Whether you call it steppin strolling or party walking one thing’s for sure it’s exciting to be a part of one of the most interesting and insightful subgenres of steppin is strolling also known as party water shock we Malone defines party walking as organized line movement performed around the floor at a party
Other sources define strolling is a cultural dance often performed in unison and in a circle to symbolize unity and strength like stepping strolling has historical ties to both African and American art forms strolling x’ african roots can be traced back to South African and Ghanaian dance forms one
Particular dance the rain shower as a religious dance produced by African slaves were participants shuffle single-file and counterclockwise to music according to sterling Stuckey a professor of history at Northwestern University the ring shout is a sacred ritual in which worshipers shift their feet and move their bodies in a circle
To symbolise the connection between the past the present and the future strolling American roots begin with black Greek letter organizations in the mid 20th century when the ritual ceremony called the death march became popular on historically black college and university campuses dr. Walter Kimbrough defines death marches as the
Final activity of the BT yellow pledge process pledges would spend hours marching around campus reciting poems and singing organizational health the history of strolling can also be traced back to the black church it was here that hand clapping foot stompin singing and dancing became mainstays in black religious culture additional connections
Include black military GIS and classic soul music acts like the temptations The Supremes and the Jackson 5 today strolling is a staple on college campuses across the country fraternities and sororities hosts roll exhibitions some with cash prizes and scholarships since the mid 1980s many fraternities and sororities and the National
Association of Latino fraternal organizations also known as Mao pho have adopted strolling as their our form of choice out of respect for black Greek letter organizations some do not stem but rather participate in strolling as an alternative from death marches the dancehall strolling is now performed in
Some way shape or form by Greeks of all councils however there is one rule that you must remember never under any circumstances break the line or interrupt a fraternity or sorority stroke the dominant principle here is respect for the organization as time moves forward we will all witness trolling becoming more popular amongst
Greeks of all councils however it is up to all of us to pass down the history traditions and customs generation to generation