Hi guys welcome back to my channel today we’re doing come on down with a segment about the nine Greek life at a PWI I’m ready today you guys already know I’m a delta I have my name is Anthony fiveaces incorporated I also have um don’t buy it
So we’re gonna be discussing inai and Greek life at a PWI just different perspectives fraternity and sorority wise um I guess I’ll just start off I crossed in spring of 2017 and before I came into Greek life I don’t think it was very big on campus or I didn’t see it that way
Um and the sororities or fraternities that were there it is you like much bonding or bunch of the love there and then once I got into the s ho that it was more bonding on the fraternity side more so they like to wear D wise um I
Find them with a couple of different reasons why but you guys wanna speak about like a fraternity fireman quick lacrosse ball 16 and it wasn’t still wasn’t a lot of grease at the time but I mean like I just I think as far as guys going like I think guys get along better
Personally Megan returning like babies looking at guys look at that girls like guys just get a long period you find the dumbest things that bond is over and simplest thing to bond over and like they just make each other level in the females now it takes like a
Little bit time for them to get like clothes and stuff you know big I do like I don’t know what it was but I just feel a expecially you know only thing at the time it was like a lot of silver mostly everybody yeah but but the time to be
Joined it was only you like everybody was just coming back yeah when we came back doses came back the next semester Hughes hairline it makes semester at office I was an airline that our semester so every my she’s out there trying to find their place and how to connect and bond
Doesn’t really didn’t have like examples prior to that I think and I also want to talk about how like just being a part of a black or I feel like with the doses we had a lot of conflict which is speaking with the Greek advisors trying to come
Back to campus like a hard time and just kind of like not comparing them but see how it fits like a white org or right sorority whatever it might be like you know like a easier process or easier time that’s coming back on the consensus just hear my different stories with
Different black orgs haven’t hearing the same struggles it’s kind of annoying I mean I just like didn’t want to say yeah in our situation there was his life the number was just so few of black boards and then the multi cultures were basically like and the whites were like
The dominant so we’re just trying to like make our mark try and make our stand with a little bit of people that we already have so it’s like we got make the same amount of impact they have with 50 60 people anymore compared to our Lord to have by max six
Seven people and a whole chapter you know some of it was just you look like the aw it was like had our back to the wall of yours like we’re out to say a point like just to make a point in my place on the campus and they also
Looking at mob there cuz they try to hold all Greece at the same standard like a general mainstream versus saying family to or denying or to okay not yeah like you can’t deny there’s no way no there’s no way we’re gonna bring in anything you want Mitchell chapter you
Only have about five six just complicated it was just like must be came back everybody graduated it was just like no one is there again so was like it was basically like a cycle of the same stuff happening over and over again we’re also making mistakes in
Between that and they already did when us there’s a little mistake here already yeah they showcase all the all the allegations that we have in public you know they make sure thing broadcasts that make sure that everyone sees it so a lot of schools already see blackboards
As a liability for all right so Montclair is wanted a place it does love you too like NPHC is in their whole bracket but a lot of school is like they’re not they fall under like the MDC like they fall like they’re mixed in with everybody much like a Trotter it’s
Like they have a few I think it’s like four for my creases Davis four five five you accused but like they’re not their own counsel they don’t have the new PhD councils there and that’s like that’s common with a lot of schools they’re learning they won’t get
There do you see their hometown so they won’t separate don’t know just rather include them roast on the intranet they’re just stuff and then it’s just all I think it’s called igc is one big happy family yeah mgc it depends we’re not going today some conferences oh yeah it was a
Bunch of confidence and a lot of people from other schools have talked didn’t really see it was taken I found not to be beard cut off like come on I never know is those games work and stuff like that so let’s hear about UGC they said
They don’t want to have to see the empty see you know other stuff so that I think that what makes us even more spuds because we have our own family in the sense when everybody else don’t really have like a legit family they could be like the same cultural origin stuff but
Like they don’t really have that same bond in their be doing when the Constitution comes in like they meet them they PHC Constitution it’s just there it’s a high OTC concentration it’s just the high GC like everyone follows under that or you to see what exactly was caller ID zeg see what
Everyone falls under that bridges there’s a these guys think like Claire’s gonna like fortunate in the council there I think so it gives the voice we can do or we can do events on behalf of the NPHC to just show like this is what black Greeks do to kind of dispel like
All the mists although all the things all the negative things they want to put in the spotlight best like our chance to putting our THC logo on it’s our way I do feel like once they came back all 16 bring 17 run we had but after the LA
Events we sure why what we could do that could just goes to show you like how much you could get done when we come together with a little bit people know how much of an impact we have on that entire school to win council a year like
That was really big that would really be like people don’t really understand how it’s coming from where we came from when we first Crossman it was basically nothing nobody’s your first concert that I noticed there were a few cues I think even if you look at it like the mph see
Like our members as a whole it doesn’t mean like add up to investigates workers that box we have incoming classes of 100 anyway even when it came too late trust month baby tried to do that inclusion all that stuff the light at the end of the day it was hard because lady even
When they cancel with the Greek Week stuff like our voices were to get hurt because yeah the nation wars they had like 500 people you know it’s all of us in the group like what what state do we really have money so we’re doing stuff that we don’t really want to be doing
That doesn’t really showcase of our culture listen this is like their main focus is dance so like I think that’s where like that big that’s where the big differences came in I’m hearing like a lot of things we’re going back into that cycle we’re disappearing for a while I did think a
Lot of the members the old camp is now and it felt like they’re being oppressed in a sense you know I’m saying this a lot it’s a lot going on right now and I just feel like they feel like they’re not getting just to it so I really think is important for like
Us has a room not to try to go back and be can you go try to help the amount of help support their pants cuz like the more people that show up they strengthen do you guys feel like this like when you guys do you thought it was like a big
Conflict between NPHC and the the more some cameras like do you feel like like let’s get the were tight there do anything specifically I don’t know like what happened but it was just like a switch it’s just like oh me glad you guys are here but we’ve not really
Messed so much all like that and it was like looking literally every little thing being watched by everybody like every late paper work whatever it was they were just like are you guys are out of here or they would give us like a warning or something and it’s just like
You know just happen for it like a second ago and we’re new to this we’re coming back we’re asking for your help you always wanted me Mosely you’re not even barely showing up to these meetings you’re trying to make with me also just like a lot of like pull back from their
Side and um just trying to have that bonding relationship it would just feel like it wasn’t really what they wanted I think one of the things to help us a lot are coming back I doubt it and myself who are you really very close to a lot of faculty on campus
To other experiences and other organizations have been a part of so we joined like Sigma it was just like oh I’m gonna kendama coming into our office like that’s helpful Moe because we always like want to help them yeah that’s what I like trying to stress to
My Neels now like yeah y’all gotta get the support in the faculties so once you get to support it in fact was he like I own lesson you untouchable but you’ve been a little more smooth yeah everything goes a lot more song with me a lot more spoon when the faculty out of
It back when they can speak on your character or speak on like who you are is just a person as an individual and it just helped them see a lot a lot of things different mindset what do you guys feel like their bigness between Oh no to be honest I mean like I think once you once you travel too far this already like I want to name look at this thing not school definitely make a difference yeah definitely I think one of the things I think it’s like I think it’s
Not don’t be in being a part of MPC or gonna pw i would rather be funding a piece here and i can because i would feel like a mainstream or gonna be see like was in a sorority we’re telling me isn’t always the case because not all empty I mean HBCUs get
Large numbers Bob which is I still want to join I still with a joint organization regardless well I just thinking it makes us stand out comes beyond being on the PW on campus and I think I think I feel like we can make more of a difference PWI yeah definitely definitely just
Bring that diversity bringing our culture to people are really too familiar our I think that’s making a huge impact on them it’s typing like a HP CEO and everybody’s mostly black so everybody already knows I think so that’s another thing there is that one clean I know
There’s one of the path you I’m gonna PW eyes hard like you really didn’t look search the pool is so limited and then everybody’s pulling from the same pool throw a nice cake yeah I explained it over say I got the top GPS and apply I think is waiting this much more times
And get people that because I thought once we came back on out everywhere yeah when you first come back they always just gonna call it feel like 30 days eventually over time it go away you see we really want to be there it’s not becoming like normal
Yeah when you first come back as always a bank I kind of Miss being at Montclair I do Tom or yeah yes I believe I did so much more like the 49 everyone that crossed from my law 16 to spring 17 error and clarify more year have been over it a
Minute behind them unclear today about crossing a graduate who is moving in the right direction we want like you said we 1mph see organy here outside of that one smaller individual we want program in the air in KSA one chapter president a year like
What can be one so like to see we were doing stuff in almost a year we had a full another year together like like my whole thing would be the school or Sigma I know in between like don’t be a present to me but I mean I
Think in a day like that I just go to the shoulder line it’s really putting love into organ where I could easily drop any of a canoe let all their it go but I didn’t work that hard to see my warrior just die off the following here
My Obi’s didn’t work out hard just our our Oregon off the following year I think that’s kind of just what kept me going I think that’s it guys thank you for joining me I do appreciate your insight your conversation just your perspective on things this is it this is Nam I’m ready today
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