Welcome back to the channel y’all I am Miss Titus 2 and today I’m going to be interviewing two former AKA so y’all make sure you prepare your questions I think this is going to be a very very good and insightful conversation and we’ll be right back All right so the live chat thank you everyone who has um who’s been following this conversation about Greek life and Christianity and all that if y’all can please let me know in the chat um some of the questions that you’re going to have we’ll ask those towards
The end of the show but y’all just y’all just hang tight because I think this is going to be so good but I have two special guests with me um I’m gonna go ahead and bring them on Erica and Katrina welcome you guys hello hello hello so do either of you
Have a YouTube channel we can start there yeah I don’t okay Katrina doesn’t but Erica you do what’s the name of your channel Erica um his strength counseling or you can look by my name Erica Harris um if you just Google why did I denounce
AKA again and you can pull it up so it’s your channel more so about Greek life or is it just about different things and sometimes you talk typically about different things General Christian topics but you can also follow my testimony and other various videos I’ve done on denouncing and renouncing
Perfect perfect so yeah I’ve actually I’ve seen a few videos with Erica Katrina is this your first interview about your experience I mean I mean I mean I did stuff in clubhouse but this is the first time you can see me like see me see me okay awesome well I’m excited
Um I know a little bit about AKA because I went to an AKA uh is it I think a rush interest meeting so yeah I was so interested in in college um but anyway so today we’re going to talk about you guys’s personal experience within the sorority why you
Chose to come out of it and um just find out like what are some of the things that AKA kind of promotes and the things that they believe and the things that that you have to do to even become an AKA so I want to start off I
Guess we can start from Erica and then go to Katrina did you were you raised Christian like did you come up in the church or was that something that came later yeah you know I know there’s several of us who’ve been you know the the I call
It the yes I grew up in church and particularly my grandma great grandma I was in East program and all that and but when I got to college is when I cut I call it uneducated because I fell for the lie that all religions are the same
You know everybody gets to heaven and so I really wasn’t Walking with God to be honest to giving although I said I was a Believer but I really wasn’t if you’d be honest so when AKA interest group came on the campus that I was at the college
I was like I had no history of any Greek life except for watching the movie like school days and things like this but I had no aspirations like so many um young women do they have Legacy in other people so that wasn’t my story I was a
You know straight A student you know set out of trouble and interest group was there and it happened to be to start in chapter a new chapter at that college campus and you know they told me what it was and I was like cool and that’s how I
Ended up getting introduced to it okay so you didn’t have a you had a religious background but you wouldn’t say you were actually like a Christian no I mean I claim I mean I was like I grew up Christian and somebody was like a one of those like you know statistics
Person with a knock on my door and say what do you believe I would have said oh yeah I believe in Christ but no God all right Katrina what about you um when you mean just like my face background yeah so did you grow up in in
Church or you know yeah well I was I was raised uh Catholic I don’t know if you want to show the the photos or I don’t know if you got that photo from when I did First Holy Communion is it this one this one yeah yeah that
One right there yeah so I was in the second grade so I went through the whole religious study and like I said my mother was raised Catholic and like I said she went to Catholic School K through 12th grade and even though she didn’t really like her experience she
Still was like grounded on the faith and she said she would raise us that way but after we uh you know became Catholic we really personally we didn’t really go to like church like that after that so I you know so I did that in the second
Grade I was confirmed when I was in the fifth grade and then I would say after the sixth grade we didn’t really go to church too much I mean we might have went on like special occasions um my dad he was raised Episcopal but he wasn’t really really practicing like he wasn’t like
Necessarily going to church with us or going to his own church so it was just us and we wasn’t doing no Bible studies at home and like I said I thought I was pushing I mean if you don’t really know too much about the faith when you think of a nun
You think of a priest does it get more holy than that but I you know I didn’t know I mean I mean I my uncle was a priest I have a a great grandfather that was a Episcopal priest so I have a lot of religious stuff on
Both sides but again if you don’t got that relationship are you part of something false then you ain’t Christian but you you still gotta know so I found out later on that you know I guess I was I thought I was Christian then I probably was a lukewarong Christian but then I realized
The Catholic faith you got to add all these works you gotta do all this extra stuff and they don’t got nothing to do with Grace it’s like you just try to work yourself into to heaven and you know we can’t do that yeah yeah so Erica you said your family was
Not Greek you were the first one right um yeah that was the first one but Katrina just based on these few pictures that you sent me I’ll give them back up it sounds like y’all yeah I mean I I could give you a little brief history so
Please please okay so my my grandfather this is my dad’s father he went to Trinity University yes that’s the school I went to and I I believe he was like pledging Kappa something happened it didn’t work out and all I know was the story I heard was he burnt up the paddle
And that was that but later on when my dad went to school he he was actually interested in being a part of Mega sci-fi but you know how sometimes you hear about you want to do something but then when you get on the campus you just don’t really clash with like the group
Or the group you know so he ended up becoming interested in Phi Beta Sigma and that’s what he did now my mom’s story was her uh she kind of came from Deltas really her uh well my grandmother her mother uh she was in the uh uh excuse me
Pyramid Place Club but um she didn’t finish or whatever but she had an art that was a Delta so but back then you could go to both like you like now they might just have a all-campus great interest meeting and they just give you a little bit of information and then
They just have the interest me and you usually can’t just go to one and go to another but back then you could go to how however you want it and it didn’t really affect you like it didn’t mark you like if you went to a Delta one you
Couldn’t turn around like all right I’m gonna go to this AKA one because no the Deltas already got you it was almost like you’re marked or you’re like blackballed if you go to one and you go to the other back then you could like
You could go to both so my mom told me she went to both um but the fit for her was more with AKA and and it is our family grew or whatever people really was just doing AKA but it’s a lot of Deltas it’s a lot
Of akas I got my mom’s older sister is the AKA and a lot of my family went to Hampton Hampton University so um my mom sister was an AKA my mom younger sister is an AKA and we got a lot of cousins on her side at akas and
Then their daughters and the way it works is like you’re Greek you probably marry a Greek I mean your child is going to be a Greek and then you fast forward to my dad’s side my my dad’s uh all right this is my grandmother’s a younger sister she’s a she was an AKA
I mean she she’s passed but she was an AKA and she went to Cheney as well but this was before it was actually a chapter it was like a city chapter um and a city chapter if you don’t understand what that is that’s before chapters found it and you just kind of a
Bunch of groups I mean a bunch of uh chapters kind of just going to one so it’s a lot of history from my school it’s a lot of history with the family but like I said they’re all in it when I mean all you think about length they’re in there
Too Jack and Jill Mason Eastern Star on both sides of the family so it’s like when I denounced or you know I didn’t denounce the people because like I said I would have to go live under a rock because they’re everywhere I look here they’re there I look here
They’re there you know I can’t get away from it so it’s like one thing I just want to stress going forward with this conversation I don’t hate the people you know I hate the sin absolutely and that’s it it’s good you brought up a lot of stuff just in that especially talking about
Jack and Jill and links had I not read that book our kind of people I never would have even known those groups existed so that could be another whole episode in itself I didn’t know you were like familiar with that so both of y’all both of y’all know what those things are
I’m totally in the dark actually Katrina can you give a quick a quick brief like explanation as to what links in Jack and Jill is well it’s kind of vague it’s kind of funny like when I you’ll probably talk about when I did the miscounter girl pageant but my brother
Actually was uh he did it like two years before I did he was an escort for like the same type of AKA thing I was in and um they have to get ads and that’s how they you know raise money for scholarships and all that type of stuff
And they had an ad for Jack and Jill and the only Jack and Joe at that time I knew about was the ice cream I ain’t know nothing about the organization like the organization organization but from what I heard is still a little blurry but from what I heard it’s like
The Deltas kind of I don’t know it was the founders or something dealing with Delta and it’s like they’re kids the Jack and Jill I think it’s kind of like that they’re they’re Elite called bougie are supposed to be helping you know Children and Youth and um minorities and things like this and
They’re they’re commit their side Community programs um and they do a lot of fundraising for things like this for the community and scholarships and I believe Jackie Jill does have like a mentorship program and things like this for grooming get them when they’re young and impressionable grooming to present and
Here’s the thing The Catch 22 about date Satan’s kingdom nobody says it doesn’t look good on the outside right and so little kids are seeing these so-called me they’ve made it and especially those of color seeing these women and men who are in high you know Corporate America
And doing these things and they’re like you can do this too but they’ll just say you can do this independent of if you become one of these divine nine Greek things they they do they don’t they don’t divorce those two if they’re honest like I said they they’re grooming
In from a young age that in order to be successful in this world you need to go Greek wow so Jack and Jill actually is like a precursor to Greek life I did not know the principles you know of course they of course they paint them as success and um leadership and
Self-confidence and things like this and of course we know those are all good qualities to have but they again to me you have to look at the foundation and you have to look at the underlying purpose of it is that we in our own flesh can rise to the Top by certain you
Know qualities and this is what encompasses The Good Life this is the good life if you go this route and to me I think that’s part of the deception is of you know that they promote Melanie Austin says Jack and Jill is very similar to a sorority they have
Induction ceremonies don’t know how deep their rituals go and they’re highly selective for inch for entering yes she’s spot on you have to be you can’t go join just I want to join them you can’t you have to be my aunt her mother was a Delta she I
Don’t know if she was trying to be a dancer ever was interested but she went to Hampton University as well that’s where she met my uncle he was actually interested in uh being a member of Mega sci-fi I’m not sure if he just totally
Gave up on that but their son is in the Jack and Jill wow okay well I might have to bring you all alone so when y’all got to college what was it about AKA that interested you foreign popcorn style well for me it was because I’m 10 I tend
To be more of a loner kind of person like I am like a 50 people person 50 I’m happy by my leave me alone leave me alone but I what appealed to me was again the concept of I would be introduced and have now a whole gaggle
Of sisters all over the world you know and it does pan out you know whenever I would go with my AKA paraphernalia if there was another AKA they would immediately say hi and make connections and so just that that social peace is what appeal to me yeah I mean for me it’s
It was school days in my house I mean you had everything the plaque I mean like I said my room like before I moved into my room I moved into the room where my mom basically had all her College AKA stuff when I was three she
Had this big poster on the wall that said future AKA she had all this other stuff that was just her stuff if you look at the photos that I said that she got when she went over it one was a big pillow and I don’t know if you have the
Other one while I was playing with the Cabbage Patch dial but right next to it was her her College pillow like I mean and like I said my dad he had uh yup that that pillow right there was right next to my bed in all like
Some some of that stuff was like in like it was like on the other bit because I had a twin and then I had a twin that was attached to it and she I mean it was like uh it was like an AKA Museum but anyway
Shrine yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean it essentially that I mean but she had it all over the house it wasn’t just really that room it was all over the place but for me I didn’t know and I didn’t think anything was bad so it would be like for
Example people can have people that are in the military and then they want to have their other family go in the military and then praise it but you know they don’t really know too much about boot camp till they get there they don’t know how much stuff they might have to
Deal with or whatever but my mom told me stories she told me stories about things she went through when she was online so like I said back then because she went over spring uh 77 everything was above ground Hazen was not illegal I mean you
Know some stuff they you know may not do but she let me know stuff she went through but when the time came you know things had changed but she never made me feel like you know if they’re not gonna pledge and you ain’t gonna be good enough in this household or whatever it
Was nothing nothing like that but as far as me when I went to the campus I was totally comfortable and the way I was brought up because like I said I came from a Greek family so it was very like how can I explain it we were all family
So even though I had a lot of akas we still have Deltas so I’m not going to disa Delta you know my dad is a sigma my brother’s a sigma I actually personally hung out with Zetas more than I hung out with akas because after my mom graduated
From college she was an actor for a while I mean she still had connections to you know akas and all that type of stuff because matter of fact her lying sister is my brother’s godmother like I’m just trying to tell you like they’re all you know connected so we might not
Have known the full story of everything everybody went through at their school their chapter but slowly but surely I started hearing the stories but anyway I was comfortable when I went to campus so I knew exactly what I wanted to do it was just a matter of when and
Um I kind of got an interesting story really quick to tell you right when I was um I would say I was a sophomore and I was still dating this guy that we like we we graduated together we were high school sweethearts and he went to school
Like he took a year off he didn’t go right when I went to school so he was kind of a year behind me but we was the same age he went to the school called Kutztown and um you know long distance it was really not we weren’t too far apart but you
Know if you don’t get to see each other all the time talk all the time it’s long distance so he wanted me to transfer his to school and my mom was like ain’t no way they ain’t got no akas on that campus I said well they got like group folks
They ain’t got akas on that camera there’s no way you going there so it’s it’s all it it was like this is what you’re gonna do not that I didn’t want to do it but it was just like okay you know but um I you know I got along and
Because my brother became a sigma at the uh the school I went to uh fall fall 2000 when I came and he was already Greek so I already got to know all the people that went over there was Greek on the campus I mean I never did nothing
Like disrespectful like I come from a Greek family I’m just gonna walk all over y’all plots now I still met and made you know individual relationships and matter of fact people that really didn’t know me they would be probably confused as who I wanted to be and I’m gonna tell you this
This other quick story so I wasn’t Greek yet and a lot of times I used to go with the sigmas and Zetas when they would have like the homecoming or to make whatever because my dad and my brother you know my brother was on the campus
That was his chapter and all that stuff so we would always come together so this one time I think I was like a sophomore they had a concert I didn’t I didn’t plan on going so it was these Tuesdays they were from I’m not gonna say their
Names but they were from uh spring 02 semester and they were like really really close and they were going to go to the concert and one of them had two young kids and they asked me you know are you going to the concert I said no
I’m not going and they said you mind if you know watching them I said sure there’s no problem so they took they came over to my dorm and I watched them just for a couple hours and after the concert you know everything was fine and
The next day I um I actually had a class for one of the sigmas that was from the um Springer two line as well and he said so what’d you do did you go to concert I said no I was watching um one of the uh the zeta’s kids
And she he was like what he said are you trying to be a Zeta I said no he’s like well be careful because they’ll try to take advantage of you and you know think you want to do it and they’ll try to just have you do personal favors I said
No I did that because I wasn’t doing nothing and I consider them to be a part of my family or whatever but that’s when I told him I said he was like you don’t want to be that’s it I want to be an AKA and it was like
Because I supported everybody yeah you know if it was day to week I supported them Sigma week Sydney gamero Delta whatever I didn’t discriminate because they’re my they was my family but that’s that’s it so there is this cardinal rule I remember this when I was
In college like you cannot go to more than one interest meeting or like you said your black ball from the other organizations why is it like that do y’all know like is it just jealousy you know of course as when you’re when you’re when you’re when your heart is towards one organization
It’s kind of like go check out the other ladies too it’s the same principle that underlines it I don’t I don’t know what necessarily changes because like I said back in the day they had the one because everybody like I said don’t come from a Greek family or they just really might because
They even Greeks will say this whatever you want to do go to the campus get to know them because if you do get in that’s who you’re going to be with and even though it’s bigger than the campus that’s like your home and you don’t want to get into something
And that’s your home and like you hate it you don’t get along with the people you don’t you know because the way it is whether you have a bad experience or not you’re supposed to be very discreet even though everybody got problems you’re not really supposed to talk about it but as
Far as the whole not talking like it’s even deeper than just going to the uh like an interest meeting if you just talk to somebody you could just walk up to someone or pull them to the side and say you know I wanted I’m kind of interested that can get you blackballed
Too because if somebody know you went and talked to them and they’re thinking that’s what you want to do everybody’s talking yeah you know but I wasn’t like that because I know everybody might change their mind and they have a right to but the only thing that probably
Would be a problem for me or probably someone else which could be reasonable is if you went out for AKA and you didn’t get picked and then you went to another one and trying to get in that that’s different because that’s like you really didn’t want to be a AKA it
Wasn’t that like because if we did not Choose You you would have been an AKA so that could be like that ain’t work out let me try to get with some and that’s happened too and that’s common knowledge too I mean so like I said people might go out they
Don’t get picked and they go do something else but I don’t know but the way from my common knowledge I don’t care what school you go to and I’m not bragging because like I said I love them all but AKA everybody was going after AKA like
Everybody yeah Delta and AKA seem to be the most popular black sororities am I right about that I know on my campus that’s exactly how it was absolutely but yeah to me it just comes out to that heart issue is because some again to me because and we get into this
All of them want your heart you have to say play your art to the thing so it’s the same thing to me as a mayor let’s say we’re again married and if we don’t work out then okay you go ahead and go to another one no they want to make sure that your
Heart is for the you can’t have no divided heart you got to have a heart for us so if you’re going around to different places yeah we don’t want you know they don’t want you because we want somebody who’s real yeah I mean this was
Like because I was I was a Girl Scout when I was younger I was a brownie and people can be in that but it’s not like a tie it’s like you can be connected you can be friends and then maybe if you don’t do it no more you might lose touch
But this is like forever like forever ever and it’s like it’s just this weird feeling but for some people they might want to get out but they don’t want to talk about it because they don’t want that backlash and it’s like why can’t it just be like
I’m working at this job and I just don’t want to work there no more why does it got to be like I gotta like sell my soul get all these Spirits out and I mean come on like really yeah it is that way people are offended when y’all denounce
And especially when you do it publicly and I just I don’t understand like why it’s like they take it personal so they’re so offended I mean because like I said it’s it’s so many people that I mean they’re trying to say that Christian principles nonsense let me say
And I’ve heard people say this on a lot of videos the Christian principles start I mean stop once the rituals start um that’s good it it is like once you start because but if you don’t know the Bible and like I said everybody’s not Christian people might believe whatever
But if you’re doing this whole uh Christian principles thing I mean if you’re a Muslim why would you want to do that and oh that’s another thing my great advisor with my would have been great advisor because well it was it was three things that happened when I was a sophomore
That incident with the akas I don’t I can’t remember the school but everything was shut down for a year because they too too drowned to uh they would have been they were going out for it but the character was actually suspended so they wasn’t going to even if let’s say they
Did survive that they wasn’t going to go over anyway but like I said that always happens and that really bothers me whether I mean even if I was like you’re gonna pledge you’re not gonna whatever why would you put somebody through something and tell them they gonna do
Something and they’re not gonna do it that’s just like so corrupt to me how wait how did that even happen we’re we’re like going but y’all know we’re all over the place but yeah okay so how how could they have a line if the chapter was suspended because you don’t
Care exactly it’s your chapter you know how when you say your organization it’s your chapter it’s like you running it however you want to run it but the way I was brought in when we came on the yard it was like one AKA left and she was inactive so we was essentially brought
In by grad chapter and I mean all of them pledged and but there was no no hate or nothing like that so it really depends on who’s bringing you in what’s the mentality about following the rules or not I mean because like I said once that rule happened and was in 1990 no
Haze and this some people really stopped but some people it’s sad to say it shouldn’t be like well depends on your chapter it’s the same organization like what is your chapter what is that got to do with anything it’s the same organization yeah the underground process is alive and well as we’re
Talking right now it don’t matter what the true status of the yeah it doesn’t matter it really depends on what you want to do again there’s always an underground active underground and you can particularly see it I want to say this is my theory especially in the South you know especially during the
Summer yet they have these picnics and things like this you better not go down there pay paper because they will charge you up again so the underground is a very active continually purposely engineered to me by the enemies of that people young impressionable um young women and men feel like they
Have to go through something to for it to be again real and accepted and to me that it’s so diabolical because again they will again I have again they will reject you you might be you might have paid your that thousands of dollars to get your stuff but if you did not get
Hurt and beat up and humiliated and all this other stuff you’re not real it’s different terminology they call it paper now but when I was doing it they just said you straight skated that was and that was like a cuss word all those terms like if you said yeah I mean they
Got different terminologies but if someone said even if it I guess you say you skated you didn’t it’s kind of like it’s a bad word but do you have a choice because it’s like they whoever brought you in if they’re bringing you in and they’re not even putting that pressure
On you or telling you to do that matter of fact they’re saying don’t do that and they play so you’re talking what is the problem because I’m saying this is how diabolical the system is because I came in the same time when it was a big Hush Hush damn
Don’t do no hazing because they were in trouble but we wanted to behave this is how crazy trying to join these organizations is we wanted to be Haze because we wanted to be real see to me this is that thing about these organizations they put out a message
That you’re not real you’re not whole you’re not good enough until you go through this and come part of us and so to me people who are willingly to go through and suffer this kind of things for this you don’t talk about red flags about is this truly a Christian thing
It’s like do you really think Christ would want you drinking human feces eating and doing crazy stuff and I mean it’s like you think this is CR really and but we were willing to do it who’s drinking human feces is that a ritual like I said look and everything water
Like drinking too much water those sticking things getting beat up and punched and and some people they go straight up to the sexually immoral they have the Frat come over and intimidate young females to do stuff and of course they claim you don’t have to do now you
Don’t want to but young little girls are I mean young and naive thinking I have to do this to get into the organization and that happens it really does so do you all know personally like any stories like that where you you’re like I know this school did that or that chapter did
Something like that well I can tell you it was a girl that went over uh and I don’t mind saying her name because I she she got she got expelled she got kicked out this was from um I’m sorry 406 this was the line right after mine because my um I went over
Delta Iota spring on four so the next line we had was 406 and this girl previously she was an alpha Angel and again that stuff’s not even allowed but the guys can that’s all underground too but back in the day the girls I mean the sororities they had
Like auxiliary uh for men but we don’t do that we don’t do that no more but the guys still have it on the campus hush hush and a lot of times people join that stuff when they’re freshmen or whatever and use it if I can talk to somebody
Even I was in the sorority and I didn’t necessarily know that that was bad back then I would encourage them you don’t got to do that because they like are pleasing these girls like really pleasing these girls and and people still to this day will hold it like it’s the highest honor and
Some of them don’t even join some I mean some might try to join us to worry but some are content to just stay that way but it’s all demonic now I mean now that I know now but I mean I don’t even know where to begin but as
Far as my experience I had a lot of things that I saw that I could have easily said nah I’m not doing it when the girls died with the whole AKA drowning I could have said even though the chapter was suspended even though they shouldn’t have been listening they
Should have did their proper homework they’re still tied to the organization and the fact that they’re okay with blindfolding someone taking them out into like the beach or the water I don’t know if they was tied together but they you know tumbled and they ended up
Drowning and it was a big lawsuit it’s lawsuits all the time people chances get snatched all the time people get suspended all the time or they might just wait for everyone to graduate but people still want to join because like for me some people might look at Martin Luther King Coretta Scott
Like they might look at all these higher figures but for me I didn’t even have to look at Martin Luther King because they was already in my family so I already knew about Greek I knew I wanted to be Greek I didn’t have to look at a
Celebrity or someone that maybe made a difference in this world to be like oh I want to be like them I just looked at my parents I just looked at my family and but I knew they were a part of something and I thought that was something great
And I wanted to be a part of that and I I mean I I was very proud to be a part of organization and everybody didn’t get it but I remember uh this Zeta she was from the spring 02 semester she got in you know we went oh you know for the
Summer she came back to school and she denounced and I guess it was like for Spiritual like spiritual reasons and hopefully she didn’t get a lot of backlash but you know that was kind of new I mean this is before we had all the websites and all that but I mean people
Been getting out but they just probably didn’t have that voice they didn’t have people to talk to people didn’t understand and it was just so great so it’s kind of like why would you want to get out and even if you say it’s something spiritual
If you do claim to be a Christian and you say I’m a Christian and someone else tells you I’m a Christian too I’m getting out of this thing you should want to know why it shouldn’t be like oh they must have just had a bad experience or something wrong with them or they’re
Crazy anytime if you are not Christian and you tell somebody God said this they probably sent you a schizophrenic like you just hearing voices because that whole thing about faith is like a illusion or a delusion to them if they can’t touch it they can’t see it they can’t hear it
It don’t exist and now just look at you like you crazy so I I know Erica you’ve talked to people I’ve talked to people and they don’t see it but let me tell you something spiritual blindness is real and if you are not there God is not going to force himself in
Your life but things will happen to you you might not understand why but once you let him in and I really feel like this once you really get out of something that’s when you see those hard lessons or things that like like the the signs like you go back and you remember
Yeah I remember when that happened and it’s like you get these epiphanies and you understand what was really going on but when you was in it you was by yourself and half the time if you were struggling in school or you were just having problems Who you gonna talk to because you don’t
Want to feel weak everyone’s looking at you like I mean when you are a Greek if you are not a celebrity you are a mini celebrity and people will literally treat you like a god like literally like they come and bound down to you they kissing up to you
And all that and I’ve always told people even interest I said just be yourself and I know sometimes they don’t always know when to approach you because they don’t know where you stay they don’t know your schedule and sometimes they might approach you and they might maybe
Do it in a inappropriate way just like how someone’s a fan of a celebrity and they just can’t get you know they just they just stop you but it’s like you just gotta let them know look I I get it I was where you were I’m
Human just like you but how would you want me to talk to you yeah because this I I get this comment a lot in the comments section they say why in the world would anybody go through a hazing experience but when you see how Greeks are treated on campus as opposed to
People who aren’t Greeks I mean there is a difference there’s a lot of perks that come along with being a part of a Greek fraternity or sorority now I don’t think people understand how big of a deal that is to 19 and 20 year old kids who really
Just want to be accepted especially when you’re on a campus with a whole bunch of people like Community is important so I did want to find out so were either of y’all Haze and if so what was The Hazing experience like yeah you want to go first hour
So yeah okay Erica was not Haze were you Haze Katrina I wasn’t Haze by people that brought me in I didn’t really get any like problems from other Greeks I I was that AKA that because everyone got them from their organization where they just cool with everybody didn’t go anywhere I
Didn’t have any problems with no one but the problem I had was was in my line so it was 25 of us and we actually went over during um the spring break and after we went over it was a Regional Conference that’s like if you know about the we call ours A
Boulee but if you know about it’s a really big thing the regional conference is more just like a few characters within the state and it’s still big but it’s not as big so it actually took place in Philly where I’m from and so right after
You know we became an AKA we went there and right after that we was going back to campus and I could tell because Cheney pledges hard like they just I mean whether you pledge you don’t play but that’s just they’re known to play it’s hard and the way they
Do it whether it’s hell week or however it’s done other organizations will see you so they know whether you pledge or not and so the main concern for some was like I don’t want to be disrespected you know even though I didn’t go through nothing I I you know I went National or
You know I wasn’t hurt or Nothing by nobody I don’t want to necessarily lie and say I did but I just don’t want that disrespect so what everyone normally does they might call it a probate they might call it a coming out show and so they wanted to have one but the regional
Director we had at the time she didn’t play that she was like all that stuff is she was almost kind of saying it’s demonic she was saying it’s always going to end up someone’s going to get hurt someone’s gonna be pre-pleased it’s gonna it’s not just gonna be a show it’s
Always going to lead to some other nonsense so she usually never approved that stuff and so but it but but if I really tell you the real story so after the the aka’s the the lines were shut down my sophomore year so you know we couldn’t do nothing the next time I went
Out for it or excuse me the first time I went out for it was fall three semester and at that time the grand advisor she was Muslim and her mother was Muslim and I knew all of them because like I said when I did that Miss counter girl pageant I did
That my senior year I don’t know if you want to put the photo up but I did that my senior year in high school and I got familiar with the grad chapter which was the Grand Champion that that brought us in and yeah the one the one in the
Middle right there I did that and um it was you know a good experience and I got to know a lot of akas and so when I had my Rush believe it or not my mom was actually at my Rush and when we went to go she kind of said look you
Know I know everyone know you they don’t got no problem with you but I don’t want no jealousy or anything like that within your line so when we go in here we’re just going to kind of I’m Gonna Let You Go in first and I’m gonna come in after
You so even though my mom didn’t uh go to Cheney because she was in the the grandchild that was Affiliated and they knew you know they allowed her to come so we essentially went in there we acted like we didn’t know each other but but people were coming up to me I was
Sitting there waiting to be called in because the way I don’t know how every other organization does it but the way they do it is they put up a flyer you have to have all this information filled out you have to first come get it and you have to have all this
Information filled out and you have to have that together like you have to prove that you got the GPA all that type of stuff before you even go into the rush these other organizations they might just let you come in tell you whatever and then they go
Through the information at the end then they decide if you don’t it’s almost like they’re not even trying to waste your time or have you waste their time so so anyway while I was sitting waiting to be called because we was all kind of like in this big uh room or whatever
Everyone’s kind of making a small chat and everyone’s kind of like hoping you know everyone got that feeling like I want this I hope everything worked out and I was Legacy so what Legacy means and that wasn’t always the case like in the 70s Legacy wasn’t officially like on
The books but Legacy basically means as long as you meet all the requirements you don’t have to be voted on and you’re in but your mother or maybe your grandmother they have to be active so it’s not just like a free-frow just because your mom’s an AKA that doesn’t
Mean you get in either they have to be active I think two consecutive years prior and you have to have the you know all the requirements and but anyway everyone that was at the the rush a lot of them did counter girl with me like they was
Part of that the committee whatever so they knew me on a first name basis they was like hey Katrina and everybody’s kind of like how they know you and everybody you know thinking like did they just like look at your application and I could kind of like I you know I
Said hi I wasn’t ashamed of nothing but they were all proud they all said hi to me but anyway fast forward so we get in the rush and they go through everything telling us a little bit about the organization and what to expect and they
Told us straight up if you were the type that you want to pledge and you want to do this we ain’t doing that and we won’t be mad at you if you get up and walk out right now but we ain’t doing that and so but after they rush
They told us we should probably find out within two weeks we should get a call whether we got in or not or whatever we never got a call like nothing so imagine you go to the right you hear and you don’t hear nothing and this is so people were walking
Around they went to the interest meeting did you hear something and I’m like and I’m like no I didn’t hear nothing and we know what happened but the next semester apparently what happened was one of the girls who attended the rush she I think previously went out for it on a previous
Line and it was some funny business in the grand advisor at the time must have approached her look I don’t want no friend because I know she went to her house or it was she came to hers but I guess she thought she wasn’t gonna get picked and she made a complaint and
Because she made a complaint everything got shut down but we ain’t no nothing and so the next semester is when I you know and like everything had happened it was almost like the rush never happened we had to start all over again and go through the whole process again so it
Was like having a rush happen again going through the same process again and then so it’s kind of ironic the rush was in February a 2004 I renounced publicly uh a 2002 I’m exciting 2022 in February I’m making this video it’s February it’s like all of this is all at the same time
It’s all coincidental but um so once we did get picked and you know we went through everything I told you about the regional so once we came back to campus I told you to Grant advisor did not like she she uh our great advisor said we can practice for
The show like we’re going to have it but we don’t know if we’re going to have it if we can’t then you’re just gonna have to wear your colors and so uh the great advisor ended up saying we can’t have a show but we can come out doing the
Service project so we decided we’re going to put up little signs in the hall and I think we were going to clean or decorate the bathrooms and that was how we were going to come out but once the group because we had already practiced
Like we were going to have a show but we you know we couldn’t do it so they were just so upset so they just said listen wear your colors tomorrow and I I had got a lot of stuff because like I said I was lucky I got this just
Because I was Legacy my mom she even preparing from bouleles and stuff she gone because like it was some stuff that I had that people like oh where’d you get that from I’m like I don’t know my mom got it for me and she told me for
Years and years she would just get a shirt here get a shirt there and she just put it to the side because she knew I was going to join and she you know so I just had all it was like Christmas AKA Christmas if that makes any sense
The whole living room AKA everything but anyway so they told us to wear our colors so I wore my colors the next day and it like towards the end of the day I realized because it was a big line some actually commuted they were like non-traditional students and we were all
Over the place I found out I was the only one that wore anything and I remember people like they were like excited when they saw me but I think one person walked out to me said oh you’re gonna get in trouble cause you know if you wear letters and you ain’t
In the organization that’s like a No-No and I’m like I’m an AKA so the next question they’re gonna say Well when did you go over because the way people see it is you go over when you cross the Burning Sands and and all that stuff but we didn’t do
That and so um but they still eventually ended up having a show because the grand advisor we had at the time she kind of just didn’t want to deal with the drama she you know she knew they wanted it and they had it but I didn’t participate in
It because I wasn’t getting in on trouble some people just do stuff but like I said I knew I had the love of my my mom my dad my family and I wasn’t trying to even though people do it all the time I wasn’t trying to get our chapter suspended I
Wasn’t trying to do anything so I wasn’t in it and it was another one of my former line sisters that wasn’t in it I don’t know really what her maybe she was sick I don’t know but she wasn’t in it either but everyone else went out but
You know but before that which was kind of ridiculous we had already had to do that service project so at that point we you know I had on the AKA pain we were going and putting up AKA stuff and a couple of my license is pulled me to the side like
Can you can you take that pen off like we kind of felt uncomfortable I’m like who do you know puts up sorority stuff and they not in this sorority that they’re putting up and they’re like yeah that does sound kind of dumb and they just walked away from me
They were scared they were scared to wear their letters and it’s like what do you do if the rules change you just speak like tied and bondage to however things started you know and the whole thing about taking wood and all that nonsense I don’t know who started
That but my mom pledged and she didn’t go through none of that crap and um but I’m seeing some comments coming through I want to try to see if we can move on okay this is not a hate message right in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 11 tells us
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness but instead expose them not if you go I mean I’m not saying there may not be some tapes out there that are like really condemning and things like this but not once have any go through the tapes yourself have we
Said we hate the people in these groups that we hate even the organization what we’re saying and you can take this and leave it because again what we’re speaking is to the truth to those who are willing to listen and it’s not a message of hate it’s a
Hate it is a message of Truth and so to me again the Bible tells us in several places about yes those again who are in darkness they do not want their deeds exposed and of course again if this message offends you again we are again we can’t apologize for the truth
And so don’t believe what we’re saying go see search it out for yourself again we’re bringing this up about why we came out and the reason it’s not a personal one again in AKA at at the end of every move after every meeting it tells us to
Pledge our heart our mind our soul and our strength not to the Lord but not to God but to the organization and so this is a discourse of exposing what is inside that people on the outside are not aware of you be the judge you look it up and compare
Is this of God and it’s true somebody I went through the messages I’m I agree I haven’t seen any videos of Caucasian white organizations of people doing things like we’re doing against the divine nine and I don’t know why but where again we are we were a part of these organizations
And I was in there for 27 years and I woke up because I saw the truth and I can’t unsee it anymore and so miss tutu can you go to your list because I know you have some more questions that and things you want to talk about yeah
Actually I wanted to find out from you what was your personal experience did you pledge grad or undergrad and if so like what was the process like for you yeah again I came in undergrad because I was a family member of one of the interest groups that turn into an
Interest group that turns to a chapter for that thing when I got out of college I joined the grad chapter and so in my experience as you had mentioned saying some of the good things about being in a Greek membership that is enticing to Young Minds it is true the social capis
You know you get called and people notice you and yes they you know they do training programs and they do these things and you can do community service it’s not saying that though those things are evil what we are talking to is again what you are called to do for these
Organizations is beyond pledging you know I when I get called to do my job I’m not saying to my job I give you my heart my soul and my strength we’re speaking to the spirit behind the foundation and so my own experience again I experienced again the elitism that is at
The core of these organizations The Pride that I had when I would put in where my colors and and this concept that again I am better than you that again I’m smarter than you and of course I’m I’m swinging my hair and I’m prettier than you and I didn’t have my
Real hair then I had my little weave on this is mine now this is so but again I mean again I bought into that whole idea that being an AKA made me special aside from different people and it was not until I truly decided to really become saved again I got baptized in
February 2009 into Christ Hallelujah and I made the claim and a lot of people do I’m going to get right with God and he started to show me some things I needed to let go of but one thing I was still holding on to was AKA because I was blinded AKA is founded
On Christian principles and but again I could not refuse what I was seeing in the meetings in the meetings all I saw was hate I saw you know Pride I saw rage we actually got kicked out of a church because physical and yes this is what I’m seeing and so
To me it’s like my experience was like it was it’s not like it is proclaimed okay many people you can go if they’re willing to talk with you of so much pain and suffering and the true sisterliness is not there it is cultish and you have clicks and again this process that they
Try to promote on those pictures oh we’re having so much fun and stuff that’s not everybody’s experience and so to me the guy who said don’t you know just leave quietly to that point did I enter into the sorority quietly did I sneak in to be an
AKA no I proudly Proclaim to the High Heavens I’m an AKA now oh but we’re not to Proclaim we’re coming out of the same way and because the reason I’m coming out is because again of my faith I’m coming out and I’m making a proclamation because
I had once proclaimed this AKA is great now I’m proclaiming it’s not but that’s not hate and so I again I’m not sure where that’s coming from but I believe what the Bible says those in darkness hate it when their deeds are exposed yeah I think
Um for me one of the reasons why I’m passionate about this is because they claim these Christian principles so it’s like when you you say well we’re Christian organizations but my memories from being on campus like I don’t remember not one bglo Bible study you know the stuff I’m seeing at the step
Shows and all that is very sexually explicit some of these things and there’s there’s a whole bunch of cussing you know and even the things that some of these guys at their fraternity probates the things that they would do and say in front of their parents and in
Front of their I’m like your mom is right there and you’re doing all this nasty stuff but then you’re saying it’s a Christian organization Nation I do believe that there are some Christians who probably were in them but Christianity was not at all like portrayed in Greek life from my
Experience no I mean because because I can look at the rituals clear as day I’m like that’s not of God and like I said I only went through the rituals once even though we had other lines after ours I wasn’t like participating in that part and that’s another thing everyone can
Participate in that part everyone does get rituals but usually they don’t read it and if you don’t know the Bible and you just it just sounds like a poem it just sounds like something that you just made up and you could just you don’t see
It but like my my story as far as how I got out um my husband um he basically had a congress but like we we went to high school together and we reconnected 13 years later and when we started talking we were talking about
Our faith and he said what are you and I said I’m Catholic and we kind of had a conversation he said you know you don’t got the same Bibles me right I’m like what and you know my whole you know it was just it was a a hard truth that I
Had to swallow I mean my mom really didn’t believe in a lot of the stuff dealing with the Christian faith I mean excuse me Catholic faith and I kind of took kind of I kind of just got on the bandwagon and I didn’t really think it
Was that serious and he said you don’t you don’t have something you believe in and you believe in this but you don’t believe in that it’s like either it’s all true or none of his trip it’s it’s no you pick and choose so long story short me and him um
You know I started like getting in the word and everything and me and him got uh baptized at this uh Baptist Church or whatever and you know once I got in the word I’m telling you I just didn’t want to be a part of it no
More it was just like the blinders I didn’t really know too much about the idolatry and the the guys and all that stuff until later but I just didn’t have that desire and that actually happens it’s like the more you become like it’s like a new creation this like you died
All that stuff you used to want to do you just don’t want to do it and sometimes you don’t always have an explanation but my mom like I said my mom was um very heavily active she was an I believe reporter if you don’t know what an ivory reporter is Paparazzi you got
To be everywhere so you essentially got to be at every event and you know we have a national magazine she writes stuff for that I mean she just does everything huh is your mom still an AKA well she she passed away okay in uh March 7th 2021 but she was
You know a life member she was set as you would say she was a silver star my dad like I said he was very uh active but he still a member he didn’t get out or nothing my brother is still a member a lot of these
To my knowledge no one in my family has gotten out they might have maybe not been active and they might not be active because they maybe just don’t you know they might not be against the organization they just don’t they didn’t pay their dues but for me like I said I didn’t go
To no activities and my my my parents were very heavily active and charged on committees so I was always aware so for me not to be around something’s up so I told him I’m not coming to nothing I don’t have no desire to come to nothing but it was in 2017 I
Was listening to a Bible study from Adrian Rogers and it was something about idolatry and it talked about like everything you could whatever idolized and I just was like I’m done I was just like because you you can be like not had to design you kind
Of pulled back and you don’t want to go but you might not always know why but you just know you don’t have that design it’s almost like if you have a craving for a food and you just don’t want it no more but then you find out later why you
Don’t want it no more but can y’all speak to maybe some of the rituals that kind of were red flags maybe I don’t know if you thought about it while you were going through the process or in hindsight like is there anything that you can think of yeah absolutely the whole process
You have they their color you have to wear specific colors on specific days during the process and then when you’re entering to the room it is dark blacked out and they have a little candle in the on the table that says this is representative of the founder
And then they have the little pillows that you have to get on your knees and do all these vowels and talk about the eternal spirit and and into the to the um ancestor into the spirit of and then all these all these pledges that you’re saying to thee Oh Alpha Kappa Alpha and
To thee the illustrious and again all of the terminology this is a spiritual foundation and you’re saying all of these hymns and these statements and replies because the bat the the president of the chapter is saying now after me say this and I and your pled and saying all these statements of
Fidelity to the to the organization recognizing that before this now you see light you’re now enlightened because you now are this you know for sorority member all of these different things the kneeling on pillows in a dark room to a candle and then as you know my fellow
Lion sisters we had to lie we had to lock up and if you go you can go Google a witch’s coven meeting you can’t see a difference I remember we had like Ivy stuff we had to put and wear on our head and one thing I distinctly remember because
Because I remember the whole process I don’t really remember what I said but I do remember kneeling on a pillow because we had to go through different stuff changing white black whatever and I had to kneel on the pillow and we had to sign stuff and you know how
Sometimes you just signing so much stuff you might maybe write on the wrong line and I noticed I had wrote on the wrong line and one of the aka’s had like walked over and I asked her did I did I have to do this over did I make a
Mistake and she said just sign it and I was like okay that’s scary that would have been the entire time for me to get out of there but I just I didn’t know if I wasn’t laughing I wasn’t giggling it was just like you make a mistake
And she just I’m I I remember that to this day so at chapter meetings like I’m assuming there’s prayers and stuff but other than that like is is Christ anywhere at the chapter meeting no but why would it be prayers anyway absolutely of my chapter before I renounce and
Somebody had mentioned the fact that yes they will meet at churches it’ll be a church service that’s dedicated to that organization that day and so but yeah it’s like this they say prayers and even in the ritual book they have one of the little verses there into
Jesus but then they say and to the other Eternal whoever eternal spirit or whatever it is along with Buddha and Confucius and whoever else that because again everybody that comes in there is not a Believer so whatever God floats your boat you’re good to go don’t worry about it like she
Said sign your name that you will promise to keep Secret everything that you’ve said and done today keep secret what is the Bible telling about keeping secrets it doesn’t say anything about keeping secrets it’s not about them being shouted to the Rooftop and the light yeah exactly I mean you
Don’t really think about it but you’re like really like blood sisters when you think about the Bible and people shed blood and I mean I didn’t do that but that’s how it felt you know because and I was listening to other like the announcement videos of just people talking about
Getting out and how the stuff is like demonic and out of God and they said you’re unequally whether you Christian or not you are unequally yoked with all these different people and y’all do these awesome regardless if you don’t like their lifestyle they could be homosexual whatever whatever the case is
You’re not going to openly disrespect them because you got this this Bond even if they do something you don’t really like so it’s like it’s like a call you or or Uncle you don’t always agree but you looked the other way I mean like you don’t say nothing it
Becomes dangerous I think especially for Christians who are in it because you’re kind of like turning a blind eye to all your lbs and ls’s doing all these things that are not not Christian at all but because they’re in an organization that claims to be based on Christian
Principles they think well then I must be okay then which I think is another reason why it’s important for people to denounce not because denouncing saves you but because people really think well I must be Christian because I’m in a Christian organization that’s that’s called in speaking in therapies rationalization and to intent
Telexualizing meaning you’re rationalizing away the evil you see yeah oh don’t look at the evil we’re a Christian organization based on what but what based on what facts Jesus says you’ll know who belongs to me by what your hate your pride your selfishness oh your bins your Mansion oh your six figure salary
No by your love and the fruits of Darkness fruits of light you tell me again the Bible makes it clear you cannot get good fruit out of a wicked tree but they flip it around and say look at our good service look at our community service ignore the the the The Hazing
And the deaths and the sexually traumatic transmitted diseases oh and they’re getting the shame and the pride and all of this oh don’t that don’t worry about that kind of stuff look at what we’re doing and to me this is where people get deceived thinking that because they say we’re Christian
But what is the fruit what is the fruit what is the fruit of the individual members and then collectively as the group because they again you cannot become one of these just because I want to sign up for it you have to be accepted by them you have
To look a certain way make a certain amount of money and be a certain way in order to be accepted because if you don’t meet these criteria you will not be accepted I’m where’s my Bible you cannot become a Believer until you look a certain way make a certain amount of money no
Oh Come All Who again come on but these organizations says no we are an elite illustrious and we want the best of the crop of humanity all in the cusp of this is a Christian organization that is exclusive is exclusive as an in this judgmental it’s judgmental meaning oh you don’t oh
Look she ain’t getting her she’s too fat oh no and no they actually yeah they had that paper bag yeah that’s real the paperback test is actually wow yeah I mean there’s I’m not saying it’s still done it’s still done some people don’t know what go look from the
United States you know whole United States there are some chapters you can’t find anything lighter than I mean darker than the paper bag there’s some people who still they still hold to these prejudicial ideals that okay you know because again I often when I first you know became an AKA I would
All when I would say oh my AKA they were like oh you’re really you’re an AKA you’re not a typical AKA basically because I’m dark skinned so this this prejudice is still alive and it’s still ongoing light-skinned dark skinned straight hair kinky hair all of these things again are still
Promoted even though they only they’ll say that’s not how they are but it’s in in reality it is exactly like that exactly like that all right I have um so like the movie school days um you know it was they might not have openly said it but it was like akas and
Deltas yeah you know and um but but like I said it wasn’t until later down the line because I I heard the story that Deltas will reject akas but it wasn’t until down the line I realized they were not like they wanted to be akas and then
They didn’t let them in and then they had to do something else they actually were yeah akas and they got kicked out but um the one thing I never understood about the whole Hazen process we was going through so much as African-Americans in itself why would
You want to be doing that to each other it was like kind of putting yourself through slavery we didn’t go through slavery our ancestors did why would you want to do that to somebody and any other for the most part any other job or anything you have to do you would never
Let no one talk to you like that you would never let no one touch you and I mean it just makes no sense and is is very degrading but you essentially become brainwashed so that whole thing about the Christian principles we’re a non-hazing organization and it’s just like crickets like nobody everybody
Know but nobody don’t say nothing but it’s just like it’s almost like you kind of go at your own risk no one’s putting a gun in your head and making you do any of this but a lot of times people join they don’t want to they don’t want to quit yeah I mean
Especially if you paid your money like I can imagine signing up for something some people don’t even know that the hazing is going to happen so yeah 500 a thousand dollars some people I’ve heard two and three thousand dollars keep going keep going
I was I was I mean I was an AKA for many years and I had never done brought people in but but again the last chapter I was in I was part of their MIP process when I looked at what those young ladies were willing to pay you’re talking about double digits oh
I’m like I I don’t know if I I would not have been it’s crazy taking out loans to pay these enormous amounts of fees and dues and everything the cost is 500 but you know what for one of the conferences that is not at all I took it
To a conference to cost you 500 absolutely and a lot of times you’re paying for other akas that have a ride this year if you’re a supreme Bachelor that’s like our national president you have arrived you’re set for life probably if you’re a regional director
Or any of that stuff because I you know I went to two Regional Conference I didn’t get a chance to go to the bullet because right after I graduated um I got hurt and so I I didn’t I didn’t go to any bullets but I remember when I
Did go to Regionals and my mom was like you see all them people sitting up there some of them akas some of them is their family like you’re you’re paying it’s like the red carpet the red carpet is out and you’re paying for because you
Know my my mom would go to a lot of Sigma stuff and she was like that stuff don’t cost that much money for them and they even give us a nice package deal for the wives they ain’t got nothing for the husbands well the husbands they
Usually call if you’re AKA and you a married they call them like a honeydew or and then if you got a child to call them a honey don’t they got all these different yes they got all these different things but one thing I wanted to say my mom she was on a history
Commit she was on like at least 12 committees besides even her being a I believe reporter in the grad chapter but when she what she learned was when she was putting the history books together she said wait a minute from like it was almost like a year like
20 years I think where it was no lines in the grand shaft and she said what’s up with that they had this rule back in the day if you went to a school that had an AKA chapter on that campus and you chose not to do it whether they got
Suspended or you just didn’t get to do it you didn’t get picked you couldn’t go to a grandchild like you couldn’t join through grad chapter so that was it but then they changed it later down the line and people started joining grand chapter but sometimes people joined grandchild
Because they couldn’t do it undergrad not because they didn’t get picked they were suspended or they you know they couldn’t even do it they ain’t even had a chance to it’s crazy midnight Midnight Man again it’s breaking you down to build you back up it’s the same as Masons because
When I say how deep you want to go how deep you want to go into it all secret societies their Foundation is Freemasonry okay again all of them where do you think think about it think logic and rationality I’m a young black female at a college and I want to start a social
Group who came up with the let’s do candles and seances type stuff where would we why would we even I mean I’ve joined Community groups and we haven’t let’s get in the dark closet and say these things where did they get the idea go you can go and Google the rituals for
Many Greek white and black organizations and they all have rituals that look like which coven rituals pillows and kneeling and humming and to the gods of the earth and to the gods of here and to the pledge in your in all of them why can’t we just get together we
Have we’re the same we have ideas we’re just going to go out and serve the community where do they get this idea for all these rituals that are secret and and do and pleasure in your blood and tears and sweats and and your life to the organization
Girl Scouts I don’t remember some secret Girl Scout meat I’m a soup and but they but all of all of all of all of them people where did they get the idea for these kind of rituals we just got a group of girls or men we’re together and we want
To we want to help the community I have an idea let’s go and create some secret you know humming and and sayings and and you gotta do this and and walk through the Burning Sands and you got to get where did they get this from Freemasonry again you there’s books and things again
On Freemasonry and you read they have the degrees different degrees of what they have to say and do and is create up crazy but just understand all secret societies their Foundation is they got these ideas from Freemasonry and what’s under Freemasonry the worship of the architect this the the Lucifer
We’re not talking about make Freemasonry but again oh where did these groups why do they have why do I have to do all this to join this organization why do I have to pledge my name and my heart and my soul to this organization to join it
Why why this I’m trying logic why why why why do I have to do all this what’s this the kneeling and I’m saying the ritual to get in is not the last time you do this every year every year at the rededication you’re back into a dark room kneeling and vowing
And promoting again the same system of The Sisterhood God and it’s not again where do they get this idea from I mean people heard you you you’re on the chart church does your church I know our churches have you know the yearly pasture breakfast or the whatever the wives this
Are you guys meeting in a secret location and pledging Jesus Christ Lord Jesus we’re going to do this and you’re kneeling or you got a little cross in there and y’all are are you doing that if you are I’ll be like y’all wrong too but I’m just saying do you do this for
Your traditional celebrations for your church do you I’ve wondered about that because that’s another thing that makes that gives me pause as a Christian because I know someone say well I’m just not active anymore I don’t do that but but once you get in so you are having to
Repeat similar rituals even long after I wanted to ask y’all this too and if you don’t know that’s totally fine do honorary members have to go through any type of ritual process do you know but technically yes because again once you become honorary you get into
The system of every year we’re doing the rededication and all this other stuff so yes yes so the only oh I’m sorry the only difference I know is that when you’re honorary It’s like because you get in that way you might not be able to vote on a whole bunch of stuff it’s
Almost like it’s so you know like when they get the honorary degrees it’s like but you still can’t it’s kind of like that so they still be go through the Nationals so they still go through the rituals but because of their like their High status it’s almost like
The name we just want the name you don’t really got to do now you just gotta look real nice just represent us I was asking because I saw that Erica Campbell from Mary Mary recently yeah they and Patti LaBelle some other people you know and they do that all the time but again
They don’t have an in fine print what you signing up for like you don’t think you joined the secret society my mom she told me a lot of stuff she went through when she pledged but she never told me about the secret secret stuff she didn’t tell me
About the rituals she didn’t tell I mean she told me about she was being yelled at that the craziest thing that happened to her that she told me and she was like about to drop Ryan after that was they had her in the position like like almost
Like you’re sitting like a chair but it’s just your body against the wall and you know you know she wasn’t feeling that good if you can kind of figure out what I’m saying and she started crying and they got scared and it was like stop so sometimes people can get hurt and
They stop or whatever but yeah it’s that’s crazy and Crystal for real yes I didn’t talk about that when a when a AKA dies they do a special ritual again Avi I’ll be on the wall ceremony and and again to me this concept where did they get this idea from
Because where in the Bible does it tell us to honor the dead remember memorize the Dead no it’s like let the Dead bear today and y’all go on and live your life and and you know be Christians it’s like we are not to be dead you know the death and
And focused and doing our stuff but the witches do that’s what the witches do yeah I remember uh the first time I saw ivy on the wall sermon I wasn’t even a AKA yet but um my neighbor that lived like when I was growing up my neighbor
Lived next door to me she was the AKA she was part of the reason why I end up doing the counter girl thing and um she had three daughters that were akas one actually her youngest one got into the grad chapter that I was a part
Of and when I got into the grand champion I was only in it for like like a year but um but anyway as far as um the whole Ivy Beyond the Wall thing I saw it and I didn’t I just thought it was like a memorial so I you know because people do
You know like when you go in the army they put the thing on so I didn’t really think nothing of it um but as I know now like I remember my dad uh was like oh so-and-so died he’s in Omega Vega I mean Omega Champion I’m like there’s no such thing
Yeah I noticed so I read the the Kappa ritual they talk about I read them all I had to go for them more before I went through mine because I’m like it’s just so dark I gotta prepare myself yeah Kappa rituals talking about Golden Shores omegas talk about
I know there’s something about the Shekinah light but that doesn’t have the Chicana Glory or something I don’t have nothing to do with death but that was still weird and then I read a book I don’t know if y’all read the book African-American fraternities and sororities which was like and then and
Then and then I also had a divine nine I had so we had to get all yeah yeah but it talks about like Deltas Deltas are gonna well there’s a chant that they would do I’m gonna show Saint Peter my Delta pin when I get in it’s just like
Why would you even say something like that if this is just supposed to be this is just a social group it’s a social club so what exactly I don’t know there’s a lot of why am I pledge in my heart my soul every month every month every month every month and somebody
Said about the um like honor societies and other things like this to me look at the heart of the matter I remember in high school I got inducted into the Honor Society and it was like you know in a dark theater but I do not recall whatsoever
I Erica now that I’m in the National Honor Society I’m special and I saw the light and all this other stuff people look at the heart same thing I had a cousin who’s like a Kappa well what about you make a pledge to the United States let me go look at the
Pledge of the United States I pledge to the United States my heart my mind will you make a place in your job oh yeah so I walk around when my employer jacket everywhere you know I work for this company no I pledge to say I’ma Do what you hire me
For right big different big big difference big difference look people context yeah this is going to tell you the pledge to be a good member of the sorority it says pledge to the organists pledge to this organization your life my job the at the National Honor Society
Does not ask me to do this and there’s a big difference yeah there’s not these disa follow you to the final judgment type of language and a job um contract or anything like that’s totally different even the pledge is more so like I just promise that I’m not
Going to commit treason I’m not going to do anything that would you know hurt the our country right so that’s different than saying this is going to follow me the final judgment if I if I don’t keep these secrets and I have to be sisters it doesn’t matter what religion this
Person is there are still my sisters like but you you can’t be my sister in that sense if I’m a Christian and you’re a Muslim or Buddhist or something like that that’s totally wrong um but I I’m gonna I’m gonna wind it on down there were a few questions that
Came in so we’ll go through some of these again something you don’t know then just say child girl I don’t know about that long uh Mr Willie doc I did want to say thank you for the for the Super Chat thank you so much bro and if y’all haven’t already please go ahead
And like this video And subscribe to the channel because we we have these conversations every now and again all right Beauty says did either of these ladies take on a line and pledge anyone so did y’all bring life where I found out like they’re paying this much like this book What did you say you sound like around about 10 000 up because this is not just fees because you have the the initiation fees then you have the chapter fees and then you have to pay for the first year of regional conferences and you got to pay for the paraphernalia ten thousand plus
Ten thousand plus and you know yes again I I participated and because again I was the chaplain and I had the the responsibility for the spiritual condition of the chapter which was wicked that’s what woke our eyes up I’m like well this wickedness everywhere man this is evil you already have college
Students like spending all this money just to go to school and then to spend more money just to be associated with a group and sometimes if you don’t do what the group tells you to do you really paying for friends that aren’t really your friends it’s just it’s sad and
That’s just how I remember the again when your prospective ladies for the process yeah we had their picture up we had their dossier and you better believe it wasn’t like a kind oh well let’s she’s got this this no it was like uh-uh she ugly get out [ย __ย ] we ain’t take her in
Oh you know she a hoe no I heard about her get her out of there and that was and that was another thing judging these ladies we’re making sure who are we looking at we’re looking at their history and their past and everything to pick who we’re going to
Let into our illustrious We’re not gonna let anybody into our organization and so that organized you know as we’re picking the ladies we’re gonna allow to give their life and soul to us we were saying not that no not her yeah so um the people from my chapter
That came in with my line it was like once they went over they they kind of put on this Persona however they acted before they totally changed they was like totally conceited like you approachable and I wasn’t like that and they were trying to tell me well you don’t need to
Be friends with nobody else she was with friends with before we’re your friends now this is people within my line not like other akas that brought me in or telling me this stuff this is just this is just their Theology of how it’s supposed to be and they it was a lot of
Fights it was a lot of problems because of how they were acting they weren’t welcome to go really they didn’t really get along with the other Greeks because they just had this Persona so if you like because you can have your little friendly like rivalries but if you
Really don’t like somebody and then you become Greek you don’t like them like 10 times more it’s like I mean some people don’t want to hear this but it’s like Bloods and Crips sophisticated Bloods and Crips because when you don’t agree with what they want to do they coming for blood
Like they’re coming for blood it’s amazing to me that okay so one of the reasons the organization started was to allegedly combat racism right like for it just to be a place for African-American students to have some kind of network where they can connect but then you still have all this elitism
So white people use skin color to reject people but then the black fraternities and sororities use other superficial things to reject people so it’s still this cycle of prejudice I mean I mean you have black people that are really really licensed and that could just pass for white or they could
Just blend in they still wanted to be treated as equal but they knew whether right or wrong this skin color could they they might miss out on some opportunities and if someone else that looks a little darker wants to hang with them it’s almost like they might hate
You because they don’t want to mess up no opportunities for themselves that makes sense so you don’t want to be too black because you still want to be treated like the white people that you look up to exactly if you’re really light skin and you don’t make a lot of noise
We can tolerate that negro or whatever they want to say but you look a little different a little darker got a little voice behind you that scares them yeah absolutely they use people to me like even seeing them choosing like Erica Campbell or Yolanda Adams I feel like
Because so many of so many of y’all have been denouncing publicly because you’re saying I’m a Christian now oh well so let’s get some Christian celebrities to join and so then that’ll make us look a little wrong with it yeah that is my theory and I’m sticking to it
I know we kind of addressed this earlier but I did want to pull it up uh Wayne says why does it seem there’s more of an outspoken renouncing of pledging black Greek organizations but very few of any strong movement among white Christians in their Greek context I want to jump on this because
This is just from a study of the difference with to me I’m asterisk the Church of Christ is black and white the yellow purple whatever but unfortunately today in America especially American the white church versus the black church and in the black community the church system is more valued
So to me that’s my theory Wayne is this because in Blackness the church is a very huge component of the Black Culture versus white that’s my theory because again yeah I mean I’m saying you don’t have white churches but the concept of church and spirituality is really more big in the African-American communities
Compared to whites in this Greek stuff is tied into LinkedIn Interlink to that because it’s a huge part of the African-American Community I mean or concept of good blacks and versus bad blacks and all this other stuff so yeah and then also the white fraternities or sororities I don’t think
They go past college yeah that’s another Point yeah so it’s not your whole life like even after you graduate if you’re in a bglo this is still like a a huge part of your life just like Katrina was saying with her family your whole family sounds like
Your family knew more about Greek life than it did about Roman Catholicism even though y’all were Roman Catholics yeah I mean well a lot of them you know how Society say you got to go to church all the time you know they was just tired and like
Back then you know you could hit the the students and my mom like she grew up in St Thomas Virgin Islands and they had stuff where they would put you in a trash can outside they were um sit your desk outside in the hot sun because the coldest that got
There was 70 degrees and so she like she um was born in Virginia she grew up uh in North Carolina until she was two then she moved to say Thomas Virgin Islands so from K to 12 uh high school she was in uh Catholic school and them nuns were
Mean she didn’t like it she was like I’ll I’ll give them to the religious study but they ain’t going at school so we went to public school we didn’t go to Catholic School she was like ah all right Beauty I know this is kind of redundant too but did y’all Haze anybody
Even though y’all weren’t hazed yeah no no all right but I’ll say you know hypothetically yes as I said maybe I didn’t Haze a person to their face or whatever but I was most definitely judgmental I was very again con again go read the chance I’m conceited I was conceited and yes I
Would look down on you and I would stuff my nose at you and I would reject you based on my identity as an AKA so you know vicariously yeah you know hazing people and judging people based on because of my status but not I mean I I mean I I I
I never really had a problem with no one but it was just one situation I uh years down the line eventually like reached out to her on my own and apologized but it was this girl who was going out for um AKA this was the line that went after
Us and you know sometimes with the grand champion they don’t know you personally they’re not on campus they don’t get a chance to know you all they see is what you write is your information on the on on the paper and somehow a video explicit video had got out about her
And you know they didn’t pick her and her her sister was an AKA like you know she had a little greek background and she felt some type of way and I think she said something about she was either going to sue the sword she was gonna do
Something and once I found out I said hold up a second if you don’t you didn’t get in or for whatever reason you ain’t you ain’t gonna be doing all that and then be sitting over on the AKA pot are you crazy because usually the only people that come over to the plot
To people you’re friends with or whatever but she was like busting it up and then at the same time saying bad stuff about us and I said I better not see you on that plot that’s as far as I went yeah but I never was telling nobody
That they had to do something or anything like that and I tell you the craziest thing that happened once a lot of people had graduated and it was really just me and one of my other line sisters she I don’t know she um post pledge or whatever but she
Wanted to pledge these girls and she really went around and was telling the girls that they I guess wanted to be akas what they had to do but whatever you do don’t talk to Katrina I one girl actually stopped being friends with me like she just stopped
Talking to me we was friends you know and she was like a younger class than me but you know it wasn’t about like oh you want to be an AKA I never told nobody to kiss up to me or do anything you know even though sometimes people might kind
Of keep it quiet and then when you want to join then that’s when they get real I’ve never told anybody they had to do anything but they looked at me like I was basically grand chapter they looked at me like if they want to do something bad don’t tell don’t tell her because
She she’ll probably tell I will say even though I didn’t get past the rush interest meeting because apparently I had offended somebody in that sorority but I was so intimidated going in that dark room and like having all these people ask you tons of questions you don’t know who’s in there
You don’t know that people have something against you until it’s just like what what did I do you know it’s just it was crazy and I I did hear stories about this person had a bad reputation or we didn’t like that she said this three years it’s just like
This is a lot like where’s the forgiveness from the Christian organization mm-hmm man no forgiveness and then the fact that it’s so Community oriented but if you saw a homeless person on the side of the street wearing an Omega sci-fi shirt or AKA shirt they will like snatch it off you or
Don’t wear that or whatever um or even I I’ve heard the stories of like people who are actually in the org some who are even pledged but still having to prove that that they were pledged to somebody who doesn’t believe that they were pledged it’s like you double pledging to prove
Stuff to people you don’t know because it’s not good enough you just in the organization like I said you at my chapter somebody could come to visit some other Greeks from a different school and they’re like looking them up and down like would you do it’s like a
Debate whether who went harder or whatever it’s like what difference does it make yeah you put that on your resume I went hard is that supposed what difference does it make now one thing I want to say this is is funny but it’s twisted in the same time so this was like
Um I think this might have been like my junior year and um it was this Kappa that uh I guess he transferred he didn’t go to the school he just transferred it but he already was a cab from another school we was in the cafeteria and I don’t know why but I
Always just wanted to do this to a campus so you know how they they have the canes or either have it like that or they might even have any back pocket so we was like in the cafeteria together standing in line we didn’t get our like
Our trade yet I was standing next to him and I said when did we find if I just took his Cane so I literally went to go put my you know my hand to go grab his Cane out of his pocket and he grab my arm tight and he looked like the devil
And I’m telling you I don’t like going to clubs I never really was you know going to clubs or nothing like that but you know when you go to a club you might have to like you get Carter you got to show your ID I you know even though I
Was an AKA I didn’t have a AKA shirt on but I did have a pink and green high maintenance bag and I happened to have an AKA mirror in there and I was like wait wait wait wait I’m an AKA like I was like I haven’t explained myself and
Then it was a syndicameral that was next to him like yeah she she cool soon as he found out I was AKA he just went right back down to normal and gave me the tightest hug ever it introduced me if he he was gonna kill me
Wow that means crazy it’s that serious I mean it really is and so in this time and age you know I’m reading through the comments and I just want to make this point to this one coming outside there absolutely there’s nothing wrong with a healthy debate And discussing and going
Back and forth but to me this is what is crystal clear to me bring that bring hey bro come on we were to debate you have facts I have facts but what I have found I’ve looked at certain videos that try to say dispute ours yeah but they never have facts they
Don’t have any Scripture back what we’re saying so don’t just this is y’all wrong tell us how yeah give us some facts to our points we say it’s not of God there’s rituals what what’s your what’s your what’s your rebuttal this is a to me in the court of law the
Lawyer has facts and the defense has maybe facts but the defense don’t have to tell the truth and it’s that principle the same here you people who will say yeah you know I don’t give this house so please tell me give me some points give me some facts give me some
Give me some scripture that supports this concept this process of elite of them and secrets of and them claiming to all be the light and to claim that all these things that they claim this give us some facts to dispute to debate back and forth don’t just say it’s y’all
Wrong and that’s what I find all these so-called they’re wrong how so please I’m willing to debate let’s go at it let’s get the scripture let’s open it like the bereans let’s see is what this is really saying what they’re saying let’s look at what they do but they
Don’t do that so please don’t oh we don’t like it fine don’t like it but how tell me why what is it that you’re disagreeing with our points please bring some facts and until then it’s like yes you can you can say we’re wrong but they don’t ever ever have facts
To debate back there disagreeing with us people love their sin and they want to stay in it and it’s like they don’t want no one bringing light to what they’re doing because they don’t want to change and they don’t want to feel that that that that that judgment or that you know that
That guilt and like I said when I made the post that went viral after I um posted uh from um excuse me G Renee’s book and it was talking about the um the false guys that we um identify with people went nuts but it was people from my school that was just
Essentially trolling my page and I said hey why are you doing this you know I know these people like if you want to talk to me you want to talk from private or whatever let’s let’s do that and they’re just like AKA y’all better come get her
And I’m like I ain’t okay who they gonna come get and I’m like and even if I was an AKA and I said something out of line I’m Katrina they always tell you when you become an organization you’re not the training no more you’re AKA Katrina I’m Katrina
I’m Katrina and I’ll always be that and I always I guess pride myself in my mind at the time back then I’m not gonna change like the rest of them I’m not going to be mean to people I’m not going to you know because
If you want people to be a part of that why are you gonna be mean to people why even put down people but but anyway you know it’s it’s just the ugliness and this might not be the best analogy but people that come out and they try to
Talk to whoever they know and they they get the backlash or they get whatever it’s almost like someone a family member or a stranger that you trust and they molest you and then you try to go tell somebody and they just keep that to yourself How did that feel keep that to yourself my dad said keep that to yourself yes like they totally ignore the arguments against Greek life and their response is always well you just it’s not my fault that you put God above or you put the organization above God and
It’s like that is that has never been the argument the argument is why are we doing these rituals that seem to be totally against what the Bible tells us as Christians we have the Liberty to do that’s the issue okay that’s the issue but with that being said I I’m so
Grateful to y’all for coming on the channel and you know just hanging out with us today I think this is a fruitful discussion and who knows I might you know I might invite I’m telling you it’s it’s so much more but I would definitely recommend if
If you want to do this because there’s so many of us that are out you can talk to us you can have a big panel like they used to say Panhandle just saying that word just get some chance but how like all the EX people that got out you want to talk
About the conversation please please come join the conversation let’s bring it bring it because but again that’s my challenge to you I would love to host that debate if there’s anybody out there watching this right now leave me a comment if you are willing to address your organization’s
Rituals because that’s really the heart of the issue if you are willing to talk about that then we can have I can moderate a debate I won’t say nothing I’ll give y’all if five minutes on this side five minutes on that side and we can talk about it so if anybody out
There is interested in that Erica said I’m with us I want the smoke okay I want to smoke hey I’m willing to consider different size of things yeah I’m saying I’m wrong Council tell me so I’ll give me some facts get that open next word
Let’s open the word of God and see what it says that’s it that’s it well thank you ladies again y’all hold on you’re welcome after we um close out just so we can chat for a little bit but thank you all so much for everyone yeah buddy for
The most part y’all behaved I did just have to time somebody out but okay come back just be nice the next time but yeah um if y’all like this video please hit the like button please leave me a comment in the comment section after the
Live stream is over so we can help get this video out to as many people as we can but y’all be blessed and we’ll be back the next time foreign