I cannot believe I am finally talking about this Hey my lovely YouTubers welcome back to my YouTube channel with me your girl Morgan Tracy J coming today with another video and actually this is a video that has been highly highly requested and I’m about five years late
On this but I’m finally talking to you about why I left my sorority all right ladies let’s talk about why I left my sorority first off I got to give you a little bit of background information I was a part of a sorority that was considered D9 that means divine nine if
You don’t know what that means that means like back in the day at hbcus which are historically black colleges and universities they would have Greeks now hbcus were created because blacks could not go to the other universities so to get their education they had to go
To an HBCU which in turn left where the divine nine create was created where these black Greeks began to happen Okay so I went to an HBCU in my undergraduate career when I was really young I got saved at the age of 9 teen I was a
Freshman on my campus when I got saved and then going into about not going about 2021 I went ahead and I crossed Greek life okay I chose a sorority that fit me and that I felt really like positive about and really enjoyed and I already had some friends kind of
Connected to that sorority so I chose a sorority that I fully fully enjoyed and honestly I became the rock of my line I had a co-rock I enjoyed Greek life just going Crossing into it I enjoyed all of it by time I had already became the Cobra or the Rock and crossing and
Became fully into Greek life within the next semester I was the vice president of my sorority and my goal was to become the president once one of my Pro fights left which was one of the older girls so long story short you guys your girl was
A Greek life okay your girl was a Greek life I had the jacket I knew the strolls I mean your girl would be like like I knew all my fat like obviously you know it all if you ever cross Greek life divine nine you know everything okay you
Know the songs you know the founders you know everything you know the alphabets you know everything about Greek life okay so pretty much your girl knew it all your girl was she was in that thing and I enjoyed it so much and I loved my sisters I loved the community I got from
It I enjoyed it so much but let me tell you now why I left okay so it’s like how did you go from enjoying it so much to just leaving and the reality is guys it was a process like I didn’t think there was nothing wrong with my sorority I
Loved my sorority and then it was like something started to pop up a little bit okay like the first example I noticed is we were out one time at a particular like a kickback party or something like that a little off campus and I remember
After that time I called my sister and I was like did I join a gang because I felt like I had joined a gang in that there was a little bit more of a Aurora a roughness about me towards other women now that I kind of had to
Stay with my sisters I kind of had to protect my sisters I kind of had to we were a gang almost like I literally felt like I had joined a gang and I remember the way I was thinking about other women I had not thought about women like that
Like we wish not we didn’t grow up me on such and grow up like that so I remember I’m on the phone with her and I’m like this is how I was thinking about these women and I’m telling her I was thinking she’s like whoa like you don’t need to
Think about people like that like you know she kind of checked me and I’m like I know but like it made me wonder like did I join a gang like and I kind of laughed it off right I was like huh but whatever so maybe that was technically
Like maybe a first red flag that I didn’t even really realize back then um but real quick I began to feel this need to leave my sorority like it was like just this thought like should I leave like I don’t know where this was coming from and the reality is everybody around
Me was Christian though so I couldn’t really and I’m like I couldn’t really base it off of God because everybody’s Christian and I’m like so this isn’t God because why wouldn’t he tell her and her and her and her and her to leave if he’s only telling me like I’m no better than
Everybody else like I don’t know why he’s only telling me this so at first I didn’t leave at first I stepped back so what I did is I decided to not stroll I decided not to do like extracurricular events only community service I was like hey you guys so instead of leaving I’m
Gonna just step back and do community service because I do feel like there’s something here God is talking to me about like I don’t fully know it what’s going on but I feel like I need to step back a little bit right because I was in
That mug okay I was at everything doing everything vice president rocking my line like your girl was everywhere okay I mean I had the nails to match the color of the jacket I had everything okay the purse the jacket that just all the paraphernalia in the world okay I
Had it so there I had already felt the Lord kind of I had already felt the Lord kind of like stepped back a little bit so I did I stepped back and honestly I was comfortable with that like I feel like okay this this can work like this
Was me like not fully being obedient but kind of like this will work and it’s a thing called meet the Greeks okay I was at meet the Greeks it’s something that they do at the beginning of every semester at the beginning of every school year um it’s where the Greeks kind of the
Divine nine they stroll they kind of shared some information about themselves to introduce themselves to the campus especially the new freshmen’s coming in it’s called meet the Greeks so it was Meet the Greeks and I strolled with my sorority and that was my first time strolling in quite a while with them
Um and I remember I strolled with them and I was so happy and this is later I’m walking back to my dorm and I’m just walking and the Lord says so strongly you guys like even if I wanted to doubt if that was God I couldn’t because it was so strong
Like it was so apparent he says you can’t do that and preach my word Ministry at this time I was just a regular Christian girl now I was going to Bible studies on my campus and stuff and sometimes I was hosting them once in a while but that was it like I wasn’t
Even knew I really even had a call to Ministry yet okay so he says you cannot preach my word and do this and I remember I’m like hold on this isn’t right like so and so I know ministers I know people like like I literally started combating with God
Like I know people who do this and preach a word though like what’s going on it was that God had been haunting me with a vision for years and this Vision was me speaking to women this Vision was me empowering this Vision was me ministering to women All
Around The World God had been haunting me with this Vision but I couldn’t even sometimes believe it because I was just a young girl in college I had never walked into ministry didn’t even know anything about it I just got saved a few years before that so the reality is when
I crossed into Greek life I was one person but when I was standing in it God was still calling me to be somebody else so the issue was it’s not that who I was it was who I was becoming so there was nothing wrong with my sorority so to
Speak it was who I was becoming this thing could not go with me although I wanted it to go although I loved it although I cherished every person in that group although I wanted this thing to come along with me God says I have a bigger vision for you so it can’t go
With where I’m trying to take you and the reality is I remember I struggled with this I went in my dorm room I battled With God all night like no this at this doesn’t make sense I cried I wept I was struggling with letting this thing go and I think the moment I
Realized this thing needed to go was because not only was I getting my worth from this thing like I felt worthy now because I was in this organization I was getting my future from this thing I felt like I had a broader future now because I was in this organization I was getting
My um my popularity oh I feel good about myself now because I’m in this organization I was getting every part of me everything from this organization when before I was getting that from God right now I’m getting it from this organization this organization is my everything this organization is all
Around me in my dorm room I’ve got all the paraphernalia I get all my words from this particular thing and I feel better about myself now because I’ve joined this thing and because what God was saying is like no I gotta be your foundation you can’t get your future
From this you can’t believe that this is going to get you new opportunities I Gotta Give You New Opportunities you can’t have your worth based in this thing this thing is of the world this thing is filthy rags to God so what I quickly realized was God wasn’t calling me to be the
Morgan that was standing there that’s that went and went into Greek life there was something else he was calling out of me there was another version of me that I was supposed to be walking into but this thing was now clouding a little bit of that judgment this thing had me on a
Route focused more on this than focused on the vision that God had been haunting me with for years I want to tell you I walked away from my sorority I denounced I kind of felt ostracized after that because like when you’re on campus and you added HBCU and you D9 and you go
Greek everybody knows but then when you denounce everybody’s like what’s going on with you because it makes Greek life look bad it does and so I kind of felt ostracized honestly my last two years on campus um I felt really weird I felt like something was wrong with me I also felt
Like my sisters didn’t understand and I didn’t understand and I didn’t go out trying to bring other people with me because I didn’t even understand why I was leaving like all I knew was like God is telling me to leave this but I don’t even know why because there’s a vision
But I have not seen no fruit to this Vision yet okay so it’s like I had no understanding of what was to come I just knew I had to leave that because he spoke to me so strongly he said I could not do that and preach his word and I
Had already known that he had been showing me speaking so a part of me was like I can’t have both there’s not room in my life for both of these because I think one of them was becoming a god and the reality is I can’t have both of
These in my life God is saying there’s not room for both and so I walked away it was one of the most challenging things I have ever done in my life I’m not gonna lie it was really hard and it wasn’t hard in the walk away it was hard
In the after effects you know um now I did have a few sisters that still stayed connected and that was like regardless we’re your sister like it don’t matter but I didn’t have at all like there was a lot of them that just you know didn’t
Talk to me uh there was a lot of people that question like why would you join if you were going to denounce like or even like why I’m a Christian I can be in it what what makes you better there was a lot of that going on and apparently
Honestly I didn’t try to take nobody with me because I didn’t understand it so but what I can tell you today after going through all of that it made so much sense my final year on campus see I crossed when I was a sophomore I denounced when I was a junior and by
Time my senior year came I was ministering on my campus when they were having events or anything faith-based that for women they was calling on me they was wanting me to come and speak I was speaking to girls in the library I was ministering on my
Campus by time I graduated I launched my Ministry his daughter’s closet you see there were some things I didn’t know that was coming so God was saying Morgan by time you leave here girls are going to be leaning on you for a word they’re going to be coming to you for me to
Represent me but if you’re out here strolling and if you’re out here doing all this other stuff they’re gonna not be able to receive from you see God already seen it so he was preparing me and I will say this today I have God has blessed me so much and I’m doing the
Very thing he showed me back then I’m doing that today with my Ministry and everything but back then you guys it was so hard to believe that anything with good was going to come from this it was so hard but I know today my sisters people like
My advisors who didn’t believe like I know they see now now they realize oh this is why she had to leave us oh this is why she had to let go of the sorority because this is what God Was preparing her for seeing back then she was just a
Regular girl on campus it didn’t make sense why she would leave but today seeing the woman that has been manifested before us seeing this woman and what she’s carrying and where she’s going and what she’s already done makes sense so I want to tell you today some
People might not understand why you do what you do some people may not get it and you may not even fully get it and grasp it because I know I didn’t but slowly by the time of my senior year and I’m ministering on campus and all these
Students are around me and I ministered it was like wow this is why I could not have both I chose this over that and the reality is that was the hardest thing for me to do because I didn’t want this looked scary but that choosing like like going
Forth and speaking and hoping God would bring this to the Past look was scary but reality what was more scary was leaving what I knew was leaving my sisters was still having to be on this campus day in and day out and have people talk about me and call me names
And cut crazy stuff about if I was a super two spiritual alerts my heads were in the clouds or something you know like that was hard but the reality was God knew what he was doing all along so I want to tell somebody this I got to tell you
If you have a destiniesis if you have a purpose and you have something that burns so deep inside of you something that God continues to show you over and over again don’t forfeit it for something else don’t forfeit it for something else that might look a little
Better look a little shiny don’t play with that thing don’t forfeit it and I think in that moment I was willing to Forfeit what I originally God was originally showing me for something else don’t forfeit the path God has already showed you don’t forfeit it and I want
To tell you this before you join a sorority check with God because the version of you right then may feel like this is approved but God knows who you’re going to become so the version of Morgan could receive that and could be in that sorority but the Morgan that was
To become could not be there so I want you to check with God on What God Says is best for you okay next thing I want you to do is I want to make sure you don’t get your worth you don’t get your future you don’t get your purpose from
That thing that comes from God only and if you start to get it from that thing that thing becomes an idol and God says he should have no other gods before me okay so don’t allow nothing to become an idol especially not your sorority and if
You have a call on your life if you feel called by God you feel destined by God you have a purpose on your life don’t let nothing get in the way of where God is calling you to go not even your fears or what people may say or or if you have
To say hey I made the wrong decision it was a mistake I’m going this way now now just do what you’ve got to do but don’t let nothing get in your way and I hope what you take from this was at the time when I joined my sorority it made sense for me
But for the woman that I was becoming it no longer made sense I just want to tell you this girl back then many did not understand not even myself why I was denouncing but today many understand like I’ve got messages from people before like I’m sorry like I judged you
I’m sorry I didn’t understand I’m sorry that I questioned you so much but I see now right so I always want to tell you when it’s God God will bring the result okay you don’t have to go off and this is what he’s got it this is why like I
Didn’t even have anything to say back then it’s just like this is what God told me to do okay now it makes sense right and so I want to tell you daughter of God you are destined for so much don’t let anything get in your way check
With the Lord also to realize if you have a call on your life some things just can’t go with you and I think that is the reality here that could not go with me to the places God was leading me so I hope this video
Blessed you and this is like no shade to anybody who is still in D9 like God still loves you he still honors you he still adores you but the reality is you have to check with God if this is an idol you have to check with God if this
Can go with you to the places he’s calling you to go you have to check with him on that and the reality is what for me in my life it couldn’t go with me you know and the reality is I enjoyed it I I still know my songs I still know a lot
Of the strolls just from memory like that was a great time but I also had to let that time go to step into everything God had for me all right so I hope this video encourages you even since you’re if you’re in D9 I want to encourage you
To pray to God about what he’s calling you to do for your life what he has put on you what is the Visions he’s put in your heart and don’t be afraid to walk to the places that the Lord has for you so ladies I love you I finally did this
Video it was not the age easiest I did not want to shine a light on this situation because I just never tried to take nobody with me when I left because I didn’t understand it and I know some people would be like then now let’s do
This do this like no that’s not how I came into my denouncing God literally spoke to me he said you cannot do this and speak my word so you know what I chose I chose to speak his word okay and that’s just what I chose and this is
What the outcome has been thus far so thank you Jesus for that word thank you Lord for holy spirit inside of me that gave me the spirit of obedience and the courage to walk that mug out because now you know like 10 almost like seven five years later
I am so grateful for where I’m at and I’m actually living the thing God showed me back then so it just it’s so it’s so overwhelmingly like I get so much joy from that so anyways ladies I hope you enjoyed this and I will see you guys in
My next one be sure you like you subscribe to the YouTube family if you have not already I also have a whole women’s ministry called his daughter’s closet check out the links in description box below because I know it’s gonna bless you Boo and I’ll see you in the next one
Bye see ya hey it’s me Morgan Tracy day again thank you so much for coming to my women’s snack and chat empowerment event