Hi everyone I’m keandra and thank you for joining this video uh in this particular video I will be talking about my denouncement of a sorority and I was part of Delta Sigma Theta for about 13 years and I just recently denounced in 2021 a little over a year ago so I
Wanted to just share my journey and address some of the common questions and messages I received since going public so I will start by saying this video is absolutely not to condemn it’s not to judge it’s not to speak negatively about anyone that’s a part of this organization because the truth of the
Matter is I was once apart and also I have friends and people that I love dearly that are still part of these organizations so it’s not the judges not to condemn but it’s just to share my journey as well like I said to address any questions that I received and so
I have some notes so that I can stay on track so to give you a little backstory about me I don’t come from a long line of Greeks in my family I did have some cousins that were Greek but I always knew I wanted to join a sorority when I
Got to college so even when I was like an 11th or 12th grade you know that’s the question that people ask what college are you going to and what are you going to pledge so I got to the University of Memphis in 2005 and you know they present different areas and
Opportunities for you to get plugged in on campus and Greek life was obviously a life within itself so I was very intrigued by the Deltas they were very influential they were active on campus they held seats in just about every organization on campus they were the president of the NAACP the vice
President of the black Student Association so they were workers and they were beautiful and also you know kind of that stereotypical that Deltas are down on Earth so they knew how to have fun they were down to earth and so I became a Delta Prospect now I want to give you this
Um at that time to give you context of where I was I was a Christian I was a Believer I was in church however I was not spiritually mature I was like 19 years old not to say that spiritual maturity is relegated to age however
There was a lot that I didn’t know about God but even more of what I didn’t know about the spirit realm and what it would mean for me to go through an initiation process with the organization so in Fall of 2008 I went through the initiation process there was ceremonies
Rituals oath and I’ll get into all of that and so I crossed in Fall of 2008 it was 31 of us and so after that you know Greek life on campus it was it was cool it was fun it’s definitely a new world I’m getting to know the the girls that
I’m on line with and you also get to know other Greeks that are in other organizations on campus um I did find myself there was about a year and a half left on campus for me once I crossed and I did find myself kind of pulling
Back a little bit more so of course I would help out with you know our things and events and things like that and plan but I stopped going to many of the parties and just kind of certain things I did some certain things I didn’t so after I graduated from college I
Definitely became even more detached from the organization now I was still close with my van line sisters like there were relationships that were formed so we were still in communication but I would say from 2010 up until 2020 I was very detached from the organization I was not going to any of
The national or the regional meetings I wasn’t paying dues I stopped wearing a lot of the paraphernalia so there were certain things that I no longer felt comfortable wearing like I didn’t wear the jacket that had the Shield or The Crest on it I didn’t wear um
I would wear maybe the letters sometimes but I felt more comfortable with wearing things that only had DST not thinking about you know why I’m becoming detached however I still had relationships with my then line sisters and it’s so funny looking back there will be so many
People that will come up to me and intrigued one that I was a Delta shocked that I joined any sorority and they would ask me so you know what is it like it’s kind of one of those things where you know people have a perception about Greek life especially
If they’re not in it and if you’re a Christian so they would ask me so what is it like you know I hear this about it I hear that about it I want to join I’m just not sure and my answer was always I guess to them somewhat underwhelming I
Would always tell people you know just pray about it and so uh one of the last conversations where this this came about uh I would always tell people I’m thankful for the relationships that I had made so when they would talk to me about Greek life and sorority life I
Would say you know more than anything I met some amazing people because my closest friends to this day were my line sisters so I was having a conversation with this young lady and she was Greek as well and we were kind of exchanging stories just talking about Greek life in
General and we were both kind of like yo what were we doing and she asked me she said would you do it all over again if you had to and I responded to her and I said absolutely not and I said I will forbid my children to join a Greek letter organization
So after that conversation that ended and I went to my car which brings me to how all of this started I got my car as soon as I shut the door the Lord asked me three questions and the questions were number one why are you not active in this organization
The next question is why would you not do it again and the third question was why would you forbid your children to join a quick letter organization and I knew what that meant I knew that he was leading me to develop the language or get the language of what my spirit had already
Been telling me or the spirit was already telling me and so I said okay I sat with the questions and from there I just started researching I got in the word I started studying everything that I could find on olds and Covenant and idolatry and so I spent
Some time in prayer about it and so I went back to the Lord because I felt like I don’t know if I have solid answers for those questions so I was like God I know what you’re doing but I need help and so the next thing he told me he said
Go and read your ritual and I said my God because I knew if I read the ritual keep in mind I didn’t recall 90 of what was in that ritual at that time I hadn’t looked at that book at this point it’s now close to 13 years so I didn’t recall
Half of it but I knew if I opened that ritual that was it I knew that that was going to be like a turning point for me and so I didn’t know where the ritual was I was like God I don’t even know where this is I looked high and low for
The ritual could not find it so I went to sleep that night and just like God I had a dream and in the dream the ritual was at my parents house in their office in the drawer so I got up the next day went looked in their office in the
Drawer lo and behold the ritual was there so I got the rich while I took it but I was not ready to open it it’s so funny that I didn’t even open it at that moment I even started researching other organizations ritual before mine so I
Hadn’t even picked up read mind but I started researching other organizations because most of it is online I don’t know if all of the rituals are online but you can find something from just about every organization so I read other organizations rituals and I was like whoa blessing God now I don’t remember
All I said but I know I did not say that and so finally after I started researching everyone else’s organization I opened the ritual I read it from front to back and when I finished it I closed the ritual and I went I mean I whip I was on the floor for
Probably like 30 minutes just weeping and there were a couple things happening at that moment so as I’m weeping on the floor the Holy Spirit just started giving me scriptures about Covenant and and Oaths and all the while I started to see flashbacks of the initiation ceremony now that was kind of
A blur at that time I didn’t remember half of what went on because it for a few reasons one it was so long ago and two we were all tired during that process so that whole process up until that point was a blur but I saw flashback literally watching myself go
Throughout the ceremony and I saw the the rituals I saw us taking the olds I saw all these things laid out on the table like I saw us dealing like so many things came back and I just whipped and I whip and I said God what did I do and I just
Began to just repent I was in tears and gotten so so faithful like in that moment once I kind of settled down I said Lord please forgive me and he said to me he said you are forgiven you knew not what you were doing and so again I I started weeping even
More and one because I I was thankful I didn’t feel condemned but I was thankful that the Lord led me to that place and so once I got myself together the instruction that he gave me of course was you’re gonna have to remove yourself and I was already there at that point I
Knew that’s what was about to happen but the second pizza that I was not ready for and he said you’re gonna have to tell it and talk about it publicly I said wait I said God no I said far beer from you to have me to
Do something like that I said God why and that’s just me I I I was going to obey but I needed to understand you know why the importance of me speaking out publicly about it because and this is why I think it’s important for us not to criticize and judge when
We see people talking about these types of things because most people now you will have some that are okay with you know once God you know reveals something to them concerning this they’re ready to go they’re ready to to talk about it you know snatch them people out with them
But there are some of us that would have rather not prefer to talk about it publicly and keep in mind myself I had already pulled back a lot so I didn’t quite understand that the need to talk publicly about it so I was like God just
Just help me understand why I’ll do it but can you tell me why this is this is necessary if there is any insight that I can receive from the law regarding anything I I want to know the why because oftentimes and honestly for myself it’s the why that keeps me and I
Really did want to get an understanding of the significance of me talking about this publicly and that’s when the conversation got real and he began to say to me you wore a pagan God on your chest on your heart you Pledge Your Allegiance to Minerva that is a god of of Delta that
Is attached to that organization it’s the goddess of wisdom you set things out of your mouth you took an oh you chanted so you were real bold and you were out couldn’t be too strolling so you came out publicly you can’t you you’re going to leave publicly and so
I sat with that God was also sharing with me about how this the the necessity of not only me renouncing it but denouncing it and being public with it even what he’s spoken to me that he called me to do there’s no way I can do that with not renouncing and denouncing this
Organization and I know that I’m called to the ministry of Deliverance and what I look like calling out idolatry and praying people out of the occult and all these things and this I have this before him and so once we had our talk I said God I’ll do
What I said just just help me so I wrote my renouncement letter to the organization I sent it off to Delta maybe about a few weeks later I received a confirmation that I was no longer a part of the organization so the next step was to tell my then line sisters
And that was very difficult keep in mind it’s now 13 years and though I was detached from the organization my only connection or so I thought was just with my line sisters right 13 years there have been graduation there’s been babies weddings death of parents and we’ve developed relationships so that
Was difficult for me because you didn’t I didn’t know what they would say I didn’t know what to expect so I started with my friends that are my line sisters so I have friends to this day that um were a part of the line as well and I remember calling one of them
It was like a FaceTime like a Marco Polo and I told her I was so emotional and I said hey I I just denounced Delta I’m no longer a part of the organization and a response she was like okay she was like okay that doesn’t mean anything you’re still
My sister though we became friends through Delta we have not remained friends through Delta so like I get it and she just kind of light in the moment and we just laughed and she understood and I told some other friends and and they understood as well and I don’t
Think they understood solely because I’m an adult and I can make this type of decision I think they understood because they were Believers and once I got through that I sent a message to the rest of the line and the response was pretty much overall supporter that I knew of there
Were so many that reached out to me and one this is what I found interesting they reached out to me one saying you know you’re still my my sister like nothing changes and some of them have questions they had questions like hey could you elaborate a little more about
Why you know you left because I’ve always felt this about this and this was kind of odd when we did this and some of them were like yeah I know like I completely get it and it wasn’t that I was surprised that that was their sentiment I think I was more
Surprised that they told me and so the response from them for the most part it was definitely supportive thankfully and I was prepared for it not to be and I think I’m going to talk about this in a separate video that is solely for Greeks that are going through this process
Because I do want to kind of touch on it a little bit more the community aspect there’s one thing you can’t deny with with Greek letter organizations there is community there there there’s networking there which makes it so difficult that’s why it’s appealing but it makes it also
Difficult for people to walk away if they’ve known that that’s something that God has instructed them to do so the next set of instructions was for me to go public about it now at this time I had my YouTube channel and that was going to be the Forum that I talk about
It and so months have passed since I had denounced and I hadn’t filmed I hadn’t like started the process of just working out what I I would say and I think it was it was a couple things I would say one I was still processing I was busy
You know at that time I’m a pastor and so I also wanted to say the right thing and I don’t know what would have been the right thing but ultimately I drag my feet and so I got on Facebook one particular day and there was this challenge going around and it was the
10-year Challenge and I know this was God because one I’m not opting on Facebook and two I had never participated in a challenge and when I saw this challenge I was like I’m going to participate it so the 10-year challenge uh was to post a 10 year old photo of
Yourself and next to it post a a current photo of yourself and so I said let me participate in this challenge so I started going through my Facebook photos and the first photo that I see from 10 years prior was a picture of me holding up the pyramid and
Immediately God asked me how long and I said God I’m gonna do it I’m gonna do it soon I said I just needed to get my thoughts together I think I said I’ll do it next week or the end of the month or something and he said no you
Need to share this now and so I went about creating the post I selected that photo and I used the confirmation that I received from Delta that I was no longer a part of the organization so that was my my current photo so I posted it and I think I guess
It went by I don’t know what viral is but it was shared almost a thousand times I was on Church minute like Ministry blogs and it was shared on pages of with people that had millions of followers and not that I was surprised by the traction I didn’t think
It would be that much but I was more so surprised about the private messages and the conversations that I had there were so many people that reached out to me Christians that are Greek and many of them were saying this has convicted me God has been
Dealing with me about this for years and you had others that said please be praying for me like I’m behind you I’m right behind you but I’m just not ready and um I also had those asking questions who were about to join Greek letter organizations they had questions they
Was like Hey you know there’s something hadn’t always sat well with me my family doesn’t think I should do it but I just don’t know you know much about it but I want I want to to pledge there were so many questions I received inboxes from
Different people to join a panel or to to to talk about it on this live and discuss denouncing and Greek letter organizations and I was like whoa like I think for me obviously I was just trying to be obedient but also I was telling God I
Was like God I don’t want to be the face of this there are other things that you you’ve shared that I have to do I I would rather not be the face of this and he had to check me in that moment and he told me you don’t have the right to tell
Me what you would be the face of your job is just to obey you can’t worry about what comes with it you just do what I’m asking you to do and I said okay and so at that time though I still wanted to share publicly my journey
Before you know anything else came about of me discussing it so the floodgates opened I had hundreds of messages in my inbox and I didn’t get to all of them and so this is kind of how I wanted to frame what I was talking about today so
I’m gonna start with why did I leave so I’m going to address some of the questions I received and and also the common misconceptions and things that people generally just want information about so okay so why did I leave there is so much that I can say this video has
Already gotten a little lengthy but I will sum it up in maybe just three points and and first I will say that every Greek letter organization comes from Freemasonry it is derived from Freemasonry and that is a fact and so I say the first point for me is that
The strongest link to the organization is the vowels and the the rituals which represents the spiritual Foundation of that organization you are in agreement with everything that that organization stands for if you you vow to that organization or you’ve taken an oath and when the Lord led me
To studying Covenant and taking Oaths it was there were some conflicts with scripture also every Greek letter organization has a God or deity that is attached or associated with that organization and so again just conflicts with scripture I’m going to give you Exodus 20 verse 3
Through 6. you shall not have other gods before me you shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in Heaven above or the Earth beneath or in the waters below Exodus 23 and 13 it says be careful to do everything I said to you do not invoke
The names of other gods and do not let them be on your lips and so there were things so many things that stood out in the ritual for me there’s prayers in the ritual there’s hymnals in the rituals and when you think about why do we need
Prayer when we pray we’re praying to God the god of heaven right when you have hymnals which is that is kind of like old school but their songs of devotion and so why would we meet these things if it’s not associated or we’re not praying or singing hymns to the god of that
Organization I think it’s the the one of the delta hymnals or it could be one of the prayers I can’t remember but it says the first line of it says Delta with glowing Hearts we praise thee that conflicts with scripture Hebrews 13 and 15 it says through Jesus therefore
Let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise the fruit of our lips that openly profess his name and let me insert this again this is not to condemn anyone like I have said this out of my mouth and there were Oaths that were taken you bow down and kneeled
Throughout this process so um and these are all things let me say that you don’t know before you join the organization so I think that’s the unknown with a lot of people that are just not sure is because you do not know until you are in the
Process of being initiated even with the oats a lot of this information you’re repeating and you don’t get to keep your book until that process is over so there’s much of this that you absolutely would not know unless you went through this process now I’m going to speak to
Five misconceptions or questions that received that people genuinely want to know like they they often raise the question about these particular topics when it comes to Christians joining these organizations the first one is these are christian-based organizations and that is the deception of all of it
Um and I think it could be because you have many Christians that are a part of the organizations however if you have a deity attached to all of these organizations and if you are a Believer there’s no way that syncretism can be a Christianity if
That makes sense if you have a God and you’re doing anything in the name of the god of heaven but you also have you know in this case minority it’s nothing new Under the Sun when you think about it even in the the Old Testament they were
Mixing God With molec God with all of these other guys and I think a part of the deception also is that there is a little bit of their scriptures also that are put in a lot of these rituals but they’re Twisted they’re manipulated they’ll take out the name of God and add
The name of the organization or the god of that organization and so even um in the Delta ritual it lists it it says something to the effect that we leave spirituality up to the person to decide now the god of the organization is Minerva but how people Express their
Spirituality they leave it up to that person’s interpretation it goes on to list the ocean the Stars the crystal ball like it lists all of these new age so many things and at the bottom it says in Jesus so that they leave it up to the person to experience spirituality
In the way that they see fit again that’s not Christianity so the next I guess rebuttal when it comes to this topic is that these are community service organizations they do good for the community and you can’t dispute that they these organizations they do a lot
For the community and what I would say to that is that that you can do community service anywhere honestly and when you’re doing community service with these organizations you’re doing it in the name of the organization and if you are a Believer everything that we do is
In the name of the Lord so you’re doing it under this organization as well as this a deity right that is attached to it and again this is not to convince my My Hope and my prayers and anybody that’s watching this that is just wants
Truth that you see God and and that he reveals that to you so the next one and this is a big one and I understand it because you probably couldn’t have told me when I was 19 most of this possibly and so this one is Big I’m not convicted
By that’s that’s someone else is conviction and I’ll just speak to convictions in general I’m 36 years old and my convictions now are not the same as my convictions when I was 19 years old right I probably wouldn’t have been able to receive most of this at 19. and so with convictions
They’re developed as we grow and as we mature the Bible talks about us being being Sanctified which means there is a sanctification process and things that fall off that didn’t necessarily fall off when we got saved right that we were forgiven it’s still a process that comes with maturation where Things fall off
And that God develops our conviction and so convictions come with again maturation and and the voice of God the scriptures but also the preceding word of God because God is always talking and I also add this to if there is an area of Our Lives that we don’t leave room for God to
Speak in or to reveal to us then more than likely we won’t be convicted so if there’s anything not just this if there is something that we have made up in our minds that that it is okay or not that it’s even okay that but there is not
Anything more for God to reveal in this area of my life then you won’t be convicted because he won’t force that on you he didn’t force it on me he drew me into seeking the answers to what landed me here and so I think with convictions if
We go to God we have to be open to whatever it is that he will say and if that is something that is difficult then the question is is your perspective your God is your right to be right your God so I understand when people say the convictions piece
But also convictions are formed and we also have to be open to that so another one that is very common is that yes I took an O I participated in rituals but it’s not that deep the spirit realm whether we believe it or not the spirit Realm
Is what governs the natural it is more real than the natural and the Bible talks about the power of life and death being in our tongue and how we can shape through our map our lives and Jesus said that also we’re gonna have to give an account for
Every empty word that was spoken so what does that mean just because we say something out of our mouths and we’re not connected to it psychologically but we don’t agree with it doesn’t mean it doesn’t register in the spirit realm and so my advice for anyone who says it’s not that deep just
Ask God how deep it is this next one I received a couple times in my inbox the question about I’m seeing so many pastors and faith-based leaders and Christians that are part of the organization so what is wrong about it if I could give any advice to that I
Would say yes that we have leadership and men and women in the faith that we can glean from people are not our model right Jesus is our model and if there is anything that you’re bringing before the Lord You’re not measuring it based on what someone else is doing to determine
Whether or not it is acceptable and so yes we can follow leaders as they follow Christ however that person cannot be your God a person cannot be the determining factor of how you measure what is right and what is true so that would be my suggestion in everything not just this
Lining up with the scriptures I will say for myself when the Lord started dealing with me about this I’m in Ministry uh Pastor full-time on staff at a church and it’s interesting now someone could have looked at my life and just concluded that you know this is okay and
I think that’s why I got so many questions about Greek life because they did want to hear my perspective about it because they perceived that as something that Christians you know should not be a part of but that’s why I’m okay with talking about it now because today I don’t want anyone to
Think that I’m I’m associated with this or I’m in agreement with it I have nieces I have cousins anyone that for whatever reason would look up to me I would want them to know my my stance and so what I am saying is yes we have leaders but they are not the measuring
Stick right um we line everything up with the scriptures but we also we go to God with everything we can go to God and he can reveal truth to us if we posture our hearts that way and humbly ask God God what do you say regarding this matter
And not going to God on the basis of what someone else is doing or what they’re not doing but going to him on the basis of he reveals truth so before I close this video I did want to speak to a specific group that the Lord placed
Upon my heart and it’s for those of you who are a part of Greek letter organizations but you don’t claim it you have not been active for years people probably don’t even know that you are part of the organization you’ve kind of pulled back God has spoken with you
Probably years ago concerning this but you have not removed yourself from the organization writing in and renouncing and going about that that that Covenant is still very much so active think of it this way just say there’s a couple who they got married they signed a marriage
License they had a ceremony and they became husband and wife and so for whatever reason they split up they separated they both left the home that they were living in together one of them moved to a different state they even went and started dating other people if
They have not gone to the ports and legally declared that they are no longer married they’re still together the courts recognize them as a married couple our government recognizes them as a married couple soul is in the spirit with this if you have moved on so to
Speak and you have not taken the proper steps of one renouncing confession and repenting and then writing the organizations that you are a part of so that you can be removed then this is in a sense still before him I was watching a young lady she shared her her testimony about this
And you know one of the scriptures that we we get caught up on which I did too thou shall have no other gods before me and when you think about it you think that that is the god that is before God I I answer to this God I’m I’m bowing
Down to this God I serve this God no that that’s too easy and when she was explaining it she was it was so powerful the Revelation that she she gave and she said it’s not that God that you’re putting that God first and before God
Just think of it when you’re in a uh in the court and you have to bring something before the judge it’s in his presence like he sees it it’s not that you’re technically it’s in front a God is in front but it is in his presence he
Still sees it and so I just want to encourage you to be praying about that if you think just because you know I moved on I’ve settled it I’m no longer a part of that but you have not taken the proper steps to officially remove yourself in this your realm and also through
Just being a part of the organization and that is still active and so that is it I I wasn’t expecting this video to be this long but I hope it was helpful for anyone I think even for those who are not a part of Greek organizations and you are a
Faith-based leader I think it is important for everyone to be able to speak to this topic and I think we just need to be armed with information because there may be people that you need to minister to that are leaving these organizations or those that have
Questions and they want to be a part of these organizations so I’ll link some resources in the description box and again I this was not to condemn or judge in any way it was me sharing my journey and then addressing some of the common questions and the misconceptions that I had received over
The last year or so so I will say last thing if you are someone that is in the process of coming out of the Greek letter organization and you just need prayer um I would be more than willing to pray with you someone did that for me and so
If you need prayer you can I’ll put my Instagram you can just inbox me on Instagram let me know that you need prayer and then I’ll let you know how we can connect and if you have questions about anything I don’t know everything but if you leave them below
Um I would prefer you leave them below because someone else may have that same questions and I will try my best to respond if I don’t know I will say I don’t know or attract you otherwise so thank you for watching this video and again my hope and my prayer is that in
All things that we just see God that we just there’s one spirit and he Reveals All truth to us and so thank you again for watching and before I close out this video I want to pray for you so father in the name of Jesus Lord we just thank
You we honor you we praise you we thank you that you are the god that reveals truth and God I thank you for everyone that is under the sound of my voice I thank you that you promise that your sheep know your voice and a stranger they will not follow so father I’m
Asking that you incline our ears to wisdom I ask that you give us knowledge Revelation understanding concerning this matter and God I just looked up anyone that is on the process of removing themselves from an organization that they may be struggling or dealing with fear God I just thank you that you’ve
Already given them power love and a sound mind and we declare your word that no one that has left mother or father or sister or brother shall receive a hundred fold now in this age and in the age to come and I also Father lift up
Anyway one who does not know you even in the partner of their scenes I declare that salvation has come unto them today God I thank you that you’re sending them Godly community and you perfect them in your love so that they can walk in everything that you cause them to do in
Jesus name amen if you have questions again please leave them down below and I am doing a separate video for Greeks only and it’s just a step by step of how to go through the process and I’ll give my advice as well and I’ll thank you again and you have a good day