Thank you Foreign When the divine feminine is restored Give Peace a chance it is with the grace of the goddess and divine mother that I Lady Quan here greet you by now stand as a representative of the purest vibrations of sacred feminine aspects qualities and expressions of the Creator so that you may absorb and
Activate the same within your being let us welcome the purest vibrations of the divine feminine aspects of the Creator into our current Ascension knowing that acceptance will lead to synthesis within your being and the universe of the creator on the inner planes I lady kuanian and community in unison uniting energies
With a focus to synthesize the aspects of the divine feminine that we represent to create a powerful unified wave of goddess vibrations and power that will impact and alter the earth and the inner Plains Always focus on unity and synthesis between our energies for I know that mother Mary represents an aspect of the energies of the Divine mother I represent Kwan Hyun a different aspect when these two aspects are united I am able to recognize the footlast vibrations of the goddess
Mother married has been known on Earth as a western figure of the Divine mother while I Quantum have been known to represent the Eastern figure many May perceive Mother Mary’s energies and mind to be the same both hold a powerful resonance and embody the Divine mother some may even recognize her as
The Same Soul however we are two Souls representing two aspects of the mother’s vibrations the Divine and of the sale group feminine synthesizing the energies of the Divine mother is the purpose of unlocking the Divinity and power of the Creator bringing empowerment to all aspects of the divine feminine whether on the earth
For the inner claims what the divine feminine is restored and empowered this will allow for sustained and enhanced vibration of the Divine masculine so the divine feminine and divine masculine will become equal in vibration encouraging for full and complete lending where the old concept of the divine feminine and your mind male will
Be dissolved the two will become a unified vibration of the Creator where aspects are no longer recognized as separate identities take a moment to imagine how this would impact the Earth on the inner and outer planes giving your prospective greater importance You may wish to visit us on the inner
Planes to experience and absorb the powerful ways of synthesized Divine mother energy that we are creating you might want to use this indication beloved mother Mary and Lady Quan here I appeal for your energy love protection and support please direct my Consciousness to the chamber in which you reside on the inner
Planes within the 11th ray of light Goshen at the planetary level it is my desire to sit with you as you synthesize your own soul energies and the divine feminine energies also known as the Divine mother and goddess vibrations it is my desire to absorb the synthesized energies that you are
Creating to empower the divine feminine aspect of my soul thereby anchoring the energies that you create and that I receive into the Earth to benefit and support all of humanity in accepting this powerful ways of life and synthesis with the Creator that you are creating now
I am ready and available to receive the beautiful blessings that you are creating and I am ready and available to support the outpouring of these beautiful blessings throughout the entire world and universe of the creator simply take a deep breath imagine feel or recognize yourself with us mother
Mary and I Quan here observing and receiving your energy creation breathe the energy deeply into your entire being and body noticing the changes in healing that take place we are synthesizing two aspects of the divine feminine to raise the energy vibration throughout the Earth and inner planes
We are achieving this now because the process of synthesis is so profoundly important at this stage of Ascension the unified energy we are creating will actually create a healing space for the Deep synthesis of all forms and aspects of the Creator to take place within your being
This is a powerful concept and idea that will bring about immense healing and a deeper sense of resonance and familiarity with the Creator it is our wish that you take a moment to contemplate the extreme energies of the creator for example love and hate fear and contentment joy and sadness
Abundance and lack trust and distrust certainly end out there are so many extreme energies that exist within your being and are created by your energy throughout your day the examples we share are more focused on feelings emotions perspectives thoughts and states of being however there are extremes of energy vibrations beliefs experiences
Situations and even Souls all around you there is a need to recognize honor and respect these extreme aspects of the Creator as all were born from the energy of the creator even seemingly negative experiences energies or thoughts were created by the Creator’s energy or the Creator’s energy was used to fuel your creativity
Take a moment to acknowledge the extremes within and around you try to contemplate this on countless levels and even contemplate the physical surroundings of your reality I don’t want you to judge but simply observe recognize and realize I want you to know this the beauty of the Creator and everything
This is a wonderful practice of acceptance without feeling the need to alter engaged more influence the energies that we quantier and mother Mary are creating support the healing and synthesis of these extremes that you are observing our purpose is to bring the vibration of balance the synthesis of extremes this
Does not mean that the extremes will dissolve or be erased it just means that your perspective of the Creator and all that is the creator will shift and shift thus supporting the new focused perspective on unification and synthesis if your focus is on Unity this is the
Energy you will create and experience in your reality as well as recognize within yourself and others therefore you will not react to energies that appear to the Extremes in your reality within your being so you will recognize them as the same unified and Oneness this has always been the case it is
Simply that your perspective has shifted to align with and recognize the truth of the creator in meditation or quiet times we want you to focus on two extremes that influence your reality or are created by you perhaps there is a desire for there to be love but there are people in your
Reality whom you hate the war dislike because they have frustrated or harmed you it is important to recognize that love and hate are born from the same energy essentially they are the same vibration simply expressed in different ways with your recognition of love and hate being the same vibration and
Expression of the Creator we wish you to recognize and accept both love and hate within your being imagine that you place both love and hate in your heart chakra hate is not negative and love is not beautiful they are simply two aspects of the creator that you do not wish to
Judge simply accept them we can invite you to call upon our energies quantier and mother Mary to envelop you asking us to send our synthesized Divine mother light into your being when you feel ready invite your souls energy of synthesis and unification to the surface and fill your heart bringing
Healing to the energy perspective and past experiences of Love and Hate as these two aspects heal within your heart the energy of synthesis and unification flows in all directions throughout your physical body aura fields and surroundings this energy is actually having an impact on your being and your reality it is as
If the love hate vibration of energy and perspective of the past is being healed within you and reborn as a new synthesized energy of wholeness and unity with the Creator this is a process of empowerment and greater unification with the Creator take a moment to contemplate all the extremes within your reality
I love the voice Master kwanina star traveler decrees that may all Humanity lies good days full of love peace light and harmony make the light be present in all Hearts leading us to The Awakening of Consciousness for the work of Christ make Humanity like into light with the light and for the light
So be it stay in the light friends and brothers I want to thank you all for visiting the star traveler page the contents are messages from the Masters of the Universe for the Awakening of Consciousness and the construction of a better world may I ask you to please share this page
So that you will be participating in the construction of a better world do not forget to click on the Bell to know about each post on this page as soon as it is published a lot of light Namaste it Foreign Thank you