Clothes welcome gonna be so close come on so hey y’all if y’all are new to my channel welcome if you aren’t welcome back so I have a new video for y’all this is basically Greek etiquette and Cuba days because I’ve gotten a lot of questions as far as how do I become
Greek who do I talk to is this right is this wrong so I bought some friends to help me and they’re gonna introduce instead you’re not gonna go first oh this was champ hey I’m Tamiya hi I’m Ashley um I’m a fall 2015 original fade-out chapter Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority Incorporated and I phoned the tow Sigma tractor of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated over at Florida Gulf Coast University okay so we just gonna jump right into me we’re keeping it completely honest with you all because there’s just so much and completely honest like I know there’s a
Lot chopped probably want to ask people but you might not feel comfortable you have a lot of questions so that’s what we’re here for starting off we were just having a conversation stereotypes stereotypes um okay I may be light skinned but not all aka these are light skinned Kristi my
Nails not done like I don’t walk around like I don’t do that if you can’t walk around maybe uh some sweats like I’m not that person I don’t I don’t know Mac plum for met you you know I don’t know the makeup I don’t know how to do that
So don’t they not real um yawning deltas are the bullies that we walk around like our ish don’t stink like we just read the hard girls on campus and we really know we’re not we’re actually you come in many shapes sizes forms colors just like all the
Rest of my benign sisters so gotta get to know us you got to get to know us individually and learn about us individually and what we all bring to the table very much so true and I’m not fat people love to say date as I say I’m
Very small y’all see so that definitely is see real time so just showing y’all that you don’t have to live up to the stereotype of an organization so yeah now I had a question from someone they asked me you know I’m a transfer student how do I approach coming to organization
If no one really knows mill campus you really have to do your research first and figure out which organization is for you um and what can you bring to the organization you can’t just run up those somebody and be like I want to be such a
Such okay well what do you notice here what do you have to bring to the organization and it’s not really as how do you go about its are you ready for this change are you ready to take on that responsibility and once you figure out those things then you can go about
Contacting someone you know and you know letting them know interest what you want I always say you should approach it like you’re gonna approach a job interview right before you go and you apply for a job you got to figure out if you like that job
That’s the job you want to apply for it’s that something that’s going to provide all the benefits if it’s going to provide you with growth can you move up in the company you want to know all that stuff so you do your research just like she was saying once you figure that
Out then you go about it and you go to the events go see what they’re offering if now that you feel you’ve done your research and you said okay I think there’s things that I like about it things that I want to know more about
You got to go into your school go to there and see what they’re doing see how they interact see how they talk to other people that’s not a part of their organization you have to get to know these people whether it’s from far in the beginning and then after time you go
And you introduce yourself personally but you want to be remembered you want to leave a memorable experience for them do you want them to say hey you know what she’s alright she’s okay you know I mean she might let me let me see what she got an offer you want them
To then go see what you had to offer so conducted in the job interview because if I’m seeing things that I don’t like it’s not going to make me when I color talk to you at all I’m not going to talk to you at all and so and off of that be
Genuine and don’t roll up on somebody if my track is sticking out don’t tell me my hair look good don’t do that don’t lie to me no it’s like oh yeah don’t just run up on me I’m gonna look at you like what what was wrong with you why
Are you in my face like this make sure whatever you do comes out somebody’s in genuine relation you want a phone relationship somebody not because some you want is my buddy yeah say I got nothing to spread my cheeks for you bro don’t do it it’s not people that’s not
That’s not respectful you should form a genuine relationship somebody if you want to talk to me about something like that and don’t go beating around the bush and skirting off and you know just being too nice but I’m look at you like you’re crazy it’s not it’s not
What you want to do because for me it’s like effort well now I get it when people cause him like okay she she probably want to get in but at first when people will approach me hey girl my quizzes hey I don’t even know you and you’re starting to conversation with me
So like she was saying be genuine um be honest about you know what you’re trying to do I’m not saying welcome to me in the cab like I should care I want to be the same how do I get on don’t be great about it because later on when I found out that’s
Why we’re really talking to me in the first place I’m going to feel a CD so I don’t wanna feel you yeah hang on that fillers not kill me afterwards if you don’t talk to me I would be mad okay I’m gonna see the light I’m like wow that’s
Done really what it was cool Wow yeah you now can you what you thought I’d like mmm you know how I said you have to talk to someone in the organization basically to express were you trying to get but us knowing our line sisters us knowing our profiles and
Us knowing our kneels if you have them we know that some of them aren’t different these people we might not know funny oh oh I think you’re right you’re right a profile is someone that crossed before you so I crossed in 2014 so everyone that crossed before 2014 is my profile
And then we had a line in intake class in 2015 and this year in 2016 so they came after me I’m their profile and they are my Neos that’s you didn’t go after you so and we know that some of them aren’t like the friendliest people how should people go about finding somebody
In the chapter to approach well in doing your research you should find out who the current mom and there’s going to be at least one person you know or I wouldn’t even say asked arrives you went to business outs out there like that but you can you know figure out who’s a nice
Person you know who’s if you see stars so always snatching somebody else I would go talk to that person I would go talk to the quiet person or to the person that you know was always smiling not the girlís that’s a nook if you but
Oh you know I’d say yes that’s what I would do most of the time you know you go to is you see their bikes family you will find out something about some buying on somebody on that line that is not going to come at you crazy you know
I’m saying even if they do just take it you know a job if I’m saying you want the job hey no just be just thank you goodbye right what’s wrong but that’s that’s what I would do so if you have came to another university and you transfer let’s just put it that you
Transferred from one University to the next and you want to apply you know you do the same things that we just told you here but one thing that a lot of people tend to get confused is that okay the girls here I may not mesh with them so much or I
May have done some things and these girls in this chapter have seen it and I don’t know if I’m Annessa Sara Lee make the cut so I’m going to go ahead and transfer back to somewhere else to try to get away from that and start over fresh because the beautiful thing about being
In these organizations is that we network with one another even though we’re in Florida we have sorority sisters in New York in California and Texas and Minnesota and Seattle we could go down to cities states countries countries we network with each other so just because you think you’re going
To another school to try to start a new page because you maybe doesn’t don’t have the best look at one campus don’t think that you’re gonna be slick and do this it’s not going to work it’s not going to work because somebody’s gonna find out Justin believe someone has gonna find
Out because we care a lot about the organization Orion so we will not we will not let that happen just to be honest and playing off for that don’t put yourself in situations that could give you a bad look if you know you’re really interested in a specific organization don’t be at frat
House taking the keg I say you don’t do that you know before you do things think about what you’re doing to think about how it looks because once you are in organization you not only represent yourself but you represent that organization which means that you do something they’re not going to go out
With that girl snatched up we’ve got note that aks next time we’ll be back and that’s just what it’s going to be like because they’re not going to remember your name down you guys go about that it’s going to it fees these stereotypes yeah it’s easy stereotypes
So these stereotypes that you guys hear about us if you were ever granted the opportunity to join one of these organizations you can’t come in and do that you’re fueling the fire you’re completely downloading the fire so no like no you got a when you join these organizations it’s about growth that’s
What we’ve all gotten out of this growth I’m not the same person that I was three years ago I have grown a lot and those has helped me grow a lot so if you’re thinking that you’re going to come into an organization you’re going to be stagnant you’re not benefiting us whatsoever
Because everybody’s doing their job everybody’s has a part to play and so you can’t just come be stagnant and don’t think that you’re not going to work because that’s what we’re all doing we’re all working and we don’t got time to just sit around yes please understand
That a sorority or fraternity is not the hair flipping strolling the color is the makeup that’s that’s that’s one tiny part it is a larger a very large organization that is for the entire meant of people and if you are not ready to put in work for that then that’s not
What you need to be doing that’s why I said research is by very vital because when we accept people into these organizations we don’t want to accept you and then a week later when we have community service which I’ll call you now same phone as you is hung over from
The Cubans party night right cuz or the Alpha Party is that’s not what you know no that’s not what you do so when you join you have to keep in mind like the one is for a lifetime it’s not just for four years or for three years you know
In undergraduate because we would hope that you would love it enough to go and join the grad chapter when you graduate and then continue on like your legacy in your work for the organization so keep that in mind it’s not just a two-year thing on via Delta for two years I mean
Yeah I see how far how much is about right here and Macke no no no no no no no you could tell them what you’re doing now right there’s times where we’re all tired we’re all in our bed like I’m tired but we gotta get up because that’s what we
Dedicated our time to that’s what we said we was gonna be here and that’s what we got to do because we got people to think about outside of ourselves there’s going to be times that we have to do things and we have to put ourselves to the side it’s not about you
And that’s a part of ropes there’s a lot of people that come in and they think it’s all about them but they’ve hit a point where they’ve grown from it they realize that’s not what they need to be doing they need to be growing up they need to be changing things around and
They need to change their life if you’re not getting if you’re not trying to even get that from this that you might as well just don’t even waste no time don’t waste no time at all no time now I’m gonna tell you now that first year in it
Is gonna be real oh yeah man galbart hearing is gonna be rude yeah you know some of y’all might have friends family members that I’ve even seen them been at their probates and cheering them on and you and then you barely hear from the video everything under the Sun they working
We’re doing get events to put on they have to hit the ground ready they have events to do they’re doing things that may even be outside of their comfort zone and they’re learning how to balance it’s about growth yeah outside your comfort zone because when you are in you
Know I’ll say like this you can’t just do one thing you know you can have girls that could have 4.0 and they don’t because where’s their social side they are smart they’re so smart yes but they can’t plan a meeting they can’t plan an event they can’t put things into action
Get you shot they don’t know how to network they can’t how are they going to help the organization just what did you get you know they may be smart but you have to be well-rounded where there’s even those girls that are really smart that’s involved but yeah the people
They hang out with on the social side of it like art it’s cool oh yeah you are instagram has naked all the time you just out here and she’s getting drunk every night and there’s all it’s tough you know I mean like we in college we
Know we know college is all about the partying and all of that stuff every freshman comes the cosmic I will just live my life and party like we know it’s going to happen but if you’re just not getting you if you don’t even look at yourself as a brand if you don’t care
About how you flip in would you think that’s not make me think if you don’t care about how you look I know you don’t care about how you will look if you look like law organization like Graduate image from day one soon as you cuz I’m
Gonna say it like this I know some people date next step on campus not even help you like I knew from day one what I wanted to do you know and you have to plan out what you do accordingly you know even the community service why are
You not and why not add music yeah you know that you need to be well-rounded why are you not joining things you know that you don’t need a name for yourself so don’t go home around you create this resume for yourself that is you don’t have no no not that if you know
Something is what you want to be you need to be prepared for that you need to build yourself up to that like I said I want to do and be PhD I was taking all these classes why are the community service why am i joining organizations
Why my shot without this to write my resume is so good when people say we had a cookout experience you know exactly like she can be definitely be trustworthy or day she may not have it all she may not be right where we were but we could we see it we’re gonna work
With you you show me because we can get her to grow a little we can build that we can this is something to work with though you see but if you start our freshman year hoeing around you’ll slip by with five signals two cues couple outfits
Maybe capra to GPA is a point five you don’t have no community service by the time you get a sophomore year you’re working with nothing nothing and you try to apply for organization you’re not going to get it because you have not built yourself the same way you build a
Brand is the same way you build yourself to be marketable for organization good like I say it’s a business and if you before you read people owned what can you contribute to this business you may be pretty you may be ugly you don’t understand but if you cannot contribute anything
It’s a wrap I don’t tell you okay so I’ll wrap it up I want your biggest piece of advice you would give someone watching this video that aspires to be greedy um I would say life plan accordingly sweet discretion that’s funny to be sweet I would say like I stated earlier
Be discreet making a personal journey making a personal journey for yourself don’t share you with nobody don’t trust me making something a personal journey and keeping to yourself will make your life a whole easier so just do that remain genuine and remain humble remain humble forever forever from beginning to end remain
Humble and just continuously do the research and not only just on our organizations but do your research about your school as well do we all have chapters in each of our organizations do your research on that chapter outside of getting to know them get to know about
How long they’ve even been on your University’s campus how they played it apart and something major that happened on your university universe and what are they doing now to help grow learn about the people at that school because just because of organizational screaming that does not mean the chapter at your
University that’s going to be the best fit for you it’s not it may not be but that’s why research is important learn about the people on your campus learn about them okay I want to say thank you to them so much I hope this answer a lot
Of y’all’s questions that y’all had if not damn me on Instagram like a long helped you can I’m sorry they I follow me on Twitter I cannot help you know Facebook messages I’m deaf it okay so thank God I got a spoon yeah she can
Help you I’m done I’m W penny okay so I see ah t the next video I can’t thank ya and then we’ll see y’all later