When I was handed my bid card from Theta Phi Alpha, I never could’ve imagined how those three Greek letters would go on to change my life.

I joined Theta Phi Alpha in 2020, which was my first semester of sophomore year, and it was also the year that the world was shut down due to the global pandemic. I decided that a sorority would be good for me in order to readjust to post-pandemic life. My freshman year had gotten cut short and I barely had any friends, so I assured myself that this was an opportunity that would not only give me the chance to make the lifelong connections that I hoped for in college but would also help me grow as a person and leader on campus. Looking back now it’s safe to say that I was right, and that decision to join a sorority has given me so much more than I ever could’ve dreamed of.

During my new member phase of membership, I was so excited to meet all my new sisters and start getting to know them. I quickly became close with some girls in my chapter, and to this day, I still consider those girls my best friends. The one thing I remember most about my new member phase is looking up to the older collegians in my chapter and even the alumni when they would come to visit us at events. I knew that one day, I wanted to be the person that new members looked up to, so I worked hard and learned as much as I could about what it truly means to be a woman in a sorority and how I can impact my sisters and their sorority experience along with mine.
After I was initiated, I was able to serve on our Executive Board. Since my chapter was smaller, I held many different positions during my three collegiate years, but my favorite position was serving as Chapter President. I was able to learn from my sisters and other sorority resources, which is where I first discovered Her Sorority Journey. After learning about all the resources and insight that Her Sorority Journey has, I was excited to apply for their summer internship program; when I got the call that I was chosen for it, I was extremely proud and eager to learn. There is so much that I have taken away from my experience being a part of the Her Sorority Journey team. From friendships with women all across the country to advice for future job interviews, I have found another family within Her Sorority Journey and I am super thankful for the lessons learned from my time as an intern! If you are thinking of applying for the internship program – do it!

Aside from the professional development and leadership skills that I gained from the sorority, I also was able to create memories during my college years that I will never forget. I have had the privilege to be a big sister and mentor to three members during my time in Theta Phi Alpha. Over the last few years, I was able to live in an apartment with my sorority sisters and we had the time of our lives together. We cried together, we laughed together, we got ready for every formal together, and it was like having one big sleepover with my best friends every single night. I can wholeheartedly say that I have met my forever friends through Theta Phi Alpha and I will always cherish that. senior reflections

A few weeks ago, I attended my very last Theta Phi Alpha event, my Senior Farewell Ceremony. That was where current sisters got to officially send the seniors off into the next phase of membership, an alumna. We shared our favorite moments with one another, gave each other special gifts, and spent our last day together as collegians of the sorority. It was an extremely bittersweet feeling, but I know that the legacy set by the seniors will be carried out and live on forever through our new members.
As I enter the next chapter of my life after graduation, I am so honored to say that my sorority journey is not over just yet! I have accepted a position to serve as a Leadership Consultant for Theta Phi Alpha. I will get to travel and meet sisters from across the country while helping them continue to develop and improve their chapters and I can’t wait! I never would’ve thought that my first job post-grad would be working for my sorority’s national office but I am so grateful for all the opportunities Theta Phi Alpha has given me.
If I were to go back in time to the day I accepted my bid card, I would tell my younger self to enjoy every moment with my sisters because it goes by in the blink of an eye. I would tell her to cherish every late-night fast food run or every coffee date with sisters. Those moments are the ones that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Looking back after three years of membership, I am so beyond thankful for what this organization has brought me, from my future job to my future bridesmaids, thank you Theta Phi Alpha. I would recommend joining a sorority to any woman in college who is looking to grow as a person and leader, it was the best decision I have made in college! If you do decide to go through recruitment, good luck sister! Remember that you will always end up where you belong, and if you need help along the way, come back and visit Her Sorority Journey!