Alpha Phi is the oldest of the Syracuse Triad, the three women’s National Panhellenic Conference organizations founded at Syracuse University in upstate New York. The triad consists of Alpha Phi, Gamma Phi Beta and Alpha Gamma Delta. A chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon was established at Syracuse University in 1871. In September of 1872, Martha Foote (Crowe), Clara Sittser (Williams) and Kate Hogoboom (Gilbert) discussed the situation. Foote led the charge and pondered the thought of women having fraternal organizations comparable to the ones the men enjoyed. They invited all the college women to discuss the possibility.
In September 1872, 10 women – the original three and Jane Higham, Clara Bradley (Burdette), Louise Shepherd (Hancock), Florence Chidester (Lukens), Ida Gilbert (Houghton), Elizabeth Grace (Hubbell), and Rena Michaels (Atchinson) met and pledged allegiance to the sisterhood. Minutes from the first meeting noted that Michaels was chosen president, plans were made for weekly meetings at which literary exercises would be part of the program, and a 25¢ tax was levied for the purchase of a secretary’s book. The first debate was “Resolved – that women have their rights.” Founders’ Day is celebrated on October 10.
Below are links to posts about previous #WHM profiles. I invite you to learn more about these interesting women.
Rhoda Muriel Ivimey, M.D., was an initiate of the Barnard College chapter.
Rhoda Muriel Ivimey, M.D., Alpha Phi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2024
Nancy Osborn Brataas was an initiate of the University of Minnesota chapter.
Nancy Osborn Brataas, Alpha Phi, #NotableSororityWomen #WHM2023
Georgia Neese Clark Gray was an initiate of the Washburn College chapter.
Georgia Neese Clark Gray, Alpha Phi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2022
Irene Osgood Andrews was an initiate of the University of Wisconsin chapter.
Irene Osgood Andrews, Alpha Phi, #NotableSororityWoman, #WHM2021
Louise Fargo Brown, Ph.D., was an initiate of the Cornell University chapter.
Louise Fargo Brown, Ph.D., Alpha Phi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2020
May Hurlburt Smith was an initiate of the Stanford University chapter.
May Hurlburt Smith, Alpha Phi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2019
Mary Lockey, Alpha Phi, #WHM2018, #notablesororitywomen
Mary Lockey, Alpha Phi, #WHM2018, #notablesororitywomen
Eva Orrick Bandel Wilson was an initiate of the Woman’s College of Baltimore (Goucher College) chapter.
Eva Orrick Bandel Wilson, Alpha Phi, #notablesororitywomen #WHM2017
Annie Marie Tremaine, M.D., was an initiate of the Cornell University chapter.
#WHM – Annie Marie Tremaine, M.D., Alpha Phi
Frances Willard was an Honorary Member and served as National President from 1888-1889. She was instrumental in establishing the Beta chapter at Northwestern University.
Frances Willard on Alpha Phi’s Founders’ Day
Clara Bradley Burdette was an Alpha Phi Founder
Clara Bradley Burdette’s Bells on Alpha Phi’s Founders’ Day
Elizabeth Northup was an initiate of the Boston University chapter.
Elizabeth Northup on Alpha Phi’s Founders’ Day
Ina (pronounced E-nah) Gittings was an initiate of the University of Nebraska chapter.
Ina Gittings, Alpha Phi, #NotableSororityWomen
Jane Marie Bancroft Robinson was an initiate of the Syracuse University chapter.
Jane Marie Bancroft Robinson, Alpha Phi, Active in Deaconess Work
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