to the west to trade in human capital called slaves but those buildings when you look
At the construction and the wear of the building they’ve been there for hundreds of years and I don’t mean no 3 400 years it could have been there for thousands of years because what they was used for and what they use for now when they was originally constructed don’t
Necessarily have to be the same thing I see people in the chat agreeing with you I see American Indian saying that they was already here as well look when Khia Castle sat on Alcatraz they bombed it in the rubble with the Spanish Armada this the story of the cipia Queens they write it
As a fix and they bombed the castle for days until the construction gave out and then they built a a military base on the island the Spanish Armada and this was their Western attack most of us don’t know the during the American Revolution the natives over here was getting Naval support on the
Pacific from Russia Russia was already involved in business transactions with the people of this land but it wasn’t called Russia at the time but those were the ones who sent US Naval support on the Pacific cuz we the Mississippi military which was the Mississippi River Navy had their hands
Full in the golf we don’t even know that the mississippians had a Navy because we don’t read the books from the 1700s and the 1600s all of the books we read been been reprints in the last 50 years and it’s a control Dynamic at play who’s putting the book out who’s
Publishing the book who’s writing the book where they getting the information from what we call it the information flow right so a lot of the stuff that we being told we don’t know that they turned our prisons and I mean our castles in the prisons they turned them
In the mental institutions and they turned them in the state buildings they still there and they want to say that they was built two 300 years ago but when you look at them you like no that building been there at least at least a thousand
Years but they all over the place I did a show on young Elder where we went and we looked at a lot of the castles that they had turned in the state buildings prison just showing the pictures of them right and Louis and Clark Expedition was a exploratory um mission to determine if
There was any royalty left on the land that they hadn’t already murdered meaning somebody that had jurisdic on authority to let me say this dots you better go ahead and speak to people in in the chat cause you getting a boo because you ain’t speak and hey sorry y know I don’t be
Looking at when I look at the chat I be getting so Side Track because the chat stay lit y’all hilarious welcome welcome Deb I’m sorry I apologize Rod somebody had a question in here tonight oh I see fight is the fight is on all
Right listen um dang on it it was a good somebody asked who built the tunnels like the tunnels that’s that oh I think yeah I don’t know who wrote it but somebody asked about wanted to ask you who built the tunnels that’s across America that runs across America right
And another thing do has said I want to forget this that D had said before and it didn’t get answered how would the Africans know about the Underground Railroad and all that if they was from Africa because you know most of the time the Underground Railroad was you know
Supposedly if there was truly an underground railro most of the time people know each other that’s how they know where you know to go they know the land they know you know how to get how did how would the Africans have known listen the tunnels on the on all of the
Land masters of the planet are ancient some of them are that’s been carved out of the ancient passages that made it collapsed for lack of upkeep over time or due to something like uh repeated earthquakes will cause them to collapse but tunnel’s been all over the Earth Earth is porous as it
Is right so like Mammoth Cave and Kentucky it’s ancient and it’s huge and you’re not allowed to go beyond certain points the question is why because some of them go to civilizations some of them go to secret government projects some of them go to uh cannibal
Corners right so the tunnels is just as active as the main ground on the on the surface and we don’t pay it much attention and disregard it because we only paying attention to what’s on the surface these tunnels um had different functions over the eons right they’ve been used they got
Records of them that go back as far as recorded history if you go to get this book called The Cave by the Ancients by Roberty lob when he talks about going into the Himalayan cave and encountering an interactive computer system with a lift panel that was not attached to
Anything and you it would lift you up to the computer screen to talk to the Ancients most people would think that’s a fantasy he making it up but when you understand how advanced Atlantis was and it won’t you won’t be able you won’t have to second guess whether he
Making it up or not all of our DNA allows us to put off a resonance what they call a bioluminesence or a oric field right our body lights up from the inner light the in Inner Light is your light body your DNA structure tells the um um light body which light body fits
Into this physical vessel right and the DNA this is why they always why the blood is such a big deal and why blood magic is one of the most powerful forms of magic known to man because you are using signature energy that’s designated to for a certain person or a
Bloodline and this is how you control them this is why they got them doing communion in church every first Sunday because the simulated ritual in the um ceremonial fashion is no different than the actual event itself so if you going in the church and you drinking the blood of Christ eating
The flesh you cannibalizing the god that you claim to worship and by that you psychologically is consuming something greater than yourself and this is keeping you believing that because you ate your God he’s still G to work for you I’m not doing nothing for him to eat
Me right why would I come back and help you do anything if you eating my flesh and drinking my blood right and then you repeating it through simulated ritual ual acts every first Sunday by the thousands or the millions around the world why would I want to help you do
Anything oh sorry about that my daughter that’s my song too you are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me you gotta do the remix with it you know what I mean you got to do the remix remix the FL you know right I’m sorry y’all but you know what I wanted
To ask you Rob what did you what do you think about the eclipse on the 8th of April and it pertaining to us as a people over here because I I I know do may have something to say um concerning it because if if she gets a
Chance cuz D is out of town right now um one of my one of my things is I got I see it over here they were saying I tell people who doing the work that’s one of the functions somebody else is explaining something and and the explanation is
Clear enough I said go over here and get these receipts the brother Bale on his YouTube got a breakdown of the science dealing with the eclipse and he went over so much information in there when people been asking me about the eclipse I’ve been sending them to watch that video that
Keep me from having to explain what he explained probably clearer than I could where people can understand he normally talk pretty intellectual but um everything all of the receipts on there that he using is a excellent visual aid to understand but something is about to happen I can’t say exactly whether it’s
The eclipse yeah whether it’s the uh fulltime belt or whether it’s the solar flash or a combination of the three but the way that the energy is moving on the planet and the level of Awakening of the tribes around the planet and the aligning Asal events of the solar flares the shoing resonance
The um eclipse coming and a solar flash being expected all of these things are and going through the fulltime belt which is a big deal because we getting upgrades in the fulltime belt that’s going to activate when you come out of it so this is what they call in the
Three days of darkness whether it actually literally be dark or whether that’s cold remains to be seen oh and um okay so I asked a question I wanted to ask about the eclipse I’mma check that Joe I don’t know what’s going on with that but I’mma
Check that okay let me send here go topcat he’s saying he’s ready I’mma send I’mma put the link in the chat for you Chief there it is okay there it is that I put the link for um um Chief Top Cats I I’m not going to ask for questions as of yet
There he is PE PE peace peace the peace turn one time I’ve been waiting on you man I want my brother to come on over here and talk to me for a minute tell me something talk to me talk to me tell me something
I had to I had ran over the soul food video man had to go get me some of that that vegan weed you know they they did a little weed show so they told me to come come pick up a little something for the chief so y had to go run through that
But I was gonna miss it oh you you know you know I’m a tobacco Chief so I can respect the gangster turn well well um I’mma say this to the legendary Big Chief top CeX thank you so much for coming and joining us this evening and speaking on what you was
Just speaking on please do not miss when wday show Wednesday coming up it’s all okay and you don’t you don’t want to miss that it’s with Dr G as well r r Dr G and she’s gonna um she gonna put it in about a new adventure she got going on
And it’s concerning that so y’all might not want to miss that okay so I’m gonna be quiet I’mma let the men talk now I am but but but I’m legendary Toc I’m great put myself on mute but I need you to speak on a couple things that
Took place on um s shell if you don’t mind just just a couple things that you know right uh yeah you know uh well I I I knew that that was Rob like f uh second time third time coming over there and the fact that you know Jabor wanted
To have a conversation with him I already knew what their intentions were so I mean I I tried to come immediately but they had me the back so long sister Freedom you don’t even know when you said I’m G get down to that Top Cat up see these was things that made them
Bring me on because they was keeping it from the people that I was back there because just by me being on everybody energy gonna change because you can’t play tough now you can’t play Big Bad scholar or none of this [ย __ย ] while I’m up here because I beat all you [ย __ย ] up
Before so I’m like no I ain’t gonna say nothing I don’t want to Ste the shine I’m just I just want to right here and they and so make sure they don’t try to play tough yeah because I know how they going to do they know Rob had a name and
Uh you know the they want to be able to say oh we got him we got the Indians and you know and we got out of there uh we got out of there straight T night well seriously I do know for a fact that it was intended just to be a
Discussion that’s the game that’s the game they tell you they want you to L your guard and uh coming there and think it’s just it’s all good and you know and and they going to what they say release the hes you know you know h n to do it
Had them [ย __ย ] waiting in the back you know sh call you and be like hey come through I got such and such come run up on them yeah so I knew what time it was but I knew they conect like that while I there give him a fa
One look I appreciate you coming to show the support for me and for the uh organic people of the land but I already I already knew I wasn’t going to do no debating so I came determined not to debate nobody I already told him I did that
Already I put in my my debate hours I’m done with that school but they wanted to see if they could rattle me and draw me in to the debate it’s not going to happen and the little part of the sidekicks with the irrational hole in the bottom of the ship to eliminate the
Waste and they washing he say throwing salt on it washing them down with salt water I’m looking at him like where is you making this up from but none of that um I’m GNA bully you stuff that don’t move me like sister Freedom say I wasn’t
Paying no attention I was just sit back blowing my split I told I said that [ย __ย ] smok a come over here for that that [ย __ย ] smoking his Blunt live not wor about and older than boy so it’s like young man you know you just
Don’t know you know so I I get it man but um to them they need they they they loose they’ve been losing so much that they need anything to try to get a people a sense of hope or that it ain’t all gone and so that’s why you know
Jabor went all out his way for for me not to share my screen I know he did not want you talking under no circumstances matter of fact he told s he said why is you even letting Top Cat up here well I came on my Channel today and told everybody that jabori
Threatened him now on that show he told s it’s gonna be a very long time for you have me up here again if you let him speak and S came like man you know I never saw that before out of all my years doing this he really threatened
You know to to stop [ย __ย ] with me if I let you talk like I ain’t never seen Jor act like that but them [ย __ย ] they know the more and more we put this information out and and the people see it then the veil comes out their eyes
And so that’s what’s been happening to them and so right now they just trying to hold what they what they have left but you know time ain’t on their side The Hourglass is running out I I just was determined not to do no debate cuz I told him I don’t do debate
So like you know me you seen me do my show you seen people ask me a question I give them a reference material tell them where to find it at tell them what to look up right but they trying to force me to give references to me disagreeing with they
Narrative I don’t need no reference to disagree I don’t have to believe that so I don’t have to prove a position cuz I’m just telling you I don’t believe the narrative that that y’all been told I’m not saying nothing about your sources I don’t care about your
Sources one shetta said today though he said he said now Jabor got a little rout up when Rob asked him about the feces on the boat now he said jaar got a little rattled on know they really have a comeback for it look if you got that
Many people if you got 300 people in the hull of a ship chained remember they that mean that every time they get moved somebody got to unchain them they can’t be chained to the ship and move around the ship chain to the ship that’s that’s just
[ย __ย ] so if they chain to the ship man to man head to toe three tiar deep in the hull of the ship where in the hell is they poop they urine and they vomit and they say where is all of this stuff going so the little red guy come in and
Said that they had a hole in the bottom of the ship that they wash that stuff down and I’m like a hole in the bottom of the ship that sound like the banana in the tail pipe to me you had a hole in the bottom of the
Ship to wash [ย __ย ] out he must don’t know that the bottom of the ship is below sea level to make that story up anybody can look at any ship and see that the bottom of the ship sinks below the sea level to allow for the displacement of the water to keep
The boat afloat a certain amount of the under under section of the ship will be submerged beneath the sea level so if they got a hold down there pretty soon the hole going to draw in enough water for the whole ship to SE L but I’m supposed to bleed that though
See look so so we end up talking to um a guy who worked in the Navy or whatever and he was the highest rank and he told us that today on the boat they have technology to where the water filters it filters the salt water in order for them
To wash dishes wash clothes uh people that have running water in they uh you know what I’m saying on the ship and so that technology didn’t exist back then so he said it would have been impossible because where are they going to stop to get their water you can’t overload the
Boat with water it’s GNA we too much and then you got cargo and then you got all this water you would have to hydrate the people and back then they didn’t have a technology to filter the water they well according to the people back then they took their water and their wine and
Barrels we call them beer barrels now and they only was allow to take a certain amount due to the size of the ship you can’t put too much fluid Mass on the upper side of the ship or it’s going to sink so you got to have a
Limit right cuz the water water we the same in the vessel or out the vessel so when you when the water is leveling out it’s going to continuously push the ship down until you get to a point where can’t hold no more liquid in
The bottom of the ship all you got to do is look at an oil tanker oil is lighter than water so they can put a whole lot of oil in the ship without it weighing the ship below sea level because the oil going to float on the water
Anyway but see they they I’m not supposed to know none of this so I just you know I was just let them do their thing something that’s oh you say I wanted to say something real quick to R and Rod this is coming from a like
Um this is said with good intent I’ll start there so I was you know I understand your position when you was on side Chanel or whatever I thought you was really disciplined but you’re typically you seemingly you’re always this position you really don’t get into
Your feelings at all you know but I was I I felt like at times you know you were like the sacrificial you sort of allowed yourself to be like the sacrificial lamb in a way because at the end you know I kind of disagree with that because this
Message and I know you have said that several times is really important right and when top hit the link or what have you you know I felt like you know you were supposed to stand Toe to Toe with your bro and it when when I say Toe to
Toe that don’t mean getting rowdy doesn’t mean you know coming out of character but you know you don’t leave your comrade exposed like that and I just felt like you know that would have been a great time you know for you to really assert your position um and still
Be disciplined in doing it do you understand what I mean by that so this is the thing when you when I’m having a conversation and you trying to turn conversation into the debate this where the problem come in because um I’m I’m not going to debate somebody when I already told him that
I’m not g to do it ahead of time so now it becomes it was never about the uh what I say on there it was about how I hold up to scrutiny and the a lot of the stuff if you pay attention when I get ready to respond I get cut
Off right when I get cut off I’ll let them go and say what they gonna say because they going cut me off if I try to make a point and we going to be going back and forth in this heated conversation that’s not going to accomplish
Anything so I need to know why I’m here for real because the slave narrative does not have anything to do with me so if I’m here to discuss the slave narrative I could do that I can give you ref I could go right now and grab books
Off my shelf like Jabari was doing but the thing was is somebody’s trying to force me to do something that I don’t want to do it’s not that I’m not intellectually equipped to deal with it it’s that right now it’s a test of character and am i g to stand firm on
What I told you I didn’t come here for that because that nonsense is foolish so it it changed the uh the way I would normally deal with the situation that wasn’t the first time it happened but that’s the first time I dealt with it the way I dealt with
It I hear you and yeah and I also thought that you you know the another piece of that is really just to expose the chinks in their armor right outside of that so that’s all I wanted to say see one of the reasons I wasn’t um ready
For a wasn’t prepared to do a debate because I had a lot of other stuff going on preparing to go to the emperor um coronation and I did not want to be distracted from that which now I’m about two days behind on everything because of that
But s trying to get me to come on and have a conversation I don’t know nothing about this dude I to me it’s just meet and greet it’s not a debate you know whatever he there for for me it’s just a meet and greet and so
When I get there it turned into two Elders in the community instead of testing my knowledge testing my character in front of people it’s a whole different everything that’s going on is spiritual in nature but it plays out physical in scope so I’m looking at the spiritual aspect of it because I’m
Being summoned by a Elder but being aware of the trick tricks of the enemy when the elders call you forward sometime they call you forward for a reason other than they telling you and you have to figure it out and this was the position I was in
Because I’m here to have a conversation with him for what I’m I’m in the middle of something I don’t have time but the Elder called me so I respond and I show my presence you’re not F to control me I’m not controllable like that you can’t
Manipulate my emotions to draw me into a heated discussion that’s going to end up being a bunch of psycho B it’s not going to work I can hold my position and you can misrepresent my position all you want the people got enough sense to see that there something else going on here
If they watch it to its entirety it’s more than it’s more than what meets the eye these energies going to play out in the culture if we doing what we supposed to do we have to be tested at different levels for different character traits before we can go to the next level and
Nature is going to use the qualify people to test your Merit along the way I’m showing multiple f of the of the culture at the same time I’m dealing with making the people become aware of the culture let me ask can I ask um you a question um Big Chief Top Cats
Yes what when they were talking about the Gullo but I always get it wrong D I gagi did you agree with that because you was saying give me I came back in um in the what happened was Jabar starts they gave me 30 seconds and the [ย __ย ]
Start screaming at 10 but so what I brought out was the first per what what I wanted to prove was that white folks made up this whole gulla situation gei white folks made the first person to ever write about a gulla was a white boy
And I brought him up it was John the white boy John that brought up now another lady end up taking the story another white lady wrote a story and that was the lady pet she the one who made it popular all right so now a lady
Named Emma Ro is going to come along and write a book called historical sketches of the South now at that time they had a program going on with uh France Boaz um Melville herich the guy that started African studies here white boys uh Jews white Jews um and they’re GNA get
Together with a guy named Lorenzo Dal Turner now he’s gonna he’s going to handle the ly Port well he say through a word song they were singing a Christian song and he heard some people Sierra Leon and said that they sounded like the [ย __ย ] in the Sea Island so there was
The connection now when he died the connection never got made so a white boy came along in the 80s named Joseph Apollo that’s who I brought up now the idiot Chris Christina she gonna come on there talking about this is a real GUI this what the gei say right
Here the whole time I know it’s a white boy so when this my turn to go they don’t want to let me get off because they know I’m dangerous and I know my [ย __ย ] anyway long story short I was showing the dude Jala getting his sier
On um um passport in Washington from the uh from um ambassador from Sierra Leon now I want to show this was a white boy he the one came through a white boy came and said that you [ย __ย ] was Gull in the 80s the gulla didn’t get popular into
The 80s it never was nobody in the 1800s name Gull how do we know that cuz I got the civil war records and the people in that area they talked about how they they talk they customs and characters but uh that’s not what they deem they never deemed them African they knew they
Were American these are things that I I don’t know I could prove all they have is a story and they don’t even know where it it started from white folks so that’s what happened on that something I’m sorry Dy go ahead hold on my bad do do and when Chris
Ended they said any last words he said um yeah you know I be I misspoke and I a little fast sometimes sure did topat was right uh Joseph is a white man okay okay thank you okay sure did clean him up my bad doy go ahead no no you’re good
I just wanted to follow back on something that dot said because I think it is good and it opens up the conversation with you going on there Rod because topcast is beating them up so many times they’re not going to come if he if he’s giv a lot
But I I just think it was um lack of knowledge of the platform of how it was going to go that in the future sometimes you have to be like this is my show too and I want him to speak or I want this person to speak or anything or they’re
Just going to Railroad you and that’s how Jabari is he just kind of railroads any shows that he’s on I had a show like that about DNA and Jabari what came up and then it it turned it was going to turn into the Jabari show if I wasn’t
Assertive to be like hey no he got to say his point now let me respond to him yeah I yeah he had to step in too because jabori started trying to act like it’s his show and start crying he wanted me out that day he tried to kick me out
That day too uh but um Dosey you made him mad last night you told him he same old sources oh he went crazy right after that and I already deun that on another them Channel like bro we’ been we had this conversation Chris screenshotted my sources and read my
Source bro where your own research at like it’s crazy it’s a fictional book he told the people the name of the book but really he was reading the title that was chap that was a chapter title idiot they don’t they don’t know nothing bro and that’s why they scary but one thing
Remember I say uh topat I was saying that most of the terms that we go by are exonyms given to us by Outsiders very few of the names that the tribes are under is actually uh the original tribal languages they are transliterations as the foreigners heard the pronunciation they came up with the
Word right so they was giving us exms meaning name from Outsiders and they passing that off to us as our history this is why the history is so um um tainted is because they control how we receive information and we not getting it from what the tribes was speaking because
They snuffed out our culture but it emerged back up the midst of theirs and see they’ll tell uh the the Cherokee they’ll tell you that they don’t even know the meanings of the the the ancient the the traditional language they don’t even know the meanings of it so this
Form that they’re using today they just start coming back in the 20th Centuries with a education program that was funded GE towards them learning this language most Native Americans running around here don’t know a Native American name there was not a Native American before the 1960s nobody called a Native American before
1960s uh this this [ย __ย ] when they end up going to boarding schools what they got to remember they first boarding school was a carile school they came in the late 1800s we had we was done fighting the Civil War and everything when they got there Hampton University in Virginia
Was the first uh school for Indians all right Hampton University it went from Hampton University to Livingston a guy named Joseph price he end up dying and then they got book a t with uh Tuskegee which was AAL schools all they did Hampton Livingston Voca Tuskegee these were vocational they taught skills there
So women were learn to order home cooking order garding and things like this here men were learn different mechanics and and so on and so forth trades exactly so you had Edward Blen who is one of the fathers of panafrican came out of uh the West Indies well he
Came over got the blueprint and went back got the blueprint from Tuskegee went to Africa and built the first uh School in Liberia and so off of the blueprint of this vocational school down here and so they carile came and they took the the the the the the uh same
Blueprint from from Hampton and from what and they founded that for when you say carile are you talking about the carile group yeah the carile school yeah car boing school that’s the first boarding schools for Native Americans yeah but it was built by Quakers and Protestants they came from up north from the
Northeast yeah so that’s they taught them their culture they gave them their dress they gave them their foods and I listen I’m I’mma prove all of that [ย __ย ] without a shadow do prove who funded and I name names and we gonna name the places the areas that they were at we
Can name all how all of them spread out whether if you gonna go to the uh uh um to the uh Apache if you want to go to the Navajo all of these languages were created no than they created ebo language yba language so on and so forth
Was created after the the uh the 1841 in um in Africa so all these things were fairly new and this was the colonizer way of communicating also creating a cber so they can learn in the education like R say they killed them through the education yes they now they
Created a language cber for [ย __ย ] to follow and that’s what they gave to them and fed it to them like it was their original language did you see the uh show I did with young G where I was showing them they had the little Asians going to school to learn how to be
Indians I don’t know I know y’all got a lot but I be watching you over there on young y y’ yeah got I probably I had went and got one of the old class pictures from an Indian School where they was teaching those Asians how to be
Indians in a Blow picture up so that the people can see the Asians faces in the picture that they was teaching how to be Indians you you can’t make that up not at all and one thing we got to remember is that the boarding schools didn’t just
Stop here in America we they they went to Alaska they went to the Philippines they went to the Pacific the same boarding school with the same program that they follow from here boy so yeah they did uh Filipinos as well they had who they sent first they first send the
Clergy that opened up the church school yeah always had to be with a church always they always because they use the church building to indoctrinate the children while they cutting off the parents yeah and that’s where they get a lot of them separating the kids they might send the kids from Colorado send
Them all the way across to Pennsylvania to go to school you know yeah that’s how they was doing it so they say that that in slavery they was breaking up the families like that but it wasn’t slavery they was breaking us up on our family
Farms and shipping us off the farm so it can break down our Unity the strongest ones that look like that they going to rise up to be the next head of the house that they got to get rid of him because if they let him become an
Adult he going to remember this big mama property and I’m going to take big mama house back then they going to write a fictitious story and call you Nat Turner topcast can I ask you a question yesam of course so when I asked Jabari a question about like which American
Scholars would he recommend and at first he was like oh I don’t know but then he gave black Mexico uh Herman El Bennett uh the African president in Mexico and different things like that can you speak on you know like those the African pres in Mexico and him saying like that he’s
Going on a trip to Mexico to show the Africans were I think he just doing that out there well when you talk about ver Cruz and all we talking about the home of the omix so ain’t no African tribe out there older than the omix you they call afro Mexicans everywhere they find
Us that they say we run away slaves from the south remember that they find us all over the land and everywhere they find we ran away from the plantations in the South think about that for a minute let that sink in we in Mexico by The millions they call us afro
Mexicans most of us us live in ancestral Villages down there that they’ve been living in since the BC period but they runaway slaves they can give you the ancestral history going back to before the Christian eror yeah and they also have carnivals they they also celebrate
Carnivals just like Mar gr and all of that ver Cruz is one of the the darkest places in in this side of the region it was a rich Port there um like I said they had carnivals and they had natural resources plus they had trade with
Brazil uh Mex City Peru all of these spots in the coast so uh he going down there for gas young what he going to find out is that that story was made up like they made up the queen Nanny and made up all of these other car that’s
Why all of them coming from the same tribe he brought up the other day to uh ride about uh this guy who wrote a story and he brought up Thomas Clarkson not knowing that Thomas Clarkson is one of the founders of Sierra Leon him the McCully the babington family um Clarkson
And his brother they created a story about these slaves coming over the relief of the poor blacks this was the uh relief of the poor blacks what they wrote it on but they didn’t tell you that this [ย __ย ] was from North Carolina the guy that he was talking about
Talking about he was Igbo bro you lying he from South Carolina I mean from North Carolina and his homeboy who would have been uh um oana uana he’s from South Carolina because and that’s something that I wanted to show that night too I Ain get enough chance I was gonna kill
His whole little conversation he put that s up with Thomas Clarkson but uh yeah when he get down to Mexico it was the people were already there and the Customs the traits none of them followed them in Africa so ain’t no conival Marty grage in Africa bro that’s all American
Caribbean culture yes sir that’s why I tell him if you think that we don’t know who he is try to take Marty Gro from New Orleans and watch what happened all they gonna go crazy and the people go to Mexico and try to cancel Cinco de Mayo and see what
Happened or they might gr because they do the they have the M GRS out there too and I and they being them feathers and it’s going down Trinidad Tobago to uh yeah all of the islands man all of American Islands right there it’s the same when the culture the root culture
Of anywhere on the planet goes back to what’s called tribalism tribalism was the the designation and separation of families by cultural practices so uh like right now they classifi tribes that came together under a common leadership as gangs or Cults and they do that to villainize the cultural aspect of us
Naturally tribing up as long as they can keep that vill by we won’t never figure out how to see the leaders that we was born with versus the leaders they imposed upon us because we always left with true guidance from the ancestors in the DNA and they leave certain leaders
In the wake in order to inform us of what we dealing with that’s why it’s important to know how to read your culture cuz you’ll see things in the culture that’s common ractice among our people everywhere we go that’s and that’s why they keep saying everybody a Runway slave CU we
Got common cultural practices wherever you find us especially down here in the Southeast but watch this here R when we grew up we used to eat uh some called tacos but they made them with the crispy shells though that was that’s not Mexican culture what they call it Mexico
Everything on the menu in Mexico if uh that we eating here they call Mexican food you go to Mexico it ain’t the menu no the culture had to come from us so when we talking about burrito queso guac all that’s coming out the the border of
Texas anyway I’m from Texas so we grew up eating nachos with the chips and the the lettuce the Tomato the Pico and all that we grew up eating that uh pcun sauce but it’s all coming out the cowboy culture uh how they look check this out
That’s like the chain East food egg fu young turn up egg fu young was invented by a pale face from San Francisco Louis they got the the uh Chinese got a a big culture down there in New Orleans they uh they got a dish down there with the
Noodles and the eggs and all of that and the story is the [ย __ย ] got drunk and that’s what they made for him in the morning to get the hango over but really I’m telling them bro y’all eat it every day cuz that’s that’s y’all coach
You go to town that you can’t find it in Asia man that recipe not in Asia no see most of the food is developed by what’s commonly grown on the land in the root culture so we already know how to prepare in the Southwest from the type
Of vegetation that grow there in the South what we call a Bible belt from Mississippi going back to Florida and Louisiana they culture cuz they had a more uh diverse growing field they got more different recipes coming out of the Southern Culture than you do anywhere
Else on the land like barbecue that used to be the uncle’s job to cook the large size of beef for the family function cuz the size of the beef them big uncles like tuy now come out there and put him up on the rack and for Grandpa and
Grandpa turn to turn to keep the the beef cooking but all of these are ancient parts of the culture but now because it become uh into modern usage they have to give you a historical narrative that disassociate you from a common practice so you won’t ever remember you already used to put
Fish out in the sun to dry it out you already used to make your own sausages out of the out of the game you cooked and you had enough to feed the family we knew the Cy long that we do down here we cook under the ground in East Texas we
Cook under the ground so you gonna smoke your hog you gonna smoke your meat under the ground and then you pull it out so that’s an old tradition when I seen the Catt Indians doing that they was known for smoking they they Meats under the ground and you’ll find the same thing in
Hawaii in Tonga and um s more more you’ll find that same underground cooking method that’s ancient in the tribal Traditions all over the Earth watch there some country people out there go say hey we cook my people cook other gr why you think the devil is in the pit of
Fire cuz we barbecuing his ass yeah excuse my French I forgot I ain’t used to being politically correct because the politics ain’t correct so sometime a periodic uh profane word might fly off my lips and I be let it slip it’s not intentional R you said a cussy
Again oh okay no maam no maam he on his best behavior we being good in the house and I just want to say really quick I can’t give out wrenches right now from my phone but I am going to do that so some other people will have wrenches when I when I can
Uh Chief piaac I heard you earlier speaking about the PAC uh Awards uh PTI was one of the greatest leaders uh especially against uh us expansion and the uh the secret societies that they created right before the seveny year war happened the French and Indian War where they they signed a
Treaty and this treaty end up bringing together uh a lot of chiefs came out for this tree I think it was over 200 and and uh they all met Pennsylvania and they put together a secret society through that is what they going to create the Continental Congress and
That’s where the Freemasonry gonna come you had a lot of them Scots that came over in Philadelphia or got uh land down in Philadelphia too A lot of them brought over the you know they came out of the uh um well they lost the wars
Over there and they came um as as uh indented servants but when they got here got in the larges they brought over um Scottish right Freemasonry which was a mirror image to the Freemasonry that was going on in North America the mcmc Indians had and
The uh the uh yeah the mcmc Indians had the nice and Templars they had the same flag is the mcmc Indians so look we didn’t call it Freemasonry on this side of the land I agree and a lot of it today is classified as Voodoo hudo Santa
Etc where we conceal the culture under the Catholic religion um but it’s the same science um that you have to learn as one of the noble Bloodlines so they weave the training uh mechanisms into your development as you grow up on the land and your mother on your this is where
Your Mason come from your mother has to teach you how to read the feminine code If You The Chosen son to be her rightand man that mean that she got to raise you with all of the knowledge of the women but keep you masculine and that’s why the ARs
Classify on Chicago coming on the west side as the pink Prince and the pink Prince becomes the purple king and the purple King is the Royal Arc degree where the red house and the blue house meet at the Capstone in the Royal Ark entering into the temple and the temple
Is the shrine and the shrine is the resting place of the black madon and the only one that can go out and get her out of the shrine is the architect and the architect is hyam ath the master uh Builder and the master builder has to
Build a yellow brick road which is a road of gold which is an indicative of the banks going back to Big Mama house which is the castle in eyes and eyes means strength so in the village of strength and Kash is the god of the mobites so when we start tracing it all
Back it’s it’s the codes the light codes to unlock to the ones with the blood the sequence to turn the dials on the data in order to unlock the mind of the most amount of people the one who’s at the top with the allseeing eye is seeing
Through all other eyes that means from everybody’s perspective it don’t mean that he’s seeing everything simultaneously he’s understanding the perspective of the masses at every angle in order to align the vision with the Lucifer lens to flip the upside down back around so we can can be back up on
The straight bump again so it’s all coded to teach the lessons and the lessons have to play out in the public domain while the people watch The Pretender to the throne putting in the work to prove his Merit as to who he say he is by the blood and the right and
When the blood and the right is exercise in the proper sequence all of the elders give them a pass across the land until you get to everybody given pass to one man that mean that everybody had a chance before the last man came along to try to redeem the people with the codes
Of the Masonic lodges and the lodge was the war was the code was the war and the secret was that the war was to make us think that we was from somewhere else so that we would never assert our jurisdictional Supremacy on the Homeland and the Homeland is known as the great
Melding pot where all of the nations of the world come to get one drop of the Royal Blood of the first family of tahti in order to correct the genetic defects at the close of the age and when the Atlas Shrug and it shakes off the
Parasites all who don’t have the drop of blood or can’t assimilate the drop of blood shakes off as an NPC a nine-player character bringing the ancient to the present is tying the alpha to the Omega and this is what they talking about when they say standing on the post that’s the
Dead center of the pi that’s 3.14 standing on pi and then you have to be able to see a 363 panoramic view that mean that you can spin around on your post without losing your composure right and then you can March through the 360 degrees and once you get
The 360 and you can absorb the Alpha and Omega you get the 720 As Above So Below so the one that can hold this post and flip the 360 to the 720 and the 720 to the 1440 off the left hand in the right hand but remain straight up the middle
Is the sacrificial lamb come to redeem the masses as the Redeemer Crown Prince of Heaven and Earth coming to bring the new Earth to the people in order that they be from the misery of the old age the chapter misery Clos when the people accept the fact that this is over with
And that we moving into the new world the age of Aquarius where the truth is more disturbing than the lie I wanted to say that uh H and B story you was saying the iro the the the cica and so on they had U their story is
Similar and except it’s the character is not hon B it’s a guy name reden so that’s and that but it’s it’s the same story same signs like you broke down guy Nam um Augustus leion he went down spent 40 years down with the May the UK Maya learned the language his his
Wife Al Le play on she was a photographer so they took a lot of pictures but he wrote a book called and he said that the K Mayans originated Freemasonry down there uh yeah right but remember that’s the modern terminology for the Royal right surp passage of the royalty of the
Earth that’s all it is it became masonry in the modern era and uh they was talking about coming out of the uh the stone Mason guilds this is all contemporary masonry not ancient rights of Passage which is still present amongst us as we speak but yeah you right and the red
Hand if you go and you look to the Midwest tribes you see that the a lot of the natives got the red hand over the face of the women turn right and the red hand is the guilty one and the guilty one is the one with
The blood on their hands and the one with the blood on their hands was the ones that SL across the bloody floor set the ruby red house and stole the uh the red ruby red slippers no place like home and so he got caught red-handed by The
Princess and now his blood is on her hand on his hands these all symbolic codes for unlocking the uh the Stellar reliefs that tell us the writing on the wall what the Redemption process is and how it work and they tell the story from the different cultures and the shamans
Between themselves make fun of the stories in what they call the sacred Dance of the hyoka can I ask a question please I wanted to say this because I heard um chap Pontiac say this earlier about um the culture and everything over in um Africa and I asked the two brothers this um
I don’t for some reason I don’t think that our culture over here is like theirs it’s not just and um I have spoken to some African friends of mine that said that we couldn’t even live over there and the reason why they said that we couldn’t it’s because we are
Used to the Four Season change and um we would go over there expecting to be able to live over there and um the ones who believe that they’re from there and want to run back back over here because um we will be craving the um the the the um changes like you
Know fall what do you think about that I want to hear what both of you both of you Brothers have to say about it both of you Chiefs well the librarian project proves that we can survive over there like we belong but we don’t belong when
We go over there most of these people from today they think they from Africa and take the trip they feel the sorrow and the pain of the African people from the continent but they don’t relate to them as Kindred like if you meet a cousin that you ain’t never met before and y’all
Both adults you GNA have a sense of Kindred with that cousin a sense of family recognized familiarity that’s going to draw y’all together that just don’t always the case when you go to Africa as a matter of fact a lot of the African tribes know who we are and the
Tribal people will tell you but the colonized condition people will tell you the slave story just like the colonizer yeah I want to hear what you got to say about that um Chief top cats uh well far as the culture um the first time that they ever brought up a
Conversation about us sharing culture with people in Africa came from a white man yeah and so um it was a white boy Melville herovic came and said that the Negro had a culture he wasn’t uh barbaric and all of this here he had a coach and his culture was in Africa so
In 1923 they got a project they end up getting funding and that they wanted to prove this so you had the Eugenics movement which was Branch uh a sister Branch off of them where they was putting this this independent funding into well the the the guy that was
Getting the money the beneficiary was a guy named France Boaz who is going to be known as the anthropol first Anthropologist of America now he did a lot of study on the Indians how a lot of them got their names now he admitted he didn’t go to the Indian tribes and ask
Them their names and in a lot of cases he get he put them in confederacies and put labels on them but anyway I say that to say that they wanted to pull this guy off the project this guy Melville her off the project because they didn’t feel
Like that was uh you know where they wanted the money to go well they was here measuring scores noses all of this they came to Harlem a lady name uh uh zor Neil Hurston is the one who brought him up there they was in Harlem uh measuring sculls and noses seeing if the
Parent was dark skinned if the parent was lightskinned they end up having a um a guy the South came so they start going to the the the black schools quote unquote negro schools in the South well the measurements came the uh came back different because over 70% of the people
In the South said that they had American Indian lineage and no African well the professor came out Anthropologist came out at the time and he said it seems that the um that the Negro uh left everything um in Africa except his skin color because they sh cultural traits
With people in Africa especially the South that came from African studies professors who was arguing against the case of the measurements and the numbers that this guy Melville hercus was bringing so they sent Negroes down to the South to go and and um do these population studies themselves y’all can
Find this information in my book I’m not black I’m Indian hey I gotta get you my book I gotta uh send your hard copy okay for sure H let me let me you got you got my link right uh no I get it from U from the ladies
Though okay he look you mentioned France Boaz right yes you know that is a masonic character France means French Boaz is one of the twin pillars it’s the bow tie right it’s the red house it’s the Scottish wri so it’s telling you who is authoring it by the name of the
Character that they using to tell the story okay me that’s why that’s why we get confused because we don’t know when the secret society’s control information is being given to us because they know the codes and we don’t see friend Boaz is goingon to be instrumental in people uh that we know
Today as Master Teachers such as John Henry Clark because his Protege mville herovic is G be the president of African studies well they going to have a black caucus there and two of the members in the black caucus going to be John Henry Clark and
Uh uh um uh what’s this what’s the other one that it come uh uh Jeff lard Jeff talk to him lonard Jeff they gonna start a sister program called the African Heritage Society I mean African study African Heritage study Society I mean Association which was the same sister company because when they
Went overseas to speak they both came so in ‘ 69 when they say they went went in California and they said hey we need we deserve the right to tell our own story to teach Our Own Story well they killed negro that year and they brought in afroamerican and black
Power but and then now they saying we want to tell our own story and then that’s how you got this creation of this pan-africanism for as what we know where they started saying we have these ties to Africa that then coming to that time but it was under the guidance in the
Watch of mville herovic and white folks they put the funding up the Carnegie we know that uh University of Chicago uh that they put the money the rockefellas the Carnegie them put the money up for uh what’s his name started uh uh Black History Month U Carter G
Woodson they put the money up for him W the boys uh a guy named joeel Springer the one who created NAACP he put the money up for him he the one funded the 19 19 Pan African Congress they sent him to France Corie uh uh uh JP Morgan they
Put the money up for him to go to France and come back because they wanted to stop the soldiers from World War I coming back telling what was actually happening over there so boys got his ass on that boat went over there which he was uninvited but he had a sack of money
He had some powerful people behind him when they came back they establish the 1919 Congress that was paid for by him and the guy named Bruce the one that started the wi CA program at the shurg he the one who oued him he was running with Marcus Garvey I was just getting
Ready to say that I was just getting ready to act you bringing about the role of Marcus Garvey that whole going back to Africa and Liberia I literally just was getting ready to say that and while you are saying answering that and dots just said that that BR me to my second
Question that I want to ask and um because it’s kind of in with what she’s saying too um um Jabari had BR up and I mentioned this early on um to um Chief Pontiac the stories that he had Top Cats he said um how do you account for the stories that
We had and I was like and like I said to um Chief Pontiac um how if it was from Africa are they giving you stories and they didn’t speak English back then watch this m i want to know what you thought about that I told you boy that the trans slave
Trade was created through literature when I said that I meant that why did I say that and I also asked him give me some authors who wrote about the transatlantic slave trade during the uh Colonial period at the time that it was happening why aren’t we hearing people
With these stories because I’mma bring you some newspaper ads of the people saying if the slave trade is this bad then why aren’t we seeing it people at this time I’mma bring you the mayor of Virginia who going to tell you that um they ain’t had three ships come from
Africa even there to Virginia in a period of time the people on his Plantation are Englishmen Scots and a few Irish okay these are indention service coming over from Europe um uh when we talk about the where they tried to create someone who actually went through the experience of
It you gonna get oana which is gonna come out of the sons of Africa which is a Quaker movement that’s the relief of the poor blacks now that starts from the the Society of Friends that’s Paul cuffy the guy who’s gonna be uh um sou out by
Thon these guys in France who’s gonna bring him on there uh because they was they was ship uh they were sellers they was wellers and uh they knew the routes so they gonna sign him with the Sion company 1777 uh that’s gonna fail they gonna send Daniel COK over there and start the
Am church that’s when that fail the African institution came and recruited them that picked up the because they wer paying the people well you had something called American Colonization Society came and so they start they got that’s where Liberia come what they do recruit Paul cuffy who was an Indian even Paul
Cuffy Jr his son and his wife said no to the back to Africa stayed in a village where his brother was a chief and his wife was a uh had a lot of rank there now I’mma speed it up when they got the AC s going Mar colation Society they um
Start bringing over these pastors okay but they had a language barrier there so you had something called the Niger Expedition 1841 we got to create a language and find a way to actually communicate with them but I’mma close on this here um they Ed this guy oana
Aquana but when we look to his baptism records the guy born in South Carolina we look through his military record the dude is born in South Carolina is nowhere around it the time that he said he was there the stories that he got from Guinea is stories that he got from
A guy named Anthony benette the guy he was a hugenot who and he taught uh um the F Absalon Jones he taught uh uh Richard Allen and um and Robert Finley he Tau I mean Robert Finley was the guy who’s gonna own the New York colonization side who gonna step away
From the ACs but all of this is colonization they’re trying to get the people to take them over here we know the players and then this what they gonna do right they created a sister company because [ย __ย ] ain’t want to go they was writing back and they was
Telling stories about how [ย __ย ] up how messed up I’m sorry it was out there well they created one with a black face on it to get [ย __ย ] to go and that’s where you get Henry gordet who pay Africans love and charity but the dude’s a colonizer he started the sister
Company to it instead of American uh Colonization Society he come create his own name the Black version of it to suck a [ย __ย ] into going over there right and they was putting him out there because Henry Turner which was a pastor one of the most influential he went then long
90 days his friends died they asked him why he wouldn’t go back but he said he he told them that they they putting the people out there they have nowhere to go they was only out there to go build it up because it wasn’t developed and so a
Lot of people was going on the into the inlands and they he he begged them I got the letters please stop sending people over there if y’all not gonna get them the resources because a lot of women getting raped a lot of the people getting killed out there getting robbed
And no one has anywhere to go but I close on there for the American Colonization Society well do had a question I um I thought you know okay she was her question was on Marcus Garvey so I want you to forget to answer that what was your question that
That she wanted you to go in on the mark on Marcus G dots well Marcus Garvey was a uh Marcus Garvey was a timekeeper on the plantation with a lot of people don’t know people them came about the banana they they ran banana mon I’m sorry y’all
Stepped away real quick I heard y’all calling me what happened no you was you had a question and I you know that you got your question answer back go well no I I wanted I was gonna ask to for one of you to explain the role that
You know of Marcus garby now whole going back to Africa movement and then also with Liberia supposedly to be the place but you sort of touched on that already so well not with gar part because gar part in it you gonna have Edward Blen who’s gonna come first he’s gonna be
Recruited by a guy named Henry Knox these are Protestants they family go back to the Protestant Reformation with uh uh Queen an uh yeah they but once the politics changed after Elizabeth came in you know they Rose was no longer needed but anyway they come out the West Indies
They recruit him he went to a um a Jewish Orthodox Church they tried to get him in Ruckus University then work so at 18 years old the New York Colonization Society paid for him to go to Liberia he’s gonna go there that’s the guy who gonna create the first uh um uh college
There and so he’s goingon to go to Barbados and start a back to Africa that’s where the back to Africa movement started in Barbados a lot of people didn’t want to go with him all right so long story short by the time you get down to Garvey them Garvey is gonna work
With a guy named Ernest Cox Ernest s Cox Ernest s Cox them they were the upper echelon of the clucas clan and um these are the people that Garvey is going to work with they was down with repatriation he wrote a book called White America and he talked about how we
Couldn’t coincide in the country together and that we needed to get out of here we needed a Moses a guy that’s going to be like Moses lead his people back well Marcus Garvey was that guy was his man so uh Garvey was very instrumental too in the Ethiopian
Movement that’s where you get the Africa for the Africans he really got that from a Christian Missionary dude uh Boone the white boy wrote Africa for the Africa that was a book well when Garvey got here he um he was pushing the the Ethiopian movement which came from a
White boy okay a white boy put up the money for the Ethiopian movement you got the mo Zionist Jews in Harlem 1899 out of that most of them was West Indies most of them came out of Morocco um Iberian they were foring to here they gonna start that movie Rabbi joa F and
Them all of them gonna be in that movie um with uh with Garvy because you know he was on the music team over there for it or whatever but they also was with the Commandment Keepers as well which gonna come through Matthew Matthew was funed by the White Boys in Ohio he went
To school out there with them they had the white movement for the Jews it was called little Israel and this is them teaching them them English because a lot of them are coming through here as forers so they teaching them the Trad the way of America for back uh far as
The um what they were learning back home so um yeah that’s that’s what I got on Garvey U Garvey end up being inite he never made it to Africa why because Liberia them said he went coming people don’t understand it’s more than one form of pan africanism it was three different
Forms of Pana africanism it was three different for um white independent philanthropist funding these different movements so it was that’s why Booker T and Garin didn’t get alone Booker T and deor didn’t get alone I’m sorry that’s why uh they was fighting because you had Rosen wild funding him you had springham
Funding Duo you had Ernest coxam funding Garvey and so everybody was G going to see who who money was the longest and in the end uh all of them lost the right to prison right to Europe right right pron once you find out that they trading codes in your face and
Ain’t nothing you can do about it to um pass information to the Future you can’t stop the information you can’t stop the understanding of what takes place when you learn about a foreign culture and you can’t identify with it the only way to prove the point
Sometimes is to take you right up to the culture and hold your face to it so you can see it it’s not your culture the when we do we forget that in the midst of these secret societies attempting to control our leadership that our leadership is still looking for a way
For the people to break free and so they leave the codes the confraternity part is the part that most people don’t pay attention to and the business aspect of what was attempting to be established is the same thing Ryan Brown got murdered for and all of those businessmen on the
Trip to make us be able to do business and by bypass the colonial system to do it the colonizer over here is just called the United States they call South Africa and South Africa they called Ghana in Ghana right so we we’ve been colonized everywhere how are you going to get the
Secrets to posterity to know what to tie together to break the chains of bondage psychological bondage so the result of the confraternity forms a united front against all colonized tribal peoples of the world is hosted in a conference by sakaro known as the bangon conference where the tribes from Asia reminded the
Tribes from the Americas of an ancient contract to overthrow any system that subjugated the tribal networks that was already pre-established so we going back to ancient contract cashing in under a grandfather clause to override the the modern constructs of these artificial corporations that’s masquerading this government so all of it becomes
Instrumental because when we understand who was the secret society behind this one then you know how they would deliver the code that would tell us how to overthrow that particular secret society’s jurisdictional Authority and when you get enough of them together now you the one with the keys 444 angel on the
Post right I got the keys I’m on the defense I’m dressed in all black then the codes from the past be played out in the future in arts and entertainment and the presence of the enemy I’ll make you a feast and they can’t stop it it’s all in the um understanding of how
We continue to practice our culture in foreign cultures being laid on top of our culture to smother us out we still talk to each other we still put information in a certain form like when your mama give you that particular look when you master the art of the pen
You can give her that particular look through the through the writing of your words and then they can see using the intuative sight of the mothers what we call psychic Insight it begin to animate a story before your face and now you realize you got a dog in every fight and
Your dog ain’t always the dog that look like he winning you mess around and grab the wrong dog your ass gonna get bit so you got to know where your dog at in the fight and how your dog fighting so you can know where he whether he winning
Or losing and all of us them L’s turned in the sevens when we flipped the script cash in the Keys open up the gate and let the inmates out well I know you said you wasn’t gonna be in here too long I thought maybe a couple questions could
Get in because I knew o otk had a question and a brother came in to ask a question so I’mma put them in if y’all don’t mind just a couple questions no one or two maybe two or three people to come up and ask a question one at a time to
Hey hey peace and prosperity brother brother ra what’s going on with you hey not much hey look Bro Look hey y’all you and brother topcat has been dropping some science and I really appreciate it i’ I’ve actually been humbled by some of the knowledge that y’all have been
Dropping I just uh you know I only have just one opposition anytime I hear y’all both kind of speak I don’t understand how y’all think our women are going to save us I I I want to ask you a question then please let either one of y’all
Explain to me it comes off as if though y’all are molesting our women’s ego with this mama’s boy religion as if though we gonna raise the black woman to save us no other man on Earth is doing this or teaching that hey judging by your Cur
You from the south right right or wrong you already know Miss Mississippi Alabama okay yeah I know you had to be way down y right where you at uhhuh and and you and you went raised at Big Mama house hey I was raided at Big Mama and
Big Papa house man Big Mama and Big Papa and Big Mama throw a shoe at you big mama G don’t what what mean tell me right now what mean more than this word of you than big mama what could you when big mama leave what happens to the family shout out to
Big sh the big papa but hold on brother de hold on Brother Dean let my country brother right cuz he feeling clean uh Jam Brown looking at now but uh when big mama leave uh what happened to the family okay let me tell you like this when big mama leave the
Family is definitely destroyed because she’s the last piece of a puzzle that had already started the fall when Big Papa was destroyed big papa never was destroyed big papa had two three job big papa know how to go he gonna leave uh when y’all get up big Big Daddy Gone Big
Daddy not in the house when y’all get up he getting up and moving every day he going to make something happen so uh now Big Daddy might Big Daddy might not even come home every night what is you talk big daddy got a family on the other
Side of town but this my thing when big mama leave uh Uncle Rob I’mma throw the Aly off the glass to you uh let’s help our country brother like he just said when big mama leave the family fall apart can you tell him why since he want
To know why we put the women at the highest esteem turn up listen in the tribal tradition women are the inheritors of the rights to the land okay it’s not that the women going to save us is putting the women back in their proper position secures the rights to the
Land now the saving part goes to the individual say Yourself by Awakening to who you are can’t nobody else save you if you in the river drowning by yourself you better learn how to swim fast life is no different by putting the women in their place we exercised our tribal
Jurisdictional Supremacy to reclaim the land under the matriarchal Birthright as caretakers as first caretakers of the land grandfather Closet in the oldest contract on the earth which is the gender determining nature of the planet and under that that’s what gives the women the birthright to control the
Land resource and to determine where the next Forest going to go and where the next desert going to be and the men in turn keep the control of the society by giving knowledge and wisdom to the youth to help them learn how to function under the regime of the matriarchy and they
Will be able to be able to establish their own tribe according to their own Merit wherever they choose to build their families these families become extended families which forms into Villages over time and the birthright of your tribal inheritance is passed on through the matriarchal lines so when we put the
Matriarchy back in her position of jurisdictional Supremacy she can then authorize Us by the laws of nature as men to te his MF up if it don’t get right in the dealings between the people okay this is what this the raising the matriarch is about it’s not about artificially inflating the ego of
Women it’s about honoring ancient traditional birth rights and enforcing the jurisdiction thereof but we have a process to follow called a Redemption process that’s been established over the ages using the Royal rights of Passage to relay the information to the ones with the blood and the right that’s what raising the matriarchy
Is about it’s the redeeming of the entirety of the planet hey let me ask you this here James Brown uh when when you was coming up uh was your parents married yeah yes okay so you got your dad last name but um are you familiar with most times when people have a baby
They end up with the mama last name if the if the parents not married that’s correct okay now uh when you was young and when these young [ย __ย ] they had when young men they had these babies with these girls they don’t usually go stay with the the uh the the the the
Daddy Mama they go stay with the baby mama and her mama right right WR it’s a culture that we’ve been living bro this the culture that we come from okay I’mma close with this James BR I don’t want you to close don’t go nowhere
I okay go ahead so what I was gonna say was uh traditionally we we a matri lineal people so the woman the Cornerstone of the family is always GNA be big mama that’s why she mean so much she the one hold the family together when everybody else [ย __ย ] she
Sacrificed her life when the kids ain’t grew up and they having kids and she bring them all in but she the structure and that’s how it always been so um we living in that culture still to this day and not even understanding it and so okay yeah I hope I brought a little
Understanding to you both have brought a lot better matter of fact uh brother Rod uh what you said I kind of got a better understanding that uh kind of like Elijah Muhammad no Nation can rise higher than this woman we got to get our women to certain Plateau before we were
To move forward in leadership uh and and I and I like the little James Brown little clip that you give but hey hey but if your boy hey if R hey Rod hey if you love The the black woman so much why you wearing a wife beater if
You why you wearing a wife beater wife beer you know from Mississippi he that’s called listen that’s called misplace aggression cuz I ain’t the one called you James Brown but you want to jab at me but but you don’t know you grabbing the gorilla you about to wrestle with a bear the sick
A all right let me let me let me respond and then I gotta get out look my point is this right now Asian the Asian man rule his family and his woman the white man rules his family and his woman the Mexican on and on we are the only ones
Now look I love Dilbert Blair and uh pimp hold on let finish I love dver Blair and I love uhh uh the brother uh what’s Bobby Bobby Bobby H I love them and I respect that knowledge that they chopped up but let me tell you something
We’re living in the day right now where us as brothers if we don’t stand up and really be like leaders and stop trying to put some kind of irresponsible responsibility on our women to save us we’re gonna lose our women and our children this is [ย __ย ] I mean true that’s not
True hold on I’m gonna get off my soulbox in a minute look I’m trying to say right now that we need money we need power and we need organization our women can’t do that only Papa a grandpa lot of women making more money than y no no no
I ain’t trying to say that grandma grandma look look look what I’m talking about is Grandmama used to keep the house and the family together while Grandpa and when the sons got to a certain age do the same if you make enough money like granddaddy did because
He was taking care of Three Families yeah nobody complaining and you can’t like Grandpa you you should have went out there and learn how to change the tie dropped that motor pull the carburetor out there you should have been out there going working with him getting in the
Truck with him and y’all go cut you to you at home and been lazy under Mama about you hry you should have got out there with Granddaddy and he would have ask AC Roofing fing say it again is the black woman Gonna Save You topat
Oh she better yeah cuz I’mma save her we gonna save each other no no no no who Gonna Save who first we gonna save each other oh now you want to be diplomatic diplomatic I mean I’m looking at the shirt if you want to pimp then go
Pimp homie you feel me yeah yeah we we living why you keep capping hey won’t you come on your camera while you capping on me I’m just saying man if you want to pimp on the woman or you want to hold a hostage under one of these
Religions and tell her you can have multiple wives and they got to work and you listen man y’all go ahead on and do it we see y’all out here so when we tell when we say our a woman or has a supreme position we also has a responsibility as a man as well
And something to give you I got something to give you Top Cat hey do you mind if I get your number from Sister freedom and I mean it’s on a serious note if you don’t mind if I cannot talk to you behind the scenes what we talking about I got
Huh you have dress I don’t I look I rock a taper I ain’t I’m not going for the Cur look oh what hell are you talking about you trying to talk about your hairdress in I’m not in the curls and all that type you know a
Lot oh okay okay look like you got [ย __ย ] uhuh uhuh uh I’m Sor like you had big mama rollers in your head now can I say something to you about about what you’re saying I think I think you hear it the wrong way and it’s because a lot of people wanted in that
Like Kevin Samuel’s height what’s your height what your dress size what all this other stuff but it’s the same it’s the same message it’s the same message of saying women are not in the proper place modern women are not in the proper place that they used to be and they used
To be in another position and we need to teach the women what they used to be so they can be in their position again it’s just some people know how to catch you catch more bees with honey than vinegar so some men want to be like angry with
It and bitter with it and other men are just saying hey we need to get you back into the matriarch position they’re not saying get you in the patriarch position man the brother frustrated he tired of having to pay for it okay and y’all look
He want to know who Gonna Save Us I already said saving you saving yourself is your own self responsibility right that don’t fall on no woman or no man that fall on you we got to save our women and our children man hold on let me finish everybody say
They woman and children wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute let ahead you can’t do nothing for nobody if you don’t do something for yourself first right you got to raise yourself up to the position where you are in the best
Position to help the most people if you want to help people the best position is the natural structure of the Human family matriarchy is our natural structure they named it matriarchy because when Rome came to power the homosexual sex Cults took over and pushed a more masculine undercover
Feminine position into the public domain we look at women in a way that we told to look at them we don’t look at them when we get in relationships is this is this is my partner we all Sleeping with the Enemy because we looking at each other
In the wrong perspective we both have roles that’s assigned to us by gender if we talking about restoring a structure of power the structure that makes the man the most powerful when he’s in his bloodright position is putting him in the position where he’s strongest to
Protect his woman so he say you sit on the throne I’m going to guard the courtyard okay and if somebody coming in here to get you they got to get through me and my Army that’s right I lay down I’m not laying down with an enemy I’m laying down with my
Counterpart my co- strategist in this situation the person who I intend to conquer the world with and to put this back in a a more balanced sequence or in a more balanced structure it just so happened that the structure that we call matriarchy is actually an ancient structure right in the pyramid
Hieroglyphics and the structure leads to Isis is the first at the top Isis being the symbol of the great mother in the flesh and the the son that’s going to make sure his mama SE is secure is ascribed the title of heru heir to the throne
All right and his sister that’s going to help him protect her mother is the first Heir and she’s normally refer to a segment that she’s going to protect her mama fiercely and her children right so when we talking about structuring of the matriarchy we thinking about
Umuntu one for all all for one because that’s the root principle of it we going to either work together and Mama going to take care of the indoors and papa going to take care of the outdoors and so while they in the indoors it just so happened that her seat is the
Throne in the house but my seat is in the garage with a beer and it look like a old raggedly chewed up chair okay but that’s because that’s my choice I though okay we got we got we gota let Dean answer a question know he wasn’t
Hey can I go can I say something just to Top Cat and then I’m go sis real quick please hey Top Cat hey man I had a lot of respect for you boy but man you came at me question my no you came in me question of my manhood bro no that’s you
Stop it man come on a good night tonight you misunder man like that bro I saw you let your hat on bro play with me like that Jesus Loves You Jesus loves you brother listen thank wae all right hello hello all right I’m just I’ve been watching your show I’m
Just like a fly on the wall I love just watching the sisters um you know I I got this channel following through Rod legendary Chief I was talking to him the other day Chief topcat like last today um their ego some some of us some of us understand some of us don’t understand
And some of us are sealing something that innate we know we’ve been seeing our whole effing lives and we have always been the crazy ones and the ones that got hurt the ones who went through the trials and tribulations so when you guys tell your
Stories and I just get to listen to your lecture I get to see a part of me and people having the same sense of me as me being the rejected the refused the handcuffed the jail almost killed the divine intervention so I know what I’m looking at I’m looking at my
Cousins I’m looking at my brothers and I’m looking at my uncles and I’m looking at my sisters I’m looking at my aunties so when he asked that question what happened when big mama left this is what happened these are the cousins who were the the cousins who loved everybody who
Saw what grandma was and had an appreciation for Grandma and who knew who it was and Grandma had this little conversation with us and told us who we were when we were little kids and we never forgot that we see something that our family knows who we
Are and they’re supposed to push us this way so we see it we the ones coming out the dirt going against the grain looking crazy so when I see girls I see women and I’m just like the motive has always been to lift up the woman and if you
Don’t see that then that’s how the family collapses it’s not the man [ย __ย ] because some [ย __ย ] came over here excuse my language on some male dominant [ย __ย ] and it’s always been about the women first I’m supposed to protect you you’re supposed to love and nurture
Me and it’s a balance and nobody let me tell you something I walked away from all of my family I’m Jamaican my dad’s Jamaican my mom’s guy nie I was born in England and grew up in Canada I got family all over America and I just got off my my one of
My only friends that was my sister’s ex-boyfriend and he lives right in Texas I don’t got nobody because let me tell you something I had to put myself first and when I started cleaning up myself then I had to clean up the one next to
Me and that was my wife because she got my two daughters and they’re black women whether they look a little way or they’re colored Orin they’re black women Hey Dean yep in in in looking at um helping your wife and your daughters if you don’t help yourself
First what are you do you think you would be any good to help them no bro if I’m on a plane and the oxygen mask come down I gotta put it on my face first right else right cuz in in this process that this is what people don’t
Understand when you can’t take care of yourself you’re not functional enough to take care of other people and we’ve been taught to be so unselfish that we neglect taking care of ourself to help everybody else and we develop something known as caregiver syndrome especially our women this is
What make them difficult to deal with because they don’t have that sister group to relief relieve the pressure and help them problem solve the issues that women understand the sister group is a healing group it’s not a gossip Circle it’s a healing group The Women come
Together like when I was um um alerting everybody to the goddess glow up because she was doing the sister work where the sisters come together to solve their life crisis and become that resonant mitochondrial frequency is healing energy and if she come with the intent to heal to a sister
With open arms and that love in her heart it’s automatically give them a mitochondrial connection and they start Sy sensing each other and sending healing energy back and forth this is why all of the sister groups was broke up under the pretense of witch hunts and hunts for Voodoo priestesses that was
Teaching the witches the Earth Magic the reason why they break it up is because when those women start to heal it starts to heal the nation and they can’t keep them conquered under those conditions cuz the women now know how to cultivate the warrior in her son without making
Him become unnecessarily violent and under self control whereas the women now are taught no discipline as a rule and it’s making the boys become unruly yep with no control of self so you see what we call today random acts of violence as the result of the women being miseducated and the kids not
Getting the proper attention from the women because the men is being disassociated from the from the linkage system this is our patriarchal this is why patriarchal is not functional for us as a people under patriarchy the man go out in the field for years at a time and
He pop up at home when he can under the matriarchy he only go as far as he need to in order to do the business he need to attend to and he come back because he’s a critical piece to the home structure right but we can’t be a critical piece
To the home structure when you have a system of people that wage war against us and we are blind to the war being played out under the pretense of the judicial system under something called police in the community we didn’t need no police we didn’t have no prisons because we didn’t
Have no criminals and all of a sudden we go into this war and we end up with uh interim military presence on the land and the military presence enforces the jurisdiction of a war settlement called a Constitution under certain pretenses right and then we got to know
Which one they following in order to know which one we fighting against and this is this is why a lot of the guys don’t understand that the matriarchy owers of man more than patriarchy the only men that benefit under patriarchy is homosexual pedophiles because it’s Roman culture
And that’s the intricate and root seed to Roman culture and that’s that’s that whole system’s off balance it’s all it’s already off balance like you know we all grew up tough whether it’s things so I grew up with my mom I grew up with my sisters but I
Knew what they saw as a man wasn’t a man right so if I got to break that cycle right so I was Uncle D almost dad to my nieces and nephews right so I always took that my oldest biologically she ain’t mine but spiritually
She will may be a man right so my other daughter I got two of them if I don’t learn how to be better and better and better and better and better what are they gonna like there I’m a reflection I’m being tested every single time my child I understand my child
Spiritually is older than me wow that’s the way I feel and you watch and they watching you respond to negative stimuli if you have no self-control they won’t get to see how self-control is utilized so down they don’t know how to use it yep but if they
See the parent as they go through the struggle like I watch my mama take us through some very adverse situations both violent and nonviolent and how she navigate the situation and the grace and Poise that she held during the most tumultuous times it showed me how to
Behave it’s the same with my father watching how he deal with crisis teaches me to remain cool Under Fire you know those are role models that we used to use that the culture now want to replace with celebrities of question character you know it’s crazy you know
It’s funny you said that because like I told you I was just talking to my best friend and he said that he goes when one of my closest my brother kind of cousin he died at an age and he goes I remember when he died it was like shook
Everybody because he was only he was young he was 27 and he was one who kind of had that like when Hank came around you just kind of like ev Everything just went soft again no drama nothing pres you bring a peaceful presence with him and everybody was
Broken but I knew I like I had this weird dream I ain’t G to talk about it but I would stay strong and my my friend David he was like you know Dean I when I saw how you were he like we kind of you
Know I got a little watery but he goes the way you stood I knew you represented the family and you always holding down the family and I knew who the one was who held down the family in a different way so he never said that but he knew
That’s how we became close and you know he just we just have love for each other you know what I mean like and it’s not many people I have that but I realized there’s a certain composure there’s certain respect nobody dis I don’t talk my mom but nobody going to disrespect my
Mom that’s right right never nobody ever disrespect nobody in my presence I’m not one of those kind of people and I don’t care what it is it’s a certain presence and it got to a time and it was the hardest thing I had to do
But my wife is my wife that’s you know what I mean like it come a time when Chief gotta set up his own village mhm it don’t mean that you don’t have love for the people that you have to leave to set your village up it just mean that it’s your
Time to stand at the head of your household and hold your position as a man and it’s the same with the women we lose track of that because we being socially engineered this is why relationships is having issues like we just started having relationships 20 years ago and we
Trying to figure it out now right but we’ve been having relationships the whole time the problem is is we forget it’s a partnership and we only focus on the Romeo and Juliet part of it we don’t focus on the okay now let’s get down to
The gr what we going to do to make sure that Junior get through college how we gonna make sure that she get the uh proper stuff for her wedding in 20 years we got to figure this stuff out as a unit and if we ain’t on the same page we
Not in a partnership this is what they talk about when they talk about a a a perfect relationship is not actually perfect It’s ability of y’all to remain balanced while y’all work out the problems as a unit your number one Ally supposed to be the person you sleep next to or why
Would you even sleep there if you can’t trust that person with your most Intimate Secrets and this is where yeah this is where we this where we get tripped up because we have the misconception that we own each other when we in the relationship instead of coming together and forming a
Partnership if I’m in if I if if if I cheated on my wife she was in on it she had to be in on it because we Partners that’s it if she ain’t in on it then I don’t I don’t have time to entertain
It cuz I got a family I got to be more concerned about than creeping through somebody back door at 3:00 a.m. what kind of foolishness is that I might have a soccer game to go to and we might have to get up at 5:00 in the morning to go
Driving I don’t I don’t I I could go over somewhere else later yeah I’m going to this soccer game that’s it right because I want to support my child to be the best self they can be and me being there to give that moral support is a
Critical part of that and if you don’t take care of yourself you won’t be functional in those positions positions man like know sometimes you got to leave by example right oh God I’m not gonna saying anymore let my actions speak louder than words at this that’s right but listen Dean nephew
Dean we gotta let otk ask the question yeah yeah thank you one love S I love see you guys thing and you know R out you know man you’re like big brother to me man like straight up then me and you get to talk we’ve been hogged up the
Show I post been gone almost an hour ago yes so have a good one Dean all right um otk peace peace peace to the goddesses man how y’all doing today my beautiful sisters thank you so kindly peace peace brother Rod Hayes man um Master Chief Top Cat man what’s going
On man um Chief is Chief still here or he left no I’m here what’s up with what’s going on with you um Master Chief um you had said that you said when you saw that that the the G or the gulla people you saw them as being
American uh yeah say that I mean I know that’s what you said but um that’s the same thing I see too so where where did this get wrong at when that when that those people actually started creating that and started teaching it yeah that didn’t happen till the 20th century the
Word gulla didn’t get uh popularized until a white author Nam uh Julia pin uh wrote about it and it it was too literature uh when it really got popular was in the 80s because that’s when they said they found a connection forss and that was in the 80s and so we
Get people like Queen quit a lot of people bring of Queen quit but Queen quit actually learned from a white boy yeah yeah so it was the the people that came seeing the narrative were white people all white writers the only black writer that came and wrote about it was
Lorenzo do Turner and he didn’t finish the job he just used the word Shout song but he didn’t finish it so the guy Joseph he gets the credit because he finishes what you call him work not to mention they work for the same in though you also had mention you also
Mentioned somebody else during that time um you talking about that female uh writer at that time who was like a filmmaker who was up underneath them she was uh I don’t I don’t I don’t know exactly what her Heritage is but um what um she was celebrated during Black
History Month though that’s how I end up HST right right right with the CL tier story she tied to the African Town story and tied to hoodoo she tied to uh yeah U music so they sent her to a lot of places they funed her going a lot of
Places Louisiana Florida the Carol well she she told him that she couldn’t find no information on nobody no AF stor Jamaica so uh she end up going to Jamaica and she ran across one man who said he made up his own language language you remember that when pigeon
Language they end up they end up saying it was a pigeon language or something like that right right so uh the the these gei uh like I was telling a brother Rob I was I’m telling them so I see an ogichi tribe in South Carolina located by the oichi
River so look is we’ve been we all over the land we always been here we always was doing trade and Inter Maring up and down the Eastern Seaboard with African tribes but the root to the stock was always the motherline over here right right so the inheritance of those people that inhabited them
Areas just because we were renamed by somebody else right we have to go and tell our own stories in the oral traditions in the local people but when they tell the story you got to remember where the colonizer language come in in the translation of the stories because we didn’t call ourselves
Cherokee we didn’t call ourselves Chickasaw and Chaka but the um settlers renamed us according to how we they thought we was calling our and sometimes they just gave us a name like a SEO yeah see really simal come from the mikasuki which the simoli which they tell us it meant uh
Runaway slave or people to slave but it actually meant uh those who never been slave because the okone creeks and the mikasuki them they didn’t have a treaty with the Spanish they a have one with the British but nobody [ย __ย ] with their territory they were the only group that didn’t
Get that never went under captivity under British or Spanish so yeah those that’s the war that’s the war we when you heard the old guy on um sinet talking about this is the 500 year old war and it never ended that’s the war he talking about Wy that that wouldn’t add
Up though because that war was in 1812 that will be the first seminar war that was that was that was another Uprising in the war talking no okay now this what he was talking about because when we come down the Wars the first war we gonna see for
The tech and them wanting the PS down in Florida and in South Carolina you gonna see the queen and War so that’s G 1701 1702 1703 that’s gonna be followed up by the tusker RO War 1711 to 1713 then the yamasi war 1713 1715 then you move into the stone of rebellion
1739 then out of there going into the French and Indian War 1754 to 1763 you gon leave out of there go through the Pontiac Wars Chief Pontiac on the panel right now you gonna leave out of that and go into what they call the chery Ang
Wars but we know it as the as the uh Revolutionary War so those that after that war 1783 the Treaty of Paris in that then we’ll see them going into uh um building the US 1791 well in 1791 they signed a treaty of Hosting with hey you brought up the
Treaty of Paris you talking about the Paris Accord that they call the Treaty of peace and friendship well yeah now the the Treaty of Paris they had two one was signed after the end of the seven-year War 1763 that was the first and the one that ended the Revolutionary War was the
Treaty of Parish 1783 do you remember who signed any of them did you see Chief anywhere a native or a name that would be considered our language over here no because I think English um was uh one of our trade languages here they sign they sign most of them
Signed those treaties with uh blood blood blood my uh the people who created the uh the United States were Indians these were confederations of Indians that came together in a treaty in 1758 before the the Tre the seveny year war that’s when they went into the Continental Congress
1744 you had kaga from the the H hodaga he gonna help them create the um Continental Congress he gonna set that up now they had Bloodlines that tied in with him that’s how you got the Stewart family James Stewart the bacon Rebellion well that’s Francis Bacon kolk from
Francis Bacon that they coming from over from Europe so the Bloodlines did tie in now uh you had um Benjamin Franklin um you had James all of them Madison all of them Jefferson all of them looked up to Indians so they came to them when they created their declaration the
Declaration independence and all of this here was created from Indians the Constitution mirrors the Great Law piece of the hunia so this is an Indian project so that’s why when they come back and say well the Indian died off well who else did the crime why you
Saying this nigga’s president he he he killed himself off the Indian you ain’t even looking at him as no corporate or nobody that had nothing to do with it because he already told you that he died off in the story but he the hand behind the scene nobody had more power than the
Indians they formed it that’s why during the tusar boy is only 150 uh uh Europeans and it’s thousands of Indians that’s why in the Revolutionary War we can see who fought on side of who you had the owner die they got their own passports they don’t
Use you as passports they got the oldest treaty with them the Treaty of Delaware and so that’s the one of the first treaty that they gonna sign after they go in state Hood 17 um I mean yeah 1791 you got 1794 they create the Cherokee government 1794 to 1907 when Oklahoma
Became statehood so now they gonna start breaking them down you had the shakai Civil War at that time red shoes gonna end up taking over oh how do I ask me how do I know well my family and them going to move in in 1801 in the
Louisiana because they fought on side of the British Pontiac to come all the real [ย __ย ] fought on side on side of the British they drew a Proclamation line because them [ย __ย ] was jacking the ero was coming down out the Great Lakes they came into Virginia as the r hokins and
They was jacking that’s where you get they defeated the true uh um uh uh uh um Indians that was in Virginia at that time power tur them and that that’s where you get the middle Treaty of the middle Plantation in 55 well they didn’t come back the real Indians didn’t come
Back they moved in European people there and so European people end up coming to Toto them and that’s where you get the bacon Rebellion after the bacon Rebellion they move the lady uh kakuchi out and and um you know they put in who they wanted in place that’s why and um
In on this H in the 1800s they came back and said ain’t no pom mon uh Indians ain’t no P mon Indians no more CU they understood that there was Europeans in that place so what they did was put people in place and that’s how you got
Chief Eagle B them and all of them who came back later and said that they were poah Honey’s family and this is where they getting their sovereignty from but uh I land right there my L right there say it again my family line that you talking about the Poma Indians yeah
Remember I told y’all that what time talking about I told yall the president was declaring PE people Chief so they could saying treaties that wasn’t even related to nobody on the land hey watch this Uncle Rob what the what uh position is the president he’s the commander
President is the Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of government it’s our government system yeah Indians formed that it was confederacies of them they had European Partners how we know at the Boston T party they dressed up like naras Indians and Mohawk Indians right let me correct
Myself too uh Master Chief now when I said about the 400 War 400 year Wars I thought he was saying that the seminal was in war for 400 years you know I got the 4 you know I got the American Indian Wars of the 400
Years yeah I never deny that when we say we when we say we been we fighting 00 year old I got I got we talking about the arrival of Christo Columbo and the Spanish armadas first people to come over here to attempt to conquer us every one of those uh battles that
That he named are breakouts those are conflict outbreaks in the middle of declaring peace and War and Peace and war is trying to stop the war and the war start up again in a different place so after they killed Crispus addict addicts and uh wrote his secondary
Constitution in his blood and put it on display in the George Washington Masonic Memorial and they ain’t tell us we got to figure it out because the first person killed was blood tied to the land and they say the blood of the righteous should not be
Spilled in blank in vain so they wrote they 200 year contract in his blood that’s what the bicentennial celebration was all about the celebration that they made it into the 200 years of the contract the contract is described in the mic lodges by George Washington that
At the end of 200 years the ones who came over with the feathers and the ones over here with the feathers who look the same when you take the FEA and Feathers off on know what side of the water they originally from and the ones that came over here is
Trying to make a power play for the land so they used the conjure to put us in the stuper 200 years later 1776 we start waking up and was it 1976 right they telling us all of this stuff in the public domain without us knowing how to read none of the signs and
Symbols appreciate that man ra appreciate that too master chief man you know I got I got gotta get back and build with you man definitely on that man because yeah you know they similar that 1516 uh I mean 1816 to 1858 really after the Civil War cuz it ain’t stopped you
Know but 45 they left uh Kane okahoma came down in Texas um naso Texas right there Mexico borders brackenville Texas and is is that I’ve been looking for that a tribe called uh hit hit hit or the hit tii the hit yeah so they came out of the creek or something they was
With the creek and they join theal yeah yeah the original see the semal not the original had real trials down there even my my nation of course we joined in the Confederacy with the seals you know Oola my eight ancestor you know remember we we are traveling from all across the
Land to answer the call of war in Florida right right yeah that’s that well that’s that’s what Pontiac uh pushed because after they uh the the Proclamation line of 1763 they couldn’t cross the appalaches no more and that’s what King George signed off on so they they wasn’t
Supposed to cross it in the first place by the law of the land but they was trying to assert that we had abandoned the territory that’s what the whole Louis Clark Expedition was about all all that was Indian Territory at the time that didn’t belong to them and so that
Became a problem so Joy stepped in everybody that came from Britain was here from Europe was under the king’s Charter so you was G yeah you was gonna comply you couldn’t cross the appalaches so they made a conter to that and they created an institution was C to United
States and the Indians said [ย __ย ] you he on my gPad now and so that’s and that’s where they start bringing over their foreigners and coming in creating St Hood that’s how that’s how they uh countered that George Washington say in due time that Proclamation line be null
And void and so 17 uh uh 79 they put out the Sullivan um you know Sullivan rebellion and they went up there and cleaned up the last of the eroy big Tri the Mohawk and that was 1779 83 they end up finishing it 9 70 91 they got it together then they created
The government and bodies that’s for the southeast which would be the Five Civilized trib 1794 and now if you going to be an Indian you GNA have to go through these governments system so your nation will be swallowed by whatever these government system that’s in place that’s in the Constitution the remain
Government to government relationship with the US and so that’s how they ran it a lot of people said now that’s when we end up going down into Georgia first because you had the uh dragon canoe them they dropped down in the Georgia with the creek so when they went down in the
Georgia with the Creeks that’s why the war started there Andrew Jackson attacked down there he uh um Georgia once they came down there that’s where you get the wars of 1811 the first Creek Civil War then you got battle I mean battle for Ms then you got hu B then you
Got Jackson and 15 that’s when they went to Florida and then 16 that’s where you get the semal semal that’s and and they say that their War started because they was hiding runaway slaves well they came they say they they say was Indians now them s they say they was
Indians Spanish Florida go up and Jack them [ย __ย ] in the SE and come back through the back Trails so 17 they created a treaty called the Treaty of New York which is the casade my nation [ย __ย ] name alexand mcgiver went up there and spoke now he got paid by the Spanish
And by the US and he made $11,200 from each and that was a lot of money but he had a lot of power down there he was from he was a casad Indian at that time uh the the Indian Affair said that they are top five Nation down in the
Southeast most powerful Nation down there long story short that’s uh that that’s what that treaty was hey man y’all can’t if somebody here runaways can’t come robbers over here and come back down here that’s what that was about but D When The War went down uh mcgil fought onside the uh people
Against they they fought against on the US so he basically matter that first s War that’s when they never that’s when they said you know what they didn’t they didn’t sign they never surrendered that [ย __ย ] ended in a still mate and it ended with an agreement after the first
Seminar Wars and then you see the second seminar Wars kick off um yeah that’s when came through yeah in kic off and Big O them took off uh and that third one that third one pushed him all the way down into the pretty much into the swamps yeah but you
Had that’s when they start that’s when they start burning down the um trees and chopping down the uh cypress trees taking them out of Florida to try to get rid of the uh ground cover that the tribes was navigating to get around them right yeah and they got help by other
Indians by doing that that was theold like the Cherokees at Horseshoe being the Cherokees knew the ways to get in and out and they used to use canoes to get AC so they went over and took the canoes and all that you feel me and that was uh
W them that was uh uh Big Ridge major Ridge them yeah they they helped when it took them McIntosh them f in it for the Creeks uh and also um [ย __ย ] right now to this day do you can jump in that water right there man and ride straight on
Past Buford pass Hilton Head Pass Buford and [ย __ย ] everything on fire that’s hor sh being that’s how they got us that was though and then Fort Jackson battle for Jackson and 15 yeah they was too deep there was a lot of Indians riding with them at that
Time though yeah them boys was like 3,000 deep dog too deep man and made to Spanish because the the British Indian agents at the time that was in Tennessee with the Cherokee John Donal who end up becoming uh um John Ross the one who ruled the Cherokee for years his
Grandpa but his daddy Daniel is gonna make a deal right so after uh 1783 after the the treaty was over with he went and start working for the Spanish in Florida he running guns and all this and he cool with the uh with with the real Indians
He he he [ย __ย ] with Dr my bad he messing with dragon canoe doublehead I’m talking about real rep well washingt brought in Daniel and so Daniel which was hisin because he let Daniel marry his daughter and uh Daniel switched on him and that’s how his son
Became and he went and made a deal in Washington with um with with George Wasington them that’s how son became that’s how John Ross became the Pres the uh the head president so when Cherokee versus Georgia came up and when they wanted to take the land in 18 29 they
Found the go and they came with the Indie Removal Act he went to um Congress and he got it overturned but Jackson them said no it’s playing motion already you gotta also remember all of the tribes that refused to sign treaties during the time frames that topcat talking about the Supreme Court is
Making rulings about the status of US in relation to this newly forming government and they calling us um um belligerent tribes they’re calling us Outlaw tribes non treaty tribes yeah yeah right and they came up with a way to deal with us by the paper genocide and reclassification of our
Identity right and this is when they usurping Us in trading us out on the Trail of Tears they leaving the real tribes in the South and they March their servants that they didn’t trained in Indian school right past us and they telling us that they moving us to a
Reservation but it’s not us that they moveing it’s the orphans that’s now adults that they trained in their Indian schools to masquerade as us and they periodically sheep di certain big mamas to teach them tribal Traditions if you watch the natives that’s doing these tribal dances you can tell that that they learn
It using What’s called the one twostep method which is the same way you teach the hustle it’s the same way you teach square dancing and every one that they moves is a scripted move because they learned how to do it it’s not natural to them it’s a learn Behavior but when you
See them Crips seaw walking and the Bloods be walking then you know that’s not scripted it’s coming from their soul it’s a culture being expressed in tribal dance in Detroit they J you know in in the South they gigg it but they all got that fancy footwork the tribal traditional dancers that’s coming
Forth because the DNA can’t conceal who you are New Orleans second lines yeah right right can I say something please um I know that there’s gonna be people in the chat that don’t agree with the guest and what they may say because we have been so brainwashed throughout
Our um lives okay um but if you have something to say please be respectable you don’t have to be rude or use profanity in the chat it’s not necessary because you’re calling people fake um you know that is actually from these lands and you’re always saying
That we’re not proud to be African which makes no sense to me because you’ve only been here in America never been to to Africa wasn’t born you’re not African you don’t know you even if you got some descendants of Africa you’ve never been there you don’t know their culture you
Don’t know how they live there you’re just talking so you know when you thinking about calling people um fake you probably need to look in the mirror and say that to yourself because you don’t know nothing about Africa simple as that except what you’ve been told in those books or documentaries and movies
Fantasy so you know that that part so you know stop being disrespectful respect people in their opinions and what they feel too you want nobody saying nothing to you like like what you’ve been saying I I apologize otk for breaking your wisdom no you that’s needed that’s needed top cats
And by I’m sorry apologize they always trying to come and stop a build or something man that is just so unnecessary especially when you’ve never been there wasn’t born there and even if you was you don’t really know that much about us over here so you know people don’t know
Enough about their own City or their own state or their own bloodline all their life and have had people die for them die for but they have the nerve to say who we are over here say anything derogatory disrespectful even mean about our African part never said anything
Disrespectful about them at all but they okay being who they are that’s the part you missing why can’t we be okay of being who we are because we be taking up for them loving them this that and another but they don’t feel the same way about you that but that’s part of how
They enforce the doctrines of dividing conquering racism that’s a shame you because you don’t because you know that you’re not from a tribe in Africa they assume that mean that you anti everything that got to deal with Africa when that’s not the case no I got I got some I got some good
Friends that come from Africa and we we love each other like brothers yeah but we got we know our differences we look when I was locked up it was a dude from Sierra Leon first generation American Sierra um beond immigrant from The Mindy tribe soon as I seen him I’m sitting at
The table with a whole bunch of guys I said he ain’t one of us he ain’t from over here they was like what do you mean they I said he the way he behaved the way he walk the way he carry himself he from a different culture he not from
This culture over here at the time I don’t know he from Africa or nothing so all the guys at the table they laughing they thinking I’m tripping so when he come over to the table they ask him they say they say is you uh you you originally from America he said no I’m
African I’m from Sierra Leon a Mindy tribe then they all turned around and looked at me like I was from out of space because I I recognize people in our culture having unique Behavior patterns that’s specific to our culture when I see somebody that’s not from our
Culture I already know they not one us I didn’t know where I learned it at but it it’s part of your um your filtration system right so the in science is the xenophilia xenop phobio dynamic that allows you to see foreigners in the presence of the people on the
Lake we got we we had all skin shades of people over here before colonization but we don’t know that right we had redhead Freckle people living in the appalachi long before Columbus came right and not only go ahead I’m sorry ra we we had um brown skinn reddish brown freckle-faced people in
Nova Scotia long before Columbus came they believe that it was nobody melanated in Canada before the settlers came and settled it with pale faces but the people in Nova Scotia been there so long they don’t remember when they came they the ones invented ice hockey
Yeah you go over to Africa and you say I’m African too you know what they’re going to say what tribe you from which you goingon to tell them Nigeria is a big gigantic same they say the same thing they all say these tribes from the the West Coast from the
Gold Coast slave coast and rice Coast they they making it up they making it up as they go because that’s not how DNA work that’s where the problem come in Harry Lewis Gates told us in the public when he was going going over Oprah’s DNA results that they making it up as they
Go he said he told his partner in the laboratory how you going to determine who somebody is on the other side of the water related to off a drop of spit come on man then he said I I told him uh he said what you want to do about her
Declaring to be Zulu he said heck make her Zulu we making it up as we go any along any he say is anybody in your office with you right now he said no he said well make a Zulu we making it up anyway laugh I seen
Thato but we supposed to believe the DNA test science when when the form that we using in the fine print say for entertainment purposes only that mean that whatever they doing is to sue the specific um storyline that they using as the entertainment and that mean that if it’s
Listed as entertainment they can alter the results in order to explain the narrative that they use them to entertain you on top of that one thing we got to notice too is it came at the same time is the era of age they introduced this to us where they wanted to learn about
The human body came at the same time the Human Genome Project came in the 90s when it came in the 90s they introduced it to [ย __ย ] I mean to our people by way of saying um you know through through Community activist and and and um they end up
Going through a black college to Howard University so they gave a project to Howard University and one of the genetics on the team at that time was a guy by the name of Rick K Rick K is a guy by the name of Michael Blakey he wrote a piece on in the New
York Times about it and also for William and Mary now he explained how they came to him and how the government funded Rick kles for this operation and they was gonna close it down because um you know they was running out of money but they put Millions into this project to
Turn it to a African now the only evidence that they found down there was some waste beads and a coffin Facing East and so they used the Sankofa symbol said that it was it was taxed into the casket and it was a Sankofa well then
They had to come back and say they end up creating What’s called the African um barrier grounds in New York where they had and they have a San kof is the symbol on it well the the director of the institution put on there that they
Cannot no longer say that this is a s Kofa symbol because at the time that this casket this burial site would have happened there was no such thing as a s Kofa and they even explained that that that um at that time that it was afro um
I mean not afro but Euro Centric it was Euro Cent and not afro centry and so uh they made it all up and uh Michael Blakey he hated because he didn’t get the program he hated and he gave up that Rick K actually was funded through the government to create African ancestry DNA
T operation and it was the same time introduced it to [ย __ย ] at the same time the age was at so they was already playing with uh anyway turn up definitely definitely we only got It’s almost 12:30 now so we can we can close it somebody named uncle leoy was
Saying he had a question for you top Ain nobody he ain’t nobody he a troll okay okay and um otk if you got one more question uh man no I just want to say man appreciate y’all man appreciate you ra always man Master Chief always man
You know keep doing that work though I see you on the grand brother keep putting in that work you know what I mean you got that tiger for real man that Jaguar for real nah n n oh [ย __ย ] I was about to say butc that [ย __ย ] look I said D
This [ย __ย ] go real anxiet he he might not come back home no for real man but keep on doing that work man goddesses y’all keep on doing that great work man and um I’ll see y’all on the flip side man peace okay thank you otk thank you very
Much okay all right I close out I get mine appreciate having me uh appreciate you big mama appreciate you uh disagreeable Nisha uh doy do you already know uh Miss dots D to the o to the T to the S beijan persuasion all day all day you better stop it and yeah appreciate
You Uncle Rob coming through building good build as always yes sir keep doing appreciate you and U tell them uh yo like you say your debating day is over with but you got a nephew uh yeah don’t tell them don’t make call my NE you yeah that stuff that stuff now is
Just got none of that I’m I’m the younger and that’s how that’s how it move don’t even worry about it call your nephew tell him I got a nephew around the corner though I got you locked and loaded I got you locked and loaded I used to riddle them dates off just like
You when all that stuff was fresh in my mind 20 years ago when that’s what I was studying but now I riddle them names and dates off like that cuz I didn’t went on to other stuff now and that stuff ain’t in the Forefront of my mind to riddle it
Off like that yeah it’ll come through a question or something like that yeah but don’t even worry about it your work you done your work you can sit on your throne you know I’m just getting here so I gotta put in my work you know I got
I’m definitely G open dop for you whenever whenever the uh opportunity emerges for sure for sure appreciate y’all y’all have a good night I feel catch on this boxy got knocked out all right I’m Gary Big Chief top cats thank you so much thank you sister freedom for having
Me on your platform rest of the panel thank y’all for being here and um I appreciate it and we gonna get where we going whether they see it or not it don’t even matter because they can’t stop what’s coming that’s right yes the legendary legendaries legendaries Chiefs was on
Here tonight y’all was going in we love it though we put this together Sho we was working it out to get it on was was we doc was making the flyer Nisha was putting it on Facebook Dustin was putting on Facebook we was working it
Out in in a little bit of time and we did it we did it we had over 500 people in in the chat and we love it and we appreciate the numbers gonna keep going up they gonna watch the replay okay and of course we got to shout out our chat as
Always we got a shout out out that’s right y’all always come through we appreciate you guys very much oh I’m my eyelids are heavy know we are tired tonight we are tired tonight we was on it you so kindly again and we’ll see y’all I think Monday I Wednesday wednes Wednesday Wednesday
Is Dr G y’all don’t want to miss that anybody that okay how can I say without being Rod how can I say smoke that fire I don’t know how to say it um just make y all y’all tobacco Chiefs make sure y’all watching okay Monday I mean
Wednesday at nine but I think we got Inky he’s coming in he’s talking about a lot of lot of lot of good stuff like diabetes arthritis um sick ofel cancer he’s he’s he bringing the noise and the information concerning all of that so try to come I think he I think Dustin is
Set him up for w a Monday at 9 I believe something like yeah so we’ll see y’all all right y’all all right y’all have a wonderful wonderful be safe until next time bye rod have a good night see y later ladies apprciate appreciate you too all right sis is dson already I
Think she went down you all right Nisha CA Nish was quiet to her Nene n okay we G leave that long dosy cuz Dy was our party y’all just letting y’all know you getting party doy okay I’m going to go ahead on and help them
Out okay and I’m GNA go ahead and help the do out too she s too all right it’s just me I’m the only one here hi no no no I’m going to be too so I’mma end the stream right now y’all have a one wonderful evening
Well night it’s next day oh hey it’s the next day y’all have a wonderful day all right peace and love always thank you for coming everybody bye family good night Carrie