But yeah I joined tap because you know small group of guys and coincidentally the Meadowbrook house um that first semester of my sophomore year uh me and my friends who end up leaving Hofstra would just go out and we’d always end up at the fraternity at that 75 Meadowbrook
And Iris had the most fun there uh obviously with that I had a lot of fun at that house yeah I mean but sorry I was gonna say like as you said it’s funny how like you join a fraternity but then you make friends with other people and other
Fraternities and you stay very close like I have some of my best friends that weren’t in Tep they were in another fraternity that I met through rude fraternity life and that cohesiveness whatever that word could be but it it’s really cool to see that like everyone kind of still works together but then
God forbid there’s a competition in anything then is you see the fraternities go at it a little bit like when we had Greek Greek is that what it’s called a little heated yeah yeah but then I think a few people were doing a little bit before flag football
But yeah yeah but it changed after that I mean then it wasn’t for turning against fraternity then it was like two fraternities and a sorority against fraternity it was weird we’re getting smaller so they had to kind of combine them they team us up with a sorority and we would do Coke
Week which that was fine you know co-ed sports for weekly yeah a great idea to me for the most part keep it fine yeah well I think a lot of things are going to start going co-ed at some point no matter what um I don’t know if I like the word the
Sound of that but yeah I enjoyed so anyway I joined Tech yeah I joined tap because of a small group of guys and a bunch of Misfits uh you’ve met teresi why why did you join tap he pledged most of you guys yeah he pledged uh the eight of my
Pledge Brothers but also he was the reason why I joined I mean like he I just he asked me to hang out and that’s how I started hanging out at the Tap House was I just hanging out with him my freshman year of college trying to make friends and that’s literally how it
Happened and I was talking to SAE as well I had two or three friends I joined SAE when I was a freshman and I didn’t really Vibe with them very much and so tep gave me a bid and I was like I never really thought about joining tap I just
Was hanging out with them and then uh I forget who it was maybe Nemo or bishop or someone came up to me and they got friendly with me too and I was like yeah why why the hell not join the fraternity and see what it’s all about talk to my
Parents saying hey I need 450 extra a month to join a fraternity was a little bit of a tough sell but it worked so um yeah and then you know I left the fraternity for what a semester a year after I went into North charity so that was um
And then again I came right back when uh I want to say it was Waldo again it might have been you or Waldo that said Jersey if you’re having issues in the fraternity just speak up and say your mind instead of closing down and leaving yeah and I
Joined back and I joined back and did exactly that and it’s worked out for me ever since and now I literally speak my mind when I have issues because of that one semester that I left I remember so because that was my senior year uh we
Were in the other house Waldo and I lived together up the top floor so you know we talked about [ __ ] often and um it was you and Josh you were having issues um there was never much drama in Tep you know me and Kevin had drama because we
Live together and it’s just we just bought it heads but that’s what that’s what pledge about us do and you but it had a lot of pledge Brothers but you know there wasn’t much drama but somehow thirsty was always revolved around you whether it was yeah whether it was you
And we know or is it the whole idea of the composite which we know uh it was just it just kind of swirled up and I’m just like some of those present listen man I have so much [ __ ] drama figure your [ __ ] out and uh yeah yeah so what what it still revolves
Around me the drama doesn’t stop so like what what made you make the decision to leave because like yeah it was shocking I didn’t want to see you go but from your perspective you know I put the ball on your court it’s like I get it you know I understand your frustrations I
Hear your frustrations whether it’s personal financial what have you it’s like when you said I gotta go I was like hey man no hard feelings I understand if I were you I’d probably also go but from your perspective you know leading a fraternity isn’t something that’s really
Talked about or even brought up as often because I don’t even know how often it happens other than they fail out but no you left of your own volition so what what was going through your minds so I mean a lot of people leave fraternities because of as you said like
They fail out they leave school Josh left the school completely never came back to the school I mean we had someone else that left the school for me personally as you said I was feeling berated all the time and I was feeling like people didn’t care about my
Feelings didn’t care about me being there didn’t want me there everything I tried to do was just uh like I did a composite that ended up really crappy I still have the composite by the way somewhere I bet you do and you still yeah you still can’t spell Nash’s name
Right by the way his last name never never spelled his name right and I know how to spell it I just never spell it right for some reason and I always double check it too and it’s always it’s still wrong spell it right now m o
R r e r m o m o o r e r yes there you go more with two o’s more more yeah yeah I always spelled as m-o-r-r-e-r yeah I was yeah which how it’s pronounced but yeah you can always put his name wrong I’m glad you still
Have the composite uh you saw the one you took away from me someone took away from me I didn’t take one away from you well so I’ll tell a story afterwards continue a story about leaving yeah I mean no I mean it was really just
I I made a terrible composite and I was berated I was at about five hundred dollars and then that same week I lost my great grandfather’s ring which to get that back I had to pay another 500 to someone else I did not know that yeah it
Was a really really bad week for me and then you know tep Brothers will be brothers and I was an only child growing up and I was not used to getting berated by brothers and it was mean and aggressive I was an eight there I was a
Music business major I was in eight different ensembles that semester I was getting home at like 10 o’clock at night every night couldn’t go to the house people were complaining so I couldn’t go to the house I was exhausted and people I didn’t see people wanting to listen to
Me or listen to my end of the story so I just said you know what I talked to Josh Josh was leaving I was like awesome so I don’t have to leave by myself and I took that and I went with it and then um as the semester that I was out was
Ending I saw Dexter who I stayed close with because he was the who’s that little [ __ ] security guard that the dorms what is that called what oh peaceafe yeah he was like oh he was one of the people that worked in the doors yeah swipe the key card in and whatnot I
Don’t I think yeah yeah one of those people yeah so I saw him and he you know I saw him throughout the semester he and I got close and uh he asked me towards the end of the semester are you coming back and I was like I don’t know and
Then I text him afterwards I was like yeah and really I came back so I felt like I didn’t have friendships anymore that were as tight as they were in tap and tep ignored me other than Dexter really I mean I didn’t talk to anyone and a lot of them still although it
Doesn’t talk to me McLeod doesn’t talk to me I have a lot of them that held a personal Grudge and I have tried Ever every day since to try to get them on my side and they still will not get on my side I’m like there’s not much more I
Can do and then leave them be you know yeah that’s all yeah that’s all you can do you know some some people just don’t get along you know there’s people from Hofstra I’d rather not see it get a not talk to again and I won’t you know I mean but that’s just that’s
Just the way it is you’re not gonna get along with everybody and that’s yeah that’s the way it is but I didn’t know um there was always a narrative that and I didn’t really I don’t know if I don’t know if I believe this or not but uh
With Josh you were going to like you you you you were leaving and you took him with you I didn’t know he was gonna leave on his own no I didn’t know I didn’t know it was like not the other way around but the other way around so
What happened was I was thinking about leaving and then I went uh because he was also a music Major so he was practicing in a practice room and so was I so I went to him we were just bullshitting I was like hey just letting you know I might leave techs I’m just
Not not about it he was like I was thinking about leaving also so he and I discussed a lot about our reasonings for I don’t remember his reasonings exactly um he was in for literally like four yeah he just he just crossed he was in and he was out
Yeah I mean so so yeah he I talked and then we were like all right you know what it’s a lot easier and better for us to go because he was gonna I think he was going to text Waldo or whomever was a president at the time and I was like I
I yeah I was like don’t don’t text him can’t do that and it was was it you that I was talking to maybe what someone you guys both had to talk to me we talked about yeah I remember I remember the conversation and I was just like yes I just told you I
Told you no I get it Josh I was a little surprised but I didn’t see that one coming but yeah because you lost too little at the same time I was uh what’s the opposite of an orphan a strange no it’s like like when you’re a parent your kids died I don’t know
There’s a name for it um or whatever that was that was me yeah so um so he was gonna text you saying he was piecing out and I knew that you guys got like the new shirts in so I was like all right this is a good time for me to go
And be like hey piecing out um and so I brought him with me so no it was completely like separate but he was going to do a text and I was going to go in person I was just trying to figure out how to do it so I took him I brought
Him with me and that’s why I did the conversation but yeah and then again he was he was so much fun he was a great pledge like that first night he got in man oh man he had a really good time he had a really good job did I mean he was
I mean again no no ill will against him either so if I if I ever ran into if I recognize him but if I did he’s doing some great music stuff go see one of his concerts but yeah I know you guys were friends before I’m glad to see
If you guys still keep in touch yeah every once in a while I remember that too did I I don’t remember I remember at all I was never pledge master I just remember no I think I was very friendly you rushed him pretty hard oh Rush yeah