And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them or expose them bruh [Applause] bruh [Applause] bruh look I’m a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha and when I pledge at Texas A M I made it perfectly clear that nobody was going to hit me because of some letters When I pledge in the spring of 1989 Alpha Phi Alpha I made it clear to my line Brothers I’m not getting beat by somebody it’s not going to happen and assume the position in other words but here’s what was interesting when I went to my National Convention that summer
And we talked about hazing I had some brothers in the chapter who said hey man don’t tell anybody you didn’t get hazed or you didn’t get any wood which is me paddling it out of here yeah I’m cooking for coconut butter bruh professor and I’ve gone through this
Stuff again with all due respect Roland none of that has worked none of that has worked not policy changes not this approach to individual psychology the point is these students want to belong well first and foremost you talk about a sense of Brotherhood and so that’s what’s the most important thing hey
The fraternity Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha in Long Beach California but again the Brotherhood piece is really important that is uh Brothers being able to lean on each other to be able to help each other and again you have brothers for life bruh Foreign I do agree we’re not fundamentally disagreeing but the culture is so deeply entrenched that there is no way to dismantle it so this is the argument that I’m making and not many people are making this argument I’m simply saying that no policy no laws remember Hazen is
A felony in the state of Florida of Florida I had some of my fraternity Brothers In This Very at this very same school go through jail a few years ago because of hazing so these are pretty bad I mean when you sent this to me originally I could not
Believe it I honestly could not believe it yeah it’s it’s uh and you can kind of see like if you I don’t know if you can zoom in but on that left picture uh you can almost see like a big hand print like towards the middle so this is this
Is only hands you know being slapped against your body Etc they know that this is a practice that goes on in these bands it also goes on in Black Greek letter organizations which is bands are mimicking they’re very clear on that when they say they don’t know about it
They’re either lying or they should be fired for negligence this is going on throughout the South the hbcus is going on in predominantly white universities where their black Greek letter organizations clearly the policies do not work and you’re having people injured throughout around the country and you’re having people a lot worse
Than that you know you get hit in your legs you know with different stuff different items at times you know even another form of haziness you know just a more common form of haze and it’s being paddled on the butt so your butt can look just as bad as that does you know
If not worse [Applause] and so as an administrator or even an elected official in a state that’s concerned about this the question is what are you going to do with these organizations once you take that into account to rule and what what can be done I mean is this something that’s
Just existed through you know through the years at these schools and is always going to exist well first of all with all due respect to the professor I think you have to broaden this conversation it goes beyond hpcus it goes beyond black Greek letter of attorneys and sororities
Look I’m a graduate of Texas A M University two years ago two members of our Texas A M Coral Cadets were charged for hazing in 1984 a core Cadet actually died of going through some exercises what you have here so you have historically white fraternities and sororities but you have hazing as well
Hazing is about culture it is about institutions where you largely have young folks who are in control these institutions and so they are doing what they what they need to do hazing is about culture it is about institutions where you largely have young folks who are in control of these
Institutions and so they are doing what they what what they need to do you have two things going on you have also alumni members graduate members who have a belief that if you want to go through what I went through I have a great appreciation of you as a member so if
You don’t go through it then I don’t regard you in the same way so that kind of peer pressure is applied I steal people right now my Facebook and Twitter page saying that well if you’re a paper member of a fraternity if you didn’t go
Through that sort of uh test that I went through that nobody’s been able to stop this to date and so if we want to save black lives in these organizations and other lives period get rid of these organs but this is a particularly black problems not in this level up to predominantly
White schools I pretty much know I went to both I appreciate both Ginger Kids in college and they pledge AKA cause you did you never research what AKA or Sigma gamma role and all that was you just did it them you didn’t you find out what it
Is you find out the ritual they had to do to cross the Burning Sands and the players to the God of Wars pleasure Lee you took the o to an Egyptian deity so that all this binding there’s nothing to fear fear itself all nine of the black Greek lettered organizations claim to be
Non-hazing we’ll make a Sci-Fi fraternity is a non-hazing organization data Phi Beta sorority Incorporated is a non-pledging non-hazing organization but then they also claim that hazing is used to break people down to then build them back up the process quote unquote is supposed to break you down to your
Lowest point and build you up that was the purpose of having a process you to be broken down to be built back up essentially what Greek organizations what we have to do while you’re online is like tear you down to build you back up break you down to build you up broken
Down to be built back up people I say they break you down to build you up that’s what they do at set they curse at you they call you names you’re not you’re good for nothing you’ll never become a zeder you’ll never become an AKA whatever and they beat you down to
Build You Up did you know in Nigeria and other places in West Africa have secret societies who Now operate off campus as well often with members who never went to University Roland was a first-year student when he joined the Buccaneers as secret illegal student Society in Nigeria a brutal
Initiation ritual was held late at night in the forest older members singing dancing and drinking formed a ring around him and other blindfolded initiates beating them severely until the early hours of the morning the ritual was supposedly to purge the initiates of weaknesses and instill bravery in them the moment you go in
There and come out you are a different person Roland told the BBC they have a chain of commands similar to militia groups use code words and have Insignia bearing the favorite weapon of the cult along with its color members are promised protection from rival gangs but it is mostly about power and popularity
These secret societies are banned in Nigeria and hundreds of members have been arrested and prosecuted over the years let’s talk about hazing easing is something that happens when you join a fraternity or sorority it’s a way to form like a trauma bond between everyone else that’s joining that
Fraternity or sorority with you your pledge class and the big thing about it is you’re supposed to trust the people that are hazing you and trust that they are building you into the best version of yourself I guess hazing can range from making someone binge drink until
They vomit to making someone write your papers making someone do your dishes bringing someone a piece of gum every day for their 8 AM class sometimes hazing is just dressing up as like a banana every Friday in class or it could be binge eating food and then being
Forced to run a 5k and like work out just so you throw up exactly you don’t say no to whoever’s hazing you like you can but you shouldn’t if you know what’s good for you name the largest black Greek letter fraternity I am going to do all five in
The fifth slot is Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Incorporated with more than 50 000 members in the number four slot is Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated citing more than 125 000 members and on some local chapter websites citing more than 150 000 members Nationwide in the number three slot is Phi Beta Sigma fraternity
Incorporated with more than 225 000 members now for the number two and the number one slot goes to Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated shout out to the Bros with 250 000 members that the number one slot goes to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated with nearly 300 000 members
Nationwide if you’re a member of any of these organizations or a member of the divine nine I want you to go ahead and show some love in the comments everybody there’s some kind of secret society where they pledge the outright players allegiance to other spirits [Applause] I have always been a catalyst for change the founders of these organizations or they perhaps could never have envisioned that one day we would Ascend to the highest levels of power and authority in the land including within the Congress and now the White House but I certainly know
They dreamed it and believed that they were laying a foundation for great things to occur we are suffering the loss I mean we suffer with it every day Maisha Hilliard is talking about her oldest son 20 year old Tyler he died shortly before starting his junior year at UC Riverside
On September 15 2018 he was pledging the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity the pledges and fraternity members went to Mount Rubidoux in Riverside for a run Hilliard’s family says the pledges endured hazing at the hands of the fraternity members with them Tyler was subjected to harmful humiliating and life-threatening hazing rituals that
Ended at Mount Rubidoux where he apparently collapsed and was taken to the ambulance by ambulance to the hospital where he died the following day the family is suing the fraternity and the UC Riverside chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha they are not suing the university Riverside Police are investigating
Hazing in the state of California is illegal on the fraternity’s website it states they are against hazing Tyler’s parents say he ended up in the hospital after an alleged hazing incident a week later he was dead for anyone to come forward with more information than what we what we’ve already received and I’m
Sure there’s a whole lot more that’s gone on that we have no knowledge of Folks some members of cap Alpha South attorney Inc are angry this morning at Bishop Eddie L long was awarded the fraternity’s highest honor during his funeral service in January long was ahead of the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church of suburban Atlanta during the funeral Kappa Grand poll Mark
Thomas battles Jr call Long quote the ideal Kappa man before handing a laurel wreath pen to Long’s wife Vanessa it is the highest honor given to a Kappa member you right now and 2009 uh they voted to give it to him at their convention in 2011 but it was
In 2010 four young men Sue Long accusing him of seducing them into sexual relations foreclosed cars and travel to accuse him of approaching them while they were still in the church’s Youth Academy Long never admitted wrongdoing but did settle the case out of court battles told the congregation long
Deserved to receive the award 2009 it was the brothers in Washington D.C that said we see you brother long and you have earned the coveted Laurie the highest award we could give a brother for his service you ought to recognize that because that’s uh that’s something they
Do at a lot of the black fraternities right yeah yeah how do they do it for Q dogs they do the same thing but you know you’re only supposed to tap it you tap it on there and you release it because it’s already gonna do it’s
Already gonna burn the skin as with a quick tap they literally almost got to his heart [Applause] I mentioned that three of The Killers uh from the Memphis city with the Memphis Police Department were members of the Omega Sci-Fi fraternity but it’s making us really look into Pandora’s Box because we’re looking at
What we call root causes and uh it’s Willie Lynn signs one-on-one because we will do worse to our own than they will do to us and it makes us think of the movie Django I’m I was a number nine so the nines that were that came in the line like
Before me that pledged before me they would be the ones that would be only like calling and stuff and they would have my my number they would have like um you know if you did something or if they felt that you talked to them disrespectful if you didn’t call them
Big sister you gotta write five Page Long papers talking about how you’re disrespectful and on top of that you gotta go do House business so House business is like when you go meet up with big sisters that are just in town it’s you and like two or three other
People with you and mind you you could never be by yourself if they ever caught you on campus by yourself they would kidnap you like on top of that like not even the Deltas but like if the cues which was the brother for uh fraternity of us
Caught us they could kidnap us and then they would have to call your license they would have to come get you they could do whatever you know what I mean to you like you know you have to get in the cut which I mean like take licks um
Everything they smile wife you they do this thing where they make you sit in Delta chair which is basically like squats they sit on you they spit on you they hit yeah yeah you know we would eat dog food we I mean the most demeaning disgusting stuff that you could ever
Imagine we would do this thing called Delta Apple where we would literally all take and bite out of the onion and like pass it to each other you know you ever got an attitude because of something that they did into you it’s over with for you
So I wanna I wanna talk about this because I’m telling you guys you all this is why it’s the way it is and as much as we want to point our finger as as what whites have done and they’ve done some things but the majority of
What has been done to us has been by the black Gatekeepers that’s been by the black Gatekeepers he a little Mega sorry Eric I got Ray Baker he a sigma sorry Eric but my man Greg Carter he’s an alpha on set there it is okay hey hey hey [Applause] Earth [Applause] hello ladies ladies watching me so what does it actually say when we sit here and we’re sending black kids to school to get an education and parents are bringing them home in coffins I don’t care what anybody says whether you’re in a fraternity sorority or the band hazing is absolutely ridiculous
Look I’m a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha and when I pledge at Texas A M I made it perfectly clear that nobody was going to hit me because of some letters So now that Jack Gates High School in Houston I was in the Baymont freshman year and they tried The Hazing stuff there as well how in the world can we sit here talk about education and yet for some reason folks are getting beaten about Brotherhood and philanthropy it
Shouldn’t be about violence and fear three college students involved in Greek life called for Change and they don’t want anyone to go through what they went through ABC 2 News Don Harrison talked with him today in Annapolis three students had called me to testify in front of the house Judiciary to
Support an anti-hazing bill but when they pledged in college they say it was anything but calm amazing started um was being with Kane’s paddles hanger we were paddled we were beaten we were kicked we were punched and we were punched kicked slapped um my nose began to bleed at one point
They went to three different universities but all had similar experiences the broke us down mentally it broke us down physically it belittled us it damaged us Kevin Hayes says this happened when he pledged for Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity of Bowie State he now has a multi-million dollar lawsuit
Against the fraternity Hayes is here to testify with other students to support a bill that would increase the penalty in Maryland for hazing from five hundred dollars to five thousand dollars I was in the hospital for five days Johnny Powell pledged Kappa Alpha Psi at Stevenson University and he says the
Damage to him was more than mental and he says he has the pictures to prove it you know I had black and blue bruises you know like really bad some an internal bleeding the new bill which incarceration penalty for hazing at up to six months but they think the
Increased monetary penalty Will Make a Difference by raising the financial penalty it will scare them the best way to hurt somebody is to hurt them in their wallet because by doing that you’re hurting their mortgage you’re hurting their tuition you’re hurting everything this will be a start to a change bruh the CIA
Kings man we know that these gangs been planted in the so-called Community yes that’s why I said the cia’s government you know this is they look interesting that things labeled now as terrorists yes it’s interesting here because a couple of years about six seven years back I said
You know it’s amazing how you could have people with these can’t even function well in society but they’re organized people not just in the LA with in all the Crips and bloods was scattered throughout the United States and bloods in New Orleans um Tulsa Oklahoma uh Omaha Nebraska you see what I’m saying
Uh Atlanta Georgia they got they’re all over and I’m like well how could the people be so damn organized you see what I’m saying that’s because it was a government system now even Dick Gregory even even did the Freedom of Information Act we find out
Also and I told them I said those people put together by the government I told them this in 96. of an enemy who kills men who stand up but it’s better to die standing up [Applause] been bowing down to your enemy as an Omega Man [Applause] and participating on a member of this
Fraternity and what it stands for in the principles I think that this is a very very significant day of my life former fraternity president spoke to Ron Jones last night about Lewis’s Legacy John is a member of our distinguished service chapter which is the highest honor you can get in Phi Beta Sigma
Fraternity and he’s a congressman he’s a national figure and he is very active in our organization anytime we call on John John shows up he speaks to our undergrads and to the organization at large whenever we have a major event we call on John John is there after witnessing a fellow Alpha Kappa
Alpha sorority sister become Vice President of the United States seeing that she came from our Alpha chapter and that’s where our Founders started seeing that she came from our Alpha chapter and that’s where our Founders started it really just made it at whole to see that our organization is a strong unit [Applause]
You think about Omega sci-fi the one thing that we’re associated with is Excellence we’re constantly striving to be great one of the things that I’m popular for saying is that I’m great because I know I’m not I cherish the road yes sir yes sir that you all put on me
Of the illustrious fountain Of Omega sci-fi what we Shepherds listen listen what we Shepherds have got to do is come in a room to hell with the camera turn the camera off put the Bible on the table that book that book will transform human life if you teach it right stop entertaining your people with religion
And stop teaching your people and they will respond and they will be a better teacher so when I was in school I decided to join job office opportunity Incorporated now this right here was over a decade ago probably 12 years ago I know some of y’all always say I still
Look exactly the same and not only did I participate in The Hazing process but I also pledged people I was what you call the DP let’s be right there and DP if you don’t know what that is that’s the dean of pledges so that means that you’re primarily responsible
For bringing over an entire life but you know as time passed on I graduated and one day I ran across a book and I looked at the Covenant book because somebody had mentioned it to me while I was in school but you know I just blew them off
And that book was called The Stolen Legacy if I read something I know it’s true then I got to start living that truth so I started to wonder how is it that African people can go to college and Dr Bruce Bridges would say can be enrolled as an African but
Graduate as a Greek you know it just didn’t make much sense the fraternity Brothers off Kappa Alpha Psi [Applause] How do we pay homage to people who stole African knowledge and people who don’t even look like us but let’s talk about how the Greeks came into Africa everybody said well the Greeks they weren’t so bad let’s go to the period that was called a Hellenistic period so you’re calling yourself the pan-alented
Council but the holistic period was the worst period for African people because it’s during this period where Alexander came into Africa 332 BC in conquered Egypt it was Alexander who took over and this is where you start to see the turning point from the power that Africans had
And ruling the world in a room now you go study you look up that word b-o-u-l-e and you’ll find out this is what most of these uh supposedly civil rights people belong to and then when I give you this understanding you would know why we never get anything accomplished Rosa
Along with three other black passengers were told to give up their seats to a white male passenger she refused and was arrested an all-day bus boycott was organized on the day of rose’s trial December 5th 1955 where she was fined 14 and found guilty police came in Kill Fred uh and murdered
After they had drugged him uh was sending off um they killed him and the very next morning they came to my apartment all right uh and chopped my door now do you think if you had been into your apartment yesterday you would have been shot by police yes I would have been
Murdered I still think there’s a great possibility of people trying to murder me like they murdered anybody that’s black in this country I applaud the young people all across the land who are making a statement about hoodies about the real hootlins in this nation yeah like I said family
Um these boulay organizations these black Greek letter organizations fraternities and sororities right you know the foundation of these organizations were basically found it in the early 1900s the 1800s but the premise of them were founded around white supremacy it’s called the illusion of inclusion Back in the day black people wanted to be a part of these Greek letter fraternities right during the Jim Crow era etc etc they wanted to be a part of these Greek letter fraternities and sororities Etc the dominant White Society wouldn’t accept them so what did black people do
They started their own black organizations for sororities right for fraternities black Greek letter organizations were born this hazing death was so horrific when I read it I actually thought it was made up in 1974 William flowers was a college student he was really eager to impress his fellow students and he wanted to
Become the first black member of a fraternity William and five other students were ordered to join frat members on a beach at midnight one evening the Frat members instructed each one of the students to dig a grave for themselves as the students did this the Frat members threw sand onto them
Roughly quarter past one in the morning William was lying in his grave that he dug himself as instructed and unfortunately the sand from either side of the Grave started to collapse William tried to kick free and Escape but it was too late he was buried alive William
Finally was rushed to the hospital he was pronounced Dead on Arrival okay so and that started around that specifically started around the eight the late 1800s uh specifically uh you know it started around the United States Supreme Court decision of Plessy versus Ferguson right and that basically birthed the sororities and fraternities which
You guys call the divine nine President Joe Biden invited about 400 people to watch him commemorate Black History Month where he said black history matters and he also said this and by the way you know I’m not I I may be a white boy but I’m not stupid
I know where the power is you think I’m joking I learned a long time ago about the divine nine Yes you heard him right he gave credit to the divine nine while saying that he may be white but he’s not stupid you know the divine nine is you got the
Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority the Kappa Alpha Psi the Omega sci-fi Delta Sigma Theta Phi Beta Sigma Zeta 5 Beta Sigma gamma Rio and idle fake idle Phi Theta fraternities those are the Divine nines [Applause] for more than a century black Greek organizations have made their voices
Heard on college campuses and in communities across the country the founders of these organizations they understood that the pathway forward for us was together through Unity Georgia elected its first black senator in America sent a black woman to the White House both members of the divine nine if
You guys understand the history of Greeks and African people you know Greeks the the Roman civilization they slaughtered black people so joining these quote-unquote black letter you know black a Greek letter fraternities and sororities it’s really equivalent to a black man or a woman joining the KKK
That’s what it comes down to it’s equivalent to joining the KKK because of the history of the mistreatment execution and you know complete annihilation of black people from the hands of Greeks but the problem is it happened thousands and thousands of years ago right in comparison to what the dominant White Society did
In the last well they’ll continue to do it today but the overt racism of black people by the dominant White Society was more recent in comparison to what Greek civilization did against black people but again it’s like I said it’s equivalent to joining it’s equivalent to
A black male or a black woman joining the KKK all right and you all you guys already know you know the dominant wife Society racist white supremacy will never allow a black man or a woman to join the KKK or any white supremacist organization period you guys know that so
The whole Foundation of these divine nine these black Greek letter fraternities fraternities and sororities they were birthed off the fact that black people weren’t allowed to join these white owned fraternities and sororities again it’s called the illusion of inclusion we cannot be included so we created our own quote-unquote black Greek letter organizations
Right so that whole found it’s all it’s basically similar to the black church right when you had um black churches created based off the fact that your slave could not attend a white church right you’re a slave that when that was after um Nat Turner and the um basically the Nat Turner situation
The Stono Rebellion after that came forward slaves had to have a white Pastor or white overseer for religious um you know religious Affairs things of that nature they have to have somebody white to oversee anything regarding religious Affairs and so because of the fact that though you had your white church
By the dominant White Society during the antebellum slavery days the slaves had to congregate with their own people right and that was the birth of the black church again the illusion of inclusion black people weren’t allowed to uh congregate with white people and so that’s how the black church basically started [Applause]
Thank you and all of these Fringe groups black churches black Greek letter organization bglos all right but um what I want to do family I want to play a clip real quick of these um black Greek letter organizations and these probate initiations if you will and the
Emasculation just the just the look and and what they do to join these organizations [Applause] you know some may find this funny but to me this is disturbing and this sells a lot how these organizations have been around for hundreds of years and what do they have to show for
The National Association for the advancement of colored people is a civil rights organization that has been around for over a century and they will be hosting their 104th Freedom fund banquet this month so the Greater Springfield NAACP president Bishop Talbert Swann is here today to share all the details good
Morning how are you good morning I’m doing well how you doing I am excellent now that I get to finally meet you yes you and I have never met so thank you very much for coming on our show tell me a little bit about this event taking
Place it’s an annual event basically we get together um in a large Gala which we haven’t been able to do in person for the last two years because of covert so this will be the first time we’ll be back in person that serves uh several functions one it’s our annual fundraiser okay it’s
Also a membership banquet because everyone who purchases a ticket their annual membership is included uh it it allows for people to be challenged to continue the work towards justice so we bring in renowned speakers who challenge our audience and it’s also an opportunity to recognize unsung heroes
In the community so there’ll be an award ceremony for a youth a veteran community service and then a Lifetime Achievement Award as well Your name [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Bishop Mckenzie was the first ever female Bishop in the African Methodist Episcopal Church the oldest African-American denomination in the country she is also the current president and General Secretary of the National Council of churches and the international chaplain of Delta Sigma Theta sorority the largest African-American sorority in the country
And she’s going to be talking about a myriad of issues she’s going to be talking about voter suppression she’s going to be talking about police reform she’s going to be talking about the wealth Gap a number of issues that are pertinent to our community and how we move forward to mitigate those issues
Important topics to everybody absolutely so the NAACP as we talked about earlier been around for a very very long time there’s a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public Having learned that they are able to
Make a living out of their troubles they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances because they do not want to lose their jobs
There’s a certain class of race problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well How has our local chapter helped out our local citizens over the years yeah the Springfield chapter was chartered 104 years ago so it’s been around for over 1918 right absolutely it’s been around for over a century a few years ago we celebrated our 100th year and it’s been
At the Forefront of the struggle towards Justice in this region in this area so when you go back and you look through the anals of history and you find where there was a major push and movement toward fighting against Injustice you will find that the Springfield branch of
The NAACP uh was right there have you ever been hoodwinked have you ever been hoodwinked extreme mouth the name Jesus [Applause] And Kingdom [Applause] fade away but there’s something about that name this pastor gets attacked by the gay community for no reason make sure to follow for part two this is against the law this is against the law The cause of disturbance History now you go study look up that word b-o-u-l-e and you’ll find out this is what most of these uh supposedly civil rights people belong to and and when I give you this understanding you will know why we never get anything accomplished the boulee means advisor to the king
That means their job was to advise the king now the now the black boulay was to advise the King which was white supremacists so their job was to advise the king about the black community we’ve been managed by those people who who stay in power and let me bless you
For real the real power of this is in the church see a lot of these preachers are in this in these secret societies and that’s why they can’t preach anything their job is not to Enlighten you their job is to house you it is to
Pacify you it is to give you a good feeling about your suffering but never cause you to say there is a reason behind this the job is to is to um guide your voting by allowing these so-called Democrats or whoever they are come in and and and value a family life building
And give me your votes prominent members that were Alpha Phi Alpha Jesse Owens Ohio State Olympics Paul Robeson Rutgers civil rights move activists Charles Houston Howard law school that molded Thurgood Marshall which is to help uh young males from 12 to 15 talk about teen pregnancy they
Began to do great Community work by tutoring and uh providing financial help for a high school student and a voteless people as a hopeless people to help people register to vote what do they have to show for the progression of black people collectively as a group right and this all falls under the
Boulee as well what do they have to show for collectively as a group that’s what I want to know but let me play this clip real quick um this is entitled Omega Psi Phi probate uwg spring 2016 and I want you guys to take a look at what they have to do
In order to go through this initiations probate process a pro a probate basically is a showcase I know you’ve been talking about it bro you still gonna go through with it yeah bro I think I’m gonna do it you know I’ve never had really a lot of friends so I
Think this would be a great way to meet people bro you only need to worry bro you got it I’m gonna pray for you you’re gonna be straight bro what’s up I ain’t get to speak to you at the probate do I know you since we was eight I was
Eight a long time ago but you need to do something to be remembered gdis man right and that’s all it is but it’s just just take a look at this video and I’ll provide my commentary afterwards [Applause] Thank you you see that you see right there what dog collars suspenders purple suspenders for that matter no shirts what does this do to the psyche of a black man you are completely emasculated and they’re proud of it they’re proud of it right they’re not under any influence of drugs
They know exactly what they’re doing and they’re proud of it right they’re not under alcohol drugs or nothing like that they are completely proud of what they’re doing oh my God please [Applause] My body Song the brothers are Alpha Phi Alpha bubbles Iota Phi Theta for eternity Um girl you looking at me oh my God This is a lifestyle the Legacy continue [Applause] go to night time hell yeah [Applause] [Applause] Thank you so the rally is Alpha was on an HBCU Campus before omegas before Iota before Deltas before akas before Zeta before anybody else the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha oh my God and so when you make also stupid comments like that by saying you don’t trust something that wasn’t founded at
An HBCU it’s really rally it’s kind of idiotic because what you’re actually saying is that you don’t trust the black people who didn’t even pledge at hbcus which means that you don’t trust Dr King who pledged in Boston he didn’t pledge at Morehouse with his Newfound affiliation with the fraternity Martin
Luther King Jr and his Alpha Brothers began pondering how they can improve the basic rights of black Americans the Brotherhood of alpha phala Fraternity Incorporated giving Dr King a check phone ray it was Frank Stanley he said Jimmy they just arrested Martin and I want you to come up with an idea
When they have his trial to let America know that Alpha Phi Alpha stands 100 percent behind Martin Luther King my brothers good afternoon [Applause] the mother of a former Northwestern University student is suing a sorority she blames for her daughter’s suicide nineteen-year-old Jordan Hankins died in January of 2017 the lawsuit against
Alpha Kappa Alpha alleges that hazing caused her severe anxiety and depression which led Jordan to take her own life now her parents are opening up to CBS This Morning in their only television interview drika Duncan is outside the sororities headquarters in Chicago tarika good morning good morning as a
Result Alpha Kappa Alpha was suspended from northwestern’s campus in 2017 in a statement to CBS This Morning they say they were deeply saddened by the death of Jordan Hankins but still the parents of Hankins believe the sorority made up of nearly three hundred thousand members Nationwide should be held responsible
For their daughter’s death she had a smile that would brighten up a room if you were feeling low or feeling down you know Jordan just had this way of making you forget from a young age Jordan Hankins had a passion for helping others and a gift when it came to
Playing sports she won a full ride to Northwestern University on a basketball scholarship going forward I hope that we like keep the same energy her sophomore year she told her parents Felicia and Walter Hankins she wanted to join a sorority as a way to serve others did
Hazing even cross your mind when she first told me that she had an interest I think most importantly my concerns were that they were genuine in their mission Hankin’s mom remembers watching the ceremony in which her daughter became an official member of Alpha Kappa Alpha what was going through your mind as you’re watching her Pride a sense of pride a sense of relief you know because the processes was over but just seven
Weeks later the 19 year old took her own life in her dorm room I couldn’t reach her so that was my concern so then I just started trying to call continuously no answer no answer and so you know ultimately you know she was found the next day even
If you are a part of sorority or fraternity it can happen to your family it could happen and it did a lawsuit against the sorority and nine members alleges that during post-initiation pledging Jordan was subjected to physical abuse including paddling Financial exploitation sleep deprivation and other forms of hazing intended to humiliate
And demean her the court documents say The Hazing was triggering her PTSD causing severe anxiety and depression and that she was having suicidal thoughts according to the lawsuit she expressed that to her sorority sisters it’s unclear what her PTSD stemmed from Brandon Vaughn is the family’s attorney you believe that if
The sorority hadn’t hazed Jordan Hankins would still be alive today that is what’s the latest in the lawsuit yes she sounded the alarm that the initiation practices that they were subjecting her to were causing harm and they didn’t do anything about it she told sorority members I’m feeling
Suicidal did she ever express that to any family or friends I’m not going to comment on that it is a dirty Secret in America that the problem is pervasive and extensive in sorority life just as it is in fraternity life Tom Klein represents the family of Timothy Piazza the Penn State sophomore
Who died in 2017 after a hazing ritual involving heavy drinking the unique challenge in the case of course for a lawyer is linking the suicide to the actual hazing but it does not take a Quantum a leap of imagination to understand that a young person who is deprived is subjected to physical hazing
Turns on herself if you guys don’t remember it was an incident that was reported at Fort Valley State University regarding two members of Alpha Kappa Alpha and their advisor pimping on a college campus those accusations launched an investigation into Fort Valley University here’s the string of mug shots Fort
Valley was under investigation by the gbi for employee misconduct involving student according to Rolling Out magazine a gbi investigation was launched when it was revealed that a group of students were desperate to pay pledge fees to join Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority in which it resorted into prostitution it is alleged that some of
The customers were even local politicians and businessmen okay so Alicia Johnson is the face that you will see everywhere you don’t necessarily see the six men you will always see her because she is supposed to be the center of the investigation she was also a University employee and The Graduate
Advisor to Fort Valley’s AKA chapter she had been employed at the school since 2004. Alicia Johnson was an executive assistant in the special events department and a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha we learned today she resigned April 18th that’s the same day 11 alive broke the news of a gbi investigation
Into sexual misconduct on kampa campus rather Alpha Beta Fort Valley’s chapter of the AKA sorority has had their privileges withdrawn at the school until this investigation is complete good morning Sheba right now at least one Fort Valley State Employee is on administrative leave and the gbi is
Bringing in extra Agents from across the state to help them figure out what’s going on to miss these allegations of sexual misconduct regarding the akas on campus and a statement to 11 alive the organization said it was appalled by the allegations saying it had a zero tolerance policy for hazing member of
Sexual misconduct and harassment and they’re taking this all seriously they’ve launched their own investigation into what happened as well and say they’re cooperating with the state and law enforcement at a press conference today I’m here to announce that the gbi has taken arrest warrants against seven people these charges are allegations and
Each defendant is presumed to be innocent a lesson until proven guilty on a court of the law each of these defendants was advised of the charges against them this morning they’ve been given the opportunity to turn themselves into law enforcement let’s start with former Fort Valley State administrator Alicia Johnson who
According to arrest warrants conspired to steal scholarship money she’s also charged with six counts of prostitution getting paid for performing sexual acts and it goes on to say she arranged prostitutes for several men now here’s a little background on the men charged with solicitation of others to have sex
Better known as a John or pimp take Ernest Harvey an assistant principal at a Houston County Middle School then there’s Kenneth Howard the city manager for Hinesville Georgia jump to Ryan Jenkins who’s accused of engaging in the sacks between April 2017 to April of 2018. Charles Jones was
Fired in September as director of corporate and government Affairs at Fort Valley Devonte little was a former employee at a youth center in Taylor County where he was previously charged with four counts of sexual assault and Arthur Nance a Chris County Commissioner akas did have a new spring line 2019 and
Is available to be seen on YouTube so what are my thoughts you know to be completely honest I’m quite disgusted I’m a little upset and I’m a little hurt because I hate hearing stuff like this about black Greek letter organizations I don’t like to hear stuff about Delta
Just as much as I don’t want to hear anything about aka’s cues kappas Alphas or whoever at the end of the day these people do need to be held accountable for what they’ve done it’s imperative that this is highlighted people need to know that this is not right and you
Should not have to go through anything like this this is very sad this is very disgusting and disturbing and I hope that Justice will be served five seconds six seconds all right black people right now who are a part of black Greek fraternities and sororities are denouncing and removing themselves
You want to know why because a lot of them are realizing that these sororities and fraternities are just covert ways of false worship false Pagan worshiping it’s covert bullying it’s narcissism really think about it they call it Brotherhood and Sisterhood so tell me this why do I gotta get my
Ass beat down why do I gotta do things to to degrade myself as a human being in order to prove my self-worth to join your organization no problem so why would a Greek excuse me a black Greek fraternity and sorority put people through so much physically mentally psychologically and emotionally abuse someone
To make them prove just how bad they want to be accepted and validated by a group of human beings my black sisters and brothers do you know that you’re already validated by God and that maybe mom and dad and your family members might have mistreated you and you’re seeking some sort of family
Structure in this Greek fraternity and sorority however if you just learn to be happy by yourself God will start to send your true brothers and sisters in spirit he will send you brothers and sisters whereas you don’t have to join a false fraternity or sorority to feel like somebody they are covert narcissists
A lot of them that attended black colleges and joined these fraternities and sororities 20 and 30 years ago they were bullies then and I guarantee you the majority of them are still bullies and idiots and insecure with Superior complexes stop joining these fraternities and sororities seeking validation because
You don’t know who you are not through some false organization that beats on people and whoops on people and drains people in sleep deprivation they’ll they’ll make you sit up and stay up all night and sleep deprivation is abuse they subject you to deplorable conditions just to prove your self-worth
That is not godly I rest my case bruh [Applause]