Oh A World The Welome to the treasure Moon all 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero prepare for vault door open opening holy moly look I’m back again trying to stay on track trying to hit every single stream everybody Welcome to the stream uh put a one in the chat if
You can see and hear me in fact I’ll know it right over here uh thanks for coming in and hanging out appreciate all of you coming in we got some Fallout 76 already ready to go you see I’m sleeping in my venus fly trap bed right now
Getting my bonus XP uh I’ve been uh been really wanting to play some Fallout 76 everybody I’m falling behind like normal I’m always falling behind on these seates everybody else got it already done kizman always like right to the very last second uh as well now it’s
Only been going uh two or three weeks I think right now so I’m not too bad or maybe four weeks let’s see December 15th yeah no so four weeks has been going and I’m probably probably maybe halfway so uh not good not good everybody we got to
We got to settle in we got to get it going on uh and that’s what we going to do uh today we’re going to try to catch up a little bit uh on that uh again this game is actually really fun if you play it with friends just take of it like
Fallout 4 with friends and then you’ll have a good time uh go in uh get into groups even if they’re just random peeps uh a great way to play the game uh that’s how I like to play it uh for sure uh so how’s everybody doing it’s a lot
Of snow where I’m at everybody you got snow where you are let me know in the chat uh I hibernate inside when it’s uh when it’s cold and snowy uh don’t forget to go out and retweet as well everybody I’ll go ahead and throw that command for
You right here in the chat I actually got it ready before stream this time uh trying to get on top of it here on the stream uh trying to kick some booty uh on this uh big time uh let me go ahead and throw this in my other
Chats so everybody else can have a shot it doing them retweets uh over here throwing in my Facebook comments over here and over here on the new spot called livespace uh I’m streaming right now to four different platforms streaming to Twitch to YouTube to kick to Facebook and live
Space all at the same time uh it’s quite the undertaking everybody five streams to five different places uh it is quite the technical feat I think pretty awesome uh pretty amazing let’s see who’s in the chat today J first person in the chat I see today and the one
That’s going to go ahead and earn the chat a thousand Kids caps to get get you all started uh thanks for being in the chat Jay did appreciate that Tardis backing me up using those new dancing emotes uh didn’t they come out great Tardis H they all come out pretty
Amazing I think uh thurb thanks for the one appreciate that Jay’s got the one in the chat as well got a lot of snow here where you’re at yeah we got not only do we get snow we got extra snow uh than we normally get normally you know you have
Just a little bit of snow on on the ground like this we got like this much snow uh on the ground which is not good it was getting on top of my air conditioning unit and see I’m up really late everybody so during the day and
Overnight it had it had built up to a gigantic thing and I started hearing my air conditioning minute go like uh oh uh oh what’s going on and it’s the snow going into the fan uh so I had to knock all that snow off there at
Like 3:00 in the morning it was like no degrees it was like zero degrees and I’m out there knocking uh snow off the top of my air conditioning it’s also the heater so uh that thing goes out it’s going to be about 20ยฐ in here uh for
Sure uh so went in there and knock that off of there for sure uh let’s see no snow here but was 5 degrees last night yes I was out there again knocking nothing off my uh air conditioning unit uh in between streaming at the same time
Uh for sure for sure ah the wonderful uh yes snow right there there we go uh I like my highlighter thing it’s so great uh and then Dio in the chat what up Dio I’m still dreaming of uh animals and gigantic farms and uh in medieval Destiny or Dynasty sorry I keep calling
The wrong name medieval Dynasty so good no snow in Southern Cal sure there is up there in Big Bear I come from Southern Cal they got probably some snow up in Big Bear up there up at the top of the mountain Mount Whitney for sure second largest mountain in the United States
Did you know I’ve been to the top of it absolutely have hiked all the way to the top top of the second largest mountain uh certainly have been to the top of the U the Rockies as well uh been to the top of uh the appalache mountains which is
Here in Tennessee as well so been to been to the top of a lot of mountains everybody uh in my day uh for sure so beautiful views and Vistas and uh just The Wonder of nature as well way on the top of those mountains uh also thanks to
A couple followers uh that apparently I missed they must have follow me right when I went offline or right at the end of my stream uh Zen and it’s me turpy thank you very much for those follows uh here on Twitch as well and thanks for all the follows elsewhere everybody
Thanks for coming in showing that love uh on the various other places uh also over here on YouTube I see Ross Brandy Allen and India all giving me a nice subscribe over there aka the follow button on YouTube uh again streaming live to a whole bunch of different
Things uh hello hello Dr J I hear you there I hear hear you there uh saying hello kids in chat what up what up thanks for watching the chat appreciate you I gave you a little salute over there on the mod chat that’s my new
Thing now for my mods I I get them a little slewed on the Discord when they say they’re in my chat watching it make sure to show them my mod some love everybody uh we’re going to get into it let’s see how we’re doing on those retweets oh one more retweet over there
Everybody let’s get that going on I say we go in and play some Fallout 76 cuz we’re falling behind let’s go Oh let’s get my guy out of this venus fly trap here I think that’s one of the coolest things they’ve done in game everybody is that oh wearing that red Fedora I always forget I was forgetting and like I I get I get to the moment
Where I see how he’s wearing that red Fedora very nice I’m tot totally tempted to get my red Fedor out I actually have a red Fedor now look at this cool fridge in here uh we got the Meat Locker it looks awesome the effects are great I
Love everything about it except for it actually works terrible uh I hate the whole entire function of it you can’t just put all the stuff in there and take it out you have to put them in one at a time 150 times that’s like 150 clicks
That we go through oh we got some guys over here that we got to uh tell to take a break over here there they go all right take a break uh we’re going to try to get that sub goal today everybody of five actually I was going to move that
Up to 10 so then we would know when we were going to do our thing here hold on one second while I click some buttons and flip some switches uh over here let’s go over here like this and let’s see if I could actually make this
Work sometimes I can work my magic uh big love to stream Elements by the way uh that’s how I’m doing this right now if I hit save in theory that number should go to 10 yes all right there we go all right awesome uh that’s going to
Be our big goal today try to get 10 Subs whether they’re gifted subs reubs or brand new Subs I suggest you use up that twitch Prime everybody remember that uh they are going to be messing around with that twitch Prime at least it seems like
They are I don’t know for sure uh I don’t personally know Dan Clancy he didn’t come over for dinner or anything uh but uh that’s the new CEO of twitch by the way who I actually like I think he’s actually like hey this is the problems this is what we’re trying to
Solve this is what we’re trying to get done uh as opposed to just saying nothing and hiding uh in his lofty Tower you know what I mean uh I much prefer somebody who is straightforward and says look this is the deal speaking of here
We go we got our first sub under the way right here a Reaper coming in with the 34 months of sub love starting us off with that kisman love trade show them some love in the chat everybody use those thank you emotes use those ggs remember viewers got a whole bunch of
Emotes as well and of course as a sub you got that thank you emote let’s say thank you in the chat uh to uh uh to uh Reaper for showing us some love now you can see over here everybody I’ve got what I call the quick Buffs here I’ve
Got the one that actually gives me two right here it’s going to give me perception and Agility playing the pinball machine and the cool thing about the the ones I have set up is they’re very very quick so you do this one which is the longest G to
Sneeze every time everybody every time I get on this stream gotta sneeze I don’t know what it is it’s the weirdest thing uh and then right here we click this one boom instant Charisma we click this one boom instant intelligence click this one boom instant luck and that’s it you just walk
Away now you just got yourself uh five different Buffs right there just instantly without having to sit there and wait for it to do its thing now it could get strength and urance over there but I haven’t found any instant ones for that yet but if I do I’ll let you know
Uh and then we’re going to go in and we’re going to get our basic loot over here now feel free to come join me everybody I’m on the public server and I’m going to go ahead and get my popcorn my cookies my wood scraps all my goodies
Over here uh I like to have as many of these uh generators going at the same time they’re generating me uh loot right uh and so that’s what I try to put at every single Camp uh especially purified water typically how I make my money in
Either Fallout 4 or in Fallout 76 if you saw yesterday uh I have 1.1 million uh caps worth of uh worth of uh uh purified water in uh at the pridwin just sitting in the pridwin right right next to Teegan there uh the vendor pretty crazy I think now
Speaking of uh doing awesome things this one’s really awesome this is the fusion core generator uh so we can put these Fusion cores in here and they will charge up uh ever so nicely unless I accidentally take it back out again there we go and we’ll take those out and we will take
Our actually we’ll put all of these in there we go and then we’ll take out some 100% Fusion cores there there we go very nice also got the new xylophone which is pretty fun uh and then over here we also have fertilizer and then a Momos crazy
Mo whoa look out he doesn’t want to give any milk there see when he kicks like that it means he’s like no no I ain’t got no milk for you stay away stay away from me uh he’s a crazy moooo look out for that guy he’s he’ll get you then
Over here and I always have my green thumb on I never take it off my character I have it on every single Set uh so when I’m grabbing all of those plants uh I can get double of those plants each and every time uh this is my
Mega base here and this base is all about the uh different shelters that you can get in the game I have all of them uh currently lined up right here and you can take a trip on a magic rocket ship to different ones here and then of
Course the mine and then The Silo uh and then of course over here we have what’s this one I forget over here this one is the neighborhood Square uh and just so many more everybody they’re all over the place around here you can see I’ve Got
The Root Cellar I’ve got the high stakes one which is the newest one uh over here we got the Sound Stage The Vault Storage of course this one right here Vault 45 which is My Vault uh and then this right here is the quarters which is my
Favorite because it’s got a giant fish tank in there very very cool uh The Atrium the lobby the server room The Forbidden dig site the utility room and the nuclear test bunker uh so a whole lot of uh shelters in there and you go inside there and you can decorate
Them without being affected in the open world uh which is great uh a very very fun way of doing that uh for sure uh there we go so we grabbed a bunch of our resources now we want to go ahead and put a bunch of the junk away there we
Want to make sure that we’re in the right set we are to go ahead and make sure all of our weapons are repaired there we go uh weapons are repaired uh let’s see if we got any legendaries on us that we can go ahead and clear out no doesn’t
Look like we’ve got any on us maybe some in the bench I don’t remember let’s see what do we got no we just got wow okay my uh inventory looking pretty good there uh as well what do we got here a space suit helmet cave diving suit we’re
Going to keep that one Jaguar paint cave diving suit is a unique uh that you get for uh one of the quests so I’m going to get rid of that uh this one we can scrap the other one does not want to let us scrap that one I noticed so we’ll just
Put that one back in there for now deal with that later okay now we want to go ahead and check the vendor over here and see if we have anything we can get to the vendor and then we’ll be ready to rock okay so we got all of that let’s go
Ahead and before we vendor all of our stuff uh let’s go do this by the way I saw a great video by the wonderful angry turtle if you’ve never seen him on YouTube go show some love over there a fantastic uh uh Creator uh he actually was testing the donation box and said
That actually the donation box generates loot uh so not only does it is it from uh people putting it in but as you go in and look in it it actually generates loot for you so when you go in there you might find a rare pattern in the
Donation box so every now and again poke your head in there and you might find a pattern that you don’t already have so very very cool I think uh a brilliant brilliant idea and I love the fact that they added the donation box uh to my
Location so I don’t to put it here I can just turn around and put it right there and give it to some peeps uh if I have extra items I want to get rid of uh all right oh I was going to look at my uh
Purse I like to be away from the vendor too when I’m looking at them so I’m not blocking whoever is trying to get in there uh and let’s get all my peeps in right here oh we got Tardis and H2O coming in and joining us all right
Awesome I’m going to invite both of you into the group there we go and let’s take a look at our weeklys now I missed my weeklys last week uh very sad whenever I miss anything here let’s also pop into the atomic shop see what we got
For free I’m all about the free nuc Cola twist I’m all about that give me that uh let’s see skulls fire pit okay A little bit of something there what do we got uh oh it’s a bunch of sales uh what do we got Captain Cosmos Ah that’s such
A great I absolutely love that one that power armor looks so good everybody uh I love the jetpack as well all of that looks awesome you know what we’re going to have to get that uh we’re going to have to get that because guess what everybody that’s on uh that’s on sale
There I feel like that’s a good deal uh as well what do we got over here uh Cosmos and Jangles bundle H love it love it oh the thorman ah very cool I think I already own the thein I no I don’t own the theorin uh we G have to get that one
Too oh uh oh here goes all the Kizmit Adams now I think I bought the wavy Willards thing uh I didn’t apparently buy all the letters look at the cool letters in wavy Willards might have to get that too we’re going on a shoppy spree today everybody apparently uh more wavy
Willards oh man there’s a lot of good stuff in here man the people who are doing this everybody are just absolutely crushing you know what screw it let’s just get all of this let’s get the water slide bundle too I don’t know what I missed out on probably the blue tile and
These seats and stuff ah let’s just get it all uh what do we got here Fly Boy bundle now we got to be smart we got 4,000 left we might want to save those oh that’s all cool stuff too that reminds me of Monster holic by the way
Uh repair and lunchbox bundle uh no thank you Enclave returns bundle what do we got here Enclave headwear oh like the backpacks very cool and of course the Enclave uh turrets the Polish steel turret set okay we might have to get that uh we might have to get
That too all right very nice so we got a bunch of those uh what do we got a disaster dock what is this uh that’s oh that’s from Far Harbor that’s the one with the uh with the Myer in the thing yes oh I wonder if that generates
Anything uh Ohio River Adventure dock kit BW work the road sign overground a pleasure thing my lurk steamer oh and look at the uh look at the mob there too overgrown rusher plushy that’s tempting that’s tempting all right what else we got Guild Guild headquarters good stuff in there oh I
Like the I like this here and what’s this this is H or already got the washer and dryer I already got that set oh that’s where that bar comes from ah that comes from the guild headquarters uh bundle all right that’s cool uh looks like we got all of that I
Kind of just want the my alert steamer but I really like that other stuff um that’s tempting that’s tempting you know what I’m just going to get the steamer let’s just get the steamer try to be smart with our uh with our stuff uh the games room I already have a bunch
Of these what’s this white shag carpet floor and Foundations like this oh that’s cool that’s cool don’t need it right now let’s see hellcats uh very nice probably none of that stuff summer barbecue what am I missing I’m missing the grill I know I have that I had that one of my
Camps white string lights all right no no no no we’ll save we’ll save uh I love the Foos ball table everybody this is I want this in real life this is so awesome a bunch of Vault boys and uh Vault ladies uh like this uh as foosball
Uh just absolutely awes awesome I wish I could find somebody who could make that uh that would be amazing uh people would lose their minds I told Bethesda gear to make them because I think people would buy those suckers in a second arm War stash oh that’s cool too I like the
Modern conveniences bed here too very tempted to get that you know what let’s let’s do what we got to do Hold On Let’s uh let’s see if it’s better to get the retreat is that going to give us the bed yes so that will give us the bed and
Also give us the building uh uh so we have the Woodland Retreat itself I see but we’ll get the armir stash we’ll get the bed and we’ll get all the other stuff you know what let’s do it let’s do it let’s get it that’s a that’s a good
Deal everybody that’s a good deal for all of that cool stuff we’ll take it uh and I already have all this stuff and I survived I survived Vault 76 uh right there that’s a good one that’s a good one uh I don’t use those frames very much I got to save my atoms
Because I may not make it to the the end all right now we were actually going to go to the scoreboard but I got all wrapped up in there they got a lot of fantastic stuff there we’ll put all that stuff down here later if I remember uh we got to get
Into some storyline too uh on Thursday we’re going to try to play some of the storyline uh if you look on here everybody sometimes there is a bit of story that you can play uh along the way or you can just read the story as it goes uh usually there’s like a play
Button in there that we could play I wonder if I think I missed last season I think I forgot to play all of the things uh now that I think about it uh but oh look at these cool uh gauze weapon uh stuff so we got some stuff coming up a
Cool tridon uh we could be Aquaman yeah pirate chest uh oh I like that armor with the seven that’s cool oh and there’s our score booster all right that’s what we want to get to we want to get to our score booster so that’ll help us along right now we’re yeah a little
More than halfway we’re 52 of 100 uh what are our challenges for today uh oh and I have to put us as a public group I better do that before I forget uh over here did we get into a team yes okay great public group uh over here uh hold
On a second everybody darn weather making my nose run over here making my nose run H it’s highly distracting highly distracting uh for sure all right uh there we go uh let’s get into this over here all right what are we doing scoreboard uh no we’re doing challenges
There we go daily challenges what do we got uh alcohol beverage uh mutated public event okay so mutated events are at the top of the hour we got about 30 minutes to that happens floor decoration that’s a Fallout first one glowing enemy scrap uh glass all right we’re going to
Do all that now I actually roll my weeklys and usually do the ones that I don’t really want to do uh that Much uh consume alcohol beverage let’s try to reroll that one see what we get now I’m trying to get an epic oh and Ballistic fiber too so uh pretty easy now we actually want to save these and maybe if we get that boost we could turn
That boost on uh and then finish the weekly that would be awesome uh claim Workshop easy build a floor decoration that’s all easy stuff killer creature I definitely feel like we’re going to get that one done kill a mutated enemy now sometimes I try to override ones that I actually
Uh are just too easy like glass there uh oh that’s oh craft bulk steel so that one will not happen so we can keep rrolling that one uh that one will only happen if I actually make the uh bulk Ste itself so it’ll stay there and then
We can just keep rerolling it now I have three premium ones down here uh and now’s a good time to use them I don’t save them for a rainy day I’m going to go ahead and reroll that one again see what I got yes and there’s an epic there
Two epics already uh we are off to an excellent excellent start uh let’s see oh I’m so glad I logged in now mutated event we’re going to get those done but again we I would rather uh those get boosted uh as well claim a workshop let’s reroll that one let’s go see what
We got scrap junk and then let’s use our last one because again I’m not saving them for a rainy day visit another player shelter now again that’s one that will not uh go away unless I actually physically do it uh so that one I can save uh if I accidentally get the other
Ones done that one will definitely be there so I can reroll that one tomorrow and so I reroll them every day I log in so Tuesday Wednesday Thursday until Thursday comes around which is the last day of the week that I play 76 and then
I uh then I try to get him done uh so I have a bunch of them done and it just is so awesome if you start your boost on Wednesday say around 5:00 P PM uh and then you or 4 p.m. and then you log in
At 3 pm. on the next day well guess what you got two days of uh of quests that you can get done of your dailies and then of course you have your epics which are are your weeklys uh that hopefully You’ turned into epics at that point and
Can turn those in and just boosting the amount of uh score that you get every single week so it’s not as difficult for you to finish your uh finish your stuff like it is for me CU I uh it takes me a while to get that stuff done uh so I got
A crafted alcoholic beverage which is not good because I don’t have that Quest done and I got a ferment and alcohol beverage so also not done so I should probably go work on that uh let me go ahead and first clear all of uh any
Resources that I want to get rid of here let’s go and get rid of all of this food and whatnot and I just uh I keep it in case I need need it for a quest but if I don’t need it I go ahead and just put it right in there keep my
Popcorn uh let’s get rid of all of this stuff right here and again this is just stuff that’s being generated by my peeps oh I got glowing blood on me there too uh blood packs get rid of that radx don’t need it usually only keep a couple
Of each of these now Cu uh a I get a lot of these in a day uh so I can definitely just kind of cut those way way down one of the things I learned everybody cut that stuff way down do not hold on to that stuff for too long CU it will
Definitely start to backlog uh in your inventory as well cave crickets actually looking pretty good right now looking pretty good on my overall inventory oh my God way too many stem packs though holy mackerel that’s way too many all right let’s go ahead and uh offload some of these uh crooked
Glands we’ll get rid of that stuff we’ll get rid of all of this we got some purified water we can get rid of there and then we’re down about 241 and then I got way too many stem packs uh but see it doesn’t tell you what the Caps amount
Is it’s so annoying uh I don’t know why they did not uh bring that feature over from Fallout 4 and it’s also in Starfield which is even more irritates me that both Starfield and Fallout 4 have it but not Fallout 76 hey Siri what’s 241 divided by 8 uhoh 241 8 is
30125 all right oh man she was thinking about it there for a minute that that usually means my internet’s about to go out I was actually looked over to see if my thing was working it seemed to be fine seems to be fine over there right
Now uh all right 30 uh over there oh that reminds me of things that take a long time to load uh let me go ahead and load up my stuff subie coming in uh appreciate that uh subl there it did not come up uh I don’t know why it didn’t come up
On my alerts but I can see it on my twitch alerts also that’s Mr n you coming in uh and showing the love uh what is going on with my stream elements alerts have gone off they are broken sadly why is this so broken network error great that is
Wonderful y all right network error but thank you so so much for those uh again I can actually see it directly from the twitch alerts now I can see my gold did not upgrade either uh but I do see that you guys showed some love so let’s show
Some love that that’s Mr n to you uh for 78 months everybody as long as you can be subbed uh to my channel I appreciate that big time show some love in the chat woo woo choo choo I see it there uh in the chat as
Well thank you so much uh for that love uh also uh subie coming in uh showing some love for 40 months everybody that’s a lot of love everybody a lot of love show some love uh in the chat as well uh we’re at five retweets oh also let’s
Give you guys some kid caps uh while we’re at it as well what up H2O thank you much for coming in hanging out uh hello Dragon wolf says hello kids and T chat tyun welcome welcome uh look at all those thank yous in the chat hype in the
Chat for all that love uh your ex bite start uh uh stat booster is inaccessible oh is it blocked oh it happens it happens uh let’s sell favored item and there we go uh we have one cap left oops wrong thing uh one cap left which we’re
Going to go ahead and uh sell one bobby pin and get that one last Cap all right we got our caps for the day we’re looking good uh let’s go ahead again any scrap in here let’s go ahead and put away these St packs because they are going to weigh me
Down for sure there we go all right now we’re looking good we got some inert flux let’s go ahead and give that to the noobs or whoever wants it uh right over here so again uh I think this is one of the most brilliant things this is what
People would do uh in the game uh and see the whole premise of Fallout 76 is they let you out of the shelter uh and then everybody just like goes wild and starts killing each other and all of that stuff uh but uh nobody did that uh
Just a a few jerks when it did that everybody else was like rebuilding the Wasteland that’s what they’re there to do uh and they’re the finest of the finest everybody Vault 76 is the finest of the vaults who is was a control Vault uh and so everybody was the smartest and
The brightest of their particular peeps uh and they were going to go out and rebuild the Wasteland uh not go out and battle each other and kill each other and all of that Ridiculousness that they tried to do they tried to make it into like a a PVP
Fallout kind of thing and only like 0 one% wanted to do that and the rest of them all wanted to just have a Fallout that they could play together and so they uh they made what fallout Fallout 76 what it is today a much better game uh than it was at
Launch uh very very much uh better uh thanks to the community and their feedback and then actually Bethesda listening to the feedback and assigning their Alpha crew to it uh cuz they definitely had like a Delta crew uh on it when it launched cuz it definitely needed lots of love the questing alone
Is very very frustrating because you lose what the heck you were doing how to get to where you were going what was I doing last uh the quest tracker not very good you don’t know what to do they didn’t breadcrumb it very well so it’s
Like you can stop and start on a quest and just pick it back up again on the next session uh until they came out with waist ladders waist ladders was the Milestone that really pushed the game forward uh which is uh which is awesome uh very very awesome
I think all right we got to watch for Advance uh oh I got to go I got to go do the uh uh the Brewing event okay that’s over here by the voltech university so I got to remember where the heck that is uh one of my favorite places actually in
The game uh Volk University Don’t Tell Me part of the fun is me trying to remember and you guys going ah kid it it’s right there bro it’s right there uh in your head not in the chat uh all right where is where you hiding voltic University I’m going to find
You God I’ve been there a million times too I don’t know what it is about this map everybody that just makes it where it my brain does not click with it it does not click with this okay we got Flatwoods over here we’ve got Sutton helvetica as I like to
Call it Horizon West we got mine we got this we’re going to wrap our head around where this is now I think it’s down here to the South by the fire department you got the kind of Ash Heap here where they’re extracting all of this and it’s
Putting a bunch of ash from the extractor nobody actually has that mount Blair nobody went and got Mount Blair that’s that’s what that’s that’s dedication Mount Blair one of those tough ones uncanny cavage now actually a lot of these things uh of course are from the actual real West Virginia uh
And I actually wanted to go to West Virginia and check all these places out but sadly the peeps didn’t get back to me so and plus it was becoming winter too just like it is now I stay inside during winter I hide hide from the cold all right you I will find
You among all of this stuff man where is it Fraternity Row there it is all right I was hiding behind a DOT no wonder I couldn’t find it I was looking for the vault the vault symbol I was hiding behind fendron uh Little Dot there and there’s
Also a put Scorch DNA in this centerfuse so I have uh I have a bunch of stuff to do now I need to go to the Fraternity Row um because I need to learn how to ferment some alcohol uh because that’s one of the quests that you do uh and I
Forget actually what the quest line is and what it is we’re supposed to do uh over here so we’re going to try to get it going on uh as well uh so we’re going to keep it going and thanks for hanging out everybody uh hello foggy thanks for coming and hanging
Out oh don’t tell me stuff shredded Flex oh backseat gaming in the chat they’ll do that let me Discover It part of the fun is me discovering it uh again people have such a problem with not back seat gaming uh they can’t resist they can’t resist I’m not actually asking you I’m
Just saying putting it out in the universe and then going to go figure out what it was later on but now that you told me you kind of you kind of ruined that moment but uh that’s okay we’ll take a look at it anyway uh later on uh
What’s up na Ron thanks for coming in and hanging out all right here we go wasted on nukashine find the source of the dangerous potent potent beverage uh nukashine all right let’s get our thing eviction notice uh voltech Universe pppa me Greek society this notice is the final warning
To vacate the premises of the P Capa move for sure before all occupants are forcibly evicted by campus police the action follows repeated infractions against Cap’s policy countless warnings and record-breaking uh 24 on our 10-point infraction scale attempts to dis dis disassociate PC move from the University are feudal at best as the
Property is and has always been wholly owned by the university do not attempt to appeal this ruling this action directly serves the best interest and quality of life of the neighborhood and frankly the entire city of Morgantown uh destruction of Campus property breach of anti-haze alcohol to miners fire code violations health code
Violations disorderly conduct maintaining proper Lawn Care acknowledging eviction notices Ah that’s funny that’s funny like I think they didn’t listen before they’re going to listen now uh that’s uh that’s feudal uh feudal action there uh dude died on The Keg all right well if you’re going to die I guess dying on The
Keg is the way to go uh if you’re fraternity person there’s a acoustic guitar we can play uh in here I feel like this is an homage to the movie Animal House everybody look at this place it is an absolute uh trashed up in here if I need
Some old pum I know where to go some spices some vegetable medley uh in there which means a whole bunch of stuff that you had left over that you found in the fridge or on the table uh playing some beer pong over here I’m going to be taking your money
Because you don’t need that and the golf ball golf ball is actually worth more than the money because it’s plastic uh in which you can make uh ammo from uh let’s go up here and see what’s up nobody up here oh look at this we’ve got some vintage nuke shine right there
And let’s check out Ted’s terminal you’re probably thinking to yourself Kidman you have uh literally thousands of hours in this game you never did this Quest yes I have done it five other times this will be my sixth time I think I can’t remember when they
Added this I think they added this much later maybe it’s my third time I don’t know I can’t remember uh all right and that means we’re not going to read all of this stuff we’re just going to go ahead and click through it here uh there
It is I forgot to include my name imagine forgetting something that important such an important request there you go oops again I forgot my name it’s Charlie if you even care there we go uh my Humanities uh grade seems a good place to start enjoy your party see you never
Daily uh so there we go drink the bottle of nukashine oh here we go everybody uh this much reminds me this actually was in Lord of the Rings online and still is to this day by the way uh where you actually drink something and you end up
Without any pants somewhere uh so here we go we’re going to trip out everybody oh yeah drink a bottle n experience the effects of nle shine option clear out the party crashers all right party crashers coming in shoot an explosive weapon off in here uh isn’t there like a a thing yeah
Right here going say this thing that goes to the basement coming in guns are blazing somebody else got to be somebody else cuz the thing didn’t go away there he is more them up here they’re just coming in waves darn darn buttons aren’t working fix that here in a
Minute all right got it done there we go we took out the party crashers then we can AOE loot oh there’s a a key we just found too awesome and waiting for the effects to wear off read the nine label in your inventory whoa way we go everybody look at this
Great shot have a fun of the nuke shine if you ever want to uh kind uh want to know what kind of crazy place it will take you let’s see where we end up where are we ending up over here oh okay uh all right we got whiskey we got
Noodle cups of course from uh the mighty Diamond City yeah you can see look there’s a bottle of nukashine there uh we ended up here on the top look at a beautiful day in the uh uh in the Wasteland here in Appalachia uh very nice gas canister little bit of antifreeze I’m
Sure making their own alcohol now that little thing that popped up right there is one of my Buffs uh they got it going a little hunting rifle tap Trappers warning let’s play that got my vault tech P boy we got a bit of situation here I want to report
Going to send this here holotape with a runner to you as soon as I can me and the other Trappers set up this Camp here near Devil’s Backbone just like we all agreed on it’s been working out for us plenty of game to catch plenty of unlucky saps wandering in from the East
Still but uh you know how we said we stay out of Huntersville and don’t drink the water near there we thought it was just some sort of quarantine Zone full of sick people so we made sure not to poke at it we started hearing some noises coming
From the town a bit back so i’ done reckon we better send someone to check it out well he come back talking about some big old green un stalking around trying to rip up the fence around town and busting up stuff real good first I heard so I get him to show
Me and I don’t believe my eyes these big green fellas were in there look like rans sacking the town next thing you know them Brotherhood of Steel folks are Marching on it and CLA ING with the other guys and they ain’t doing too well against them soon as it looked like the armor
Goons were losing the fight we hauled ass back here and that’s where we’re at fighting’s still going on and we’ll keep an eye on the situation but things go belly [Applause] up oh [ย __ย ] it’s those green bastards and they got guns I don’t think I’ve ever listened to that
Holotape uh that’s a good one uh all right so now we know what this whole entire location is all about I don’t think I’ve ever listened to that one uh and so we’re just kind of super looting uh looking for any goodies over here uh what a great storyline there so yeah the
Green bastard showed up AKA super mutants uh showed up and decided to say what up party people uh was pretty funny oh we got a little uh Bad Monkey Bad Monkey uh activating whatever trap is supposed to be over here yes right over here trigger the bathroom scale
Yeah trying to get us it was trying to get us uh so yes I like to walk around take a look at the area uh we drank our nukashine whoa look out oh hoo ran out of there there’s a mine over there there uh as well so we drank some
Nukashine we ended up in the mountains uh in this little Hunter Camp uh and apparently uh from the city over here somewhere uh there was uh a little bit of action so we’re up here uh just south of the westtech uh and he was saying Huntersville down here so uh that would
Be in the opposite direction that way uh as well I like how you just sit here and in the period drops down down off the side of the mountain uh when you’re using the restro there pretty scary uh toilet paper wow they got a whole crate of toilet paper in there man they
They’re probably the richest people in the Wasteland right there uh having all that toilet paper for sure uh very very nice uh how’s it going going good heyart thanks for coming in hanging out world full oh that’s a bummer don’t worry it usually clears at some point somebody
Will log out uh as well how we doing on time okay 10 minutes to the top of the hour uh and that was a fun little thing read the nukashine label in your inventory so we got to find the ncash shine label where’s that going to be miscellaneous maybe uh ncash shine
Label uh maybe we can find it under new uh beer bottle we got a lot of new stuff we just pick picked up look shine label there it is uh at our Alma matter stands a boy a boy gray and cold the steps behind him are the first threshold around the
Corner study the street just to the left is the place we meet there you can obtain your skin with ink but find the back door and we’ll get you a drink all right there we go I don’t think I’ve ever read that either everybody uh I don’t remember I don’t remember but yes
Okay solve the riddle uh I already know what the riddle is so uh because I’ve already been there before there one of those little hats from uh from The Vault by the way uh this right here is a vault dweller that had his little hat there so
They put the Vault dweller in there and there’s the clown outfit uh as well uh right there I forgot that was there very very cool uh whenever you see those little hats that in the little Cloud outfit typically that represents someone who took the clown outfit from The Vault uh one of
Our fellow vellers has fallen there salute our fellow 76ers there uh who got trapped by the thing uh well one of the things he was talking about is fools that were wandering in from the East well the East is over here uh and they were wandering in uh of course From the
Vault uh right there uh so I got to Solve the Riddle the Riddle’s over here at the fraternity area uh and so we go to voltech university what I do is I go to Morganton town uh over here now I don’t have my power armor on right now
Uh shouldn’t need it should be okay uh and again we’re waiting till the top of the hour we got to take out some mutated mobs uh for our daily as well but I definitely need to get my fermenting stuff going here and so now I have to remember uh
Where it is and this is going to be quite the fud quite the fun trying to remember oh I was going to fix my uh I was going to fix my uh stuff here hold on one second I have to pull up my thing each and every time so I get my buttons
Working for some reason I don’t know what what this thing is doing lately uh all right press my key assignments got it Buttons buttons all right let’s see if it works now why it’s got to make my life so difficult yes there we go okay uh what what it’s doing is allows me to use the buttons on the side of my mouse it’s got like an update or something I have to
Work on uh let me go ahead and put that on my giant list of things I need to get done do update for corser Mouse because not uh updating buttons Automatically uh over there again I just write all this stuff down cuz no way I’m going to remember uh no way I’m going to remember there there we go now we can switch our weapons uh just by clicking the buttons uh and we’re going to get
Our armor out here real quick put that down jump in our power armor put a little Fusion core in there apparently first and we got a bunch of mobs coming up here and then we’re going to go to work everybody see if I can remember where
This uh thing is don’t tell me part of the fuz of me figuring it out all right let’s blow up some cars first let’s go to work and this why you don’t mess with me all right let’s go uh let’s find this here we go walking around in
Town okay this is the school over here I believe that’s the High School West Virginia school district yes I believe that’s the high school over there yes there it is uh morgon high school over there we also have Volk University over here uh we’re trying to find uh the area over
Here man I’ve not been in here in a while this is what’s great about this game everybody is I just like uh don’t go to certain areas for a while and you go back to it’s like going there for the first time I have to ReDiscover the various areas and guess
Now they have the AOE looting so I can loot all those mobs at the same time all right here we are in Morgantown uh one of the uh locations and we’ll get our light on and let me see we got the pharmacy going here there’s actually a
Really obnoxious Quest that you have to do to go through here I don’t think you can open yourself stash room twodo status I don’t think we could actually go in and do it no we can’t actually go in and do it uh there we go uh so uh it actually
Talk talks about go get ink and of course getting ink would be getting a tattoo so that’s what we’re looking for the tattoo partner uh there’s some apartments there there’s a bank there okay okay uh trying to find the tattoo parter there’s a uh fraternity there he’s
Coming that’s why I have to run all the way to him I bring him to me uh much easier all right back in town uh so we’ll look around as we go and I love the fact that they have all this so they got the bar up here you’d
Think that’s where it would be because uh um uh because of the uh uh alcohol but uh it’s not it uh so we’ll wander around and see if I can find the the tattoo parlor here if I can remember where it’s at the delices oh it’s making a noise like it’s uh
Uh making a noise like there’s something nearby oh yeah there’s definitely something nearby probably inside here which I can’t get into uh without doing this Quest there’s a quest that opens this all up it’s a really obnoxious uh uh escort Quest that I absolutely can’t stand but yeah we do what we got
To do uh food stuff’s that way and there’s that Quest we got the pawn shop I don’t know my instincts are saying go this way what we got here cigarettes okay on this side looks like it’s cafe or something uh what do we got here for RIT now ghouls are considered
Creatures I got credit for my creatures as well very nice all right parking structure Morton Mont rail station North yeah I can’t really remember where the heck this place is but that’s all part of the fun everybody not knowing uh not knowing is the fun uh food stuff over
Here uh as well there’s the uh volunteers there that you can check in uh uh as well but we’re not looking for that and the barber shop it’s kind of fun just to like Memory Lane herebody I haven’t I haven’t like see a lot of times when you’re playing games and you
Get playing the game after a while you stop uh you stop actually looking at all the stuff you’re just running from place to place to place to do this event and that event uh [ย __ย ] West Virginia look at those two peeps who are from voltech uh who have party hats
Going take their party hats uh welome to Morton uh I think it says home of home of Vault Tech University yes uh and apparently there’s actually a real University there in West Virginia as well uh I forget actually what the name of that uh University is I would think it would be morgon
University but don’t know don’t tell me don’t tell me part of the fun is the adventure all right so don’t see it here there’s definitely look at the platforms to climb up on top there maybe we should climb up on top give ourselves a little bird eye view here oh load bearing
Coming up and it’s a mutated event we’re going to probably need to go to that one we got a minute here and we got a thing wow look at the cool shot of voltech University over there even though it’s rainy uh very very cool and I see some Ghoulies down there
That we can do some Death from Above uh we got a manufacturing over there I of feel like it was behind vault tech University uh maybe I need to go more toward Fraternity Row this is a good question there’s the airport right there uh Fraternity Row
This way so maybe over that way is where we should go uh let’s go ahead and do a little bit of uh fun with our jet pack or not cu the jetpack is absolutely terrible in this game let use my uh coffee I love that every time it’s so
Cool uh okay imitation Seafood we got some bonus loot there and again looking for the thing this is where we just were we ran across that bottom part we got the airport over that way I feel like we need to go more toward Fraternity Row uh very very fun all right let’s
Just use our jetpack to kind of Glide across very awkwardly uh let’s play home of history of morgon some of the kid with overseer training took the lead and a few of the Greek houses started communities I don’t even remember what they were called the largest of them Kappa something
Something started absorbing the smaller houses and slowly expanding their territory if the world wasn’t over I I might have found it interesting how feudalism was reimagined against the backdrop of nuclear war we lost a lot of students in the first year some to radiation poisoning others to typical
Things like hunger and thirst one kid was attacked by a large rat in the vtu courtyard but we never found it but we mostly lost kids to the house Wars we lost to the house Wars ah so we just got a little we got a little history of what happened after
The thing here okay so this is where we originally came from uh don’t see it here let’s go ahead and work our way back up this way now of course I can follow the little circle thing everybody cuz it tells you where to go but I just kind of
Exploring I find that super fun uh to just kind of uh you know use your instincts to waterand around and blow stuff up which is fun uh for sure let’s go around here to the back side and see what we can find over here again we have the fraternity houses
This Fraternity Row over here uh where all the various fraternities are are and you can go up in these buildings some of them and we have look like an apartment complex or something there and another Apartments there more fraternities here wiping out all the Ghoulies taking out all the evil
Cars maybe down there uh but while we’re here let’s take a look at these uh fraternity houses very very cool a lot of these are boarded up you like explosions you’re in the right place everybody they very rarely do you look at it this way anymore right
You look like oh look at that house oh look at that front yard some new clothes I’m getting real muddy little settler over there uh very rarely do you look at it like this anymore you look at oh I got to go here
I got to go there I got to do this event I got to do that event speaking of events uh we got to bounce out here real quick do some load bearing uh and then we’ll come back because we need this for the daily uh for sure for sure uh let’s
Go get it done thank you for the follow uh senorita iita appreciate that proceed with caution instability detected mineral harvesting and aut minor repair duties must be performed in a timely manner to avoid inury like how some of these people are just soaking off of the event uh you can
Always tell the people who are soaking they’re standing way in there and they’re just ready to run out uh as well so uh we’re going to try to get this done lots of peeps up here I’m going to go around the corner mineral transfer required please there we go waiting for load
Bearing to kick in uh look at the little thing open up little uh opening there lots of peeps in there today wow look at all the peeps uh take care of business keeps from behind somebody shot at me somebody shot at me all right got a guy working back here collection care ofs
Sucessful tokens dispersed all three of them are at 100% that’s pretty rare there’s a lot of people on today wow look how many people are on everybody that’s pretty awesome I love to see that a good thriving community of players uh doing their thing in here uh very nice oh I forgot
To switch my set so I’ll just go ahead and give everybody a little bit of bonus XP there we go uh for chilling out look somebody’s repairing you can see they’re using their repairing function uh on the mob uh right over there as well uh it’s a snowy day lots of foils
Yes lots of people maybe off from work because it’s snow uh planes of Fallout 76 don’t blame them don’t blame them at all minerals to storage for later collection I’m going to get zero shots in on this uh thing but that’s okay now the cool thing is you let
Someone else start this up and they’re in here doing all of this cuz I don’t really care about the tokens uh and then while they’re in there doing this you show up at like the last 15 20 seconds you stand around for a minute you get
The you get the quest and then boom you get credit and you leave so instead of me standing in here for 5 to 10 minutes uh I just kind of show up about four minutes in and then I get credit for it uh you can totally do that everybody totally do
That I don’t even have to hit any mobs all I have do is just stand here uh there’s too many people for me even to get a hit on the M mineral another thing I can be doing there’s look I actually hit a mob look at me
Go I actually need to hit some of these mutated enemies as well to get credit I got to get 10 more uh uh you go around and collect all of the mining resources as well especially you have the exavator armor you’re going to get a bonus uh on all that mining you
Get copper and uh so on uh down in here good stuff good stuff and we’re going to be playing uh 76 for a bit longer today so extended session so settle in everybody sett a in uh normally I go for a couple hours uh but today we’re going to go a little
Extra all right now we out of here sh collapse imminent all personel must evacuate immediately where’s my uh where’s my thing yeah everybody’s doing the old running out of here we’re all going to die likely bear is doing that over and over oh oh I got to say hello to my crew as
Well my button working today uh uh let’s see if my button’s going to work today hey fogy hello that was funny you’re like oh we’re all gonna die run out I do that every every time I remember uh yes you got a backpack full of chairs for Kizmet Dropbox on Saturday
Yeah I’ll boot you from the game if I see you do it too much I’mma put you I’m gon put one of them chairs down make you sit in it uh in the corner we putting them in my drop boxes uh oh I can’t leave the area I got to stay in the
Area there we go all right I got my mutated event I didn’t get too many mobs though I wasn’t able to hit this enough mobs for my daily so we definitely want to get another one of those going at the top of the hour uh we’ll go back to
Morgon now that I remember where that is finally uh up here by the airport uh we’ve got to go and find it here by vault tech University notice this around in that area but I just kind of had some fun walking around looking at the high
School and stuff uh I actually kind of know where it is uh but we’re going to go to voltech university we’re going to wander around uh that area and see if we can find it uh now there’s actually somebody is like a brother by another mother uh typically over here by the
Voltech university I love what they’ve done with voltech University I wish they would make a game everybody this is my big dream uh that they would take a game like fallout shelter uh and combine it with a game like my time at pora right uh and then you go to voltech University
You actually go there as a student uh and you go and uh you eventually of course are assigned after you pass all your tests and do a whole bunch of things and interact with a bunch of characters uh to your Vault uh and then of course you get to choose the name of
Number of your Vault just like you can and fallout shelter uh and then the bombs drop and then you have to micromanage that Vault uh while you’re there much like you do in Fallout Shelter I think it would be an incredibly huge success uh but usually
He’s hanging out right here uh uh right here he’s got his Fedora on he’s just chilling right here by the uh Vault boy um uh sign here or statue which I think is pretty cool uh so we got to find this area uh where we have the tattoos so let’s just
Go ahead and look around on the side here here’s the bank uh that uh is right over there man I I actually forget specifically where it is but I do know it’s uh nearby the actual thing itself and we got the pub there it is big owl’s tattoo parlor
Uh we found it everybody we found it oh the super duper Mart uh you know I haven’t even gone in the super duper Mar we have to do that in Fallout 4 whoa hey hey sorry I got no change BR I got no change for you all right so
We found big owl’s tattoo parlor that’s what we were looking for now look at this over here nukashine 40 to to nukashine 40 uh so we want to find uh what’s going on over here head around the back maybe wipe out peeps nuk shine 20 over
There uh head around the back uh of the location here find ourselves some loot we got some dude who working construction guy uh nice keg there uh dumpster bunch of KS out here so that should be an indicator in itself uh and then we can go ahead and
Go into the big owl’s tattoo parlor uh as well so uh check this out uh all right completed we Solve the Riddle search for the information of this ah this is one of my favorite things in the game you can actually get this door in your Camp
Which is pretty cool uh it closes the closes as a door is a nuca colola machine uh very very cool so we got to search for information try to get this Quest done while we’re waiting for the next big event so we’re just going to kind of wander around there is no l
Gagging here I’ll have you know no way I am a fulltime Roy and this seller is my star office God I forgot about that guy actually startled me everybody uh actually scared me scared me that uh creepy uh drunk guy we’ll check them out here in a minute let’s check the reception
Terminal uh big ‘s advertis draft and then uh right there and then memo seller construction uh if you’re wondering they’ll be selling down there I don’t know and I don’t care feel free to ask them yourself it’ll be I’ll be in Tahiti Alice Big Al Loveless uh he’ll be in TI leave the
Newa machine in the break room alone apparently is not there not there for Cola go figure yeah so they put a a a sneaky little Hideway J and he live happily ever after little bit of loot in there just see if there’s anything actually in here I can’t remember if there’s any
Tapes or anything in here I should be looking at uh but yes the nukashine right there uh and allows you to go inside here to the nukashine location which they of course made a bunch of cash on Nuka shine and now they got their own special little
Spot look at this there’s a bunch of resources in here holy macro could have been in here getting all these resources uh as well my ulation chamber is feeling it is feeling empty is that my culating unit bathroom zda loves their bathrooms everybody all right let’s go talk to Mr
Creepy over here uh creeps me out with that weird boys every time uh Distillery Supply Access terminal restriction supply room uh Biv which is the prototype robot there and then security door control access denied uh all right search information of NC shine let’s talk to B I could I
Could you know really use the hand and you got more than just the one hi I’m B and B is the number one alcohol quality testing Robo brain and all of up the up Happ you well this chose joints Premier drink nashine is long overdue for a big
Quality test would you be a nice f with me up a bat nuc so I can do my job please I do have the recipe right here but I think I might the S of kind of drop part of it in the lock supply room dop be
Me okay read the [ย __ย ] for your invent Hey Jake you need me a test Ving Chambers always open Oh no I got to read the ncle shine ingredients list in your inventory beautiful day okay mute that guy uh let’s see new and oh my God I picked up a lot of stuff
There it is [ย __ย ] shine label we did that uh what else uh item for Ally damage holotape what else we got H oh right there the at the top uh corn razor grain uh five wood for fuel boiled water and one nuca Cola Quantum uh all right uh find out nuc Shin’s missing
Inred ingredients uh okay uh let’s see so where do I do that I do that in the terminal all right so I’ve got to go to the security door no supply room find the supply room’s password okay I’ve got to find the password all right one of the great
Great benefits of uh um uh super looting is finding passwords and keys so we’re going to go to some super loot mood motion here super loot everything see what we can find here nothing there ladles your cups back in there a little hot plate I hope it’s not a broxo cleaner
That’s kind of scary uh kind of scary we got our Brewing stations there now I have done this Quest before but honestly I can’t remember it I’ve done it multiple times I came in here I did the quest and then I moved on but uh we’ll just super loot
Everything meaning we take every little thing and then try to find that Supply password uh I bet you it’s in one of those places where we were and we didn’t super loot it good enough we might have to go back there and and uh super looted to together all
Right let’s get all of this stuff in here what we got there we got all of this got to get that feather duster don’t leave that behind anything up here and nope okay let’s check the bar again this would be a good place to hide the password a little bit of stuff under
Here and I mute the sound everybody because that overlapping audio is annoying or sometimes just the audio is annoying uh hit the Bell don’t see any passwords behind here well specials nuke shine special moonshine with a kick uh beer of the day picka pser we got old op Legend preium bourbon
Saga vodka roosters Pure Old Rum and bisa Brea Irish whiskey this’s some serious drinking in here everybody there’s some serious drinking in here uh all right again we’re going to look through here get that mop and we got a snare drum apparently they were playing lots of music in here drinking lots of
Alcohol all right don’t really see it here so we’re probably going to have to go back to the uh University oh over here what a trip I’ve taken every drug in the Wasteland Daddyo menad Day Tripper they each have their ups and downs but nukashine took me on a ride I didn’t
Expected not from a swig of Appalachian ooch and grew up on that stuff Kentucky will do that to you it was it was almost like a betrayal the first sip had the same familiar burn and then it kicked you in the head like a two ton brahen and it
Was all downhill from there colors that I didn’t know existed flashed before my eyes the trees around me morphed into ravenous ghouls beset on all sides I reached for my gun and pulled a t from The holster useless thing I shouted by then the ghouls had me it was little I
Could do I I took off my shoe and beat him with it to no avail I decided to succumb just just devour me I thought well what’s the use of struggling at this point maybe some lucky cannibal will happen upon my scraps and get a free meal at least that would give my
Death some meaning I I let my mind wander as my body ceased to be a cool breeze on the Florida coast the splashing of the miss Mississippi the Green Hills of Appalachia a violent storm in the distance I I drifted from one to the next as my flesh broke into a thousand
Tiny pieces of ghoul po suddenly sunlight I sat up I was whole on the temporal plane far too Pleasant a place to be H Appalachia the Green Hills from my vision Vision the crisis was over I was still alive with an empty jug of Nuka Shine by my
Side well that’s quite the trip uh they actually have some good voiceovers in the game some of them are excessively long uh but uh so they’re they’re some good voiceovers oh no you got fos knotted I like your little on fire uh emote there nice nice yeah don’t worry tus we’ll wait for
You to come back man uh if I need to I’ll swap group too if somebody gets in our group and you can’t get in uh okay now I have to go back to the uh University thing I think because I didn’t uh find the password when I was
There which is a big mistake uh let’s pull my Camp up over here where can I pull my Camp up yeah right here in the middle of the road it’s nice oh and then it said I couldn’t do it it turned green and said I couldn’t put it there
Awesome okay little little glitchy little glitchy there says I can put it down but won’t let me put it down all right fine get you before you get me uh all right just reload while we’re walking reload all right K’s tearing up Appalachia today everybody I blow up cars blowing up cars is
Fun been doing it since the beginning of time it feels like now all right no uh no camp out here maybe way out here what am I stuck on stuck on some stupid rock or something always stuck on something CU you can’t see down below that edge because of your power armor
And also because I’m try to put my Camp down uh let’s wander off to the side here this is super awkward okay this is way too close in my face uh what the heck is going on here there we go uh just trying to find the
Ability to drop my loot off here uh let’s go ahead and start with a scrap box that’s going to get a bunch of that out of my inventory open and there we go some of those things we need to get done now done uh any extra ammo we can drop off yes uh
Any legendary weapons no just a bunch of junk all right cool we can scrap all of that stuff clear our inventory a little bit this way we’re not walking so slowly uh one of the cool things about Fallout first highly recommend Fallout first by the way uh is the fact you can
Have your tent and throw that down so you can scrap stuff uh so you’re not walking super slowly all the time uh it was almost like it was invented for me the person is mostly overburdened uh okay right here we’re going to go to the pimus wild party
House and we’re going to try to find this password or whatnot uh yes on Kick Mike yes I’m on kick over there as well I’m multistreaming to five different platforms at the same time thanks for coming in hanging out uh appreciate it yeah I got fos knotted that sucks bro uh that
Sucks sun’s out see if the temperature is coming up maybe this uh snow will melt off uh let’s see what’s the temperature Today oh boy yep it’s like 20 degrees out there I’m not going out there I’m not going out there I’m staying here hang out with all of you uh we need three more retweets everybody go out and show some love on X Twitter as I like to call it we’re
Waiting for this to load uh right over there I’m going to go ahead and throw that in the chat for everybody go ahead and follow that link uh hit that like button hit that retweet button and then over on Twitch twitch.tv/ Kismet I will give you guys a bunch of kid cap sadly
It does not work on the other platforms uh but I will go ahead uh and if you go hang out in there I will give out some kids caps for future giveaways there we go looking good looking good all right 76 I feel like I might be getting F knoted right now
Because the little 76 in the corner is not spinning let’s see what happens let’s see how it works out Everybody take your sweet time game I’ve got all day apparently to wait for you all day long ah man well I can sit or stare at it and try to click on it that seems like a BOS noed to me if I’ve ever seen it you know
What I’m not going to wait around for it to sit there for 5 hours uh let’s go ahead and stop the game all right there now it says I have 1168 hours but that’s not true uh I actually have more than that uh in Fallout 76 which actually is not a lot
Some people they got lots of time here but I don’t have that much time all right let’s go ahead and jump past this again again uh hopefully we’re not having connections problems there we go and then the cool thing is I can say play
With my team so I can go right back into the server in which they were because I just Force quitted the game uh because it wasn’t loading uh it wasn’t loading my quest and I’m trying to get my quest done here so I can uh get my stuff
Done uh over here and it’s taking its sweet sweet time uh to get it done they’re using the same loading system that they’re using in Fallout 4 which is really slow oh look at that that’s freaky like half the thing all right let’s try this again uh it’s put me way
Out in the middle of nowhere here and let’s see if I can get this Quest going on it’s going to take a minute for it to load all of my quest stuff um let’s see let’s go ahead and try to find our Quest that we’re working on uh there it is find the
Password and it is up this way explosive weapon for the win like how they Dodge at me and they they missed it’s always the postman that’s always after you uh all right let’s do this try again here we go let’s hope it actually lets me in this
Time so glad I didn’t wait for that to sit there for like 5 hours uh all right here we go in we go try to find this password protectron oh man now we know where to go for microscopes uh as well po only oh yeah I
Remember this you got a bunch of nuca cola on the wall on the side here you can grab and a bunch of caps I think that was uh a holotape there I grabbed lots of nuca cola somebody know really likes their nacac colola everybody uh likes their nuca Cola for
Sure all this stuff along the top here and just kind of looking for loot I find that by looting uh all the little stuff uh it helps you find the stuff you’re really looking for like passwords and things of that nature uh probably don’t need the entry room I think it’s
Up here in a room up above uh if I remember correctly all the little chest pieces unstoppables board game got the kitchen uh look at that BTU cup old food in there bunch of stuff there okay still looking still looking got a little secret access way there and autopsy board
Game this is Judy’s terminal personal Journal Robo Brain H come on now oh what the heck there we go talk about Biv new pledges the supply room ah there it is there’s that supply room password uh again I’ve already read all this stuff before everybody out on stream typically I’ll read all of the
Text uh in there as well and so uh made that Nuka shine and uh made they made tons of money and then of course they were able to renovate uh that other location very much uh like they oh that’s right that’s where I got my original outfit I love that
Outfit by the way that BTU outfit uh take them picture frames and now we got okay now we got to go back uh and open the supply room so we’ve got to go back down here to the tattoo parlor which we now unlocked uh and we can go ahead and jump back over
There uh you couldn’t find my Camp uh oh my Camp is uh right by uh Charleston’s Air uh Charleston’s uh uh train station very easy to find uh it’s usually right over here Charleston change uh Charleston station uh I have I right there the big Mega Vault with a bunch of Buffs and
Free food and all sorts of uh resources you’re welcome to grab uh and utilize that’s why it’s there help peeps out all all right big ‘s tattoo parler let’s do it and we’ll open up the little secret entrance and we’ll go talk to dude he’s back
Here oh no we got to open the supply room that’s what it was cuz now we have the password which is Shine open the door then Escape out there we go and oh here we are ingredients part two which is nuclear material yeah that’s why they’re keeping that part Under
Wraps putting that nuclear waste in there gagging here I’ll have you know okay Harvest Corn Harvest razor and this is my star okay I got to gather the rest of the ingredients pretty easy to do because I can go right to my Camp here uh and at my Camp I know
There is some of those ingredients now also there’s another little trick that I have uh that we’ll use as well uh to try to uh uh get that going oh yeah oh you wish you had I had stuff in my vendor uh I did have stuff in my vendor whoa look at this
The heck oh wow I got stuck inside are you real or imaginary oh the grafted monster here like stuck in here this is awesome can’t pass travel I can’t get out of there there we go pass traveling there we go look at that this Camp is not even there I think have
Your what they don’t realize is that I have literally tens of thousands of resources so I don’t really care another cool thing that you can do is go like this just move my cap somewhere else okay so I suggest to uh basically report every single one of these person let’s
See Isa we’ve got indirect hacker we got jbob uh and then this person right here who’s super so we’ll go ahead and stubert here we’ll go ahead and uh report him for griefing uh report player uh trolling yes there we go now uh you can go ahead and go
Back and uh also block permanently that person and then you can just go like this watch this this is the greatest thing in the game everybody watch this you just log out and then you never have to play with them again uh because it blocks them uh also I know the people at
Bethesda so I’m going to go ahead and make sure that I send it to them as well uh one of the stupidest thing stupidest things to do uh is to do it on stream uh because I just capture everybody’s name I just captured that they were griefing
Uh it’s so sad everybody uh that that’s what they try to do that’s their thing is they’re like hey look at me everybody I can cheat in the game like the most simplest thing you could possibly do uh and go and try to grief somebody it
Doesn’t bother me at all it just means that you’re still playing that high school game uh which is awesome uh which is awesome that they’re still stuck in that stage in that life stage where they’re doing that kind of thing uh where they think oh look I got to see
Him I got to see him attack them on their stream look at me I’m a little child uh it’s so it’s so pitiful everybody that that is their thing that that’s their thing they’re going to come on to my stream and like oh look I shot
Your thing I don’t care I have tens of thousands of resour ources uh I can repair that like it’s nothing uh it’s no big deal if that happens it just means that you are the worst version of yourself uh and that’s uh too bad because you obviously have
Enough talent to do that uh that you could use that talent for something much much better uh as well uh so there we go uh and I’ll just send those names into Bethesda later by the way everybody I’ve got it all recorded I’ll come back and
Do it later off stream uh all right now everybody loves to hang out in my Camp spot look at that that’s like the second thing now the cool thing is you can just keep jumping servers and whatnot uh to do that uh as well so pretty fun uh to
Uh just keep jumping uh from server to server until you find your specific spot uh which I like at Charleston Airport uh so uh just go ahead and report those peeps if you’re in the uh in the game uh just report all those peeps as Griefers uh apparently have
Nothing else going on in their life sadly uh I feel like people who spend time doing that God it’s just such a waste of your talent it’s just a waste of your time uh are you so uh do you have such low self-esteem uh in yourself
That you have to do that uh it just it’s so obvious to everyone uh when you have such low self-esteem of yourself that you have to uh grief other players and try to attack other players I think they should take it completely out of the game itself I think they should take the
Uh uh the griefing part which I I don’t even call it PVP everybody I just call it griefing uh because that’s what happens when uh people who like to do PVP and people who don’t like to do it right that are attacking other people’s stuff and whatnot uh so again I suggest
To get your life in order that’s what I suggest but then again it’s your life if you want to be an a-hole and want everybody to know that you’re an a-hole that’s the cop thing you do uh for sure and in my case I’ll just go in and
Eventually if I can find an actual location look at look how many times I had to jump server I’ll just keep jumping uh it’s okay I’ll just keep jumping uh and keep going and keep doing it uh and whatnot uh hey uh you got some fun to do
In the chat there um uh um uh foggy and Dr J that guy right there uh ban him out of my channel uh uh uh there you go that guy right there at the bottom the first time chatter yeah that was the guy that was in there attacking me uh ban him
Out uh there we go give my mod some fun there you go my mods love to ban people there you go they don’t get to ban all that many peeps uh but there you go you get lucky enough to get banned uh all right because I don’t play
Around everybody I don’t play childish games if you want to play your little high schol childish games to be the worst version of yourself that’s just you uh you go do your thing and hopefully one day you get enough self-esteem where you don’t have to do
That anymore uh you don’t have to tear other people down or bring their fun down to accelerate your uh ego uh you’re just a a-hole you’re just an a-hole when you do that and you know it Ain nobody needs to tell you that uh you know you’re an
A-hole uh there you go no I have a bunch of different caps Alpha as well uh just trying to find a uh one oh my God what is this uh let’s see yes there we go I think I actually found one over here where I can load my C I actually loaded
The one that was nearby but they were blocking it uh so basically it’s going to bring my Camp back now watch this everybody you just walk down here and you can see your stuff’s messed up no big deal uh you just walk down here and you go to repair your camp now the
Toughest thing is going to be your razor grain and melons and all that which I was actually in the middle of trying to do that quest uh but uh if my stuff is still there under here uh I can just go down here and try to repair this stuff
And uh pick up my uh stuff right down here and because I have the quest that gives me double of whatever this is uh I can go ahead uh and grab those things see I need some wild Blackberry that’s okay uh right over there then I can walk
Back over here and I have massive sums of resources massive sums of resources we need three wild Blackberry uh now the fun part is if you have uh some um of the turbo fertilizer which I do uh you can also go in and just throw your turbo fertilizer down
There and it just regrows all of your food uh super easy just like that uh and now oh and hey I got one of my things done too at the same time uh so very awesome now the biggest problem is the wild Blackberry that we need to find uh
And there’s some around the different area I’m trying to remember where that was didn’t we go to nearby a wild Blackberry somewhere where do we see that wild Blackberry I think it was by the white spring I think it was north of the white spring uh right over
Here uh as well uh I hope somebody clipped that uh I’ve recorded it but I’ll go ahead and uh send that recording uh into uh Bethesda as well uh that’s why if you notice I paned everybody I panned everybody in the area and then uh usually the person who’s attacking me is
Usually the a-hole uh but uh they’ll go and investigate it and see what that whole thing was about because they can go look at the server logs and see how they got a camp in there that didn’t show up on the thing of course they probably didn’t mark the the camp so
That’s why you can’t see it because they don’t have it where it has a Trader and all of that uh and so they just basically made that that base to grief other people uh which is too bad too bad that they uh uh that that is their whole
Entire life existence as they go around griefing others uh and whatnot let’s see we’ve got some Blackberry right here wow I wow I’m amazed I remembered that everybody because I’m uh I am partially disabled uh I do have a constant vertigo also a really bad sleep apnea uh so uh they’re
Actually picking on a disabled person everybody how sad is that uh how sad is that as well I mean you got to see you got to sink pretty low uh to do that kind of stuff uh but there you go uh there we go all right so we got
Our wild blackberries now we’re going to go over here and very simply repair it all just like that like it never happened stupid it’s such a stupid thing to do because it’s so easy to counter it uh and so easy to just fix the uh the
Camp uh back up again uh and I feel like this also is the person who’s over uh uh over there uh doing that ridiculous stuff so they they did the thing they said oh look at I get to be on SE stream like a little baby uh and attack my camp
And then uh and then they get their moment of thrill uh and whatnot oh well oh well uh again the lowest common denominator type of person everybody and this is why I think it was a huge mistake for them to add it to the game
Now I actually enjoy PVP when I want PVP but to just attack someone’s Camp when there’s not really going on it’s not my Camp is like a battle camp my Camp is actually built to help fellow Vault dwellers and of course rebuild the Wasteland which is what we’re all about
Right and about 99% of the Fallout Community is awesome and then you have well really more like 99.9 uh and then you have this 1% of the people who have no life they have no uh self-esteem they spend a lot of time uh and effort doing that kind of thing and
Again they obviously have the talent enough to figure that out uh and then they use that talent to just waste their time uh it’s kind of kind of a waste I think in life but whatever that’s their life to waste uh there you go uh yes the
Adventure mode is a uh is a kind of uh mode in which thing now of course they ran up to me and attacked me notice they couldn’t kill me and that’s because I have pacifist mode in uh there’s ways for them to trick you into going into
PVP mode uh but I never do I just you know they can swing at me all day long it doesn’t bother me at all uh and uh I just then block them and then jump to another server uh as well uh and speaking of hold on let me uh let
Me make sure that I did block all of those people uh as well and it’s really stupid to do it on stream that’s like that’s like the really stupidest thing ever uh is to do it on stream because it’s just so obvious that uh uh who it
Was and who was doing whatever there we go everybody there we go uh and whatnot so there we go uh yes so basically all of the worlds are PVP uh if you have your PVP on uh but you can’t go into passivist mode and
Do it now most of the time I’d say for thousands of hours never have any problem at all uh and then you have a couple people that you know I I don’t know why they waste their time uh doing that kind of thing uh there you
Go you handed me an L that that’s what you consider an L as you blew up my Camp that’s called considered uh you got low self-esteem bro uh if you think that was an L it was no L for me because you’re attacking somebody with who have
Literally yeah ban that guy too that warmage guy uh literally I have tens of thousands of resources it’s my sixth playthrough of the game you realize that I have an infinite amount of resources right uh that I can rebuild this Camp a 100 times and 100 times again what you
Achieved was nothing it was just to show that you’re an a-hole uh you achieved nothing in your life this this is your achievement uh this is what you’ve done in your life this is sad I’m sorry uh that’s the truth because kids May going to tell it to you straight I’m 53 years
Old I’m a partially disabled man that uh was was bedridden I was bedridden for over a year I spent tens of thousands of dollars on doctors and I came back from that that’s an achievement I’ve been a graphic designer for 30 years I work for the top companies in the world I’ve have
100% achievement in real life that’s an achievement I’ve been with my wife for 30 years I have three grown very strong and uh independent uh daughters that is an achievement what you did is just sad that’s just you saying look at me I I want to be the center of attention uh
You know what go out and do something positive in your life think but then again it’s your life if this is what you want to spend your time doing blowing up somebody’s Camp doesn’t bother me at all see it only bothers you you’re the one getting triggered not me I don’t I don’t
Bother I don’t care I just go fix my camp and boom done it’s over for me for you it still goes on because in your head you’re like oh I got kissman I got kiss let go in there oh my God I got him let’s get in there let’s do the camp
Let’s blow up his Camp ha we got him this is what your SP spending your time doing may I’m building a camp where people can come in and get Buffs and they can get resources and they can buy stuff uh in there for next to nothing I
Sell all of my patterns no matter what they are for five caps and my goal in Fallout is to rebuild the wastel is to win the hearts and minds of everybody you’re doing the exact opposite you’re making everybody dislike you you’re making everybody go wow this guy is a
Sad person right that’s what you’re doing in your life but then again it’s your life your decisions you go around and you do that all day long you go right ahead and you see how that that ends up in your lifetime because I’ve gone down that road I know where that
Road goes because I was young as well and I was so involved in myself uh and so uh all like this right I used to tear other people down to make myself feel good and you know what it’s a dead end Road it just poisons your soul let’s get
Real deep here in the channel everybody it poisons your soul when you have to tear other people down down to make yourself feel better it doesn’t work it doesn’t work ever it doesn’t work for anyone ever and I’ve been down that road and I can tell you it leads nowhere uh
What you should be doing is lifting other people up because as you lift other people up it lifts you up as well so there you go that’s my advice but then again sure life you do what you want sorry everybody got a little side thing there normally I don’t uh
Acknowledge Trolls but sometimes I like to inspire people here on the Stream as someone who has actually come back from Death uh from uh nearly dying uh many many times in my life uh sometimes in my stream here I like to inspire people uh in those moments don’t worry
About it when people are doing that by the way everybody let’s talk to all the other people now uh all the people out there if you’re going through some tough stuff you’re in like high school and people are bullying you and doing all that stuff remember that’s a them
Problem it’s not a you problem right if someone’s being mean to you someone’s attacking you someone says you’re geeky or nerdy or whatever guess what that’s their low self-esteem they’ve got to tear you down so they can control you and make themselves feel better you just keep being the awesome person that you
Are and because you’re amazing in your own way and just ignore all of that there’s nothing more powerful than going in and having it not affect you at all because guess what everybody I don’t put the world’s shoulder on my shoulders anymore like oh no someone did this
Thing to me and now I got to retaliate and I got to be all of that and it’s set all that right there right you know what you do you just you just brush that stuff off everybody you just throw off that negativity backpack of carrying other people’s problems around that’s someone
Else’s problem when they’re bullying you and they’re attacking you and they’re doing that stuff that’s someone else’s grief that’s someone else’s problem and it’s sad to to that someone has to express that way right that they got to express their grief in that way or maybe
Their life hasn’t gone well for them or maybe they have some sort of problem in their life where they have to attack other people so what you do is you don’t carry their problems around you throw that off that’s something they need to work on and you just keep being the
Awesome person to your uh the awesome person that you are because remember to your own self be true everybody a great line by Shakespeare uh to to yourself you want to be uh the center of your life right and be a decent person and not have to do that kind of stuff that
Stuff’s ridiculously stupid uh and a complete waste of people’s time because again I could just restore my C and go on and then I just go on and reinvite my crew and do my thing like I always do see look my crew already jumped the server uh jump server where I’m at and
We’re ready to go and this is my favorite part everybody is the fact that my crew has my back they showed up no big deal uh and again uh I feel like that’s why they should take the whole PVP out all together because that 0.1% would then just leave uh because they
Wouldn’t have anything else to do uh they wouldn’t have anything else to do in their day uh as well take it out but they’d find a way anyway they’ probably find some glitch or whatnot uh those are the same kind of people that need to
Cheat a game they need to go through and glitch and cheat and uh you know basically ruin the experience for everybody else uh as they’re playing so there you go uh nice Armani glasses I wish Lou though I’m not a kind of a fancy person I don’t buy Lou baton bags
And stuff like that I I had lots of money uh when I was young I actually pioneered prepress and gravity design I used Photoshop 1.0 I used uh actually it was 9 at the time by the way I used illustrator 1988 that’s when it came out in the 80s
Uh pioneered all of that made uh made and spent fortunes everybody more money than some people making a lifetime but right now I’ve got about $10.56 in the bank I I think it’s actually $11 I think it’s $11 40 cents something like that uh I’ve had lots of
Money I’ve had lots of success I’ve bought excessive expensive things and you know what I’ve learned in my life all of that stuff doesn’t mean nothing if you’re not a decent person uh if you’re not a decent person is the most valuable thing you’ll have in your life uh how you treat other
People that’s my that’s my goalpost I don’t care where you come from I don’t care what you look like I don’t care if you’re male female tall skinny I don’t care all of that stuff that stuff is just uh external stuff uh what I care
About is what type of person you are do you treat others well and do you treat animal as well that’s a red flag right there ladies you got a man and that man is mistreating your cats or mistreating your dogs look out for that that’s a
Huge red flag that’s for sure uh yes these are uh I forget what these are I forget what these are actually I got them from a sponsor of mine um uh glasses USA pretty awesome uh and they’re actually they’re actually uh uh inspired by I tried to actually get them
Done by the fashionable glasses in uh in uh in the game uh so these are these are actually fairly expensive I don’t know they’re $2 $300 something like that they’re actual glasses uh actual glasses I actually had another I normally get them without the frames but I thought
This time you know what I’ll get them to kind of be like the fashionable glasses I actually have the fashionable glasses too by the way uh and I wanted to get them in that frame but they couldn’t put it in that frame which would be awesome i’ be wearing the fashionable glasses
While I’m wearing them in game at the same time but that’s what they’re inspired by uh as well so again hopefully I can inspire you guys as well yeah wages just got the L there you go M yes you just got the L bro uh you think
You’re bringing me the L when you’re bringing yourself the L you’re sabotaging your own self for the L uh oh this it’s so sad everybody I I know what that what that is that’s like a anger inside and you think you have to tear other people down oh I got
You I got you uh because you you don’t have the self-esteem to know that nobody cares if you did uh it it’s not an achievement it’s not a life achievement to do that kind of thing it just means you’re a jerk and everyone around you
Knows you’re a jerk when you do that uh there’s no reason to do that at all uh there’s no benefit there’s no uh long-term success in that there’s nothing uh there’s no there’s no achievement at all in that in that kind of thing at all uh in the game uh but
There we go so I’ll send that I’ll send that clip into Bethesda and say look the uh whoever it was right here investigate all of those people and see if they were uh griefing me there uh as well uh and I’ve had uh you know several people do
That where they come in and they start doing racial slurs or homophobe slurs I feel like that’s kind of in the same category probably not as extreme but that in the same category that that is what you’ve spent your time doing because you got to spend some time doing
That you got to build that base you got to think that through you got to go okay where’s this guy’s base at okay I got to build a base right over by where that guy’s got and then I got to go ahead and put the camp right there nearby not just
Just close enough to where it’s uh I can put the camp down but not too close where I can’t put the camp down and they had to put some effort into that everybody all of that effort wasted all of that effort wasted for nothing uh that’s really the saddest part that’s
Really the saddest part that they spent so much time doing that uh and there we go back new the winner I think so too uh Bob pins I think nuclear winter was pretty awesome uh and then Adventure Mode uh just take the PVP out of Adventure mode and make the little
Workshops where whoever gets the workshop first gets the workshop uh and then you can help go over there and help them defend their workshop and whatnot and then when they log off the workshop becomes available again not too hard to fix I think uh I think the whole premise
Of the game was not very thought through uh in the way that because they’re trying to they’re trying to copy the success of pubg you just know everybody and also a whole bunch of other H1Z1 and other popular games like that that was the whole premise of Fallout 76 is that
Everybody come out of the Vault and some people would work together and some people would just uh go incredible oh we got a moonshine jabber too uh while we’re chatting uh let’s go ahead and get that going on uh over here let me go ahead and get my crew into uh public
Team as well uh so that was the whole gist of it and then they uh put it in there and then they realized that only a very tiny amount of the community uh actually wanted to do that PVP uh and I find that people don’t really want to do
PVP I’m old school everybody I’ve been gaming for 50 years you know somebody who’s been gaming for half a century everybody I’m talking pong when it dropped I’m talking Space Invaders I’m talking all of the original arcade games and all the original systems the Atari the Commodore the Amigas you name it
I’ve played that system along the way the original PlayStation the original Xbox the original Nintendo uh yes all of that stuff when it first came out a crossover all of the years uh so uh let’s go ahead and find this moonshine jabber one of my favorite events especially mutated very very fun uh
Let’s pop over there get that going on uh as well so yeah I forget what these are these are um uh some name in in the website I forget go check it out check them out at glassesusa.com free shout out to them uh they’re not sponsoring this segment now they had they sponsored
One of my streams before uh because I like their glasses and the fact that you could just go get your uh prescription from say like Walmart and then you send in your prescription to them and then they just send you your glasses and you’re like bada bing bada boom you’re
Good you’re good to go uh okay uh let’s get out the power armor because we’re going to have some fun uh let’s see if this has got reflect on it one of my favorite ones because a lot of people go around and they’re like oneshotting uh all the peeps uh and
Whatnot uh and uh uh and basically they uh now of course I hope you noted that in the Purge bands oh look at mine look at them we’re putting them to work everybody uh grab their actual name too fog meat you want to actually put their
Name in there so that when we search it later uh oh DJ Watkins coming in so when we search it later and they say Kidman I got banned for no reason because what they don’t realize everybody is that I am sponsored by Bethesda Bethesda gear and I literally give away thousands of
Dollars worth of free stuff here in the Stream and when you get banned you lose that ability to win all that epic stuff I don’t think they care but still uh little byproduct of uh of uh being a griefer in my channel uh as well uh the
360 with the greatest console of no uh of no of all time G to have to kind of agree with you there except for the red ring of death uh the red ring of death was was not good but other than that I think it’s pretty awesome what was my favorite beside the
PC uh I’m going to have to say the Game Boy The Game Boy hands down probably the most hand held game uh system I’ve ever used I actually had the PSP too uh I had the the color version of the PSP when it came out uh which is really cool uh but
Uh it’s got to be the it’s got to be the game boy because I just absolutely carry that game boy everywhere I went but I went a lot of business trips and as a graphic designer I’d be going up to sigraph to see all the latest stuff and
Go to Mac world for all the latest uh computer stuff and i’ go to sigraph for all the uh major uh printing stuff I’d also go to Las Vegas uh for the big CES show and they had a little tiny little side thing over there uh it was called
Gaming uh also at CS that you would go to and it had thing before it came it became its own thing uh right E3 before it became its own uh entire thing and that’s when everybody said a gaming is just a fat it will never happen I’m like
I’m telling you one day gaming will be the number one entertainment in the world and it is right now right now you’re in the age where the gamer rules the world everybody uh it is the number number one entertainment the number one uh of all entertainment I’m including
Football including uh all kind of sports all the sports combined together uh all of that gaming is number one uh entertainment in the world so awesome awesome I knew it was going to happen uh for sure for sure yes I did love the 360 360 is pretty awesome I actually didn’t
Have a 360 I actually went and played with a friend of mine we would play a 360 all the time uh it was very very fun and of course I was busy doing other things in life too everybody you know I’m married I have uh uh you know job
Had all of those things as well uh had to keep all of those things going as well uh kind of balancing it out by the way if you notice how awesome my team is right now uh me and likely bear just chilling out uh we let the timer run
Down on purpose because people might be doing other thing this is called being a decent human being uh uh basically going around and do it you want to you want to highlight their name foggy and copy their name from the chat and not just
The uh not just the uh uh just the text uh but you you do want to put a screenshot of the text in there but you want to grab their name uh and edit that if you can and put their name in there CU they’ll come back later and say kiss
Me I got banned for no reason and then I’ll say oh really hold on let me search it and then I’ll search it and say oh yeah you were that jerk Griefer oh yeah okay I remember you now stay banned uh as well so good uh some of my
Mods are new so they’re learning they’re learning the ropes over there uh and I don’t mess around I’m not your papa if you want to be a griefer you want to be a jerk you want to come in and go ha excuse me you took canell like a like a
Teenager or like a toddler uh I just ban you doesn’t bother me you get banned that’s that’s on you as well yeah yeah big time uh so there we go uh yeah sadly Bethesda doesn’t have any PVP worlds anymore they used to have it again this was something
I was talking about where they had uh the NAA the NAA thing whatever it was called what’s it called again I only did it one time at the end when they were taking it out sadly uh it was like uh it was trying to be pubg but in Fallout and
Of course everybody went in there and uh uh and did it uh went in there and started cheating and then of course ruined it because you know they’re they’re like that kind of person right they’re like that kind of person who has to win at every rate and think that is
Something that’s an achievement in life uh is cheating and then saying look I won I won but you cheated so you didn’t win still if you cheat you’re a loser instantly you’re already a loser no matter how many times you win the game you already a loser because you had to
Resort to cheating I think now of course it’s your life you want to cheat it’s your game you do what you want to do uh on your end uh but yeah it’s called nuclear winner there we go I finally remembered it yeah nuclear winner uh and
I love the idea of it I love the premise and pretty fun for people who want to do PVP and I love PVP I’ve done hundreds of thousands of hours of PVP everybody in Star Wars the Old Republic I’ve done in World of Warcraft and PVP used to be
Like this everybody oh you see that guy over there from The Horde okay I’m on the alliance all right let’s go and then we would battle and we about the same age or about the same uh level I mean age same thing uh about the same level
And we’d be in the same area trying to Quest but then we would PVP oh man you ever got the best skill rotations you ever got the thing and then you would die and You’ say oh man that was good man that was a good battle hey man GG’s
GG’s and then you would go and you go around and you wouldn’t have like this thing they have now see the oh let me shoot some stuff uh the problem now is that the people think that the way we used to talk to each other is you know
You you re about each other right ah man you suck I killed you at BB you’re like ah I know you got me you got me bro you got me ah you got me right uh and so you would Riff on each other uh and that’s
The way it goes oh this person here wants to go bye-bye uh hold on let me find this person’s name in here as well I missed one they’re doing weird stuff hold on let me uh do this I don’t see their name in here weird blocked hold on
Yeah report for trolling oh I hit no all right I’m gonna hit yes on this one all right deliberately disrupting the game environment there we go ticket has been submitted to uh Bethesda see right there ticket has been submitted to customer support uh and they’ll they’ll
Say back to me hey Kizmit we can’t tell you what the the thing is but you know I know people there so sometimes they tell me what it is uh as well and so there we go and then another thing you can do also is uh just uh block the screen like
This uh because I have the power to just block the screen uh as well okay I think I said said that right did that right right now did that right no you actually want to highlight the text in the chat and copy and then paste the text itself so that when
You’re searching in Discord you want to uh be able toh search for it if you don’t actually physically type the text in see how like crazy puts the name in there like you actually typed it in because he’ll highlight the text in the chat including their name and then copy
That and then paste that in there uh as well okay it as well all right see not on stream now so it never happened everybody there we go uh so now I’m just doing a mutated event I’m just sitting here uh not even paying attention really uh so there we
Go so I should be writing these names down too so when I Buzz Bethesda I’ll have them all uh in there as well uh let me get this person’s name too let’s see sorry everybody sorry that uh these people are so low self-esteem they got to go uh and do all of
This let’s see and this person’s name uh and then also when they uh they’re going to buzz me back when I do that report and say hey we can’t tell you what’s going to happen and I’ll say well here’s some names for you uh to investigate because you know if they do
It to me everybody then they’re probably going to do it to other people uh and again just be the worst versions of themselves uh sadly sadly just be the worst versions of themselves and just grief other people uh and this and this is the problem with PVP today is it’s
Not PVP that right there is just people being an a-hole it’s called griefing uh and it’s gone on for a long time it’s not like that’s something new they think that’s like they invented that the funny thing is that stuff’s been going on for 20 years everybody uh
I used to play this game called lineage it was really really incredibly fantastic game uh I have a long time gaming gilds been together 20 years together uh pretty awesome uh and uh what I did was is uh uh put a whole giant Guild together we had like 300
Members in lineage and we’d Siege and do all sorts of fun stuff uh and whatnot uh and then uh what we would do is we would go and uh you know help like new people out and whatnot and some people would go and they would tame animals you know you
Know these are the Griefers these are the jerk people uh and they would tame animals and they would drag those animals into like the Newbie Zone and then they would release the animal so this highlevel animal was then attacking all the newbies uh and killing all the
Newbies uh in there as well uh which is pretty funny I think uh as well uh so uh basically they uh would go in and do that uh that kind of same kind of stuff oh I got my 30 enemies today too oh awesome uh awesome so they go in and
They do that same kind of stuff where they would grief other people um because that’s what they think is their type of fun I’m just shooting a whole bunch of uh mobs down here as well uh as well uh and uh and again everybody oh and I can
Show you guys now here turn the sound on too there we go and so basically I can go in and uh uh and just report them that’s what I suggest to do everybody don’t get too upset about it and say hey I’m going to
Go back oh yeah this is got this is what you got to kill him with melee damage you got to kill him with melee damage over here for sure as well uh so uh one of the things that you can do when they’re coming at you is
Just go like this and uh uh rifle butt them anything wipe them out like that uh and whatnot Hold On Again person this person’s still being a freak block him block him outstanding work Mo shiners I don’t think I’ve ever seen the tub so full you really outdone yourselves
Go like this and like that there we go and again I don’t know why people Target me uh they par Target an old disabled man uh I I think it’s just one step lower as a person uh to Target an old disabled man uh that’s what you’re going
To do that’s what you’re spending your time doing uh targeting that particular person now see the cool thing is all I have to do is just kind of stand here uh and wait for this event to be over uh and then once the event is over uh you
Can uh once you have somebody blocked you can just jump to another server uh and do that as well uh and so on hiding this is fun I just vanished I just vanished they have no idea where I went there we go so I kind of feel like maybe this is
Kind of teenagers or people who still act like teenagers I don’t know I don’t know I just kind of sit here and chill uh as well they just try to get on the stream so they can say look at me look at me I was on kisman stream
Uh I just walking around now waiting for the event to get over now the cool thing is everybody because my crew is here as well uh I could just go ahead and pick up all this loot uh and walk around while my team is gathering me tons and
Tons of resources getting me XP and all of that fun stuff uh and whatnot almost over one minute uh now again if you do get griefed everybody what you do is you block them uh and whatnot and then you just switch servers now normally it should block them from being able to
Find what server you’re on uh but uh sometimes they can find you where you’re at and then you just kind of uh walk around and uh uh wait till the event is done uh again this is why it goes out I know why do they go out of the way to
Grief me uh it’s like they have something against me or they’re just uh or they’re just childish and they think oh well I want to get on kism stream uh whatnot one of the smallest streamers of all the people to try to grief everybody why you not griefing somebody with
10,000 people in their Channel instead of 50 or a 100 uh again it’s just uh it’s such like a weird thing to do uh that’s what you’re spending your uh time doing uh is doing that kind of stuff uh you’re spending your time uh griefing someone uh who is uh older and is
Disabled uh that’s pretty sad uh I think but such is the way it goes oh man I made a ton of loot too holy beel look at all that XP I got too add a bunch of uh a bunch of other stuff too all right so let’s go ahead and uh
Get that done and then we’ll bounce uh oh over encumbered okay let’s see if somebody put their Camp down down here and whatnot like this and then we’re going to go and do this there we go and we’ll drop some ammo in there and I’ve got the screen blocked uh because
Somebody who apparently has nothing better to do but to uh attack an old man an old disabled man uh in a video game uh is uh is like uh disrupting my gameplay uh and we we won’t see them again everybody after this because we have it on video uh of
Them uh doing of course I’m blocking the video right now because obviously you don’t want to have them show up on stream uh and I’m not going to say their name or anything like that uh I’ve already reported them and uh already did that as well so again best thing to do
Uh Just Bounce Bounce the world and go to another one again this is the sad life of a griefer everybody they this is the only thing they’ve got in their life this is this is the sadness that is their life uh is that they’re going to
Go and uh grief other people uh why yeah why go out of your way to grief others I don’t know everybody they get they get like locked in uh on other people uh sometimes like uh they’ll come in and they’ll say oh I got you Kizmit I’m like
What you blew up my Camp that’s that’s what you consider you got me okay that’s lame but whatever I’ll just repair my Camp okay uh see it means more to them than it means to other people so it’s they’re so invested in it oh my God I
Got to get kissman I gotta hit kid I got to do the thing oh my God oh my God I gotta go do it oh my God this is an important thing in my life H and then they don’t realize that nobody cares nobody cares about their deal that
They’re doing and they’re griefing and whatnot uh and whatnot and they’re just ruining the gameplay with my team and all of that uh where uh where me and my crew uh can’t just enjoy the event and get my dailies done and all of that stuff that
I’m trying to do though I think I already got my dailies done uh I got a bunch of them done uh let’s see what was I doing I was doing fermenting as well that’s the other thing I was doing uh so what I did now is I blocked that person
I reported that person for griefing and then they’ll go back and realize that that person was following me around cuz they can look at the server logs and look at what’s done and then I’ll send them in a clip as well uh and then they’ll go in and see that that person
Was doing that and then they’ll they’ll ban him out of there of course they won’t tell me usually sometimes PE it but doesn’t tell me but uh other than that like when someone came in and started just acting like a complete jerk and was throwing out racial and homophobic Flur uh that person
Permanently got bad oh absolutely permanently got banned out of there uh big time uh and so there we go uh no big deal uh and then Boop back to my camp on another server just like that Camp’s just [Laughter] fine uh again this is the this is the
Most exciting thing that’s happening in their day everybody look we griefed a 50-year-old disabled man in Fallout 76 in some game that that’s the most important thing because either they’re young and they have no problem or even sadder that they are an older adult uh
Say in their 20s or 30s or even 40s or above that they think that that is an important thing in their life that’s that’s what they spent their day doing today everybody trying to disrupt my game playay uh didn’t bother me at all I wasn’t really doing anything anyway
Other than just trying to do my dailies uh and whatnot but I still got it done I still got it done anyway I just stood there I just hid the screen and just sat there uh while the person was chasing me around it was funny because I was
Walking around and they were trying to kill me um because they can kill you when they when they shoot at the ground they have a weapon where they can glitch and uh kill my character uh even though I’m in pacifist mode uh because that’s the way cheaters are cheaters want to do
PvP with people who don’t want to do PVP back the true great pvpers everybody are the ones that go and take on an enemy that is close level to you and that uh really the fight comes down to how good you are with your skill rotations but
But that whole that whole time is gone everybody now it’s just I’m I’m max level and your level 10 and I’m going to kill you and look I’ve done an achievement you haven’t done nothing it wasn’t a challenge uh if it was a challenge then it would be something if
It was a challenge to take someone on and you’re doing PVP and the outcome is how B how good you are at your skill rotations and how good you are at knowing your character then that is a PVP champion and I’ve known a lot of them but I’ve had some of the best
Pvpers in the guild I don’t consider myself the best pvper I’m better of a support person like uh making other people amazing so I will buff them I will make sure they’re healed I’ll make sure they’re out there and they’re out there just crushing it everybody uh
Rocking that top of the leaderboard uh and that’s what I like to do I like to elevate other people instead of trying to tear them down uh that’s what I like to do in my life uh and again remember it’s not on you everybody so when someone’s targeting me like that uh it’s
Not a me problem it’s a them problem it’s like their low self-esteem problem on their end uh and so they’re going to keep doing that uh until they get banned pretty much and then they’ll probably go make another account and go do it to somebody else uh which is uh which is ridiculous
That that that is their that is their thing that they do they do they spend a lot of time doing that look how much effort they put into that everybody uh you had to put a lot of effort into that a lot of your day effort you had to
Build a camp you had to put it close to my Camp you had to do the thing you had to chase me around you had to jump between servers and go hunt me down and that is what they spent their precious time doing uh instead of elevating
Others and bringing others up they try to bring others down uh and think that that’s some sort of achievement that not like anybody can go and cheat anybody can go and glitch and try to attack your base and run people around and try to kill people in a game anybody could do
That that’s that’s not special uh that’s not special that’s just you being an a-hole what’s special is that when somebody needs help uh and you’re there to help them in that special moment that’s when you find friends that’s when you find people who have your back
That’s when you find people like my crew uh who run around and hang out with me and chill out and we uh do a whole bunch of Adventures in the game as well uh very very fun uh all right so what else we got to do we got to decorate the
Floor uh so let’s get that going on oh now let’s move my Camp uh over here as well uh let’s see a great little trick everybody that I do is I go ahead and move my Camp from one place to another just over here on the side
Temporarily uh where I could just run over here and put a bunch of stuff down if you’re doing your dailies one of the easiest things to do in your dailies uh is the kind of build stuff at your Camp so if you have multiple camps like I do
Uh and by the way if your Camp’s getting attacked like that you just move it to another Camp you just move it to another one and had I caught it earlier I could have just moved it earlier uh and whatnot uh but I feel like that whole
Entire the whole entire PVP in this game is just not well thought out that that’s not PVP but that’s griefing that’s just trying to tear other people down uh that’s the saddest form of PVP the saddest form is to do that okay so we’re
Going to go in and uh uh do some floor uh Decor right over here and then uh put down some rugs because this is what we could do look at that see and then very easily we can go ahead and do some floor decoration put five of those down
Remember not to uh not to store these you want to scrap these out of here like this uh like this and there we go see nicely scrap that out and we all good uh and got that daily done so this is what I use this other camp for I call it the
Junk Camp up here and of course you can see I have multiple camps uh that I use uh as well uh let’s see uh I got to kill a glowing creature we can try that and then we have to craft that thing now did
We open the thing and we were oh we were gathering resources that’s what we were doing uh Gathering resources over here at my Camp let me go and bring my Camp back again over here and again I suggest just to block them everybody anybody who’s griefing you just block them and
Then switch servers uh and you should be okay one of the cool things about the game is that if you block somebody uh it is difficult for them to find you uh and uh and come over onto your server uh that is one of the smart things they
Actually added to the game uh for sure uh as well as you can uh uh report them I highly recommend reporting them if they do like that where they’re following you around uh that’s called harassment uh and uh also trolling so you can just report them for harassment and trolling that was definitely
Harassment and trolling uh if they if they’re specifically targeting you uh and they’re specifically after you uh that is totally uh harassment uh as well uh maybe they don’t understand what harassment is maybe they’re too young or maybe they’re an adult see that’s the saddest when you’re young you know you
You might be me the bullly are picking on you so now you retaliate against some random person uh in a game uh so that you can feel powerful uh but uh uh as an adult if you’re still in that stage as an adult that’s really sad that’s really uh really sad for
Sure uh there you go uh yes oh oh sorry uh Emmy folklore I didn’t see that autom time uh it says yeah people are just losers I’m sorry you have to encounter them uh in a thing it should just be fun yes again I feel like this is also a bit of bethesda’s
Fault because they left that in the game when they took out the nuclear winner and they took out they actually had another mode too survival mode uh and they put a mode in where everybody could just PVP except for nobody played on it just a few people a very small
Percentage played in that separate survival mode where it was just PVP all the time because they don’t really want to do that they don’t really want to take on players of equal uh value what they want to do is what you saw is try to attack people and say oh we got you
Look look we did the thing uh so it doesn’t it doesn’t mean anything it doesn’t it has no value it just brings you down uh as a person uh it’s just something that some people cannot understand everybody they they don’t got it in there right they don’t don’t got
All the all the sandwiches in the picnic basket uh they think that’s a thing to do and again dude to to Target an old disabled man is even sadder I think I think there’s a sad level of Griefers and then there’s a really sad level where you’re kind of taking that sad
Level to a whole another level that you come in and you attack me on the stream like oh I’m going to go get kban he’s he’s got 50 people in his channel I’m going to go and attack him uh I think I think that’s like extra
Sad uh I think what do you guys think in the chat you think that’s extra sad that they attack a disabled man while he’s playing a video game uh I think it’s a little extra sad I’m sorry that’s just the way I look at it uh as well and it’s
How you respond everybody is how how confident you are in yourself right like I could get upset and bang the keyboard go oh my God I can’t believe they blew up my Camp oh my gosh and see that’s me losing uh that’s me losing when when
They get to you like that you’ve lost uh the second they get a rise out of you because that’s what they want they want you to get upset and angry and bang and thing uh and what you do is just like okay right because they have no power
Over you then because that’s what they want they want power over you they want you to get upset they want to get angry they want to bang the keyboard they want to do stuff you know what you do block report and then you move on and you come
Over here and you repair your camp and then you’re good then you win every time uh I always take the W’s everybody I take the W’s every single time yeah just like you guys said see one’s in the chat for the W’s Kismet took a W on that uh a Big W
Uh again and again uh always taking the W’s everybody all right let’s uh let’s get back to uh Gathering these ingredients for some nukashine now before I got interrupted what I was going to talk about was you can come back to your Camp uh and say you need a
Bunch of say razor grain well if you go ahead and grab the razor grain over here and you grab the corn and you grab all of that stuff right over here uh you can grab all of these resources right over here and then you can go in and you can
Uh basically bring those resources back up again uh right here like it says I need Harvest razor grain well you have your uh generator here in your weapons your turbo fertilizer where I have an actual turtle or you can buy that from the uh uh from the vendor over there at
The Raider camp uh it’s this thing right here the turbo fertilizer collector and you just let it run and it will allow you to basically instagrow your food which is really great if you like to build food I typically don’t I don’t use food or Buffs or any of that stuff uh typically
Uh but in this game it’s actually really fun so you see I threw it over there and it poof and it did the whole entire instant grow of my Razor grain now razor grain and so on uh now I need nuclear material which I think I put back in my
Camp when I was trying to offload some loot uh so let’s go over here and get some nuclear material uh out of here let’s see if I have any in here I actually picked some up over there but I think I put it in here uh I don’t know if uh I
Think I have to have nuclear materials separately uh as well so let’s go in and uh do this right here uh nuclear waste and see if that counts it does count all right so nuclear material also nuclear waste I I just learned that everybody see I always
Learn something new uh or I forgot it one or the other uh and again everybody look how much resources I have 16,000 plastic uh 72,000 steel uh this is my sixth playthrough by the way I played through the game six times uh and in those times
I delete my character every time so I delete my character and start the character again so imagine across six characters how much resources because I’m a super looter I loot everything uh how much resources it must be in the hundreds of thousands even close to probably a million uh uh steel and wood
That I’ve collected uh in the time in which I’ve played 76 since the very beginning uh as well uh so we got that in there so now we know we can just take nuclear waste and that works good oh wood is what I’m looking for uh let’s go
Ahead and scroll all the way down we got 21,000 wood scraps I think we’re good I think we’re good we’ll grab a little bit of that out as well I’m not sure we need that much wood here let’s get this here there we go uh now we got that except
For we’re overburdened what do we get from there we got a bunch of uh other items here let’s get rid of all of this stuff right over here and then we’ll go ahead and do all of this scrap all of this as well uh okay so we got that do not put
Stuff back in the Box this what I’m trying to avoid doing because that’s like what I want to do just go ahead and put stuff back in the Box uh okay so we got to craft an alcoholic beverage and ferment an alcoholic beverage all right
All right we got to we got to do the quest first uh let’s see what else do we got that’s weighing us down um whoa okay yep bunch of Loot on our character uh let’s go over here and drop it off now I find Fallout 76 to be more like loot manager
Everybody uh that’s pretty much what you’re doing most of the time uh is uh oh oh that’s right I already emptied the vendor vender already maxed out I just go here to this stash and put all that stuff in there for next time and we can
Go ahead and uh take care of that as well uh let’s go ahead and put all of that oh gulper dinners that’s exactly what’s weighing me down right there there it is yes I forgot we got that from uh the Moonshine thingy there uh and again everybody I just
Stood there to get my dailies done and then uh got credit for it all anyway uh okay what else we got here let’s go in and um do a mutated party pack see we got grounded serum your energy resistance increases damage output from your energy weapons is reduced uh as well there we
Go okay there we go and then I got to put my popcorn back on my bar it loves to come off the bar for some reason one of the things is is that it should remember what you uh oh I think I just sold my popcorn I want my popcorn back give me
Back my popcorn um what I should do is remember what you had on your bar so when you go in and uh do it oh actually I didn’t sell my popcorn uh I must have sold it earlier um it should remember uh what you had on the bar so that when you get
That item back again like pop orn uh it should automatically go back on your bar but I got some popcorn over here I’ll grab from there I Love Popcorn as a uh as a food because one it’s light uh and two um uh it’s just being autogenerated
At my camp at all time so then I can just go ahead uh and eat that food with number six here there we go and then eat up all that popcorn oh very close very close uh and then just keep rolling on uh okay so we got that
Going oh but I did it look at that I knew I was gonna do without even thinking I put it in there okay now I need all that stuff back again nuclear material oh and I think I might a nuclear waste there we go and I just
Need wood back again no biggie no biggy one of the greatest things I think in Fallout 76 is the fact that they truncate uh the list of ite that you have so you don’t have like a toaster and a pan and all of that stuff like you
Have in Fallout 4 uh they make it like the base resources much easier to look through uh and to uh do all of those things as well uh super super useful as well uh and there we go all right craft nuk shine at the Brewing Station uh let’s go uh over there as
Well and and go there there we go very nice yes again I don’t know I don’t know it’s just I feel it’s a self-esteem problem everybody uh it’s pretty rampant uh and I know what it’s like to be that person uh to be in that kind of sad situation and you never elevated
Yourself out of that situation uh where you feel bad because you got picked on and you got uh uh you know low self-esteem or whatever or you have to prove uh your or like dominance or whatever uh uh I know what that’s like and it’s a dead in Road it’s just you
Just keep doing bad things like that and it just makes yourself feel worse even if you don’t notice it uh it’ll uh it’ll slowly uh degrade into the point where that’s all you’re doing all day that’s what that’s what they spend their time doing everybody like a thousand things
They could be doing in their life right now and that’s what they decided to spend their time doing today uh pretty sad pretty sad but then again that’s a that’s a them problem and not a me problem uh I just ban him and move on move on for sure uh but thanks for
Coming in hanging out all right so we got to make some nukashine it says craft nukashine in the Brewing Station let’s see fermented nukashine is that what we’re doing yes fermented nukashine let’s try that boom ah there we go wait for it to ferment optional find a way to speed up the
Process uh that’s a good question how do I speed up the process over here God I forget I forget Let’s go ask the guy and we doing this very very very swell evening stillo nucas sign I suppose nobody’s perfect oh right here warning warning experimental equipment since nukashine is selling out quickly
Lewis is working on a flash fermentor to age it faster it’s not ready yet uh so for your own safety please do not touch uh do not touch unless you are Lewis I’m serious about this warning nearly lost an ey and I wasn’t even operating it Judy uh Judy the inventor
Of nide all right add naside oh oh my goodness I broke it my bad my bad I broke it all right let’s talk to BB see what he’s got to say I smell me and NCA Shine Let me just put that in my Bing chamber go wow now that is a
Drink excuse me here’s the report quality reading Blissful side effects illness addiction permanent brain damage you know this goes on it’s not great but you get the idea your customers will be raving if you s this drink alive I don’t know but do not sweep the details W you
Come back tomorrow and help me with my daily quality test I got plenty more recipes to Try all right there we go we unlocked the Brewing station look at that I in my best of friends I finally got around to that Quest everybody let’s see uh I restarted my game uh playthrough number six I’m level 602 and I finally got around to doing that
Quest uh there we go all right let’s go ahead and head back over to the camp uh and let’s get it going uh no problem foggy uh feel free feel free uh again we’re going to be going a bit longer today so uh we’re going to be
Going in here and try to get these dailies done and I’ll be back later playing some Starfield uh as well uh getting that going all uh big time ah thank you H2O thank you H2O I just got that uh I just got that info thank you very much uh uh hoo is saying
That they’re trying to send friend requests to uh my team uh so that they can go and find me uh just block them uh and report them for griefing everybody again enough people report them they’ll go in and investigate and then that will hopefully be the last time uh but you
Know they just go make another account everybody they just they’re just sad loadly people I’m sorry if you want if you don’t want the truth you don’t come into kism Channel if you don’t want me to tell it to you straight everybody then uh don’t come in here uh
Cuz I’m going to tell it to you straight whether you want to hear it or not that’s for sure uh I’m the type of person that don’t come in and pretend like I don’t come in and say oh I’m feeling great today when I don’t feel
Great I’ll say I don’t feel great today that kind of thing uh actually I do feel pretty good today though I’ve been having uh a a good week I’ve been having lots of fun we played tons of medeval Dynasty uh and uh we played a bunch of
Fallout last night we made a giant mega build for uh Dr J that was one of my favorite builds everybody it turned out amazing I especially like the entrance uh where you can can stand there and see the sign and then look inside the Vault
Uh at the same time I saw Dr J put that up onto Twitter as well uh as well uh there you go kman MOX coming in what up kman MOX good to see you man uh thanks for coming in and hanging out uh for
Sure all right hold on I got to get my crew uh back in here again what up Tardis let me get you back in here sorry I was uh uh distracted I got a ferment some alcohol all right let’s go ahead and build an alcohol
Fermentor uh over over here God I got to remember where that is I think that is resources or crafting God it’s been so long yes there it is uh let’s see if I have enough room in my Camp uh to get that going uh as well let’s put it over
Here ah yay okay all right we got that going now let’s see what we can ferment today uh fermenting Lots oh wow I got a bunch of stuff in there uh or maybe that’s in my uh in my storage I don’t know how I how I get all that stuff in
There I don’t have no idea uh ncer shine uh wow this must have been uh uh from something else man I don’t even remember doing any of that uh backwat Brew cannot assign this item I don’t know I don’t know what that is uh okay so that’s the fermentor I
Thought there was something else that went with the fermentor isn’t there something yes there is the uh uh the Brewing Station all right so we got the Brewing Station over here uh what is specifically we’re supposed to do uh we’re supposed to ferment an alcoholic
Beverage so man I forget how to do this it’s been so long uh fermentable there we go yes we got to do the fermentable thing oh that’s why you don’t put it by your nuclear shelter everybody I just went into my shelter uh all right let’s turn back around uh and head back
Out uh uh there we go let’s get back into it uh oh the red rocket gas pump version that’s right kman MOX that’s right I forgot I might have that unlocked I can’t remember uh I can’t remember let’s go see let’s see if I have the alternate version of that in
Here I don’t remember if it’s a atomic shop thing or if it is is a uh is a uh thing no I do have it yeah I do have it yeah cool I totally forgot that was a thing oh yeah and then you have these
Other ones I don’t have this one look at this old still I like how it’s got a formula on the side of it right there that’s really cool uh and then right here and then this right here in the Brewing Station uh right there all right uh all righty everybody uh as
Well so let’s see what do I need I need to make something what do we want to make uh we need tar berries okay we know where to get those uh razor grain I feel like razor grain is going to be a uh I just do some
Bourbon doesn’t matter what we do right I don’t think it matters yeah it doesn’t I don’t think it matters okay razor grain seems to be the thing I should have made way more razor grain uh in here but uh I think my Razor grain might
Be back up again yes there we go and then we’ll go ahead and head over here like this like that okay oh I wonder if we have any more of our grenades we can throw yes there we go and now more razor grade all right man I have not done this
In a while this is like a this is like a test it’s like it’s like a quiz uh oh wait I better make sure that I’m in my uh crafting set because in my crafting set I can use an awesome perk uh right over here one of my favorite perks in
The game uh for crafting anyway uh is super duper so you have 30% chance that you’re going to double the results of whatever it is uh that you’re doing uh and so uh you definitely want to have that on when you’re crafting anything uh which is super useful uh let’s see beers
Fermented beer how many of those can I do three all right perfect okay okay let’s do it let’s make those and then let’s see if we can actually ferment those beers all right there we go ferment those beers like this and then put some ncash shine yeah we got fermentable moonshine
In here too we could have just been doing all of this put all this in as well then honestly I don’t know what to do after that can’t remember I can’t remember tell me uh I think we just put it in there and it takes a little bit of time
For it to do its thing uh it’s interesting that I have a bunch of Blackwater Bru and stuff in here and it says cannot assign this iding moving it to the stash so yes so this can’t be in there because that’s not fermentable uh again it’s been so long
Since I’ve done that everybody I typically don’t use uh uh Buffs in in uh for food and all of that stuff the kind of Buffs that I like are the quick and easy Buffs like this I’ve got this set it up with the with the most quickest
Buffs you can do uh and you can run up and grab stuff uh in my uh uh in my thing to buy here uh and then what I do everybody is I put a bunch of uh uh a bunch of uh cheap uh recipes up here for everybody in the Wasteland they’re like
Five caps you know I’m just trying to do a solid for my fellow Vault dwellers uh and then go in there and buy it doesn’t matter the recipe be the most valuable recipe and I’ve done it the most valuable recipes in the game I just put
Them for five uh it’s okay uh it’s okay that’s you the when someone’s looking for a recipe and they come along someone’s camp and they find a thing that they go everywhere else and it’s like so incredibly expensive and then they fight it there and they’re just so
Excited oh my God I found that recipe I was looking for oh man a whole bunch of recipes that I need uh and whatnot uh they just go and they get what they need which is pretty awesome uh pretty awesome now I have most of the recipes
In the game this is like the sixth time I’ve gone through and got all the recipes in the game uh and then uh I just kind of do that same thing each time I restart uh as well in the game so very very fun uh mix gaming coming in
With the raid what up car Tails coming in what up thank you very much coming in I don’t know what’s going on with my alerts everybody they seem to be very very broken uh right now it’s got a network error uh don’t blame me everybody that’s a stream element thing
Uh but thank you very much for that raid I appreciate that thanks for coming in and hanging out uh in the Stream appreciate you all chilling out uh what other versions of it do you have what other versions of What uh oh yes yes that’s the one yes it does look pretty
Great pretty great uh thanks for coming in everybody Welcome everybody my name is Kizmit they call me the gaming tycoon or sometimes the Wasteland Tycoon I dominate the Wasteland along with my crew the teamwork tycoons uh who we play together and play a bunch of different
Games uh and whatnot uh across a bunch of different genre of course Fallout being my favorite of all of those series can’t wait for the new show to come out can’t wait for all the new stuff that we’re going to get coming up of course Fallout London coming out a fantastic
Mod for Fallout 4 uh also doing a Mega Run of Fallout 4 my 10th playthrough of Fallout 4 on Sundays and Mondays which is really fun uh and so on uh just very very uh a lot of fun going on here of course we’re also playing a playthrough
Of Eco uh if you haven’t discovered that game really really fun we’re playing it on a mega server uh as well as uh playing on uh seven days to die on Saturdays as well so feel free to hang around for all of that uh and I think we
Got most of our dailies done we just got to find a glowing creature where could I find a glowing creature that’s a good question good question where do I usually find a glowing this is like a it’s like a quiz every time I play this game everybody uh trying to remember
Where this stuff is now I have some really bad medical conditions everybody I have a constant disiness and constant vertigo uh and uh I’m constantly dizzy all the time uh every day all all day I also have sleep apnea so when I go to sleep I stop breathing uh as well as I’m
Partially deaf in my left ear uh so even more sad to pick on me even more sad to pick on the disabled man uh and then uh uh also uh I have uh insomnia which means I have trouble sleeping uh so no matter how much I sleep everybody I can sleep
For 20 hours and it still feels like 30 minutes so every day for me is a struggle just to get out of the bed uh but I try to make the most of it and I still try to stay positive everybody I still try to stay positive I try to
Bring a little joy and positivity into your day no matter what happens no matter how things go off the rails I still try to bring that love every single stream because that’s what my stream is about everybody not about that kind of ridiculous uh childish behavior
Uh that’s a that’s a that’s a teenage that’s a high school thing uh I am way past that as well uh so let’s see where do I want to go uh oh white Spring Golf Club that is a good question that is a good that’s a good one little bit of
Baxi gaming but we’re going to let you slide on that one today uh let’s see white spring uh golf club that’s right we could go over here and hang out over here and check it out let’s go see I’ve Haven been over there in a while let’s
Go check it out uh love the stream I have a question for you regarding Fallout 4 do you think that purified water Farms as a cheat uh way of earning tons of caps absolutely not uh it’s an in-game mechanic uh just like if I was really there see what my my test is
Always if I was really there and some people ask me K play through the game without doing purified water uh but if I was really there could I gather the resources put down the purifier and gather water yes I could and then could I take that water and purify that water
And then could I transport that water and sell it to a vendor yes could I do that in real life I absolutely could if I had enough money to desalinate this the ocean or to purify water from a lake uh but the thing in real life of course
You’d have a finite amount of water that’s another thing as well uh but it is a real mechanic that you could do in real life so I don’t think that’s a cheat at all I think that is part of the game mechanics uh and if it wasn’t part
Of the game mechanics then they wouldn’t have added it to the game and made it available now of course that’s just one of a hundred ways of also doing the same thing you could also go and do uh and make a bunch of drug Empire if you want
To you can make a bunch of mentats and the same thing and have the same result as I do with purified water uh and I think it’s great because what you’re doing is you’re actually employing people to collect the water for you in theory if you RP that in right so you
Will you go in you put down your purifier right because you went and you collected the resources so you can put that first one down and then you’re extracting that you’re taking that water and you’re doing what the whole money is all about called bartering bartering is
That’s what money is based on you’ve got a cow I got wheat I’m going to give you some wheat so I can have a cow so now I can have milk and then you can have bread right that’s what money’s all about everybody exchanging Services right uh so that’s what I’m doing I’m
Exchanging Services I I go get the resources I go ahead and make the purified water my sellers go and collect the purified water then I take the purified water I sell it to the vendor get the resources I need uh to make another purifier or to get food or to
Get resources to build up their houses So in theory what I’m doing is creating a business right that’s what I’m doing that’s what businesses do right they they fill a need now if I was really in a nuclear apocalypse the first thing I would do is Corner the market on water
Because that would be the because you can’t go without water everybody you go without food longer than you go without water uh so water would be the number one thing that I would Corner the market in real life that’s exactly what I would do the same thing of course if I lasted
The nuclear winter and then radiation and all of those things there’s a lot of factors that have to happen for me to last that long but uh you would need to be able to go through and do that thing so I don’t consider it that at all I consider that game mechanic
Now if I went in and used a little program that allowed me to have 100,000 uh as well uh to basically go in and give me 100,000 water for no reason uh that would be uh uh that would be um uh cheating if you used an actual game
Cheater to do it or you found a glitch that if you sold it to the vendor by the way there is that glitch in no man’s Sky uh there’s a glitch in there where you uh you manufacture items and then you could uh then you get more items back
Than you put in and then you could just do that over and over again I don’t know if they fixed it now but it used to be like that in the old version of it uh and I discovered it by accident I was just in there crafting some items uh and
So I put so many items in and I got more back and I’m like that’s not how that’s supposed to work because it’s supposed to diminish right because otherwise you could just craft like this and then you have an infinite amount of items you you’d have trillions of dollars uh in
There and actually that’s one of the clips it’s like oh I know how to make trillions of dollars in this game now but it’s a glitch so I’m not doing it uh so yes I uh I uh I T I totally believe uh that uh uh that you that it
Is a good one that is a good mechanic in the game uh and that it is fun to do right it is fun to do to build up your Empire of water and of course eventually food you see me do as well uh and then of course I collect a lot of resources
So you can do it totally without doing any settlements At All by the way you can also bypass Preston you don’t have to go to that town you can you don’t have to talk to Preston at all at all in Fallout 4 you just completely bypass him all
Together just go around the town each and every time and never go in there and never talk to them uh and you don’t have to listen them to tell you about another settlement that needs your help and you don’t have to do settlements at all you can play through the entire game and
Make an absolute Fortune because you could go around and pick up all that stuff and sell it to the vendor just as much because I make just as much cash picking up all the stuff uh in the early game uh than I do from purified water purified water in the beginning is
Actually less income than the actual income of picking stuff up but then I balance both those incomes I pick a bunch of stuff up I buy a bunch of resources put some more purifiers down and because then the purifiers are making me passive income right it’s kind
Of like interest on your money in the bank right so it’s making you uh money while you’re just chilling out which is pretty fun uh pretty fun to do uh and this was thing I like to do but I like to talk game mechanics I like to do all
Of that stuff uh it’s very very fun uh here in the Stream for sure very very fun uh so let’s get into it uh there as well all right so that’s uh that’s a really fun mechanic I think of Fallout 4 uh as well uh I appreciate everybody coming in
Hanging out in the Stream uh as well now that’s just my take on it’s my stream I can do whatever I want I can talk about whatever I want I can try to inspire you guys to watch out in the world uh and uh remember whoa oh scariest thing in the
Wasteland little rad scorpion coming after me let’s go baby come on big daddy where you at there you are oh he wants to come get some of this oh I forgot my character’s got a jetpack I forgot he’s got a jet pack I jet pack up here
Aha uh I love it when the rad scorpions come up to the top up here let’s see if he does come on come up here to the roof I dare you uh too fun uh okay I forgot what I was doing though I think I was trying to look for a
Glowing enemy that’s what I try to do yeah looking for a glowing creature oh man look at this target Rich environment too many cars too many cars going on too many cars there we go oh very nice very nice don’t forget to uh to log all of that K man Mo I
Appreciate that my mods are on the chat everybody let’s see some uh let’s see some love for my mods in the chat uh absolutely crushing it today they are the heroes behind the stream everybody make sure to show my mods lots of love uh they do a great job uh looking after
You guys in the chat as well uh let’s show that mod love in there mod love in the chat everybody I appreciate them greatly I appreciate them having my back today uh all right and this is my style of streaming everybody where I kind of commentate on what I’m doing and kind of
My thoughts and ideas and things of that nature because uh I there’s so many people uh streaming games everybody and this is a secret I’m going to tell you streamers uh that it’s not about gaming and you’re going be like what it’s it’s I’m on Twitch it’s of course it’s about
Gaming kit no it’s about entertaining it’s about entertaining people uh so my goal is always to uh inspire you a little bit in your day bring a little joy in your day uh and of course to entertain you with whatever craziness that happens in my stream and it’s
Always going off the rail so it’s always fun to watch in that way my it’s like my microphone goes out uh my stuff starts working like my alert stopped working today uh and then you know craziness like uh uh peeps like that look he’s just waiting for me to comeing down
There I should go I should go full on I should go full on Ax on him let’s go come on let’s go come on baby oh they’re always behind me oh guiding meditation up too oh yeah you like that bam take that Zucker that weapon is so op
Everybody for sure yeah so great question by the way let me goe and give you guys some kiss caps uh now the sucky thing about getting banned out of my channel everybody you just missed out on thousands of dollars with a stuff I give out that sucks that sucks again I don’t
Know why people Target me everybody I’m just an old man playing some games uh maybe they think oh kismet’s weak we’ll attack him we’ll get him upset and he’ll bang his keyboard and do all of that childish stuff uh I’m so past that stage
Everybody I I I just try to get out of the bed every day I I have like the most basic uh basic functions I have to do just to get out of the bed everybody just so it’s such a struggle just to get out of the bed
Uh and so uh all that you’ll find that everybody when when your life is on the line and you’re like ill all the time that all of that other stuff is irrelevant money and ego and all of that other stuff it just melts away when you’re in emergency mode who knows that
Everybody who’s ever gone through some trauma in their life and everything else became less important than that moment when you’re sick or when you’re having an issue uh you broke your leg you broke your arm you had some sort of something along the way you got to love one who’s
Uh uh who’s in danger who’s uh sick or whatnot everything else stops making as big a difference uh in your life as those moments that when you’re ill uh when you’re struggling uh in your life uh I don’t care about any of that other stuff everybody I just I just try to get
Up do my little my little stream here uh every day uh check on My Wife and Kids see how they’re doing uh and then just repeat that every day just just feel uh feel like I get it going on uh as as well uh got a power outage oh sorry I
Sorry to hear that Unforgiven uh yeah it’s already melted uh yes I hope it starts melting over here it’s like 20 degrees here uh lots of snow but the snow is great for my kids they went out sledding at nighttime everybody they’re they’re 16 this year so H they go sledding at
Nighttime if they want they can go do their thing uh and whatnot uh just uh just a funny thing I think uh yes that scorpion can take some bullets now of course they have a thing in the Wasteland everybody called uh one Wasteland where it elevates the um uh
The thing as well uh so uh you want to watch out for that uh did k m MOX uh do that um who else do I got in the chat foggy or whoever else is in the chat can you go back in the chat and grab those names
Uh and just highlight that whole thing and put that in uh mod Purge bans uh so when they come back later and they say kid minut I got banned for no reason I really want to win this $150 thing from Bethesda gear uh I can go I don’t think so I don’t think
So yeah for sure yeah uh if you go back and do that’ be good oh you’re on it kman MOX all right awesome all right do you want to highlight the actual text so we can search for their name uh as well and thank you foggy you got
It you got it there now uh and by the way it’s better to sometimes just highlight the text in the chat and copy it and just paste the actual text into Discord than it is to do the uh screenshots uh this way you can search for that text in Discord uh makes it
Much easier to find it later uh because I’m not going to remember you know what’s going to happen uh tomorrow I won’t even remember this happened uh that’s the problem with sleep apne everybody won’t even remember it happened I won’t remember any of their names I won’t remember any of this
Tomorrow in fact I probably won’t remember in about 10 15 minutes Cu uh uh because of my bad memory so uh all of that will have vanished in my mind anyway uh in in a few minutes uh oh uh oh oh we got a party over here oh is
That guy radiated oh he’s like frosted or something uh he got frosted I think it was from my uh armor Frost I forgot oh man I remember we used to run this in a circle and these guys would be radiated at the white spring all right I don’t
Think we ever found the radiated guy uh but let’s go ahead and get the power armor back out let’s get back into doing some uh actual fun here uh getting this going so trying to get my quest done for this uh uh for this fermentor thing a
Sucker there we go all right and uh let me go ahead and see if I have my proper perks on do I have them on I do not all right well if I miss the event no big deal I’ve already got my dailies done that’s my my main thing uh guide and meditation
Another fantastic event I think because it’s just like non-stop mobs just like radiation Rumble there tons of mobs coming in you’re blasting them you’re doing all sorts of fun things uh as well uh for sure very very fun uh I think all right there we go let’s stop by the camp real
Quick and we’ll go ahead and and go to Team Battle over there uh okay so guided meditation let’s go and see it’s like five minutes ago so I just show up at the end and get the rewards which I think is kind of funny I think it’s pretty funny everybody uh oh
What a fun uh what a fun bit of craziness right again this is just more entertainment for you guys everybody they’re actually doing me a favor just a little entertain entertainment for you all and then you get a little Kismet philosophy on life now remember everybody it’s your life I’m just saying
You from my point of view uh it’s up to you you make your own life choices uh I don’t tell people what to do I just say from my point of view and I think that’s the best way to approach uh anything when you have an opinion about it you
Just say your point of view and if someone else has a different point of view that’s okay too it’s okay to have a different point of view uh than other people uh all right there we go baa boom there we go now this is what I call tag
Them and drag them let’s go baby maybe I’ll get a radiated guide here too let’s see we’ll see if we’ll get one uh we got three minutes left all right now I like to kind of stand right here because they’ll spawn right there at the end uh
Kind of tag and drag the mobs uh I don’t typically instakill the mobs uh because I don’t like to do that I like to just tag them uh and get uh uh get everybody a hid in all the other Vault dwellers uh can get a hit in oh look at that guys
Look at them run it over there on that side I see you over there I see you over there uh and this is an explosive weapon so very easy to just kind of tag randomly oh I turn the sound back on too there we go uh tag a bit of the mobs
Just a little bit uh like this you can tag him a bit uh like this and just kind of bring them in uh and whatnot uh there you go thank you km MOX I appreciate you going above and beyond on that uh thanks for getting to my awesome mods uh watching the
Chat lots of love to them and so let’s keep on going over here now again everybody at my age I don’t mess around if people are disrespectful I just ban them uh again I’m not here to play your little childish game I just ban them block them
Report them and go on with my life uh the worst thing you can do is uh take uh uh take that personally and then go in and uh you know oh I’m going to start a big battle and whatnot I’ve been a guild leader way too long everybody uh someone
Starts a big giant guild war over two silver uh it used to happen all the time in World of Warcraft i’ log off I do whatever I come back I got a new member and that new member would be trying to go to get some silver and someone else
Uh and they’d be killing the mob by the silver node and then everybody else would be coming up and they would uh be uh uh uh be uh and they run past them while they were killing the mob and they run past them and grab the silver right
And then they would get upset and then they would start battling PVP and do all that cuz we were on PVP servers uh and if you’re on a PVP server that’s the thing but when you don’t have a choice to not have the PVP and not have the
Thing uh then uh uh then I think when you take away people’s choice that’s the biggest problem great example Fallout 4 right Preston doesn’t give you a choice on those quests he he gives you the quests whether you want them or not uh and I feel like that’s a big fail
Uh on Preston cuz I like Preston I like his storyline I like the fact that he’s like stands a post like a lot of people in the military they stand a post so we don’t have to right now they’re doing it in a whole bunch of dangerous places all
Over the world right now so they’re standing a post and that’s what Preston tried to do he tried to help people he tried to be the right person he tried to keep those ideals of the men men to be there for people uh and that’s why I
Like him as a character I like the way he’s written I like the way his character I feel like the one thing they could have fixed was not to have him give you the quest when you don’t want them and then it wouldn’t have been as annoying because the people who don’t
Want to do settlement Quest could have said no Preston I don’t want the quest and then they could have went and just played the game without doing settlements uh I think that’s the only mistake they made on Preston other than that I like him as a character there we go now we’re getting
Some cash uh cash money and some XP I don’t even need this loot everybody I don’t need the XP I don’t really need this other than the XP for my uh for my uh scoreboard and there it is completed three mutated public events nice got her done there’s always a little a few
Extra I love it when they blow up like confetti so cool so cool anybody left over here it’s very dark in the Wasteland we got it nice all right let’s go ahead and loot all this free loot I love the AE looting everybody the AE looting is primo
Awesome uh there we go it was 70 there caveman MOX uh there you go well aren’t you lucky uh I grew up in an area everybody where there was no Seasons it’s called California uh they don’t have seasons there uh that is for sure whoa hey bonus
Mob there we go got a few bonus ones there back at it all right I I usually run over this way in case oh there’s some nuclear waste that we needed from earlier from making some uh stuff did we get uh do we oh we fermented our things look it uh it
Finished the fermenting thing I forgot how long that took okay it didn’t take that long we we got we went and did something else we come back we got it going uh glowing creature all right we need a glowing creature and then we’re going to get this done because we got to
Go rest and then come back because again because of my conditions everybody I have to uh that’s why I don’t go typically as long as I did the other day uh I can go for like four five hours or so and then I have to lay down and and
Rest uh between streams and then I come back and we do some Starfield and other fun things at night time uh but I have to because otherwise if I if I do too many days like that where I’m doing like you know 8 10 12 hour days uh because of
My dizziness I will get too dizzy and then I will fall out of my chair I have actually done that by the way I’ve actually fallen out of my chair I’ve fallen hundreds of times because of my disiness because I don’t uh it’s like when you’re spinning all the time
Everybody it’s hard to know where Solid Ground is uh when you’re walking so I have that uh I have that particular condition that I have to watch out for so uh but we can finish up our dailies at least and get those going uh I feel
Like we did a lot of good stuff today we unlocked our fermentor today uh which I’ve been slacking on getting that going so we got that done uh we went and got a bunch of our dailies going we also uh got some stuff done on the scoreboard oh
We’re almost there uh so maybe tomorrow we can get that score booster uh that would be perfect to get tomorrow oh and then we want to get our uh fallout first stuff right over there and right there as well there we go all right so we just got three more
To go okay we just we just went over so definitely be able to get that going tomorrow maybe start that up tomorrow to do our weeklys uh or maybe save it for the next week something like that well we’ll see how it goes uh there you go
No seasons in Florida either unless you count the eight days the temperatures are in the 50s exactly that’s exactly how California is same thing k m MOX uh it’s like uh it’s like sunny all the time 70 80 degrees all the time year round on December 25th it’s like it’s
Summertime uh and then there’s a couple days where it rains and everybody in the city of 9 million people loses their mind uh they think Drive diving faster in the rain makes it so they’re getting less wet and they also run in the rain thinking they’re getting less wet I
Guess it’s kind of you’re getting less wet if you run faster and less water things are hitting you and you get into shelter faster I don’t know it just seems ridiculous to me I just bring an umbrella and then just walk with the umbrella so I don’t have to
Run uh in there but I think that’s a human thing more than anything people like to uh run to get less wet when they get more wet uh it’s funny I used to work with these guys uh and uh uh they were young they were in their 20s and
I’m I was in my 40s then uh and uh they said uh let’s go to lunch I said okay let’s go to lunch said looks like it’s going to rain I’m gonna bring my uh umbrella I said you don’t need an umbrella even if it does rain you can
Just enjoy the rain I’m like n I’m I’m uh I’m young enough to uh uh understand what you’re talking about to just say screw it let whatever happens happens but I’m old enough and wise enough to know to bring an umbrella and so guess what happened
Everybody when we came out of the place we looked outside it was pouring down and I said here you guys can get under my umbrella you know you can do that no we’ll walk we’ll walk in the rain so they walked in the rain and they were drenched at work everybody they
Were absolutely soaked by the time we walk back from the restaurant uh back to work uh and I’m like that’s the difference of age right there everybody is the is knowing knowing wi uh to be the ego driven young version of yourself uh and then being the older version the
Wiser version say n I’m bringing an umbrella because I don’t want to be stopping wet while I’m working while I’m at work uh and so they sat there the whole rest of the day by the way from lunch all the way till 5 o’clock for five hours they sat there
Dred I’m like hey you do you uh and uh you know the other thing I don’t do is I don’t throw it in their face everybody I just said hey you can use my umbrella you can come in and you know use it with me that’s okay you’re you know we’re
Friends it’s okay we’re co-workers uh I’m not going to you know I take it as an offense but you know they were young and they had their ego and they didn’t want to do that so I was like whatever whatever that’s your choices in your life uh and then I especially didn’t say
I told you so I don’t I don’t like doing that to other people I didn’t say ah look you didn’t bring an umbrella now you’re going to get soaked that’s a jerk thing to do I don’t I don’t do that nope uh I don’t do that at all uh I
Offered to help uh they can take it or not I ought to be young again and not worry exactly exactly now of course it out for them they sat there they got their work done and whatnot uh and then the water will dry up over time and
Their clothes will dry and all of that that’s why I I tell my kids to jump in water puddles and jump in leaves and roll around in the dirt you know why because that’s a learning experience they’re going to have a a bit of Joy from that everybody my wife’s very much
Not like that oh their socks are going to get wet and the things going to get wet but it’s like a science experiment everybody it’s called water displacement so when you jump on the thing it pushes the water and it splashes the water splashing water is fun that’s fun everybody
It’s fun to do that as a kid and you’re just like blocking their imagination you’re blocking their learning when you’re doing that kind of stuff uh I also don’t get upset when people knock over their drink and it spills everywhere even if it gets on me oh well
Uh you know you had an accident you wipe it up and it’s over right my my wife extended family they’ll yell at the kids oh God you can’t believe you you spilled the thing and all stuff like don’t yell at them they’re just a little kid they’re going to have a mistake and
They’re going to they’re going to need you in that moment to more than you usually are you’re going to need to rise to the moment right uh when somebody does something great great examples in the game uh so when we’re doing something say in seven days to die and
Somebody makes a mistake it could be me uh and say the whole entire base comes down and we spent 12 hours building that base and collecting all of those resources in that moment someone’s going to feel bad already they’re already going to feel bad you don’t need to make
Them feel bad they’re going to feel bad because the whole entire bases came out all the stuff that we work for all gone and I’ve done this myself wasn’t my fault it was a game mechanic but I still took the hit I said you know what that’s
My bad uh it came down on my watch I’ll take the hit for it uh and then in that moment you have a choice you can you can break the people and say oh I can’t believe you did that you lost all of our supplies you ruined our base oh you’re a
Terrible person or you can say ah don’t worry about it we can always get more which one would you prefer the first one or the second one we can always get more we can always build another base right so that means that you’ve done a solid for your friend and they will never
Forget that they will never forget the moment in which you had their back uh every time and those are the type of friends that I have in my life everybody the type of friends who call me right now this stream is over uh I’m out of here they’re like kizman I need your
Help bro I’m like where you at uh oh I’m in I’m in Japan all right I’m on the way boom this stream would be over just like that those are the type of people you want and if I called them and I totally could cuz some of those people owe me
Their life I pulled them out of the river when they were drunk when they were young they owe me big time uh some of those Peeps are lawyers and doctors and whatnot so when I need to call them in I can uh but um uh if I call them
Right now and hit the emergency button they would stop what they’re doing and and come and help and that’s the type of friend you only need a couple of them and they’re hard to find in the world uh but those are the type of people I like
To be around and those are the type of people the type of thing I like to cultivate uh here in the Stream that kind of working together that kind of looking after each other uh that’s what my team’s all about and why it’s been together for 20 years with
Over a thousand members that’s a lot of peeps everybody some of the best Tanks best DPS best Gamers I’ve ever seen way better than I’ll ever be by the way especially the ladies ladies man they go they’re high level they got all the best Geer in the thing I’m level
10 so the ladies are are legendary everybody in my guild absolutely legendary Gamers they’re so incredibly good uh so big love to the ladies as well and also all my other team members as well you still jum P me too okay man MOX I do I jump in pedals I go down slip
And slide sometimes I tear my my shoulder muscle I still do those things you know why because why drum the fun of Life out uh just like everybody’s trying to do that to you in your life oh well you can’t go and you can’t jump in
Puddles and you can’t go and you can’t do these things because that’s childish you got to be an adult you got to do all stuff you ain’t got to do squat you only got so many minutes in your life to do whatever the hell you want to do and you
Only got those minutes right you only got those minutes and you can do whatever you want just make it something positive hopefully in the world uh not something negative uh but then against your life you do whatever you want like me trying to remember where a glowing
Creature is is what I’ve been trying to do think of all this time uh I think maybe the windo is a glowing creature let’s go uh oh there’s somebody already in the windo cave oh I don’t want to I don’t want to get up in their business
They’re level 73 I’m like level 600 and they’re level 73 uh see that’s another thing I do everybody if someone else is doing something like if I see a bunch of low levels over at the airport uh trying to do the airport thing I won’t go over
There you know why because it just sucks when a high level come in and you’re just learning the game and you’re trying to do the thing and a high level comes in and just kills all the mobs uh that just sucks and again i’ look at it from
How how would I feel right it’s called empathy uh it’s called leveling up in real life leveling up in real life you have empathy for other people you care about whether it is and that’s a total stranger somebody I don’t even know uh in there and they’re in there trying to
Learn how to do the basics and they’re following the quest line and what and that person might go on to enjoy the game because I didn’t go in and interrupt the game and then they might play the game and then when I need a
Group or if I need to go and take out the Scorch bees queen or whatever it is uh then they’ll they’ll uh be there one of the worst things you could do is sabotage other players so they don’t want to play and then you have less
Players when you need to do raids and when you need to do stuff it’s like sabotaging yourself really in the in uh as well uh all right so what else glowing creatures again I could go up there all right Chad give me some more suggestions for glowing creatures what
Do you think what do you think we’re going to get some suggestions from the chat now when I say it’s okay to tell me like right now you can go ahead and just tell me uh chat uh then that’s okay but other than that uh try to ease on the uh
Uh on the backseat gaming because oh we got our stuff is speaking of uh we got our new stuff we can put down let’s see where we want to put that let’s put that in our where’s our high stakes one let’s put some stuff in there
We bought a bunch of new stuff from the uh from the atomic shop today so we want to go look at that as well uh antique shop by the Line in the Sand area man I haven’t been there in a long time either uh you can see I’m just throwing stuff
Down as I unlocked them in game we got stems look at that uh I’m just throwing random stuff down here in my shelter a speaking of look out uh getting some love uh right there from the chat sadly I can’t see my other alerts but H2O just gifted a sub uh to K
Man MOX so congrats K man MOX getting that gift to sub uh getting that love uh let’s show some thank you and love in the chat everybody uh for uh H2O uh for being a love train conductor today I appreciate you man appreciate you bumping up that number up there did we
Hit our goal yet we did oh it’s time for some fireworks hey we hit our sub goal today everybody uh very oh to reset my sub go back to five why did it do that why did it do I’m always tinkering in the Stream every like why did it go back
To five that’s weird uh let me go see why it did that probably because my overlays are broken right now uh very very broken uh we’ll fix that later uh oh oh I see I see okay let’s see watch this as I magically fix it ah you gota love that’s actually a
Cool thing about stream elements you can you can fix it live on the Stream uh so if the goal thing doesn’t match the goal that we’re trying to hit uh I can adjust all right what what we got for this new uh let’s see we’ve got a uh a jack card
That we can put up on the thing okay nice oh we got this new bed oh I might want to put that in my Camp let’s see what this bed does uh let’s see if it actually does like the vibrating thing that would be funny if it did
That’s what it reminds me of those vibrating beds that you see in the 70s and 80s no oh that was a missed opportunity right there that’s a missed opportunity you lay down the bed it’s like oh come on oh that was such a missed opportunity
There I love the the style of the bed though it’s got like the cigarettes uh in there this is very 70s everybody very 7 look at the stains on it as well nasty mod conveniences bed so you got the ashtrays on the side that’s the modern
Convenience and you got the uh the thing but I like the overall design I think the design is very good uh let’s see we got a mirror that we got let’s put that up we’ve got our stash that’s also a bureau uh right over here let me go a
And turn on my light as well there we go uh what other cool Atomic I love the peeps who are doing the atomic shop everybody they’re just absolutely crushing it uh oh and I got a bunch of new turrets which we can’t do in here I
Love all the turrets I think the turrets are cool looking uh The Enclave ones I think are the best looking of all of them wavy Willards uh oh will not let me put it up there oh there it goes yes wavy Willards up on the wall what we got we
Got a uh chair there oh I think that might be a little too big for in here oh maybe over here oh yeah right there and then we have the wavy Willard’s tile stuff we’ll just skip the rest of this yes that’s all the same stuff and we’ve got a
Wall now I just put it down just to kind of get a sample of all the things and then if I’m looking for that particular thing oh it’s got It’s got opposing walls it doesn’t snap oh let’s see I would think that would snap to the other wall no no snapping a another
Missed opportunity there come on really no snapping on the two sides of the walls I can’t believe that doesn’t snap everybody would have been the first thing that I thought of uh actually was the first thing I thought of when I saw it we got a lounge chair uh we got a
Bunch of this wavy Willard stuff I love it I love it oh and here’s these cool letters uh maybe I should go and do this at my Camp yeah yeah I wonder if they snap to each other see snapping is an important thing when you’re building everybody very very important that’s do
Not snap to each other oh come on uh who’s in charge of the snapping over there but the the uh but I like the letters I like that I’m just going to put kid there there we go good enough I spell the whole thing out what do we got here wavy Willard’s fake
Boulder what does a fake Boulder do why would you need a fake Boulder I don’t get it I can see the rebar in there so it’s like a cement Boulder I guess it’s just a fake Boulder for decoration uh oh we got different types of Boulders okay
We got this Boulder and we got this Boulder okay oh we got a new bed ah captain Cosmos bed all right cool put that next to our other bed there’s the thein very nice let’s try it Out who comes up with that everybody who thinks to that what a brilliant brilliant idea I mean it’s kind of weird it’s very Spacey very uh uh odd uh but very cool just think of that out of nowhere everybody just thought hey you know what today I’m going to build myself a
The uh or it might have might have been some other thing that they did and that did that all right what’s this green bedl light wait didn’t we already do this green bedl light we already did oh wait we got a sign what’s the sign say water park oh
That’s too big maybe in here right is way too big to put inside uh yes it’s like a water park sign I think it says like water park in that direction oh oh and we got an actual uh thing for wavy Willards man I didn’t even see those
Went right past him I was looking at the turrets uh okay very cool and of course we did look at the different options uh for that okay I think we do we see any other options for any of these no all right lot of cool stuff unlocked
Everybody lot of cool stuff in there uh again I think this is the Brilliance of the game but they’re really doing a great job all their 3D artists are doing a great job of all these fun things uh as well uh what happened to my uh didn’t
I unlock the uh the guy I thought I unlocked the thing in the atomic shop today let’s go see uh I thought I unlocked the uh yeah the mar Lu steamer oh I bet I can’t do it in the inside okay let’s go and bring up this
Camp over here and then we’re going to fast travel over there and whatnot okay uh because my other Camp is near full so won’t be able to do that yes okay okay there we go now we can do our other stuff here uh let’s see what else we got we
Can do at this location um yes there is our Myer steamer all right and yes it is actually a generator uh that is so cool uh so we’re going to let that generate all right we’ll take that out and then we’ll bring back our other Camp
Here and we will go ahead and put the steamer down over here like so like this uh there we go now can we man we’re getting a little Bunch stuff now I love the look of this uh thing I absolutely hate the meat locker K me tell it to you
Straighter but I hate it because you have to transfer1 50 items in and 150 that means you have to hit e 150 times and then e 150 times to take it out why is it not just like a container you just transferred in transferred out why make
It so incredibly difficult for me to uh move that stuff in and out of the thing but I love the look of it look of it awesome the functionality down uh that’s a thumbs down functionality wise I should do a I should do a series on that
I’ll put that as an idea uh and get around to it later uh series on thumbs up on uh look uh and uh thumbs down on uh usage of item uh uh overall rating score uh I get all these ideas everybody but I’m only one person
And I am uh and I’m disabled so uh it’s very difficult for me to do all of these things that I would love to if it’s the 20 old 20 year old version of me right now would be doing like a 10,000 things here on stream uh if I could uh but
Sadly I cannot all right we’re going to take that out now the trick is you take it out right away and then you put this down right away uh and that usually uh helps you with the success and we already looked at the xylophone so we
Could probably take that out now see a word I don’t know down what I think it means and then like an investigation put this here and oh we’re going to try to put it there go ahead okay there we go uh and then this one over here doesn’t really do anything it just
Looks cool you can activate it and a little sprinkler comes on uh I love the small little details that they do in the game everybody very cool but it’s got to go uh because I want to put my steamer right over here because it is just so
Cool looking I can’t wait till we get to far Harbor 2 in Fallout 4 we’re going to get to that at some point now I love anything that generates free resources everybody because again as somebody who has tried to gather tons and tons of stuff uh and whatnot uh no no problem unforgiving
Yeah uh there’s a lot of something going on right now I don’t know what the heck’s going on uh as well uh I don’t know what’s going on uh for sure uh all right there we go let’s get that loot another little swing through again we’re going to go a bit longer
Here on 76 since we haven’t had a lot of time uh to play 76 cuz I’ve been out ill uh and so we’ll get a little bit of more 76 in today and I don’t want to go too long cuz I get I do need to eat and
Rest in between and then we’ll be back for more fun later on uh and we’re going to be doing some capturing ships later tonight everybody that’s going to be really fun uh as well let’s see if my Brahman oh yeah there we go some Brahman
Milk there uh this is so cool this is actually a generator it generates cement uh it’s like a gigantic cement truck again it’s just so cool they just they’re just coming up with so many cool things in the game I want to see what this is I want to see what’s in there
Don’t tell me someone told me earlier and luckily I have a terrible memory so I’ve already forgotten uh what it was that they said and I forgot who told me don’t back SE game uh again I want to have that Discovery moment of oh that’s what that does right does that’s why I
Ask people not to backseat game uh for sure uh okay so there we go we got that going and then we’re going to go ahead and do that as well um Let’s see we still haven’t got killed glowing creature uh all right did you guys say
Where it is uh oh yes it toxic laries I should have known that one uh actually we should put that in now this is how hardcore of a gamer I am everybody this is every settlement in Fallout 4 and my my stats of every single one uh that’s uh that’s how hardcore uh
I go in I bring up the spreadsheet you see someone bringing up the spreadsheet everybody uh you know uh it’s going going on up in there uh where’s my 76 notes there we go all right so we are going to go uh look we got SN gasters over here
Um did I delete the first thing what am I looking for I’m looking for radiated radiated mobs or something um what is it I’m looking for I already forgot glowing creature that’s what I’m doing glowing creature so that is going to be a glowing creature so we’ll say glowing
Creature just you wait the inspector is coming right there and then we’ll go toxic Larry’s over here I’m just here and we’ll put that in here so in about five minutes when I forget next time I’ll have it in my little notes uh over there as well uh okay uh let’s see toxic
Laries and so we’ll get out the power armor and why not whoa we got a bunch of uh legendaries to trade in as well let’s go do that let’s go ahead and and uh trade this in like that all right very nice right there you missed the cement one oh yes
The cement one is sweet cuz you use a lot of cement in your bases everybody if you build a lot of bases like I do uh as well now you don’t have to even play the game by doing any of this everybody you don’t to do any of this at all this is
My favorite part of Fallout 4 and of 76 is the building uh other than the perk system I think the perk system was a stroke of Genius uh this is awesome this is from Fallout Shelter everybody cuz this that fallout shelter has a bunch of cards and on those cards you get
Different things and then someone said you know what I’m going to use it for the actual perk system and it’s awesome because you can go ahead and do different styles of perks and you can even change your perk points they eventually added as well so one minute
You can be stealthy and next minute you could be a tank and the next one you could be super high damage uh and you can switch between those things or you can be doing crafting or just solo play or team play uh that kind of thing uh
Which I absolutely love uh I love that style all right toxic lares let’s go see if we can find where toxic Larry’s is I know it’s over here somewhere oh wow I found it first try okay now let’s see if we got any over there that’s the that’s
The trick let’s trick again thank you chat appreciate you back me up oh let me shower you guys with a bunch of Kiss caps for hanging in there uh for future giveaways that I have uh man I got a ton of giveaways coming up too ton of
Sponsorships and giveaways to do uh as as well let’s see if we can just get one let’s try to get this guy we just get one nope I think we’re going to get a couple or I think we might get them all and now we know all right glowing
Creatures I should have thought of that I knew that I knew that ah sadly sadly it sucks to have a bad memory now I’m going to leave that other one over there for someone else because I do kind things for other people so someone else who’s on this
Server and says hey I need a glowing creature who’s going to log in after work right now uh and say hey I’m going to go in and play some 76 tonight oh man where can I find a gold creature I wonder if there’s any creatures over
Toxic and there’ll be one there then get that one and they get their daily done uh just like that thinking of other people and being kind to other people I know crazy thought right crazy thought of being kind to others uh as well all right there we go uh
Okay let’s see got that done I think that’s it I think we’re good uh over there all right yeah we got our challenges done for today very nice uh we’ve got got some epics uh for the weeklys whoa we got a bunch of weeklys done wasn’t even trying wasn’t even
Trying got those going very nice uh we want to try to roll our epics though how many we got left one o I don’t think we’re going to have enough left to roll we might be need multiple rerolls anyway uh but I try to leave at least uh
Four left uh in case I just magically get all of them as epics uh because you can’t save your rerolls for later the free ones that you get you can’t save the these ones the premium ones you can and of course you can buy those in the
Atomic shop and supports Fallout 76 if you want you know it does cost money for them to keep it going uh and whatnot it’s all up to you everybody uh I say if you’re a builder like me you want to go snatch up all this cool stuff in the
Atomic shop because I think they this these are the heroes of Fallout 76 everybody the people coming up with all these wonderful Concepts uh and putting this stuff in here uh and there’s nothing wrong with cosmetic items that is trying to support the game so that
They can come out with more content and update the thing uh and they’ve been doing that well uh in the game so again I give credit where credits do and then I also call them out when things suck like those uh uh like the uh like the fridge uh the transfer
Thing in the fridge the function of how the fridge works sucks but the actual look of the fridge is awesome uh and the same thing with the um uh with the uh the ammo mixer thing that they came out with that thing is terrible you got to go through all these different windows
And all of that stuff and then you can only have so many points what I it should be like a Co machine you put all your ammo in there that you don’t need and it goes in and grinds it up and gives you all the points for it and then
You can turn it into other ammo uh that’s that’s how it should function that’s an easy way to do it that would make it useful uh but other than that I would just rather not do it because it is tedious it is tedious to do uh if you’re going to add something that’s
Tedious to the game then forget about it I’m all I’m uh I’m all not about it unless it’s fun tedious there’s a there’s a fine line a fine line between the fun part all right I’m kind of waiting for this to pop up with something come on steamer
What you got for me do I need to put any power into the steamer I didn’t even look I didn’t even look no no power it just runs on its own it’s just running on that firewood down there all right maybe we’ll come back tomorrow and see
What it’s all about all right thanks to my awesome crew by the way for hanging in there uh and chilling out with me a big love to Tardis big love to H2O and also to uh uh uh to foggy coming in and joining me as well appreciate everybody
Coming in and hanging out uh yes yes a little bit of drama there uh big love to them it is time for the Kizmit love train let’s go oh I forgot to fix that transition well hey there we go I’m over here now that transition is totally not
Working uh do I have that down yes I have that down to something to work on I’m going to work on that hopefully uh probably on Friday I don’t know if I’m going to have enough time before that all right this is the Kidman love trade welcome everybody uh we’re going to go
Ahead and head on out here see we got pretty close on those retweets thank you very much for that uh for hanging out thanks to all my awesome supporters right down there at the bottom all my patreon supporters appreciate them uh backing me up today appreciate all these
Awesome people scrolling up over here as well backing me up showing that sub love uh we did unlock five subs today so we did hit that first goal so pretty awesome uh we tried to do five Subs each day and know if we hit 10 Subs then we have a dance
Party which is always fun uh here in the Stream so again I’m going to let them scroll over there while they’re scrolling we’re going to take a look at my schedule there it is right there so guess what I’ll be back in just a few hours about three hours from now
Whatever time it is your time it’ll be 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time my time we’re going to be back for some Starfield then we’ll also be back on Wednesday and Thursday during the day at 3 p.m. for 76 and then of course 10 p.m. at night uh on uh Wednesday and Thursday
For Starfield and then looking very forward uh to some Eco on 10 p.m. on Friday night as well and also 7 Days to Die uh at 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time uh as well so pretty fun I think uh a good day everybody we got a bunch of
Good stuff done today I actually got to spend some time in 76 since I’ve been uh been so busy doing other things and also working on my health I’ve been very ill uh recently so I had to uh uh miss a few streams there but luckily not uh not as
Bad feeling better as well uh what up uh pump thanks for coming in and uh hanging out on YouTube I see you there thank you very much uh Pali I’m sorry if I butcher your name I am terrible at names uh not on purpose just just just just the way
It happens uh thanks for coming in hanging out and of course you can help support the stream everybody no matter what platform you are on right over there I’m going to go ahead and press that button and send that all over the place uh so uh you guys can go over to
Youtube.com unless you’re already there then you go ahead and hit subscribe which is basically the follow button uh you can also hit the like button down below does help the stream tremendously you can also leave uh the uh uh the uh quote Down Below in the chat or in the
Comments of off the rails so if you made it this far uh as normal My Stream right off the rails everybody pretty funny uh then of course twitter.com kism BP you can go over there and hit the follow button the more you guys do that the more giveaways and other cool stuff I
Get two yard stream that’s right uh I give away thousands of dollars wor the cool stuff like uh Vault boys and uh cool stuff for Starfield and for uh Bethesda gear and all of that fun stuff they they show my little streams of love and I appreciate them greatly and I just
Pass that love right on to you guys uh as well you can also check out the Discord check out the website and especially check out the patreon the patreon.com you be a patron right like those awesome people down below that is the best way to support the stream over
There everybody because remember that 95% of that uh goes right back into the stream every penny I uh I earn here I put back into the stream uh and 5% goes to PayPal fees which is nothing I can do about it uh but none of it goes to me
Everybody I actually do this all for free for nine years for nine years now uh and the reason why I do it is not because of money or fame or clout or any of those things is because I am ill I am sick and so every day uh I need
Something to do so I don’t just lay in the bed and die I’m being honest and being straightforward with you all this is why I do this uh to bring a little joy and positivity in the moments that I have left in my life and so that’s what
I do that’s my job uh every single day uh so all right everybody we’re going to go ahead and uh head on out of here uh and I appreciate everybody hanging out I had a good time I hope you did too uh and we’ll be back again just in a few
Hours about three hours from now at 10 pm you stand time for some Starfield we’re going to use our brand new ship that we went well it’s new and then we modified it to basically try to disable other ships and pirate the Pirates we’re going to try to take on some Pirates
Disable their ships we’re going to try to figure that out uh we’re going to board their ships and take their ships and sell it back to the vendor so some other person can use it so there we go we’re going to try that out we haven’t
Done that yet that’s going to be fun uh all right I’m out here everybody let me shower you guys with a bunch of Kiss caps for hanging out in the Stream all the way to the end uh and I’m going head on out here and see if I can figure out
How to fix my alerts and fix some of my stuff uh before next stream all right see you then bye Everybody hi this is nor thanks for watching subscribe button we’ll see you all next time bye